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1)由于双方互不退让,因此会谈无果而终。(end up with)

As both sides refused to make any concession, the meeting finally ended up with nothing.

2)就财富或金钱而言他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。(in terms of)

In terms of wealth or money, he’s quite rich, but not in terms of happiness 3)我们觉得这个计划切实可行

It strikes us that the plan is actionable.

4)现代企业为增强其竞争优势而日益重视产品和服务的创新。(think highly of)

Enterprises nowadays think highly of product and service innovation in order to enhance their competitive advantages.


He made such a serious mistake,but he was lucky to get away with a fine.

6)他似乎很乐意为别人干一些跑腿的差事(run errands)

He seems ready to run errands for others

7)你必须戒烟。(wean oneself from)

You must wean yourself from smoking.

8)沿着这条街道走,否则你就会遇到交通阻塞。(get stuck in)

Going along this street, or you’ll get stuck in traffic

9)他开始了教书的新生涯。(embark on/upon)

He embarked on a new career as a teacher

10)当面对生活中各个领域的竞争时,你如何突出重围。(come out ahead)

When you are facing competition in all areas of your life, how can you come out ahead.

11)我们正要和合作伙伴进行一次重要的谈话(carry on)

We are going to have an important conversation with our collaboration partner, 12)原来他是一个神采奕奕、口齿伶俐的印度人(personable)

He turned outs to be a personable and eloquent Indian.

13)夏季游人成群结队到博物馆和艺术馆参观。(flock to)

In summer, the tourists flock to the museums and the art galleries.


(excel in)

A proper technology solution can help your company excel in all expects of

business from moving goods to customer.


The great majority of American Progress was obsessed with a passion for domestic social and economic reform.

16)这栋建筑的历史可以追溯到15世纪。(date back)

The history of this building can date back to 15th century,

17)他已经说的很清楚,他不同意我们的意见。(crystal clear)

He made it crystal clear that he didn’t agree with us.


Our community is forested with luxurious buildings and each one is majestic.


As college students, we should take initiative in protecting the environment.


She leased a shop at the ground floor of the community and began to sell clothes.

21)出于责任,雇员们加班工作。(by virtue of)

By virtue of responsibility ,the employees work over time.

22)你一直吃得太多,难怪你在发胖。(small wonder)

You have been eating too much, small wonder you’re getting fat.


The rice, meat, vegetable and fruits constitute a balance diet,

24)我们得一直等到假期结束了才能摆脱这位喋喋不休的老太太吗?(be stuck with)

Shall we be stuck with the chattering old lady until the end of vacation? 25)自然科学的成果似乎很少与艺术发生关联。(correlate)

Result in the nature sciences seldom seem to correlate with art result. 26)在一些发展中国家,只有不到四分之一的儿童能享受到良好的学前教育。(access)

In some developing countries,only less than 1 in 4 children can have access to good preschool education.


It took him one month to accustom himself to the new traffic regulations. 28)首先,让我们来看如何找出我们设计上的缺陷。(in the first place)

In the first place , let’s look at how we can find out the vulnerability of our design.

29)他凝视着窗外树上的最后一片叶子,陷入沉思。(be lost in)

She gazed out of the window at the last leaf on the tree, lost in thought.

30)他用脚去钓那片漂浮的木块,结果他得救了。(reach for,as a result)

He reached for that floating log with his foot,as a result he was safed.
