




中图分类号: h319 文献标识码: a 文章编号:1672-1578(2011)08-0022-02

听写具备简便、快捷等特点,很早就被应年用于外语教学和测试中。但是它的运用发展过程并非平坦。刚开始时听写受到了以lado (1961)等为代表等的结构主义语言学派的质疑,一度被看作是无效的测试手段。他们认为听写不能测试任何一项技能,作为测试手段,既不经济,也不准确,应该放弃。而oller(1979)基于大量测试实验和数据分析认为它比其他单一的测试语言能力的方法更




一、给分标准 1. 36-43每题0.5分。拼写完全正确的单词给0.5分,凡有错不给分,大小写错误忽略不计; 2. 44-46题满分为2分,答出内容且语言正确各得1分; 二、扣分标准 1. 44-46题中有语言错误扣0.5分,每题语言错误扣分不超过0.5分,凡不得分部分,如有语言错误不再重复扣分; 2. 44-46题中凡与问题无关的内容扣0.5分。 3. 44-46题中如出现明显属于笔误造成的大小写、标点符号错误,不扣分。 4. 用汉语回答问题不给分。 复合式听写是一种非常有效的综合性测试形式,可以考查学生词汇量、拼写、句法、听力、理解、记笔记和一定的书面表达等多方面的要素和技能。全面打好语言基本功是提高听写能力的重要途径,但听写训练具有自身的科学性和技巧性,多练加巧练则可取得事半功倍的成效。 从以往历年的考题来看,总体说来,以前的文章多取材围绕日常生活、科技发展、历史起源、人物回顾、文化娱乐等。文章的开头或段首多半有主题句,之后的段落和句子进一步具体扩展、说明或论证主题句。考生应利用一切机会,如考前空隙或播放考试指令时间,浏览试卷该项下文字部分,尤其是主题句,根据主题句预测文章发展线索和大意。 复合式听写包括两部分:第一部分要求考生根据录音内容准确填出空格里的词汇,一般为一个单词,全段共填8个单词;第二部分要求考生听完后写出该部分的文章重点。复合式听写的全文内容约250字,共朗读三遍。第一遍为全文朗读,语速正常,中间无停顿;第二遍朗读时在所填句子后停顿一段时间,让考生根据所听内容写出主要意思;第三遍又以正常语速朗读全文,没有停顿。有一点需要提醒大家的是,录音中有明确对考生的提示:“you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words'’,也就是说你可以在听懂句意后进行归纳,并用自己的话简练地将要点表达出来。 复合式听写的考察要点 第一,对于较难单词拼写的考察 一些长度较长,属于大学四级范畴但又不包含在高中词汇的词往往是四级考试词汇部分的重点考察对象,例如“investigated”、“recommend”等。 第二,名词的单复数问题一直是复合式听写考察的一个重点 不仅考察听力,也考察考生的语法功底,语法功底薄弱的考生往往在检查时将这一点忽略,造成了会做的题也失分的局面。好在这样的问题如果多加注意也是可以解决的。毕竟给名词变复数这类简单的转换还不至于难倒我们。但是对于一种类型的词我们一定要多加注意,就是一些有时候可数有时候不可数的单词,比如曾在四级中考过experience一词,当它表示“经历”时为可数名词,而表示“经验”时却是不可数名词,当时该题就考察了“life experiences”生活经历的意思。


1. In a world as fast-changing and full of information as our own, every one of us needs to know how to learn well. Yet evidence suggests that most of us don't use the learning techniques that science has proved most effective. Worse, research finds that learning strategies we do commonly employ, like rereading and highlighting (突出标示), are among the least effective. Although highlighting and underlining are common practices, studies show they offer no benefit beyond simply reading the text. Some research even indicates that highlighting can get in the way of learning; because it draws attention to individual facts, it may interfere with the process of making connections and drawing inferences (推断). Nearly as bad is the practice of rereading, a common exercise that is much less effective than some of the better techniques you can use. Lastly, summarizing, or writing down the main points contained in a text, can be useful for those who are skilled at it, but it is also rated as being of low utility as there are far better ways to spend your study time. In contrast to familiar practices like highlighting and rereading, the learning techniques with the most evidence to support them aren't well known outside the laboratory. Take distributed practice, for example. This technique involves spreading out your study time, rather than engaging in one marathon (马拉松). Rote (死记硬背) at the last minute may allow you to get through that test or meeting, but the material will quickly


英语四级听力篇之复合式听写 大学英语四级中的“复合式听写”(Compound Dictation)这一题型,它比听力选择题更强调语言综合运用能力,考生不仅要具有良好的听的能力,还应具有较强的拼写能力,记笔记能力和书面表达能力 餐厅日程表同事 所有四级真题听力部分的原文和选项部分的词汇全部背会。要求听懂且能够准确拼写。 四级复合式听写占全卷10%,共11题。前8题需要考生听写出8个单词,每词占0.5%。后三题需要考生听写出句子,每句得分2%。其中单词部分必须听到什么写什么,很可能会涉及被动语态、时态、单复数等语法。句子部分有两种做法,考试规定,可以听到什么写什么,也可以用自己的总结语言写要点。听写共播读三遍,第一遍和第三遍匀速,第二遍时,句子部分播读完毕会停顿1分钟左右。 1、评分原则 要求考生将听到的单词正确写出;将听到的原文句子正确写出,或用自己的语言正确写出。 2、评分标准 1)S1至S7每题0.5分,答案如上所示。如拼写单词有误,则不给分。 2)S8题满分2.5分;S9和S10题满分各为2分。 3)S8至S10题中的语言错误无论多与少,每题只扣0.5分;写出与问题无关的内容扣0.5分;用汉语答题不给分。 3、其他正确答案举例 以S8题为例,下列回答均可得满分。 1)seven bad men jumped out. One man had a knife and we got into a flight. 2)Seven bad men jumped at me, one of them had a knife and we got into a flight. 3)Seven bad men jumped out and fought with me, one of them had a knife. 4)Seven bad men threatened me with a knife and we got into a flight. 2、如何边听边写? 2-1 缩写法。用首1-2字母缩写听到的词,这样会写得更快; 2-2 写句子的头尾。在记忆一个整句的时候,考生都更加容易记住句子的开始和结尾,先写这些内容,也可以增加分数。 2-3 有舍有得。一些修饰性词汇,例如副词和形容词,并非重点。而对句子含义不影响的成分一般不扣分。比如“it usually takes more words to be polite”中的usually就不是重点,就可以不写。

专项练习 复合式听写

专项练习 Exercise 1 Whether the eyes are “the windows of the soul” is debatable; that they are intensely important in ( ) communication is a fact. During the first two months of a baby’s life, the ( ) that produces a smile is a pair of eyes. Significantly, a real human face with eyes covered will not ( ) a smile, nor will the sight of only one eye when the face is presented in ( ). This attraction to eyes as opposed to the nose or mouth continues as the baby ( ). In one study, when American four-year-olds were asked to draw people, 75 percent of them drew people with mouths, but 99 percent of them drew people with eyes. In Japan, however, where babies are carried on their mother’s back, infants do not acquire as much( ) to eyes as they do in other cultures. The role of eye contact in a conversational exchange between two Americans is well ( ); speakers make contact with the eyes of their listener for about one second, then ( ) away as they talk. ( ). Listeners, meanwhile, keep their eyes on the face of the speaker, allowing themselves to glance away only briefly. ( )If they are not looking, the speaker assumes that they are disinterested and either will pause until eye contact is resumed or will terminate the conversation. ( ) There may be a sort of traffic


英语复合式听写的听题步骤 相信大家对完形填空已经熟悉得快吐了,复合式听写也就是挖几个空,然后连续 报一段录音,看起来好像挺简单的,要填进去的都会报给大家。接下来,小编给大家 准备了英语复合式听写的听题步骤,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 英语复合式听写的听题步骤 第一步:预判词性 快速浏览材料,结合上下文,猜测空格词性(详见本章下一节);如果你对你的英语 水平有自信,可以尝试把题目当成完形填空去填写。 第二步:听大意,由易到难听写 复合式听写会读3遍。 第一遍:听大意,可以听写1-2个最简单的词,一定不要着急填太多! 第二遍:尽量把间隔较远或能懂、易懂的空格都能听写下来,至少完成6-7个空格。 第三步:检查 听第3遍时,完成剩下的空格;同时注意检查已填的空格,尤其是以下两方面: 1)单复数,-s, -es;根据上下文就可以检查出来的就不要丢分啦! 2)动词,-ed; -ing(ed结尾往往会弱读,所以要格外注意;另外,现在出现短语以后,ing和以in结尾的短语也比较容易混淆,注意区分,例如working 和work in。)复合式听写其实是综合性最强的一个考题,对一个单词会词组做了全方位的考查,要会辨音也要会拼写,在保证自己扎实的基础上,配合以上的方法,就不会有什么问 题啦~! 关于如何预判词性,请参考复合式听写:预判技巧。 扩展:如何猜测句子中生词的意思 一个句子中难免出现一两个生字。在这种情况下,不必马上查字典,只要根据上 下文的关系,就可能猜测生字的意思了。 下面这些例子,值得大家参考: ⒈利用括号内的解释,如: ① The power of the tribune (one million people read it every day) is enormous.


复合式听写 2010.06 The ancient Greeks developed basic memory systems called mnemonics. The name is 36from their Goddess of memory “Mnemosyne”. In the ancient world, a trained memory was an 37asset, particularly in public life. There were no 38devices for taking notes, and early Greek orators(演说家) delivered long speeches with great 39because they learned the speeches using mnemonic systems. The Greeks discovered that human memory is 40an associative process—that it works by linking things together. For example, think of an apple. The 41your brain registers the word “apple”, it 42the shape, color, taste, smell and 43of that fruit. All these things are associated in your memory with the word “apple”. 44. An example could be when you think about a lecture you have had. This could trigger a memory about what you’re talking about through that lecture, which can then trigger another memor y. 45. An example given on a website I was looking at follows: Do you remember the shape of Austria, Canada, Belgium, or Germany? Probably not. What about Italy, though? 46. Y ou made an association with something already known, the shape of a boot, and Italy’s shape could not be forgotten once you had made the association. (2009.12) The ancient Greeks developed basic memory systems called mnemonics. The name is 36from their Goddess of memory “Mnemosyne”. In the an cient world, a trained memory was an 37asset, particularly in public life. There were no 38devices for taking notes, and early Greek orators(演说家) delivered long speeches with great 39because they learned the speeches using mnemonic systems. The Greeks discovered that human memory is 40an associative process—that it works by linking things together. For example, think of an apple. The 41your brain registers the word “apple”, it 42the shape, color, taste, smell and 43of that fruit. All these things are associated in your memory with the word “apple”. 大44家 An example could be when you think about a lecture you have had. This could trigger a memory about what


复合式听写8-10题设计规律及解题技巧 2)复合式听写8-10题设计规律8-10是三句话,从句子内容来看,大体有两种情况。 ①用于说明主题的细节这部分听写一般是段落的主题已经给出,要求同学们补全细节。如98年考题:another challenge was his size.(8) __________________. 紧接着的一句显然是用来说明another challenge was his size.的,原句是high school physical education was difficult, because all of the equipment was too big for the then five-year-old student. 97年的8-10题也是如此,所描述的是用来说明警察工作危险的细节。请看原文: sometimes, it's dangerous.one day, for example,i was working undercover,………i was trying to catch some robbers who were stealing money from people as they walked down the street. suddenly, (8) ____. another policeman arrived, and together, we arrested three of the men;but the other four ran away.another day,i helped a woman who was going to have a baby. (9) ______. i put her in my police car to get her there faster. i thought she was going to have the baby right there in my car. but fortunately, (10) ____________.


英语六级考试复合式听写题备考技巧 我们不难发现它有以下特点: 1. 将内容要点分列为几点,清楚明白,一目了然。 2. 要点尽可能用完整的简单句表达,不宜用短语,句式也不宜过于复杂。 3. 尽量省去语句中可有可无的修饰成份。 总而言之, 考生应用有限的词语简洁明了地概括出所听内容的全部要点, 使内容要点和语言表达达到有机的完美统一。 英语六级考试复合式听写题备考技巧 (5听音结束后 " 复合式听写 " 第三遍朗读供考生进行核对,核对是最后必不可少的环节,考生应抓住时机弥补前两遍听音时所忽略或遗漏的内容, 进一步修改和完善自己的答案。听写第一部分要求考生填入所缺单词, 有时考生只凭辩音仍难以准确地判断出应为何词, 此时考生可运用自己的语言知识,修正听力细节上的不足。 英语六级考试复合式听写题备考技巧 主要可以从语法结构,词语搭配、意义连贯、上下文等多角度去推测、分析和判断, 并正确拼写出单词。而在核对听写第二部分内容要点表达时, 则应注意力求要点完整、准确, 尽量减少语言中语法、拼写等错误。单词是否拼写正确往往暗示你是否真正听懂了。写错了单词而且错误还比较多的话,很难说你已听懂了。所以,平时应加强拼写练习。 英语六级考试复合式听写题备考技巧 出题规律

11-7题设计规律 ①所填单词以实词为主。 97, 98两年的复合式听写中只有一个是介词,其他 13个全是名词、形容词或副词。 ② 7个单词以评价性词汇为主,也就是说可以从上下文找到说明的信息。 英语六级考试复合式听写题备考技巧 如 97年 6月的复合式听写: In police work, you can never predict the next crime or problem. No working day is identical to any other, so there is no (1"______"day for a police officer. 既然没有一天是相同的,也就没有哪一天是 " 典型的 " 。根据这种因果说明可以判断所填单词为 typical 。而没有一天完全相同, 也正说明了警察的工作富于变化, 由此也可以判断下面的第 5个空填 variety (I think I can (describepolice word in one word:(5 _______.。 英语六级考试复合式听写题备考技巧 ③表示上下义的词汇为题眼 有些词语即使听不清楚同样可以填出。如 98年 1月的复合式听写。 V ery few people can get college degree before 11, but Michael was an exception. He started high school when he was 5, finishing in just nine months. He became the (S1 ______ youngest college graduate when he was 10 years and 4 months old, earning an (S2______ degree. Now at 11 Michael's working on a master's degree in (S3______ intelligence. 英语六级考试复合式听写题备考技巧


2012年12月四级听力真题 Part III Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 11. A) He needs another week for the painting. B) The painting was completed just in time. C) The building won’t open until next week. D) His artistic work has been well received. 12. A) Go camping. B) Decorate his house. C) Rent a tent. D) Organize a party. 13. A) She talked with Mr. Wright on the phone. B) She is about to call Mr. Wright’s secretary. C) She will see Mr. Wright at lunch time. D) She failed to reach Mr. Wright. 14. A) He is actually very hardworking. B) He has difficulty finishing his project. C) He needs to spend more time in the lab. D) He seldom tells the truth about himself.


复合式听写做题技巧 ①尽快通读全文,熟悉文章;预判空格处的词性、语态、词义等等。 听写部分开头有一段较长的Directions,其长度约为150词左右,差不多等于听写短文本身。按每分钟130-150个词的语速朗读,大约需要1分多一点的时间才能读完。而Directions的内容考生在平时的训练中已经多次接触,非常熟悉,没有必要再去细听慢读,应该有效地利用这一段宝贵的时间,通读全文,积极预测文章的内容。 ②一定要检查核对是最后必不可少的环节,考生应抓住时机弥补前两遍听音时所忽略或遗漏的内容,进一步修改和完善自己的答案。主要可以从语法结构,词语搭配、意义连贯、上下文等多角度去推测、分析和判断,并正确拼写出单词。 希望以上提到的一些关于四级复合式听写的相关内容能对大家起到抛砖引玉的作用。听写是一种综合性的测试,大家在备考过程中要多加练习,注意积累经验,同时也要注意在考场上做到沉着应战,冷静细心,考出好成绩! 检查一般注意以下几项: ①名词单复数 从近几年复合式听写的出题规律来看,名词的复数形式考得比较常见。如果单从语音上很难分辨是单数还是复数,可以根据上下文和语法来判断单复数。注意空格前面到底是a, an,the还是some, several。 ②同音异义词 这个不用多说了,拿来做干扰,再合适不过了。因此需要考生积极分辨。例如考生听到flour,有可能正确答案是flower。到底应该填写哪一个还要考生根据上下文的意思来推断。考生在平时要注意积累诸如flew-flu,threw-through,passed-past,weather-whether 等同音异义词。 ③单词的大小写 句首大写,也就是句号后面大写。需要注意的是冒号后面,分号后面的单词都要小写。人名,地名,专有名词要大写:两个字的人名首字母都要大写,即姓和名都要大写,中间用空格分开。考生可在平时多注意一下比较常见的专有名词,注意积累。 ④动词的时态 近几年的复合式听写常常考动词的过去时以及过去分词,考生在检查的时候尤其要注意有没有双写的情况。 ④单词的拼写和词性 联系上下文,一般名词前有冠词、形容词或介词;形容词前有副词或系动词,副词前经常是动词。 ④句子的时态和语态、漏词 要结合全文对句子的时态分析把握,注意判断主动与被动。


复合式听写01 The London Borough of Camden provides many services for elderly residents, among which are the preparation for (1) __________ courses. These courses, (2) __________ for ten afternoons, are run three times a year from September to June. They are basically designed for people due to (3) __________ within a few years and these students are normally (4) __________ for half days by their employers, but those already in retirement are also welcome to join. The courses last about ten weeks and cost six (5) __________ per person, normally paid by the employers, with a (6) __________ for those already retired or receiving supplementary benefit. The courses include practical talks from specialist speakers on (7) __________ subjects such as pensions and tax. A wide field of (8) __________ activities is also covered and sufficient time is left for questions and discussion. There is also a senior citizens' club held at the Merry Ward Center on weekday afternoons from one thirty to three thirty. (9) _____________________________ including dress-making and carpentry. (10) _____________________________ . Other services at the center include legal advice at reduced rates to those who otherwise could not afford it and free financial advice from the financial section on Monday and Wednesday between six and eight p.m. (11) _____________________________ . (1) retirement (2) lasting (3) retire (4) released (5) pounds (6) reduction (7) relevant(8) leisure (9) The club arranges discussion groups and handicraft sessions (10) Membership is free and a member can attend any courses held there free of charge (11) Any other personal problem can be discussed with the counselor on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from three thirty to four 复合式听写03 Setting Goals Why is setting goals important? Because goals can help you do, be, and ______ everything you want in life. Instead of just letting life happen to you, ______ allow you to make your life happen. Successful and happy people have a ______ of how their life should be and they set lots of goals, both ______ and long-range, to help them reach their vision. By ______ goals you are taking control of your life. It's like having a map to show you where you want to go. ______ in life set goals and follow through on them. Winners decide what they want in life and then get there by making plans and setting goals. Unsuccessful people just let life happen by ______ . Goals aren't difficult to set—and they aren't difficult to reach. It's up to you to find out what your goals, ideals , and visions really are. _____________________________________________ . Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more likely to achieve it. _____________________________________________ . Like an agreement with yourself, they are harder to neglect or forget. Also


2012年12月英语四级真题听力复合式听写原文,考完试的同学可以对比一下自己的考试题目。 Time is, for the average American, of utmost importance. To the foreign visitor, Americans seem to be more concerned with getting things accomplished on time (according to a predetermined schedule) than they are with developing deep interpersonal relations. Schedules, for the American, are meant to be planned and then followed in the smallest detail. It may seem to you that most Americans are completely controlled by the little machines they wear on their wrists, cutting their discussions off abruptly to make it to their next appointment on time. Americans’ language is filled with references to time, giving a clear indication of how much it is valued. Time is something to be “on,” to be “kept,” “filled,” “saved,” “wasted,” “gained,” “planned,” “given,” “made the most of,” even “killed.”


听力技巧1:速读选项,预测考点 提炼选项中的重要信息 提醒考生务必先看选项。当录音人开始宣读Directions 时,考生应充分利用这段时间 速读选项,预测考点,从而做到心中有数。通过先看选项,可以明确题目多方面的信息: 1)题目涉及到的人物、地点、场合等,在非主题题型中,可能暴露该题的主题。考生可以 通过对全部选项的速读建立起一个大概的场景,比如:图书馆、医院病房等,从而联想起与该环境有关的词汇,迅速进入状态; 2)当四个选项是同类短语时,考点就在这一细节。这时,考生应充分集中精力,听懂时间、数字等与选项对应的细节考点; 3)尽管四个选项中只有一个正确答案,其余的三个选项设置也并非和题目毫无关系。利用设定干扰选项所遵循的规律,我们可以大胆地进行猜想。这种猜测其实并不耽误时间,也不怎么消耗脑力,考生反而能够通过猜想事先得到一个对该题的印

象。结合四个选项的共同点,我们往往可以得到大量的提示,有时候,甚至可以把答案猜得八九不离十。真正听题的时候,考生可以和录音人给出的信息进行比较,轻易排除错误选项,直达正确答案。 举例如下:99年6月Section A(9): Y ou will read: A) She is not interested in the course. B) She doesn’t like the way the professor lectures. C) She’s having a hard time following the professor’s lectures. D) She’s having difficulty with the heavy reading assignments. 黑体的部分就是考生在短短5秒内应该看到的信息点。某考生仅根据以上选项推论如下: 选项中不断重复的course,lecture,assignments都提醒我们,这是学生评价课程的一道题目。题中男生会先问感觉如何,女生的回答可能并不是全盘否定,但一定会有抱怨。 进而推想,很可能用一个转折关系的句式,比如but,而事实惊人地吻合。请看Tapescript: M: How do you like Professor Bockman’s course on the History of Philosophy? He is a


四级听力复合式听写题的应对及答题时间安排 Revised as of 23 November 2020

四级听力复合式听写题的应对及答题时间安排在历年来的四级考试听力部分中,短对话(shortconversation)和短文听力(passagecomprehension)的组合是最多见的。它们也是四级听力题目的主要形式。但是从1997年6月开始,一种新的、难的、没有选项的、没有办法投机取巧的、让很多考生极其头疼甚至是恐惧的新的听力题目的形式出现了,这就是复合式听写:CompoundDictation。 几乎所有来新东方接受四级培训的学员都希望听力老师对即将进行的考试做预测,判断听力20题中的后10道是短文听力还是复合式听写。当然也包括今年——最后一次出现四级老题目的机会。历史上出现复合式听写的年份分别是:1997年6月、1998年1月、2001年6月、2003年1月、2004年6月、2005年1月。 从以上数值和年份来看,除了发现近年来复合式听写考得较多之外,几乎没有任何信息能够暗示2006年6月的四级旧题型考试中是否会出现复合式听写。如果真的可以预测,笔者当然可以信心十足地告诉你:出现几率为50%。既然任何对未知考试内容进行的预测都有极大的风险,与其战战兢兢的押宝,倒不如本着“知己知彼,百战不殆”的精神来了解这种题目。 首先,关于复合式听写你必须明确的几点:

1、共十个空。占10%的分数比例(新题型中分值为10% ×710=71分) 2、前七空为单个单词填写,必须写下听到的准确形式,即听到什么写什么。得分,每空分,共分。 3、后三空为句子填写。请注意,此时,你既可以听到什么写下什么,也可以按照自己的话将要点写下来。后三空的分数设置为:2分、2分和分。三句中最长的一句是分的句子。 4、从文体类型上看,97年为故事,98年为人物传记,01以后全部为说明文,难度在增加。 5、从2006年的12月全面实施四级新题型之后,听写部分将永恒出现在听力的最后一部分,占去10%比例。 6、需要提醒,听写部分得满分的几率和写作得满分的几率一样低。 那么,如何去应对有可能出现的复合式听写呢 一、关于前七空: 前七空的单词的出题标准很简单,即能够听懂,但是很容易写错。例如97年的typical被大部分人写成 tipical,describe被大部分人写成discribe,2001年的environmental,很多人会忘记写n……总之,拼写总能够让你把貌似简单的单词弄错。


听力能力基本规律与技巧 学无定法,练无成规,听力亦如此,功到自然成。但如果在训练过程中能遵循语言的基本规律,并将这些规律化为各种技巧,例如捕捉重要信息、推测言外之意、总结归纳抓住中心思想等,则能提高训练效率,收到事半功倍之效果。 听力训练中需把握以下几方面的规律: 1 语音规律 包括辨音、音变现象(如音的连读、弱读、简化、同化、失去爆破)、重音等。 例如,连读是口语中经常出现的音变现象。如Fog is spreading to all areas . 前三个单词连读成了/ fCgizprediN/。 又如,在快速语流中常产生音的同化现象,像Would you mind if I smoke here ? 句中would 一词本应读成/wud/,但当后面紧跟you /ju:/ 时,尾辅音 /d/ 与 /j/ 同化为另一个辅音/dV/。next year中的尾辅音/t/ 与/j/ 同化成/tF/。读作/nekstFE/。如不熟悉这种同化现象,便会误认为遇到了生词。 学生在平时学习中学会正确发音,掌握单词发音的基本规律和常识,不但有助于提高听说能力,而且有助于培养语感,提高英语整体水平。 2语调规律 注意和分析单词在句中的重读规律有助于识别单词、词组并区分实词、虚词;而注意说话者的语气并分析语句的升、平、降调则有助于了解说话人的情感、态度,从而正确判断说话人之间的关系,推断说话人的意图和目的。英语中的陈述句、特殊疑问句、祈使句、感叹句多用降调。升调常表示疑问、怀疑、不解、或不确定,不但常用在一般疑问句中,也用在陈述句、特殊疑问句、婉转祈使句或反意疑问句中。 I thought it would be all right. (表示推测或不确定)。(↗) You haven’t seen the film, have you?(期待给与否定回答)(↗) It’s a wonderful film, don’t you think so?(期待给与肯定回答)(↗) 虚拟语气的语调往往很强烈,句尾使用高降调。例如: How I wish I were a student! (↘) 3句法规律 主要包括两项内容: a) 听力材料中有些词,尤其是虚词(如连词、介词等)往往不易一下听出来,必须运用句法知识加以弥补; b) 英语中有些特殊的句型句式、习惯用法常令学生在听力测试中倍感困惑,仅举几例说明。 例1: You cannot be too careful when you drive a car. 开车时越小心越好。 cannot (can not ) / can never与too连用表示“越------越好”;“再------也不为过” 4逻辑规律 一段话或一个段落往往表达一个相对独立的观点或叙述一个相对完整的事件。其中表示逻辑关系的关联词语、表达说话者意图的关键词、用于承上启下的关键句等,对于把握整个对话或段落的中心思想起着至关重要的作用,必须予以充分注意。例如: M: I’m sorry, Madam. The plane is somewhat behind schedule. Take a seat. I’ll inform you as soon as we know something definite. W: Thank you. I’d rather look around, and I’ll be back in several minutes. Q: What can be concluded about the plane ? 本段对话听起来较长,但就答题而言,关键只有一句,即“The plane is somewhat behind schedule (飞机晚点了) . 因此,只要听出这一点,便能准确地回答问题。
