



课题Unit 5 Topic 3 Section A

教学目标知识目标:掌握生词bitter, sleepy, CD, DVD, test ,speech, monitor

掌握“make + object + v./ adj.”的用法。

掌握描述身体感觉的用语These days I feel very bored

and lonely at home.

社会交往就医的用语How long have you felt like


表达情感的用语I’m worried about the test at the

end of the month.(恐惧)

Don’t be afraid! Be brave!

Take it easy. Don’t worry.

(安慰)I’m so sorry about

your illness, but it can’t be


表态度的用语I hope so.(希望和愿望)

I hate to go to the hospital.(喜欢和


























Step 1 Greetings(2 minutes)

T: Good morning, everyone! I bring you a very sweet English song.

I hope you like it and it can make you happy.

Play the song.


After listening to the song, the students must be very happy. Step 2 Lead to the new lesson(1 minute)

T: Do you like the song? When you listen to it, are you happy?

Ss: Yes, I do. Yes, I am.

T: But can you be happy all the time? For example, if you failed the exam, if you are ill, or if you lost one of your friends,

can you still be happy ?

Ss: No, we can’t.

T: Yes , we can’t be happy all the time. In our daily life, there are many things can affect our feelings. It’s also the topic

of this class.

(Lead the students to look at the screen)


Unit 5

Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings.

Section A


Step 3 Review (2 minutes)

T: Well, Lin Jun is our classmate. He is ill in hospital. I am very worried about him. I think I should give him a call.




(教师一定要记着对学生的表现加以肯定和鼓励:“Well done! Very

good! Thank you, sit down, please.”)


Step 4 Presentation (30 minutes)

I. 1a Look ,listen, and say (18 minutes)


T: Now Michael and Kangkang are good friends. Michael is ill at home. Kangkang is calling Michael. What are they saying? First,

please look at the questions! They can help us understand the

dialogue between them.


(Play the dialogue. 连放2遍)

设计理念:对话以Flash 动画形式展示给学生,让学生更直观、形象且生动地体验情景,联系实际,更加真实。


1.calm v. adj. calm down

T: Colors can change our feelings. If we are excited now,but when we see blue and white ,we don’t feel excited ,we

feel“calm”.Can you guess the meaning?


T:When someone is very angry and excited ,I try to let him or

her be calm , I should say : “Calm down and listen to me.”

Can you guess the meaning of “calm down”?


2.bitter adj.

T: When we are ill, we should see the doctor. Sometimes we need to take some bitter medicine. Medicine is usually bitter, not

sweet. Now can you guess what’s the meaning of “bitter”?











(幻灯片重新展示问题,让学生两人一组进行Pair work, 叫起四组ask and answer,同时出示答案并核对。)



T: How do you feel when you are ill? If your friends are ill, how will you reassure them? Discuss the questions with your






II.2a Look, listen and say (12 minutes)


T: Well, Michael has been ill for a few days. All his classmates are worried about him very much. Maria, Jane and Kangkang came

to his house. Now they are talking happily. Let’s go to look,

listen and say together.

(Play 2 for twice.)

设计理念:对话以Flash 动画形式展示给学生,活泼、生动、形象,激发表演欲。


3.sleepy adj.

T: We all like watching TV very much. But if the programs are very boring, they must make us very sleepy. Then we would like

to sleep very much. Now can you guess the meaning of



4.CD n.

5.DVD n.


6.test n.

T:After learning Topic3,we will have an exam or a test. Now can you guess the meaning of “test”?


7.speech n.

T:There will be a speech in our school.Chen Shuyao in our classroom will give the speech. Now can you guess the

meaning of “speech”?


8. monitor n.

T:Chen Bingcai is our monitor.He always helps us a lot in many ways. Now can you guess the meaning of








(幻灯展示Key sentences,引导学生自学并掌握。)







Step 5 Brief summary (3 minutes)



Step 6 Exercise in class ( 5minutes)

(幻灯展示,让学生以抢答式完成,激发竞争意识“Try to be the



Step 7 Homework(1 minute)





Greetings(2 minutes)→Lead in the new lesson(2 minutes)→Review(2 minutes)→Presentation(30 minutes)〔Listen, read and say (8 minutes) ;Look, listen and say(8 minutes);drills(7 minutes);Pair work, Work alone(8 minutes)〕→Brief summary(4 minutes)→Exercise in class(5 minutes)→Homework(1 minute).



仁爱版八年级英语(下)教学设计 古田县第四中学汤彩琴 课题 Unit 5 Topic 3 Section A 教学目标知识目标:掌握生词 bitter, sleepy, CD, DVD, test ,speech, monitor 掌握“make + object + v./ adj.”的用法。 掌握描述身体感觉的用语 These days I feel very bored and lonely at home. 社会交往就医的用语 How long have you felt like this? 表达情感的用语 I’m worried about the test at the end of the month.(恐惧) Don’t be afraid! Be brave! Take it easy. Don’t worry.(安慰) I’m so sorry about your illness, but it can’t be SARS. (同情) 表态度的用语 I hope so.(希望和愿望) I hate to go to the hospital.(喜欢和不喜欢) 能力目标:指导学生进一步学习表达对他人关心和提建议的句子,掌握 一些有关方面的日常用语,通过对话多说及复述填 空提高学生用英语进行思维表达的能力。 情感态度与价值观:通过围绕Michael的病情继续学习和掌握一些有关 情感、态度等语言表达的同时,让学生学会要多关 心帮助他人,懂得在生活中如何与他人相处,树立 人与人之间应互相关爱的美好人观。 重、难点分析本部分包括1a看听说,1b、1c结对练习,2看听说和2b小组活动几部分,重点为1a和2a;简单地记住几个重要短语和句子 不是难事,但要恰当自如得张口就来却是一件不容易的事,所 以本节课难点为把语言知识转变为语言能力。 教学对象分析八年级学生有了一定的语言基础和能力,但随着年龄的增长,自尊心更强,同时虚荣心也膨胀,害怕当众出丑而羞于单独发言 和活动,因此教学中应在心里疏导方面多下功夫,多鼓励,多 表扬,活动追求多样化,激发兴趣,让学生积极动起来,乐于 参与,在活动中不知不觉吸收知识,掌握语言,形成能力,突 破重、难点。 教学方法及多媒体设计依据新课程理念,本节课教学方法与多媒体运用相结合 设计如下: 学新生词我运用实物教学法与情景教学法,实物具体生动, 情景易于理解,使学生易于掌握;情景对话运用Flash动 画,让学生亲临其境,增强表演活动的欲望和信心;重点短 语和句型的教学采用自主学习法,讨论归纳学习法,突出以 学生为主体,合作探究的教学理念;用幻灯片展示小结本节




Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 学习目标 认知目标: 1. Talk about how to study. 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. 找出适合自己的学习方法。 情感目标: 通过对学习方法的学习,培养学生用正确而科学的方法做事的能力,明白“一份耕耘,一份收获”。 技能目标: (1)熟练掌握下列词汇:aloud pronunciation discover repeat note pronounce increase speed partner create active connect review knowledge wisely born attention (2)熟练掌握下列短语:work with friends ask the teacher for help read aloud look up practice pronunciation connect…with…pay attention to (3)掌握下列句型: How do you study English? I learn by working with a group. Do you learn English by reading aloud? Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. How can I read faster? You can read faster by reading word groups. How can I improve my pronunciation? One way is by listening to tapes. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. 重点、难点(Key points and difficulties) 1. 学会运用how来询问做事方式 2. 学会运用by + doing的结构表达做事方式。by 介词,表示“通过……方法 或途径”,译成“靠、通过”。by后面可以加名词或动名词短语。


Unit 1 Getting to Know You Topic 1 Nice to meet you! Section A The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3a。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1.(1)Learn the letters Aa-Gg. (2)Learn some useful words and expressions: good, morning, welcome, to, China, thank, you, hello, I, am, I’m, are, yes, no, not, nice, meet, too 2. Talk about greetings and introductions: (1)—Good morning. —Good morning. (2)—Hi/Hello! —Hi/Hello! (3)—I’m … Are you …? —Yes, I am./No, I’m not. I’m … (4)—Nice to meet you. —Nice to meet you, too. (5)—Welcome to China! —Thanks./Thank you. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/字母卡片/投影仪/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Introduction 第一步介绍(时间:6分钟) 本节课是开篇,教师应向全体学生说明以下两点:1.学习英语的重要性。2.学习英语的正确方法。目的:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学习效率。 Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:14分钟) 1. (运用真实情境,让学生学会如何与他人简单地打招呼。) (1) (老师假设和一个学生不认识,向他/她打手势并和他/她打招呼。)


初二年级上册英语教案仁爱版 【篇一】初二年级上册英语教案仁爱版 第1课时 Section A 1a-2c 教学目标一、知识与技能 1. 掌握句型:—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains. —Did you go with anyone? —Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 2. 熟练掌握本课短语:stay at home, went to New York City, went to summer camp, went to the mountains, went to the beach, visited museums, visited my uncle. 二、过程与方法通过例子Who went to the movies last Saturday?引出动词go的过去式went,从而引出一般过去时态。大面积操练,采用学生提出间题,学生解决问题,借助多媒体来提高学生的主动性。三、情感、态度与价值观学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。教学重点掌握句型:—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains/ New York City/ beach /summer camp. —Did you go with anyone? —Yes,I did. / No, I didn’t. 教学难点掌握用过去时谈论假期的活动。教法导航通过看图、看视频、听录音、问答、讨论等方法学习谈论能力和表达愿望。学法导航通过看、听、说等各种途径,以小组合作的形式,主动探求知识,锻炼自主学习能力。教学准备图片,多媒体。教学过程 Step 1 Greetings Greet the class. Step 2 Lead in Ask questions about what students did last Saturday. (1)

最新人教版英语九年级Unit 6 优质课教案

Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to. Period1 (section A 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c) Language goal 1 new words : prefer,lyrics,gentle,energy,interest,known,sing along with, 2 key sentences I prefer music that has great lyrics. I like music that I can sing along with. Rose likes music that’s quiet and gentle. Ability goals Enable the student to talk about different kinds of music and their own preference. Emotion and attitude goals Enable the student to enjoy different kinds of music. Teaching important points The Attributive Clause Teaching procedures and ways Step1 T: Do you like music? What kind of music do you like? Answer my questions with the phrases on the screen. Teacher provide some phrases describing music on the screen. ask


Unit 1 Making New Friends Topic 1 Welcome to China! Section A The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3a。 Ⅰ. 教学目标 1.(1)Learn the letters Aa-Gg. (2)Learn some new words: good, morning, welcome, to, China, thank, you, hello, I, am, are, yes, no, not, nice, meet, too 2. Learn about greetings and introductions: (1)—Good morning. —Good morning. (2)—Welcome to China! —Thank you./Thanks. (3)—Hello/Hi! —Hello/Hi! (4)—I’m … Are you …? —Yes, I am./No, I’m not. I’m … (5)—Nice to meet you. —Nice to meet you, too. Ⅱ. 教具 录音机/字母卡片 Ⅲ. 五指教学方案 第一步介绍(时间:6分钟) 本节课是开篇,教师应向全体学生说明以下两点:1.学习英语的重要性。2.学习英语的正确方法。目的:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学习效率。 第二步呈现(时间:9分钟) 呈现简单的打招呼用语,并进行听说练习,学以致用。 1. (运用真实情境,让学生学会如何与他人简单地打招呼。) (1)(教师向一学生做手势以示打招呼。) T: Hello! S1:Hello!(启发学生回答。) 让学生猜测其意思并掌握。) (师生互动操练Hello!) T: Hello! Ss:Hello! ) (同时教师可以请一位学生帮忙,示范熟人之间应怎样打招呼。并让学生之间用真实姓名依次操练) T: Please look at us and see how we are greeting. Then you can use your names to greet each other.(教师给以适当的汉语提示。) T: Hi, Li Lei!


仁爱版七年级英语教学案例 案例背景: 在教七年级unit8 topic1 时,那时候学生已经学了近一年的英语,开始有些学生出现懈怠应付的现象,对英语的兴趣也在慢慢减弱,上课无精打采,我心里很是着急,该用什么办法让教学持续有效地进行呢?由于这个话题都是围绕天气,气象等实际生活现象,如果只是照本宣科,要求背诵各种天气现象,学生势必觉得枯燥无味,所以我想应该更多的从实际生活入手,让学生把英语和生活紧密联系起来,让他们觉得学有所用,让他们重新拾起学习英语的动力,让英语课堂更加生动有趣。课上我先教会他们读了单词,然后布置一项课后任务,让他们回去关注各地天气预报,下节课用英语汇报。以下是这节课的部分内容。 案例描述: 我把学生分成六个小组,让他们在自己的小组里把看来的天气预报记录结果总结汇报。学生马上一组一组叽叽喳喳讨论起来,我一听,大都是用中文说的,有些学生还不能很自然地运用英语表达,这样影响到其他学生,农村学生在自觉讲英语这方面还是比较薄弱。我赶紧鼓励他们“ speak English,if you don't know how to express,you can ask me or your teammates ”讨论后,按照惯例让他们各组请一个同学当天气预报主持人,把自己组查到的天气预报结果向全班汇报。为了不重复,我之前有让他们稍微分了区域,有的同学自告奋勇要查国外的天气。每个学生汇报

完之后,我还让其他组就汇报内容进行问答,以巩固相关的句型和表达,而且其他学生需要认真听汇报,才能保证问答流利。S1:Good morning! Everyone,here is the weather report on April 20 for some cities in Fujian.Fuzhou is cloudy. The temperature is from 19 °C to 28 °C .... Quan zhou is warm and sunny .The high temperature is 26 C, the low temprature is 18 C」t' s a good time to climb hills.Would you like to come with me this afternoon? (掌声)下面是问答环节, A:What's the weather like in Fujian? B:It 'closudy. A:What ' s the temperature there? B:It's from 19C to 28C . A: What can we do? B: We can climb hills. 提的问题课文里面都有,有事先去预习的学生都能很快提出来,如果不懂得提问,我会在旁边提示他们。 S2:Here is the weather report for some big contries tomorrow in the world …London is rainy, the temperature is between 14 C and20 C」f you go there, you need to take an unberalla …If you go to Sedn ey, you had better wear warm clothes.(掌声) A:What's the weather like in London tomorrow ? B:It 's rainy. A:What ' s the temperature there?

科普版九年级英语上册《Our country has developed rapidly. Section A》优质课教案_18

1 Unit 1 The Changing World Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly Section A Ⅰ. Material analysis 本课是九年级第一单元第一话题的第一课时。本课内容丰富,主活动为1a 和3。 1a 部分通过“谈论假期经历”初步感知现在完成时 “have/has been to 和 have/has gone to” 的用法。 1b 引导学生运用抓关键字词完成表格的方法,培养学生的听力技能。1c 则是培养学生运用关键词复述课文的能力。 2a 通过创设新的语境,在听的过程中进一步体会“have /has been to 和 have/has gone to”。然后在2b 中让学生通过小组合作的方式总结它们的区别。通过前几个步骤的学习,学生完全可以口头运用“have/has been to 和 have /has gone to”来进行 3的对话操练。这样,在听、说、读、写各个方面都对新语法进行了全方位地复现和操练,有利于巩固新知识。通过谈论假期生活,既可以相互增长见识又可以增进同学间的友谊。 Ⅱ.Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims : 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步学习现在完成时。 2.Skill aims:

培养学生的听力能力。 培养学生的口语表达能力。 能通过整合对话内容,提升综合语言运用能力,为语言输出做好准备。 3.Emotional aims: (optional) 引导学生了解不同的假期生活,热爱生活,增进友谊。 4.Culture awareness: (optional) 通过了解不同的假期生活,引导学生关注不同的生活方式有不同的人生意义,培养他们热爱生活的品质。 Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points 1. Key points: Words and phrases: bell, take place, volunteer, have/has been to…, have/has gone to…, so…that…, by the way, be happy to do…Sentences: There goes the bell. /It must be fun. Grammar: Present Perfect (have/has been to和have/has gone to的用法) 2. Difficult points: 能通过听、说和读的方式感知并掌握have/has done的用法。 能区别并会恰当使用have/has been to和have/has gone to。 Ⅳ. Learning strategies 培养学生通过图表信息重组语言的综合能力。 教会学生如何在听的过程中提取关键词。 2


仁爱版八年级英语(下)教学设计 古田县第四中学汤彩琴 课题Unit 5 Topic 3 Section A 教学目标知识目标:掌握生词bitter, sleepy, CD, DVD, test ,speech, monitor 掌握“make + object + v./ adj.”的用法。 掌握描述身体感觉的用语These days I feel very bored and lonely at home. 社会交往就医的用语How long have you felt like this? 表达情感的用语I’m worried about the test at the end of the month.(恐惧) Don’t be afraid! Be brave! Take it easy. Don’t worry. (安慰)I’m so sorry about your illness, but it can’t be SARS.(同情) 表态度的用语I hope so.(希望和愿望) I hate to go to the hospital.(喜欢和 不喜欢) 能力目标:指导学生进一步学习表达对他人关心和提建议的句 子,掌握一些有关方面的日常用语,通过对话多说及 复述填空提高学生用英语进行思维表达的能力。 情感态度与价值观:通过围绕Michael的病情继续学习和掌握一 些有关情感、态度等语言表达的同时,让学生学会要 多关心帮助他人,懂得在生活中如何与他人相处,树 立人与人之间应互相关爱的美好人观。 重、难点分析本部分包括1a看听说,1b、1c结对练习,2看听说和2b小组活动几部分,重点为1a和2a;简单地记住几个重要短语和句子不 是难事,但要恰当自如得张口就来却是一件不容易的事,所以 本节课难点为把语言知识转变为语言能力。 教学对象分析八年级学生有了一定的语言基础和能力,但随着年龄的增长,自尊心更强,同时虚荣心也膨胀,害怕当众出丑而羞于单独发言 和活动,因此教学中应在心里疏导方面多下功夫,多鼓励,多 表扬,活动追求多样化,激发兴趣,让学生积极动起来,乐于 参与,在活动中不知不觉吸收知识,掌握语言,形成能力,突 破重、难点。 教学方法及多媒体设计依据新课程理念,本节课教学方法与多媒体运用相结合 设计如下: 学新生词我运用实物教学法与情景教学法,实物具体生动,情 景易于理解,使学生易于掌握;情景对话运用Flash动画,让 学生亲临其境,增强表演活动的欲望和信心;重点短语和句型 的教学采用自主学习法,讨论归纳学习法,突出以学生为主体,


Unit 5 Knowing About China Topic 1 How much do you know about China? Section A The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases: a great number of, fetch, introduce, lie in 2. Learn the attributive clauses led by“that”or“which”. (1)China is a great country that/which has about 5 000 years of history. (2)It’s a book that/which introduces China in detail. (3)It’s Mount Tai that/which lies in Shandong Province. 3. Learn about the geography of China. 4. Cultivate the students’ patriotism through learning about the geography of China. 板书设计: How much do you know about China? Section A a great number of Guide to China is a book. The book introduces China in detail. = lie in Guide to China is a book that/which introduces China in detail. fetch sb. sth.= fetch sth. for sb. introduce Section B The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases: fantastic, hear of, tale, so … that … 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1) They are well worth visiting. (2) It seemed that we experienced four seasons in a day. (3) If not, you must find a chance to go there! 3. Go on learning the attributive clauses led by“that”or“which”. (1)Could you tell me something about the places that(which) you visited there? (2)That’s the most fantastic place (that) I have ever heard of. 4. Learn more about the geography of China—the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and West Lake. 5. Cultivate the students’ patriotism. 板书设计: How much do you know about China? be well worth visiting Section B hear of That’s the most fantastic place (that) I have ever heard of. tale West Lake is surrounded on three sides by mountains. tourist attraction The scenery is so attractive that visitors often lose themselves in it. so…that…


新目标人教版英语九年级610单元课文翻译人教版新目标英语九年级6-10单元课文翻译 六单元 SECTION A 1a 我比较喜欢歌词优美的音乐。我喜欢能随着唱的音乐。我喜欢不太喧闹的音乐。我喜欢能随之跳舞的音乐。 1c 你喜欢哪种音乐,我喜欢能随着唱的音乐。你呢,我比较喜欢歌词优美的音乐。 2a 1.卡门喜欢能演奏不同乐曲的音乐家。2.徐飞喜欢丹?德维什。3.卡门喜欢喧闹的音乐。4.徐飞比较喜欢演奏轻柔优雅歌曲的乐队组合。 2c 徐飞喜欢现代乐队吗,不,他不喜欢。他喜欢…… Grammar Focus 你喜欢哪种音乐, 我喜欢能随着唱的音乐。罗萨喜欢轻柔优雅的音乐。我喜欢自己写词作曲的歌手。我们更喜欢歌词优美的音乐。 3a 你最喜欢的CD的名字是什么,它的名字是《跳,跳,跳》。你为什么喜欢这张CD,这些音乐好极了,因为你可以跟着跳舞。你可以用它来举办舞会。而且,这些音乐家自己写歌词。关于这张CD,你不喜欢什么,有些歌太长。有些歌手吐词不清。它让你想起了什么,这段音乐让我想起了巴西的舞蹈。 3b 最近你听了什么CD,我听了一张名叫《心弦》的CD。你觉得它怎么样,我非常喜欢。为什么呢,这个歌手自己写歌。我比较喜欢自己写歌词的歌手。 4 我喜欢穿着确实很酷的组合。那对我来说真的不重要。我喜欢会唱歌的组合。你最喜欢的组合是哪个,我最喜欢的是…… SECTION B 2b 他喜欢与众不同的衣服。

2c 我喜欢悲剧电影。我喜欢《沉船》。噢,我不喜欢。我喜欢又可怕的怪兽的 电影。我的确喜欢…… 3a 《黄河渔夫》这是洪涛的最新电影。我喜欢洪涛。这些年来他拍了一些很好的电影。不幸的是,这是他最糟糕的电影。如果你要寻找乐趣,待在家里看电影。如果你要寻找乐趣,待在家里看电视吧。《黄河渔夫》太长了,而且它也确实烦人。可是,它确实有一些特色。我认为那位渔夫的妻子真的很好笑。埃米?金,摄影一定要去利都画廊看这个展览。埃米?金是当今世界上最有名的中国摄影家之一,她最著名的一些照片会在这次展览中展出。她确实能给每个人带来某些东西。这里有许多人物和农村的精美照片。那几幅城市的照片不怎么成功。我每天都看到这些东西,它们使我不太感兴趣。但是,这是一个世界及摄影者的极好的展出。无论你做什么,都不要错过这个展览。野性狂风多年来,我们见过一些名字相当奇怪的音乐组合来往于乐坛。几乎没有比这个乐队的名字更奇怪的了。这个名字表明这个乐队精力充沛。他们演奏那种我喜欢听的音乐。每首歌都很响亮,你经常听不懂那些歌词,但这没问题,因为这些歌词不是很好。然而,这些是使我们快乐的音乐家——即使是在一个周一的早上~ SELF CHECK 1 1.我更喜欢古典音乐而不是流行音乐。2.那个人使我想起我的英语老师。他们穿同样的衣服。3.我们正在寻找一个安静的地方度假。你知道一个好地方吗,4.我喜爱在天气热的时候吃冰激淋。没有比它更好的了~5.我不能忍受汉堡包~它们使我感到恶心。 2 主题:香港发件人:玲玲亲爱的笔友:我在香港玩得很开心,可是我必须坦诚地说我更喜欢上海。尽管如此,它是一个游览的好地方,并且我很幸运在这儿学习了六个月的英语课程。其他一些同学在学习法语。我可能也要学习一些法语。你


Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 3 He said the fashion show was wonderful. 教学内容分析及课时分配建议: 本话题围绕时装展而展开。主要内容包括:由Jane 和 Sarah 谈论在西单举行的时装展引出本话题的语法知识--主句是过去时的宾语从句及有关时装展的话题。整个话题通过约定观看时装展,现场观看时装展,介绍所见时装的相关知识而有机结合在一起。孩子们在观看时装展的过程中,学习了一些国家和少数民族的名称及其服装特色。作为拓展知识,教材还介绍了中国的唐装,美国的牛仔服和日本的和服。在介绍的唐装时,又让学生集中学习了几个并列连词:not only...but also,either...or...,both...and...。通过学习本话题,学生既能学到中国的传统服饰和民族服饰,又能学到其他国家的重要服饰知识。 本话题建议用4个课时来完成: 第一课时:Section A—1a,1b,1c,2,3 第二课时:Section B—1a,1b ,1c,2,3a,3b 第三课时:Section C—1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,3 第四课时:Section D—Grammar and Functions,1,2,Project 第三课时( Section C—1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,3) 教学设计思路: 本课主要是学习唐装的相关知识,了解更多的具有特色的服装。首先通过认识各种服装,导入到本课及学习部分新词汇。然后让学生阅读1a,完成1b的思维导图。接着让学生再读1a,发现重难点,并尽量在在小组内讨论解决,教师稍作补充完成1。读了两遍1a以后,学生应当可以回答1c 的问题,如有必要可以让学生再读1a。随后鼓励学生以1c的问题及答案为提示,复述1a的内容完成1c。然后看图配对完成2a 和2b。接下来让学生先讨论3的问题,然后再制作时装秀海报,展示作品,完成3。最后回顾,布置家庭作业完成本课时。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims: (1)学习并掌握新词汇 Asian ,personal, above,list,decoration, attractive, from then on,dynasty (2)学习并列连词的用法。 2. Skill aims: (1)能够根据短文大意完成思维导图。 (2)能够根据问题复述短文。 3. Emotional aims: 4. Culture awareness: Ⅱ. The key points and difficult points


仁爱初中英语优秀教案 【篇一:仁爱版英语七年级下册教学设计】 unit 5 our school life topic 1 i usually come to school by subway. section a i. material analysis 本话题是第五单元的第一个话题,主要围绕交通方式、日常活动的频度等展开。将主要复习一般现在时态,学习谈论交通方式和日常活动频度的句型“how do you usually/often…?, “i usually/often … by…”, “how often do you…?”, “three times a week.”等。本课的主要活动是1a和3a。通过人物对话呈现主要内容,结合“图片和句子匹配”、“图片和短语匹配”等活动,复习有关新年问候,学习和操练日常交通方式等的表达法。同时还通过听说活动,帮助学生了解字母e和d以及字母组合ea/ee/ei/dge的发音规则,训练他们进行单词拼读的能力。因为本课是本话题的第一课时,学生对于交通方式的英语表达才刚开始接触,因此可能出现用英语表达交通方式的不流畅,教师应该在教学活动中创造机会,引导学生在活动中反复操练进而巩固关于交通方式的英语表达。 ii. teaching aims 1.knowledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的对话操练中加以使用: gate, by, subway, underground, always, come on, on foot等; 学生在小组合作活动中,能掌握字母e和d以及字母组合 ea/ee/ei/dge的发音并通过单词拼读进一步熟悉发音规则;


Unit4Topic3 What time is it? Ⅰ、Leading in : Greeting Ⅱ、Learning goals: (1)Review the words, phrases and sentences in this topic (2)Can express the time skillful in English (3)Practice with the key points Ⅲ、Teaching aids PPT ⅣTeaching methods: TBLA, Five-stages Teaching Plan Ⅴ、Teaching Procedure Step1,Self-learning guides:自学指导 (1)Review the words and text by little teacher (2)Review the grammer and key points together Grammer: How to express the time? Choose one student to concluse 整点: It’s +基数词+o’clock 非整点:

1. 直接表述(顺读法) 8:05 eight o five 1:15 one fifteen 2. 借助past和to表述(逆读法) 当分钟数小于或等于三十分钟时,用past。 eg:10:10 ten past ten 3:30 half past three 当分钟数超过三十分钟时,用to。 eg:1:55 five to two 9:40 twenty to ten Practice: Choose students ask and answer the time according to the picture Key points (1)It’s time to do sth =It’s time for sth (2)Would you like to do sth? (3)Are you free?=Do you have(any)time? (4)Let sb do sth (5)On one’s (形代和名词所有格)way home Choose the moniter to summarise the key points Practice: Use the key points to make sentences


英语公开课教案_九年级英语教案_模板 英语公开课教案 ◆尚志一中袁英 授课者授课班级授课时间公开课范围 袁英尚志一中初二(5)班 2000.11.30 尚志一中 课题国外礼仪介绍(一)圣诞庆祝活动 课时一课时 教学目的通过介绍西方国家圣诞节的种种庆祝活动,联系中国春节展开讨论,从而达到开阔眼界,操练口语的目的。 教学方法讨论式、启发式 教具录音机、图片、自制投影片、圣诞小礼物 教学步骤: Step 1 Free talk Talk about the weather, the conversation may begin like this : A : What a lovely day, isn’t it ? B : Yes. But the radio says it’ll get cloudy soon. A : Well, I really don’t like cloudy meather, what about you ? B : Not at all. A : …… Step 2 Presentation Ask one of the students the following question : ⑴What day is it today ? ⑵Which month is it ? ⑶Which is the last month of the year ? ⑷Do you know which is the most popular festival in this month in most western countries ? Step 3 Brief Introduction Tell the students something about Christmas Day. Christmas Day, which comes on December 25th, is usually said to be the birthday of Jeans Christ. (耶稣基督) A lot of children like this festival, because Father Christmas will come on Christmas Eve. He is a kind-hearted man, and often dress up in a red coat. He lands on top of the house and climbs down the chimney into the house, he likes giving children many gifts. Usually he put these good things in a stocking, so every child puts their stocking on the end of the bed before they go to sleep on Christmas Eve. Step 4 Look and Say Look at the flashcards and say something about them. Step 5 Discussion Discuss what people in western countries do on Christmas Day. The answers may be like the following:


教学设计 五大连池市团结中学张晓华 一、教材分析:仁爱版七年级英语(下) Title(课题): Unit 5 Topic3 Section A Type(课型): New lesson (新课) Classroom Period (课时): 1 Teaching Aims(教学目标): (一)Knowledge Aims(知识目标): 1. Learn some expressions of the weekdays. Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday,Friday… 2. Learn subjects: geography,P.E.,art,maths,science,history,politics,biology (二)Ability Aims(能力目标) Master Wh-questions(掌握特殊疑问句) 1、--What day is it today? --What time does the class begin? 2、They are having a music class. -- What time is it over? -- At a quarter to eleven. (三)Mode Aims(情感目标) 谈论科目和时间表,通过学校活动,体现校园生活的丰富多彩。培养学生积极向上的情

成为对社会有用的人。 (四)Study Strategies(学习策略) 善于抓住英语交际的机会,积极探索适合自己的学习方法,积极主动与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,对学习内容主动练习和实践,积极运用所学英语进行表达,学以致用。 二、教学过程设计 I.Review(复习)-----------------------------------------------------5分钟 这样设计为了使新旧知识更好的衔接和相互渗透,起到承上启下的作用。 Ask and anwser :review the present continuous tense; --What are we doing now? -- We are having an English class. -- What time does it begin? --It begins at five to nine? --What time does it over? -- It`s over at twenty to nine. II.Presentation(呈现)---------------------------------------------10分钟 本步骤是为了呈现新知识,让学生心里有一个明确的学习目的,更好的配合老师做好学习准备。Teach the new words: geography, P.E., art,history, ,maths,politics,meeting,outdoor activity,lesson,subject. 使用日历进行教学:Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday…运用句式操练:(1)What day is it today? (2) What time does the class begin? (3) What time is it over? III.consolidation and practice(巩固练习)-----------------------25分钟
