



I’m someone who never went to university but always thought about it. The only 1 I got familiar with university was listening to my children talk about their class and all the interesting things they were 2 . University was just a life-long 3 of mine. I just turned sixty-four years old in September. I still thought about that old dream 4 one day when there was an Advanced-Age programme at the local university, I decided to 5 .

The day finally arrived—my first day of school. As I 6 there, my mind was filled with negative thoughts, “What am I doing? I’m not smart enough to go to university. The 7 will laugh when they see me in class. I probably won’t live long enough to get a 8 . Maybe I should just turn the car around and go home. ”

Then, suddenly, I saw it!A large billboard on the side of the road with a picture of Kermit the Frog.

I 9 a little and read the words next to his picture. “Live your dreams. ” Was Kermit speaking to me? I didn’t turn the car around.

I drove a little further on up the highway and there was another 10 . This one had a picture of Albert Einstein with his tongue 11 out. A line read, “As a student, he was no Einstein.” And there was a word i n red, “Confidence”. A new attitude was 12 inside me.

I was now 13 the gate of the university and there stood still another billboard. This one showed a photograph of a proud 14 in a cap and gown. Under the picture was her 15 , Nola Otis, aged 95. Oldest University Graduate. Below it was the words, “Live Life”. At that moment, my outlook changed completely.

1.A.thing B.way C.skill D.practice 2.A.learning B.taking C.teaching D.using

3.A.goal B.idea C.advice D.dream 4.A.since B.before C.until D.after

5.A.sign up B.turn up C.keep up D.make up 6.A.walked B.stepped C.ran D.drove 7.A.tutors B.kids C.professors D.fellows 8.A.degree B.praise C.skill D.reputation 9.A.sped up B.slowed down C.cut down D.went up 10.A.billboard B.picture C.portrait D.cartoon 11.A.breaking B.giving C.pulling D.sticking 12.A.forming B.arriving C.building D.making 13.A.approaching B.arriving C.squeezing D.staying 14.A.man B.teenager C.woman D.youth 15.A.motto B.hobby C.age D.name


















Chris and Nicole Davidson are a couple that live in New Tazewell, Tennessee with their 2-year-old son Elijah, 22-month-old daughter Erin, and a 7-year-old adopted son Eli, who’s been with the family for nearly a year. On December 8, around 8:30 p.m., the parents told stories to their 1 and asked them to go to bed. Then they went to 2 . However, a few hours later, Nicole woke up to the smell of smoke and 3 that their house was on fire.

Nicole and Chris were able to 4 the boys Elijah and Eli, though when it was time to 5 the 22-month-old baby Erin, the couple was faced with a 6 reality —the flames had already 7 the room entrance. “The smoke and fire was so 8 that there was no way I could get to her,” Chris said.

“We went outside to get to her from the 9 , but there was nothing for me to 10 on to reach up there,” the father told CNN. 11 , the 7-year-old Eli was eager to help. “I picked up Eli, who went through the window and was able to catch her from her bed,” Chris Davidson said.

“We couldn’t be more 12 of Eli,” Chris Davidson told CNN. “He did something a 13 man wouldn’t do.” By the time the fire-fighters arrived on the scene, the family’s house was already almost burn to the ground.

“I thought I couldn’t do it, but then I said, ‘I got her, Dad,’” the 7-year-old Eli told CNN. “I was

14 , but I didn’t want my sister to 15 .

1.A.children B.pets C.boys D.parents 2.A.work B.travel C.sleep D.cook 3.A.neglected B.realized C.imagined D.forgot 4.A.waken B.teach C.seek D.carry 5.A.feed B.feel C.influence D.rescue 6.A.terrifying B.embarrassing C.pleasing D.interesting 7.A.formed B.decorated C.blocked D.decreased

8.A.hot B.thick C.bright D.poisonous 9.A.bed B.window C.entrance D.roof

10.A.rest B.jump C.hold D.stand 11.A.usually B.unwillingly C.fortunately D.gradually 12.A.proud B.tired C.committed D.exposed 13.A.professional B.big C.heavy D.grown 14.A.glad B.scared C.calm D.excited 15.A.cry B.dream C.die D.ache


















Friends are very important in our everyday life.Everyone 1 friends.We all like to feel close to someone. 2 is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. 3 , sometimes we need to be alone.We don't always want people 4 .But we would feel lonely if we 5 had a friend.

No two people are 6 .Friends 7 don't get on well.That doesn't mean that they no longer like each other.Most of the time they will make up (言归于好) and become 8 again.

Sometimes friends move away.Then we feel very 9 .We miss them very much, but we can 10 them and write to them.And we can 11 new friends.It is encouraging to find out how much

we like new people when we get to know them.

There's more good news for people who have friends.They live 12 than people who don't.Why? Friends can make us feel happy. 13 happy helps you stay well.Or it could be just done that someone cares.If someone cares about you, you take 14 care of 15 .

1.A.loves B.hates C.needs D.becomes

2.A.It B.He C.There D.Someone 3.A.Hardly B.Nearly C.Suddenly D.Certainly 4.A.alone B.away C.all over D.around 5.A.ever B.never C.just D.really 6.A.friendly B.kind C.just the same D.quite different 7.A.always B.sometimes C.often D.usually 8.A.friendly B.good C.pleased D.friends 9.A.angry B.sad C.happy D.alone

10.A.call B.ask C.tell D.talk with 11.A.look for B.find C.make D.know 12.A.longer B.shorter C.slower D.faster 13.A.Smelling B.Being C.Sounding D.Making 14.A.less B.better C.little D.no

15.A.you B.your C.yours D.yourself


















One day, a professor entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a surprise test. They waited worriedly at their desks for the test to begin. The professor 1 the question papers, with the paper facing down as usual. After he gave them all out, he asked his students to 2 the paper and begin. To everyone's surprise, there were no 3 , just a black dot in the center of the page. The professor, seeing the 4 on everyone's face, told them the following:

"I want you to write what you 5 there."

The students got started on the inexplicable (费解的) task.

At the end of the class, the professor 6 all the answer papers and started reading each one of them aloud in front of all the students. All of them, with no 7 , described the black dot, trying to explain its 8 in the middle of the sheet, etc. After all had been 9 , the classroom was silent, and the professor began to 10 :

"I' m not going to grade this 11 wanted to give you something to think about. No one wrote about the 12 part of the paper. Everyone focused on the black dot, and the same happens in our 13 . We have a white paper to observe, but we always focus on the dark spots. Our life is a 14 given to us with love and care, and we always have 15 to celebrate: nature renewing itself every day, our friends around us, the job that 16 our livelihood and the miracles (奇迹) we see every day.

17 , we insist on focusing only on the dark spots: the health problems that worry us, the lack of money, the 18 relationship with workmates, the 19 with a friend, etc.

The dark spots are very 20 compared to everything we have in our daily life, but they are the ones that pollute our minds.

1.A.handed out B.put down C.took back D.pointed at 2.A.appreciate B.turn C.open D.use 3.A.exercises B.vocabularies C.questions D.scores 4.A.surprise B.sadness C.fear D.excitement 5.A.remember B.imagine C.avoid D.see 6.A.collected B.exchanged C.marked D.selected 7.A.excuse B.doubt C.exception D.wonder 8.A.direction B.position C.size D.colour 9.A.revised B.answered C.returned D.read 10.A.recite B.draw C.explain D.write 11.A.also B.just C.even D.never

12.A.big B.black C.unique D.white 13.A.lives B.classrooms C.colleges D.studies 14.A.symbol B.gift C.journey D.lesson 15.A.reasons B.festivals C.freedom D.time 16.A.earns B.develops C.provides D.changes 17.A.However B.Therefore C.Besides D.Somehow 18.A.specific B.unfriendly C.equal D.special 19.A.stay B.contact C.satisfaction D.disappointment 20.A.dark B.round C.small D.dirty























The earthquake was over and the city was in ruins.

I had no choice but to walk home as all the 1 had stopped as a result of the quake. On my way home I 2 an old lady at a bakery giving out free bread, which made my heart 3 . A man was holding a sign saying, "Please use our 4 ." He was 5 his house for people to go to the restroom.

My friend, 6 wanted to be of help to others, stood in the cold with a sign "If you don't 7 a motorcycle, I'll be glad to drive you home." And then I saw him pick up an old man and drive him all the way to a faraway place!

Then the next day I drove to have my car 8 . There was not enough 9 now and many gas stations were closed or had very 10 lines. I got worried, since I was 11 fifteen cars. Finally, when my 12 came, the man smiled and said," 13 this situation, we are only giving $ 30 worth of gas per person. Is that alright?" 14 . It's nice that we are all able to 15 , " I said. His smile gave me so much comfort.

At the escape center I saw a man 16 when people brought food to him. It was the first time in three days that food had been brought to their center. However, after he cleaned up the tears, his next 17 surprised me. "I am very 18 that we are provided with food. But people in the city next to us haven't 19 any food at all. Please go to that center as well." Hearing that, I realized there was a bright future on the other side of this 20 .

1.A.life B.business C.rescue D.traffic 2.A.noticed B.missed C.ignored D.caught 3.A.kind B.broken C.warm D.empty

4.A.hotel B.toilet C.hospital D.school 5.A.opening B.selling C.repairing D.building 6.A.who B.whom C.which D.he 7.A.buy B.care C.matter D.mind 8.A.used up B.taken up C.filled up D.washed away 9.A.gas B.information C.food D.water 10.A.direct B.fine C.long D.thin 11.A.behind B.between C.among D.beneath 12.A.time B.turn C.duty D.decision 13.A.Except for B.Together with C.Instead of D.Because of 14.A.Not at all B.Of course C.No way D.Never mind 15.A.share B.offer C.learn D.choose 16.A.crying B.eating C.smiling D.singing 17.A.ways B.roles C.words D.promises 18.A.sure B.grateful C.surprised D.proud 19.A.bought B.wasted C.prepared D.received 20.A.disaster B.chance C.city D.center























Thomas Crum, living in a toy school, was a boy made from plasticine (橡皮泥). He 1 showed respect for others. Thomas always went round the classroom 2 his drum, and the fact that he was annoying others didn’t 3 him in the least.

His classmates had had enough of this. Coco Wiseman, a very clever boy made of lego (乐高积木), 4 some special earplugs (耳塞)to block out the annoying sounds. Upon seeing that, Thomas immediately got very 5 with Coco Wiseman. They had a fight, by chance, the inventor 6 falling from the table to the floor into pieces.

Though it was a(n) 7 , everyone was unhappy with Thomas. 8 wanted anything more to do with him. But a few days later, a cuckoo clock was put in the 9 , just next to the shelf Thomas slept on. The cuckoo clock was 10 making noise “tick-tock” and every hour the cuckoo came out to do its “cuckoo cuckoo!”

Thomas couldn’t get any rest at all. 11 , the others, with their special earplugs, were fine. Thomas started to 12 just how much he had annoyed everyone with his drum, and how 13 it had been to fight with Coco Wiseman. 14 to become the best-behaved (表现最好的), most respectful boy, he spent days and nights 15 Coco Wiseman in secret.

Everyone got a big 16 when Coco Wiseman finally came back to life, and they 17 Thomas for bringing their friend back. Thomas, 18 , asked them to pardon him for his lack of 19 for others. Soon Coco Wiseman also made a pair of earplugs for him, so Thomas could also get enough 20 now and learn to show respect for others.

1.A.once B.often C.ever D.seldom 2.A.showing B.beating C.making D.selling 3.A.influence B.touch C.relax D.frighten 4.A.introduced B.bought C.borrowed D.invented 5.A.angry B.pleased C.strict D.satisfied 6.A.found out B.gave up C.ended up D.turned out 7.A.mistake B.accident C.excuse D.chance 8.A.Nobody B.Everybody C.Somebody D.Anybody 9.A.fight B.game C.classroom D.school 10.A.slowly B.actually C.gradually D.repeatedly 11.A.Anyway B.However C.Luckily D.Finally 12.A.notice B.expect C.remember D.realize 13.A.strange B.stupid C.interesting D.pleasant 14.A.Supposed B.Excited C.Determined D.Encouraged 15.A.repairing B.questioning C.dreaming D.watching 16.A.surprise B.help C.success D.choice 17.A.blamed B.caught C.thanked D.paid

18.A.in return B.in time C.in particular D.in fact 19.A.need B.hope C.change D.care

20.A.food B.sleep C.space D.time























I was walking home from school one day and it happened to be a particularly cold and windy day. It was 1 and I was crazy enough to forget my hats and scarf. You can imagine my cheeks were rosy 2 and my hands were as numb as they can be.

All of a sudden, an old lady 3 up beside me and asked if I would like a ride 4 . At first, I said it was OK and her 5 smile melted(融化) away the thought that I should never talk to 6 ! We had an amazing chat and she was just 7 a good woman. She told me her 8 and she dropped me off.

I didn’t see her or talk to her for about a month and one night as I 9 her kind gesture, I decided to return the favor. So, I made a lot of 10 and walked down to her house with my friend. At first I was a bit 11 she wouldn’t remember me or think that I was a bad man who poisoned cookies but luckily, I was 12 wrong. She was so happy, and she hugged me and kissed me and seemed so 13 that someone would do something like that!

When I got home my mom told me that she 14 and told my mom on the phone that she 15 because she was so touched. She said she would never 16 the kindness that was given to her! That filled me with such 17 ! There really is nothing else joyful like helping 18 and making

someone’s day 19 !

Let us never forget the joy we get 20 giving others a hand!

1.A.blowing B.freezing C.flowing D.flying 2.A.red B.pure C.white D.pale 3.A.picked B.turned C.drove D.took 4.A.hospital B.family C.school D.home 5.A.warm B.easy C.simple D.strange 6.A.women B.drivers C.strangers D.neighbors 7.A.so B.such C.that D.as 8.A.numbers B.car C.family D.address 9.A.remembered B.forgot C.repeated D.regretted 10.A.bread B.salad C.cookies D.sweets 11.A.nervous B.disappointed C.confused D.worried 12.A.generally B.completely C.hardly D.usually 13.A.puzzled B.surprised C.satisfied D.fearful 14.A.visited B.came C.drove D.called 15.A.cried B.slept C.left D.laughed 16.A.permit B.pardon C.forget D.imagine 17.A.sadness B.interest C.puzzle D.happiness 18.A.others B.the other C.another D.other 19.A.busier B.brighter C.easier D.harder 20.A.for B.in C.by D.on

















16.C 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.C


(专项)高一英语阅读理解专题训练及答案(7篇) 一、完型填空 1. It was an extraordinarily busy time of year. I felt some 1 to head straight home after a long meeting. So I headed to the park nearby for some therapeutic (治疗性的) hiking. As I reached the top and admired the view, my unclear mind 2 . Re-energized, I knew that I could deal with the work that waited for me upon my 3 . When I arrived back in the office the next day, I was full of energy, and finished my work 4 . It was almost 20 years ago that I learned how 5 it is for me to carve out time to escape to the wild. I had finished my Ph. D., studying soil and water conservation in Honduras, but I wasn’t sure what 6 I wanted to have. So, I decided to act on a dream I had been nursing for a few years, 7 my mom showed me a magazine article about a man who had 8 around America. I figured that I could 9 cycling with research for a book on American agriculture while I worked out my next career step. So I did it. During the cycling 10 , I found the clearness I needed to 11 my next career move. Talking with farmers I met along the way, I learned that their biggest challenge was selling their produce. I decided to broaden my 12 from land management to improving farmers’ acces s to markets. My 13 interest led to working for a nongovernmental organization and I did eventually borrow a book on American agriculture. The 14 is to find your source of inspiration and make good use of it. For me, I always get nourishment (营养) from being 15 in the outdoors. 1.A.pressure B.danger C.shame D.embarrassment 2.A.calmed B.wandered C.developed D.appeared 3.A.reply B.return C.relaxation D.recovery 4.A.successfully B.casually C.anxiously D.constantly 5.A.strange B.important C.difficult D.interesting 6.A.tour B.book C.career D.major 7.A.unless B.if C.though D.since 8.A.run B.cycled C.driven D.flown 9.A.combine B.compare C.replace D.practice 10.A.competition B.history C.performance D.trip 11.A.insist on B.put down C.figure out D.learn from 12.A.experience B.focus C.discussion D.search 13.A.deep B.particular C.personal D.new 14.A.reason B.problem C.result D.key 15.A.active B.alone C.confident D.brave 【答案】 1.A


高一英语阅读理解专题训练及答案(7篇) 一、完型填空 1. An active person, Erin Brown becomes especially expressive when she talks about competing in the triathlon at the Paralympics Games (残奥会) in Tokyo in 2021. Her hands flying, her eyes 1 , she explains that COVID-19, which has 2 gyms and beaches in the Bahamas, has only somewhat slowed her training. She found a private pool to swim in, and she is cycling indoors. Sports competition is extremely empowering for people with disabilities, giving them more 3 i n controlling their life. She says, “People don’t 4 what you look like. They only focus on the efforts and 5 you’ve made.” In fact, the forty-year-old mother of two children has made empowering disabled people the driving force of her own life. She runs a small firm to 6 in many areas, including health care and employment. She is the one-person department of disability affairs at the University of The Bahamas, which has become more 7 since COVID-19 complicated the 8 faced by students with disabilities. And she plans on becoming a disabilities rights attorney (代理人). She’s empowering disabled people to engage, to be aware of their 9 , whether that’s in employment, in making health services more 10 , or in getting them at the forefront of planning. 1.A.red B.open C.watery D.bright 2.A.closed B.limited C.changed D.destroyed 3.A.attention B.confidence C.options D.reasons 4.A.ask B.know C.care D.ignore 5.A.mistakes B.decisions C.responses D.achievements 6.A.compare B.plan C.help D.improve 7.A.challenging B.deserving C.inspiring D.amusing 8.A.tests B.difficulties C.dangers D.questions 9.A.rights B.advantages C.impact D.value 10.A.child-friendly B.customer-friendly C.eco-friendly D.disability-friendly


(专项)高一英语阅读理解专题训练(附答案)(7篇) 一、完型填空 1. An active person, Erin Brown becomes especially expressive when she talks about competing in the triathlon at the Paralympics Games (残奥会) in Tokyo in 2021. Her hands flying, her eyes 1 , she explains that COVID-19, which has 2 gyms and beaches in the Bahamas, has only somewhat slowed her training. She found a private pool to swim in, and she is cycling indoors. Sports competition is extremely empowering for people with disabilities, giving them more 3 in controlling their life. She says, “People don’t 4 what you look like. They only focus on the efforts and 5 you’ve made.” In fact, the forty-year-old mother of two children has made empowering disabled people the driving force of her own life. She runs a small firm to 6 in many areas, including health care and employment. She is the one-person department of disability affairs at the University of The Bahamas, which has become more 7 since COVID-19 complicated the 8 faced by students with disabilities. And she plans on becoming a disabilities rights attorney (代理人). She’s empowering disabled people to engage, to be aware of their 9 , whether that’s in employment, in making health services more 10 , or in getting them at the forefront of planning. 1.A.red B.open C.watery D.bright 2.A.closed B.limited C.changed D.destroyed 3.A.attention B.confidence C.options D.reasons 4.A.ask B.know C.care D.ignore 5.A.mistakes B.decisions C.responses D.achievements 6.A.compare B.plan C.help D.improve 7.A.challenging B.deserving C.inspiring D.amusing 8.A.tests B.difficulties C.dangers D.questions 9.A.rights B.advantages C.impact D.value 10.A.child-friendly B.customer-friendly C.eco-friendly D.disability-friendly


(最新)高一英语阅读理解专题训练(含答案)共7篇 一、完型填空 1. This year my husband and I decided to have a quiet, low-key New Year's Eve. We wanted to spend it with our kids and other immediate family and make it a special 1 for them, instead of 2 a babysitter and going out on our own. The logical way to do this was through 3 . As we all know, food had a magical way of making; a night 4 , and our New Year's Eve certainly 5 that way, thanks to doughnuts(甜甜圈). I decided to make doughnuts because my cousins had 6 a batch(一批) on Halloween and I found it very 7 . I used a recipe from the 1976 Mennonite cookbook More With Less and it 8 a curious ingredient---two cups of mashed potatoes that 9 made the texture lighter. The doughnuts were 10 and cut from a sheet of dough(生面团), then left to rise until ready to fry in hot oil. Then they took several seconds to 11 , which meant that my enormous batch of 100 doughnuts was 12 cooking in a fairly short time. We glazed(浇上浆液) the tops and then 13 them for the rest of the evening. The leftovers disappeared at breakfast. This will become an annual 14 , I have no doubt. Whether we host a bigger party or keep it small, there will always be 15 doughnuts, because when you have hot homemade doughnuts, you can't help but have the best time. 1.A.challenge B.idea C.opportunity D.occasion 2.A.training B.hiring C.knowing D.interviewing 3.A.time B.money C.food D.fun 4.A.short B.memorable C.messy D.silent 5.A.tested out B.moved on C.tuned out D.picked out 6.A.put B.bought C.brought D.made 7.A.impressive B.expensive C.healthy D.nutritious 8.A.took up B.carried on C.called for D.cut off 9.A.fortunately B.possibly C.totally D.absolutely 10.A.rolled out B.taken apart C.sorted out D.cut down 11.A.steam B.cook C.sink D.float 12.A.finished B.practiced C.considered D.demanded 13.A.prepared B.waited C.enjoyed D.longed 14.A.celebration B.idea C.ceremony D.tradition 15.A.fresh B.raw C.common D.local 【答案】 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.B


最新高一年级英语阅读理解专项练习带答案共7篇 一、完型填空 1. This year my husband and I decided to have a quiet, low-key New Year's Eve. We wanted to spend it with our kids and other immediate family and make it a special 1 for them, instead of 2 a babysitter and going out on our own. The logical way to do this was through 3 . As we all know, food had a magical way of making; a night 4 , and our New Year's Eve certainly 5 that way, thanks to doughnuts(甜甜圈). I decided to make doughnuts because my cousins had 6 a batch(一批) on Halloween and I found it very 7 . I used a recipe from the 1976 Mennonite cookbook More With Less and it 8 a curious ingredient---two cups of mashed potatoes that 9 made the texture lighter. The doughnuts were 10 and cut from a sheet of dough(生面团), then left to rise until ready to fry in hot oil. Then they took several seconds to 11 , which meant that my enormous batch of 100 doughnuts was 12 cooking in a fairly short time. We glazed(浇上浆液) the tops and then 13 them for the rest of the evening. The leftovers disappeared at breakfast. This will become an annual 14 , I have no doubt. Whether we host a bigger party or keep it small, there will always be 15 doughnuts, because when you have hot homemade doughnuts, you can't help but have the best time. 1.A.challenge B.idea C.opportunity D.occasion 2.A.training B.hiring C.knowing D.interviewing 3.A.time B.money C.food D.fun 4.A.short B.memorable C.messy D.silent 5.A.tested out B.moved on C.tuned out D.picked out 6.A.put B.bought C.brought D.made 7.A.impressive B.expensive C.healthy D.nutritious 8.A.took up B.carried on C.called for D.cut off 9.A.fortunately B.possibly C.totally D.absolutely 10.A.rolled out B.taken apart C.sorted out D.cut down 11.A.steam B.cook C.sink D.float 12.A.finished B.practiced C.considered D.demanded 13.A.prepared B.waited C.enjoyed D.longed 14.A.celebration B.idea C.ceremony D.tradition 15.A.fresh B.raw C.common D.local 【答案】 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.B


最新高一年级英语阅读理解专项训练(及答案)共7篇 一、完型填空 1. Dear girls, The dream itself comes from hard work, some good luck and good timing. Here are some words of wisdom as you 1 your way in the world, from an entrepreneur and your 2 . In high school, I wanted to be a politician. I left my hometown for college in Washington DC.There, I 3 that I loved to support women. It taught me that I'm a creative, strong leader and great at marketing. 4 , I moved to be the head of a national healthcare. Becoming a mother opened my mind to 5 a breast pump bag(储奶袋)business. Now I 6 a highly successful company that I started up on my own. 7 what you are good at and what you are passionate about. Keep an open mind. Failure is 8 to your success. I won't tell you to feel good about 9 . But I will tell you that every failure I've had along the way has absolutely made me 10 . Failing the big math exam in high school was 11 . I eventually passed, and I've 12 failed an exam again. I learned from that 13 to ask for help. Now I ask for help in business 14 . Being passed over for a significant job opportunity that I more than qualified 15 hurt me. I was so depressed 16 soon I got a big job at a national organization. It's okay to get angry! Take that and 17 it into positive action. I'm proud to be a role 18 to you as a mom and an entrepreneur. I hope I inspire you to believe that you can be 19 you want and you can have everything on your list. It will be my pleasure to watch your life 20 before my eyes. 1.A.lose B.pay C.get D.make 2.A.aunt B.mama C.uncle D.papa 3.A.imagined B.informed C.discovered D.developed 4.A.However B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Meanwhile 5.A.launching B.joining C.pushing D.pulling 6.A.leave B.close C.run D.work 7.A.Come out B.Work out C.Hold out D.Figure out 8.A.critical B.convenient C.pleasant D.different 9.A.justice B.failure C.courage D.honesty 10.A.worse B.bad C.well D.better 11.A.amusing B.exciting C.embarrassing D.inspiring 12.A.never B.always C.ever D.often 13.A.accident B.experience C.feeling D.memory 14.A.at a time B.of all time C.all the time D.in no time 15.A.for B.to C.on D.with 16.A.or B.so C.while D.but 17.A.make B.put C.turn D.get 18.A.example B.star C.symbol D.model


(专题)高一年级英语阅读理解专项训练含答案共7篇 一、完型填空 1. An act of kindness doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. Even those small acts of kindness can make a difference in someone’ day. That was just the case for Amie Mickey when she 1 a bumper sticker (车尾贴) on her car reading: You Matter. Amie started to do this several years ago. At first, she wondered if people would 2 it. However, much to her surprise, she began seeing a flood of 3 every time she hit the road. More often than not, people 4 slowly near her car would roll down their windows, raising their 5 , waving and smiling. Sometimes, she even found some sticky notes left on her windshield saying things like “You 6 too!” Once while she was driving down the highway, she became 7 when a man driving a sports car at a high speed pulled his car alongside suddenly, waving and mouthing, “You matter!” Though it took her some time to recover from the 8 , she still felt happy. Last year, someone 9 her car while she was waiting for her friend in the car by the roadside, saying to her, “It is a(an) 10 sticker. I’ve seen various stickers before, but none of them have touched me as your sticker has done.” The two small words on the sticker seem simple enough, but they really struck a chord with many complete strangers who 11 to catch sight of the sticker. Stories like Amie’s really 12 the rest of us. Sometimes a kind word or gesture may lift our 13 and it doesn’t cost a thing except for a little extra thought. Maybe i t means offering a friend a hug, praising the children when their children 14 well in school, helping someone out or volunteering at nursing homes. Acts of kindness are waiting everywhere. Small as they seem, they can make a 15 impact on the world, and help form general goodness. 1.A.put up B.picked up C.fixed up D.tore up 2.A.watch B.overlook C.notice D.ignore 3.A.strangers B.passers-by C.attention D.confusion 4.A.running B.driving C.walking D.riding 5.A.voices B.thumbs C.shoulders D.hats 6.A.count B.share C.matter D.value 7.A.frightened B.discouraged C.embarrassed D.disappointed 8.A.parking B.speed C.event D.incident 9.A.blocked B.approached C.repaired D.cleaned 10.A.special B.important C.typical D.skeptical 11.A.occurred B.happened C.managed D.offered 12.A.shock B.delight C.inspire D.satisfy 13.A.spirits B.thoughts C.feelings D.minds 14.A.work B.exercise C.conduct D.behave 15.A.reliable B.subjective C.positive D.brief 【答案】


(最新)高一英语阅读理解专题训练含答案(7篇) 一、完型填空 1. An active person, Erin Brown becomes especially expressive when she talks about competing in the triathlon at the Paralympics Games (残奥会) in Tokyo in 2021. Her hands flying, her eyes 1 , she explains that COVID-19, which has 2 gyms and beaches in the Bahamas, has only somewhat slowed her training. She found a private pool to swim in, and she is cycling indoors. Sports competition is extremely empowering for people with disabilities, giving them more 3 in controlling their life. She says, “People don’t 4 what you look like. They only focus on the efforts and 5 you’ve made.” In fact, the forty-year-old mother of two children has made empowering disabled people the driving force of her own life. She runs a small firm to 6 in many areas, including health care and employment. She is the one-person department of disability affairs at the University of The Bahamas, which has become more 7 since COVID-19 complicated the 8 faced by students with disabilities. And she plans on becoming a disabilities rights attorney (代理人). She’s empowering disabled people to engage, to be aware of their 9 , whether that’s in employment, in making health services more 10 , or in getting them at the forefront of planning. 1.A.red B.open C.watery D.bright 2.A.closed B.limited C.changed D.destroyed 3.A.attention B.confidence C.options D.reasons 4.A.ask B.know C.care D.ignore 5.A.mistakes B.decisions C.responses D.achievements 6.A.compare B.plan C.help D.improve 7.A.challenging B.deserving C.inspiring D.amusing 8.A.tests B.difficulties C.dangers D.questions 9.A.rights B.advantages C.impact D.value 10.A.child-friendly B.customer-friendly C.eco-friendly D.disability-friendly


专题高一年级英语阅读理解专项训练(及答案)共7篇 一、完型填空 1. I had a student today who got his finger stuck inside a test tube in science class. It was really quite stuck. This young man's finger 1 to get whiter and whiter right before my eyes. Remaining 2 , I suggested he carefully rotate(转动)the tube. It wouldn't move a bit. He 3 soap and cold water. Still stuck. Meanwhile chaos was breaking out in the class. Finally, I 4 the young man to our secretary, who was a miracle(奇迹)worker 5 three kids of her own. With her in charge, I was 6 all would be OK. To get the students back in order, I 7 my own story of getting my knee stuck between the rails of a balcony. Same kind of curiosity, I remembered 8 then how far I could thrust (塞)my knee between the rails. Inch by inch, I kept 9 and before I knew it, my knee was stuck and 10 before my eyes and in front of lots of strangers at a popular Las Vegas hotel! Hearing my story, many students followed with their own 11 of heads, arms, fingers stuck in places they shouldn't be. A few minutes later, the young man came back, test tube unbroken and finger 12 to a lovely shade of pink. I just couldn't 13 this kid. He's only twelve. I too got my knee unstuck, but not without great 14 . The excuse for me, however, was not 15 but plain stupidity. I was after all fifty years old when this happened. 1.A.used B.needed C.happened D.continued 2.A.calm B.silent C.cheerful D.active 3.A.lost B.fetched C.tried D.accepted 4.A.described B.carried C.introduced D.sent 5.A.raising B.observing C.saving D.teaching 6.A.happy B.doubtful C.surprised D.confident 7.A.shared B.wrote C.read D.heard 8.A.calculating B.explaining C.wondering D.reporting 9.A.pushing B.climbing C.walking D.kicking 10.A.shaking B.lifting C.resting D.swelling 11.A.findings B.conclusions C.stories D.news 12.A.pointing B.returning C.belonging D.growing 13.A.get along with B.get rid of C.get used to D.get mad at 14.A.encouragement B.disappointment C.embarrassment D.achievement 15.A.ambition B.youth C.bravery D.experiment 【答案】 1.D 2.A


最新高一英语阅读理解专题训练附答案(7篇) 一、完型填空 1. Dear girls, The dream itself comes from hard work, some good luck and good timing. Here are some words of wisdom as you 1 your way in the world, from an entrepreneur and your 2 . In high school, I wanted to be a politician. I left my hometown for college in Washington DC.There, I 3 that I loved to support women. It taught me that I'm a creative, strong leader and great at marketing. 4 , I moved to be the head of a national healthcare. Becoming a mother opened my mind to 5 a breast pump bag(储奶袋)business. Now I 6 a highly successful company that I started up on my own. 7 what you are good at and what you are passionate about. Keep an open mind. Failure is 8 to your success. I won't tell you to feel good about 9 . But I will tell you that every failure I've had along the way has absolutely made me 10 . Failing the big math exam in high school was 11 . I eventually passed, and I've 12 failed an exam again. I learned from that 13 to ask for help. Now I ask for help in business 14 . Being passed over for a significant job opportunity that I more than qualified 15 hurt me. I was so depressed 16 soon I got a big job at a national organization. It's okay to get angry! Take that and 17 it into positive action. I'm proud to be a role 18 to you as a mom and an entrepreneur. I hope I inspire you to believe that you can be 19 you want and you can have everything on your list. It will be my pleasure to watch your life 20 before my eyes. 1.A.lose B.pay C.get D.make 2.A.aunt B.mama C.uncle D.papa 3.A.imagined B.informed C.discovered D.developed 4.A.However B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Meanwhile 5.A.launching B.joining C.pushing D.pulling 6.A.leave B.close C.run D.work 7.A.Come out B.Work out C.Hold out D.Figure out 8.A.critical B.convenient C.pleasant D.different 9.A.justice B.failure C.courage D.honesty 10.A.worse B.bad C.well D.better 11.A.amusing B.exciting C.embarrassing D.inspiring 12.A.never B.always C.ever D.often 13.A.accident B.experience C.feeling D.memory 14.A.at a time B.of all time C.all the time D.in no time 15.A.for B.to C.on D.with 16.A.or B.so C.while D.but 17.A.make B.put C.turn D.get 18.A.example B.star C.symbol D.model
