


the green olympics are not a dream

good morning ,ladies and gentlemen. today i′m very happy to be here to share with you some of my thoughts on the topic of the green olympics


it′s said that the green olympics are a dream that can′t come true .look at the circumstance around us . no .i believe the circumstance can be created by ourselves .the dream of the green olympics will do come true by our efforts . the green olympics are not a dream any more .

有人说,绿色奥运是我们的梦想,不会成为现实。瞧我们周围的环境。不,我相信,环境是我们大家共同营造的,经过我们的努力,梦想会成为现实,绿色奥运不是梦everyone has a lot of nice dreams.。it is a common wish that we can live in comforting environment . for the chinese, september 23,1993 is a regretful and

unforgettable day . it was because of environmental problems that beijing failed to sponsor the olympic games of XX,which is a big regret for every chinese .we successfully bid for the qualification for the XX olympics after we solve the problem of environment .how can we sponsor the olympics ? first of all ,we should do from trifles to create a beautiful environment so that we can truly carry out the green olympics.


water is the source of life; electricity is the necessity of our living .each lawn can cheer up our heart and soul .every animal is a creature in the nature . are you sure that you save a drip of water in your daily life ? it is reported that the water resource per capita

in beijing is less than 300 cube meters, representing one eighth of the per capita level of china and one thirtieth of the world per capita level. even worse, the underground water in some regions is absolutely undrinkable. water pollution and water shortage have hindered beijing's development seriously. the saying of "don't make the last drop water be human's own tear" is by no means a deliberately exaggeration so as to create a sensation. if i was an environment protection worker, i would enact the law of environment protect strictly and check the pollution with all my perseverance. if i was a sewage treatment engineer, i would develop the most advanced sewage treatment equipment in the world that can be used to filter all the sewage into clean water. a pot of water can be used three or four times in my family . first , i use the fresh water to wash rice and then use it to wash my face .it′s reported that it is a good way to beautify my face . at last ,i use this water which is a kind of good fertilization to irrigate flowers .as a student in dianye middle school,we not only protect the water but also research the vegetation around us. last summer

holiday, with the teachers'help,we had a survey about the vegetation in shidu .we found fifty-eight species of plants were near extinction. it's a so large number! we reported it to the gover

nment and gave them three kinds of reasonable advices at once. are you sure that you turn off the light when it is unnecessary whether you are at school 、 at factory or at home ? when you want to spit in public places , do you think of the sars in XX ? when you walk in the park and see the colorful flowers , do you pick them off and arrogate to yourself ? when you walk through the school porch , do you draw everywhere ? when you walk into restaurants and see all kinds of creatures become so-called delicious dishes of human beings, does the dreadful scene make your heart and soul tremble? after all, they are all the living things just like our human beings! the comfortable environment around us needs to be created by every one of us!




my friends , join us! devote yourself to the protection of our environment . try to make our sky bluer, our ground greener and our water cleaner. the XX green olympic will become reality. i'm sure we chinese will be proud of it ! in addition, this is the responsibility of every chinese .thank you !



我的中国梦主题演讲稿800字 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 在传奇和诗意的联想上,梦别具魅力。不管命运如何,中国梦包含着某种使我兴奋和活跃的东西。即使静止不动,梦仍前往思索。 废墟、大海、流浪,中国梦常从爱出发。 风雨雪能够阐述这中国大地的本质,这是中国梦的玄机。海啸激愤千钧一发,火山熔浆汶川地震的来临,街道、店铺、住房瞬时彻底毁灭,百姓的伤亡、无家可归、流离失所,哭泣声阵阵传耳。灾难降临之时,中国处处闪烁着人性之光---爱。爱是中国人的责任。中华民族物质捐献,用行动送去温暖与关怀。这灾难正在考验着人性价值---爱。日本地震,核电站泄漏的事故,中国梦亦是绽放跨疆越界的大爱。 热闹、精致、发展,中国梦常在创新腾飞。 书籍——报刊——影视——互联网产业,是创新发展的思维。奥运会开幕式长卷舒展、活字跳跃、神火激荡,让五千年文明跃然呈现,那一夜中国精绝世界,创新震撼民族力量,神七航天,太空漫步、辽宁号航母服役等等事件中创新智慧实现中国的伟大复兴。创新是时代的要求也是发展中国梦的规则。 爱是国家团结、凝聚力的核心;文化是中华民族和中国人的整体利益;创新是民族前途命运的艰巨事业。 作为大学生的我,不仅长大成人,更承担着实现中国梦的伟大征程的责任。中国梦,即使面对黑暗突临的黄昏,爱将托起明早的日光;中国梦,即使迷茫飘渺世界,文化将热血燃烧,中国梦,即使是生命之舟停止前行,创新发展未来。作为中华民族的一份子,我们传递爱,发扬保护文化,追求创新是我们义不容辞的责任。

海阔天空是中国梦的地图,让爱、文化、创新抒写全新记录。 27 因为梦,我们的世界更加的多彩和美好。正是梦的存在才使我们拥有倍加前进的勇气和必胜的信心,为此,我们不辞劳苦,自始至终的向着梦的彼岸前进。 作为当代的一名大学生,我们的青春,背负着一种责任,一种寄托,一种祖国对我们的期待。青春不是抱怨年华流逝而感慨万千,也不是趁着年轻而虚度光阴,我们还有很多事要为之奋斗。为此,我们应该努力的去做一个积极进取的中国青年,勤奋努力,奋勇拼搏,去实现属于自己的中国梦。无愧于社会,无愧于人民,以自己的实际行动,为美丽可爱的祖国贡献自己的一份力量。 可如今一提起梦,我们现在的中国人首先想到的是荒诞不经,如果说到要为之努力,周边的人除了会给予更多的白眼和不屑外,就不会再看第二眼了,至于梦中的机会和可能就永远地被淹没了。在我们的视野中梦只是孩童的天真和痴人的乱语,我们生活在聪明人的现实世界,我们要发展,我们要理性、我们要挣钱,我们要……我们究竟要什么,生活必须这样过吗?每当深夜来临的时候,当我们蘸着唾沫津津有味地数着红红的革命成果的时候,我们的心在哪里?当我们为了生存四处奔波,当我们为了金钱付出一切的时候,我们得到了什么,而又失去了什么呢?难道我们的欲望只有更多的钱才能满足?我们得到了钱,却失去了梦。“我有一个梦想”,这是马丁·路德金的着名演讲,描绘了他心目中的美国梦——一个没有歧视和偏见、追求公平和正义的梦想。正是有了这样的追求、这样的坚持,才成就了今日美国的强盛。 当我们现在醉心于美国的文明和富有的时候,是否曾经想过我们也曾经有过那样的辉煌,当我们现在耳边到处充斥美国梦的时候,可曾想过中国梦的存在。有人会问中国梦存在吗?我说美国梦一开始就存在吗,人清醒地时候是很难做梦的,时时刻刻只考虑现实性和可能性那还叫梦吗?

演讲稿 关于中国梦我的梦的演讲范文

关于中国梦我的梦的演讲范文 中国梦,既是中国的梦想,又是每个城市的梦想,更是每个中国人的梦想。下面是为你整理的几篇关于中国梦我的梦的演讲范文,希望能帮到你哟。 关于中国梦我的梦的演讲范文篇一 我从小就爱做梦!我最大的梦想就是伟大的祖国不断强大,中华民族的伟大复兴! 每当我看到电视里孙悟空一个筋斗云就飞十万八千里时,老师梦想能腾云驾雾! 今天当代的饿孙悟空杨利伟乘坐中国制造的神舟飞船遨游太空,圆了中国人的飞天梦! 每当我读到吴刚捧出桂花酒的诗句时,老是梦想做客月宫。 今天,中国的嫦娥一号、嫦娥二号姐妹俩先后畅游了月宫,圆了中国人的探月梦! 每当我听到妈妈讲过去的艰苦岁月时,老是梦想,祖国啊尽快好起来吧!让每个人都过上幸福的生活。 今天,改革开放的春风吹遍了神州大地,人人过上了好日子,住上了高楼大厦、吃上了美味佳肴、穿上了时尚新装、生活过得有滋有味,改革开放圆了中国人的小康梦! 每当我看到神话的风神爷,用一个口袋就能把风装起来,放出就能让整个大地风起云涌时,老是梦想能当个风神爷。

今天,比风神爷更威风的人工降雨,遍布祖国大地的风力发电,圆了中国人的呼风唤雨梦! 每当我读到《西门豹》治河妖这篇课文时,老是梦想让河水乖乖听话。 今天,三峡水电、南水北调,一个个宏伟的治水治山工程,圆了中国人的兴利除患、驾驭江河梦! 每当我听到九?一八国难防空警报声时,老是梦想祖国强大,永远不用再受外国人的欺辱。 今天,我们伟大的祖国欣欣向荣,民富国强,国际地位大大提高,成为当今是世界大舞台上的一个重要角色,无论谁再也不敢小视我们,中国人自立于世界民族之林的雄姿,圆了中国人的强国梦! 新时代的我,特别特别的幸运,我跟爷爷奶奶到香港、游台湾、北京看奥运、上海观世博,圆了港澳回归梦、台湾三通梦、百年奥运梦、全球世博梦 中华民族有许许多多美好的梦,神奇的梦,甚至是异想天开的梦,为什么个个都能美梦成真呢? 那是因为,中华民族经历了千百年血与火的磨练,艰苦奋斗的探索,终于找到了一条在中国共产党领导下的康庄大道,这是一条幸福路、致富路、强国路,沿着这天路奋勇前进,我们将奔向美好的未来,到达胜利的彼岸,一定能让更多的美梦成真,一定会圆中华民族伟大复兴这个大梦! 我们当代青少年是祖国的未来,中华的希望,任重而道远,我们


自我介绍英语演讲稿 篇一:自我介绍英语演讲稿 自我介绍英语演讲稿 Dear teachers,good morning!It's a good chance for me to be here to practice my English. I hope I can make a good perfomance today . First of all ,you all know well my name . My name is Li Yuan. I'm from Ningbo Wanli International School. If you want to konw my age ,maybe you will be disappointed , because It's a secret for a lady .And maybe you have already know it .Then let me introduce my family. I have a strict father and a kid mother .In their eyes I am the most beautiful princess in the world . What a pity that I have no brothers or sisters . But fortunately , I have many friendly classmates and they are also my best friends . They always help me a lot .Of course I am ready to help others ,too. Maybe I'm not the best one here ,but I will try my best to do everything. I hope you can you can rember me . I am just an ordinary girl.That's all . Thank you ! 亲爱的老师,早上好!这是一个很好的机会,我到这里来练习我的英语水平。我希望我能成为一名优秀的性能今天。


中国梦主题英语演讲稿篇1 Dream, with each one of us. Dream is beautiful, it is the bottom of my heart the most beautiful expectations, so the dream also become our long-held beliefs. Dream is the sun, it makes people from impetuous to solid, from the hesitation to the firm, and on the road to success. Dream is powerful, it is the life source of forward momentum; Lofty dreams can inspire a life all potential. Because of this we will go to dream, to grasp the dream, the pursuit of dreams. And because of country's dream is the one people's little dream, is not affected by big dream small dreams, but just because one little dream realization and achievement of the establishment of the great dream, why not? My dream, our dream, to improve the Chinese dream.


student. my favorite colour is green. my favorite fruit are apples and watermelons. my favorite foods are pizzas hotdogs and hamburgers. My old friend is zhu jialiang. this is my new friend, zheng jie. look, this is mr. ji, my english teacher. and he is my cousin.Look, i have a family photo. this is my grandfather. he’s not very old. he is 64. he likes watching tv. this is my grandmother.she’s 60. she loves me very much. who’s this woman? she’s my mother. she is 36. she’s very beautiful. who’s that man? he’s my dad. he’s 36, too. he always go to school with me. who’s this boy? ha, ha, it’s me. he’s smart. My speech is over. thank you everyone, goodbye! No.2 My Favorite Book (初中一二年级水平) Good morning teachers and fellow students. Today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you.My favorite book is (Italian: Cuore). This is a diary written by an Italian boy Enrico. The diary is about his life and study.It included various touching stories that happened around Enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten "monthly" stories told by his teacher during the class. Every word in the chapter describes the word "love".From patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching. This novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. I really like this book very much. How about you? What is your favorite book? My favorite book is . Have you read it before? Oh, I haven’t read this book before. What is it about? Well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father. The story is happy ending. Can you tell us why you love this book so much?


中国梦我的梦主题演讲稿3分钟 "现在,大家都在讨论中国梦,我以为,实现中华民族伟大复兴,就是中华民族近代以来最伟大的梦想"这句梦想宣言出自之口。这是 的中国梦。作为当代的大学生,身为天之骄子的我们的中国梦是什 么呢?而我们又敢不敢梦呢? 答案是肯定,我们大学生有什么不敢梦的,我们不仅要勇敢地梦,还要狠狠地梦。每一个时代,每一个人,都有自己的梦想。梦想因 人而异,但我们的梦想都是建立在中国这块热土之上,我们可以统 称为我的中国梦。我是文学院的一名大三学生,前一段时间莫言获 得若贝尔文学奖的消息给国人打了一针强心剂,终于圆了国人的诺 贝尔情节。作为文学院的一名大学生,闻此消息,甚是欢喜。中国 的现当代文学终于能够站上世界的舞台了。而以当一名作家为目标 的我,更是欢呼雀跃。以莫言为榜样,以获得诺贝尔文学奖为最高 追求目标,成了我的中国梦。在我迷茫,不知所措的时候,莫言得 奖的消息给了我希望,让我重新燃起了斗志,重拾了最初的梦想。 虽然我可能永远无法达到莫言的高度,我的这个中国梦也可能无法 实现。但是这将成为我为之奋斗的目标,我前进的动力和毕生的追求。 我的中国梦,我的文学梦。很多人认为不能实现的梦想都是口号,没有任何实际意义。有时候梦想存在的价值并不在于它能否实现, 而在于追逐的过程。我的中国梦建立在我们日益繁荣发展的文化之上,以祖国的强大为依托,为此我感到骄傲和自豪。我,一个新时 代的大学生,我为我的中国梦自豪,为我们的祖国骄傲。当梦想照 进现实,身处一个能让年轻人实现自我理想的时代,我很幸福! 亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家好! 今天我演讲的题目是《我的中国梦》。当有人问,你的梦想是什么时?我会大声的说:我的梦想是我要成为一个科学家。尽管我没有


Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,today my topic is’’My Dream,Chinese Dream”. My Dream,Chinese Dream What is a dream? Dream,is a beacon of your life; Dream,is your better vision; Dream,is your ideal wings; Having dreams,you will have a feature. What is my dream? When I was young, I looked up at the sky,to be a bird,take your ease. I looked at the sea,to be a fish,without sorrow and anxiety. Or to be a flower,blooming happily under the sunshine. However,my dream is associated with our motherland now. Now I want to be a teacher,to be a industrious gardener.To train the tomorrow’s flowers.It’s not my own dream,but also the generations hope. During the course,we can perfect ourselves,serve the country,serve the society. The five thousand years’ civilization writes the history. Several generations hope,loading tomorrow’s brilliance. When the first light of morning pass through the sea of


英语演讲稿 【英语演讲稿】FUTURE NOWWhat future?Everytime sky,Iask myself.It’s realy hardquestion answerit.The universe boundless,wedon’t know where wefrom whereshall we go.I stand https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd13267141.html,st Sunday,there meteors.Iwent belconytowait coming.Abovemy shoulder,it blue,withsparkling stars.Suddenly,a shooting star appeared.I hurried herhappiness,staring it.Iwanted hadalready died out.I realised ,future now,aroundus. When fortune-tellerlook yourpalm,she’ll tell you how your future wayyou place your hope on.But realistic.Thefuture peoplearound you.What you should do doeverything well,don’t care much about results.Bekind peoplearound you,and love them.Although love,thelife rose,youshould sdick yourbelief.When time passes,you’ll find everything you do worthwhile.Years wayyou can stop time from elasping.How time flies!Just like spring,thesunshine summer,themoon winter.Maybeone morning you’ll never wake up,you’ll never see sunset;you’llnever see your sweatheart her,you’llnever hear pathamong trees,you’llnever swim mountains.Time gold.Everyminute precious.Weshould make best use it.Don’twaste even one minute.Spend time working,inlaughing,in playing games loving.Each ushas kiteflying sky,andwe also have stringeach. Children’s kite childhood,thestring grown.Lovers’ kite love,thestring dailylife. calleddream,the string myhands windwhich makes kites fly free,butwe still have power controlthem letthem fly higher higher.Thestring myhands,future myhands. Future fortune-teller,clenchyour fists! 微笑是一种亲切 Good afternoon, ladies gentlemen!Today sharemy personal experience Englishteacher. remember,five years ago, when teacher’sdesk firsttime, maybe because tooyoung, maybe because tooinexperienced, myclass paid me,didn’t behave themselves feltashamed savemy face, justcriticized studentsseriously whenever talked evenmoved thoughtsooner wouldlisten me.Yes, couldcontrol classnow, atmospherebecame strange. tooquiet. breathlesssilence urged me August2003, NewCourse English.Until myfrozen eyes studentsflinch, mystiff face trodout children’shearts. How stimulatemy class showmy warmth, so canenjoy deepthought. kindnesscalled smile. mostbeautiful language canmake distance distance.“Just awake smilingface!”I said nextday, when smilingface, when smile,when friendlyway, studentswere just shocked! couldfind morehappiness eyes!Gradually, gotused myteaching. classbecame lovelyone. said“Thankyou listening,boys followingdays, workingeven harder. preparemy lessons carefully. useFlash, pictures, riddles, interestingstories makegreat efforts learnmore. neverforget one thing: smile, give them givethem strength, letthem feel happy, makethem confident. childrendo enjoy Englishlesson now, when tellme


绿色奥运演讲稿 Green Olympics speech document 编订:JinTai College

绿色奥运演讲稿 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的 讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感 情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文 档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 尊敬的各位评委们、女士们、先生们: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是"绿色奥运我参与"。 绿色奥运是北京20xx年奥运会的三大理念之一。为此北 京市政府无论是在环境的治理、绿化的建设、生态的保护、循环经济和水资源的保护与利用,都做了大量的工作。但实现" 绿色奥运"仅仅靠政府行为是远远不够的,作为xxx中学生更 应该积极的投身到"绿色奥运"的建设与宣传当中去。从我做起,从我的家庭做起,从我身边的朋友、同学做起。 20xx年,当前国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇在莫斯科高声宣读:"Beijing, China"的时候,作为一个北京人,一个中国

人,我发自心底的为我们的祖国,我们的首都感到高兴。但在高兴之余,那灰蒙蒙的天空,那漫天的沙尘暴,那污绿的护城河,那见不到一丝绿色的街道,又使我深为北京能否在20xx 年成功办好奥运而感到担心。 四年之后的今天,一年之中有了229天湛蓝的天空,那滚滚的黄尘也早已不见,那一群群久违的野鸭也在春天飞回了北京的什刹海,街道也被绿色装点的生机勃勃。这一切不知不觉的变化都在回答着我,北京一定能办好20xx年的奥运!而所有这些变化不仅仅是北京市政府的努力,更是在政府领导下的无数北京市民们努力的结果。作为这一千多万普通北京市民的一员,我也在为我们的绿色奥运贡献出自己的一份力量。 以前我曾有个习惯,每天早晚冲澡两次,而且冲洗时间特别长,很浪费水。一天,我在北京日报上看到了一则关于北京水资源短缺的文章,说北京市每年用水量大概是37亿立方米,而密云水库的蓄水量仅有7.7亿立方米,官厅水库的蓄水量仅有1.9亿立方米,水资源的供需矛盾十分尖锐。看到这则报道后,我开始改变我的习惯,每天只洗一次澡,尽量在很短的时间内洗完。我算了一笔帐,每人每月洗澡节约一吨水,北京市1400万人口将节约1400万吨水。据北京市水利局20xx 年统计数字表明,从20xx年申办奥运成功后,开始实施市政


中国梦主题演讲稿范文:放飞中国梦演讲稿范文 风起云涌,世代变迁,从古至今,中华民族已经走过了五千多个春夏秋冬,中国人一直怀揣的国富民强的伟大梦想,将由我们二十一世纪的青年来完成发扬。 雄关漫道真如铁”;。20世纪正从我们的视野中慢慢消失。对于中华民族来说,这是一个从屈辱走向自豪的世纪,眼泪与欢笑都在我们心间;这是一个从贫弱走向富强的世纪,祈求与满足我们全都记忆犹新;这是一个从封闭走向开放的世纪,善良与宽容是我们永恒的情怀;这是一个从专制走向民主的世纪,呐喊与探寻是我们不变的性格;这是一个从分裂走向统一的世纪,战争与和平让我们曾历尽沧桑。今天,21世纪已悄然来临,对于我们中华民族来说,尤其对于我们青年来说,都是一个崭新的时代,飞跃的时代,我们将肩负着继承、发扬、光大中华民族的优良传统,实现文明华夏屹立于世界东方的梦想。 人间正道是沧桑”;。少年强,则国强;少年智,则国智;少年梦,则国梦。我们每一个中国人,都流着中华五千年的血,中华要崛起,要富强,要实现伟大复兴,离不开我们每个人。历史的钟起已经敲响,回顾前辈们为祖国所作出的努力,我们仅仅只有感动就够了吗?我们必须接过前辈们伟大复兴梦想的接力棒。中国,在看着我们;世界,在看着我们,整个星球,都在看着我们。是时候抛掉神马都是浮云”;的无知了;是时候远离网络世界虚拟

的生活了;是时候创造一个给力”;的时代了。为我们的青春加油 吧! 长风破浪会有时”;。中国梦国富民强。它像一粒种子在每个中国人的心里扎根发芽。不管是洪水、雪灾、地震、泥石流、世 界经济危机肆虐的伤害,还是奥运会、世博会、十八大”;成功的喜悦,中国梦一直都在。 我是90后,很庆幸我走在了目前世界发展的最前列,我和其他人一样,也有着自己的梦想。也许和多数人一样,儿时的梦想 多不胜数,而唯一一个扎根在我心里的梦想竟然源自一场演讲, 像一把火照亮了黑暗中迷茫的路。初三那年,我们学校组织聆听 了一场感人肺腑的感恩报告会,犹如溪水浸湿了我干涸的心田, 让我懂得了感恩,让我坚定了梦想和信念。字字含泪的演讲,让 我的心情波澜起伏,我想我应该做些什么,回报父母,回报社会;我想通过自己的嗓音,让世人明白人间冷暖;我想通过自己的话语,让百姓了解生活百态;我想通过自己的讲颂,让大家明白感恩;我更想通过自己的声音,传播社会中的正能量!为此,我选择了艺术的殿堂,学习的半年多,让我更加坚信当初的决定是对的。我 将用自己的努力和汗水,证明我梦想的价值。 中国梦,我的梦”;,它像一股暖流,流过每个中国人的心间,激励着无数中国人在梦想的道路上攀登、前行。作为21世纪的青年,我们正踏在新的征途上,拥抱着崭新的春天,树立起梦想,收拾好心情,向更辉煌的岁月迈进,向更美好的明天奔跑!


中国梦我的梦主题演讲稿 亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家好! 今天我演讲的题目是《中国梦,我的梦》,什么是梦?什么是中国梦?历史的点点滴滴如散落在偌大沙滩上的沙石贝壳,我悄悄走过,贪婪地看着这些晶莹宝贵的财富,时而拾起一两颗打动心灵的贝壳,寄出一份梦想,蹲下投放。中国梦,流淌在岁月。 沙滩上有一颗饱经沧桑的贝壳,那是中国遥遥五千年的故事。从黄帝开创历史到如今的我们诵读历史,我看到太多太多的事迹,每个中国人都拥有着同样的中国梦。富强!富强!中国梦的口号在继续。中国梦流淌过每个日日夜夜、每个中国人的内心。不管有多大的困难,地震、泥石流、洪灾,还是会有饱经沧桑后成功的微笑。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。收藏岁月流淌过的每一个中国梦,战于世,立一生之梦 沙滩上有一颗闪亮的贝壳,那是中国奥运会、世博、二号成功发射的故事。当一阵阵掌声雷鸣般响起,当世界举目投足于中国时,我知道,中国的光芒已散发在世界的每一个角落。中国梦还在继续,我们的视线还在执着,默默献上自己微薄的力量。这是一个梦,一个叫作中国梦,一个被每一个中国人所深呼的梦。我以心的维度仰视奖牌下每一个奋斗的身影,倾听每一声临近中国梦的足音,俯身捧起岁月流淌过

的荣誉,扬手敬礼,大声喊出自己的中国梦。 沙滩上有一颗铭记的贝壳,那是羁旅在外的中国人的故事。我清楚的看到,有人客于异国,却随身带着中国的泥土,有人在奥运会直播前呐喊中国万岁,有人在参加外国记者采访时说:“我是中国人,我们都共有一个梦,她叫中国梦!”是的,那就是我们的中国梦,一份信仰,一份怀念,一份奋斗,到处都迷漫着中国梦的味道。就算在异国他乡,我们都还能轻哼着国歌的旋律,心怀着祖国,铭记着中国梦,力创美好未来。 潮起潮落,我坐在偌大的沙滩上,看着眼前正在富强的中国,阳光透过云彩照射在我身上。我站了起来,嘴角轻轻咧开,怀着一份坚强,一份荣耀,一份铭记,轻轻拾起几颗贝壳,珍藏在身,勉励自己,心中已准备好,种下中国梦,创造美好的未来。


XX英语演讲稿 演讲稿一:敢于放弃 a poet leads me to a branch road: on one side, there are lots of sweet apples, lovely and charming; on the other, there is a patch of thorn, what hides behind the success of struggling against the thorn is a splendid palace. i deeply know that if i choose the apples, i will give up a precious opportunity of becoming a queen; while if i choose to challenge, i have to say farewell to the apples. which one should i choose? just like the branch road, we have to make a lot of choices during our lifetime. it is usually considered that we are choosing what to gain, to own, but in my opinion, we are just choosing to give up. choosing to be a teacher means giving up the life as rich as a business man; choosing to be a top student means giving up much leisure time in front of the tv. sure, it’s a torture, but we must judge carefully what is more important, then give up the others. don’t think of them any more, just focus all your spirit


我的梦中国梦英语演讲稿 Our new president Xi Jinping came up with the dream of the Chinese nation's rejuvenation on December 29, 2012. He said: the Chinese dream is a dream of national strength prosperity and people's happiness. Our people have an ardent love for life. They wish to have better education, more stable jobs, more income, greater social security , better medical and health care, improved housing conditions and better environment,They want their children to grow well, have ideal jobs and lead a more enjoyable life. To meet their desire for a happy life is our mission. He also expounded his views of realizing our great dream. He said: To realize the dream, China must take the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The country must also foster the Chinese spirit,in which patriotism and the spirit of reform and innovation play a core role, and unite 1.3 billion people of all ethnicities into a great source of strength. I always ask myself what can I do for our great Chinese dream ? As we all know that the wiser the youths are ,the wiser the nation will be;the wealthier the youths are ,the wealthier the nation will be;the stronger the youths are ,the stronger the nation will be. Here the word wealthy means: enriching our knowledge reserve. As a new generation of


绿色奥运英语演讲稿 I am the part of the Green OlmpisLadies and gentlemen: good morning! Toda, m speeh is "I am the part of the Green Olmpis"。 "Green Olmpis" is one of the Three Themes of Beijing 20** Olmpi Games。 Therefore the Beijing government had made a great effort in order to protet the environment,build more "Green projet", keep the eologial balane, push the reling eonom, and protet the ater resoure。 But if onl the government take the ation to realize the Green Olmpis in 20**, its not enough。 As a Beijing high shool student, e should pla an ative role in the ations aimed at the realization of Green Olmpis。 So e should start it from ourselves, our famil, our friends and other people around us。 In 2001, in the Moso orld trade enter, hen the former hairman of the International Olmpi Committee, Samaranh had sai d: "Beijing, China!" As a Beijing itizen, as a Chinese, I had a great jo for m it, for m home ountr from the bottom of m heart! But after the exitement that Beijing had been sueed in the rae to host the Olmpi Game in 20**。 I started to orr about the dust air, the sandstorm, the polluted rivers and lakes; the streets ithout an green and hether e ould suessfull host the Olmpi Games in 20**。 Four


关于中国梦的主题演讲稿素材精选3篇 篇一:医务工作者《中国梦》演讲稿 每个人都有自己的梦想,每个民族也都有自己的梦想。走过“雄关漫道真如铁”的昨天,跨越“人间正道是沧桑”的今天,“中国梦”正 指引当代中国向着“长风破浪会有时”的明天迈进。“中国梦”的深刻内涵是伟大复兴,路径选择是“三位一体”,根本保障是实干兴邦。就个人而言,在卖火柴小女孩眼里,梦想是飘香的烤鹅,是奶奶温暖的双臂。在邓亚萍眼里,梦想是坚持心中永不服输的信念,只要你肯努力,就一定能够成功。在杂交水稻之父袁隆平的眼里,梦想是“杂交水稻的茎秆像高粱一样高,穗子像扫帚一样大,稻谷像葡萄一样结得一串串”,梦想是不停地突破和探索,是丰富的想象和大胆的创造。在“千手观音”邰丽华的眼里,梦想是聋人可以“听”得到、盲人可以“看”得到、肢残朋友可以“行走”,梦想是从不言弃、努力拼搏的精神支柱。 作为中国众多医务工作者中的一员,作为眼科医疗的一份子,我的梦想:与我的团队一起,用精湛的技术和良好的服务让更多不注意用眼卫生而导致的视力下降得到矫治,因病失明的患者得到复明;走进学校、社区、乡村让更多的人知道眼病预防的重要性,让少年儿童从小做起,爱护眼睛,让老年人明白哪些眼病是需要手术而不是靠保健药

品就能治疗的;在医院没有红包现象,医生不靠回扣致富;医生不是神仙,也有回天乏术的时候,希望得到患者的尊重和理解,不再有恶意的医患矛盾产生;疾病才是医生与患者共同的敌人,让我们共同投身到争取光明的工作中去…… 人生因梦想而高飞,人性因梦想而伟大。梦想就是生命的一双无形的翅膀,惟有梦想的力量才能激励和激发我们的生命,摆脱平庸和低俗,克服人性的弱点,走向优秀和杰出。有梦想的人是幸福的,有梦想的人生是充满希望的:“使所有的人,无论贫富贵贱,都能够享受到眼健康的权利! 篇二:《美丽中国我的中国梦》演讲稿 在座的各位评委老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家下午好!我是来自xxxx学校六年级xx班的xxx。今天,我演讲的题目是《美丽中国我的中国梦》。 历史的车轮滚滚前行,她在中国这片大地上已经走过了悠悠的五千年。五千年里她跋山涉水、披荆斩棘、不畏艰险的走出了那属于炎黄子孙的豪迈,走出了那属于华夏子孙独有的气魄,亦走出了那承载着辉煌五千年独有的博大精深的华夏文明。 当习总书记于2012年11月29日提出”中国梦”时,我不禁在想“中


2015我的梦中国梦演讲稿300字 第1篇:我的梦中国梦演讲稿300字 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 身为一个中国人,当然我也有一个中国梦。 梦想是一对翅膀,他会带你走向成功。有的人的梦想很伟大,有的人的梦想很渺小,但是我相信只要坚持梦想,就一定能实现。 可能有人想当消防员,因为消防员能将许许多多的人从火海里救出,把他们的生命从死神的手中抢来,可能相当画家,因为画家能画出世间的悲欢离合,也可能有人想当百万富翁,因为百万富翁能有很多的钱花。 而这些都不是我的梦想,我的梦想是当一名军人,因为军人能杀敌,保卫国家,多么伟大,多么了不起啊。 有的人可能会问我:当军人多累呀,你难道不怕吗? 我会自信的对他们说:不怕困难,我也不怕危险,更不怕吃苦。 如果我长大当上了军人我一定会给我们国家争光,不会再让外国人在说我们是东亚病夫。 谢谢大家! 第2篇:我的梦中国梦演讲稿300字 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 没有梦想的人成不了大器;没有梦想的国成不了大国。鹰击长空, 鱼翔浅底,虎啸深山,驼走大漠,它们都找到了各自梦想。而我也在为自己的梦想奋斗着。 教师是一个很光荣的职业。因为他可以培育祖国的栋梁。它是人类灵魂的建造师,可以把做人的道理讲给每一个同学听;他是人类灵魂的工程师,可以把丰富的知识讲给每一个同学听;它是人类灵魂的设计师,可以把修辞的手法讲给每一个同学听;让他们做个讲文明,懂礼貌,爱学习的好学生。 虽然在现实生活中我只是一名普通的小学生,但在梦乡里,我已是一名非常优秀的教师了。 现在,我们离各自的梦想还很远很远。但是,只要我们不断地追求上进,好好学习,就一定能实现自己的梦想的! 我的梦是中国梦,中国梦就是我的梦。让我们继续向前努力的驶去吧! 谢谢大家! 第3篇:我的梦中国梦演讲稿300字 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 少年智则国智,少年强则国强。我的梦是中国梦,中国的梦是我们的梦! 我的梦就是当一名普通的志愿者,2015年4月20日,我国四川雅安市芦山县,发生了7.0级地震。当时,小学生们就要快上课。突如其来的地震使小学生们惊慌不已,许多人在这次地震中失去了性命与家人。 这对一个小学生来说,简直无法接受,是一个噩梦。瞬间学校没了,家没了,昔日的欢笑,从此消失,只有那悲伤的哭泣。别说受难者,就是我现在都已经泪流满面了。这是多么痛苦啊!我们小学生不能做些什么,但我们要尽自己的一份力量啊!我要做一名志愿者,去安抚那些受伤的心灵!用我们的心去感受,感受那种痛苦的滋味。我要让雅安的受害者知道,中国的每个城市都是关心你们的,都把你们当成朋友的,当成一家人的。我写的虽难过于少,
