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最近更新时间:2019-04-15 16:18:50


支持腾讯优图的 OCR 手写体识别技术,一次简单的拍照即可进行自动识别和判分,识别精准度达到98%。






识别的准确性跟字体、拍照光线、清晰度等因素有关,建议图片文字清晰,光线自然无反光,作文内容占图片比例超过80% 。




优秀小学生作文批改评语大全 这篇关于优秀小学生作文批改评语大全,是笔者特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 字迹 a、本子清秀、整洁,犹如海滨小城的街道一样,找不到一点脏……端端正正的字迹,让人看了真舒服……你的字像印的一样漂亮……很惭愧,我字没有你写的好看…… b、随随便便,字哪能不像猫掏的似的……字不在格子中间,当然看起来不顺眼……你的字东倒西歪,是不是今天风太大,才刮成这样的……我不相信你的字写不好,永远就这么潦草……认真耐心地写,你会写的比我还要棒…… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 内容 a、这般丰富的内容,简直和作家写出来的差不多呀……你的习作有血有肉,读起来真是一大享受……你的作文内容具体,我读的十分过瘾……你平时肯定爱看作文书,才写出这么多字……

b、干巴巴的内容如同白开水,一点味道也没有,多加些优美的词句就好喝了……不如刘维维字数多(或者举其他差生名字),你不觉得有点难为情吗……你的作文像90岁老太太的嘴,干瘪空洞,讲话直漏风…… ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 语句 a、流畅生动的语句,好似庐山瀑布,飞流直下,通顺极了……比喻得十分贴切,说明你一向观察细心……你怎么想出这么巧妙的拟人句的……反问句运用在这里多么合适……这个感叹句表达了你当时真实的感情……古诗引用恰到好处,我以后也要把学过的诗用到作文中去……歇后语用的妙啊妙啊,把我肚子都笑疼了…… b、作文疙疙瘩瘩,读起来很难受,如同走在乡下凹凸不平的小路上,不小心就容易跌一跤……句子像被谁切断了,不完整……写好后仔细读一读,就会发现不通的地方……不要怕麻烦,好文章都是改出来的……不能老指望别人替你改,要学会自己修改每句话…… ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


英语写作中常用的十个句型 1.表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this. 2)The reasons for this are as follows. 3)The reason for this is obvious. 4)The reason for this is not far to seek. 5)The reason for this is that... 例如:There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life. Firstly,people’s living standard has been greatly improved. Secondly,most people are well paid,and they can afford what they need or like. Last but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life. 2.表示好处 1)It has the following advantages. 2)It does us a lot of good. 3)It benefits us quite a lot. 4)It is beneficial to us. 5)It is of great benefit to us. 例如:Books are like friends. They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons. Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us. 3.表示坏处 1)It has more disadvantages than advantages. 2)It does us much harm. 3)It is harmful to us. 例如:However,everything divides into two. Television can also be harmful to us. It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television. 4.表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能 1)It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient,possible)for sb.to do sth. 2)We think it necessary to do sth.3)It plays an important role in our life. 例如:Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in business. So,computers will be found in every home,too. We have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age. 5.表示措施 1)We should take some effective measures. 2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties. 3)We should do our utmost in doing sth. 4)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with. 例如:The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more serious. Therefore,we must take some effective measures to solve it. 以下是专四专八写作中使用率最高、覆盖面最广的基本句式,每组句式的功能相同或相似, 考生可根据自己的情况选择其中的1-2个,做到能够熟练正确地仿写或套用。 6.表示变化 1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years. 2)A great change will certainly be produced in the world’s communications. 3)The computer has brought about many changes in education. The major reasons for 例如:Some changes have taken place in people’s diet in the past five years. these changes are not far to seek. Nowadays,more and more people are switching from grain to meat for protein,and from fruit and vegetable to milk for vitamins. 1


背诵的原则: 1.每周背两篇周一背,周二默;周三背;周四背第二篇周五默周末复习两篇 2.一篇当十篇用,学会借鉴(说白了就是要会抄来抄去,说高大上一点就是知识的迁移) 题目:【文明中学生】 根据中文和英文提示,写一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的回信。信的开头和结尾已给出,其词数不计入所完成的回信内。所给英文提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 假如你叫李华,你们学校为配合北京申办冬奥会,倡导人人都做文明中学生。请你根据以下提示,给你的英国笔友Peter写一封邮件,告诉他你认为做个文明中学生什么是重要的,你通常是怎么做的,以及你的感受。(2015北京市中考) 提示词语:t hink, smile, respect, say hello to, wait in line, on time, happy 1). What is important for a middle school student? (Being polite to others? Following rules?…) 2). What do you usually do? 3). How do you feel? Dear Peter, How is it going? At my school we’re talking about what we should do to be a good student. Anything new at your school? Yours, Li Hua 范文 Dear peter, How is it going? At my school we’re talking about what we should do to be a good student. I think in order to be a civilized middle school student, it’s important to follow rules and be polite to others. In my daily life, I always do what a civilized student should do. At school, I strictly follow the school rules, such as wearing a school uniform, going to school on time, protecting the school facilities and so on. In public places such as libraries and restaurants, I never speak loudly, because everyone wants to enjoy his own peaceful world and it’s rather rude to break that peace. At home, I always listen to my parents patiently and speak to them politely. In a word, I feel happy and proud when I do the things above. I think if we middle school students can make our own contribution to the society by behaving well, we will make Beijing a better place to live in. Anything new at your school? Yours, Li Hua


四六级写作、翻译必背句型 学习步骤和方法:一看二译三比四背 (一)理解并重点掌握其中的常用表达(划线部分) (二)做汉译英练习,即在不看英文的前提下把中文翻译成英语; (三)将自己的译句与原句对照; (四)默写并口头背诵英语原句 特别提醒: 最好要制订进度计划,即具体每天理解和背诵多少个新句,复习多少个旧句。 1. According to a recent survey, each year four million people die from diseases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 2. The latest surveys show that quite a lot of students have unpleasant associations with homework. 最近的调查显示相当多的学生对家庭作业没什么好感。 3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。 4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。 5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation. 越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束。 6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifelong course. 说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终身的过程。 7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person's physical fitness. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。 8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and great efforts should be made to protect local environment from the harmful effects of international tourism. 应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境不受国际旅游业的不利影响。 9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrant workers will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrant workers have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution. 越来越多的专家相信民工对城市的建设起到积极作用。然而,越来越多的城市居民却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨民工给城市带来了许多严重的问题,像犯罪和卖淫。 10. Many citizens complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time (in) waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers. 许多市民抱怨城市的公交车太少,以至于他们要花很长时间等一辆公交车,而车上可能已满载乘客。 11. There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem: the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it. 无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:城市当局应该采取有力措施来解决它。 12. An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement. 一项调查显示妇女欢迎退休。


1、细致的内心活动描写,巧妙的前后照应,证明你已经掌握了一定的写作技巧。 2、你感情上的痛苦我很理解,值得欣慰的是,你是一个坚强的孩子,是个懂事的孩子,因为你写出了这样一篇令人感动的佳作。我为有你这样的学生而高兴,只要把握住今天,你的未来一定会是美好而幸福的。 3、自然界有许多小精灵,只要你仔细观察它,它就会给你丰富的联想和有益的启迪。有人观察蜜蜂,赞美它无私的奉献精神;有人观察蚂蚁,佩服它勤劳的品格;而你观察小螃蟹,喜欢它的倔强。看,这些小精灵可真给了我们不少启迪,真像你说的一样,螃蟹横走可爱,人要横走就烦人了。这是你发现的道理,大人也得佩服。 4、字是人的脸,这次作文书写有明显进步,你的脸上也光彩多了。 5、家本应该是温馨的、欢乐的,然而你现在的处境有些‘恶劣’。对此老师很同情,但你要正视现实:一方面,恶劣的环境能磨练自己的意志,相信你会成功的;另一方面,要想办法改变一下环境,可以大胆地去做姨夫的思想工作,劝他们少玩或不玩,这虽然有些不太好,但‘凡事在于一试’,让我们一起努力吧! 6、XX同学,你敢于在作文中坦露自己真实的思想,对此,老师很是敬佩,但作文中的观点是错误的、片面的。尽管××同学有着这样那样的缺点,但这绝不是他的全部。我们要学会全面地、正确地认识周围事物(包括人)。其实××同学也有不少闪光点,比如他跑步很快,劳动很卖力等等。我们应该看到这些,并且尽自己的全力帮助他。‘人之初,性本善’,只要我们真诚帮助他,他定会转变,成为一名好学生的,你说是吗?” 7、××同学,你知道吗?老师为你的进步感到好高兴啊!希望你再接再厉,并把作家奥斯托洛夫斯基的一句名言推荐给你,‘人应该支配习惯,而决不能让习惯支配人,一个人要不能去掉他的坏习惯,那简直一文不值’。 、如果没有异想天开,童年也就不会色彩斑斓了。换一个角度体会一下指挥别人的威风,换一种活法体验一下辛苦和艰苦的滋味,不仅是一种乐事,还是一件好事。文中‘司令’和‘小兵’的语言和动作既是‘兵’的,又是‘孩子气’的,两个孩子那副煞有介事、俨然真为司令真为兵的神气劲儿,令人忍俊不禁,由不得赞叹作者描写的活泼”。 9、第一次独自做饭,免不了要手忙脚乱。按照做饭的先后顺序,作者依次写了淘米、煲饭、炒菜的全过程。因为经验不足,就要格外细心;越细心,就越慌神儿。好在小作者挺机灵,关键时刻能急中生智,转危为安。作者抓住了‘第一次’做饭的特点,文字不多;却写得小有波澜。别看小作者做饭时手忙脚乱,可写得步骤清楚。” 1 、她太喜爱这个娃娃了,所以对它观察得很细致。她是按这样的顺序来观察并描写的:蓝天→星星→月亮→小男孩和小女孩→可爱的小花猫。写一个静物比较容易,要把静物写得生动而又具体就不那么容易了。周智莹小朋友恰恰做到了这一点:她不仅写了这个静物各部分的颜色、大孝样子,还写出了小男孩和小女孩的服饰和姿态,最后还写出了自己的联想,字里行间流露出对爸爸送给自己的这份礼物的喜爱之情。


我整理的英文写作必背句型 我整理的英文写作必背句型 [推荐]我整理的英文写作必背句型 我整理的英文写作必背句型 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一、~the ~est 名词(that)主词 haveever seen(known/heard/had/read,etc) ~themost 形容词名词(that)主词 haveever seen(known/heard/had/read,etc) 例句:HelenisthemostbeautifulgirlthatIhaveeverseen. 海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。 Mr.ChangisthekindestteacherthatIhaveeverhad. 张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。 二、Nothingis ~~~erthanto VNothingis more 形容词thanto V例句:Nothingismoreimportantthantoreceiveeducation. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。 三、~~~caotemphasizetheimportanceof~~~toomuch.(再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。) 例句:Wecaotemphasizetheimportanceofprotectingoureyestoomuch. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 四、Thereisnodenyingthat S V……(不可否认的……) 例句:Thereisnodenyingthatthequalitiesofourlivinghavegonefrombadtoworse. 不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。 五、Itisuniversallyacknowledgedthat 句子~~(全世界都知道……) 例句:Itisuniversallyacknowledgedthattreesareindieabletous. 全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。 六、Thereisnodoubtthat 句子~~(毫无疑问的……) 例句:Thereisnodoubtthatoureducationalsystemleavessomethingtobedesired. 毫无疑问的我们的教育制度令人不满意。 七、Anadvantageof~~~isthat 句子(……的优点是……) 例句:Anadvantageofusingthesolarenergyisthatitwon’tcreate(produce)anypollution. 使用太阳能的优点是它不会制造任何污染。 八、Thereasonwhy 句子~~~isthat 句子(……的原因是……) 例句:Thereasonwhywehavetogrowtreesisthattheycanprovideuswithfreshair.There asonwhywehavetogrowtreesisthattheycansulyfreshairforus. 我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。 九、So 形容词 be 主词 that 句子(如此……以致于……) 例句:Sopreciousistimethatwecan’taffordtowasteit.


四级写作范文必背经典 大学英语四级范文背诵(01) COLLEGE STUDENTS SHOULD ATTEND PHYSICAL EXERCISE Physical exercise is a necessary part of college life. However, still some college students do not like to attend sports activities, they think those activities waste their time and influence their study. Indeed, it is very unwise for college students to keep distance from physical exercise because physical exercise is not harmful but good to them. College students can benefit a lot from physical exercise. First of all, attending physical sports can help students build a strong body, and keep abounding energy. Moreover, physical exercise is an effective way to relief pressure and keep a pleasant move. Besides, by attending physical activities, students can have chances to contact and communicate with others which can help them improve their social skills. Nowadays, all colleges and universities have provided many sports facilities for students to do physical exercises, students can chose freely according to their interests and needs. As for me, I am keen on all kinds of ball games, especially football and basketball. From these games, I have gained a lot, and enjoined great pleasure. To conclude, physical exercise is beneficial to every college students, and therefore do not hesitate to attend sports activities. 大学英语四级范文背诵(02) Online games As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. Many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self discipline on too much indulge in these games. So that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents. However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train their ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly. Form my point of view, online games are wonderful entertainment if you play them in a clever way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once, but if you have enough self control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them. 大学英语四级范文背诵(03) Certificates Craze on Campus In recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly, ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he or she is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Why does this craze appear? There are two mainly reasons behind this phenomenon. First, it is the employments pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of


英语作文必备120个黄金句 1. It is important for everyone to learn English well in our rapidly developing world. 在这个迅速发展的世界里,对每个人来说,学好英语是非常重要的。 [额外成就感] 同样句型包括:It is important/(necessary, difficult, convenient, possible) for sb. to do sth. 例句:It is necessary to shake hands when you first meet someone. 与第一次见面的人握手是非常必要的。 2. The harder you work at it, the more progress you will make. 你工作越努力,你取得的进步就越大。 [额外成就感] ①The+比较级..., the+比较级... ②比较级+and+比较级(The world is getting smaller and smaller.) 3. If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful. 如果每个人都为保护环境做出贡献,世界会变得更加美好。 [额外成就感] 类似的句型还有:If necessary…, they can… 4. The best way to remember new words is to practice them everyday. 记忆新单词最好的方法是每天操练这些单词。 5. The atmosphere in my family is fantastic 我的家庭气氛温馨和睦。


小学生作文批改方法及 步骤 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

小学生作文批改方法及步骤 第一步:学生自改作文 学生在练习本上写完自己的作文后,自己阅读、修改自己的作文。 但是,学生个人修改,往往“只缘身在此山中”,而且限于水平,文章中的毛病,作者常常自己看不出来。首先要求学生对自己的作文进行复看审核,查找出标点、错别字以及不通顺的句子,并进行改正。接着从题意、中心、内容、感情、结构、语言等方面来一个“回头望”,多问几个“是什么”或“怎么样”,对自己的作文进行从点到面,实事求是的评价。最后,对文章再次阅读,寻找出自己本次作文的最大亮点,或指出今后作文中应该改进的地方,在这样的自我修改,自我反思的过程中,学生的写作能力也在不断提高着。正如叶圣陶先生所说:“批改固教者之要务,然须进一步想,必使学生能自改其文,或文成达而竟不须改,乃有济也。” 第二步:小组内互改作文 组内成员都完成作文后,在组长的带领下,针对每一个组员的作文进行一一的共同阅读,共同修改。修改时要注意: 1格式是否正确。 2找出错别字。将错字在原文处打下标记,在后面写上正确的字。 3找出病句。挑出病句划上横线,修改正确。 4标点符号。强调句号、引号、叹号、问号的使用。 5看文章的中心是否鲜明、集中。 以上五点是写文章最低的要求。学生经过三四篇文章的批文实践,就能够掌握这几条要求了。修改后,组员再次阅读自己修改后的作文,最后抄写在课堂作文本上。 第三步:各小组互改互评作文 互改互评课上,各小组间交换作文。同样,在组长的带领下,对四本作文进行一一阅读、批改。在以前的作文批改中,我首先对所有学生的作文通览一遍,找出其中具有代表性的文章,在作文课上和学生一起进行批改。同时,注意向学生介绍规范性的批改符号,讲解具体的批改方法,从点到面,对典型作文进行全方位的改评。这样做,不但使学生学到了别人作文的长处,起到取长补短,互相促进的作用,而且也使学生学到了作文修改的方法。 1、各小组互改的操作方法: ①格式是否正确。打开作文一看正确,拿出红笔,写上批语,格式正确;不正确的要批语指出,并修改出正确格式。比如:书信、建议书等等格式。格式不正确扣2分。 ②页面是否整洁。希望学生批改别人作文指出书面不整洁或书写不工整时,下次自己写作文也要注意,达到自己教育自己的目的。酌情扣2—3分。


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如何批改小学生作文及给评语精彩的作文评语会给学生写作水平的提高提供有益的帮助,也会使学生变得自尊、自爱、自信、自强,引导学生走上正确的人生道路。作文评语为老师和学生架起沟通和交流的桥梁,让老师和学生共同享受着教与学的乐趣。那么如今学生习作应该如何改,特别是对刚学写作文的三年级学生作文,我们应该如何改,才能更好的实践新课程教学目标? 一、师生共批互阅中品尝快乐 三年级的孩子,初学写作文,若看着自己分下来的作文被全批全改,“大好河山,一片红”,他肯定很难为情,认为自己不是块写作的料,就大大打击他的自信心了,使他的写作兴趣大打折扣,更谈不上品尝到成功的喜悦!接下来他们还会有兴趣再写作文吗? 《新课标》在设定习作初始阶段的目标时,把重点放在了培养学生的习作兴趣和增强习作自信心上,目的是首先要让孩子愿意习作、热爱习作、变“要我写”为“我要写”。《新课标》要求三、四年级的学生“乐于书面表达,增强习作的自信心”。学生是学习的主体,是有差异的,学生的习作也因智力水平、生活经验、认识程度、表达能力等方面的差异,难免存在着这样或那样的不足。我们必须正视学生之间的这种个体差异和不同学习需求,保护他们的好奇心和求知欲。在面向全体的同时兼顾个别,注意因材施教,尽量创造条件激发其潜能。因此,对习作我们可以采取评赏性的评改方法,就是教师首先要当好学生习作的忠实读者,从批评的取向改为欣赏的取向,在不同的层次上针对不同层次的习作进行不同层次的批改,使每个孩子都能有所收获。

1、一条精彩的评语对优秀习作来说,是一种锦上添花式的鼓励,激起孩子更上一层楼的强烈欲望。我们可以用欣赏的角度去修改他的文章,错字和病句这一定得改,这对于提高孩子的作文能力来说挺重要的,孩子毕竟还小,对于纠错的文字和语句接受能力还是挺快的,看了老师的修改后,他下次也不易再犯了。 2、对于中等作文的批改。我们除了抓那些确实有毛病而且具有普遍性和典型意义的地方加以批改,写得好而值得赞扬的地方,加以适当的眉批,给予鼓励,“批”与“改”都用到点子上,还可适时地给他提些小小的要求,能否用一些比喻、拟人的手法把文章句子写得更生动些? 3、对差等习作来说,一条好的评语不仅能帮助差生分析作文的得失,更重要的是激发学生的写作热情。我们要拉直文章的语句,多给他一些鼓励,以他们消除习作的神秘感和畏难情绪,让他们处于一种放松的心态,让他们乐于写、敢于写。差生的文章再怎么面目全非,也是他们的心血之作。改太多了会挫败他们的兴致,伤他们的自尊。 所以,我们批改学生的作文,对于不同层次的文章需进行不同层次的修改,不全批全改,只抓“精”批“细”改,写贴心的评语。除了老师批改外,偶尔也可以让学生互改,让学生有个互相学习,互相欣赏,互相促进的机会,互改后老师再收起来修改一下。当然这种情况不宜多用,毕竟是三年级的孩子,我们只是利用这种形式让孩子体验批改作文的乐趣。不管用什么方式批改学生的作文,老师批改都要及时,尊重儿童的实际,能蹲下身子,倾听花开的声音,不能以成人的意识代替儿童的童心童趣。


1)我的书包My Backpack I have a backpack. It is large and it is blue. It is a birthday gift from my parents. I love it very much. It is very "hard-working", because I keep all my school things in it. It is very heavy. It is with all the time during school days. It is a good friend of mine. (2)我的房子My House I have a house. It is big and new. There are eight rooms in it. They are a living-room,a kitchen,three bedroom,one study and two bathrooms. I watch TV in the living-room. I do my homework in the study. I have dinner in the kitchen. This is my house. I like it. (3)今年暑假(This vacations) In this vacations Igo to travel in some famous places and i go to visit my grandparents in the village.i learn something difenrent.like example:Iknow people work in the village it is so hard and so tired,they are grow the vegetable,rice and something else it is very dificult. (4)小学的最后一个暑假(the last summer in my elementary school) the last summer in my elementary school is very unforgetable,i remember i will go to another school and have to leave my friends and teachers,i feel sad ,but i learned to get together with them to remember the friendship between us,we have a good time and swear to study hard in order to have a bright future. (5)今天的经历(Today's experience) It was a fine day today and the sun was bright . I visited Beijing Zoo with my classmate , Zhang Hong .
