


Embassy of [country name] in Beijing


Income Certification

To whom it may concern,

We certify that [Mr./Ms.××[Passport No.××] has been employed by [company name××] as a [title] since [month/year]. We also certify that [his/her] current monthly salary is RMB[××] (after/before tax). This letter has been only issued to assist [Mr./Ms.××] for [his/her] application of a tourist visa.

Yours sincerely,

[Company Name]

Sign by: [Name] and [Title]



Certificate of employment Date: MM DD 2014 To: Embassy of the United States Dear Sir or Madam: This is to certify that Mr./MS. XXX is a staff(也可以写具体职务)/civil servant in our company/Bureau since the year of MM YYYY. His/Her monthly salary is RMB XXX. He/She will travel to the United State from MM DD YYYY to MM DD YYYY as his/her vacation leave, and all the travelling expenses, including airplane tickets and accommodation, will be covered by himself/herself. We also guarantee that we will retain his/her position till the end of the holiday, and he/she will be back to China and work at the company/bureau on schedule. Yours sincerely XXX 这里加XXX签名(XXX 是领导的名字的拼音) YYY (YYY是领导的职务) ZZZ 这里加公章(ZZZ 是单位名字) Address: XXXX, 邮编, China Tel: 区号-电话号码 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 在职证明 日期:2014年MM月DD日 致:美国大使馆签证官 兹证明XXX先生/女士是我公司/局一名员工(也可用具体职务)/公务员,自YYYY年MM月开始任职。他/


在职证明英文参考样本 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

在职及收入证明 兹证明男出生日期 1983年10月26日自2008年9月起在我单位工作职务:总经理税后年薪为(包括工资奖金,补贴,分红等)为人民币600000元 . 单位(盖章) 领导(签字) 2014年6月9日 StatementofEmploymentandIncome ThisistocertifythatMr.,bornon26thOct.1983,hasbeenworkingin ourcompanysinceSep.2008.Heisnowinpositionofgeneralmanager.Hisannual income(includingsalary,bonus,subsidy,etc.)isRMB600000yuanaftertax. NameoftheCompany(Seal) Employer’sname(Signature) Date:9thJune2014 附件1:在职证明英文参考样本 Date: XX XX XXXX To: Embassy of Canada Dear Sir or Madam: His/Her information is listed as follows, Name Sex Date of Birth Passport No. All the travelling expenses, including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance, will be covered by himself/herself. We hereby guarantee that he/she will abide by all the laws and regulations during his/her staying abroad. We also guarantee that he/she will be back to China on schedule and will continue to work for our unit/company. Yours sincerely


中华人民共和国个人所得税完税证明 Certificate of Individual Income Tax Payment People’s Republic of China (2009)京地税个征05688310 No. (2009)BLTI-05688310 填发日期: 译法说明: 一、关于“完税”:译为tax payment或tax clearance均可。 二、关于完税证明编号的翻译:此处“(2009)京地税个征05688310”译为“No. (2009)BLTI-05688310”,其中BLT表示“北京地方税务”、I表示“个人所得税”,仅供参考。怎么译都可以,只要像那么回事。 三、关于“税款所属时期”:这里按其涵义译为“charging period of tax”。此外,译者还见过描述性译法,如“which period of time the taxation belongs to”,也是可以的,只不过生硬了一些,belong to不如charge专业和贴切一些。 四、关于“工资薪金所得”:不建议单独用salary或wage。在英语里,salary指公职人员或公司白领工人按星期、月度等固定时段所领的固定报酬;wage指工厂蓝领工人的计件、计时工资。除此之外,加班工资、补贴、津贴等也属于劳动报酬性收入。这些都统称labor compensation。国外很多大公司的工资单、工资条,上面用的就是compensation。 五、关于“实缴税金”:译为paid-in tax / cleared tax等均可。此处译为amount of tax payment。


澳大利亚签证在职证明 样本英文版 This model paper was revised by LINDA on December 15, 2012.

INCUMBENCYCERTIFICATION Date:XX-XX-2017(日-月-年) To:Embassyofthe Australian DearVisaofficer: Thisistocertifythat Mr/MS.XXXXXX(名字)worksinour company/unit as XXXXXXXX(职务)sincetheyearof XXXX(入职公司年份).Her/His monthlysalaryisRMB XXXX(月薪).He/She willhaveatourtothe Australia from XXXX2015to XXXX2015(旅行日期). Her/His informationislistedasfollows, Allthetravellingexpenses,includingairtickets,transportation,accommodationandhe althinsurance,willbecoveredby himself/herself. Weherebyguaranteethat he/she willabidebyallthelawsandregulationsduring his/her sta yingabroad.Wealsoguaranteethat he/she willbebacktoChinaonscheduleandwillcontinue toworkforour company/unit. Yourssincerely


Translation Certificate of Tax Payment People’s Republic of China (Seal) Tax Authority: YangPu branch of Shanghai Local Taxation Bureau Date of Issue: 18 June 2015 Name of Taxpayer: ID Number of Taxpayer: Tax Items Items Charging Period of Tax Charging Date of Tax Amount of Tax Payment Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations 2011-07 2011-08-17 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations 2011-08 2011-09-21 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations 2011-09 2011-10-20 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations 2011-10 2011-11-17 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations 2011-11 2011-12-21 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations 2011-12 2012-01-20 Individual Income Total Jul.2011-Dec.2011 Total (in words): ¥ 014102065328 (141)No.02065328 Tax Authority (Seal) Remark: Filed by: This certificate does not use for bookkeeping Handwriting invalid Safekeeping The following part on this page is blank


中华人民共和国税收通用完税证 Universal Certificate for Tax Paying of the People’s Republic of China (20071) 深地完电: 00496405 (20071) SDWD: 00762405 注册类型: Registration type (港澳台商)独资经营企业 Solely invested corporation (by Hong 填发日期: Issuing date: 征收机关: Tax collecting authority: 专用发票的基本联次统一规定为四联, 各联次必须按以下规定用途使用: Special invoices are basically in quaduplicate, as stipulated on a unified basis, and each copy shall be used in accordance with the following provisions

(一) 第一联为存根联, 由销货方留存备查。 (1) The first copy is the "stub copy", which is kept by the seller for reference; (二) 第二联为发票联, 购货方作付款的记帐凭证。 (2) The second copy is the "invoice copy", which is used by the purchaser as payment record for bookkeeping; (三) 第三联为税款抵扣联, 购货方作扣税凭证。 (3) The third copy is the "credit copy", which is used by the purchaser as a certificate for claiming input tax credit; and (四) 第四联为记帐联, 销货方作销售的记帐凭证。 (4) The fourth copy is the "bookkeeping copy ", which is used by the seller as sales record for bookkeeping. 国家税务总局 State Administration of Taxation 票证监制章Seal for supervising manufacture of the certificates


个人所得税完税证明:The People’s Republic of China Individual Income Tax Certificate 税务登记证Certificate of Taxation Registration 地税编号local tax code 国税编号national tax code 地税字号这么翻译:DSZH 成就工资(Merit Pay):绩效工资来自于英文中的Merit Pay但在中国更为贴切的说法提法应该是绩效提薪. 股权(Stock): 福利(Benefit): 津贴(allowance): 奖金(incentive pay): 成就工资(Merit Pay): 基础工资(Base Pay): 以职位为基础(Pay for Job)的基础工资和以能力为基础(Pay for Competency)的基础工资 Salary:从事管理工作和负责经营等的人员按年或月领取的固定薪金. Wages:工人按件,小时,日,周或月领取的工资. 收入差(pay ranges 1,pay structure: 2,pay grades: 3,pay ranges: 4,overlap: 重叠 年终红利(annual bonus 岗位工资post wages 岗位技能工资与岗位效益工资之优劣Discussion on Merits and Demerits of Skill Wages and Benefit Wages of Post 隐性报酬(intrinsic compensation)和显性报酬(extrinsic compensation)。 1.基础工资:Foundation wages 2.职务等级:Duty rank 3.级别工资:Rank wages 4.工资工龄:Wages job seniority 5.职务岗位津贴:Duty allowance 6.特殊岗位津贴基础津:Special allowance 7.基础津贴:Foundation allowance 8.综合补贴:Synthesis subsidy 9.岗位补贴:Post subsidy 10.目标奖:Goal prize 基础工资: Basic Wage (or Salary) 职务等级: Occupation Classification 级别工资: Classification Allowance 工资工龄: Long Service Allowance 职务岗位津贴: Occupation Benefit

2019-国税完税证明-范文word版 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! == 国税完税证明 国税完税证明 个人独资企业注销后想更名为注册公司,手续怎么办啊 首先,你向国、地两个主管税务机关(如果你公司涉及的所有税在一个局的话,另论)申请开具一个完税证明。先咨询一下税务机关需要哪些税、哪几个纳税年度的完税证明。然后找你的专管员商量一下,以税务机关的名义写一个完税证明。现实中本人遇过这种情况,本来是税务机关写的,他们太懒,叫我自己写得了。写好后,找你的专管员审查一下,看措词行不行,之后再找你专管员把你完税证明上所属纳税年度缴纳税款的台账打印出来。 接着,嘴甜一点,麻烦你专管员带着你去加盖一个税务局的公章(我这里说的是局里的章,不是什么所、什么征收分局之类的章,因为局章才有说服力),可以的话,把你完税的台账按年装订,也盖上税务局的公章。如果税务局另有要求的话,你还有需要把各年度的缴款书逐一复印下来,以作你公司的原始完税证明。 这样子就可以对外发生证明效力了。 为了优化纳税服务,增强社会公众纳税意识,进一步提升个人所得税征收管理质量,根据纳税人的普遍要求,经研究,决定从201X年1月1日起,试行由税务机关按年向扣缴义务人实行了明细申报后的个人所得税纳税人开具《中华人民共和国个人所得税完税证明》(以下简称完税证明)。现将有关事项通知如下: 一、统一思想,充分认识加强开具完税证明工作的意义

由税务机关统一向个人所得税纳税人开具完税证明,是“聚财为国,执法 为民”宗旨的具体体现,符合国际惯例和我国个人所得税完税凭证管理工作的 发展方向。它不仅是税法的要求,也是衡量税务部门税收管理水平的标志,更 是保障纳税人合法权利的需要,其意义重大:一是可以将“聚财为国,执法为民”的宗旨落实到具体工作中,优化纳税服务、树立税务机关良好形象;二是可以贴近纳税人,满足纳税人实际需求,促进税法知识的普及,同时可以增强公 众纳税意识,培养公民依法纳税的责任感和自豪感;三是可以推动全员全额管理工作,加强对扣缴义务人扣缴情况和纳税人纳税情况的交叉稽核和监管,从而 提升个人所得税征收管理水平;四是可以为下一步深化税制改革,向综合与分类相结合的税制过渡奠定基础;五是可以为建立和完善全国征信体系打下基矗因此,各级税务机关务必对此项工作高度重视,加强领导,明确责任,积极创造条件,确保税务机关试行为纳税人开具个人所得税完税证明工作的顺利进行。 二、关于试行开具完税证明的范围 鉴于目前给所有个人所得税纳税人开具完税证明的条件尚不成熟,从 201X年1月1日起,税务机关应区别以下情况,给纳税人分别开具完税证明: (一)对实行了扣缴义务人明细申报、信息化程度较好的地区,以及纳入重 点管理的纳税人,无论扣缴义务人是否给纳税人开具代扣代收税款凭证,以及 纳税人是否提出要求,税务机关均应根据系统内掌握的扣缴义务人明细申报信 息和其他涉税信息,汇总纳税人全年个人所得税纳税情况,经核实后,于年度 终了3个月内,为每一个纳税人按其上年实际缴纳的个人所得税额开具一张完 税证明。? 纳税人在年度中间因出国、向境外转移财产、对外投资等原因需要完税证 明并向税务机关提出要求的,经税务机关核实后,开具其相应期间实际缴纳个 人所得税款的完税证明。? (二)虽实行了扣缴义务人明细申报,但信息化条件暂不具备的地区,纳税 人向税务机关提出开具完税证明要求的,须提供合法身份证明和有关已扣(缴) 税款凭证,经税务机关核实后,开具其相应期间实际缴纳个人所得税款的完税 证明。 三、关于完税证明的式样


请使用公司信纸 Date: 1-JAN-2016 To: Embassy of the United States Dear Visa officer: This is to certify that Mr. XXX XXX works in our company as XXXXXXXX since the year of XXXX. His/Her monthly salary is RMB XXXX. He/She will have a tour to the United States of America from 23 SPE 2016 to 06 OCT 2016. All the travelling expenses, including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance, will be covered by himself/herself. We hereby guarantee that he/she will abide by all the laws and regulations during his staying abroad. We also guarantee that he/she will be back to China on schedule and will continue to work for our company. Yours sincerely Company Name: 公司英文名称 Add:地址 Tel: 电话 Name of the leader : 领导姓名 Signature:


附件1:在职证明英文参考样本 Date:XXXXXXXX To:EmbassyoftheUnitedStates DearSirorMadam: Thisistocertifythat Mr./Ms.XXXX(申请人姓名)worksinourunit/companyas XXXX(职位)sincetheyearof XXXX(年).His/Her monthlysalaryis RMBXXXX(月薪).He/She willhaveatourtotheUnitedStatesofAmericafromto出国旅游具体日期:某日某月某年) His/Her informationislistedasfollows, Name Sex DateofBirth PassportNo. Allthetravellingexpenses,includingairtickets,transportation,accommodationandhealthins urance,willbecoveredby himself/herself. Weherebyguaranteethat he/she willabidebyallthelawsandregulationsduringhis/herstayingabr oad.Wealsoguaranteethat he/she willbebacktoChinaonscheduleandwillcontinuetoworkforour un it/company. Yourssincerely CompanyName:XXXXXX Add:XXXXXX Tel:XXX-XXXXXX Nameoftheleader(领导人姓名) Positionoftheleader(领导人职位) Signature(领导的签名) CompanyStamp(公司盖章) 附件2:在职证明中文参考样本 日期:XXXX年XX月XX日 致:美国大使馆签证官 兹证明XXX先生/女士自XXXX年来我公司任职,职位是XXXX.他/她的月收入是人民币XXXX 元。他/她将于XXXX年X月X日到XXXX年X月X日(出国具体日期某年某月某日)赴美国旅游。他/她的具体信息如下,


Guidance on Registration Documents(one copy for each) for name approval application of foreign (including Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao) invested enterprises 1. The "application for name pre-approval of foreign invested enterprises" signed by all investors; 全体投资人签署的《外商投资企业名称预先核准申请书》; 2. Photocopies of qualification certificates of all investors; 全体投资人的资格证明复印件; 3. Other relevant documents and certificates; 其他有关文件、证件; Documents for registration of establishment of a Foreign-, Hong Kong-, Macao- or Taiwan-Invested enterprise (one copy for each) For registration of establishment of a Foreign-Invested company 1、"The establishment registration application Form for foreign invested Enterprises" by the legal representative to be appointed 拟任法定代表人签署的《外商投资的公司设立登记申请书》 2、The approval document issued by the approval authority (one duplicate of official reply and approval certificate); 审批机关的批准文件(批复和批准证书副本1) 3、Articles of association公司章程 4、The notification of name pre-approval 《名称预先核准通知书》 5、Proof of subject qualification or proof of identification as a natural person for investors 投资者的主体资格证明或自然人身份证明 6、Photocopies of documents of appointment and proof of identification for directors, supervisors and managers董事、监事和经理的任职文件及身份证明复印件 7、Photocopies of documents of appointment and proof of identification for legal representative法定代表人任职文件和身份证明复印件 8、Investment verification certificates issued by a legally established investment verification authority依法设立的验资机构出具的验资证明 9、Where a shareholder has made his/her capital contribution with nom-currency properties for the first time, documents proving the completion of property transfer procedures shall be submitted.股东首次出资是非货币财产的,提交已办理财产权转移手续的证明文件 10、Certificate of company domicile公司住所证明 11、The minutes of the inaugural assembly;创立大会的会议记录 12、Pre-approval document or certificate;前置审批文件或证件 13、Letter of authorization for service of legal documents 法律文件送达授权委托书 14、Other relevant documents and certificates;其它有关文件 For registration of establishment of a Foreign-Invested enterprise (non-company) 1、"The application from signed by the pending legal representative";拟任法定代表人签署的《(非公司)外商投资企业设立登记申请书》 2、The approval document issued by the approval authority (one duplicate of official reply


签证相关各类证件翻译汇总 1、身份证Name: xxxx Sex :Female Nationality: Han D.O.B:12 Jan 1983 Adress: Room XXX No.167 XXX District XX City XXX Province Date Issue : 31 Mar 2001 Expiry: 10 Years Serial No: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX Branch Xiamen Municipal Public Security Bureau 2、行驶证 THE LICENSE OF MOTOR VEHICLES OF P.R.C. Register Code: 粤B XXXXX Type: Sedan Owner: XXXX Address: XXX, Huaqiang Road North, Futian District, Shenzhen, GD Province, P.R.CHINA Engine Code: XXXXX VIN: LXXX Model: Volks Wagon Passat SXXXX Total Weight: 18XX kg Carry Weight: 14XX kg Passengers: 5 persons Register Date: June XX, 200X Issued Date: July XX, 200X Size: 1234x5678x9100mm Issued By: Vehicle Management Office Shenzhen Traffic Management Bureau (Seal) 3、企业营业执照 BUSINESS LICENSE OF THE ENTERPRISE JURIDICAL PERSON( DUPLICATE ) No.11xxxx2 Register Number: QIHEJINGZONGFUZI No.00xxxx0 The Enterprise Name: Shenzhen xxxxxxx Co., Ltd. Address: Unit xxxx Building, No. xxxxxx Road, xxxxx District, Shenzhen Legal Representative: xxxxxx Register Capital: USDxxxxxx.00 (Real Capital USDxxxxxx.00) Enterprise Type: Joint Venture (Hong Kong joint) Scope of Business: Manufacture of xxxxxx and parts, peripheral and service.


*** technology co. LTD Employment Certificate Date: 12 Jun 2018 Embassy of Australia Dear Sir or Madam: Mr. *** works in our company from Mar.2018 He will be on travelling purposes visiting your country from 11.Sept.2018 to 22.Sept.2018.Alltheexpensesincludeairtickets,transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself.He willbebackontimeasperhisscheduleplannedandshallcontinue to work in our company after his/her visit to yourcountry. Name Date of BirthPassport-No. Position Annual Income **** 12 DEC 1993 **** XXXX ¥112000 Registration No.:1XXXXXXXXXXXX Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated. B es t R eg ard s, Name of the leader ****** Position of the leader CEO Signature Company’s Stamp Tel: +86********* Add: ***********, Shenyang, China Company Name: ***** technology co. LTD


工作在职证明模板 工作证明是指我国公民在日常生产生活经营活动中,所需要的对经济收入的一种证明,下面是小编为大家搜集整理出来的有关于工作在职证明模板,希望可以帮助到大家! 【工作在职证明范本一】XXX有限公司(工作名称)兹证明×××,性别,——年——月——日出生,系我工作(公司)正式员工,自年月在我工作工作,现任(职务),年薪。他(她)将于年月日前往台湾旅游,我司担保其在台湾期间遵守台湾法律,在旅游结束后按期返回,继续在我司工作。 特此证明 公司名称: 负责人或主管人员签名: 公司章 负责人或主管人员电话: 公司地址并加盖公司章: 开具日期: 【工作在职证明范本二】兹证明我公司__________

先生/女士(出生日期:_____年_____月_____日),自_____年_____月_____日在我公司工作,现任北京诚智思源物业管理经营有限公司__________职务。 特此证明 (公司章) 年月日 【工作在职证明范本三】姓名:xxx性别:x出生年月日:xxxx工作工作:xxxx职务:xxxx何年何月任现职:xxxx工作电话:xxxx 该同志将参加由xxxx赴xx进行商务考察和洽谈活动。 特此证明。 (公司章) xxxx年xx月xx日 【工作在职证明范本四】日本驻广州总领事馆: 兹有我工作____(姓名)_________(护照号码)申请前往贵国旅行。____为我工作____(职务),____(年/月)进入我工作,为工作服务____年,年收入____元。我工作同意____(申请人)于____(月/日)至____(月/日)期间休假,在贵国期间

一切费用(包括机票、住宿、医疗保险及其他费用)将由其本人承担。___(申请人姓名)在旅行结束后,将按时回国,继续为我公司服务。 领导签名: 工作名称(并盖公章): 工作电话: 【工作在职证明范本五】在职证明 兹证明______,出生日期__年__月__日,姓别__ 于__年__月__日起在_____________公司____部门任_____________职务。 (任职证明日期须至少6个月以上) 工作主管:XXXXXXXXXX 月薪:XXXXXXXXXX 工作地址:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


在职证明英文填写模板 在职证明是我国公民在日常生产生活经营活动中,所需要的对个在职情况及收入的一种证明,一般在办理主要是出国签证使用。在职证明很多人都会写。但英文版的在职证明又怎么写呢?下面小编为大家收集整理了在职证明英文填写模板,供大家参考。 篇一:在职证明书英文版 CERTIFICATE Date: month day, year Series (97): 001 This is to certify that Name, has been a teacher of Subject at Taipei County Hai-Shan High School since Date, and is still a member of our faculty. Name: National ID No. Date of Birth: Sung-Hsi Wu Principal Taipei County Hai-Shan High School 篇二:在职证明书英文版 CERTIFICATE ______________:

This is to certify that xx-x(姓名) (passport NO. xx-xxx-xxx-x (护照号))is employed by our firm since xx-xxx-x(雇用年月). His/Her current income monthly is RMB xx-xxx(月收入). We hereby confirm he/she is going to (所去国家) on travel. From XX TO XXX(旅游起始日期). We further guarantee xx-x (姓名)will comply with local law and regulation during her or his stay in (所去国家) and will also be back on time, meanwhile, we are willing to retain her or his position until she or he comes back . This certificate is issued to facilitate him/her application for a visa for such a visit . 公司名称 日期 盖章 公司地址: 电话: 联系人: 篇三:在职证明(中英)签证用 TO: VISA SECTION Dear Sirs, Mr. / Ms. XXX (申请人姓名) works in our company from


文档下载 亿万文档免费下载 毕业论文外语考试资格考试IT计算机高等教育教学研究经管营销总结/汇报工作范文高中教育初中教育小学教育 当前位置:文档下载 > 所有分类 > 高等教育 > 理学 > 概率与数理统计外文文献及翻译 免费下载此文档 概率与数理统计外文文献及翻译 本科论文 河北师范大学 毕业论文(设计)英文文献翻译 学生姓名 : *** 专业 : 数学与应用数学 年级 : 2008级 学号 : 200820404119 本(专)科 : 本科 指导教师 : *** 河北师范大学教务处印制 第1页下一页 文档免费下载:概率与数理统计外文文献及翻译 (下载1-6页,共6页) 我要评论 TOP相关主题

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(请打印英文证明,中文仅供参考) 在职证明 兹证明XXX男/女,出生于XXXX年XX月XX日,护照号码:GXXXXXX X XXX 自XXXX年来我公司任职,其职位是 XXX自XXXX年起在我公司工作至今,月收 入约为XXXX元人民币。 该男/女士预计于XXXX年 XX月XX日至XXXX年 XX月XX日前往XXX国进行旅 游访问。在其出境期间,我公司将保留其职务,回国后仍继续担任原职务。我 公司担保其在此期间能遵守XXX国的法律,旅游结束后按时回国。 有关此次的一切费用由他 /她本人承担。 特此证明 负责人签字: 公司名称: 地址: 电话 Tel: 传真 Fax: XXXX年 XX 月 XX 日 (请用单位抬头纸打印,负责人签字,盖单位红章) Working Certificate Dear Sir or Madam: This is the certification to Mr/Mrs XXX . He/She is male/female and was born on XX,XX,XXXX . His/Her passport No.is GXXXXXXX . Mr/Mrs XXX is our XXX for the period from XX,XX,XXXX until now with amount of XXX RMB for monthly income. He/She plans to go toXX from XX,XX,XXXX to XX,XX,XXXX for private visiting .We will keep his/her position during his/her absence. We guarantee that he/she would obey all your local laws. He /She will come back to China on scheduled time after this tour. All the expenses of the tour will be covered by himself/herself. Yours Sincerely


单位员工在职证明(模板) 单位员工在职证明(模板) 单位员工在职证明(模板一) X X X有限公司(单位名称) 兹证明×××,性别,——年——月——日出生,系我单位(公司)正式员工,自年月在我单位工作,现任(职务),年薪。他(她)将于年月日前往台湾旅游,我司担保其在台湾期间遵守台湾法律,在旅游结束后按期返回,继续在我司工作。 特此证明 公司名称: 负责人或主管人员签名: 公司章 负责人或主管人员电话: 公司地址并加盖公司章: 开具日期: 单位员工在职证明(模板二) X X X有限公司(单位名称) 兹证明我公司__________先生/女士(出生日期:_____年_____月_____日),自_____年_____月_____日在我公司工作,现任北京诚智思源物业管理经营有限公司__________职务。 特此证明

(公司章)年月日 单位员工在职证明(模板三) X X X有限公司(单位名称) 姓名:xxx 性别:x 出生年月日:xxxx 工作单位:xxxx 职务:xxxx 何年何月任现职:xxxx 单位电话:xxxx该同志将参加由xxxx赴xx进行商务考察和洽谈活动。 特此证明。 (公司章)xxxx年xx月xx日 单位员工在职证明(模板四) X X X有限公司(单位名称) 日本驻广州总领事馆:兹有我单位____(姓名)_________(护照号码)前往贵国旅行。____为我单位____(职务),____(年/月)进入我单位,为单位服务____年,年收入____元。我单位同意____(人)于____(月/日)至____(月/日)期间休假,在贵国期间一切费用(包括机票、住宿、医疗保险及其他费用)将由其本人承担。___(申请人姓名)在旅行结束后,将按时回国,继续为我公司服务。 领导签名: 单位名称(并盖公章): 单位电话: 单位员工在职证明(模板五) X X X有限公司(单位名称) 在职证明兹证明______ ,出生日期__年__月__日,姓别__于__年__月__日起在_____________公司____部门任_____________职务。(任职证明日期
