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2. Teaching suggestions

New words and Welcome to the unit: 1 period Reading: 2-3 periods Word power: 1 period Grammar and usage: 2-3 periods Task and Project: 2 periods New words and Welcome to the unit(1 period)

Teaching aims: Master the usage of key words and phrases of this unit and learn some information about jo according to 4 pictures.

Difficulties and emphasis: The usage of some words and phrases

1. rescue from 从……中援救,从……中营救出

rescue somebody/something from somebody/something

She died trying to rescue her children from the fire.

He rescued a child from drowning.

come to the/somebody’s rescue营救某人

A lifeboat came to the yachtsman’s (游艇驾驶者)rescue.

We came to his rescue and pulled him out of the river. 我们来救他,把他从河里拉了出来。

2. make something from/out of something 用……制成, 用……做成

be made (out) of something make into v. 把……制成

She’s very good at making things from old scraps of material.

Paper is made from wood. The grapes are made into wine.

Reading(2-3 periods)



2. 2.阅读课文,划出不懂的句子




适度拓展:完成P5 E部分练习。


Language Points

1. The last year of high school is a time for hard work and also a time to reflect. reflect

His face was reflected in the mirror. 映出

Baseball reflects America’s history 棒球反映出美国的历史。

Her work reflects intelligence. 她的工作显示出她的智慧。

reflect on: consider 思考

I need some time to reflect on your suggestion.


(1) Can you see your reflection in the glass? 镜中的映像

(2) consideration深思,考虑

At first I disagreed, but on reflection (=after thinking carefully about it), I realized she was right.

经再三考虑on/upon reflection on second thought

陷入沉思 be lost in reflection/thought

2. I am going to discuss some of the options available to you and whether popular careers, more unusual jobs or everyday jobs are better suited to you. Translate the sentence:


(1) option—choice

I have little option but to go.

Maybe a career as a local grocer or flour-covered baker would be a better option. (L20)

optional adj.可选择的(Where did we learn this word?)

(M9 P35) They decided that their freedom was no longer optional.

选修课 optional/elective subjects 必修课 compulsory subjects

(2) be suited to 合适,适宜

① suit… to…使……与……相适合

A good teacher suits his lessons to the age of his students.一位好老师使他的课适宜学生。

② be suited to 适合,适宜

Do you think David is suited to teaching? 你认为大卫合适教学吗?
