


fire equipment. 5. A red circle with a line through it indicates that you should not do something. II. Discuss with your partner the meaning of the signs below. 1. Be careful of the slippery surface. 2. No smoking here. 3. First aid station.表达每一个标志的含义 Look at the picture & listen to the tape Listen & Underline 用简单、易懂的祈使句 型,提醒客人注意所面临 句型的保障。 听对话录音, 根据对话内 容辨析所匹 配的图片。 再听对话录 音,根据对话 中人物的语 音、语调及对 话的内容判 断在日常工 作和生活中, 不正确的姿 势所可能对 人体带来的 伤害。 培养学生的 安全意识和

4. Fire alarm. Step Two: Listening A Work-related Injuries Activity 1: Listen to the conversation and tick the posture the man usually adopts at work. Look at how you are slouching over your keyboard. Activity 2: Listen again. Then underline the causes of injuries to the man. *Slouch over your keyboard *Stare at your computer monitor all day Step Three: Practice Activity 1: Circle the trip hazards in the picture. Activity 2: Suppose you work at the restaurant as shown in the picture. Give warnings of the hazards you’ve found. *Water on the floor. *Stairs with no handrail. *Tables too close together.* A single unmarked step. Step Four: Summary Common Causes of Office-related Injuries *Tripping over an open desk drawer *Bending while seated on an 的潜在安全隐患,以免造 成不必要的人身伤害。 总结常见的与办公室工 作相关的伤害 作业布置 知识点梳理,掌握重点单 词用法,做好课后复习。 关注他人安 全和健康的 意识。 及时掌握课 堂所学知识。 扫清听力材 料中的词汇 障碍,培养学 生预测单词 意思的能力, 加强其对课 文内容的理 解。


项目 名 基础 称 课 课型 讲课班级 Unit 6 课时课时分派 1,2 Warming-up,listening and speaking Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan 3,4 Reading 特 6 New 点 Real life skills 5,6 地&writing 5 号楼 点 能力(技术)目标知识目标素质目标 教课目的1. To improve Ss ’ 1. To master new words ability of getting and phrases; to information through finish exercises. reading & listening. 2. To get the main 2. To know how to idea of the whole schedule an passage. appointment. 1.To learn to complete tasks more effectively. 2.To identify time wasters and save time. 要点难点及解决方法 教课策略 与方法 教课资料及教课准备 板书设计教课后记Key points:to get the main idea of the reading passage. 全面理解阅读资料,认识平时工作的一天,学会在工作中进行实践与 反省,来提高工作效率。 Difficult point:to use the patterns to make appointments and give possible responses. 可以经过阅读时间计划表来确立并商议见面时间。 环绕学生在实习早期工作效率低下的问题,创建工作情形指引学生主 动探究阻挡工作效率提高的各样因素,并鼓舞学生针对自己状况在轻 松、快乐、合作的语言沟通环境中商讨提高工作效率的建讲和举措, 让他们快速成为职场的新生力量。 Exercise book and students’ books Test papers Some example sentences Unit Six New words and expressions:language points: 本单元经过让学生阅读时间计划表来确立并商议见面时间,并能提出适合建议来提高工作效率。学生可以针对自己状况拟订时间管理日记,剖析确立其


凤凰职教英语5第4单元 The problem you have presented is related to the 4th unit of the Phoenix Vocational English 5 course. This unit may cover various topics related to vocational English, such as workplace communication, professional skills, and job-specific vocabulary. One possible issue that students may encounter is difficulty in understanding and applying the new vocabulary and concepts introduced in this unit. This can hinder their ability to effectively communicate in English within a professional context. Additionally, students may struggle with grasping the nuances of workplace communication and etiquette, which are crucial for success in a professional environment. To address the issue of vocabulary comprehension, students can benefit from engaging in various activities that promote active learning and retention. For example, teachers can incorporate interactive exercises, such as role-plays, group discussions, and vocabulary games, to help students internalize the new words and phrases.


江苏省中职凤凰职教数学第四册习题答案 1、已知sina<0且cota>0,则是()[单选题] * A、第一象限角 B、第一象限角 C、第三象限角(正确答案) D、第四象限角 2、已知点A(4,6),B(-4,0),C、(-1,-4),那么()[单选题] * A、AB⊥AC B、AB⊥AC CAB⊥BC(正确答案) D、没有垂直关系 3、点A的坐标为(3,4),点B的坐标为(5,8),则它们的中点坐标是(D)[单选题] * A、(3,4) B、(3,5) C、(8,12) D、(4,6)(正确答案)

4、9. 一个事件发生的概率不可能是(? ? ?) [单选题] * A.0 B.1/2 C.1 D.3/2(正确答案) 5、4.(2020·天津,1,5分)设全集U={-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3},集合A={-1,0,1,2},B={-3,0,2,3},则A∩(?UB)=( ) [单选题] * A.{-3,3} B.{0,2} C.{-1,1}(正确答案) D.{-3,-2,-1,1,3} 6、8.如图,一副分别含有30°和45°角的两个直角三角板,拼成如图所示图形,则∠BFD 的度数是( ) [单选题] * A.15°(正确答案) B.25° C.30° D.10° 7、函数y=ax2+bx+c(a、b、c是常数,a≠0)是()。[单选题] *

正比例函数 一次函数 反比例函数 二次函数 8、12.下列方程中,是一元二次方程的为()[单选题] * A. x2+3xy=4 B. x+y=5 C. x2=6(正确答案) D. 2x+3=0 9、1.(必修1P5B1改编)若集合P={x∈N|x≤2 022},a=45,则( ) [单选题] * A.a∈P B.{a}∈P C.{a}?P D.a?P(正确答案) 10、21、在中,为上一点,,且,则(). [单选题] * A. 24 B. 36
