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A story from Ph.D Chen
True or false
Those three people were on an island.
There were an American, a German and a Chinese in the story.
The genie was bottled in the limp for thousand of years.
Those three man could have three wishes.
The American wanted to have one hundred beauties.
The Chinese man was the second to make his wishes.
The Chinese man wanted to go home too.
A story from Ph.D Chen 2
Where were those three man? What was the American’s wish? Why the genie wanted to give each of them
three wishes? What do you think of the Chinese man’s wish? What would you wish for if you were the
Three wishes
An American, a Frenchman and a Chinese were trapped in the desert. In search for water, they came upon an old lamp. Suddenly out came a genie upon the removal of the lamp lid. “I have been bottled in this lamp for thousand of years. Because of you three, I was able to see the daylight again. So each of you can have three wishes. Whatever you want, just let me know.” Claimed the monster. “ First give me one hundred billion bucks, then a huge house with one hundred rooms, last send me back to America,” asked the American.
Three wishes (continued)
“One hundred billion Franc, one hundred beauties, send me back home,” required the Frenchman. When it came to the Chinese man, he said, “ One hundred billion Yuan, one big house with one hundred rooms ,lastly get the American and the Frenchman back in the desert.”
Retell the story
… were trapped … .In search for… came upon…. Out came … have been bottled … have three wishes…the American asked… one hundred Franc…required the Frenchman. …the Chinese…get the American and the Frenchman back …
Conversation openings
How to strike a conversation, sometimes we just pick up whatever topic that is most convenient for us. Such as when you are in a long queue, you can simply begin by saying “ Oh, this line is taking forever!” In the lunch room, you can open the conversation by commenting on the food there, “ I don’t really like the food here, it is too greasy for me!”If you see someone you met before but can’t remember his or her name, you may start like that “ Don’t I meet you somewhere? You work in the Foxconn!”
Conversation openings 2
Topics such as hobbies, weather, traveling, mutual friends and good fortunes are common. But one should avoid to mention things like personal troubles, bad luck, or bad news unless the other person is your real good friends. Personal income is not to be discussed.
When you are introduced to others, eye contacts are important. Weak handshakes are considered lacking confidence.