


一stress and strain(应力与应变)

1the fundamental concepts 基本概念

cross section 横截面the internal stresses produced in the bar 杆的内应力continuous distribution of hydrostatic pressure 流体静压力the tensile load 拉伸载荷a uniform dis

tribution over the cross section 在横截面均匀分布arbitrary cross-sectional shape 任意截面形状tensile stresses 拉应力compressive stresses 压应力a normal stress 正应力through the centroid of the cross sectional area 通过横截面形心the uniform stress condition 压力均匀分布the stress distribution at the ends of the bar 杆末端应力分布high localized stresses 高度应力集中an axially loaded bar 轴向载荷杆件a tensile strain 拉应变an elongation or stretching of the material 材料拉伸a compressive strain 压应变the ratio of two lengths 两个长度的比值purely statical and geometrical considerations 从纯静态以及几何角度考虑1.That branch of scientific analysis which motions, times and forces is called mechanics and is made up of two parts, statics and

dynamics. 研究位移、时间和力运动乘力是科学分析法的一个分支,被称作力学,力学由两大部分组成,静力学和动力学。 2.For example, if the force operating on a sleeve bearing becomes too high, it will squeeze out the oil film and cause metal-to-metal contact, overheating and rapid failure of the bearing. 例如:如果止推轴承上的作用力过大的话,会挤出油膜,引起金属和金属之间的相互接触,轴承将过热而迅速失效。 3.Our intuitive concept of force includes such ideas as place of application, direction, and magnitude, and these are called the characteristics of a force. 力的直观概念包括力的作用点、大小、方向,这些被称为力的三要素。 4.All bodies are either elastic or plastic and will be deformed if acted upon by forces. When the deformation of such bodies is small, they are frequently assumed to be rigid, i.e., incapable of deformation, in order to simplify the analysis. 所有的物体既可以是弹性的也可以是塑性的,如果受到力的作用就产生变形。当变形很小的时候它们被假设成刚体,也就是不产生变形。 5.The rigid-body assumption cannot be used in internal stresses and strains due to the applied forces to be analyzed. Thus we consider the body to be capable of deforming. 刚体假设

不能应用于内应力和内应变的分析,所以在实际力的分析时,要考虑物体的形变。 6.If all the forces acting on a particle are balanced, the particle will either remain at rest or will continue to move in a straight line at a uniform velocity.



1) the main manifestations of capacity主要的表现能力

2) the maximum unit load (stress)最大单位载荷(应力)3)stress-strain diagram 应力—应变图4)the simple tensile test 简单的拉伸试验5)the percentage elongation at rupture 断裂伸长率6)the ends of tensile specimens 拉伸试样的两端7)permanent deformation 永久变形8)the resulting load-displacement curve 由此产生的载荷位移曲线9)a substantial yielding of the material 大量产生的物质10)yield point 屈服点11) the transition from elastic to plastic behavior 从弹性到塑性的过度12)material property table 材料属性表13)plastic

deformation 塑性变形14)a specified standard length of the specimen 指定的标准式样长度15)at the moment of rupture 此刻的破裂16)short cylindrical specimens 短圆柱标本17)ductile materials 韧性材料18)high stress concentration 高应力集中19)ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度20)strain hardening zone 应变硬化区1)A tensile test consists of slowly pulling a sample of material with a tensile load until it breaks. The ends of tensile specimens are usually enlarged to pr ovide extra area for gripping and to avoid having the sample break where it is being gripped. 拉伸试验包括慢慢加载拉伸载荷直到断裂,拉伸试件两端加粗为了提供装夹区域和避免试件断裂。2)The usual manner of conducting the test is to deform the specimen at a constant speed .For example, in the Universal testing machines, the motion between the fixed and moving cross heads can be controlled at a constant speed. 通常进行试验的方法就是使试件以恒定速度发生变形。例如,在万能拉伸试验机上,固定端和移动的十字滑块之间的变形是以恒定速度进行的。3)The load that must be applied to enforce this displacement rate varies as the test proceeds. This load F may be divided by the cross-sectional area A to obtain the stress

in the specimen at any time during the test. 随着实验的进行,用来产生位移的载荷是随位移的变化而变化。在实验中,载荷 F 除以横截面积 A 可以得到任意时刻点的应力。4)However actual measurement of ΔL is preferable where This is feasible. Stress and strain based on the initial (undeformed) dimensions, Ai and Li, are called engineering Stress and strain.

然而,在可行的位置的ΔL 的实际测量是更可取的,基于原始尺寸Ai 和Li 的应力和应变称为工程应力和工程应变。5)Ductile and brittle materials behave differently in compression test as well. The compression test is conducted on short Cylindrical specimens placed between parallel plates. 塑性和脆性材料在压缩试验中表现的特性是不相同的。压缩试验是把短圆柱形试件放在两平行平板之间进行的6)The compression test diagram for these materials retains.The qualitative features of the tension test diagram.The ultimate compressive strength of a brittle of a brittle material is determined in the same way as in tension. 材料压缩试验图保持了拉伸试验图性能上的特征。脆性材料的最大压缩强度与最大拉伸强度得到的方法相同。


Virtually all machines contain shafts. The most common shape for shafts is circular and the cross section can be either solid or hollow (hollow shafts can result in weight savings). 几乎所有的机器都有轴,最常用的外形是圆形的,横截面是空心的或实心的圆形截面(空心轴可以减少重量)。 A shaft must have adequate torsional strength to transmit torque and not be overstressed. It must also be torsionally still enough so that one mounted component does not deviate excessively from its original angular position relative to a second component mounted on the same shaft. 一个轴必须有足够的扭转强度来传递扭矩而不会破坏,同样也必须有足够的扭转刚度,这样安装轴就不能过度偏离相对于安装在同一轴上第二个零件的原始位置。Shafts are mounted on bearings and transmit power through such devices as gears, pulleys, cams and clutches. These devices introduce forces which attempt to bend the shaft; hence, the shaft must be rigid enough to prevent overloading of the supporting bearings. 轴安装在轴承上通过齿轮,滑轮,凸轮和离合器这些装置传递力。这些装置可以产生使轴弯曲的力,所以轴必修有足够的刚性防止支撑轴承的过载。In addition,

the shaft must be able to sustain a combination of bending and torsion and bending. 另外,轴必须能承载弯扭组合的载荷,因此,这样就必须考虑弯扭组合的等效载荷。Components such as gears and pulleys are mounted on shafts by means of key. The design of the key and the corresponding keyway in the shaft must be properly evaluated. 齿轮和滑轮构件是用键的方式连接在轴上的,键和对应的键槽的设计必须进行估算。Another important aspect of shaft design is the method of directly connecting one shaft to another. This is accomplished by devices such as rigid and flexible couplings. 轴设计的另一个重要方面是直接连接两轴,通过刚性和柔性的联轴器装置来实现。


1) herringbone gears 人字形齿轮

2)spiral gears 螺旋齿轮3)worm gears 蜗轮4) bevel gears(圆)锥齿轮,伞齿轮5)hypoid gears 准双曲面齿轮6)sizes of spur-gear teeth 轮齿尺寸7) the automotive rearaxle drives 汽车后桥驱动8) rack-and-pinion drives 齿条和小齿轮驱动9) diametral pitch 径节10) pitch circle 节圆11) the tangency point

切点12) pressure angles 压力角13) an involute curve 渐开线曲线14) the radial distant 径向距离15) at right angles 成直角16) the average number of teeth in contact 平均啮合齿数17) the reciprocal of the diametral pitch 径节的导数18) to change inches to millimeters 将英寸改为毫米19) a line perpendicular to the centerlines 垂直于中心线的线20) center distance between two meshed gears 两个互相啮合齿轮的中心距离1)Pressure angles for spur gears are usually 14.5 or 20 degress, although other values can be used. Meshing gears must have the same pressure angles. 译文:虽然直齿圆柱齿轮的压力角可以取很多其他值,但通常大多是在14.5 至20 度之间。互相啮合齿轮的压力角必须相同。2)The shape of the space between gear teeth is complex and varies with the number of teeth on the gear as well as tooth module, so most gear manufacturing methods generate the tooth flank instead of forming. 译文:由于齿轮齿数以及齿形的不同,齿轮齿侧间隙的形状也是复杂多样的,所以大多数齿轮的制造方法是范成发而不是成型法。3) Worm gears are used where high ratios are desired and where the shafts are nointersecting and at right angles. 译文:蜗轮蜗杆常用于那些要求高传动比同时两根轴不交

叉但成直角的场合。4) It has the great advantage that the cutting tool is a simple rack with(nearly) straight sided teeth which can easily be ground accurately. 译文:一个很大的优势在于刀具是在一个简单的齿条几乎可以直接准确地支起被磨损的轮齿。

5) Modern shapers cutting car gears can run at 2000 cutting per minute. The shape of the cutter is roughly the same as an involute gear but the tips of the teeth are rounded. 译文:现代牛头刨床削减汽车齿轮可以运行在每分钟2000。刀具的形状大致与渐开线齿轮的圆形轮齿相同。6) Bevel gears are often used when two shafts are at right angles to each other and their centenline extensions intersect; however,some bevel gears are at angles other than 90 degrees. 译文:锥齿轮常用于两轴互相垂直且它们中心线的延长线相交的场合下。可是,有些锥齿轮的轴线并非互相垂直。


1.plate cams 盘形凸轮

2. cylindrical cams 圆柱凸轮

3. the cam assemblies in automatic record players 录音机上的凸轮组件

4. cam

profiles 凸轮轮廓5. make a full-scale template 制造一个实尺样板 6. in the course of several revolutions of the cam 在凸轮转几转的过程中7. a tangential plate template 切向盘形凸轮8. a translation cam 移动凸轮9. the groove in the periphery of the cam 凸轮表面上的槽10. a guided vertical reciprocated follower 纵向做往复运动的从动件11. a constant-diameter cam 等径凸轮12. automatic washing machines 自动洗衣机13. a face cam 面凸轮14. the edge of a pivoted follower 摆动从动件的边缘15. a reciprocating knife-edged follower 一个做往复运动的刃口式从动件16. miniature snap-action electrical switches 微型速动电开关17. a pivoted flat-faced follower 一个转动的平面从动件18. air pilot values 空气试点值19. the abrupt change in cam profile 凸轮轮廓的突变20. a Scotch yoke mechanism 苏格兰约克机构1.The purpose of any cam is to produce a displacement of its follower is ofen used to produce additional displacement in another location. 使用凸轮的目的是使其从动件产生位移,次级从动件常用来在另一位置产生附加位移 2.The relative vertical position of point A with respect to B needs to be raised if the reaction value at B is excessive. 如果B 点的值超量,点 A 相对于 B 的垂直位置就要升高 3.In general, the

follower is considered to be the part that comes in contact with the cam profile. However, when a secondary follower is used, the motion of the secondary follower is dicatated by that of the primary follower. 总的来说,从动件是与凸轮轮廓相接触的零件。然而,当用次级从动件时,次级从动件的运动就需要通过主要从动件来实现4.The simplest type of follower is the reciprocating type that merely moves up and down (or in and out) with the rotation of the cam; the centerline can be either collinear with the cam centerline or offset from it. 最简单的从动件是随着凸轮的转动而仅作上下(或进出)往复运动的从动件,其中心线可与凸轮中心线共线,也可与之偏离。

5.Fasteners are devices which permit one part to be joined to a second part and, hence, they are involved in almost all designs. 紧固件是一种可以连接两个零件的部件,因此他们几乎在所有设计中都被涉及到。

6.Springs are mechanical members which are designed to give a relatively large amount of elastic deflection under the action of an externally applied load. 弹簧是一种被设计为在外部负载的作用下能发生相对大量弹性变形的机械部件。


1)a developing and demanding industry 产业的发展与要求

2)propeller shaft 螺旋轴3)suspension components 悬挂部件4)a sliding splined type of joint 滑动式花键5)tow rear axle shafts 双转向轴轴6)to mesh with a larger bevel gear 与较大的锥齿轮啮合7)the universal joints 万向节8)a steering wheel 转向盘9)unevenness of road surface 路面的不平整度10)the transverse line of the the axle shafts 该轴的横向线11)to cause excessive tyre wear 使轮胎磨损过度12)the exactly similar diameter 完全相似的直径13)quarter-elliptic leaf springs 四分之一椭圆钢板弹簧片14)the transmission of shock 震动的传播15)road surface variation 路面的变化16)the final-drive gears 最终传动齿轮17)the precise alignment of shaft 轴的精确定位18)a rotating drum 一个旋转的筒鼓19)a hand lever 手柄20)be locked in the one position 被锁定在一个位置1)The lubrication system provides a constant flow of filtered oil to all moving parts of the engine. The system consists of an oil pan to store the oil, a pump to circulate it, a filter to remove solid abrasive particles, and an oil

gauge or light in the driver’s compartment for checking purposes. 译:润滑系统提供了源源不断的过滤油给发动机的各个运动部件,该系统由一个油箱来储存油,一个泵来输送油,一个过滤装置除去固体磨料颗粒,并且在驾驶室里有个油压表或者指示灯来方便驾驶员检查油量是否充足。2)The drive line consists of mechanisms and units which transmit torque from the engine to the drive wheels and change torque and rpm in magnitude and direction. 译:传动系包括机制和单位,它将扭矩传送到驱动轮并改变转矩和转速的大小和方向。3)It has been seen that if the conditions are not very abnormal, sufficient amount of tyre slip taking place under running conditions would release these stresses completely. 译:可以看到,如果运行状况不是很正常,轮胎在行驶的情况下发生足够的滑移,这些压力就会被完全释放出来。4)Much effort is required to crank the engine during starting, since it is necessary to overcome friction in the moving engine components and the resistance offered by the charge being compressed. 译:发动机开始运行需要经过许多努力,比如必须要克服发动机运动部件之间的阻力和内部装置间的压力。5)The clutch is a friction device used to connect and disconnect a driving force from a driven

member .It is used in conjunction with an engine flywheel to provide smo0th engagement and disengagement of the engine and manual transmission. 译:离合器是一个将驱动力从驱动机构连接或者断开的摩擦装置,它由人力操控连接发动机的飞轮来提供平滑的连接与分离。

6)The differential is a gear system that transfers power from the drive shaft to the driving axles. It also permits one driving wheel to turn faster than the other to prevent skidding and scuffing of tires on turns. 译:差速器是一个将动力从主动轴传送到驱动轴的齿轮装置,它的存在可以允许一个驱动轮的速度比另一个更快从而避免轮胎在转动时发生打滑和擦伤。


1.Green sand型砂

2.Pour molten metal into a prepared cavity 将熔融的金属倒入型腔中

3.More stable and refractory sands 耐熔砂

4.Be used to produce intricate molds 用来制作复杂铸型

5.Both ferrous and nonferrous materials 黑色及有色金属

6.Parting powder 分形砂

7.Be rammed 夯实

8.Pattern draft 拔模斜度

9.Sprues,runners and gates 直浇道,横浇道和内浇口10.A pouring basin 外浇口11.To make up for shrinkage losses 用

于弥补收缩损失12.The cope and the drag 上沙箱和下沙箱

13.Some organic bonding materials 一些有机黏合材料

14.Gross shrinkage 缩孔15.A bottom-pouring ladle 底部浇注铁水包16.The rate of solidification 凝固速率17.To affect the degree of liquid contraction 影响液体收缩的程度18.Columnar growth present at the mold wall 铸型中针状物的成长19.The feeding characteristics of the risering system 冒口的补缩特征20.Unwanted metal protrusions 多余的金属突起 1.The first stage in the production of sand casting must be the design and manufacture of a suitable pattern.Casting pattern has to be made larger than the finished casting size to allow for the shrinkage that takes place during solidification and cooling. 在型砂铸造生产中,第一阶段是必须设计和制造合适的模型,考虑到铸件在凝固和冷却期间产生的收缩,铸件模型的尺寸要比铸件的尺寸大。 2.If a hollow casting is to be made the pattern will include extension pieces so that spaces to accept the sand core are molded into the sand,These additional spaces in the mold are termed core prints. 如果铸造空心铸件时,模型上包含伸长杆便于在砂中放置砂芯的空间称为型芯座 3.Sand molds for the production of small and medium-sized castings are made in a molding box.The mold is made in two or more parts in order that the

pattern may be removed. 中小型尺寸的铸件砂型是在一个砂箱中制造,砂型由两部分或更多部分组成,以利于模型的顺利取出。 4.This process of filling and ramming may be done by hand but mold production is automated in a large foundry with the mold boxes moving along a conveyor,firstly to be filled with sand from hoppers and then to pass under mechanical hammers for ramming. 填充和夯实的过程可以手工完成,但在大型铸造中砂型的制造是自动完成的,砂箱随着传送带移动,首先被料斗中的砂子填满,然后通过机械锤被打实。 5.The risers should coincide with the highest points of the mold cavity so that the displaced air can readily escape from the mold. The sizes of risers should be such that the metal in them does not freeze too rapidly.

冒口应该与型腔的最高点相连接,使得进入的空气可以容易的从模型中溢出,冒口的尺寸应该足够大使模型中金属不会太快凝固。 6.When the metal that has been poured into a sand mold has fully solidified, the mold is broken and the casting is removed. The casting still has the runner and risers attached to it and there will be sand adhering to portions of the surface. 当熔融的金属被倾倒到砂型内并充分凝固以后,砂型将被打破取出铸件,铸件上依然带有横浇口和冒口并且依然有砂子粘在表面。


1).bulk deformation df metals 金属体积成形

2).forging, rolling, or extruding 锻造、轧制、挤压3).plastic deformation 塑性变形4).impact blows 影响冲击5).the recrystallization point of the metal 金属的再结晶点6).hot working and cold working 热加工和冷加工7).better surface finish 更好的表面光洁度8).hammer forging 锤锻造9).striking the hot metal 热金属的10).a slow squeezing acting 缓慢的挤压作用11).open dies ang closed dies 开模和封闭模具12).bevel gears with straight or helical teeth 圆锥齿轮跟直齿轮或者螺旋齿轮的齿13).impression dies 型腔模具14).each of die cavities 每个模腔15).mass production 大规模生产16).a homogeneous circumferential grain flow 均匀圆周颗粒流17).the three-dimensional description 三维描述18).computer simulation 计算机模拟19).hydraulic presses 液压机20).be rough- and finished-machined 是粗糙的并且经过机加工完成的 1.Forging means the shaping of metal by a series of hammer blows,or by slow application of pressure.The simplest example is a blacksmith's forging of a hot piece of

metal by hammering the work-piece on an anvil. 锻造是指通过一系列的捶打或缓慢的挤压使金属成形的过程。最简单的例子就是铁匠通过在铁砧上捶打一块热的金属来制造工件。

2.Heavy smith's forging is fundamentally similar,differing only in the scale of the operation,The work-piece may be an ingot of 100 tons and the deforming force provided by a massive forging hammer,but the whole process is controlled by the master smith,who decides each time where,and with what force ,the blow should take place. 铁匠们沉重的锻造工作基本上是相似的,不同的地方只是在于锻造的规模,工件可能是一个100 吨的金属锭,并且金属锭变形所需要的力是通过一把大规模的锻造锤提供,但是整个过程都是由主铁匠控制,决定每一次捶打在什么地方,用什么力量以及是否需要冷却。

3.Forging operations may be carried out using either forging hammers or forging presses.With a press,as opposed to a hammer,pressure is slowly applied and plastic deformation tends to occur fairly uniformly throughout the meterial. 锻造时可以用锻造锤,也可以用锻造压力机。与锻造锤不同,通过锻造压力机锻造时,压力被缓慢的施加,塑性变形往往会相当均匀地贯穿整个材料。

4.Forging hammers are of two basic types with the large hammer either dropping on to the work-piece accelerated by gravity alone or,as in the steam

hammer,accelerated by both gravity and steam pressure.


5.Smith's or open-die forging is used for making very large forgings or when the number of forgings of a particular design is small.Open-die forging is also used to preform metal prior to final shaping by means of closed-die forging. 锤锻或开模锻适用于制造非常大锻件,或少量特殊设计锻件。开模锻还可以用于金属闭模锻之前的粗加工。

6.Closed-die forging involves the use of accurately machined die blocks.The capital cost of a pair of die blocks is high,but this is allowable when it is required to make forgings to close dimensional tolerances and in large quantity,as would be the case for,say,connecting rods fir the engine of a popular car. 闭模锻涉及到精确加工模块的使用。一对模具块的成本很高,但当锻件尺寸公差要求很高,数量很大情况下,闭模锻是适用的


1)carrying high-amperage current


2) the electrode and the work-piece 电极和工件3) the weld pool 熔池4) a column of ionized gas called plasma 等离子区的柱状电离气体5) the oxides and nitrides 氮氧化物6)the positive ions 正离子7) deleterious substances 有害物质8)the newly solidified metal 新凝固金属9) in overhead welding 仰焊10)current density 电流密度11)deposition rate 沉积速率12)an unbalanced magnetic field 不平衡磁场13)arc blow 电弧偏吹14)the electrode coating 焊条涂层15)in overhead position 仰焊场合16)the cooling rate of the deposited metal 焊缝金属的冷却速率17) a more homogeneous microstructure 更均匀的显微(结构)18)a soomth flow of molten metal 熔融金属的平稳流动19)cellulosic-coated electrodes 纤维涂层的焊条20)perpendicular to the current path 垂直于电流通道1)Arc welding in one form or another is the most widely used form of welding. The electrical supply is low voltage but high amperage and may be either alternating or direct. 电弧焊在一种或另一种形式是应用最广泛的焊接形式。电源供应低电压,但是大电流,可以是交流或直流。2) The earliest forms of arc welding used carbon electrodes. But nowadays the arc is struck between a metal electrode and the work-piece. The electrode may either be of tungsten or be a consumable



一:专业词汇 1、SIFT:尺度不变特征转换; 2、ANMS:自适应非极大值抑制法; 3、BM3D:三维块匹配; 4、binary thresholding segmentation:最优二值阈值分割 5、rough entropy:粗糙熵 6、rough fuzzy set:粗糙模糊集/粗模糊集 7、Plasma resonance sensing:等离子体共振传感 8、Long period grating:长周期光栅 9、Optical sensor:光学传感器 10、optical fiber sensors:光纤传感器 11、Evanescent field::倏逝场 12、biochemical sensing:生物医学传感 13、Simultaneous Localization and Mapping(SLAM):同时定位与地图构建 14、Loop Closure Detection:回环检测 15、General Graph Optimization(g2o):开源的图优化库 16、Massive multiple-input multiple output (MIMO):大容量多输入多输出 17、time-division duplex system(TDD:时分双工系统

18、frequency-division duplex system(FDD):分频双工系统 19、spectral efficiency:频谱效率 20、joint transmission coordinated multipoint:联合传动协调多点 21、GSM:全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile communications) 22、MSC:移动业务交换中心(mobile switching center) 23、WAP:无线应用通讯协议(Wireless Application Protocol) 24、redundancy :冗余度 25、sampling :抽样 26、quantitative:量化 27、demodulate:解调 28、multiplexable:多路复用的 29、resolution:分辨率 30、Simultaneous Localization and Mapping:即时定位与建图 31、Visual Odometry:视觉里程计 32、Laser Scanner:激光雷达 33、Time-domain:时域 34、Finite-element:有限元



2.1数学、方程与比例 词组翻译 1.数学分支branches of mathematics,算数arithmetics,几何学geometry,代数学algebra,三角学trigonometry,高等数学higher mathematics,初等数学elementary mathematics,高等代数higher algebra,数学分析mathematical analysis,函数论function theory,微分方程differential equation 2.命题proposition,公理axiom,公设postulate,定义definition,定理theorem,引理lemma,推论deduction 3.形form,数number,数字numeral,数值numerical value,图形figure,公式formula,符号notation(symbol),记法/记号sign,图表chart 4.概念conception,相等equality,成立/真true,不成立/不真untrue,等式equation,恒等式identity,条件等式equation of condition,项/术语term,集set,函数function,常数constant,方程equation,线性方程linear equation,二次方程quadratic equation 5.运算operation,加法addition,减法subtraction,乘法multiplication,除法division,证明proof,推理deduction,逻辑推理logical deduction 6.测量土地to measure land,推导定理to deduce theorems,指定的运算indicated operation,获得结论to obtain the conclusions,占据中心地位to occupy the centric place 汉译英 (1)数学来源于人类的社会实践,包括工农业的劳动,商业、军事和科学技术研究等活动。 Mathematics comes from man’s social practice, for example, industrial and agricultural production, commercial activities, military operations and scientific and technological researches. (2)如果没有运用数学,任何一个科学技术分支都不可能正常地发展。 No modern scientific and technological branches could be regularly developed without the application of mathematics. (3)符号在数学中起着非常重要的作用,它常用于表示概念和命题。 Notations are a special and powerful tool of mathematics and are used to express conceptions and propositions very often. (4)17 世纪之前,人们局限于初等数学,即几何、三角和代数,那时只考虑常数。Before 17th century, man confined himself to the elementary mathematics, i. e. , geometry, trigonometry and algebra, in which only the constants were considered. (5)方程与算数的等式不同在于它含有可以参加运算的未知量。 Equation is different from arithmetic identity in that it contains unknown quantity which can join operations. (6)方程又称为条件等式,因为其中的未知量通常只允许取某些特定的值。Equipment is called an equation of condition in that it is true only for certain values of unknown quantities in it. (7)方程很有用,可以用它来解决许多实际应用问题。


Lesson2 Exercises 1. Put the following into Chinese. (1)Ohm’s law states that the voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the current flowing through the resistor. The constant of proportionality is the resistance value of the resistor in ohms. 流过电路里电阻的电流,与加在电阻两端的电压成正比,与电阻的阻值成反比。这就是欧姆定律。 (2)Many materials, however, closely approximate an ideal linear resistor over a desired operating region. 不过,许多材料在规定的工作范围内非常接近理想线性电阻。 (3)It should be noted that an ideal voltage source (dependent or independent ) will produce any current required to ensure that the terminal voltage is as stated, whereas an ideal current source will produce the necessary voltage to ensure the stated current flow. 应该注意:一个理想电压源(独立或受控)可向电路提供任意电流以保证其端电压为规定值,而电流源可向电路提供任意电压以保证其规定电流。 (4)A different class of relationship occurs because of the restriction that some specific type of network element places on the variables. Still another class of relationship is one between several variable of the same type which occurs as the result of the network configuration, i. e., the manner in which the various element of the network are interconnected. 一种不同类型的关系是由于网络元件的某种特定类型的连接对变量的约束。另一类关系由于网络结构,即网络的不同元件互相连接的方式所产生的相同形式的一些变量间的关系。 (5)The thermal conductivity of metals is as much as several hundred times that of glass. 金属的导热率比玻璃高几百倍。 (6)Magnetic line of force will,whenever passible, travel through iron or other magnetic materials. 磁力线只要有可能就会通过铁或其它磁性材料。 (7)Actually, 0 o C is indeed the lower limit to temperatures capable of being attained. 事实上绝对零度确是所能达到的温度的最低限度。 2. Translate the following into English. (1)电路元件吸收或释放的功率为元件两端的电压与流过该元件电流的乘积。 The power absorbed or supplied by a circuit element is the product of the voltage across the element and the current through it. (2)理想独立电源是一个有源元件,它所提供的电压或电流不依赖于电路中其他变量。 An ideal independent source is an active element that provides a specified voltage or current that is completely independent of other circuit variables. (3)受控电源是一个有源元件,它所提供的电压或电流受电路中某部分电压或电流控制。 An ideal dependent (or controlled) source is an active element in which the source quantity is controlled by another voltage or current. (4)叠加定理为:线性电路中,任一电压或电流都是电路中各个独立电源单独作用时,在该处产生的电压或电流的叠加。 The superposition principle states that the voltage across (or current through) an element in a linear circuit is the algebraic sum of the voltages across (or current through) that element due to each independent source acting alone. (5)计算机可分为模拟计算机和数字计算机两种。Computers may be classfied as analog and digital.(6)新型晶体管的开关时间缩短了三分之二。The switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened three times. (7)超导体在电气应用上的重要性不能被估计过高。The importance of superconductor in the uses of electricity cannot be overestimated.

通信与信息工程专业英语教程参考答案(Communication English)

参考答案( Communication English ) 第一章电子通信导论 1.将表1-1译成中文。 表1-1 通信大事纪 年代事件 公元前3000年埃及人发明象形文字 公元800年借鉴印度, 阿拉伯人使用我们的现行数制 1440年约翰.戈登贝尔发明可移动的金属记录带 1752年贝莱明.富兰克林的风筝证明了雷闪是电 1827年欧姆发表欧姆定律( I = E / R) 1834年 C.F.高斯和E.H.韦伯发明电磁电报 1838年W.F.库克和C.维特斯通发明电报 1844年S.F.B.莫尔斯演示巴尔的摩和华盛顿的电报线路 1850年G.R.基尔赫夫发表基尔赫夫电路定律 1858年铺设第一条越洋电缆, 并于26天后举办博览会 1864年J.C.麦克斯威尔预言电磁辐射 1871年电报工程师协会在伦敦成立 1876年 A.G.贝尔发明电话并获专利 1883年 A.爱迪生发现真空管中的电子流 1884年美国电气工程师协会(AIEE)成立 1887年H.赫兹证明麦克斯威的理论 1900年G.马可尼传送第一个越洋无线电信号 1905年R.芬森登利用无线电传送语音和音乐 1906年L.弗雷斯特真空三极管放大器 1915年贝尔系统完成美国大陆电话线路 1918年 E.H.阿尔莫斯通发明超外差接收机电路 1920年第一个定时无线广播 J.R.卡尔松将取样用于广播 1926年美国演示电视 1927年H.布兰克在贝尔实验室发明负反馈放大器 1931年电传打字机投入运营 1933年 E.H.阿尔莫斯通发明调频 1935年R.A.沃特森-瓦特发明第一个实用雷达 1936年英国广播公司(BBC)开办第一个电视广播 1937年 A.雷弗斯提出脉冲编码调制(PCM) 1941年J.V.阿当拉索夫在依俄华州立大学发明计算机 1945年ENIAC电子数字计算机研发于宾夕伐尼亚大学 1947年布雷登、巴登和肖克利在贝尔实验室研制晶体管 S.O.莱斯在贝尔实验室研究噪声的统计表征1948年 C.E.香农发表他的信息理论


工程材料 一、判断题1.冲击韧性就是试样断口处单位面积所消耗的功。(√)2.一般来说,金属材料的强度越高,则其冲击韧性越低。(√) 3.一般来说,材料的硬度越高,耐磨性越好。(√) 4.HBW是洛氏硬度的硬度代号。(×) 5.金属材料的使用性能包括力学性能、铸造性能。(×) 6.硬度实验中,布氏硬度测量压痕的深度。(×) 7.硬度实验中,洛氏硬度测量试样表面压痕直径大小。(×) 8.断后伸长率和断面收缩率越大,表示材料的塑性越好。(√) 9.布氏硬度用于测量淬火后零件的硬度。(×) 10.洛氏硬度用于测量退火后零件的硬度。(×) 11.晶体缺陷的共同之处是它们都能引起晶格畸变。(√) 12.理想晶体的内部都或多或少地存在有各种晶体缺陷。(×) 13.室温下,金属晶粒越细,则强度越高,塑性越低。(×) 14.纯金属结晶时形核率随过冷度的增大而不断增加。(×) 15.金属型浇注比砂型浇注得到的铸件晶粒粗大。(×) 16.(×)。晶粒粗大铸成薄壁件与铸成厚壁件 17.厚大铸件的表面部分与中心部分晶粒粗大。(×) 18.α-Fe属于面心立方晶格晶格类型。(×) 19.金属Cu、Al都是面心立方晶格。(√) 20.金属实际结晶温度小于理论结晶温度。(√) 21.在铁碳合金平衡结晶过程中,只有成分为0.77%C的合金才能发生共析反应。(×) 22.一般来说,金属中的固溶体塑性较好,而金属间化合物的硬度较高。(√) 23.铁素体和奥氏体都是碳在α-Fe中的间隙固溶体。(×) 24.奥氏体是硬度较低、塑性较高的组织,适用于压力加工成形。(√) 25.渗碳体是硬而脆的相。(√) 26.铁和碳以化合物形式组成的组织称为莱氏体。(×) 27.铁素体是固溶体,有固溶强化现象,所以性能为硬而脆。(×)28.钢铆钉一般用高碳钢制作。(×) 29.金属在固态下由于温度的改变而发生晶格类型转变的现象,称为同素异构转变。(√) 30.纯铁在770℃时发生同素异构转变。(×) 31.表面淬火既能改变钢的表面化学成分,也能改善心部的组织与性能。(×). 32.共析钢加热奥氏体后,冷却时所形成的组织主要取决于钢的加热温度。(×) 33.低碳钢或高碳钢件为便于进行机械加工,可预先进行球化退火。(×)


2.1 数学、方程与比例 (1)数学来源于人类的社会实践,包括工农业的劳动,商业、军事和科学技术研究等活动。 Mathematics comes from man’s social practice, for example, industrial and agricultural production, commercial activities, military operations and scientific and technological researches. (2)如果没有运用数学,任何一个科学技术分支都不可能正常地发展。 No modern scientific and technological branches could be regularly developed without the application of mathematics. (3)符号在数学中起着非常重要的作用,它常用于表示概念和命题。Notations are a special and powerful tool of mathematics and are used to express conceptions and propositions very often. (4)17 世纪之前,人们局限于初等数学,即几何、三角和代数,那时只考虑常数。 Before 17th century, man confined himself to the elementary mathematics, i. e. , geometry, trigonometry and algebra, in which only the constants were considered. (5)方程与算数的等式不同在于它含有可以参加运算的未知量。 Equation is different from arithmetic identity in that it contains unknown quantity which can join operations. (6)方程又称为条件等式,因为其中的未知量通常只允许取某些特定的值。Equipment is called an equation of condition in that it is true only for certain values of unknown quantities in it. (7)方程很有用,可以用它来解决许多实际应用问题。 Equations are of very great use. We can use equations in many mathematical problems. (8)解方程时要进行一系列移项和同解变形,最后求出它的根,即未知量的值。To solve the equation means to move and change the terms about without making the equation untrue, until the root of the equation is obtained, which is the value of unknown term. 2.2 几何与三角 (1)许多专家都认为数学是学习其他科学技术的必备基础和先决条件。 Many experts recognize that mathematics is the necessary foundation and prerequisite of studying other science technology. (2)西方国家的专家认为几何起源于巴比伦和埃及人的土地测量技术,其实中国古代的数学家对几何做了许多出色的研究。 The western experts think that geometry had its origin in the measurements by the Babylonians and Egyptians of their lands. Infect, the ancient Chinese mathematicians made much remarkable study for geometry. (3)几何的学习使学生在思考问题时更周密和审慎,他们将不会盲目接受任何结论。 In studying geometry, the student is taught to think clearly and critically and he is led away from the practice of blind acceptance of any conclusions. (4)数学培养学生的分析问题的能力,使他们能应用毅力、创造性和逻辑推理来解决问题。


琼州学院 09通信工程专业《专业英语》试卷 2011 ——2012学年度第 1 学期期末考试( C )卷答案 注意事项: 1、考前请将密封线内填写清楚 2、所有答案请直接答在试卷上(或答题纸上) 3、考试形式:(闭)卷 4、本试卷共 大题,满分100分。考试时间120分钟 5 一、科技常用词组翻译(本题共20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分) 1、英翻中 (1)client 客户机 (2)router 路由器 (3)hub 集线器 (4)destination address 目的地址 (5)datagram 数据报 (6)amplify 放大 (7)medium 媒介 (8)information 信息 (9)transmission 传输 (10)multimedia 多媒体 2、中翻英 (1)超链接 hyperlink (2)交易 transation (3)电子商务 E-commerce (4)适配器 adapter (5)调制解调器 modem (6)中国电信 China Telecom (7)数字业务 digital service (8)虚拟现实 virtual reality (9)分组交换网 packet-switching network (10)子网 subnetwork 二、英、中词组正确搭配(每组 1 分,共 10 分) 班 级 姓名 学 号 密 封 装 订 线

1.Bearer channel 数据信道5. 2.Terminal Adapter 处理信号4. 3.analog system 用户设备6. 4.handle signaling 载波信道1. 5.data channel 模拟系统3. 6.customer equipment 终端适配器2. 7.service type 端到端数字连接10. 8.Integrated Services Digital Network 数字交换系统 9. 9.digital switching system 综合业务数字网8. 10.end-to-end digital connectivity 业务类型7. 三、把下面句子翻译成中文(本题共 5 小 题,每题 4 分,共 20 分) 1、Data is a collection of un_organized facts. 数据是无组织的事实的集合. https://www.360docs.net/doc/6e18013244.html,rmation is data that is organized ,has meaning,and is useful. 信息是有组织的,有意义的和有用的数据. 3.The system unit is a box-like case made of metal or plastic. 系统单元是金属或塑料制成的象盒般的箱子. 4.Storage hold data,instruction,and information for future use. 存储器保存数据,指令和信息以便将来使用. 5.Modems are available as both external and internal devices. 调制解调器可作为内部或外部的设备.


机械制造基础 一、判断题 1、钢的正火的硬度、强度比退火低。(3) 4、通过热处理可以有效地提高灰铸铁的力学性能。(3) 5、焊件开坡口的目的在于保证焊透,增加接头强度。(√) 6、基本尺寸就是要求加工时要达到的尺寸。(3) 7、采用包容要求时,若零件加工后的实际尺寸在最大、最小尺寸之间,同时形状误差等于尺寸公差,则该零件一 定合格。(√) 8、图样上所标注的表面粗糙度符号、代号是该表面完工后的要求。(√) 9、切削用量是切削速度、进给量和背吃刀量三者的总称。(√) 10、刀具耐用度为刀具两次刃磨之间的切削时间。(√) 11、切削液具有冷却、润滑、清洗、防锈四种作用。(√) 12、在车削加工中,车刀的纵向或横向移动,属于进给运动。(√) 13、根据工件的加工要求,不需要限制工件的全部自由度,这种定位称为不完全定位。(√) 14、固定支承在装配后,需要将其工作表面一次磨平。(√) 15、冲击韧性值随温度的降低而减小。(√) 16、正火的冷却速度比退火稍慢一些。(3) 17、碳钢的含碳量一般不超过1. 3%。(√) 18、一般情况下,焊件厚度小于4mm 时,焊条直径等于焊件厚度。(√) 19、从制造角度讲,基孔制的特点就是先加工孔,基轴制的特点就是先加工轴。(3) 20、为了实现互换性,零件的公差规定越小越好。(3) 21、Ra 值越大,零件表面越粗糙。(√) 22、切削用量主要是指切削速度和进给量。(3) 23、提高表面质量的主要措施是增大刀具的前角与后角。(3) 24、就四种切屑基本形态相比较,形成带状切屑时切削过程最平稳。(√) 25、用分布于铣刀圆柱面上的刀齿进行的铣削称为周铣。(√) 26、过定位在机械加工中是不允许的。(3) 27、通过热处理可以有效地提高灰铸铁的力学性能。(3) 28、焊件开坡口的目的在于保证焊透,增加接头强度。(√) 29、基本尺寸就是要求加工时要达到的尺寸。(3) 30、采用包容要求时,若零件加工后的实际尺寸在最大、最小尺寸之间,同时形状误差等于尺寸公差,则该零件一 定合格。(√) 31、图样上所标注的表面粗糙度符号、代号是该表面完工后的要求。(√) 32、切削用量是切削速度、进给量和背吃刀量三者的总称。(√) 33、刀具耐用度为刀具两次刃磨之间的切削时间。(√) 34、切削液具有冷却、润滑、清洗、防锈四种作用。(√) 35、在车削加工中,车刀的纵向或横向移动,属于进给运动。(√) 36、根据工件的加工要求,不需要限制工件的全部自由度,这种定位称为不完全定位。(√) 37、固定支承在装配后,需要将其工作表面一次磨平。(√)


“数学专业英语一次函数专题”教学设计 1. 教学内容及解析 教学内容:与直角坐标系及一次函数相关的英语文献资料 内容解析:本节内容应从两个方面去考虑. 一方面,从数学知识的角度,本节所涉及的是从平面直角坐标系到一次函数的数学知识,都是学生学过的基础知识及其应用,是对于这些知识的拉练式复习,并作为后面用英语叙述解答相关问题知识基础;另一方面,从语言的角度,学生会接触到大量没有接触过,但他们却很熟悉的英语词汇及短语,主动学习的学生可以在老师的指导下快速理解其含义并加入到自己的知识体系中,但需要花时间巩固,是需要读、写、说来巩固的内容. 这也正是本节的重点和难点所在. 2. 教学目标及解析 教学目标:①能根据已有的数学知识和给出的单词对照表,将给出的相关数学定理及结论的英语版本翻译为中文;②能理解并解答用英语表述的相关数学问题;③能将解决数学问题的过程用英语进行书面表述;④初步了解用英语表达与直角坐标系及一次函数相关数学理论的范式. 目标解析:学生掌握基本词汇,并能阅读与本节内容相关的英语文献,是学习和使用数学专业英语的最基本要求,学生需要在学习的过程中逐渐由接受,即阅读或聆听,逐渐向输出,即书面和口头表达的方向发展. 为达到此目标,学生需要在课前独立完成对于本节需要的单词的学习,并阅读一系列简短的相关数学文献,并在这个过程中初步体会数学专业英语的表达范式;在课堂上,在教师的指导下对自己的认知进一步补充,并进行一定量的练习,暴露自己的问题,在教师的帮助下修正问题,完善认知. 3. 教学问题诊断分析 学生在进行语言表达时,往往受到母语的限制,对于非母语的表达方式的接受能力一时难以习惯,而数学对于表达能力则有更高的要求,要求叙述简洁、逻辑清晰,因此本教学设计强调学生在有相当阅读量的积累后,通过自主练习,逐渐感受用英语表达数学理论的基本范式. 教师在教学过程中的主要任务在于为学生提供合适的学习资料,在学生学习的过程中给予提示与指导,及时指出学生的问题并予以纠正. 对于语言的学习,阅读量的积累是至关重要的,教师在课堂上的讲解、学生在课堂上的练习,都只是学习的一部分环节,如果需要帮助学生正确掌握表达数学理论的范式,尽量不留死角,就必须保证课前预习和课后复习的有效性,预习复习材料的充足性,这对教师的教学资料的积累和学生自主学习能力,都是一个挑战. 4. 教学支持条件分析 学情条件:初二8班是实验班,学生有较强的学习热情和好奇心,也知道课前预习、课上参与学习活动、课后复习的重要性,在曾经的数学课程教学中,也有一定的课前预习,课堂讨论的传统,对于本教学设计的各个环节,是可以理解教师的用意,并遵循教师的指导进行学习活动. 在知识层面上,学生已经系统学习过一次函数相关的知识,课程中提供的学习资料都是学生熟悉的数学知识;学生在英语学习上,已经有多年的积累,对于英语语法的学


b--吡啶pyridine 巴比妥酸:barbituric acid比电导conductance 不规则的:irregular 崩解剂disintegrant c--萃取extraction 成团:agglomeration 测量仪measurement 肠液:intestinal fluid d--胆固醇cholestero 对映体:enantiomer 电极electrode 代谢:metabolism f--反相渗透reverse osmosis 分布:disposition g--构象:conformation 固化:solidize j--甲苯toluene 静脉注:intravenous injection 挤压:compress 聚集:aggregate 胶囊capsule l--粒子:particle 立体选择性:stereoselectivity 利用率:availability m--灭菌产品sterile products n--粘合剂adhesive p--偏振光:polarized light 片剂tablet 配剂elixir 排泄:excretion q--起始原料starting materials(raw materials) q醛aldehyde r--溶解度:solubility 乳剂emulsion 润滑剂lubricant s--释放:release 渗液solution 生物膜:biologic membrane 生物碱alkaloid, t---糖浆syrup 甜味剂sweetener w--丸剂pill 微生物microorganism 胃液:gastric fluid 稳定态:steady-state x--旋光异构现象:optical isomerism 悬浮液suspension 香味剂flavor 稀释剂diluent 形状:shape 吸收:absorption 消除:elimination y--胰岛素insulin 压片:tablet compression z--中间体intermediate 重结晶recrystallization 左旋:levorotation 蒸馏distillation 组织tissue a--asymmetric carbon不对称碳absorption吸收action动作adhesive粘合剂c--contamination污染chirality:手性compress压缩composite合成的compressibility:可压缩性compaction:压紧contamination specialize特殊污染conductivity电导率control:控制clinical:临床的 d--design:设计dry:干燥delivery:传送 e-- extend:延长epoxide:环氧化物 f-- formulation:制剂fluidity:流动性f unction:功能 g--geometric isomerism:几何异构 h-- hormone激素hydrolysis diastereoisomer:水解非对映异构体 heterogeneous catalyst多相催化剂, i--irrigating冲洗 m-- metabolite代谢物medication药物治疗medicine内服药mill:研磨measure尺寸mix:混合microorganisms微生物 o--ophthalmic眼药 p-- polysaccharide多糖peptide肽plasma血浆penicillin青霉素,precursor:前体partition coefficient:狭义分配系数pharmaceutical制药的parenteral注射药物pycogens热源procedure:程序 q-- quality性质quantity数量 s-- steroid甾类steric effect:空间效应stereoselectivity:立体选择性screening:过筛sustain :维持 t-- treat治疗therapy:治疗 u--uniformity目标v--vaccine疫苗


通信专业英语复习题Part B 一、基础词汇 1.Inductor电感 2.Alternative Curren t交流电流 3.DC直流 4.Plastic 塑料 5.LED发光二极管 6.fuse保险丝 7.Electric Potential 电势能 8.V oltage电压 9.Ohm’s Law欧姆定律10.Solid 固体12Rectifier 整流器13.Bias 偏置14.FET 场效应晶体管15.Frequency Drift 频率漂移16.Temperature Drift温度漂移 2.OA 18.Gain 增益19.Couple耦合20.Feedback 反馈21.Crystal Oscillator晶体振荡器 22.Conversion 转换23.Phase Detector鉴相器24.Local Oscillator 本机振荡器25.ANT SWITCH天线开关26V oltage Controlled Oscillator 压控振荡器27.Ethernet 以太网28.Configure 配置29.Digital Interface数字接口 30.Frame Relay 帧中继31.TCP 传输控制协议32.PCS 个人通信系统33.DNS 域名服务器34.decode 解码35.Description概述 3.36.Base Station基站37.Mobile 移动39.Transmitter 发送器40.Receiver接收器 二、词汇缩写与翻译 1.High Fidelity,缩写HI-FI,中文翻译高保真; 2.Field Effect Transistor,缩写FET,中文翻译场效应晶体管; 3.Central Processing Unit,缩写CPU ,中文翻译中央处理机; 4.Carrier Sense Multiple Access,缩写CSMA,中文翻译载波监听多址访问; 5.Digital to Analog Converter,缩写DAC ,中文翻译数模转换器; 6.Arithmetic Logic Unit,缩写ALU,中文翻译算术逻辑单元; 7.American National Standards Institute,缩写ANSI,中文翻译美国国家标准协会; 8.Asynchronous Transfer Mode,缩写ATM,中文翻译异步传输模式; 9.Bit Error Ratio,缩写BER ,中文翻译误码率; https://www.360docs.net/doc/6e18013244.html,mon Traffic Channel,缩写CTCH,中文翻译公共业务信道; 11.Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution,缩写EDGE,中文翻译增强型的GSM环境; 12.Frequency Division Duplex,缩写FDD ,中文翻译频分双工; 13.Global Positioning System,缩写GPS ,中文翻译全球定位系统; 14.Media Access Control,缩写MAC ,中文翻译媒体访问控制; 15.Mobile Broadcast Wireless Access,缩写MBWA ,中文翻译移动广播无线接入; 16.Operation And Maintenance center,缩写OMC ,中文翻译操作维护中心; 17.Orthogonal Variable Spreading Function,缩写OVSF ,中文翻译正交可变扩频函数; 18.Primary Synchronization Code,缩写PSC ,中文翻译主同步码; 19.Real Time Protocol,缩写RTP ,中文翻译实时协议; 20.Total Access Communications System,缩写TACS ,中文翻译全接入通信系统; 21.Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter,缩写UART : 中文翻译通用异步收发器; 22.Wireless Fidelity,缩写WIFI ,中文翻译无线网; 23.Wideband Code Division Multiple Access,缩写WCDMA,中文翻译宽带码分多址;Watch Dog Timer,缩写WDT,中文翻译监视计时器;


机械制造基础试题及答案 《机械制造基础》试题及答案 一、单选题(共30道试题,共90分。 1.钻孔有两种基本方式,其一是钻头不转,工件转,这种加工方式容易产生(B )误差。 A.轴线歪斜 B.锥度 C.轴线歪斜和锥度 D.轴线歪斜和腰鼓形 2.(C )时,前角应选大些。 A.加工脆性材料 B.工件材料硬度高; C.加工塑性材料 D.脆性或塑性材料 3.主要影响切屑流出方向的刀具角度为(C ) A.前角 B.后角 C.刃倾角 D.主偏角 4.减小主偏角,(A )。 A.使刀具寿命得到提高 B.使刀具寿命降低 C.利于避免工件产生变形和振动 D.对切削加工没影响 5.下列刀具材料中,适宜制作形状复杂机动刀具的材料是

(B) A.合金工具钢 B.高速钢 C.硬质合金钢 D.人造聚晶金刚石 6.成批加工车床导轨面时,宜采用的半精加工方法是(A) A.精刨 B.精铣 C.精磨 D.精拉 7.(B )时,选用软的砂轮。 A.磨削软材料 B.磨削硬材料 C.磨削断续表面 D.精磨 8.机床主轴齿轮(B )要求高些。 A.传递运动的准确性 B.传动的平稳性 C.载荷分布的 均匀性D.侧隙 9.精加工时,应选用( C )进行冷却。 A.水溶液 B.乳化液 C.切削油 D.温度较高的水溶液 10.加工? 100勺孔,常采用的加工方法是(C ) A.钻孔 B.扩孔 C.镗孔 D.铰孔 11.在切削平面内测量的角度有(D ) A.前角 B.后角 C.主偏角 D.刃倾角 12.车床刀架的横向运动方向与车床回转轴线不垂直,车出的工件将呈现出(D )。 A.腰鼓形和锥度。 B.腰鼓形 C.锥度 D.端面中凸形 13.数控机床主要适用的场合是(B ) A.定型产品的大批量生产 B.多品种小批量生产 C.中等精度的定型产品 D.修配加工 14.主运动是由工件执行的机床有( A )


2.1数学、方程与比例 词组翻译 1.数学分支branches of mathematics,算数arithmetics,几何学geometry,代数学algebra,三角学trigonometry,高等数学higher mathematics,初等数学elementary mathematics,高等代数higher algebra,数学分析mathematical analysis,函数论function theory,微分方程differential equation 2.命题proposition,公理axiom,公设postulate,定义definition,定理theorem,引理lemma,推论deduction 3.形form,数number,数字numeral,数值numerical value,图形figure,公式formula,符号notation(symbol),记法/记号sign,图表chart 4.概念conception,相等equality,成立/真true,不成立/不真untrue,等式equation,恒等式identity,条件等式equation of condition,项/术语term,集set,函数function,常数constant,方程equation,线性方程linear equation,二次方程quadratic equation 5.运算operation,加法addition,减法subtraction,乘法multiplication,除法division,证明proof,推理deduction,逻辑推理logical deduction 6.测量土地to measure land,推导定理to deduce theorems,指定的运算indicated operation,获得结论to obtain the conclusions,占据中心地位to occupy the centric place 汉译英 (1)数学来源于人类的社会实践,包括工农业的劳动,商业、军事和科学技术研究等活动。 Mathematics comes from man’s social practice, for example, industrial and agricultural production, commercial activities, military operations and scientific and technological researches. (2)如果没有运用数学,任何一个科学技术分支都不可能正常地发展。 No modern scientific and technological branches could be regularly developed without the application of mathematics. (3)符号在数学中起着非常重要的作用,它常用于表示概念和命题。 Notations are a special and powerful tool of mathematics and are used to express conceptions and propositions very often. (4)17 世纪之前,人们局限于初等数学,即几何、三角和代数,那时只考虑常数。 Before 17th century, man confined himself to the elementary mathematics, i. e. , geometry, trigonometry and algebra, in which only the constants were considered. (5)方程与算数的等式不同在于它含有可以参加运算的未知量。 Equation is different from arithmetic identity in that it contains unknown quantity which can join operations. (6)方程又称为条件等式,因为其中的未知量通常只允许取某些特定的值。Equipment is called an equation of condition in that it is true only for certain values of unknown quantities in it. (7)方程很有用,可以用它来解决许多实际应用问题。
