ASTM水质分析报告指导标准 D 596-01

ASTM水质分析报告指导标准 D 596-01
ASTM水质分析报告指导标准 D 596-01

Designation: D 596—01 An American National Standard Standard Guide for Reporting Results of Analysis of Water


This standard is issued under the firmed designation D 596; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the yen of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon(ε)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope范围

1.1 This guide provides guidelines for reporting inorganic and organic results of analyses of drinking water, waste water, process water, ground water, and surface water, and so forth, to laboratory clients in a complete and systematic fashion. 该指导标准提供了对饮用水、废水、处理水、地下水、地表水等等的无机物和有机物分析结果报告的指导方针,提供给实验室客户一个完整和系统的格式。

1.2 The reporting of bacterial and radiological data are not addressed in this guide.


1.3 The commonly used data qualifiers for reviewing and reporting information are listed and defined. 列出和定义了用于复查和报告的一般的数据限定词。Client and laboratory specific requirements may make use of other qualifiers. 客户和实验室的特殊要求可能使用其它的数据限定词。This guide does not preclude the use of other data qualifiers.该标准没有排除使用其它合格的数据限定词。

1.4 This guide discusses procedures for and specific problems in the reporting of low level data, potential errors (Type I and Type II), and reporting data that are below the calculated method detection limit and above the analyte. 该指导标准讨论报告程序和报告中特殊的问题,像低水平的数据,潜在的错误(类型Ⅰ和类型Ⅱ)和在计算方法发现限度以下和在分析物之上的报告数据。

2. Referenced Documents参考文件

2.1 ASTM Standards.

D 933 Practice for Reporting Results of Examination and Analysis of

Water-Formed Deposits

D 1129 Terminology Relating to Water

D 2777 Practice for Determination of Precision and Bias of Applicable Test Methods of Committee D19 on Water

D 3856 Guide for Good Laboratory Practices in Laboratory practices Engaged in Sampling and Analysis of Water

D 4210 Practice for Interlaboratory Quality Control Procedures and a Discussion on Reporting Low-level Data

D 4460 Practice for Calculation of Precision Limits Where Values arc Calculated from Other Test Methods

D 4840 Guide for Sampling Chain-of-Custody Procedures

D 5792 Practice for Generation of Environmental Data Related to Waste Management Activities: Development of Data Quality Objectives

D 6091 Practice for 99 %/95%Interlaboratory Detection Estimate (IDE) for Analytical Methods with Negligible Calibration Error;

E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications

3. Terminology术语

3.1 Definitions定义—For definitions of terms used in this practice, refer to Terminology D1129.该操作规程中的术语定义,参考术语D 1129。

3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard. 该标准特定的术语定义:

3.2.1 surrogate替代品—compounds that are similar to analytes of interest in chemical composition and behavior, separation, and measurements, but that are not normally found in environmental samples. 一种在化学成份、作用、分离和度量类似被分析物的化合物,但通常在环境中的样品的找不到。

Note 1—These compounds are added to blanks, standards, samples, or spiked samples prior to analysis to confirm the proper operation of the analytical system.那些化合物在分析前被加入空白、标准、样品或是峰值样品以确定分析操作系统的正确操作。

3.2.2 Type I error-a statement that a substance is present when it is not. 某一种物质不存在,认为该物质存在的一种情况。

3.2.32沁re 11 error-a statement that a substance was not present (was not found) when the substance was present.

4. Significance and Use意义和作用

4.1 The proper use of analytical data requires adequate documentation of all inputs, that is, the source and history of the sample, laboratory performing the analysis, method of analysis, date of analysis, precision and bias of the measurement, and related quality assurance information. 数据分析的正确要求所有足够的输入文件,也就是试样的来源和历史、实验室分析、分析方法、分析日期、测量的精度和偏差和相关的质量保证措施。

4.2 1n order to have defensible data, the report must be complete and accurate, providing adequate information to evaluate the quality of the data and contain supporting information that documents sampling and analysis procedures. 为取得可信的数据,报告必须完全和精确,提供充足的信息用于评价数据的质量和包含取样档案和分析程序的支持信息。

4.3 This guide contains some of the common data qualifiers or "flags" commonly used by laboratories following the Good Laboratory Practices, the Government Contract program, or found in the commercial laboratories. Examples of these qualifiers are the use of (E) for estimated value, (U) for analyzed for but not detected, and (B) for analyte was found in the blank (see 8.11). The qualifiers included in this guide should help the laboratory and its customers to better understand each other by using standardized qualifiers. 该指导标准包含一些通常数据限定词或是标记,这些通常是实验室按照优良的实验室操作规程要求,或是政府合同项目或是商业实验室。例如限定词(E)为估计值,(U)为分析的但没有探测到的值,(B)为建立在表格(见8.11)上的分析值。该指导标准中限定词的使用有助于实验室和客户相互之间更好的沟通理解。

4.4 Practice D 933 is a comprehensive practice for reporting water-formed constituents such as metal oxides, acid anhydrides, and others. 操作规程D 933是一


5. Sample Documentation试样文件

5.1 Information regarding the source and history of the sample to be included in the analytical report should define the sample and include the following, as appropriate: 分析性的报告中包含关于试样来源和历史的信息,报告应定义试样和包括以下内容,如下:

5.1.1 Laboratory performing analysis, 实验室资格分析,

5.1.2 Name and address of organization or person requesting analysis, 要求分析的机构或人的姓名和地址

5.1.3 Specific location of sampling and complete identification of sample, 说明取样地点和试样完成鉴定

5.1.4 Date and time of sampling, 取样日期和时间

5.1.5 Sample identification number, and取样鉴定数量

5.1.6 Sampling method, treatment, and preservation. 取样方法、处理和保存

5.2 In addition to the information in 5.1, the following information should be included as appropriate: 除5.1节的信息外,还应包括以下信息:

5.2.1 Identification of sampling organization and individual sampler, 取样机构和个人的鉴定

5.2.2 Pressure and temperature of system sampled, 取样系统的压力和温度

5.2.3 Flow rate of water in a stream, outfall, pipe, and so forth. 小溪、排水口、管道等等取样处水的流速

5.2.4 Copies of sampling Logs with signatures, 签名了的取样记录复印件

5.2.5 Chain-of-custody forms with signatures (see Guide D 4840), 签名了的试样接收表(见D 4840)

5.2.6 Results of field measurements, and原位测量成果

5.2.7 Description information (color, odor, and so forth)clearly presented. 描述信息(颜色、气味等等)清晰可见

5.2.8 The information about the sample documented in the report should be complete enough to provide direct unabridged links to underlying documents (such as chain-of-custody records and field logs) and information (such as name

of sampler, lot numbers of the sample bottles, and preservatives). 在报告中有关试样信息的证明文件应足够提供与文件(例如野外记录和送样签收单)和信息(例如取样人姓名、试样瓶编号和防腐剂处理)的直接联系。

6. Analysis Documentation分析文件

6.1 The laboratory system shall provide enough information to the user or reviewer so that all of the events that could influence the quality of the data can be reconstructed. The user may not need to have the information communicated directly to them, but it must be available upon request. Such information should describe how effectively all procedures were carried out and how processes were controlled so that they meet industry and government standards for performance. 实验室应为用户和复查者提供充足的信息,因而所有影响数据质量的事件都能被重建。用户可能没有必要掌握与那些时间直接相联系的信息,但要求就应能获得。此类信息应描述怎样执行有效的程序及怎样控制过程,使成果符合工业和政府标准。

6.2 As described in Guide D 3856, the test method of analysis should be specified in the analytical report for each determination performed on a sample. A reference of sufficient definition or a copy of the test method should be provided to the requester of the analytical services. 如指导标准D 3856中描述的,试验方法的分析应在报告分析中明确说明在每个试样上的目的。充足的定义参考或是试验方法的副本应提供给客户。

6.3 The report should note any deviation from the specified test method. Whenever a choice is allowed, the rational for selecting a given method should be documented. 报告应明确说明任何与试验方法的偏离。任何一种给定方法的选择,其合理性都应记入文件。

6.4 The precision, bias, and detection limit of each analytical test method should be disclosed as part of either the test method or the analytical report. Consult Guide D 3856 for the quality control system from which estimates of precision and bias could be made, or review the procedure for determining single-operator precision of a test method as provided in Practice D 2777 for guidance. The procedure used to derive the detection limit should be identified along with any specific definitions associated with the derivation. Practice D 4210 is one of many sources for computing single

laboratory method detection Limits. Practice D 6091 provides an estimate of the detection level achievable by multiple laboratories on single sample. 任何实验方法分析的精度、偏差和探测限度都应公开作为实验方法或是报告分析的一部分。质量控制系统中精度和偏差的估计参考指导标准 D 3856,或是参考指导标准 D 2777中单项操作精度的确定程序。用于引出探测限度的程序应与任何有关出处的明确的定义确定。操作规程D 4210是许多计算单项实验方法探测限度的来源。操作规程D 6091提供通过在同一试样上多项实验相乘的探测限度水平估计。6.5 The date and time on which each determination is performed should be recorded, as should other time-critical processes such as extractions, storage times, drying times, and so forth. 每项决断完成的日期和时间应记录,同样还有其它进程的关键时间,例如提取、储存时间、干燥时间等等。

6.6 The analytical reports should clearly specify the form in which multi-atomic analytes, such as nitrate and orthophosphate, are reported. 分析报告应明确说明多原子分析物形式,像硝酸盐和正磷酸盐都应报告。

6.7 If a sample is prepared for analysis in a nonstandard manner or in a manner different from the routine batch procedures (that is, special cleanup procedures or dilution required prior to analysis) then the report should clearly present the deviation and the reason why the deviation was required. 如果以非标准方式或是不同于常规的一批程序(也就是,在分析前特别的清洗程序或是稀释)采取试样,报告中应明确说明偏离以及偏离的原因。

6.8 If a sample is diluted prior to analysis, the sample dilution values should be reported from which the ratios can be determined and the reason for the dilution documented. 如果试样在分析前被稀释,稀释值应从比率的确定报告以及在文件中说明稀释的原因。

7. Documentation of Quality质量文件

7.1 Each sample analysis may have different quality needs based on the use of the data or the Data Quality Objectives (See Practice D 5792). This information should be determined before sampling and analysis. Based on the information, an analytical report may include the following information, as appropriate: 每一试样分析可能有

不同的基于数据用处和数据质量客体(见操作规程D 5792)的质量要求。该要求应在取样和分析前确定。基于该信息,分析报告可能包括以下信息,如下:7.1.1 Amount recovered and percent recovery of any surrogate compounds with laboratory control limits, 回收实验室控制极限的替代化学物的数量和百分数,7.1.2 Results of corresponding check samples or blank spikes with laboratory control limits, 检查试样的结果或者实验室控制极限的表格中峰值

7.1.3 Results of analysis of duplicate samples or duplicate matrix spike samples and the percent difference with laboratory control limits, 副本试样或是峰值试样源的分析结果和不同百分含量与实验室的控制极限

7.1.4 Recoveries of any matrix spikes (and matrix spike duplicates) with laboratory control limits, 任何峰值(或峰值副本)的改过与实验室的控制极限

7.1.5 Results of all blanks, 所有空值的结果

7.1.6 Results of any reference samples run during sample analysis with laboratory control limits, 试样分析期间的任何参考试样的结果与实验室控制极限

7.1.7 Calibration and tuning data, and刻度和校准数据

7.1.8 Chromatogram or charts. 色谱或图表

8. Reporting Data数据报告

8.1 Report data in accordance with the customer and laboratory agreement. In the absence of a specific agreement, report the data in accordance with laboratory policy or government mandated requirements, if appropriate. 数据报告与用户和实验室协议一致。没有明确的协议,数据报告与实验室规程或政府要求一致,如果适合。

8.2 Compound specific analysis may require tentative identification without verification. 特殊的化合物分析可能需要假设的未经查证的判断。The criteria for identification and a copy of the chromatogram or other instrument output should be included in the report.辨别的标准和色谱的副本或是其它的输出手段应在报告里包括。

8.3 Upon request,按要求,the quality documentation found in Section 7 should be included in the report.章节7里的质量文件应包括在报告中。

8.} Any deviation from the established method or standard operating procedure

(SOP),任何与已确定的方法或是标准操作程序的偏离,must be reported to the customer.必须向客户报告。Reasons for the deviation and the expected impact on the data should be given.偏离的原因和在数据上预期的影响应给定。

8.5 The analytical procedures,分析程序,method,方法,or SOP used to report the values shall he specified.或者用于报告的标准操作方法

Note 2—If there is no deviation from the contract or agreed upon procedure,如果没有偏离与合同或是协议的程序, then reference to the document may be sufficient. 参考文件可能足够。

8.6 In cases where the customer desires a summary of the data to be transmitted to them, the laboratory will keep sufficient records on file to reproduce the data. 在客户想将数据总结转换的地方,实验室将在重生成数据上保留充分的记录文件。

8.7 Detection limits should be reported in accordance with Laboratory policy, established procedures, or regulatory requirement. 探测界限报告应与实验室政策一致,确定的程序或是调整的要求。These polices and procedures must be clearly identified and understood by all personnel reporting the analysis. 所有分析报告人员对那些政策和程序必须明确的辨别和理解。Results reported below laboratory established detection limits may be reported upon customer request as discussed in Section 10.在实验室确定的探测界限下的结果报告应基于在10节中讨论的客户要求。

Note 3—Some commercial laboratories establish their detection limits based on what their average laboratory can achieve over an extended period of time. 一些商业实验室确定他们的探测界限是基于他们相当长时期里的一般实验室能达到的。A given laboratory may achieve lower compound specific values than the average.一些商业实验室可能低于复合的特殊值而达不到平均水平。

8.8 Report blank data results and, where appropriate, actual data from the equipment.在适当的地方报告无效数据结果,实际上数据来自仪器。Blanks should not be subtracted from the sample results unless required by the test method. 除非测试方法需要,无效数据不能从实验结果中删除。The customer should determine, with advisement form the laboratory, if blank subtraction is necessary or

required. (See Section 10).如果删除无效数据是必须或是必要的(见章节10),由实验室建议,客户决定是否删除。

8.9 Recording direct measurement test results should be reported by recording all digits that are known plus one that may be subject to change on repeated analysis. 记录直接测量测试结果应记录所有的数字,数字要估读一位。When calculating results from test data, rounding should be performed only on the final result, not upon the intermediate values employed in the calculation.当计算测试数据结果时,数据凑整只能在最终结果,而不能在计算的中间值中取整。

8.10 Frequently, replicate determinations are made. 频繁的做重复过程。When replicate results are obtained, useful information is now available that is lost if the results of these replicates are not reported.当获得重复过程结果时,就能取得那些丢失的有用的信息,如果那些重复结果没有报告。It is important that a reporting laboratory establish a consistent protocol for reporting replicate data. 实验室建立可靠的报告重复过程数据的草案是重要的。1n order to arrive at a coherent protocol for this purpose, a number of issues and options should be evaluated.为了此目的制定连贯的草案,大量的问题和选项应评估。

8.10.1 Replicate Types重复类型—Replication may be performed at different levels.重复过程应在不同的水平上完成。Replication may occur at the point of sampling, at the sample preparation step, the prepared sample analysis step, or at some other point in the analytical process.重复可能发生在取样、试样准备阶段、准备试样分析阶段或是在其它的一些分析过程阶段。Different types of replicates may be handled differently and should not be mixed. 不同类型的重复过程可能有不同的操作,不能将它们混在一起。The type of replicate should be made clear to the user.用户应被清楚的告知重复过程的类型。

8.10.2 Reporting Replicate Averages报告重复平均数—Replicate results may be reported separately or as an average. 重复过程结果应单独或以平均数报告。When average results are reported, several factors are considered.当报告平均结果,要考虑几项因素。 Documentation文件—The data users should know when the

reported results is an average of replicates.当报告结果是重复过程的平均数试,数据用户应知道。Averages of different numbers or replicates have different quality (precision) leading to different conclusions about data validity.不同数量或是重复的平均数有不同的质量(精度)要求,产生不同的关于数据合法性的结论。For this reason, the number of replicates used in a reported average should be reported with the averaged results.因为这种原因,平均数报告里应报告重复实验数量及平均结果。 Criteria标准—Criteria must be established as to when a result is part of a replicate set.当结果是重复实验的一部分,标准必须确定。For example, when a dilution is performed on a sample prior to analysis, the original result and the diluted result may both be within the quantitative range of the analytical method.例如,当在分析前稀释试样时,试样的原始值和稀释值都应在分析方法规定的数量范围里。Although the dilution step produces a value that is not a true replicate, the added value of reporting an average of these values may be warranted.尽管稀释产生一个值,该值不是重复试验的真实值,这些附加值的平均值应准许报告。 Selection for Averaging平均值选择—Analytical results may be produced within four discrete ranges.分析结果可能产生在四个离散等级里。Each of these ranges is affected by sample dilution or concentration.每一等级受稀释或浓缩的影响。Replicates may be generated within different ranges for the sample analysis.对于试样分析,重复试验可能产生在不同的等级里。The four discrete ranges are listed as follows in increasing order of size:四个离散等级如下所列:

(1)Below a limit of detection, where the analyte cannot be said to be present with confidence above a set level.探测极限以下,在设定的水平下能肯定的说被分析物不存在。

(2) Between a limit of detection and a Limit of quantitation where the analyte can be said to be present with a preset limit of confidence but the concentration value does not meet a preset criteria.在探测极限和定量极限之间,被分析物在预先设定的极限下能被肯定的说存在,但浓缩值没有吻合预先设定的标准。

(3) Between a limit of quantitation and the upper limit of the quantitation range of

the analytical method. 分析方法的等级里,在定量极限和定量上极限间。This is the quantitation range of the analytical method.这是分析方法的定量等级。This is typically the highest calibration standard used.这是典型使用的最高等级的较准标准。

(4) Above the quantitation range of the analytical method.分析方法的定量等级以上。 It is important to first establish which of the ranges found in 8.10.2 is applicable to each replicate.首先按8.10.2(适用每一重复试验)确定等级是重要的。Replicates should not be averaged across ranges.重复试验不能跨级。The following selection criteria for averaging should be followed:以下平均数的选择标准应遵循:(1) Select and average only replicates that fall within the quantitation range of the analytical method.选择和平均仅当重复试验落在分析方法定量等级里。1f none exist, then,如果没有任何一个存在,然后,

(2) Select and average only replicates that fall above the quantitation range of the analytical method.选择和平均仅当重复试验落在分析方法定量等级以上。If none exist,如果没有任何一个存在,then,然后,

(3) Select and average only replicates that fall between a Limit of detection and a limit of quantitation. 选择和平均仅当重复试验落在探测极限和定量极限间。If none exist,如果没有任何一个存在,then,然后,

(4) Select and average only replicates that fall above the established limit of detection.选择和平均仅当重复试验落在确定的探测极限以上。

Note 4—References to range refer to ranges adjusted for sample concentration or dilution.参考对试样浓缩和稀释的等级判定。 Exclusion of Data数据剔除—Individual values may be excluded from an average for other data quality reasons.由于其它数据质量原因,个别数值可能超出平均值。

8.11 All data should be reported with an appropriate number of significant figures. 所有报告数据应包含适当数量的有意义数据。Significant figures represent the precision or the degree of quantitative uncertainty in the result. 有意义位数代表结

果的精度或是可靠度。Too many figures in a result indicate a smaller relative standard deviation in the measurement than is warranted. 在结果中数据位数多显示相对允许的标准测量偏离更小的偏差。The usual convention for significant figure reporting is to retain one uncertain figure.有意义数据报告通常约定保留一位不确定数据位数。

8.11.1 There is a direct relationship between relative standard deviation and the number of significant figures, that is, the number of significant figures is an inverse function of the relative standard deviation (RSD).相对标准偏差和有意义数据位数之间有直接的联系,也就是,有意义数据位数多少与相对标准偏差(RSD)存在反对应联系。 Since most measurement systems demonstrate an increasing RSD with decreasing concentration, the number of significant figures decreases as the concentration decreases.因为多数测量系统证明相对标准偏差的增加伴随集中度降低,有意义数据位数随着集中度降低而减少。At approximately the quantitation limit, there should be only one significant figure.定量极限应仅一位有效位数。Data at the approximate quantitation limit becomes uncertain. 数据在靠近定量极限时变为不确定。By extension, at the detection limit, there are no significant figures making quantitation impossible since there is no confidence in the presence of the measured analyte.类推,在探测极限,没有有意义的数据定量,因为没有把握确定被分析物的存在。 The quantitation limit chosen, that is, the point where there is one significant figure, is a function of the lowest acceptable or achievable RSD. With each decade of measured concentration increase and associated RSD decrease, one additional significant figure can be added until the RSD levels off. At which point, the maximum number of significant figures is reached.

TABLE 1 Data Qualifiers

U-The element or compound was measured, but was not detected above the level of the associated value. The associated value is either the sample quantitation limit or the sample detection limit

J—The associated value is an estimated quantity.

R—The data are unusable. The reason should be specified for the data being unusable.

Note-Analyte may or may not be present.

E-The reported value is estimated because of the presence of interference

M- Duplicate injection precision is not met.

N-Spiked sample recovery is not within control limits

8.11.2 Practice E 29 is a worthwhile document to review for a discussion of the principles and practices for determining significant figures.操作规程E 29是一个值得参考的讨论原理的文件和决定有意义位数的操作规程。

8.12 When a value is computed from two or more other test results, refer to Practice D 4460 for techniques of determining precision limits of the calculated value.当一个值是从两个或是更多的测试结果中计算出来的,参考操作规程D 4460寻找决定计算值精度极限的技术。

9. Review of Analytical Results复查分析结果

9.1 All data should have a peer review before being finalized.所有数据在定案前都应仔细的复查。A further review should be done by the project leader or equivalent to ensure the customer's requirements have been met.应由项目负责人或是相等的人进行更进一步的复查,以确保满足客户的要求。

9.2 At some preselected frequency, electronic data should be hand-calculated to verify proper operation.在一些预先选定的周期,电子的数据应手工计算以校验正确操作。This check should be documented and kept with data files.这些核查应归档和数据文件一起保存。

9.3 The procedures and codes used to report analytical values should be consistent with those found in Table 1.用于报告分析的值的程序和编码应恒定不变并与表1一致。

9.3.1 Qualifiers are used by the analyst, data reviewers, and government agencies in the contract laboratory program to describe and qualify data. 项目合同实验室的分析家、数据核查者和政府机构使用限定词描述和限定数据。They are an effective form using letters to explain a reported value, that is, methylene chloride 5 ppb, J.,

where the analyte concentration was estimated (J) to be 5 ppb in the sample. 使用字母解释报告值是一种有效的形式,也就是,亚甲基氯化物5 ppb, J., 这里在试样里浓缩分析物估计(J) 为5 ppb 。Recommended qualifiers are listed as follows.推荐的限定词如下所列。A complete list may be found in the Laboratory Data Validation Functional Guidelines for Evaluating Inorganic Analysis and Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Laboratory Data Validation Functional Guidelines for Evaluating Organic Analysis.全部清单能在实验室数据功能确定指导方针(用于评价无机物分析)和办公场所固体排放物和紧急情况反应实验数据确定工程指导方针(用于评价有机物分析)里找到。

9.4 Canons and anions balance may be used to determine how logical the results are. 标准和阴离子平衡可能用于判定结果的合理性。Table 2 lists factors for interconversion between units in common use and Table 3 list factors for interconversion of milligrams per litre (mg/L) and milliequivalent per litre (meq/L) of common ions.表2列出了在普通使用单位之间互换的因素,表3列出了普通离子mg/L与meq/L之间的转化因素。

,Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Laboratory Functional Ciuidelincs for Evaluating Inorganic. Analysis, Pub. 9240 1994

" OfFec of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Laboratory Functional Guidelines for Evaluating Organic Analysis, PUI3. 9240. 1994

Data Validation

.120. December

'' Based on }}C= 12 amu (atomic mass units)

。It is assumed that reactions proceed to the zero oxidation state

Data Validation

1-27. December

9.4.1 The deviation from a perfect balance between canons and anions determined in water samples may be appraised by totalling separately the determined concentrations in milliequivalent per litre of anions and canons.从标准和阴离子的理想的平衡偏离This can only be done if all major ions have been determined. According to Friedman and Erdmann in their chapter titled "Quality Assurance Practices for Chemical and Biological Analyses of Water and Fluvial Sediments"}, the canon-anion difference, either positive or negative, may be calculated from the following empirical formula in which canons and anions are expressed in milliequivalent per litre.

NOTE 5—A study by J.D. Hem titled "Study and Interpretation of the Chemical Characteristics of Natural Water" states with careful work, the difference will not generally exceed 2%of the total canons or anions in waters of moderate concentrations (250 to 1000 mg/L). A somewhat largo percentage can be tolerated if the sum of canons and anions is less than about 5.00 meq/I..

9.4.2 In addition to the canon balance, other types of analytical data can be used to test for logical consistency.除标准平衡外,其它类型的分析数据也能用于测试理论浓度。These kinds of tests have the general form of testing for the whole being equal to or less than the sum of its parts.该类型测试的主要形式是浓度等于或是小于分量总合。These tests can be done within analysis, between analyses, and between samples.这些测试能用分析完成,分析之间和样品之间。 Some examples are:一些例子:(1) total solids and total volatile solids are often done as one analysis. 完全固体和完全挥发性固体通常一次分析就能完成。Total solids should be larger than or equal to the volatile component; 完全固体应大于或等于挥发性成分。(2) the ammonia nitrogen should always be equal to or less

than Kjeldahl nitrogen, and氨氮应总是等于或小于凯氏测定氮法。(3) in specific treatment processes, the input sample results should always be equal to or greater than the result on the output sample. 在特殊的处理过程中,投入样品结果应总等于或小于输出样品结果。 Many comparisons similar to those listed in can be made to ensure that data are logically consistent.许多类似9.4.2.1中的比较能确保数据理论上恒定。

9.5 Where there is sufficient historical data or the expected analytical concentrations are supplied by the client, a reasonableness test of the analysis should be done during the review process.在有充足的历史数据或是由客户提供的预期的分析浓度下,复查过程中就能做到合理的分析。The analysis and the reviewer should determine if the results are close to the expected value.分析者和复查者应判断结果是否接近预期值。If the data are not within reasonable limits, the analytical method and calculations should be reviewed for deviations or anomalies. 如果数据不在合理的限度内,就应复查分析方法和计算的偏离或是异常。Contact with the customer should take place if no errors are found in the laboratory process.如果在试验过程中没有发现错误,就应联系客户。

9.6 A quality assurance narrative should be used to explain any discrepancies in the data or unusual conditions that resulted in data of questionable quality (that is, matrix interferences, elevated detection limits, and so forth).质量保证论述应解释任何的由可疑的数据质量造成的数据误差或是不正常条件(也就是,矩阵冲突,提高的发现限度,等等)。

9.7 The report should include the signature and title of the individual who verified the reported data before their release and verified that these results met the customer's data quality specifications.报告应包括在发表前检验报告数据和核查结果满足客户数据质量要求者的签名和职位。

10. Reporting Low-level Data Concentrations报告低水平数据

10.1 Some information is lost to the customer when the results are reported as "less than" or "below the criterion of detection" when there was an instrument response

indication that there was something present.当结果报告为“小于”或是“在发现标准以下”,同时又有仪器表明一些东西存在,对于客户来说丢失了一些信息The customer should be allowed to make his own decision regarding the usefulness of such data (see 8.1).对于此类数据(见8.1),应由客户决定关于其有用性。The laboratory should have a standard policy for releasing data that are reported as "less than" or the criterion of detection.试验室应有对于发布“小于”或是“在发现标准以下”报告的标准政策。

10.2 In answering the question "Is a substance present?", there are two possible correct conclusions that can be reached.在回答“物质是否存在?”的问题,有两种可能正确的结论。One may conclude that the substance is present when it is present, and one may conclude that the substance is not present when it is not present.一种可能是当物质存在时存在的结论,一种可能是当物质不存在时不存在的结论。Conversely, there are two possible erroneous conclusions which may be reached.相反的,有两种可能错误的结论。One may conclude that the substance is present when it is not (Type I error) and one may conclude that the substance is not present when it is (TypeⅡerror). 一种结论是当物质不存在(错误类型I)时物质存在,一种结论是物质存在(错误类型Ⅱ)时不存在。However, if all data are reported, the customer can evaluate the data and come to his own conclusion based on their in-depth knowledge of the process stream or waste site.然而,如果报告数据,客户能基于他们的对流程或是无用点的深度了解评价数据和得出他自己的结论,The analyst has the responsibility to place qualifiers on the data to ensure sufficient communication to occur to minimize misuse of data. 分析者有义务在数据上设置限定词以确保足够的减少误用数据的联系。The use of qualifiers does not negate the need for direct communication with the customer.使用限定词不能否定直接与客户沟通的需要。

10.3 It is possible, when the analysis is at the detection limit, to have negative values when the blank is subtracted from the sample. 当分析恰好在发现限度,空值从样品中减去时可能有负数值。If the constituent of interest is not present, one would expect negative results to occur as often as positive in the case of blank

subtraction. 如果利益委托人不在场,一方应在空值减的情况下主动的预估负值的发生。Negative results are also possible when background data are subtracted from the sample data.当后面的数据在试验数据中减去时,也可能负值。

Note 6—Blank subtraction should not be done unless called for in the method or other extenuating circumstances occur which make subtraction necessary. See 8.8 for further discussion.除非方法需要或是发生减轻的环境,才能空值减。见8.8进一步讨论。

10.4 In Table 4, are listed data and five ways the data is reported. Depending upon how the data is presented, different conclusions can be drawn.在表4列出了数据报告的5种方式。基于不同的数据呈交方式,不同得出不同的结论。

10.4.1 In Column 1 of Table 4, the laboratory reported the analysis using the less than a stated value (<3), the user may think the analyst did not know whether a compound was present or not.在表4中第一纵行,试验报告分析使用小于规定的值(<3),使用者可能认为分析者不知道化合物是否存在。Such data are considered to be "censored" since some of the information has not been passed on the user.此类数据被认为经过了审查,因为有些信息没有传递给使用者。

10.4.2 In Column 2 of Table 4, the less than values have been reported as 0. The user now feels that they have an average value of 0.7,but eight out of the ten samples do not contain the compound(s)of interest.在表四中第2纵行,规定值定为0。


10.4.3 In Column 3 in Table 4, the laboratory reports data below its laboratory reporting limit (LRL) as one half the the laboratory reporting limit.在表4中滴3纵行,试验报告数据低于

1的试验报告限度。The mean of the results would be 1.9.



10.4.4 The censored results found in the Column 4 in Table 4, were taken as reported without consideration of negative results, one would conclude that the mean concentration was 1.2 }g with a standard error of the mean of 0.467 and 95% confidence limits for the mean of 0.14 and 2.26 μg. Since the confidence limits do not include zero, it would appear that the evidence supports the presence of the constituent.

10.4.5 Analysis of the uncensored results of Column 5 in Table 4 gives a mean concentration of 0.5 μg, a standard error of the mean of 0.719 and 95%confidence limits for the mean of-1.13 μg and 2.13 μg. The correct conclusion can be drawn that the evidence is insufficient to support the presence of the constituent.

10.4.6 The following data are taken from Practice D 4210 with some modification to illustrate each of the five points:接下来的数据来自操作工程D 4210中,为说明5点作了一些修改。

11. Keywords关键词

11.l analysis; 分析;blank; 空值;low-level reporting; 低水平报告;reporting data;数据报告;results; 结果;water.水。
