
★In that case, there is nothing you can do ______ than wait。

A。more B。other C。better D。any


一、“other than”的含义

1.other than = except, but, apart from “除……以外”

There is nobody here other than me. 这里除了我以外没有别人.

Someone other than your brother should be appointed manager。应当任命一个除了兄


2。other than = besides “除……以外,还……”

English is now spoken in many countries other than England。除英国外,其他许多国家


There were three people at the meeting other than Mr Day. 除戴先生以外,还有三个人参加了会议.

3.other than = not,instead of,rather than “不、非、而不是”

I borrowed some books other than novels. 我借了几本书,都不是小说书。

4.other than = in any other way than “用除此以外别的方式”

You can't get there other than by swimming。除了游过去之外,你没有别的方法到


二、“other than"的结构

1.other than + 名词/代词

The presence of elements other than iron greatly affects the physical properties of steel.


You should get a little stifle ness but other than that there should be no side effects.


2.other than + 形容词

She can hardly be other than grateful. 她内心充满了感激之情。

I could not feel other than surprised。我只是感到吃惊。

3.other than + 副词

She performed other than perfectly。她的表演远非尽善尽美。

I could not do it other than hurriedly。我只能匆匆忙忙地做了那件事。

4.other than + 介词短语

We decided not to stop anywhere other than at his house. 我们决定,除了他的房子以


You can't expect to get a pay rise other than with hard work。


5.other than + 过去分词

The problem is other than settled。问题还没有解决。

The struggle cannot be other than protracted。这场斗争只能是持久的。

6.other than + 不定式

He reread every page with no other purpose than to pass the time。他一页一页地重读,不为别的,只为消磨时间。

During the winter the hibernating animal can do nothing other than lie down and sleep。


7.other than + 从句

She is other than I thought. 她和我想象的不一样。

I don’t wish her other than she is.我不希望她改变现状.

I can't be other than I am。我只能是我。

The truth is quite other than what you think。事实真相和你想的不一样。

8.other than的其他搭配

1)nothing other than “只是、仅仅”

They were given nothing other than dry bread and water for their evening meal。


2)no other than “正是、恰恰是”

It was no other than my best friend, Mary。这不是别人,正是我最好的朋友玛丽。

3) no + 名词+ other than “正是……"

It was no other person than Mr Smith.那人正是史密斯先生。

4)none other than “不是别人/别的东西,正是……”

It was none other than Tom! We thought he was in Africa。不是别人而正是汤姆!我们还



fire equipment. 5. A red circle with a line through it indicates that you should not do something. II. Discuss with your partner the meaning of the signs below. 1. Be careful of the slippery surface. 2. No smoking here. 3. First aid station.表达每一个标志的含义 Look at the picture & listen to the tape Listen & Underline 用简单、易懂的祈使句 型,提醒客人注意所面临 句型的保障。 听对话录音, 根据对话内 容辨析所匹 配的图片。 再听对话录 音,根据对话 中人物的语 音、语调及对 话的内容判 断在日常工 作和生活中, 不正确的姿 势所可能对 人体带来的 伤害。 培养学生的 安全意识和

4. Fire alarm. Step Two: Listening A Work-related Injuries Activity 1: Listen to the conversation and tick the posture the man usually adopts at work. Look at how you are slouching over your keyboard. Activity 2: Listen again. Then underline the causes of injuries to the man. *Slouch over your keyboard *Stare at your computer monitor all day Step Three: Practice Activity 1: Circle the trip hazards in the picture. Activity 2: Suppose you work at the restaurant as shown in the picture. Give warnings of the hazards you’ve found. *Water on the floor. *Stairs with no handrail. *Tables too close together.* A single unmarked step. Step Four: Summary Common Causes of Office-related Injuries *Tripping over an open desk drawer *Bending while seated on an 的潜在安全隐患,以免造 成不必要的人身伤害。 总结常见的与办公室工 作相关的伤害 作业布置 知识点梳理,掌握重点单 词用法,做好课后复习。 关注他人安 全和健康的 意识。 及时掌握课 堂所学知识。 扫清听力材 料中的词汇 障碍,培养学 生预测单词 意思的能力, 加强其对课 文内容的理 解。


课题序号Unit5 授课班级 授课形式讲授法授课日期 授课章节 名称 Unit5 Wrap-up & listening and speaking 使用教具教材板书投影仪录音 教学目的1.有的放矢:三个教学目标 2. 完成Wrap-up以及 listening and speaking 3.简单的课题相关单词回顾 教学难重点 1.听力与听力练习题 2.提高学生口语 教学方法小组讨论法教授法知识中心拓展 更新、补 充、删节 内容 基本一致 课后作业P74单词 p77单词 教学后记课堂气氛活跃学生使用新学英语知识谈论体育项目 授课主要内容或板书设计 教学目标: 1.identity popular sports and equipment 识别受欢迎的体育项目与装备 2.talk about school sports 谈论关于..... 3.sign up for sports events 跟...签合同 WORD Tennis 网球badminton 羽毛球running 跑步........ .........

课堂教学安排 教学环节 及时间分配 教学主要内容与过程教法运用 第一步:组织教学(3’) 第二步:Wrap-up (10’)1.课题名称的中文意思? Sports are fun!体育很有趣 2.三个教学目标是什么?有的放矢。 identity popular sports and equipment 识别受欢迎的体育项目与装备 talk about school sports 谈论关于..... sign up for sports events 跟...签合同 1.给两分钟做题 2.找学生回答报答案 3.完成书上第二项,做运动的参赛人数并拓展其他项目 一. Tennis 网球badminton 羽毛球running 跑步 Basketball 篮球volleyball 排球swimming 游泳 二. Sports you usually do alone. running 跑步 swimming 游泳 Sports you usually do with a partner. Tennis 网球 badminton 羽毛球 Basketball 篮球 volleyball 排球 提问 板书 学生讨论 板书 学生讨论 拓展讨论


课题序号Unit 5 授课班级 授课形式讲授法授课日期 授课章节 名称 Real life skills&further reading 使用教具教材板书投影仪录音 教学目的 1.能用英语讨论 2.能掌握further reading 教学难重点掌握further reading 的中文意义 2.复习本单元的内容教学方法小组讨论法教授法知识中心拓展 更新、补 充、删节 内容 基本一致 课后作业P wrap-up 教学后记 班级形式讨论Real life skills,学生积极活跃回答,能够结合本单元所学知识,趣味性较强, 授课主要内容或板书设计 一.Words Excitement n.兴奋ceremony 典礼;仪式Sign up 签订bar chart 柱状图........ 二.Real life skill Sports day schedule 运动会计划 bar chart 柱状图 三.Further reading Welcome to 2014Nanjing youth olympic games

教学环节 及时间分配 教学主要内容与过程教法运用第一步: 组织教学(3’) 第二步:课堂巩固:(10’) 第三步:新课学习(60’)1.what do you do in sports day ? 2.The new word of sports? 一.the sports day is coming next week.read the schedule below,and choose at least one event you want to join in. *at least 至少 *one event you want to join in 一个你想参加的运动项目 (1)翻译题目意思,找学生找到想要参加的体育项目 (2)Opening ceremony 开幕式 二.work in groups to sign up for the event. Fill in the table with your personal information and tick the event you want to join in. *Sign up 签订 * Fill in 填满 * personal information个人信息 *the table 表格 (1)找学生完成表格,填写表格报出自己的姓名,年 龄,性别,与所想参加的体育赛事。 (2)带领学生根据第二题完成第三项。 提问 学生回答 学生回答 小组讨论 板书


江苏凤凰职教基础模块英语二册 简介 江苏凤凰职教基础模块英语二册是江苏省凤凰职业技术学院基础模块课程的一部分。本教材主要针对学生的英语学习需求,通过丰富的课文和练习,旨在提高学生的听说读写能力,帮助其更好地应对职业生活中的沟通和交流。 目录 1.第一单元:个人信息 – 1.1 自我介绍 – 1.2 常用称谓 – 1.3 电话交谈 – 1.4 个人兴趣爱好 – 1.5 询问和回答个人信息 2.第二单元:家庭和朋友 – 2.1 家庭成员介绍 – 2.2 家庭关系 – 2.3 描述家乡

– 2.4 朋友圈 – 2.5 描述朋友 3.第三单元:工作和职业 – 3.1 工作经历 – 3.2 职业规划 – 3.3 职业技能 – 3.4 工作环境 – 3.5 职业发展 4.第四单元:购物和消费 – 4.1 购物场景 – 4.2 产品介绍 – 4.3 购物方式 – 4.4 支付方式 – 4.5 退货和售后服务

学习方法 本教材采用了多种教学方法,以提高学生的英语综合应用能力。教材中的每一个单元都包含了大量的课文、听力练习、口语练习和写作练习等。学生可以通过听力材料来提高听力理解和口语表达能力,同时通过书写练习来提高写作能力。 此外,教材还提供了配套的教学资源,包括录音材料、练习题和参考答案,以帮助学生更好地学习和巩固所学知识。 学习目标 通过学习江苏凤凰职教基础模块英语二册,学生将能够: - 熟练运用所学的词汇和语法知识进行日常生活中的交流和沟通; - 通过听力训练提高听力理解能力,能够听懂并回答与工作、家庭、朋友、购物和消费等主题相关的问题; - 能够正确使用常见的口语表达和句式结构,进行简单的口语表达; - 通过写作练习提高写作能力,能够写一篇简单的个人介绍、家庭描述、职业规划等。 使用建议 以下是一些使用本教材的建议: - 学生可以按照教材的目录顺序进行学习,逐个单元地深入学习和练习,不要跳跃学习; - 根据自身学习情况和时间安排,合理安排学习进度,确保每个单元都能够充分消化和掌握; - 在学习过程中,可以多听多读多练,通过与同学和教师的交流和讨论来提高口语和听力能力; - 完成教材中的练习题,并及时查看参考答案来检查自己的答案,并纠正错误。

凤凰职教 第五册 U2错题

凤凰职教第五册错题整理Unit 2 I just couldn’t get through to you! 1.I can’t stand_____by others. A.to be laughed at B.being laughed at https://www.360docs.net/doc/2219371423.html,ughing at https://www.360docs.net/doc/2219371423.html,ughed at 2.I can’t stand______you behave that way. A.that B.it when C.where D.when 3.Dr.Bethune didn’t_____whether he rested or not. A.care for B.care C.care about D.take care of 4._____his daughter,he left his office earlier. A.Fetching B.So as to fetch C.In order to fetch D.So that to fetch 5._____do you think____for the job? A.Whom;is fit B.Who;is it C.Who;fits D.Whom;fit 6.Keeping healthy is more important than_______. A.to be angry B.be angry C.being angry D.are angry 7.I wish you_____such a great deal of fuss. A.had not caused B.were not caused C.have not caused D.are not caused 8.On Sunday afternoon,Mr.Green went to the market,_____some bananas and visited his cousin. A.bought B.buying C.to buy D.buy 9.The salesman scolded the girl caught____and let her off. A.to have stolen B.to be stealing C.to steal D.stealing 10.The missing boys were last seen_____near the river. A.playing B.to be playing C.play D.to play


凤凰职教book4 Unit2电子教案

Take students to read the picute of Parti and guess what’s happening to Jim. Listen to the conversation and circle what Jim is upset about.Then correct the answer. Listen again and complete the Part2 True or False.And tell the reasons to the class. Try to encourage to complete the part3 by themselves by using the

information they have got in the before Twice’s listening.教学反思

Stepl Revision Have a dictaion Some important words: aggressive, gentle, patient,amazing, fun, bossy ..... Students can describe their partners by the words we have learned last class. Step2 Listening First listening: Take students to learn the three sentences and to know their chinese meanings. Listen to the tape recorder and find out the problem mentioned in each item. (Tell students to catch the key information when they are listening and take some notes.) Second Listening: Read the five sentences and try to complete the conversations with them. Ask two students to practise the conversations . Listen again and check their answers. some useful phrases: talk behind my back, all sorts of lies, ask him for help. Step3 Conversation Strateg Understanding Genuine compassion Make you be in a similar situation Be a good listener Step4. Work with a partner. Role-play the following https://www.360docs.net/doc/2219371423.html,e the conversation strategy in Acivity5. Situation 1: ...... Situation 2: ...... Situation 3: ...... 教学反思



课时安排P eriod One Warm-up, Listening and Speaking A (2课时) P eriod Two Listening and Speaking B (1课时) P eriod Three Reading and writing (3课时) P eriod Four Grammar (1课时) P eriod Five Real Life Skills & Exercises (1课时) 备课日期May22~23 授课类型New 课题教学设计(教案、学案)授课时数Two 章节名称U nit7 It’s Not Related to My Major Listening and Speaking

主要教学内容句型: 1.I can’t stand filing. 2.I think I’m concinced that you should try for this position. 3.I think you should give it a shot.without me. 重点词汇: certificate, convinced,… 常用短语: business studies, give it a shot,…, 教学目标Knowledge Objectives: 1. To learn the new words such as certificate, convinced,... etc. 2. To learn the phrases such as business studies, give it a shot,berelated to,… Ability Objectives: Enable the students to improve the listening and speaking abilities. Feeling Objectives: 1. To arouse the students' interests in this unit.
