



1) 分句法



例1 八月中旬,修理组人员在骄阳下工作。

译文: It was in mid-August,and the repair section operated under the blazing sun.(一个单句拆分成了一个并列复合句)

例2 他为人单纯而坦率。

译文: He was very clean.His mind was open. (一个单句拆分成两个简单句了)

例3 The mother might have spoken with understandable pride of her child.

译文: 母亲谈到她的孩子时,也许有自豪感,这是可以理解的。(形容词被拆开)

例4 I wrote four books in the first three years ,a record never touched before.

译文: 我头三年写了四本书,打破了以往的记录。(名词短语拆开)



例5 她已试了好几次,要帮他们另找一所出租的房子,结果并未成功。

译文:She had made several attempts to help them find other rental quarters without success.(多个简单句合成一个单句)

例6 他们有遵守交通规则,机器出了故障。

译文:His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery.(并列复合句合成一个单句)

例7 When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people, we are not merely being polite.



1._______________ (通过体育锻炼),we can always stay healthy.

2.According to the scientific research , _____________ (听音乐能使我们放松).Is this really


3.______________ (我们绝对不能)ignore the value of knowledge.

4.As is known to all, ______________ (假冒伪劣商品)harm the interests of consumers.

5.Faced with failure,some people can stand up to it, _____________ (从失败中汲取教训)and try hard to fulfill what they are determined to do.


1. By taking exercises


“通过”可以用by表示方式,through表示途径。By taking exercises /Through 可以用动词短语。

exercises。往往by用于“by + doing”,而through后接名词哦。

2. listening to music enables us to feel relaxed

解析:“听音乐”在句中作主语,“听”应当处理成动名词形式。“能使我们放松”很多同学会采用can make us feel relaxed的结构。其实,enable就有“能够使某人……”的含义,注意enable sb. to do 的表达。

3. On no account can we

解析:本题是强调语气,强调“决不能”,所以联想到on no account ,by no means,at no time,in no case等。不管用哪一个,都要注意它们是含有否定的意味的,因此在置于句首时应使用倒装语序。

4. fake and inferior commodities

解析:“假冒伪劣商品”包含两层含义:一是假货,二是次品,在翻译成英文的时候应该注意两层含义的正确译法。“假冒”不能用false而应选择fake,“次品”可以说inferior 表示质量差,也可以用commodity of low quality。

5. draw useful lessons from it

解析:句意为:面对失败,有的人能够顽强抵抗,从中吸取教训,努力实现他们的目标。本句由三个并列的谓语成分构成,谓语动词分别是stand up to“汲取”和try。“汲取教训”正确表达为draw a lesson from。然而我们又能从全句判断,从失败中吸取教训是为了将来能够更好地实现目标,因此加上修饰语useful,使内容更明确。


1) 定语位置的调整


例1 实现我国社会主义现代化是一项我们必须努力完成的任务。

译文: The socialist modernization of our country is a task that we must do our utmost to fulfill.

汉语中作"现代化"定语的"社会主义"在英语中只需要一个单词socialist 就可以表明,按照英语的习惯,放在所修饰的中心词modernization之前。但是原文中"我国"翻成英语就不是简简单单的一个词了,而是一个介词短语of our country,置于中心词"现代化"之后,成为后置定语。英译时,"任务"的定语"努力完成的"是一个从句that we must do our utmost to fulfil,按照英语习惯,应放在所修饰的中心词task之后。

例2 She was very happy to meet the artist who painted the picture.

译文: 她很高兴能够遇到那幅画的艺术家。

全句的宾语是"艺术家",英语里修饰the artist的成分在the artist之后,这是英语表达习惯所规定的。但是转换成汉语时,就必须把定语修饰成分提前到中心词"艺术家"之前。




译文:We ate to our hearts content at the new restaurant last Friday.


Exercise Five

1._______________ (他们没有去游泳),they went to play football that day.

2.There is no doubt that _____________ (需求的增长导致了价格的上涨).

3.He cannot win a good reputation,______________ (因为他多嘴多舌).

4.We have reasons to believe that, ______________ (一个更加光明美好的未来等着我们).

5.There are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society,______________ (但是只有那些做好充分准备并且高度称职的人)can make use of them to achieve purpose.

1. Instead of going swimming

解析:原文中"没有"并不一定要对应成didn’t,这里我们可以使用instead of,使译文简洁明了,合乎英语习惯。采用正译法,用英语不带否定词的表达来代替中文的"没有去"。从本题及Exercise Two中的第二题我们可以得出结论:汉译英时,可以灵活变换句型,充分利用英语的否定或半否定语气的词语或结构,以便使译句符合英语习惯。从另一角度看,后半句英语没有出现表示转折含义的连接词(如but),因此They didn’t go swimming也是不成立的,不符合句法规范。

2. the increase in demand resulted in /caused the rise in prices

解析:考生要注意分清result from 和result t in的区别。result from指be caused by(由......产生),是指原因;result in指cause,lead to(导致......),是指结果。本题还有一个考点就是:做翻译时,应尽量照顾并行结构的前后一致,如:the increase in demand and the rise in prices。

3. because he has a loose tongue

解析:"多嘴多舌"显然有gossip的意思。因此我们在翻译时应先挖掘其深层含义,再用适当的英文表达出来。答案because he has a loose tongue看起来与原文并不对应,但却形象地讲内涵表达了出来。其他类似的翻译还有:a bitter tongue(刻薄嘴);a long tongue(快嘴);a rough tongue(粗鲁话);a sharp tongue(言语尖刻);a silver tongue(流利的口才);a smooth tongue(油嘴滑舌)。

4. we would have a better and brighter future

解析:本题意为:我们有理由相信,一个更加光明美好的未来等着我们。句子需填入部分特别容易被译成:a better and brighter future waits for us。这是因为受到了中文母语的干扰,思维被中文的语序牵着跑。如果这样译的话就会导致前后半句的主语发生转换,前面是we,后面是the future。这种转换在英文里就会显得非常突兀,不符合英文表达习惯。因此我们可以在汉译英稍作变通,将前后主语统一为"we"。本题还有一点考生要留意的是,是否能分清wait和await的使用区别。两者都表示"等待",wait是不及物动词,必须后接介词for;await是及物动词,可以后接人。

5. but only those who are prepared adequately and qualified highly

解析:本句考生特别容易译成:the prepared and the qualified。定冠词the加上形容词可以表示某一类人。the prepared and the qualified就指代"作了准备的人"和"有资格的人",但遗漏了原文中的"充分"和"高度"。由于原句的修饰部分内容很多,因此不适宜用"the +形容词"的结构来指代某一类人。对于这种情况我们可以采用"某一类人+后置定语"的方法。这样答案就是but only those who are prepared adequately and qualified highly。全句的意思是:在我们的社会里,人人都有许多机遇,但是只有那些作好充分准备并且高度称职的人才能利用机遇达到目的。


1._________________(我没有买到一张好票)for yesterday’s movie.

2. It’s confirmed that _______________(铁路将延伸到我们村子).

3. The new manager of our company _____________(有很强的事业心).

4. When I walked past his house,________________(我听见他在弹钢琴).

5. ________________(学生们应该从这里得出一条经验):Don’t be misled by false appearances.

答案解析: 1. I d idn’t buy a good seat2. the railway will be extended to our village

3. is a man of great enterprise

4. I heard him playing the piano

5. Students should draw a lesson here

1. We had better _________________(天天锻炼身体).

2. _______________(为了不影响他们),we left quietly.

3. _____________(我答复她)that I would accept her invitation.

4. According to the newly-announced policy,we should ____________(努力搞活国有大中型企业).

5. It has become an utmost urgency that ________________(必须清除政府中的贪污腐化现象).

答案解析: 1. take exercise everyday2. Not to disturb them 3. I replied to her 4. invigorate the large

5. the administration must be cleaned of graft and corruption1. In the old society,five hundred million careworn people _________________ (生活在水深火热之中).

2. We think it most important that _______________(理论与实际相结合)

3. _____________(不论晴雨),we’ll have to go tomorrow.

4.This is ________________(正是要找的人)we are looking for.

5. Their income is ________________(一般家庭的3~5倍).


1. were plunged into a dire suffering

2. theory be combined with practice

3. Rain or shine

4. no other than the man

5. three to five times that of ordinary households

1 This is yet_________________ (两国人民的又一个共同点).

2. His scientific works _______________(在英语国家得到广泛阅读).

3. Revolution means the emancipation of the productive forces,_____________(改革也是解放生产力).

4.He is optimistic ________________(对现时信息产业的发展状况).

5.Work in all fields should be subordinated to and ________________(服务于经济发展的进程).


1. another common point between the people of our two countries

2. were widely read in English-speaking countries

3.and so does reform

4. about the present development of information industry

5. serve the economic development

1. _________________ (如果机器真的能像人一样会思考的话),there would be no more reason to fear them than to fear men..

2. When it is short of water,a plant _______________(一般用蒸发作为降温的手段).

3. He has never mixed with them or _____________(同他们坦城交流),but has demanded and generally received a respect due to his position and superior intelligence.

4.Your Math instructor would have been happy ________________(给你一次补考机会的)had you gone and explained that your parents were ill at the time.

5. ________________(随着孩子们在经济上独立出来)of the family,the emphasis on family financial security will shift from protection to saving for the retirement years.


1. If machines really thought as men do

2. normally uses evaporation as a means of cooling

3. spoken to them on equal terms

4. to give you a make-up examination

5. As the children become financially independent

1. We need not only be under various external pressures, but also _____________ (也要面对内心的困惑).

2. Would you _______________(愿意来参加我们的晚会)on Friday?

3. After the operation,_____________(他的身体很健康).

4.-Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival?


5. ________________(我只发现了几个错误)in your composition.

答案解析: 1. to be in the face of the internal perplexities2. come to our evening party3. he is in good health/he's healthy 4. Sure/ Certainly 5. I found a few mistakes

1._______________(青少年犯罪的主要原因是由于)that social environment is becoming worse.

2. The workmen think _______________(遵守安全规则很重要).

3. The new government was accused _____________(未实现其降低失业率的承诺).

4. Only with combined efforts,________________(我们才能期望台湾不久有新的面貌).

5. Several thousands of quake-smitten inhabitants ________________(得到了政府充分的救济).

答案解析:1. The main reason why juveniles commit crimes is2. it crucial to abide by the safety regulations3. of unfulfilling his promise to lower the unemployment rate4. can we expect Taiwan to take a new face in due course

5. got plentiful relief from the government. It's believed that mixed-ability teaching can _______________(促使他们知识的积累和经历的丰富).

2. We _______________(使我们的行为符合别人的)based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation.

3. The class are very active. They ________________(争先恐后地回答问题).

4. Oxygen is ________________(一种能和许多物质化合的气体).

5. Mr. Smith is ________________(这次事故的目击者之一).


1. enrich their knowledge and experience

2. fit our actions to those of other people

3. vie with each other in answering questions

4. a gas which unites with many substances

5. one of those who have witnessed the accident

1. Man,no less than the lower forms of life,_______________(是演化过程的产物).

2. _______________(不止一个人觉察到)her agitation.

3. ________________(液体密度越大),the easier it is to float on it.

4. ____________(只有工人的要求得到满足)will they return to work.

5. Had ________________(要不是有水库)we'd never have been able to beat the drought. 答案解析:

1. is a product of the evolutionary process

2. More than one person has noticed

3. The denser a liquid is

4. Only when the workers' demands are satisfied

5. it not been for the reservoir

1. He works _______________(在倒数第二个办公室).

2. The beauty of the lake is _______________(难以用语言形容).

3. ________________(一个人如果关在家里),a person can't know much about the world.

4. _______________(完成作业后),they went to the library.

5. I found him ________________(被打得青一块紫一块)


1. in the last office but one

2. beyond description

3. Kept within houses

4. Having finished their homework

5. beaten black and blue

1. It was essential that _______________(我们在月底前签订合同).

2. _______________(家庭人口多好还是人口少好)is a very popular topic,which is often talked about not only by city residents but by farmers as well.

3. We must _____________(用一切可能的办法来帮助他们).

4. We ________________(尽情地吃了一顿)at the new restaurant last Friday.

5. To most of the travelers,________________(衣、食、住、行)are all important elements. 答案解析:

1. We sign the contract by the end of the month

2. Whether a large family is good or not

3. help them in every way possible

4. ate to our hearts' content

5. food,clothing,shelter,and transportation

. The murderer deserves _______________(被绞死).

2. _______________(他们来帮忙)encouraged me.

3. I was sorry ________________(没看上这部电影).

4. In this night,if we can make good use of time,_______________(当然毫无疑问地我们会成功).

5. The government should enforce laws strictly. On the other hand,the public also should __________(培养减少污染的好习惯).

1. hanging/ to be hanged

2. Their coming to help

3. to have missed this film

4. there can surely be no doubt that we will succeed

5. develop the good habit of reducing pollution1.The doctor _______________(建议用一种新药来治疗这种病).

2. The two parties differ very sharply from each other ___________(在采取正确的补救办法的问题上).

3. An average student with average intelligence can be a top student ________________(只要仔细安排他/她的时间).

4. _______________(让世界发展如此之快的)is the modern science and technology.

5. A student must treasure his time and ________________(吸收尽可能多的知识)to lay

a solid foundation for his future career.

答案解析 1. suggests treating the case with a new drug

2. over the correct remedies to apply

3. if he plans his/her time carefully

4. What makes the world develop so fast

5. absorb as much knowledge as he can

1. ______________(除非你和保险公司签订货物保险合同),you are not entitled to a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery.

2. ______________(据报道,这个地方卫生组织25年前就成立了)when Dr. Mark became its first president.

3. Mrs. Smith shut the window lest ______________(外面的噪音会影响她儿子的睡眠).

4. The new mayor was charged ______________(未能履行他降低通货膨胀率的承诺).

5. _____________(每当遇到这类问题时,我的大脑就一片空白),and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.

答案解析:1. Unless you sign a contract with the insurance company for your goods

2. It is reported that the local health organization was established 25 years ago/The local health organization is reported to have been established 25 years ago

3.the noise outside (should) interfere with her son's sleep

4.with failure to fulfill his promise to decrease the inflation rate

5.When confronted with such questions,my mind goes blank

1. We need not only be under various external pressures, but also _____________ (也要面对内心的困惑).

2. Would you _______________(愿意来参加我们的晚会)on Friday?

3. After the operation,_____________(他的身体很健康).

4.-Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival?


5. ________________(我只发现了几个错误)in your composition.

答案解析: 1. to be in the face of the internal perplexities2. come to our evening party 3. he is in good health/he's healthy 4. Sure/ Certainly 5. I found a few mistakes

1.Everyone has his inherent ability ,________________ (只是很容易被习惯所掩盖)

2.The importance of traffic safety , _________________ (无论如何强调都不为过).

3.In my opinion , ______________ (打电动玩具既浪费时间也有害健康).

4.There is no doubt that ______________ (近视是一个很严重的问题)among the youth of our country.

5.According to my personal experience , ___________________ (微笑已带给我许多好处).

1. which is easily concealed by habits

解析:每个人都有与生俱来的能力,只是很容易被习惯所掩盖。本题的难点在于对动词"掩盖"的选择。这里的"掩盖"是抽象含义,并不是像 cover那样能找到真实的掩盖物,所以应该选择conceal,常用搭配由:conceal...from。另外,这句话是一个非限制性定语从句。句子需填补内容是对 ability的补充说明,"能力"是中心词。因此,要用which引导这个非限制性定语从句。

2. can’t be overemphasized / can’t be emphasized too much

解析:本句考查的是"再......也不为过的"的说法。英语句型是:cannot + do sth. + too much 或 cannot over-do,如:He is so excellent that we cannot praise him too much.(他是这样的优秀,我们怎样称赞他都不过分。)cannot是否定,与too much 和 over-V. 结构连用时强调肯定,表示"怎么......也不为过"。

3. playing video games not only takes much time but also does harm to health

解析:句子需填补部分的主语是"打电动玩具",虽然"打"是动词,但根据全句结构我们需要将play处理成动名词形式充当主语。此外,考察"不仅......还"的句型。"浪费时间"除了答案表达之外也可以用waste time 。

4. near-sightedness is a serious problem


英语六级翻译必备短语汇总 1.keep up with 跟上,不落后 2. catch up with 追上,赶上 3. come up with 提出 4. end up with 以…告终 5. put up with 忍受 6. make up for 补偿/填补 7. live up to 不辜负 8. turn up 出现 9. turn down 减少、拒绝 10. turn over 翻转 11. turn in 上缴 12. have access to sth. 有权利使用;有接近(享受)…的机会 13. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 14. look forward to doing sth./sth. 期待做某事/某事 15. get down to sth. 着手做/正式做某事 16. lead to/contribute to…/attribute to… 导致 17. be superior to 优于,胜过 18. be inferior to 比差…,不如… 19. be senior to 比…年长 20. be junior to比…年少 21. prior to 在…之前 22. range from… to… (围)从…到…;在…围变动 23. be busy in 忙于 24. be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 25. can't help doing sth.禁不住做某事 26. feel like doing sth. 想要走某事

27. have a good time (in ) 玩得高兴,过得愉快 28. have difficulty( trouble) (in) doing sth. 做…有困难 29. spend /waste time(in) 花费/浪费时间在… 30. It's no use doing sth. 做某事没有好处/意义 31. There's no point in doing sth. 没必要做某事 32. in the way/by the way/ in no way 挡路/顺便说一下/决不 33. It's the first/second time that第一次/第二次… 34. catch sb doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事 35. call off/cancel 取消 36. have an influence on sth./sb. 对某事/某人有影响 37. impose sth on sb. 把…强加于某人 38. but for sth. 要不是… 39. risk doing sth. 冒险做某事 40. escape doing sth. 避免做某事 41. accuse sb of sth. 控告某人做某事 42.charge sb with sth. 控告某人做某事 43. be innocent of 无辜的,无罪的 44. be alert to sth. 对…保持警惕 45. play a role/part in sth./doing sth. 在…中扮演角色/发作用 46. be worth doing sth. 值得做某事 47. be worthy of doing sth. 值得做某事 48. keep/lose contact with sb. 与某人保持/失去联系 49. be second to none 最好的,最棒的 50. not to speak of/not to mention/let alone 更不要说… 51. delay/ mind/ admit/ avoid// consider/ contemplate/deny/ dislike/ finish/ permit/ practice+doing推迟/介意/承认/避免/考虑/沉思/否认/不喜欢/结束/允许/联系


大学英语六级翻译练习题 Translation One (5minutes) Directions: Complete the following sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets. 72. From what you would get angry with you friends, we can conclude you still ( 在意他的友情). 73. Man might think that few women fit him before his marriage, and ( 结婚后觉得适合自己的女人很多). 74. Among thousands of people ,you meet those you've met. Through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time ( 没有早一步, 也没有晚一步, 刚巧赶上了). 75. Everyone has his inherent ability which is easily . ( 被习惯所掩盖, 被时间所迷离, 被惰性所消磨). 76. While our dream is confronted with the reality ,you always feel painful. Just trample on the pain, ( 要么你把痛苦踩在脚下). Translation Two (5 minutes) Directions: Complete the following sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets. 72.Scientists will have to _________________________________________________(提出增 加世界粮食供应的新方法). 73.The medicine _____________________________________________________(治愈了那 个老妇人的慢性咳嗽) which she had suffered 20 years. 74.Sometimes I fight for Mom and sometimes I fight for Dad, but I wish ________________________________________________________ (他们能让我从中完全解脱出来). 75.Many people believe that our species ___________________________________________ (有朝一日会濒临灭绝). 76.The doctor said that __________________________________________________ (保持饮 食均衡很重要). Translation Three ( five minutes) 72. He did very well in his exams , _________________________(考虑到他学的很少). 73. Beijing has announced that _________________________(在任何请光下,中国将不首先使


英语六级段落翻译常用句型 (一) 1. Sth gradually developed a style which featured…… 某物形成了以……为特色的风格。 2.Sth can be classified into several categories…… 某物可以被分为以下几类。 3.Industrious Chinese laboring people 勤劳的中国人民。 4.China has made great headway in narrowing the gap among different social classes. 中国在缩小不同社会阶层间的差距方面也在努力。 5.The core of “harmonious society” is“human-centered,” which means the improvement of people’s livelihood. 和谐社会的核心是以人为本,这就意味着要促民生。 6. We not only aspire to build China into a prosperous, strong and modern socialist country, but also into a democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious one. 我们不只是希望把中国建设为现代,繁荣和富强的社会主义国家,而且使中国成为文化先进的,民主的和和谐的国家。 7. During the long course of history, the Chinese people have, working with diligence, bravery and wisdom, created a beautiful homeland where all ethnic groups live in harmony, and developed a great and dynamic culture 在漫长的历史进程中,中国人民依靠自己的勤劳、勇敢、智慧,开创了民族和睦共处的美好家园,培育了历久弥新的优秀文化。 8. Chinese nation has made an indelible contribution to


2017年12月英语四六级翻译真题 英语四级翻译真题:泰山 泰山位于山东省西部。海拔1500余米,方圆约400平方公里。泰山不仅雄伟壮观,而且是一座历史文化名山,过去3000多年一直是人们前往朝拜的地方。据记载,共有72位帝王曾来此游览。许多作家到泰山获取灵感,写诗作文,艺术家也来此绘画。山上因此留下了许许多多的文物古迹。泰山如今已成为中国一处主要的旅游景点。 英语四级翻译真题:华山 华山位于华阴市,距西安120公里。华山是秦岭的一部分。秦岭不仅分割陕南与陕北,也分隔华南与华北。与从前人们常去朝拜的泰山不同。华山过去很少有人光临。因为上山的道路极其危险。然而,希望长寿的人却经常上山,因为山上生长着许多药草,特别是一些稀有的药草。自上世纪90年代安装缆车以来,参观人数大大增加。 英语四级翻译真题:黄山 黄山位于安徽省南部。它风景独特,尤以其日出和云海著称。要欣赏大山的宏伟壮丽,通常得向上看。但要欣赏黄山美景,就得向下看。黄山的湿润气候有利于茶树生长,是中国主要产茶地之一。这里还有许多温泉,其泉水有助于防治皮肤病。黄山是中国主要旅游目的地之一,也是摄影和传统国画最受欢迎的主题。 英语六级翻译真题:青海湖 青海湖位于海拔3205米、青海省省会西宁以西约100公里处。是中国最大的咸水湖,面积4317平方公里,最深处25.5米,有23条河注入湖中,其中大部分是季节性的。百分之八十的湖水源于五条主要河流。青海湖位于跨越亚洲的几条候鸟迁徙路线的交叉处。许多鸟类把青海湖作为迁徙过程中的暂息地,湖的西侧是著名的“鸟岛”,吸引着来自世界各地的观鸟者。每年夏天,游客们也来这里观看国际自行车比赛。 英语六级翻译真题:洞庭湖 洞庭湖位于湖南省东北部,面积很大,但湖水很浅。洞庭湖是长江的蓄洪池,湖的大小很大程度上取决于季节变化,湖北和湖南两省因其与湖的相对位置而得名,湖北意为“湖的北边”,而湖南则为“湖的南边”。洞庭湖作为龙舟赛的发源地,在中国文化中享有盛名。据说龙舟赛始于洞庭湖东岸。为的是搜寻楚国爱国诗人屈原的遗体。龙舟赛与洞庭湖及周边的美景,每年都吸引着成千上万来自全国和世界各地的游客。 英语六级翻译真题:太湖 太湖是中国东部的一个淡水湖,占地面积2250平方公里,是中国第三大淡水湖,仅次于鄱阳和洞庭,太湖约有90个岛屿,大小从几平方米到几平方公里不等。太湖以其独特的“太湖石”而闻名,太湖石常用于装饰中国传统园林。太湖也以高产的捕鱼业而闻名。自上世纪70年代后期以来,捕捞鱼蟹对沿湖的


英语六级翻译风汇总精 编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】

节日类: 1.年节 买年货:special for the Spring Festival 红包:red packets / red envelope 舞狮:lion dance 舞龙:dragon dance 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/ Eve of the Spring Festival 春晚:Spring Festival Gala 烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecrackers 守岁:staying-up 拜年:give New Year's greetings/ New Year's visit 去晦气:get rid of the ill-fortune 压岁钱:gift money/ money given to children as a lunar New Year gift 除旧岁: farewell to the old year 春联:(Spring Festival) 年画:New Year painting 庙会:temple fair 元宵节:Lantern Festival 元宵:Tangyuan/ sweet rice dumpling 灯谜:lantern 全家团圆:family 2.清明 清明节:Tomb-sweeping Day/ Qingming Festival/ Ching Ming/ Chinese Memorial Day/' Day


2020年6月大学英语六级翻译真题及答案2020年6月大学英语六级翻译真题及答案 In China, variety of foods and dishes is needed in traditional ways of entertaining guests and makes them impossible to finish the dinner. Typical menus of Chinese banquetinclude cold dishes to start and the following hot ones. For example,meat, chicken, duck and vegetables. In most banquets, a whole fish dish is considered indispensable, unless various kinds of seafood have been served. Nowadays, Chinese people tend to mix Western specials with traditional Chinese cuisine. Thus, steak is not rare. Traditionally,although the Chinese do not eat any of theuncooked dishes,salads have also become popular. The banquet usually has at leasta bowl of soup that can be offered as the first or the final dish. Desserts and fruits usually mean the end of the feast. 城市化 2020年是中国城市化进程中的历史性时刻,其城市人口首次超过农村人口。在未来20年里,预计约有3.5亿农村人口将移居到城市。如此规模的城市发张对城市交通来说既是挑战,也是机遇。中国政府一直提倡“以人为本”的发张理念。强调人们以公交而不是私家车出行。它还号召建设“资源节约和环境友好型”社会。有了这个明确的目标,中国城市就能够更好地规划其发展,并把大量投资转向安全、清洁和经济型交通系统的发展上。 2020 was a historic moment in the process of urbanization in China as its population exceeded the rural population for the first time. In the next 20 years, about 350 million rural


翻译题应试技巧 汉语主动句译成英语被动句 我们在汉译英时,往往也需要把汉语主动句译成被动句。这是因为:为了保证上下文连贯,使衔接更紧密,句子更自然;或强调动作承受者;或使语气婉转、措辞恰当。具体转换方法有如下两种。 1)把汉语主动句的宾语译成英语被动句的主语。 例1 ____________(将领你们去参观我们的新车间)by the secretary. 译文:Y ou will be shown our new workshop. 简评:如果这句话不是划线填内容,你完全可以将它翻译成The secretary will show you our new workshop。正是因为题型是补全句子,这就给翻译带来了一定的难度,你必须去适应题型要求而不是让题型来适应你。让我们看看译文已给出部分:by the secretary显然是一个被动语态特征,"秘书"在译文里已经由原来的主语变成了译文句子的补足成分。所以,题目是暗示我们要把原句中"你们"转换成译句里的主语,这样才符合出题要求。 例2 Y ou __________(我们期待你能组织贸易推广活动)this time. 译文:are expected to organize the trade publicity campaigns. 简评:根据题目可推知全句意思是:我们期望你能组织这次的贸易推广活动。中文句子主语、谓语、宾语分别是:我们、期望、你。但是在英文译文的给出部分中我们看到句子以you开头,也就是说"你被期望能组织这次贸易推广活动"。中文的宾语变成了英文的主语,这就要求我们在翻译时要使用被动语态。全句完整答案是:Y ou are expected to organize the trade publicity campaigns this time. 2)当汉语句以"我们"、"人们"、"大家"等泛指性代词作主语时,在翻译成英文的时候常常可以忽略主语不译,并把英文译句处理成被动语态。处理后的英文译句往往带有know,see,find,say,suppose,estimate,report,suggest,stress,consider,expect,admit,point,understand 等动词。 例3 如果原子失去一个或多个电子,我们就说这个原子带正电荷。 译文:If one or more electrons are removed,the atom is said/believed/thought to be positively charged. 简评:这句话是一个条件从句。即:在原子失去一个或多个电子的情况下,这个电子带正电荷。"我们就说这个原子带正电荷"可理解为"这个原子被认为/ 被确信/ 被说成是带正电荷"。那么根据前面所说的原则,我们在翻译时可以将泛指性主语"我们"省略不译,并使用被动语态。 从这个例子里我们还可以看出,在科技文章中,根据英语表达习惯我们应当多采用被动语态,以强调事物的客观性。 例4 人们采用各种措施来防止腐蚀。 译文:All kinds of measures are taken to prevent corrosion. 简评:这句话可以按原文译成主动态,即:People have taken all kinds of measures to prevent corrosion。也可以用被动语态来翻译--All kinds of measures are taken to prevent corrosion。两者比较而言,被动态译文更突出表明所有、种种措施已经付诸实施,all kinds of measures得到强调,而主动态译法只是平铺直叙,重点不突出。


英语六级翻译指导及练习 翻译策略 1) 分句法 把原文中一个单词或短语译成句子,使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子。 或干脆把原文的一个句子拆开,译成两个或两个以上的句子。 例1 八月中旬,修理组人员在骄阳下工作。 译文: It was in mid-August,and the repair section operated under the blazing sun.(一个单句拆分成了一个并列复合句) 例2 他为人单纯而坦率。 译文: He was very clean.His mind was open. (一个单句拆分成两个简单句了) 例3 The mother might have spoken with understandable pride of her child. 译文: 母亲谈到她的孩子时,也许有自豪感,这是可以理解的。(形容词被拆开) 例4 I wrote four books in the first three years ,a record never touched before. 译文: 我头三年写了四本书,打破了以往的记录。(名词短语拆开) 2)合句法 把原文中两个或以上的简单句,主从复合句或并列复合句等译成一个单句。 例5 她已试了好几次,要帮他们另找一所出租的房子,结果并未成功。 译文:She had made several attempts to help them find other rental quarters without success.(多个简单句合成一个单句) 例6 他们有遵守交通规则,机器出了故障。 译文:His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery.(并列复合句合成一个单句) 例7 When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people, we are not merely being polite. 译文:我们对中国领导人和中国人民的赞扬不仅仅是出于礼貌。(主从复合句合成一个单句) 翻译练习 1._______________ (通过体育锻炼),we can always stay healthy. 2.According to the scientific research , _____________ (听音乐能使我们放松).Is this really true? 3.______________ (我们绝对不能)ignore the value of knowledge. 4.As is known to all, ______________ (假冒伪劣商品)harm the interests of consumers. 5.Faced with failure,some people can stand up to it, _____________ (从失败中汲取教训)and try hard to fulfill what they are determined to do. 答案及解析 1. By taking exercises 解析:通过锻炼,我们可以保持健康。其实这题答案不止一个。“锻炼”可以用名词也 “通过”可以用by表示方式,through表示途径。By taking exercises /Through 可以用动词短语。 exercises。往往by用于“by + doing”,而through后接名词哦。 2. listening to music enables us to feel relaxed 解析:“听音乐”在句中作主语,“听”应当处理成动名词形式。“能使我们放松”很多同学会采用can make us feel relaxed的结构。其实,enable就有“能够使某人……”的含义,注意enable sb. to do 的表达。 3. On no account can we


2010 年6 月六级真题 Passage One 发达国家中只有两个国家不能保证提供用于照料新生儿的带薪休假。去年春天,这两个国家中的一个——澳大利亚——放弃了这种令人质疑的殊荣,建立了自2011 年起开始实施的带薪家庭休假制。在美国这并没有成为新闻,我并不感到意外——现在我们是唯一没有这项政策的富有国家。 美国确实有一个明确的家庭政策,这就是于1993 年通过的《家庭和医疗休假法》。它规定要照料新生儿或处理家庭医疗问题的工人有资格享受时间长达12 个星期的不带薪休假。尽管此法案带来的利益不明显,但当时商务部和其他一些商业团体都极力反对,称其为“政府负责的人事管理”和“危险的先例”。事实上,民主党领袖一直都致力于将能促进工作与家庭关系平衡的措施形成法律条文,但每一次的努力都遭到了商业团体的强烈反对。 正如耶鲁大学法学教授Anne Alstott 所辩解的那样,要肯定父母关爱的作用就要将家庭定义为一种社会商品,从某种意义上讲,社会要为此埋单。在她的书《无路可走:父母对孩子的亏欠以及社会对家长的亏欠》中,她认为父母在生活的多个方面都肩负重担:在谈到孩子的话题时,父母们“无路可走”:“社会希望也需要家长们能不间断地照看好他们的孩子,而且是人类用以开发智力、培养情感和树立道德的那种深度的、亲密无间的照看。社会还希望并需要父母们能坚守这一角色,18 年如一日,如有必要,甚至还可以更长。” 大部分父母出于爱都会照顾孩子,不照顾孩子的父母则会受到公众的处罚。换句话说,父母们所做的一切都是这个国家所密切关注的问题,原因很明显,照顾孩子不仅从道德上来说是迫切的而且对这个社会的未来至关重要。国家在大多数保障儿童福利的家庭法律中都认可了这一点,而父母们在履行社会所强加给他们的、会改变其命运的义务时得到的帮助却甚少。把养育孩子视为个人选择、集体没有责任的做法不仅仅忽视了良好家庭教育所产生的社会效益,而且会抹杀这部分社会效益,因为当今天的孩子成为明天的具有生产力的公民时这部分社会效益会属于整个社会。实际上,据估计父母对孩子投入的价值,包括时间和金钱的投入(包括失去的薪水)相当于国内生产总值的20%—30%。如果这些投入能够产生巨大的社会效益——很明显能产生——那么为家庭提供更多的社会支持所带来的效益将会更加显而易见。 Passage Two 塔夫茨大学公民学习和参与信息研究中心(CIRCLE)一份新的调查显示,现在有比以前更多的年轻人参与投票选举,美国发展中心2008 年的一份调查也表明越来越多的年轻选民和活动家开始支持传统的自由事业。但要看出这些调查数字在现实生活中的意义并非易事。在总统竞选期间,巴拉克·奥巴马以希望和改变为宣传口号组成了不同种族之间和不同意识形态之间人们的联盟。当新一届政府执政下的现实生活步入正轨的时候,有些支持者可能会大失所望。随着国家进一步走入奥巴马执政时代,参与政治的年轻人是会继续支持奥巴马及其施政议程还是会渐行渐远? “O(奥巴马的简称)一代”是《新闻周刊》新开的一个博客,致力于记录那些支持奥巴马的年轻人的生活。“O 一代”的作者们想就上面的问题做出回答。未来的三个月,Michelle Kremer 和其他11 位年龄从19 岁到34 岁不等的奥巴马支持者将会用博客来记录美国社会的主流生活,一个不同之处在于:通过将他们所有的观点和经历与新任总统及其领导下的政府紧密结合,这些博客作者试图开启一场对话,探讨在当今美国,年轻并且在政治方面活跃到底意味着什么。24 岁的Malena Amusa 是该博客的一位作者,也是来自圣路易斯的一位舞者,她将这一项目看做是即时记录历史的一种方式。Amusa 今年春天为了完成其著作前往印度,后来又去塞内加尔教授英语,她和她的朋友一直在谈论奥巴马当政会如何改变他们的日常生活,她希望把其中的一些观点和她的全球性视角写到帖子里。她很兴奋,要看清楚世界,“我不必等上15 年”,她这样解释说。 Henry Flores 是圣玛丽大学的政治学教授,他将年轻一代的政治力量归因于他们对科技的拥护。“网络使他们接触到更多的思想,”他说,“不同地区想法相同的人们就会聚到一起。”这正是“O 一代”博主们所期待的事情。结果可能会出现一群年轻人,就像他们在二战后生育高峰期出生的父母一样,伴随一种强烈的目的感而成长,他们也会改变此前从“X 一代”人身上所继承下来的冷漠形象。由一群普通但有抱负的年轻人来管理博客是个不小的挑战,但“O 一代”的成员能胜任这项任务。


2019年12月英语六级翻译真题及答案 2014年12月英语六级翻译真题及答案 翻译一: 中国将努力确保到2015年就业者接受过平均13.3年的教育。如果这个目标得以实现,今后绝大部分进入劳动力市场的人都需获得大学文凭。 在未来几年,中国将着力增加职业学院的招生人数:除了注重高等教育外,还将寻找新的突破以确保教育制度更加公平。中国正在努力地利用教育资源,这样农村和欠发达地区将获得更多的支持。 教育部还决定改善欠发达地区学生的营养,并为外来务工人员的子女提供在城市接受教育的同等机会。 China will endeavor to ensure every employee to have average 13.3 years of education. If the goal is achieved, a majority of people entering the labor market will be having Bachelor’s degree. In the next few years, China will increase the number of people in vocational college. Except focusing on the higher education, the government will find a breakthrough point to ensure the justice of education. China is trying to optimize education resources and, accordingly, the countryside as well as the less developed areas will receive more support. In addition, the education ministry decides to improve the nutrition of students in less developed areas and provides equal opportunities for the children of workers from out of town to receive education in the city.


节日类: 1.年节 买年货:special for the Spring Festival 红包:red packets / red envelope 舞狮:lion dance 舞龙:dragon dance 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/ Eve of the Spring Festival 春晚:Spring Festival Gala 烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecrackers 守岁:staying-up 拜年:give New Year's greetings/ New Year's visit 去晦气:get rid of the ill-fortune 压岁钱:gift money/ money given to children as a lunar New Year gift 除旧岁: farewell to the old year 春联:(Spring Festival) 年画:New Year painting 庙会:temple fair 元宵节:Lantern Festival 元宵:Tangyuan/ sweet rice dumpling 灯谜:lantern 全家团圆:family 2.清明 清明节:Tomb-sweeping Day/ Qingming Festival/ Ching Ming/ Chinese Memorial Day/' Day 寒食:Cold Food Festival/ Hanshi Day/ the day before Pure Brightness when only cold food is served


精品文档2016中国农业套:12月英语六级翻译真题第3年亿。中国农业产量全球第一,主要生产水3农业是中国的一个重要产业,从业者超过但为世界百分之二十的人提供稻、小麦和豆类。虽然中国的农业用地仅占世界的百分之十,勤劳和富有创造性的中国年开始种植水稻。了粮食。中国7700早在使用机械和化肥之前,农民就已经采用各种各样的方法来增加农作物产量。中国农业最近的发展是推进有机农业。有机农业可以同时服务于多种目的,包括食品安全,大众健康和可持续发展。 Agriculture is one of the most important industries inChina which embra agriculture output ranks the first ces more than 300 millionworkers. China ‘sand beans. China provid rice, wheat allover the word, and it mainly produce es 20 percent of the worldfood, though its agriculture land only accounts for 1 history ofplanting rice dates back as early as 7world'stotal.China's 0% of the c an d and fertilizers,industrious700 B.C. Long befor e the use o f machinery farmers had already used different kinds of methods to increase crop reativepromot of the agriculture development in China is to yields. The latest trend of pur agriculture can serve a varietyorganice organic agriculture. And the poses, which including foodsafety, public health and sustainable development. :学汉语第2套月英语六级翻译真题2016年12 使汉语成了世界上人们最爱学的语学汉语的人数迅速增加,随着中国经济的蓬勃发展,言之一。近年来,中国大学在国际上的排名也有了明显的提高。由于中国教育的巨大进步,万国际学生40中国成为最受海外学生欢迎的留学目的地之一就不足为奇了。2015年,近在全球而包括科学与工程。蜂拥来到中国市场。他们学习的科目不再限于中国语言和文化,教育市场上,美国和英国仍占主导地位,但中国正在迅速赶上。economy booms, there is a dramaticincrease in the number of China'sAs people learning Chinese,which makes it become one of the most popularlanguages. In recent years, international ranks ofChinese universities have apparently boosted. Owingto the progress of Chinese education, it is not odd that China has become one of the mostfavorite destinations for oversea students studying abroad. In 2015, around four hundredthousand international students piled into China to study. What they learn is no more limitedto the subjects of Chinese and Chinese culture, they also learn science and engineering. In theglobal education market, America and Britain still play dominant roles, while China is catchingup. 旅游套:第年201612月英语六级翻译真题1 中国人的时间主过去,随着生活水平的提高,度假在中国人生活中的作用越来越重要。经济的繁荣和富近年来中国旅游业发展迅速。要花在谋生上,很少有机会外出旅行。然而,精品文档.精品文档出国旅游也裕中产阶级的出现,引发了一个前所未有的旅游热潮。中国人不仅在国内旅游,亿元。据世界贸易组织估越来越普遍。年国庆节假日期间,旅游消费总计超过40002016在未来几年里将成为处境旅游支出增长最快2020年中国将成为世界上最大的旅游国,计,的国家。 With the improvement of living standards, vacationis playing an increasin life. In the past, Chinese people mainlysChinesepeople'sgly important role in


英语六级最常考的翻译句子 1During the meeting,hardly had he begun to speak when t he audience interrupted him 他一开始说话,就被听众打断了 2 surrounded by the police, the kidnappers had no choices but to surrender on the spot (没有选择,只能投降) 3The concerned mother thrilled at the news of his son's h aving been admitted to the university(她的儿子被大学入取了) 4The lecture was so boring that the students couldn't help yawning(学生忍不住打起哈欠) 5I?ll be very grateful if you could be kind enough to give me a ride to school(好心载我一程去学校) 6 (除非你和保险公司签订了货物保险合同)Unless you sig n a contract with the insurance company for your goods, you are not entitled to a repayment for the goods damaged in deli very. 7It is reported that local health organization was establish ed 25 years ago(据说当地的卫生组织25年前就成立了)when Dr. Mark became its first president. 8Mrs.Smith shut the window lest the noise outside (should) interfere with her son's sleep(外面的噪声会影响她儿子睡觉) 【音标】:[,int?'fi?] 1. 妨碍;冲突;抵触[(+with)] 2. 介入;干涉,干预


2013年12月英语六级翻译真题 试卷一: 闻名于世的丝绸之路是一系列连接东西方的路线。丝绸之路延伸6,000多公里。得名于古代中国的丝绸贸易。丝绸之路上的贸易在中国、南亚、欧洲和中东文明发展中发挥了重要作用。正是通过丝绸之路,中国的造纸、火药、指南针、印刷等四大发明才被引介到世界各地。同样,中国的丝绸、茶叶和瓷器(porcelain)也传遍全球。物质文化的交流是双向的。欧洲也通过丝绸之路出口各种商品和植物,满足中国市场的需要。 参考译文: The world-renowned Silk Road is a series of routes connecting the East and the West. It extended more than 6,000 kilometers. The Silk Road was named after ancient China’s silk trade which played an imp ortant role in the civilization development of China, South Asia, Europe and the Middle East. It was through the Silk Road that papermaking, gunpowder, compass and printing of the four great inventions of ancient China were introduced around the world. Similarly, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain spread all over the world. Europe also exported various goods and plants through the Silk Road to meet the needs of the Chinese market. 试卷二: 中国园林是经过三千多年演变而成的独具一格的园林景观。它既包括为皇室成员享乐而建造的大型花园,也包括学者、商人和卸任的政府官员为摆脱嘈杂的外部世界而建造的私家花园。这些花园构成了一种意在表达人与自然之间应有的和谐关系的微缩景观。典型的中国园林四周有围墙,园内有池塘、假山、树木、花草以及各种各样由蜿蜒的小路和走廊连接的建筑。漫步在花园中,人们可以看到一系列精心设计的景观犹如山水画卷一般展现在面前。 参考译文: After 3,000 years of evolvement, Chinese gardens have become a unique landscape. This includes both large gardens built as entertainment venues for royal family, and private gardens built as secluded retreats for scholars, merchants and retired government officials. These gardens have constituted a miniature that is designed in praise of the harmony between man and nature. A typical Chinese garden is surrounded by walls and consists of various buildings linked by winding trails and corridors, with ponds, rockeries, trees, and flowers scattered in it. Wandering in such a
