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Contrast Photography and Painting


Ⅰ.There are differences between photography and painting Ⅱ.Point Ⅰ:The emotion of photography and painting




Ⅲ.Point Ⅱ: Visual effects



Ⅳ.Point Ⅲ:Timeliness

Ⅴ.Conclusion: Painting is a great art which shouldn’t vanish in history.

Final Draft:

In The Republic, Plato didn’t like poem. Because in his opinion, the poet only wrote the stuff what they’re looking at. Just like painters who draw something real what Plato thought was copy. I’m afraid I couldn’t agree with him. I believe there must be something difference between painting and reality. Especially, after camera invented, paint shouldn’t being treated as a copies. So, let me introduce the difference between painting and photography.

Photography is an absolutely real art which is objective and unchangeable. Photographer can only depresses the active-shutter and records the views or people. You have no choice to amend anything dissatisfied unless you using the Photoshop to revise it after taking. But painting is more dynamic which you can add your emotion. For example, you take the drawing board and pigment coming to the West Lake to draw the great view. Willows is swing in the soft wind with the clear bridge and quiet lake. The only fly in the ointment could be the Lotus flower which is already fading. You can image the blossoming flower to make your work perfect. Even you can add some fishes to bring some alive atmosphere. So I think the work of photography just a reality but without ‘me’, because you can’t integrate your own mood into the photo. But painting could. You can express your feeling when you see something and others can easily find out from the picture. It is an important communication between painter and audience what the photography is lacking.

When you look at a photo of the Summer Palace, you must say ‘look, the Summer Palace!’.However, if you look at a painting what looks like the Summer Palace, you will say ‘the palace may be the Summer Palace’. Because the picture we’re looking at is a painting you would cue: this is a work from painter. So it must different from the reality. On the contrary, a photo is showing the real, so that you completely believe that is the Summer Palace.

The photo record a short moment image but painting is a continuous recording. Although both of arts could only show a scene, the difference is quite big. The active-shutter being depressed can’t repeat, but paint is a slower process. From the painter seeing it to sticking them in his mind and finally drawing the picture on the paper, it is really a long process. Thus, I think comparing with photography, painting combining a lot, like emotion, inspiration, innovatio n…The more you experience the more you can express. Your work will show your talent and soul. So no matter which aspect, the timeliness of painting is long.

Both of them are arts that people should to expect and study. However, I love painting more. When I was a child, my father introduced me the masterpiece of Picasso. I could understand the master behind his painting. Nowadays, the technology developing fast, camera replaces many painting. People no longer ask painters drawing for them, in steading taking a photo. This emotional art is fading.But I always believe and hope painting will keep in history.
