

A am apple cat dad fat bag bad ant

E bed desk dog egg red bet

I six big it ink ill fit kit bin pin tip

O fox lot mop soft oil off

U mum cup fun us ugly up

P pen pig pet past present print picnic pot

B but bus best boring bell bin bigger

T ten sit tell top toy tap act insect parent

D and dentist dig dog dot dumpling end

C can carry cut cap cab

K kid ask knock kill

G get gun gas gift god gum

M milk swim many smell map must medic middle him

N nest not nose next nod neck tennis

F fast fun funny film fan fantastic fit

V visit invent vet vest seven

S sing sad sunny Sunday story still second


stand sick self spend stop

Z zoo zip zest zone

L long leg lemon lesson living left let little little

land lost lip lap

R rabbit run rest rubber rap

H hand his help hat hill hobby himself hit hot

W well windy windmill windbell will win wet

J jump job subject join jack jam

Y boy candy sorry very happy hungry angry


Q(qu) quack quite quick queen quilt quit X fax max box fix sex wax

sh fish shop brush shell fresh rubbish wish

ch much lunch catch sandwich chicken teacher

wh when which whit

ck clock duck back sock stick pick

a_e face late cake make skate taste classmate

name shape take save same lake safe hate

Gate tape gatekeeper tale whale rase

i_e fine five mine bike kite like white tide rise

life time bedtime shine inside smile nine dine

size die pie wife

o_e close home stone homework hole smoke u_e cute use mute cube tune

ee feel feet sheep sweet meet see need teeth

week seed geese weekend keep bee sweeper

street sweep

ai tail paint rainy wait mail nail aid

ea clean ear near dear cream each read tea meat

pea east seafood heat sea leaf teach easy team

oa road coat boat goal

th(x) thank thin math thing bath think path tooth


th these they this that those them then


their than

ph phone phonic phlox graph phut

oo(short) book good look foot woof wood cook

oo(long) cool too roof noon tooth food moon soon bedroom goose pool

ss chess boss mess less miss pass mass fuss

ow window yellow show tomorrow own know

row follow shadow throw snow flow grow

ar far arm car card farm sharp park star

hard art start march garden park party

artist farmer scarf blackboard

or north born morning short doctor sport pork

fork corn

bl blow block blog blond blaze bleed

cl club clever class cloth clear clap

gl glass glad gleam glory glow

pl plane plant plan plastic plate plot plus

fl flag flap flash flat flee

sl slow sleep slip slide slam slim

cr crop cracker craft crab creep crash cross

gr grass grape grow grade grand green great

greet grain grip

tr train tree truck treat

dr drink dress driver drop driver dream

br bring brave

ir chair thirsty girl hair bird shirt skirt first their


ur our nurse Thursday turn furn hurt turtle burn


er sister summer winter flower litter under dinner

temper singer after letter hers butter emperor

better hamburger

or work worker word world mirror actor editor

doctor sailor director

ay tray ray may day way play say crayon stay

yesterday birthday
