



1. May I introduce myself to you?

=May I present myself to you?

*Let me introduce myself to you

*Please let me introduce myself

*I'd like to introduce myself

2. My name is David Smith.

3. Please call me David.

4. Excuse me, I'm David Smith.

5. My surname is Smith.

6. How do you do? I'm Jane.

7. We are namesakes.

8. I come from Beijing, China.

9. I've lived in America since I was born.

10. My nationality is Chinese.

11. Anhui is my hometown.

12. My address is on 1 On show Street, Beijing.

13. I live in the downtown area.

14. My flat is near the company.

15. It's only a 15- minute walk from my firm to the flat.

16. I'm working as a teacher of English.

17. I'm in computers.

18. There are three people in my family, my parents and me.

19. I have one elder brother and one younger sister.

20. I already have a fiancé.

21. I have a happy family.

22. I'm faithful.

23. I'm easy-going.

24. I hope I can be a friend to all of you.

01.01. 02介绍他人

1. Hi, Peter. Have you met Bob?

2. I 'l introduce you to everybody.

3. I'd like to introduce Mr. Brown.

4. I'd like you to meet my friend, Jane.

5. I don't think you met David, did you?

*Have you two been introduced?

A:I don't think you met David, did you?

B:No,I haven't had the pleasure(不认识,一直没有这个荣幸)

6. Have I introduced you to David?

7. I don't think you've met before.

8. This is Jane, our monitor.

9. I'm honored to present Mr. Brown.

10. David, have you met Jane before?

11. I haven't had a chance to meet him yet?

12. Mr. Brown is in an insurance business.

13. I think you'll be good friends.


1. Pleased to meet you.

2. I've heard so much about you.

3. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance.

4. Charmed.

5. I've been looking forward to meeting you.

6. I think we've met before.


1. I believe we've met before.

2. Is the man in black the dean?

3. You may not remember me. My name is Jane Green.

4. Who is that man?

5. Do you know that boy?

6. Excuse me, are you Mr. Brown?


1. Good morning, David.

2. How are you this morning?

3. How do you do?

4. What's up?

5. What's new with you?

6. How are things going?

7. How are you doing?

8. How's your little girl?

9. How nice to see you!

10. How is everything?

11. How have you been getting along?

12. Nice to meet you.

13. Glad to meet you.

14. So we finally meet face to face.


1. Happy New Year!

2. Happy Lunar New Year!

3. The very best of luck to you in the New Year!

4. Have a Merry Easter!

5. Happy Thanksgiving Day!

6. Happy New Year to your family.


1. It's been a long time, hasn't it?

2. What luck for running into you!

3. How's life, Kate?

4. Fancy meeting you here.

5. How've you been all these days?

6. Long time no see.

7. Haven't seen you for a long time.

8. Hi, it's good to see you again.

9. How's your family?

10. How have you been?

11. How's your work?

12. How's business?

13. Haven't seen you for weeks.

14. How are you getting on with your study?

15. So-so.

*Not too bad.还不赖

*Not too good.不太好

*Things could be a lot better应该可以更好

16. How are you getting on?

17. Same as usual.


1. So long.

2. Bye-bye. Have a nice day.

3. Have a good weekend.

4. See you.

5. Look forward to seeing you again.

6. Let's do lunch sometime.

7. I hope we'll meet again sometime.

8. I hope you can come over again.

9. I'll stop by later.

10. Let's get together again sometime.

11. It's so nice to see you again.

12. Say hello to your parents for me.


1. Good night.

2. Good night. See you tomorrow.

3. Guess I should get going. Good night.

4. Good night. Have a nice time.

5. Oh, God it's late. I've got to go.

&have got to是 have to的口语表达方式.


1. Goodbye. Have a nice trip.

2. Goodbye. Have a nice flight.(用于机场告别)

3. I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

4. Good luck!

5. Be sure to drop us a line.

6. Take care!


1. I have to leave.

2. It's too bad you have to leave so early.

3. Why don't you stay a little longer?

4. I hope to see you again.

5. I hope you drop in again whenever you're free.

6. I won't keep you then.

7. I'll miss you.

8. Let's keep in touch.


1. We're going to have a few friends over at my house.

2. We have a party tonight. Would you like to come?

3. I want to buy you a drink.

4. Could you come to my house for a beer?

5. I'd like to have you dance with me tonight.

6. What are you doing over the weekend?

7. Do you have anything to do next Sunday?

8. I can wait at your leisure.

9. I'll call you when you have time.

10. What are you going to do on Tuesday night?

11. Are you free this Sunday?

12. Are you busy on 12th?

13. When can we expect you for a picnic?

14. Would you like to see a movie with me?

15. How about going out for a walk?

16. Do you have plans for this morning?

17. Are you free later today?

18. How about having dinner together?

19. Can you come then?


1. It's OK. I'll be there on time.

2. I'd like to be together with you.(请校对)

3. I'm not doing anything.

4. That's what I'm thinking about.

5. I have nothing to do this weekend.

6. I'll be here to pick you up at six.

7. I'll be waiting for you at six at my home.

8. I'll be expecting you then.

9. I'll be there then.

10. That's settled then.

11. That will be great.

12. That will be fun.

13. How about 9 o'clock tonight?

14. I won't have time until 4 o'clock.

15. When's good time for you?

16. You can come whenever it's convenient to you.

17. Where shall we meet?

18. You decide where.

19. Usual place. Be there or be square.


1. I'm not sure about it. I'll have to check.

2. I'll be busy all day long.

3. I won't be free until Wednesday.

4. Any time except this Sunday.

5. I have to work overtime tonight.

6. I'll have to attend a conference that day.

7. I'd love to, but I couldn't.

8. I don't feel well.


1. Do you think it's convenient to postpone it till 10:30?

2. Is it OK if I postpone my appointment on next Sunday?

3. I'm afraid I'll be a bit late.

4. I'm so sorry I can't keep the appointment with you today.

5. Do you mind if I change it to another time, say Sunday?

6. Can you wait a little later. I feel under the weather.

7. Could we put it off to the next day?

8. We have to cancel the party.

9. Could I change my appointment from 1:00 to 2:00?

10. Can we meet an hour in advance?

11. I'm afraid next Sunday is a bit difficult for me.

12. How about a rain check?

13. Let's change our meeting place to On show Cafe.


1. I'm so glad you could come.

2. Thank you very much for your kindness.

3. You can afford a sweet tooth with your nice figure.

& a sweet tooth吃甜食的嗜好

4. Would you care for something to drink?

5. Let me pour you some more tea.

6. I seldom saw him at any dances or any other recreational occasions?

7. Would you favor me with a dance?

8. I don't know when we'll meet again.

9. Let's drink to the years to come.

10. Let's drink to our friendship.

11. Let's drink to our future cooperation.

12. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for coming.

13. Bye, Jane. Take care!


1. She looks old for her age.

2. She has put on weight.

3. He looks younger than you.

4. Is Jane twice of your age?

5. He's still energetic.

6. Why does she look pale?

7. Jane pulled on a long face today.

&pull on a long face愁眉苦脸

8. Laura has long flowing hair down to her shoulders.

9.He has an oval face.

10.Her eyes are glazed.

11.Her eyebrows are shapely.

12.What's your impression of Jane?

13.He has blue eyes and snowy teeth.

14.Her eyes are dewy and her lips are thin and ruddy.

15.He's bony.

16.She's slender.

17.He's man of middle height.

18.I'm taller than Jordan.

19.He's heavy-built and muscular.

20.What a tasteless dress.

21.She's so attractive. She deserves a second look

22.She's got great curves

23. David has those killer looks.


1. What are your hobbies?

2. What's your favorite pastime?

3. What do you do when you're free?

4. I pursue English as my hobby.

5. My favorite recreational activity is television.

6. Are you a film fan?

7. What kind of movies do you like?

8. I'm a football fan.

9. Is he a good pianist?

10. Is music your chief interest?

11. My hobby is cooking.

12. When did you pick up that hobby?

13. Do you attend any clubs?


1. Is there true love in this world?

2. What do people mean when they say they love someone?

3. Love makes me happy and depressed.

4. Do you believe in love?

5. Love is blind.

6. Have you ever fallen in love with somebody?

7. I like those guys who are bold but cautious.

8. How long have you been dating Jack?

9. All the girls hit on him in class.

10. Are you going steady?

11. Don't worry about finding your soul mate.

12. Love me, love my dog.

13. Like attracts like.


1. After getting married, he turns to be henpecked

2. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

3. Trust and respect are conditions of a happy marriage.

4. I believe marriage needs patience and good care.

5. Marriage makes a man.

6. How I envy those who're married!

7. Marriage goes by destiny.

8. His marriage is an awkard business.

9. It was money trouble that ended their marriage.

10. Though an unhappy marriage, she dreaded divorce.

11.The marriage was in every sense happy

12.Marriage is the tomb of love.


1. Are you busy with your study this term?

2. How many courses do you have?

3. How many compulsory courses(必修课) do you have?

4. I think you're overloaded.

5. Were your credits(学分) be enough?

6. Do you audit(旁听)other courses?

7. I get a score of 89.

8. Is CET Bank 4 difficult to pass?

9. David failed in the maths exam.

10. I'd like to specialize in(专攻)English.

11. What's your major?


1. What do you do for a living?

2. What position do you own?

3. I'm my own boss.(我自己当老板。)

4. I've been seating all day, my shoulders get so stiff(僵硬的).

5. I'm so tired for I have to work for 11 hours a day.

6. I have to work late every day.

7. I can't put up with working overtime every day.

8. We must work for 10 hours.

9. How is the salary if I may ask?

10. The task is so heavy that I want to change the job.

11. How long have you worked for this company?

12. My job pays well.

13. It's suitable for me.

14. I find my job extremely boring.

15. Why did you quit it?

16. The opportunities are abundant.

17. How do you like your job?

18. My work load(工作量)was too heavy.

19. It's hard but very challenging.


1. Now more and more students choose to study abroad.

2. Most people who want to study abroad regard the U.S. as the first choice.

3. The U.K. has issued the new visa applying and issuing strategy(策略)to attract more international students.

4. You'd better consult the return students fresh from the U.K. .

5. Which country do you want to study in ?

6. I want to further my study in Australia.

7. I wish I can be sent abroad to study at government expense.

8. Some people want to study abroad so as to move there.

1. Where did you go?

2. What was your trip like?

3. Could you tell me what your trip was like?

4. What do you think of Canada?

5. What's there to see?

6. Where do you think it's better for shopping in Beijing?

7. What's the weather like in Beijing?

8. How are the restaurants there?

9. Did you have any language problems?

10. Did you have any complains about the trip?

11. Where do you want to go next year?


1, Please!

2, May I have a word with you?

3, Could you spare me a few minutes?

4, Would you turn down the stereo?

5, I'm begging you.

6, Please, I really need your help.

7, You could give him a hand.

8, Could you tell me your telephone number?

9, May I ask you a favor?

10, I'll regard it as a favor if you could come.

11, I'd like you to call me tomorrow.

12, Wait for a moment, please.

13, I'd appreciate it if you could attend our party.

14, Do you mind if I ask you a favor?

15, Would you please help me type it?

16, Could I trouble you to shut the door?

17, Will you pass me the notebook please?

18, Could I be excaused?

19, I wonder if you could post something for me.

20, Can I bring something?

21, Do you have time?

22, Would you object if I turn off the radio?

23, I beg your pardon.

24, I wonder if you could move the desk for me.

25, I wonder if you mind I play the piano.

26, Can you find in your heart to forgive me?

27, May I ask you something?

28, let's have a little talk.

29, May I use your phone?

1. I'm sure.

2. You're absolutely correct.

3. I'm 100% certain.

4. Right.

5. You got it.

6. I couldn't agree with you more.

7. I have no problem with that.

8. Your answer is to the point.

9. This is just what I have in mind.

10. Your opinion is reasonable.

11. If you say so.

12. You got it.

13. No doubt.

14. You have a point there.

15. I have no doubt about it.

16. Yes, as far as I know.

17. I'm afraid so.

18. It can't be otherwise.

19. That's just what I'm getting at.

20. I believe so.


1. I don't have the slightest idea.

2. That's not right.

3. It's all wrong.

4. You got that all wrong.

5. I don't think you're right about it.

6. That's not what I mean.

7. Your idea is fundamentally wrong.

8. It's absolutely not the case.

9. Certainly not.

10. I don't think so.

11. There's no need to start out that early.

12. How could that be?

13. No way.

14. I'm very sorry I can't.

15. That makes no sense.

16. I'm not talking about that.

17. Rubbish.

18. I'm afraid there's some misunderstanding here.


1. Sorry about that.

2. I'm terribly sorry.

3. I'm sorry to trouble you.

4. I'm sorry for troubling you.

5. I beg your pardon.

6. how was stupid of me.

7. I'm sorry I've kept you waiting.

8. I apologize.

9. Excuse me, may I speak to you for a moment?

10. Excuse me a moment.

11. I take the blame.

12. I honestly did not mean it.

13. I didn't mean in that way.

14. I throw myself upon your mercy.

15. I really don't know how to express how sorry I'm.

16. I've got to apologize for troubling you so much.

17. Please accept my apologies.

18. It's my fault.

19. How could I make it up to you?

20. How can you ever forgive me?


1, Thank you.

2, Thanks anyway.

3, I'm very ablige to you.

4, Thanks a million.

5, I really can't thank you enough.

6, I owe you a debt.

7, Thanks for everything.

8, it's most thoughtful of you.

9, you are most understanding.

10, Thanks for your time.

11, I can never thank you enough for your help. 12, I do appreciate your time and help.

13, I like to express my appreciation.

14, I really don't know how I can thank you enough. 15, I appreciate your help.

16, It's very kind of you.

17, Thanks for saying so.


1, sounds true.

2, I take your words for it.

3, I think what you said believable.

4, I can trust her words.

5, I have complete confidence in your reputation. 6, I have no doubt about it.

7, I believe him.

8, I have great believe in his ability.

9, I trust his explanation.


1, Get out of it.

2, I don't have great believe in Ads.

3, Never tell me.

4, I don't buy your story.

5, I doubt it.

6, So what?

7, His decision is doubtful.

8, I find it hard to believe.

9, Don't expect me to believe you.

10, I'll believe it when I see it.


1, It sure is.

2, I think so.

3, I agree.

4, I couldn't agree more.

5, I agree with you on this point.

6, I certainly agree on this opinion.

7, I agree totally.

8, That's just what I'm going to say.

9, That's fine with me.

10, I guess you're right.

11, That's exactly my own idea.

12, Great.

13, What a good idea.

14, I suppose that's true.

15, Exactly

16, I think it'll work.

17, It's my feeling that he made a right decision. 18, That's fair.

19, I can't object to it.

20, I really feel for you.


1, Don't be so silly.

2, Are you kidding?

3, That's out of the question.

4, I can't agree with you at all.

5, I wouldn't say that.

6, you got that wrong.

7, I am afraid I can't get my approval. 8, I can't to agree.

9, Sorry, but I can't go along with you. 10, I don't see eye to eye with you. 11, I can't buy that.

12, It won't work.

13, I hit to disagree with you.

14, That's enough.

15, I really disapprove of this decision. 16, Bad idea.

17, I think you are absolutely wrong. 18, Not really.

19, I think you're crazy.

20, You don't have a lay to stand on.


1, I have my doubt about what he said. 2, It's hard to say.

3, That isn't exactly right.

4, It's not certain.

5, I hope you're right.

6, I can't say for certain who'll come. 7, It might be true.

8, There is no guaranty.

9, Not exactly.

10, I think you might be mistaken.

11, It depends.

12, I can't say.

13, I find it difficult to draw a conclusion. 14, I can't make up my mind.

15, I have no idea about it.

16, I'm not sure.

17, I think so.

18, I'm not too sure of it.

19, I hope so.

20, I can't tell who's more capable.

21, Let's leave it to chance.

22. Maybe.

23, Maybe yes, maybe no.


1, what I most enjoy is reading.

2, Are you keen on dancing?

3, I like it.

4, I'm very partial to sweet food.

5, What I most enjoy is taking photos.

6, I'm mad about math.

7, I do like climbing.

8, There 's nothing I enjoy more than styling hair. 9, I'm in collecting stamps.

10, I always like fishing.

11, I really care for swimming.

12, flying kites is more fan to me.

13, I adore this color.

14, I prefer milk to coffee.

15, I like football better.

16, what's your favorite subject in school.

17, it'll be wise to go over again.

18, I take a fancy to dancing.

19, what color you fond of.


1, Don't be like that.

2, It'll work out in the end.

3, It worth of the effort.

4, You must learn how to handle it.

5, You can't took over the crisis that way.

6, I good time.

7, Don't get all bent out of shape!

8, Don't do that.

9, I rather you didn't

10, Don't be a blabbermouth.

11, Don't work yourself into a tizzy.

12, Do you think you could go a little slower? 13, Don't get all excited.

14, Just be natural.

15, It'll get you nowhere.

16, Hold your horses.

17, I never ask you for help, so please.

18, Don't fall of the handle.

19, I don't think it's necessary.

20, listen to me just once.


1, Don't try any tricks.

2, You'll be very unwise not to agree with me. 3, you have pay for that.

4, I'll solve you sooner or later.

5, Behave yourself.

6, let me catch you other again.

7, Don't you dare?

8, You wait.


1, Boy.

2, That's news to me.

3, I am hardly to believe my ears.

4, You are kidding.

5, It can't be true.

6, are you out of your mind.

7, It dropped from the clouds. (核对)

8, Are you serious?

9, It's totally unexpected.

10, I never have thought it.

11, I'm surprised.

12, What a surprise.

13, You scared me.

14, This really is a surprise.

15, I'm speechless.

16, I was taken aback.

17, What a nice surprise.

18, You are the last person to do that.

19, I can't believe it.

20, That's extraordinary.

21. Poor thing.


1, I have a complaint

2, you are all talk no action.

3, How many times do I have to tell you.

4, Any complaints?

5, You better manage your own business.

6, I'm serious.

7, Would you mind keeping it down?

8, What are you thinking about?

9, That's not fair.

10, I'm not at all pleased by your negligence.

11, I'll tell him a thing or two. = I'll give him a piece of my mind. 12, That's easy for you to say.

13, What a fool.

14, I really hate waiting.

15, I'm not happy about it.

16, Stop complaining.

17, I just can't stand the order.

02. 01.16责备

1, Can you be serious for once?

2, What do you mean by saying so?

3, Why are you picking on me?

4, Don't pull my leg.

5, I'm out of patience with you.

6, How can you do such a foolish thing.

7, You are too naughty.

8, How absurd you to do that.

9, You are to blame.

10, What a thing to do!

11, You might at least have avoided doing that.

12, Put yourself in my shoes.

13, Could you be more polite next time?

14, What do you think you're doing?

15, you tricked me.

16, I wonder why you couldn't have told me earlier.

17, Don't involve me.

18, you should be more careful.

19, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

20, you are really good for nothing.


1, That's enough.

2, I'm not at all keen on that sort of job.

3, I don't like it.

4, I don't care for meat.

5, It's your attitude that I don't like.

6, There is nothing I like less than that.

7, I don't think highly of it.

8, What a boring film.

9, I can't stick to this kind of thing.

10, I can't bear him.

12, I hate rainy days.

I hate his guts. (我对他恨之入骨)

13, It's for the birds

14, I don't find any pleasure of this film.

15, It's boring.

16, It's nothing much.

17, I can't get into my study.

18, That's really bothersome.

19, He's like a broken record.

20, I don't want to hear it.

21, It's rather dull.

22, I'm fed up with this work.

23, I can't take it anymore.

24, What's all the noise about.

25, It gave me a really pain in the neck.

26, I never been satisfied with anything he says or does.


1, I'm quite pleased with my job.

2, I'm at peace.

3, My mind at ease.

4, Very good.

5, That's not what I have in my mind.

6, Wonderful.

7, I'm content.

8, That's exactly what I want.

9, I can't complain.

10, Not too much.

Not up to much. up to much:有很大价值,令人满意

11, That's not a good excuse.

It's not .....

12, I'm run out of my patience.

I'v ........

13, That's not good enough.

14, That leaves a lot to be improved.

15, I don't like her very much.

I don't like it .....

16, That won't do.

17, No more excuse.

No more excuses

18, Don't take it out on me.

19, I'm not satisfied with this. ...............with it


1, You carry it out too far.

2, Let me think about it.

3, I really don't have any opinion about it.

4, I couldn't say, I'm afraid.

5, I couldn't say, I'm afraid it beyond me. .....I'm afraid it's beyond me.

6, I slipped up there.

7, I really don't know.

8, To some extent, I agree with you.

9, I have no strong feelings about this matter.

10, It makes no odds to me.

11, I need more time to think about it.

12 I'll go along with most of that.

I go along with most of that

13, I'll consider it.

14, That's beside the point.

15, that not my apartment, I'm afraid.

Not my department,.....

16, It seems you're right.

It seems that you're right

17, I'll see what I can do.

18, I've nothing to say about that decision.

19, It's not something I'll consider it a lot, I'm afraid. ...I've considered a lot

20, I'm afraid I have different opinion.

I have a different opinion.


1, I'm longing to find a job.

2,If only I could get a bite of it.

3, we hope to receive your reply at early date.

4, I hope so.

5, My hope is that I can sleep till ten every morning. 6, I hope not.

7, I wish tomorrow were Friday.

8, Here's hoping for he's coming back soon.

9, The first thing I'm going to do is to learn English. 10,we look forward to your favorable reply.

11, I'm eager to try again.

12, If only he were here.

13, I'd be happy to do that.

14, we would appreciate an early reply.

15, I feel like going for a drink.


1, Do you mind if I smoke?

2, May I sit next to you?

3, Know what I'm getting at ?

4, May I take a look?

5, What's on your mind?

6, May I use the bathroom?

7, May I ask you a question?

8, May I have some coffee?

9, Can I borrow this book?

10, I'd like to leave if you don't mind.

11, I wonder if you mind my playing the guitar.

12, Is it all right if I park here?

13, is this seat taken?

14, Are we allowed take pictures here?

15, want to dance with me?

16, I prefer you don't.

17, I wish I knew more about her.

18, Can I help you?


1, Would it be a good idea to tell him the truth?

2, Should I do the washing-up?

3, We're thinking of going to a movie tonight.

4, What do you think of that girl?

5, You might as well do something else now.

6, May I suggest a drink together?

7, I'd like to make a suggestion.

8, What do you suggest?

9, Could you give me some advice?

10, Why not cancel the meeting?

11, If you need someone to talk to, I'm always available. 12, Won't you join us?

13, You should be more careful.

14, You'd better put on your coat.

15, I'd like to propose we go for a picnic this weekend. 16, Let's take a short cut.

17, I'd like to have your advice on my article.

18, let's go to school by bike.

19, What about going to the movies?

20, Why don't we have dinner together tonight.

21, Wouldn't it be an idea to go swimming?

22, What shall we do next?


1, Wow!

2, Great.

3, I'm too excited to go to sleep.

4, It's very exciting.

5, I'm wild with joy.

6, I'm really very enthusiastic about this.

7, I can't believe it.

8, I'm excited by the news.

9, I'm too excited to say one word.

10, I'm excited like I won a jackpot.

11, How exciting.


1, I have faith in you. (have faith in为词组)

2, I'm sure we will win.

3, I anticipate your success.

4, It's all plain sailing.

5, I'm very optimistic about our chances of success.

6, Your works is bound to be successful. (be bound to一定会) 7, I'm quite sure we will win.

8, I have every confidence in my success.

9, I'm an optimist.

10, I can do it blindfolded.

11, I have every confidence in his promotion.

12, I'm full of optimism for the future.

13, I hold an optimistic view of events.

14, There is no doubt we will win.

15, There is nothing to worry about.

16, Everything will be fine.

17, Everything will come up roses.

18, You are bound to win.

19, I'm happy with everything.


1, I'm happy.

2, Nothing could be more wonderful.

3, I'm on cloud nine.

4, I'm happy as a clam.

5, I'm so happy.

6, I'm as happy as I can be.

7, I have never been this happy as I am now.

8, I'm walking on air.

9, I'm high on life.


2010年4月高等教育自学考试 系列世纪装帧设计试卷 (课程代码05546) 本试卷满分100分,考试时间240分钟 一单项选择(本大题共5小题,没题1分,共5分) 1.中国书籍装帧的萌芽时期是【B 】 A.远古时期 B.春秋时期 C.东汉时期 D.西汉时期 2.以下不属于书籍形态的物质构成因素是【D 】 A.纸张 B.粘合剂 C.材料 D.裁切 3.书籍的封面设计是书籍装帧整体设计的一部分,他必须具有【A 】 A.广告性 B.特殊工艺性 C.特殊材料性 D.主观性 4.通过测试证明最佳行宽是【B 】 A.70—80毫米 B. 80—100毫米 C. 80—90毫米 D. 90—100毫米 5.纤维结构疏松,表面无光泽的书刊纸适宜作【B 】p123 A.凹印印刷 B. 凸印印刷 C. 拼印印刷 D. 胶印印刷 二、填空题(本大题共6空,每空2分,共12分) 6. 书籍装帧中的插图具有从属性,没有书籍的文字内容就没有插图可言。 7. 胶印印刷彩色图片,分红、黄、蓝、黑四个版印刷,制版是对图片的色彩分解,印刷时吧分解的色彩组合起来。 8. 书籍页面与页面的转换要保持视觉元素的连续性, 就需书籍本身的版面语汇来完成。 三、名词解释(本大题3分) 9. 精装书 四、简答题(本大题共2小题,每小题5分,共10分) 10.如何对全书版面进行整体控制?P43 1)通过黑白\色彩\空与满\图与文的节奏变化来控制 2)由网格分割来实施风格统一性. 3)由开本制约版面 11. 挑选书籍的纸张应注意哪些方面?p123

(1)纸张表面 (2)纸张厚薄 (3)纸张纤维结构方向 (4)纸张规格 2010年1月高等教育自学考试 系列世纪装帧设计试卷 (课程代码05546) 本试卷满分100分,考试时间240分钟 一单项选择(本大题共5小题,没题1分,共5分) 1.东汉以后,书籍装帧形成卷轴的艺术形式是由于【B 】 A.印刷术的发明 B.造纸术的发明 C.木活字的发明 D.铅活字的发明 2.书籍装帧艺术的出发点和终点是【D 】 A.纸张 B.设计 C.工艺 D.阅读 3.书籍装帧设计的核心部分是【D 】 A.色彩设计 B.文字设计 C.图形设计 D.版面设计 4.一般性读物与版心在版面面积中的比例为【A】 A.2:3 B. 3:2 C.1:3 D. 3:1 5.书籍物态是有什么构成的【A 】 A.材料和工艺 B. 文字和插图 C. 版面和色彩 D. 平印和凹印 二、填空题(本大题共6空,每空2分,共12分) 6. 书籍装帧导入插图有两个目的:一是出于书籍的形式美,增加读者兴趣,二是弥补文字表达的不足,帮助读者对书籍内容的理解. p43 7. 凹印是极不普通的印刷工艺,因其造价高,一般用于艺术品和票证的印刷。 8. 书籍封面、环衬、扉页等可以根据书稿主题对文字排列的上下左右位置、色彩跳动关系以及纸张 材料 的穿插,营造与书稿相宜的气氛。 三、名词解释(本大题3分)


书籍本册装帧材料的种类和使用(上) 2006-11-16 16:01:31 大中小 书籍本册的装帧材料是指除去书芯用纸和纸板以外所用的各种材料;其应用范围很广,包括封面、书背、环衬、烫印等的各种用料。正确选用装帧材料,是体现装订加工效果的基础。材料选用得当与否,加工后的成品会有明显的不同。装帧材料的选用,应根据书籍本册的品级、形式、牢固、美观的要求决定,不能一味追求价格的高低,应立足于适用与匹配。 封面也称封皮、书封等,它是包裹在书芯外面的一种装饰材料。封面材料种类极多,大致可分为织品类、皮革类、涂布类、塑料类、纸张类等。封面材料的选择是根据书籍本册的品级(档次)、内容和出版者要求而决定的。品级指书籍本册的价值,如阅读价值、使用价值和保存价值;内容指书刊内文所表达的思想、所描述的时代;出版者要求指作者、设计者或出版者所提出的工艺设计和选材方案等。 封面材料,特别是精装封面材料,在书刊加工中占很重要地位,材料的选择关系到一本书外观装帧效果,所谓“货卖一张皮”,只要封面搞得好,就能增加书籍对读者的吸引力,否则就会影响其在市场上的地位。 (一)织品类封面材料 织品类封面材料是在我国使用最早、最广泛的一种书籍装帧材料,如卷轴装、包背装、蝴蝶装、线装等,都是采用丝或棉织品作为封面材料的。 1.棉织品封面材料 棉织品封面材料的主要成份是棉花纤维。棉纤维的吸湿性较强,随着温度升高,含水量下降,当温度超过105℃时水份全部挥发。棉纤维对酸的耐抗性很弱,要防止与盐酸、硫酸、硝酸类的接触,但耐碱性很好。棉织品有良好的粘结性能,任何一种粘结剂均可达到粘牢的效果。封面用棉织品主要有以下几种: ①平纹布。平纹布封面材料一般选用细纹布。细纹布表面细洁、平整、柔软、表面结头较少,质地比市布(俗称大五幅)轻而薄。 平纹布中的白色可作蝴蝶装的拼条;青蓝和水蓝染色布,可做古线装、包背装封面与函套等。用平纹布作封面朴实经济、古雅大方,加工时易粘连和烫印。 ②府绸。府绸封面材料比平纹布效果好,档次高。府绸的经纱粗、纬纱细,布面光洁,手感滑爽,有丝绸感觉,故称府绸。府绸中又分全线和半线,封面使用半线府绸较多。 精装封面多用府绸,古线装封面和函套亦然。府绸与平纹布同样易粘连、烫


公文写作在线测试三: (一) 单选题 1. 计划类文书标题中不能省略的项目是()。 (A) 机关名称 (B) 适用时间 (C) 内容类别 (D) 发文时间 2. “守则”最显著的特征是()。 (A) 思想性强 (B) 简洁易记 (C) 具体细致 (D) 涉及面广 3. 如实记载有关会议基本情况和主要内容的文书称()。 (A) 会议纪要 (B) 会议决议 (C) 会议简报 (D) 会议记录 4. 上级机关答复下级机关的请示事项应当使用()。 (A) 批复 (B) 批转 (C) 批示 (D) 通知 5. “批复”这一文种最突出的特点是()。 (A) 说明性 (B) 可行性 (C) 针对性 (D) 政策性 6. 各级人大代表向人代会或它的常委会提出的各方面工作的设想、意见或批评称()。 (A) 建议 (B) 议案 (C) 提案 (D) 方案 7. 在“请示”的行文中,应当()。 (A) 只写一个主送机关 (B) 同时抄送给下级机关 (C) 同时出现两个以上主送机关 (D) 直接主送领导人个人 8. 一定的组织机构制定的确定组织原则或办事原则的规章类文书称()。 (A) 守则 (B) 办法 (C) 规定 (D) 章程 9. 总结的主要作用是()。 (A) 交流信息 (B) 反映基本情况 (C) 下情上达和提高自身 (D) 吸取工作中的经验教训 10. 对某一项行政工作作比较具体的规定,其文种应当用()。 (A) 办法 (B) 条例 (C) 规定 D) 章程 11. 从报告内容涉及的范围看,《政府工作报告》属于()。 (A) 综合报告 (B) 专题报告 (C) 调查报告 (D) 情况报告


万用英语口语句典文本 01.01.01介绍自己 1. May I introduce myself to you? =May I present myself to you? *Let me introduce myself to you *Please let me introduce myself *I'd like to introduce myself 2. My name is David Smith. 3. Please call me David. 4. Excuse me, I'm David Smith. 5. My surname is Smith. 6. How do you do? I'm Jane. 7. We are namesakes. 8. I come from Beijing, China. 9. I've lived in America since I was born. 10. My nationality is Chinese. 11. Anhui is my hometown. 12. My address is on 1 On show Street, Beijing. 13. I live in the downtown area. 14. My flat is near the company. 15. It's only a 15- minute walk from my firm to the flat. 16. I'm working as a teacher of English. 17. I'm in computers. 18. There are three people in my family, my parents and me. 19. I have one elder brother and one younger sister. 20. I already have a fiancé. 21. I have a happy family. 22. I'm faithful. 23. I'm easy-going. 24. I hope I can be a friend to all of you. 01.01. 02介绍他人 1. Hi, Peter. Have you met Bob? 2. I 'l introduce you to everybody. 3. I'd like to introduce Mr. Brown. 4. I'd like you to meet my friend, Jane. 5. I don't think you met David, did you? *Have you two been introduced? A:I don't think you met David, did you? B:No,I haven't had the pleasure(不认识,一直没有这个荣幸) 6. Have I introduced you to David? 7. I don't think you've met before. 8. This is Jane, our monitor.


务请下载2012年12月修订的国家社科基金项目申请书进行填写 如打印时出现文字大小参差不齐现象,请在字库中添加华文中宋字体 国家社会科学基金项目 申请书 项目类别填重点项目(一般、青年、一般自选、青年自选) 学科分类填一级学科名称(交叉的选择主要相近学科) 课题名称_表述须科学、严谨、规范、简明 一般不加副标题,不超过40个字 课题负责人本人姓名,中间不空格 负责人所在单位**大学(不要填写院系,中间不空格) 填表日期 2013年 2 月* 日(与承诺签名页一致) 操作注意: ①填写时删除原封面的横线,输入汉字并使用下划线,以免横线间断 ②注意美观,横线两端对齐,文字居中排列 全国哲学社会科学规划办公室 2012年12月修订

申请者的承诺: 我承诺对本人填写的各项内容的真实性负责,保证没有知识产权争议。如获准立项,我承诺以本表为有约束力的协议,遵守全国哲学社会科学规划办公室的相关规定,按计划认真开展研究工作,取得预期研究成果。全国哲学社会科学规划办公室有权使用本表所有数据和资料。 课题负责人(签章)本人手签(7份,不要漏签) 2013年 2 月日 (不要早于封面时间) 填表说明 一、本表请用计算机如实填写;所用代码请查阅《国家社会科学基金项目申报数据代码表》。 二、封面上方2个代码框申请人不填,其他栏目请用中文填写,其中“学科分类”填写一级学科名称,“课题名称”一般不加副标题。 三、《数据表》的填写和录入请参阅《填写数据表注意事项》,相关问题可咨询当地哲学社会科学规划办公室。 四、申请书报送一式5份,其中1份原件,4份复印件。原则上要求统一用A3纸双面印制、中缝装订,活页夹在申请书内。各省(区、市)报送当地哲学社会科学规划办公室,新疆生产建设兵团报送兵团哲学社会科学规划办公室,在京中央国家机关及其直属单位报送中央党校科研部,在京部属高等院校报送教育部社科司,中国社会科学院报送本院科研局,军队系统(含地方军队院校)报送全军哲学社会科学规划办公室。 五、全国哲学社会科学规划办公室通讯地址:北京市西长安街5号,邮政编码:100806。(注:请分别报送7套申报材料,供省规划办和学校存档)


选择题 第1题下列表述正确的一句是(B )。 A、规范而完整的公文文头部分包括5项内容 B、规范而完整的公文文头部分包括6项内容 C、规范而完整的公文文头部分包括7项内容 D、规范而完整的公文文头部分包括8项内容 第2题下列表述不正确的一句是(D)。 A、策令性是公文最重要的性质 B、策令性是指公文具有传递与贯彻党和国家政策、法令的特征 C、策令性是说公文具有权威性、强制性和约束力 D、策令性是公文最本质的性质,但不是公文区别于其他文体的根本标志 第3题下列表述正确的一句是(A )。 A、公文写作者对国家的现行政策,不但要懂得,而且要快捷、准确、深刻地理解 B、公文写作者对国家的现行政策,要形象、生动地理解 C、公文写作者对国家的现行政策,要主动、积极、创造性地理解 D、公文写作者对国家的现行政策,要灵活机动、为我所用地理解 第4题下列表述,正确的一句是(B)。 A、报告是下行文,主要用于对下级机关做报告 B、报告属于陈述性报告 C、报告这种公文的语言一定要形象生动 D、报告这种公文可以根据需要展开议论 第5题下列表述正确的一句是(D)。 A、创造性思维能力是公文写作者应该具备的一种职业写作能力 B、独立发现问题的能力是公文写作者应该具备的一种基本能力 C、独立提出问题的能力是公文写作者应该具备的一种基本能力 D、独立驾驭语言的能力是公文写作者应该具备的一种基本能力 第6题下列表述,正确的一句是()。 A、通告是带有一定强制性的公文 B、通告不具有强制性,但公告具有强制性 C、通告和公告都带有一定的强制性 D、通告和公告都不具有强制性 第7题下列表述,正确的一句是()。 A、请示主要用于向上级机关请求指示


实用文书写作复习资料 判断题 1、实用文书的写作准备可分为感知和积累两个环节。【√】 2、“构局”,即定开头和结尾、定主次和详略。【×】 3、构局有三种思路:横式格局、纵式格局、合式格局。【√】 4、旨意的分析,观点的确立要求基本正确、鲜明、集中,大致符合客观实际情况,允许适当虚构。【×】 6、实用文书写作的表达方式一般选择抒情和描写作为基本表达方式,不主张使用叙述、说理(议论)和说明。【×】 7、“特此报告。”属于实用文书专用词语的期请词。【×】5、“本”、“贵”、“该”等词属于实用文书专用词语的称谓词。【√】 8、实用文书的语言不能像文艺创作的语言那样个性化,而是确切、得体、朴实、简约。【√】9、公务文书,又叫法定公文、行政公文,简称公文或文件。【√】 10、实用文书语言首先要求“确切”,意为概念要明确、遣词要有分寸感、语意要鲜明。【√】11、《国家行政机关公文处理办法》列出十五类公文。【×】 12、通知和请示均是上行文。【×】13、主送机关应当使用全称、规范化的简称或同类型机关的统称,在标题下一行顶格书写,回行时仍应顶格书写。【√】 14、报告是下行文。【×】15、公文正文。即公文的核心内容,包括开头、主体、结尾三部分。【√】16、附件不属于公文的行文部分。【×】 17、联合行文时,主办机关应当排列在后。【×】18、成文日期写在发文机关署名之下。用阿拉伯数字书写并标明年、月、日。【×】 19、通告是较高级别的国家行政机关、法定机关向国内外宣布重大事项或者法定事项的周知性公文。【×】 20、公告在内容上还具有专业性的特点。【×】21、通知在于教育、引导和警戒,通报在于让受文单位知晓并按照要求执行办理。【×】 22、通知是公文中使用频率最高、使用范围最广的一种。机关、团体、企事业单位大大小小的事情都可以发个通知。【√】 23、用来发布有关法规和规章、印发领导讲话和各种重要工作方案、计划等的通知属于指示性通知。【×】 24、通报适用于批转下级机关的公文,转发上级机关和不相隶属机关的公文,任免人员。【×】 25、比较深入、细致的为“设想”,比较粗略、雏形的为“计划”。【×】 26、报告适用于向上级机关请求指示、批准。请示是汇报工作,反映情况,答复上级机关询问的公文。【×】 27、请求上级机关对本部门就某一问题或事项提出的处理意见给予批准或表明态度的请示,属于请求批准的请示。【×】 28、计划是一个类称的概念,常见的如规划、安排、打算、方案、设想等属于计划一类,而纲要、意见和要点不属于计划类。【×】 29、计划内容的范围都是“做什么”、和“做到何种程度”两大项。【×】30、请示机关不必等待上级机关的答复。【×】 31、方案是对一定时期的工作,在事后做出回顾和分析而形成的书面文件。【×】32、《处理车间闲置厂房设备的决策方案》标题是由活动名称和文种构成。【×】 33、《职工培训方案》标题是由事由和文种构成。【×】34、写方案,主要目标、实施步骤、政策措施这三项是必不可少的。【√】 35、总结是指事后的回顾和分析,为今后的工作提供帮助和借鉴。在企业工作中是使用频率最高的实用文体之一。【×】 36、综合性总结对一定时期的某项工作或某一方面的问题进行的专门性总结。【×】 37、按照时间顺序、工作进程或事情发展的逻辑顺序来安排内容的总结是横式结构。【×】 38、总结的结尾多写今后设想、努力方向,也可以把存在的问题写在这一部分,然后写改进的意见。【√】 39、守则正文的篇幅一般比较冗长,多采用通篇分条式写法。【×】 40、汇报提纲是总结的一种形式,是向上级汇报工作时所撰写的汇报内容提要,有时简写成“汇报”。【√】 41、《关于竞聘××公司经理的演讲》是由竞聘职务和文种构成的公文标题法。【√】竞聘演讲稿无须称谓,直接写演说内容即可。【×】 42、开篇以“感谢给我这样的机会让我参加答辩”“恳请评委及与会同志指教”等礼节性致谢词导入的,是汇报提纲。【×】 43、述职报告可以写成回顾整个单位或他人工作情况的总结、报告。【×】 44、“特此报告”这句模式化结束语只能用于公文报告的结尾,不能用于述职报告的结尾部分。【×】 45、《2010年述职报告》是由任职期限和文种组成的公文式标题。【√】46、述职报告正文开头就写工作实绩、经验、问题和教训。【×】 47、建议,又叫建议书,是个人、单位或集体向有关单位或上级机关和领导,就某项工作提出某种建议时使用的一种文书。【√】 49、《关于设立职工健康保险基金的建议书》这个标题是将建议内容用短句概括成题。【×】 50、“关于绿化厂区、美化环境的提案”是提案的案由,不是标题。【√】51、《消费者愿意到网上购物吗?》是社会调查报告的公文式标题。【×】 52、市场调查报告,是运用科学的方法,有目的、有计划地在某一国家或地区,对某种或某类商品的销售情况进行调查搜集、分析研究后出具的书面报告。【√】 53、普遍调查法,就是直接亲身深入调查第一线中去,通过观察、访谈等方式,获取真实、可靠的情况。【×】 54、内容简单的市场调查报告也一定要写前言和加结尾。【×】55、市场调查报告正文的主体一般由情况陈述、分析结论、对策建议三部分组成。【√】 56、规定只能是长期的,不可以是“暂行”的。【×】48、“各位评委”“各位听众”是建议书和竞聘演讲稿均使用的“称谓”。【×】 57、和规定相比,办法往往用于具体事务或某一事项,甚至是比较细小琐碎的事情,而规定多用于某些比较重大的问题或事项。【√】 58、制度的发布方式比较多样,除作为文件存在之外,还可以张贴和悬挂在某一岗位和某项工作的现场,以便随时提醒人们遵守,同时便于大家互相监督。【√】 59、工作运行制度适用于某一岗位上的长期性工作。【×】60、岗位责任制度是针对某方面工作的有效运行而制定的程序性、操作性的规定。【×】 61、制度的主体部分是正文,基本结构常见的是条文式,即把制度内容分条款逐一写出。√ 62.值班人员守则涉及面广,内容比较原则。《全国职工守则》涉及的是具体的工作事务,内容则比较详具体。× 63.细则,有时也称实施细则,是有关机关或部门为使下级机关或人员更好地贯彻执行某一法令、条例和规定,结合实际情况,对其做出详细的、具体的解释和补充的文书。【√】 64、规则所适用的范围一般比较小,是专门就某一项工作或活动而制定的,超出这一范围便没有什么意义了。这是其具体性特点。【×】


一、单选题(共10题,50.0分) 1、由机关领导对发文稿批注核准发出的意见并签署姓名及日期的活动,是发文处理中的( ) 会商 审核 注发 签发 标准答案:D 2、维护文件的高度严密性是指( ) 公文的保密性 公文语言结构的严密 公文行文程序的严密 施行办法的严密 标准答案:B 3、公文要选择适宜的行文方式,一般不得( ) 逐级行文 多级行文 越级行文 直接行文 标准答案:C 4、用于记载会议主要精神和议定事项的公文是( ) 决议 会议记录 纪要 议案 标准答案:C 5、含有重要的国家秘密,泄露会使国家的安全与利益遭受到严重损害的文件,属于( ) 秘密文件 绝密文件 机密文件 保密文件 标准答案:C 6、公文区别于其他信息记录的特点是( ) 传播知识 具备查考价值 书面文字材料 具备法定的权威性 标准答案:D 7、批复是答复下级请示的文件,是( ) 被动发文 主动发文 是对报告的批件 下级没有请示,用来指导工作的

标准答案:A 8、决定必须由( ) 党政机关联合发文 会议讨论之后才能发文 政府部门制发 党、政府领导机关制发 标准答案:D 9、公文中的词语应( ) 含义确切 韵味无穷 可圈可点 色彩丰富 标准答案:A 10、内容重要并紧急需要打破常规优先传递处理的文件,叫作( ) 平行文 加急件 特急件 急件 标准答案:D 二、多选题(共5题,25.0分) 1、撰拟规范性公文应遵循( )要求。高度的一致性 高度的严密性 公文的稳定性 公文的连续性 公文的灵活性 标准答案:A,B,C,D 2、有领导被领导关系的机关行文时可采用的行文方式有( ) 逐级行文 越级行文 直接行文 多级行文 标准答案:A,B,D 3、在下行文中提出执行要求时,要使受文者不折不扣执行文件,应写作( ) 参照执行 遵照执行 参酌执行 按照执行 标准答案:B,D 4、工作报告在党的机关可用于( ) 请求批准 提出建议 答复上级询问


Maylintroducemyselftoyou?=Maylpresentmyselftoyou? 我能自我介绍一下吗? MynameisDavidSmith. 我是大卫·史密。 PleasecallmeDavid. 请叫我大卫 Excuseme.I'mDavidSmith.=Excuseme. MynameisDavidSmith. 打扰了,我叫大卫·史密斯。 MysurnameisSmith.=MylastnameisSmith.= MyfamilynameisSmith. 我的姓是史密斯。 Howdoyoudo?I'mJane. 你好,我是简。 Wearenamesakes. 我们俩同名同姓。 IcomefromBeijing, China. 我来自中国北京。 I'velivedinAmericasincelwasborn.=I'velivedinAmericamywholelife. 我从一出生就住在美国了。 MynationalityisChinese.=lhaveChinesenationality! 我的国籍是中国。 Anhuiismyhometown. 我的故乡是安徽。 Myaddressisonl-OnshowStreet, Beijing. 我的地址是北京市昂秀街1号。 Iliveinthedowntownarea. 我住在市区。 Myflatisneartothecompany. 我的公寓就在公司附近。 It'sonlya 15-minutewalkfrommyfirmtotheflat.

从公司到我的公寓只需走15分钟。 I'mworkingasateacherofEnglish. 我是个英语教师。 I'mincomputers.=I'mworkinginIT. 我从事电脑工作。 There'rethreepeopleinmyfamily, myparentsandme. 我家有三口人,我的父母和我。 Ihaveoneelderbrotherandoneyoungersister. 我有一个哥哥和一个妹妹。 Ialreadyhaveafiance. 我已经有对象了。 Ihaveahappyfamily. 我有个幸福的家庭。 I'mfaithful. 我是个守信用的人。 I'measy-going. 我比较随和。 IhopeIcanbeafriendtoallofyou. 我希望我能成为你们的朋友。


公文写作在线测试一:(一) 单选题 1. 《国家行政机关公文处理办法》第十条规定,在文件上应注明签发人、会签人姓名的是()。 (A) 上行文 (B) 下行文 (C) 平行文 (D) 会议文件 2. 就公文内容的性质与作用而言,命令、决定、指示、政策性通知等,属()。 (A) 规范性公文 (B) 报请性公文 (C) 知照性公文 (D) 指挥性公文 3. 996年5月3日中共中央办公厅正式发布了《中国共产党机关公文处理条例》,规定了党的机关公文文种有()。 (A) 12种 (B) 13种 (C) 14种 (D) 15种 4. 公文的文本中只作为正本的样本留在本机关以备查考,不外发的是()。 (A) 暂行本 (B) 副本 (C) 试行本 (D) 存本 5. 公文有法定的作者,是指()。 (A) 公文是由法定作者制成和发布的 (B) 公文作者必须是党和政府机关 (C) 公文的内容必须合法 (D) 公文的制发程序必须合法 6. “上古结绳而治,后世圣人易之以书契,百官以治,万民以察”,出自()。 (A) 《尚书》 (B) 《周易》 (C) 《汉书》 (D) 《史记》 7. 公文写作有明确的受文对象,因此公文的内容应当具有()。 (A) 政治性 (B) 规范性 (C) 针对性 (D) 政策性 8. 1956年1月,中共中央办公厅和国务院办公厅分别发出通知,要求文件一律()。 (A) 从右至左竖写 (B) 从左至右竖写

(C) 从左至右横写横排 (D) 从右至左横写横排 9. 公文正文结构的三个组成部分是()。 (A) 公文标题、主送机关和发文机关名称 (B) 公文标题、导语和正文主体 (C) 公文标题、正文主体和结束语 (D) 导语、正文主体和结束语 10. 在我国,文书作为公文与案卷的含义被确定和沿用的是()。 (A) 先秦时期 (B) 汉代以后 (C) 明朝时期 (D) 民国以后 11. 凡以两个以上机关名义发出的公文,成文时间应由()签发时间为准。 (A) 最后一个签发机关领导人 (B) 第一个签发机关领导人 (C) 任何一个签发机关部门负责人 (D) 最后一个签发机关办公室主任 12. 毛泽东同志曾经指出,文章和文件都应当具有三种性质,这三种性质是()。 (A) 准确性、鲜明性、生动性 (B) 政治性、生动性、政策性 (C) 逻辑性、生动性、鲜明性 (D) 准确性、逻辑性、形象性 13. 公文写作是()。 (A) 代领导立言 (B) 代机关立言 (C) 代部门立言 (D) 代群众立言 14. 公文写作的规范性强,主要体现在公文写作必须()。 (A) 讲究格式 (B) 遵守法规 (C) 实事求是 (D) 熟悉业务 15. 由公文起草小组共同酝酿,多人分工执笔,一人统稿成文的写作形式,一般适用于()。 (A) 简报 (B) 事务性通知 (C) 便函 (D) 决策性公文 16. 公文写作的整个过程指的是()。 (A) 选取材料、构思布局直至拟写成文 (B) 起草初稿、讨论、修改形成送审稿 (C) 起草成文并制发正式公文 (D) 从起草公文到办理归档


项目培训合同专业版参考 文本 In Order To Protect Their Legitimate Rights And Interests, The Cooperative Parties Reach A Consensus Through Consultation And Sign Into Documents, So As To Solve And Prevent Disputes And Achieve The Effect Of Common Interests 某某管理中心 XX年XX月

项目培训合同专业版参考文本 使用指引:此合同资料应用在协作多方为保障各自的合法权益,经过共同商量最终得出一致意见,特意签订成为文书材料,从而达到解决和预防纠纷实现共同利益的效果,文档经过下载可进行自定义修改,请根据实际需求进行调整与使用。 项目培训合同是关于合同范本-劳动合同方面的资料, 甲方:_________ 乙方:_________ 姓名:_________ 年龄:_________ 性别:_________ 出生xx年xx月xx日:__________ 学校:_________ 专业:_________ 学历:_________ 学号:_________ 身份证号码:__________

乙方已经通过甲方gmc (globalmanagementcollege,全球化管理培训班)项目的初步面试和考核。甲方可以为乙方提供gmc项目培训。 一、甲方的权利和义务 甲方于______年________月______日-______年______月________日为乙方免费提供半年的gmc项目培训。 甲方负责报销乙方因培训产生的培训资料、交通、住宿或其它经过双方协商的费用,报销标准由甲方制定,原则上给予全额报销。 乙方在培训过程中表现不优秀或者蓄意破坏培训的顺利进行,甲方有权利终止乙方的培训资格,并收回为乙方报销的和gmc培训有关的所有费用。 乙方在培训过程中如果擅自退出,甲方有权利收回对于乙方的所有投入费用,并保留采取进一步措施的权利。 培训结束后甲方有责任推荐并接纳乙方到甲方会员集


20XX年4月高等教育自学考试 系列世纪装帧设计试卷 (课程代码05546) 本试卷满分100分,考试时间240分钟 一单项选择(本大题共5小题,没题1分,共5分) 1.中国书籍装帧的萌芽时期是【B 】 A.远古时期 B.春秋时期 C.东汉时期 D.西汉时期 2.以下不属于书籍形态的物质构成因素是【D 】 A.纸张 B.粘合剂 C.材料 D.裁切 3.书籍的封面设计是书籍装帧整体设计的一部分,他必须具有【A 】 A.广告性 B.特殊工艺性 C.特殊材料性 D.主观性 4.通过测试证明最佳行宽是【B 】 A.70—80毫米 B. 80—100毫米 C. 80—90毫米 D. 90—100毫米 5.纤维结构疏松,表面无光泽的书刊纸适宜作【B 】p123 A.凹印印刷 B. 凸印印刷 C. 拼印印刷 D. 胶印印刷 二、填空题(本大题共6空,每空2分,共12分) 6. 书籍装帧中的插图具有从属性,没有书籍的文字内容就没有插图可言。 7. 胶印印刷彩色图片,分红、黄、蓝、黑四个版印刷,制版是对图片的色彩分解,印刷时吧分解的色彩组合起来。 8. 书籍页面与页面的转换要保持视觉元素的连续性, 就需书籍本身的版面语汇来完成。 三、名词解释(本大题3分) 9. 精装书 四、简答题(本大题共2小题,每小题5分,共10分) 10.如何对全书版面进行整体控制?P43 1)通过黑白\色彩\空与满\图与文的节奏变化来控制 2)由网格分割来实施风格统一性. 3)由开本制约版面 11. 挑选书籍的纸张应注意哪些方面?p123 (1)纸张表面 (2)纸张厚薄

(3)纸张纤维结构方向 (4)纸张规格 20XX年1月高等教育自学考试 系列世纪装帧设计试卷 (课程代码05546) 本试卷满分100分,考试时间240分钟 一单项选择(本大题共5小题,没题1分,共5分) 1.东汉以后,书籍装帧形成卷轴的艺术形式是由于【B 】 A.印刷术的发明 B.造纸术的发明 C.木活字的发明 D.铅活字的发明 2.书籍装帧艺术的出发点和终点是【D 】 A.纸张 B.设计 C.工艺 D.阅读 3.书籍装帧设计的核心部分是【D 】 A.色彩设计 B.文字设计 C.图形设计 D.版面设计 4.一般性读物与版心在版面面积中的比例为【A】 A.2:3 B. 3:2 C.1:3 D. 3:1 5.书籍物态是有什么构成的【A 】 A.材料和工艺 B. 文字和插图 C. 版面和色彩 D. 平印和凹印 二、填空题(本大题共6空,每空2分,共12分) 6. 书籍装帧导入插图有两个目的:一是出于书籍的形式美,增加读者兴趣,二是弥补文字表达的不足,帮助读者对书籍内容的理解. p43 7. 凹印是极不普通的印刷工艺,因其造价高,一般用于艺术品和票证的印刷。 8. 书籍封面、环衬、扉页等可以根据书稿主题对文字排列的上下左右位置、色彩跳动关系以及纸张 材料 的穿插,营造与书稿相宜的气氛。 三、名词解释(本大题3分) 9. 半精装书p17 四、简答题(本大题共2小题,每小题5分,共10分) 10.请简要回答书籍封面的设计形式?p31 两大类型: 一种以纯粹文字编排,它靠字体、字号,经营位置和色彩、纸张工艺来完成(2分) 另一种以图

英语口语大全交际口语篇:077.犹豫 Hesitation

英语口语大全交际口语篇:077.犹豫 Hesitation 详解惯用单句 犹豫第1节态度表达第1章态度意愿 我很犹豫是否要嫁给他。I would hesitate to marry him. ○ I’m hesitent about marrying her. 我在犹豫是不是要娶她。 ★ hesitate [5heziteit] v. 犹豫 ★ marry [5mAri] v. 嫁,娶 ★ hesitant [5hezitEnt] a. 犹豫的 我犹豫了。I hesitated. ○ I can’t hesitate like this any longer. 我不能再这么犹 豫下去了。 我该怎么做呢?What should I do? ○ Should I do that? 我是否应该那么做呢? 我真的不知道该选哪一个了。I really don’t know which one to choose. = I really don’t know how to make the choice. ★ choose [tFu:z] v. 选择,选定(其名词形式为choice) 我在想我是不是应该明天和他们一起去。 I was wondering whether I should go with them tomorrow. ○ Should I go with them or not? 我是否应该和他们一起去。 我没法做决定。I can’t decide.

○ Don’t push me to decide. 别逼我做决定。 请告诉我该怎么做吧。Please tell me what to do. ○ God,please give me a sign. 上帝啊,求你给我个指示吧。 我还没有拿定主意呢。I haven’t made up my mind. ● make up one’s mind“下决心,拿定主意” 我还没做决定呢。I haven’t made my decision yet. ★ decision [di5siVEn] n. 决定,决心 我怎么就不能坚定一点呢?Why can’t I be a little determined? ★ determined [d i5tE:mind] a. 坚决的,坚定的 我知道,犹豫者终难成事。I know that he who hesitates is lost. ○ Hesitation does me no good, but... 犹豫不决对我一点儿好处也没有,但是… FUN 轻松:看图 That's… ok… 可…能够… May I borrow this? 我能够借这个吗? 摘自《万用英语口语句典》 详解实用对话 Hesitation


护理文书书写内容及要求 一、体温单 体温单用于记录病人的体温、脉搏、呼吸及其他情况,主要由护士填写,住院期间体温单排列在病历最前面。 (一)体温单书写要求 1、体温单的眉栏项目、日期及页数均用蓝黑水笔填写。各眉栏项目应填写齐全, 字迹清晰。 2、在体温单40~42℃之间用红笔纵式填写入院,分娩,手术,转出,转入,死亡及 出院时间,要求具体到时和分,竖破折号占两个小格。 3、体温单的每页第一日应填写年、月、日、其余六天只填写日,如在本页当中跨 越月或年度,则应填写月、日或年、月、日。 4、手术后日数连续填写10天、如在10天内有做手术则第二天手术日数作为分子, 第一次作为分母,连续填写至末次手术的低10天,手术不写具体手术名称。 5、病人应做特殊检查或其它原因未测量体温、脉搏、呼吸时应补测并填入体温单 相应栏内,病人如特殊原因需外出者,须经医师批准其外出时间护士不测试和 绘制体温、脉搏、呼吸,返院后的体温、脉搏与外出前不相连。 6、体温在35℃(含35℃)以下者,可在35℃横线下用蓝色铅笔写上“不升”两个 字,不与下次测试的体温,脉搏相连。 二、体温、脉搏、呼吸、大便等的记录 1、体温的记录从35℃到42℃每一大格为1℃,每一小格为0.2℃,在37℃用蓝笔 绘制,口温符号为“●”、腋温为“×”、肛温为“◎” 2、物理降温或药物降温30分钟后所测温度,用红圈“◎”表示,绘在降温前体温 符号的同一纵格内,并以红虚线与降温前温度相连,下次所测体温符号与降温 前的体温符号以蓝色相连。 3、如患者高热经过多次采取降温措施后仍持续不降,受体温单记录空间的限制, 需将体温单变化情况记录在护理记录单中。 4、常温体温每日测两次(7am/3pm)。新入院病人当日测体温、脉搏、呼吸4次, 三日后体温正常者改常规测试。 5、发热病人每4h测试一次。如病人体温在38℃以下者,11pm和3am酌情免测。 体温正常后连测三次,在改常规测试。 2、脉搏的记录 1、(1)脉率从20次/分钟至180次/分钟,每一小格为20次/分钟,每一小格为4次/ 分钟用红笔绘制,脉率符号为红实点“●”心率符号为红圈“◎”。 2、短拙脉的测试为二人同时进行,一人用听诊器听心率,一人测脉搏。并以红线分 别将心率与脉搏连接。 3、呼吸的记录 (1)、呼吸从10次/分钟至40次/分钟,每一大格为10次/分钟,每一小格为2次/分


书籍装帧设计中的材质之美 为了给读者带来了美的阅读体验,设计者在遵循书籍设计的基本原则基础上,从视觉和触觉两个感官角度出发,加以材料的特性,运用在书籍装帧设计中,正确的选择与利用材料的材质特性,在材料本身具有的自然美感基础上,再进行一定程度的个性化创新,让经过装帧设计加工后的书籍受到更多读者的青睐;让书籍装帧设计体现出多元性、整体性和时代性等特征。 标签:书籍装帧;材质;视觉;触觉 一、书籍装帧材质的现状与发展 从古至今,除了最常见的纸张以外,还有很多其他的材料得以被设计师选择使用,例如木头、金属、皮革和布料等。在纸质书籍中,木材作为一种原始材料,被大多数的书籍设计者所设计使用,因为每本书主题和内容定义的设计都是有所不同的,所以对木材进行的加工制作方法也在随之变化。例如“设计家丛书”的设计中,书籍的外包装盒就选择了木质的盒子,这一选材不仅增加了书籍的整体感,木制材质与线装样式相结合的组合形式也让书籍体现出一种古典的感觉,使阅读者对书籍的内容产生阅读兴趣。 如果要让人有自然亲切的感觉,藤蔓和竹条的材质也是一类不错的选择。这种充满了自然气息的材质,既让广大的读者在视觉和触觉上体验了古时人们的生活样貌,也带给了更多的人一份像古人一样返璞归真的生活态度。布料作为书籍装帧材料的一种,在一定程度上也弥补了木材与竹材质地相对坚硬,缺乏柔软与细腻感等的缺点,布料在自然之中是更具亲肤感与细腻感。朱赢椿《元气糖》的书籍设计,无毒害的布料作为封面与封底的主要材料被采用,无论是在冬季还是夏季翻阅,捧在手里都会感觉非常的柔软舒适,一方面追求了手感,另一方面又保证了阅读安全。书籍的四角也都做成了圆角的样式,从外观造型上来看,也令广大的读者耳目一新。 如果想让书籍的设计更具现代感,那么金属和铝箔这类材料也可以尝试一下。比如韩湛宁在为书籍进行装帧设计时,给书的表面包裹了一层铝箔,书闪闪发光的外观也创造出了令人眼前一亮的视觉效果。选用铝箔材质的这一设计与书籍封面与内容也形成了高度契合,书籍封面时尚前卫的视觉效果也非常符合书中充满现代感的产品设计。 有机玻璃也是一种现代的设计材料,但其使用的范围一般是作为书籍周边的材料进行设计。在毕业设计中作品集的几位设计者名字板的设计,就运用了有机玻璃板,把四个人的名字分别在有机玻璃板上进行镂空雕刻,最后与红色的双色板进行黏贴再组合,这种形式也在一定程度上体现出了空间设计感与现代艺术感。 随着现代科学技术的飞速发展,工艺技术也在不断的进步,作为书籍装帧设


西安交通大学课程考试复习资料 单选题 1.第一审刑事判决书中交待上诉权事项的规范写法是()。 A.如不服本判决,可在接到判决书的第2天起10内,向本院或者向××人民法院提出上诉。书面上诉的,应当提交上诉状×份 B.如不服本判决,可在接到判决书的第2日起10日内,向本院或者向××人民法院提出上诉。书面上诉的,应当提交上诉状正本一份,副本×份 C.如不服本判决,可在接到判决书的第2日起10日内,通过本院或者直接向××人民法院提出上诉。书面上诉的,应当提交上诉状正本一份,副本×份 D.如不服本判决,可在接到判决书的第2日起10日内,通过本院或者直接向××人民法院提出上诉。书面上诉的,应当提交上诉状正本一份,副本×份 答案: D 2.第一审刑事判决书的首部除制作机关名称、文书名称以及编号之外、应依次写明的项目是()。 A.被告人 B.公诉机关 C.案件的由来和审判经过 D.辩护人 答案: C 3.北京市西城区人民法院2003年第35号第一审刑事判决书的编号应为()。 A.京西刑初字(2003)第35号 B.西刑初字(2003)第35号 C.(2003)京西刑初字第35号 D.(2003)西刑初字第35号 答案: C 4.人民检察院针对已生效裁判提出的抗诉书应当由( )提出。

A.同级人民检察院 B.上一级人民检察院 C.省一级人民检察院 D.最高人民检察院和上级人民检察院 答案: D 5.民事(行政)抗诉书的提出是为了纠正( )中的错误。 A.未生效的民事(行政)判决 B.未生效的民事(行政)判决、裁定 C.已生效的民事(行政)判决 D.已生效的民事(行政)判决、裁定 答案: D 6.不起诉决定书中对当事人的称谓应该是()。 A.被告人 B.犯罪嫌疑人 C.被不起诉人 D.不起诉人 答案: C 7.起诉书编号的内容依序是()。 A.年度、院名、文书性质、顺序号 B.年度、院名、部门、文书性质、顺序号 C.院名、部门、文书性质、年度、顺序号 D.院名、文书性质、年席、顺序号 答案: C 8.起诉书的功能有()。 A.是确认侦查活动终结、侦查活动合法的凭证 B.表明犯罪事实情节清楚、证据确实充分 C.是人民法院审判公诉案件的依据 D.是代表国家公开指控被告人犯罪行为的法定文件 答案: C 9.人民检察院建议公安机关追加提请批捕犯罪嫌疑人,公安机关不提请批捕,人民检察院决定逮捕犯罪嫌疑人时应当制作()。
