






Welcome to Medellin,Colombia

Climate—Medellin is about 1,538 meters above sea level.Its climate is not as hot as other cities located near the equator (赤道).The city's average (平均的) temperature is 22 ℃.

Getting here—Medellin has an international airport,with flights (航班) from Miami,New York,Madrid,and many other cities.There are taxis and minibuses from the airport to downtown Medellin.

Getting around—The quickest and cheapest way to get around Medellin is with the well-planned metro (地铁) system.The modern Turibus also goes around the city,showing parks,beautiful neighborhoods,and historical sites.

Where to stay—There are many cheap hotels,and most of them include hot showers,TV,free Internet,private lockers,and Spanish lessons.

Shopping—Medellin is only a few hours from the coffee-growing centers of Colombia.Coffee can be bought as a great gift.Medellin is sometimes called the textile (纺织品) capital of the country,but it is not the best place to shop for clothes.

Nightlife—The fun-loving people of Medellin love to dance.There are many places around the city to dance.One of the most famous is the Zona Rosa.Most clubs close at 3:00 a.m.

Sightseeing—There are world-famous museums in the city,but one place that you have to visit is the Museo de Antioquia.It has a large collection of art,including paintings by Fernando Botero.

Festivals—Why not plan a trip around a festival?There's a poetry festival in July,a celebration of lights in December and January,and for two weeks in August,a flower festival—the city's most important cultural event.


1.How is the climate of Medellin?

A.It is pleasant.B.It is very hot.

C.It is quite dry. D.It is changeable.

A[细节理解题。根据Climate中的“Its climate is not as hot as other cities...average temperature is 22 ℃”可知,麦德林的平均气温保持在22度,所以它的气候宜人。]

2.What can we learn about the Museo de Antioquia?

A.It is an art market.

B.It is a must-see museum.

C.It is the best place to shop.

D.It is a coffee-growing center.

B[细节理解题。根据Sightseeing中的“There are world-famous museums in the city,but one place that you have to visit is the Museo de Antioquia”可知,Museo de Antioquia是到麦德林必去的一个博物馆。]

3.When is the flower festival in Medellin?

A.In July. B.In August.

C.In January. D.In December.

B[细节理解题。根据Festivals中的“and for two weeks in August,a flower festival”可知,麦德林的鲜花节是在八月举行。]


Mike Hayes of Rochelle,Illinois,proved he was smart in his first year at college.In 1987,while he was a student in the first year of the University of Illinois,he had gotten $2,500 from a job working at a store,but that money would not go far to pay the four years of tuition (学费) and college expenses that added up to around $28,000.His middle-class family had already put his older brothers through

college.While Mike's parents would have helped him to pay,Mike decided he did not want his parents going into debt for him.He came up with an idea to solve this problem.

Mike wrote to Chicago Tribune writer Bob Greene.He wanted each of the newspaper's readers to send him a penny (分).Greene thought the idea sounded fun and agreed to do it.He shared Mike's letter with his readers on September 6,1987.

“Just one penny,”Mike said.“A penny doesn't mean anything to anyone.If everyone who is reading your reports looks around the room right now,there will be a penny on the corner of the desk,or on the floor.That's all I'm asking.A penny from each of your readers.”

In less than a month,the Many Pennies for Mike fund (基金) had around $23,000.Donations (捐款) were received from every state in the United States,and even Mexico,Canada,and the Bahamas.So,Mike achieved his $28,000 goal and went on to learn food science from the University of Illinois.

In the end,Mike had this to say about the whole thing,“I just want to express my thanks to everyone...right now I'm feeling that the world is a pretty great place.”


4.What troubled Mike when he was in his first year at college?

A.He couldn't afford his tuition.

B.He failed to find a part-time job.

C.His parents were unwilling to help.

D.His parents had huge debts to pay off.

A[细节理解题。根据第一段中的“he had gotten $2,500 from a job...and college expenses that added up to around $28,000”可知,Mike负担不起他自己的大学学费及生活费。]

5.Why did Mike write to Greene?

A.To ask for help.

B.To send his greetings.

C.To express his thanks.

D.To introduce himself.

A[细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Mike wrote to Chicago Tribune writer Bob Greene.He wanted each of the newspaper's readers to send him a penny”可知,Mike 写信给Greene是为了让Greene的读者给他捐钱,因此Mike是在寻求帮助。] 6.What can we infer from Paragraph 4 about Mike?

A.His fund needed more donations.

B.He became rich and successful.

C.His plan really worked.

D.He asked for too much.

C[推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Mike achieved his $28,000 goal and went on to learn food science from the University of Illinois”可知,Mike筹集了28,000美元,费用问题解决了,他可以继续完成学业,由此可知他的计划成功了。] 7.What's the best title for the text?

A.Pennies for readers

B.The value of education

C.Mike's business in college

D.The one penny college fund

D[标题归纳题。Mike为完成大学学业向报社求助,希望报纸的读者每人给他捐助一分钱。所以文章的关键词是one penny,college,fund。故D项符合主旨大意,适合作标题。]


It's early morning,and Katie Smith hears a rooster crowing (报晓).It's time to get up and start working.She and her husband,Chris Cashen,start the day early.They own and run the Farm at Miller's Crossing,in Hudson,New York.

With the help of 10 workers and,sometimes,the Cashen kids—Lael,12,Connelly,10,AnneMae,8,and Christopher John,6 —Smith and Cashen harvest

crops during much of the year.They grow vegetables and other plants.They also raise and care for some animals.

Because the Farm at Miller's Crossing grows different kinds of crops,Cashen says the biggest challenge (挑战) is timing.Several times a year,workers prepare the soil and plant crops.At other times,they transfer (转移) plants from the greenhouse into the fields.The farmers store the fall vegetables in coolers and sell them throughout the winter.

Cashen and Smith grow their crops without the use of chemicals.When crops are ready to be harvested,workers pick them daily,wash them,and put them in boxes.In June,they work up to 70 hours a week.As fall nears,workers try to finish the daily harvesting while there is still daylight.The crops are sold through programs that provide buyers with fresh produce weekly.

Living on a farm has its perks.The Cashen kids swim in a river from which the crops get their water.They ride their bikes in wide-open spaces.When harvesting tomatoes,they sometimes have exciting tomato fights.They have a big family with which to share their adventures.

Everyone takes part in the business.The kids feed the horses.The boys care for the https://www.360docs.net/doc/d83446573.html,el says she likes transferring plants and selling produce.“It's fun and really busy,”says Lael,“but it's just a part of life.”


8.What can we learn about the Cashen family?

A.They look needy.

B.They lead a busy life.

C.They live on selling animals.

D.They do all the work on their own.

B[推理判断题。根据第一段中的“It's early morning,and Katie Smith hears a rooster crowing.It's time to get up and start working”及第二段中的内容可知,Cashen一家在农场上过着忙碌的生活。]

9.What's the most difficult thing on the Farm?

A.Storing the fall vegetables.

B.Growing crops as fast as possible.

C.Moving plants out of the greenhouse.

D.Planning when to plant and harvest.

D[细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Cashen says the biggest challenge is timing...plants from the greenhouse into the fields”可知,对于Cashen一家来说最大的挑战就是如何合理安排农场上各项工作的时间。]

10.What does the underlined word “perks” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.Price. B.Reasons.

C.Discomfort. D.Advantages.

D[词义猜测题。根据第五段中的“The Cashen kids swim in a river...they sometimes have exciting tomato fights”可知,Cashen家的孩子们在农场的活动非常丰富,他们玩得很开心,由此可知这是住在农场的好处。]

11.What is Lael's attitude toward her life on the Farm?

A.She enjoys it.

B.She is proud of it.

C.She is uninterested in it.

D.She feels unsatisfied with it.

A[推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Lael says she likes transferring plants and selling produce.‘It's fun and really busy,’”可知,Lael喜欢农场上的生活。]


Anybody who has a long daily commute (通勤) knows the feeling of sitting in traffic with nothing to do but wait.Now,a study suggests that long commutes can take away more than just valuable time,they also have a bad influence on your fitness (健壮) and health.

Earlier research has connected longer commutes with obesity.But this new research is believed to be “the first study to show that long commutes can reduce

exercise time,”explained lead researcher Christine M.Hoehner of Washington University in St.Louis.

Long commutes are connected with “higher weight,lower fitness levels and higher blood pressure (血压),all of which are likely to lead to heart disease,”she said.One discovery that Hoehner found a little surprising was how “being caught in heavy traffic can lead to higher blood pressure.”

Here's how the research was done:Scientists studied 4,297 locals from Austin,Texas.They recorded their commuting distances,body mass indices (体重指数) and blood pressure.The locals reported their physical activity for the last three months.

What did scientists learn?Commuters who said they drove longer distances also reported they took part in less active physical activity.They had lower fitness levels,greater body mass indices and higher blood pressure.

Between 1960 and 2000,workers commuting in private cars jumped from 41.4 million to 112.7 million,according to the U.S.Department of Transportation.And as suburbs (郊区) have spread across the nation since the 1950s,commuter miles have increased too,along with the time drivers spend sitting in the car,according to the U.S.Census Bureau.

For many commuters,moving closer to work isn't a choice but Hoehner said there are ways that can lead to more exercise.“Commuters should find ways to work physical activity into their workdays by doing things like walking during work breaks.Employers could also help by encouraging fitness breaks,”said Hoehner.


12.What did Hoehner find?

A.The longer the exercise time,the better.

B.Some diseases lead to higher blood pressure.

C.Lower fitness levels result from heart disease.

D.The busier the traffic,the higher the blood pressure.

D[细节理解题。根据第三段中的“being caught in heavy traffic can lead to higher blood pressure”可知,严重的交通拥堵会导致血压升高。]

13.How did scientists do the research?

A.By doing a simple test.

B.By collecting information.

C.By giving physical checks daily.

D.By talking to locals face to face.


14.What has happened since the 1950s?

A.The area of suburbs has reduced.

B.The number of commuters has dropped.

C.Many people have given up driving cars.

D.Many people have moved farther from workplaces.

D[细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“as suburbs have spread across the nation since the 1950s,commuter miles have increased too”可知,20世纪五十年代以来,人们的通勤距离更长了。]

15.What is Hoehner trying to do in the last paragraph?

A.Offer help.B.Give advice.

C.Find excuses. D.Send warnings.




Why camp is great for children

If you've been to camp,you're not surprised to hear about the advantages of summer camp.Here is a list of the most important reasons to send your kids to camp.

At camp,children:

Make true friends—Camp is the place where kids make their very best

friends.Free from the social expectations pressuring (对……施加压力) them at school,camp encourages kids to relax and make friends easily. 16 Every day,friendships are created.

Learn social skills—Coming to camp means joining a community where everyone must agree to work together and respect each other.When they live in a small room with others,kids solve problems,and see the importance of open communication. 17

Grow more independent—18 Managing their daily choices in the safe,caring environment of camp,children welcome this as a chance to grow in new directions.Camp helps kids develop who they are.

Experience success and become more confident— Camp helps children build self-confidence.With its non-competitive activities and different chances to succeed,camp life really improves young people. 19 Camp teaches kids that they can.

Spend their day being physically active—As children spend so much time these days inside and mostly sitting down,camp provides a wonderful chance to move.

20 Camp is action!

A. Camp builds teamwork.

B.There's achievement every day.


D.All the fun at camp draws everyone together.

E.It is easy for kids to develop what they like to do.

F.Camp is the perfect place for kids to practice making decisions for themselves.

G.When kids take a break from the Internet,they rediscover their creative powers.


16.D[根据该段的主题Make true friends及下文中的Every day,friendships are created可知,夏令营中有趣的活动让大家聚到一起并建立起真挚的友谊。]

17.A[根据上文中的Learn social skills及Coming to camp means joining a community where everyone must agree to work together and respect each other可知,夏令营可以帮助孩子们建立团队精神。]

18.F[F项中的内容与该段主题Grow more independent相照应,故选F 项。]

19.B[B项中的achievement与该段的主题Experience success相互照应,故选B项。]

20.C[根据下文中的Camp is action可知,夏令营包括很多体育活动。] Ⅲ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I stood in the doorway,waiting.Mari was 21 ,I was sure.It was the end of our eighth-grade year,and Mari had decided to 22 the cross-country team.She 23 me to do the same,but I said no.Me run three miles?24 .Now she was speaking to the cross-country coach,trying to get in.Impatient to 25 ,I looked into the classroom to see if she was done.A pair of piercing (有穿透力的) eyes met my own.

“You running?”he asked in a deep voice,his tone (语气) making the 26 seem more like a command.He waited for my 27 while Mari looked on,amused.Being too 28 to answer no,I said,“Urn,yeah.”The man looked satisfied.Mari looked 29 .I was certain I had signed myself up for five months of 30 .

Only recently have I realized that that day was a 31 for me,marking not only the 32 of my athletic career,but also a major landmark in my growth as a person.Running has done me so much 33 .

I was very 34 coming out of the eighth grade,but running 35 my self-confidence.Being part of a team 36 me to meet new people.Through cross country I have formed many valuable 37 with other runners.Running has also

given me the confidence to be a 38 for younger runners,guiding them and providing advice and help.Never before had I considered myself a role model,39 now I am finding myself in that position.More than anything else,however,I think my improvement in self-confidence was a 40 of learning to have the courage to succeed.


21.A.crazy B.right

C.clever D.nervous

A[由下文“I said no以及Me run three miles?”可知,“我”拒绝加入越野赛跑训练队,并且对跑三英里那么远持怀疑态度,因此可推断,“我”认为Mari 报名参加训练是“疯狂的(crazy)”举动。]

22. A.hold B.join

C.help D.manage

B[由下文“she was speaking to the cross-country coach,trying to get in”可知,Mari决定“加入(join)”训练队。]

23. A.ordered B.allowed

C.taught D.asked

D[由下文but I said no可知,Mari“请求(ask)”“我”也加入训练队,但“我”拒绝了。]

24. A.Interesting B.Reasonable

C.Impossible D.Necessary

C[由上文I said no可知,“我”不愿意加入训练队,因此可推断,“我”认为自己“不可能(Impossible)”跑三英里那么远。]

25. A.leave B.enter

C.escape D.return

A[由下文see if she was done可知,“我”瞄进教室看她是不是谈完了,由此推断,“我”等得不耐烦了,想要“离开(leave)”。]

26. A.word B.voice

C.question D.decision

C[本空指代上文You running?这个“问题(question)”。]

27. A.choice B.answer

C.support D.plan

B[下文answer no是提示。]

28. A.afraid B.sorry

C.excited D.tired

A[由上文A pair of piercing eyes,a deep voice和like a command可知,教练的眼神和语气对“我”来说都有很大的压力,因此推断,“我”面对他的问题,因为“害怕(afraid)”而不敢说不。]

29. A.glad B.angry

C.worried D.surprised


30. A.enjoyment B.pain

C.noise D.freedom


31. A.starting point B.breaking point

C.turning point D.talking point

C[由于在那天之前,“我”不喜欢跑步,因此,那天对“我”来说是个“转折点(turning point)”,不仅标志着“我”运动员职业的“开始(birth)”,也是


32. A.progress B.change

C.ending D.birth


33. A.wonder B.good

C.harm D.energy


34. A.honest B.weak

C.shy D.lazy


35. A.improved B.destroyed

C.kept D.took

A[由本空前面的but以及最后一句中的improvement in self-confidence可推断,跑步“增强了(improve)”“我”的自信心。]

36. A.invited B.warned

C.advised D.forced


37. A.friendships B.agreements

C.systems D.organizations


38. A.runner B.winner

C.leader D.star

C[由下文“guiding them and providing advice and help”可推断,“我”变得


39. A.so B.though

C.since D.but


40. A.purpose B.result

C.chance D.method

B[“learning to have the courage to succeed”与“my improvement in self-confidence”之间是因果关系,“我”自信心的增强是“结果(result)”。]



A friendly dolphin (海豚) has saved a teenage boy from drowning.Non-swimmer Davide Ceci,41.was 14,was within minutes of death when dolphin Filippo came to his rescue.

The friendly creature has been a popular tourist 42.(attract) off Manfredonia in south-east Italy for two years.But now he is a local hero after 43.

(save) Davide when he fell from his father's boat.

While Emanuele Ceci still didn't know his son had fallen into the waves,Filippo was pushing him up out of the water to safety.Davide said,“When I 44. (realise) it was Filippo pushing me,I held onto him.”The dolphin bore down on the boat and got close enough for Davide's father 45.(catch) his frightened son.

Davide's mother Signora Ceci said,“It is a hero.Generally,it seems 46. (possible) that an animal could have done something like that,to save a human life.It is unbelievable.”

Filippo has lived in the waters off Manfredonia since he became separated 47.

a visiting school of dolphins.Maritime researcher Dr Giovanna Barbieri said,“Filippo seems not to have the 48.(slight) fear of humans.I'm not 49.

(surprise) he should have done such 50.wonderful thing as to

save a human.”

41.who[考查关系代词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,补充说明Davide Ceci,且在从句中作主语,故填who。]




45.to catch[考查不定式作状语的用法。由语境可知,海豚靠近船是为了让Davide的父亲能够到他,故填to catch。]

46.impossible[考查形容词作表语的用法。由语境及后面的It is unbelievable可知,一般来说,动物似乎不太可能会救助人类,故填impossible(不可能的)。]












One day my parents weren't at home,so I asked some of my friends have a party.We played such happily that we forgot everything.Unfortunate,I dropped my father's favourite glass by an accident.It was in piece and my heart speeded up.What should I do?When he came back,I was afraid of be punished and didn't tell the true.I told him it was the cat which broke the glass.My father said nothing,but I could see his distrust.The next morning,after a sleepless night,I admit to my father that it was my fault.I saw relief in their eyes.From then on,I never told lies.


One day my parents weren't at home,so I asked some of my friends ∧

to have a

party.We played such

so happily that we forgot everything.


Unfortunately,I dropped my

father's favourite glass by ﹨a n accident.It was in piece

pieces and my heart speeded

up.What should I do?When he came back,I was afraid of


being punished and didn't

tell the true

truth.I told him it was the cat


that broke the glass.My father said nothing,

but I could see his distrust.The next morning,after a sleepless night,I

admit admitted to

my father that it was my fault.I saw relief in their

his eyes.From then on,I never told










I'm Li Hua,a student from Class Ⅱ,Senior I.I'm writing to draw your attention to some improper behaviours among us students.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua 【参考范文】


I'm Li Hua,a student from Class Ⅱ,Senior Ⅰ.I'm writing to draw your attention to some improper behaviours among us students.Some students leave their leftover food everywhere,on the table or on the ground,which makes the hall rather unpleasant for us to come and eat there.

I wonder if the school could take measures to solve the problem.First,the school should encourage students to form good habits by putting posters around the hall,asking them to be more thoughtful of their behaviours and protect our environment.Besides,anyone who is found dropping litter should be punished by making them clean up the dining hall.Only in this way can we have a clean and tidy dining hall and enjoy ourselves there.

I hope you'll take my advice into consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


阶段综合检测(三) Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A Venice Film Festival The Venice Film Festival takes place every year in late August or early September on the Lido in the historic Palazzo del Cinema, in Venice, Italy.Its main award is the “Leone d'Oro”(Golden Lion).Recently, a new award has been added, the San Marco Award for the best film. Academy Awards The Academy Awards are the most prominent(杰出的) film awards in the United States.The awards are granted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.Academy Awards are nicknamed “Oscars”,which is also the nickname of the statuette(小雕像).The name is said to have been born when Margaret Herrick saw the statuette on a table and said, “It looks just like my uncle Oscar!” Berlin International Film Festival The Berlin International Film Festival is one of the “A”festivals in Europe.The Berlin International Film Festival, also called the “Berlinale”,is held annually in February and started in 1951 after an initiative of the American, who occupied part of the city after World War Ⅱ,The jury(专家评奖团) always placed special emphasis on representing films from all over the world, from the former Eastern Bloc(集团) Countries as well as from Western countries.The awards are called Golden and Silver Bears (as the bear is the symbol of Berlin). Cannes Film Festival The Cannes Film Festival is a famous international film festival.It has been held annually in Cannes, in the south of France, since 1946 with a few exceptions.Given massive media exposure, the Festival is attended by many movie stars and is a popular venue for movie producers to launch their new films and attempt to sell their works to the distributors who come from all over the world.The most famous award given out at Cannes is the “Palmed'Or”(Golden Palm) for the best film;this is sometimes shared by multiple films in one year. 【语篇解读】 本文介绍了四个世界知名的电影节。


温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。 知能综合检测(十一) (25分钟 100分) 一、选择题(共12小题,每小题4分,共48分) 1.为确保大灾之后无大疫,灾后在灾区开展麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹及甲肝疫苗免费接种工作。这项工作的直接作用是() A.控制传染源 B.切断传播途径 C.保护易感人群 D.杀死病原体 2.(2011·内江学业考)下列传染病中,主要通过飞沫、空气传染的一组是() A.肺结核与百日咳 B.破伤风与狂犬病 C.细菌性痢疾与麻疹 D.甲型肝炎与疟疾 3.(2011·孝感学业考)预防艾滋病,你我同参与。下列防治措施错误的是() A.打击卖淫嫖娼,倡导洁身自好 B.禁止非法卖血,确保血源质量 C.隔离艾滋病人,限制活动范围 D.推进技术进步,加速疫苗研制 4.下列各项中,属于人体特异性免疫的是() A.皮肤和黏膜阻挡病原体 B.泪液中的溶菌酶溶解细菌 C.注射麻疹疫苗预防麻疹 D.吞噬细胞吞噬各种病原体 5.下列选项中不属于人体防线的是() A.吞噬细胞的吞噬作用 B.淋巴细胞产生抗体 C.皮肤的屏障作用 D.口服抗生素消灭体内病原体

6.时下,饲养狗、猫等宠物成为时尚,同时也带来了狂犬病传播的隐患。人一旦被狗、猫咬伤,要及时注射狂犬疫苗。那么,所注射的物质和采取的措施分别是() A.抗原、保护易感人群 B.抗原、控制传染源 C.抗体、保护易感人群 D.抗体、切断传播途径 7.下列关于免疫对人体的主要作用的叙述不正确的是() A.免疫总是对人体有益的 B.器官移植能否成功与免疫反应有关 C.抗体是一种蛋白质 D.过敏反应是免疫功能失调引起的 8.凡是药物都带有一定的毒性或副作用,安全用药是指() A.减少药物的服用剂量 B.减少药物的服用种类 C.选择价格高的药物 D.根据病情需要选择恰当的药物品种、剂量和服用时间 9.感冒是春冬季节易发的一种呼吸道传染病。以下是人们患感冒后常常采用的一些做法,其中最恰当的是() A.先扛上几天,如果实在坚持不住了再去医院 B.找出家中贮备的感冒药,连同抗生素一起服用 C.及时到医院或诊所找医生诊断,按医嘱服药 D.找出上次感冒时没用完的感冒药,继续服用 10.(2011·青岛学业考)下列对煤气中毒者的急救措施,不正确的是()


九年级数学 二次函数 单元试卷(一) 时间90分钟 满分:100分 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列函数不属于二次函数的是( ) A.y=(x -1)(x+2) B.y= 2 1(x+1)2 C. y=1-3x 2 D. y=2(x+3)2 -2x 2 2. 函数y=-x 2 -4x+3图象顶点坐标是( ) A.(2,-1) B.(-2,1) C.(-2,-1) D.(2, 1) 3. 抛物线()122 1 2++=x y 的顶点坐标是( ) A .(2,1) B .(-2,1) C .(2,-1) D .(-2,-1) 4. y=(x -1)2 +2的对称轴是直线( ) A .x=-1 B .x=1 C .y=-1 D .y=1 5.已知二次函数)2(2 -++=m m x mx y 的图象经过原点,则m 的值为 ( ) A . 0或2 B . 0 C . 2 D .无法确定 6. 二次函数y =x 2 的图象向右平移3个单位,得到新的图象的函数表达式是( ) A. y =x 2+3 B. y =x 2-3 C. y =(x +3)2 D. y =(x -3)2 7.函数y=2x 2 -3x+4经过的象限是( ) A.一、二、三象限 B.一、二象限 C.三、四象限 D.一、二、四象限 8.下列说法错误的是( ) A .二次函数y=3x 2 中,当x>0时,y 随x 的增大而增大 B .二次函数y=-6x 2 中,当x=0时,y 有最大值0 C .a 越大图象开口越小,a 越小图象开口越大 D .不论a 是正数还是负数,抛物线y=ax 2 (a ≠0)的顶点一定是坐标原点 9.如图,小芳在某次投篮中,球的运动路线是抛物线y =-15 x 2 +3.5的一部分,若命中篮 圈中心,则他与篮底的距离l 是( ) A .3.5m B .4m C .4.5m D .4.6m 10.二次函数y=ax 2 +bx +c 的图象如图所示,下列结论错误的是( ) A .a >0. B .b >0. C .c <0. D .abc >0. (第9题) (第10题) 3.05m x y



温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。 阶段综合检测(二) (八年级上册) (120分钟120分) 第一部分听力(20分) Ⅰ. 录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答语。(5分) 1. A. I don’t believe it. B. Congratulations! C. Really? 2. A. That’s right. B. Don’t do tha t. C. No, thanks. I can do it by myself. 3. A. It’s dry. B. It’s exciting. C. It’s expensive. 4. A. Go ahead. B. Sorry, he’s not in. C. This is Jane speaking. 5. A. You’re right. B. Well done. C. Good idea. 【听力材料】 1. I’ve got the first place in the English competition. 2. Can I help you with the bag? 3. What do you think of the basketball match? 4. Hello! Who’s that speaking?

5. Why not go to the park with me this afternoon? 答案: 1~5. BCBCC Ⅱ. 录音中有五组对话, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分) 6. Where are the two speakers talking? A. In a theatre. B. In a restaurant. C. In a museum. 7. What does John want to be? A. A singer. B. A pilot. C. An engineer. 8. Which sport does Tom like best? A. V olleyball. B. Basketball. C. Football. 9. How long does it take Jane to get to school on foot? A. 3 minutes. B. 13 minutes. C. 30 minutes. 10. Why isn’t the boy going to watch the talk show with the girl? A. Because he has a lot of homework to do. B. Because he doesn’t like the show. C. Because the show is boring. 【听力材料】 6. W: May I take your order, sir? M: Sure. I’d like some rice, fish and a glass of juice. 7. W: What do you want to be when you grow up, John? M: I like to fly in the sky, so I want to be a pilot.

2020年新目标英语中知能综合检测九:八年级上册 Units 10-12B卷

2020年新目标英语中知能综合检测九:八年级上册 Units 10-12B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单项选择 (共14题;共28分) 1. (2分)I'm so happy with my new English teacher that I'm looking forward to her class every day. A . having B . have C . giving D . give 2. (2分)—I failed the physics test yesterday. —______. A . Bad luck B . Come on C . But I did well D . Sorry to hear that 3. (2分)—Let's make a banana milk shake. What do we need? —We need some and two . A . banana; cup of milk B . bananas; cups of milk C . bananas; milk D . bananas; cup of milk 4. (2分)-- I will have an important match tomorrow. I hope I will win. A . Good luck B . No idea C . That's such a pity D . It's all right 5. (2分)Mary likes eggs. She has ______ every day. A . them B . it


二次函数单元测试卷 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1. 当-2≤ x ≦1,二次函数y=-(x-m )2 + m 2 +1有最大值4,则实数m 值为( ) A.-4 7 B. 3或-3 C.2或-3 D. 2或3或- 4 7 2. 函数 2 2y mx x m =+-(m 是常数)の图像与x 轴の交点个数为( ) A. 0个 B .1个 C .2个 D .1个或2个 3. 关于二次函数 2 y ax bx c =++の图像有下列命题:①当0c =时,函数の图像经过原点;②当0c >,且函数の图像开口向下时,方程2 0ax bx c ++=必有两个不相等の实根;③函数图像最高点の纵坐标是 2 44ac b a -;④当0b =时,函数の图像关于y 轴对称.其中正确命题の个数是( ) A. 1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 4. 关于x の二次函数 2 2(81)8y mx m x m =+++の图像与x 轴有交点,则m の范围是( ) A . 1 16m <- B . 116m - ≥且0m ≠ C . 1 16m =- D . 1 16m >- 且0m ≠ 5. 下列二次函数中有一个函数の图像与x 轴有两个不同の交点,这个函数是( ) A .2 y x = B .24y x =+ C .2325y x x =-+ D .2 351y x x =+- 6. 若二次函数2 y ax c =+,当x 取1x 、2x (12x x ≠)时,函数值相等,则当x 取12x x +时,函数值为( ) A .a c + B .a c - C .c - D .c 7. 下列二次函数中有一个函数の图像与坐标轴有一个交点,这个函数是( ) A .1x y 2 —= B .24y x =+ C .1x 2x y 2+=— D .2 351y x x =+- 8. 抛物线2 321y x x =-+-の图象与坐标轴交点の个数是( ) A .没有交点 B .只有一个交点 C .有且只有两个交点 D .有且只有三个交点 9. 函数2 y ax bx c =++の图象如图所示,那么关于x の一元二次方程2 30ax bx c ++-=の根の情况是( ) A .有两个不相等の实数根 B .有两个异号の实数根

外研版2020年新目标英语中考知能综合检测十三:八年级下册 Units 7、8(II )卷

外研版2020年新目标英语中考知能综合检测十三:八年级下册 Units 7、8(II ) 卷 一、单项选择 (共15题;共30分) 1. (2分)Anna is going on a tour of Xi'an, and she wants to __________ Chinese history. A . dream of B . learn about C . look through D . pass on 2. (2分)I think walking is________ our health. A . good at B . bad at C . well in D . good for 3. (2分)-What's wrong with you, Eric? You look tired. -I __________ to prepare for the final exam last night. A . picked up B . woke up C . stayed up D . put up 4. (2分)— Look out! There is a car coming. — Thanks. I'll be careful. A . Be careful B . Get out C . Put out 5. (2分)—Einstein was considered to be a wise and humorous person. —It's said that he enjoyed thinking and having fun in life. A . silly B . clever C . kind

二次函数 单元检测试卷(含答案)

二次函数检测卷 时间:120分钟满分:150分 班级:__________姓名:__________得分:__________ 一、选择题(本题共12小题,每小题3分,共36分) 1.下列各式中,y是x的二次函数的是() A.y=1 x2B.y=2x+1 C.y=x 2+x-2 D.y2=x2+3x 2.抛物线y=2x2+1的顶点坐标是() A.(2,1) B.(0,1) C.(1,0) D.(1,2) 3.二次函数y=ax2+bx-1(a≠0)的图象经过点(1,1),则a+b+1的值是()A.-3 B.-1 C.2 D.3 4.抛物线y=x2-2x-3与x轴的交点个数是() A.0个B.1个C.2个D.3个 5.下列函数中,当x>0时,y随x值的增大而先增大后减小的是() A.y=x2+1 B.y=x2-1 C.y=(x+1)2D.y=-(x-1)2 6.二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的部分对应值如下表: x …-2-10123… y …50-3-4-30… 二次函数图象的对称轴是() A.直线x=1 B.y轴C.直线x=1 2D.直线x=- 1 2 7.如图,二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的图象与x轴相交于(-2,0)和(4,0)两点,当函数值y>0时,自变量x的取值范围是() A.x<-2 B.-2<x<4 C.x>0 D.x>4 8.二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的图象如图所示,那么一次函数y=ax+b的图象大致是()

9.某种品牌的服装进价为每件150元,当售价为每件210元时,每天可卖出20件,现需降价处理,且经市场调查:每件服装每降价2元,每天可多卖出1件.在确保盈利的前提下,若设每件服装降价x 元,每天售出服装的利润为y 元,则y 与x 的函数关系式为( ) A .y =-12x 2+10x +1200(0<x <60) B .y =-1 2x 2-10x +1200(0<x <60) C .y =-12x 2+10x +1250(0<x <60) D .y =-1 2 x 2-10x +1250(x ≤60) 10.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线y =12x 2经过平移得到抛物线y =1 2x 2-2x ,其 对称轴与两段抛物线弧所围成的阴影部分的面积为( ) A .2 B .4 C .8 D .16 第10题图 第12题图 11.抛物线y =-x 2+6x -9的顶点为A ,与y 轴的交点为B ,如果在抛物线上取点C ,在x 轴上取点D ,使得四边形ABCD 为平行四边形,那么点D 的坐标是( ) A .(-6,0) B .(6,0) C .(-9,0) D .(9,0) 12.如图是抛物线y 1=ax 2+bx +c (a ≠0)的图象的一部分,抛物线的顶点坐标是A (1,3),与x 轴的一个交点为B (4,0),直线y 2=mx +n (m ≠0)与抛物线交于A ,B 两点,下列结论:①2a +b =0;②abc >0;③方程ax 2+bx +c =3有两个相等的实数根;④抛物线与x 轴的另一个交点是(-1,0);⑤当1<x <4时,有y 2<y 1,其中正确的是( ) A .①②③ B .①③④ C .①③⑤ D .②④⑤ 二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题4分,共24分) 13.当a = 时,函数y =(a -1)xa 2+1+x -3是二次函数. 14.把二次函数y =x 2-12x 化为形如y =a (x -h )2+k 的形式为 . 15.已知A (4,y 1),B (-4,y 2)是抛物线y =(x +3)2-2的图象上两点,则y 1 y 2. 16.若抛物线y =x 2-2x +3不动,将平面直角坐标系xOy 先沿水平方向向右平移1个


模块综合检测(二) (时间120分钟,满分150分) 一、选择题(本题共10小题,每小题6分,共60分) 1.设a ,b 是实数,则“a >b ”是“a 2>b 2”的( ) A .充分而不必要条件 B .必要而不充分条件 C .充分必要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 解析:选D 可采用特殊值法进行判断,令a =1,b =-1,满足a >b ,但不满足a 2>b 2,即条件“a >b ”不能推出结论“a 2>b 2”;再令a =-1,b =0,满足a 2>b 2,但不满足a >b ,即结论“a 2>b 2”不能推出条件“a >b ”.故选D. 2.若平面α,β的法向量分别为a =(-1,2,4),b =(x ,-1,-2),并且α⊥β,则x 的值为( ) A .10 B .-10 C.12 D .-12 解析:选B 因为α⊥β,则它们的法向量也互相垂直,所以a ·b =(-1,2,4)·(x ,-1,-2)=0,解得x =-10. 3.(天津高考)已知双曲线x 2a 2-y 2 b 2=1(a >0,b >0)的两条渐近线与抛物线y 2=2px (p >0) 的准线分别交于A, B 两点,O 为坐标原点. 若双曲线的离心率为2, △AOB 的面积为3, 则p =( ) A .1 B.3 2 C .2 D .3 解析:选C 因为双曲线的离心率e =c a =2,所以 b =3a ,所以双曲线的渐近线方程 为y =±b a x =±3x ,与抛物线的准线x =-p 2相交于A -p 2,32p ,B ????-p 2,-32p ,所以△AOB 的面积为12×p 2 ×3p =3,又p >0,所以p =2. 4.已知空间四边形ABCD 的每条边和对角线的长都等于a ,点E ,F 分别是BC ,AD

思想政治必修2 阶段综合检测二(第二课)

阶段综合检测二(第二课) 一、选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的) 1.读下图,下列选项中正确的是() ①上图展示的是市场配置资源的流程②上图展示的是国家宏观调控的流程③上图说明企业要面向市场调节生产④上图说明价格由多种因素共同决定 A.①② B.②④ C.①③ D.③④ 解析:从图中可以看到,市场通过价格、供求、竞争实现资源配置,①正确;价格与供求相互影响、相互制约,这启示企业要面向市场调节生产,③正确;材料没有体现国家的宏观调控,②错误;价值决定价格,④错误。 答案:C 2.市场经济是有效的资源配置方式。这主要是因为,市场经 济() A.通过市场调节能反映出供求的长期变化趋势 B.具有良好的市场秩序 C.通过价格信号和竞争机制,使资源得到合理配置 D.只有通过市场调节,才能达到资源的优化合理配置

解析:在瞬息万变的经济生活中,市场能够通过价格涨落比较及时、准确、灵敏地反映供求关系变化,传递供求信息,实现资源配置,故C项正确,A项错误。良好的市场秩序依赖市场规则来维护,市场经济不一定具有良好的市场秩序,B项错误。计划和市场都是资源配置的手段,D项错误。 答案:C 3.市场经济体制下,资源配置要按照市场规则进行。这个规则不是靠“人治”,而是靠“法治”完成的。这说明() ①良好的市场秩序依赖市场规则来维护②有了公平、公正的市场秩序,市场就能合理配置资源③市场经济的健康发展,需要法律的规范④有了市场规则,每个经济活动参与者的利益就能实现 A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④ 解析:市场配置资源需要市场规则,故①正确;市场规则需要法律的规范,故③正确;②④说法绝对,排除。答案选B项。 答案:B 4.我国价格改革不断向纵深推进。目前,绝大部分商品和服务价格实现市场调节。这样做() A.说明作为资源配置手段,市场比计划更有效 B.充分发挥了宏观调控在资源配置中的决定性作用 C.有利于实现市场对所有资源在全社会的合理配置 D.有利于市场及时反映供求信息,实现资源的优化配置 解析:目前,绝大部分商品和服务价格实现市场调节,这样做有利于市场及时反映供求信息,实现资源的优化配置,D项符合题意;计划

初中数学 实数知能综合检测考试卷及答案

xx学校xx学年xx学期xx试卷 姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________ 题型选择题填空题简答题xx题xx题xx题总分 得分 一、xx题 (每空xx 分,共xx分) 试题1: (-2)2的算术平方根是( ) (A)2 (B)±2 (C)-2 (D) 试题2: 一个正方形的面积是15,估计它的边长大小在( ) (A)2与3之间 (B)3与4之间 (C)4与5之间 (D)5与6之间 试题3: 如图所示的数轴上,点B与点C关于点A对称,A,B两点对应的实数是和-1,则点C所对应的实数是( ) (A) (B) (C)(D) 试题4: 写出一个大于3且小于4的无理数:_____________. 评卷人得分

试题5: 已知则x+y=_________. 试题6: 若的值在两个整数a与a+1之间,则a=______. 试题7: 把下列各数分别填在相应的括号内: 整数集{ };分数集{ }; 有理数集{ };无理数集{ }; 正实数集{ };负实数集{ }. 试题8: 试题9: 试题10: 下面两个集合中各有一些实数,请你分别从中选出2个有理数和2个无理数,再用“+、-、×、÷”中的3种符号将选出的4个数进行3次运算,使得运算的结果是一个正整数(至少写出三个式子).

试题1答案: A.(-2)2=4,4的算术平方根为2. 试题2答案: B.∵一个正方形的面积是15, ∴该正方形的边长为 ∵9<15<16, ∴3<<4. 试题3答案: D.因为点B与点C关于点A对称,所以B,C到点A的距离相等.由于点C在x轴正半轴上,所以C对应的试题4答案: π(答案不唯一) 试题5答案: 1 试题6答案: 2 试题7答案: 整数集


二次函数单元测试卷 、选择题(每小题 3分,共30 分) 4ac - b 2 4a ;④当b = 0时,函数的图像关于 y 轴对称.其中正确命题的个数是( A. 1 个 B. a — c F 列二次函数中有一个函数的图像与坐标轴有一个交点,这个函数是( 2 抛物线y - -3x - 2x -1的图象与坐标轴交点的个数是( B .只有一个交点 C .有且只有两个交点 D .有且只有三个交点 1.当-2 < x = 1,二次函数 y=- (x-m ) 2 2 + m +1 有最大值4,则实数 m 值为( 7 A.- 4 B. ,3 或-..3 C.2 或-..3 D. 2 或3或-- 4 2.函数y = mx ? x - 2m ( m 是常数) 的图像与 X 轴的交点个数为( A. 0 个 1个或2个 3.关于二次函数 2 y = ax bx c 的图像有下列命题:①当c = 0时, 函数的图像经过原点;②当 c 0,且 函数的图像开口向下时,方程 2 ax bx 必有两个不相等的实根;③函数图像最高点的纵坐标是 2 9.函数y 二ax bx c 的图象如图所示,那么关于 x 的一元二次方程 A .有两个不相等的实数根 B.有两个异号的实数根 4. 关于X 的二次函数 2 y =2mx (8 m 1)x 8m 的图像与x 轴有交点,则 m 的范围是( 1 m - 一 16 1 1 m > m 二一一 B . 16 且 m=0 C . 16 D . 1 m 空一 16且 m^O 5. F 列二次函数中有 个函数的图像与 x 轴有两个不同的交点,这个函数是 C. 2 y 二 3x -2x 5 D. y 二 3x 2 5x 「1 6. 若二次函数 2 =ax c ,当x 取 X 1、 x 2 (Xi = X2 )时,函数值相等, 则当 x 取X 1 X 2时,函数值为 _c 7. 2 .y =x — 1 2 B . y =x 4 C. y =X 2 — 2X 1 2 D. y = 3x 5x -1 8. A .没有交点

综合测试卷(二)及答案 (2)

O x y E D B A C (第15题图)D B A C (第16题图)B B 1 B 九年级(上)期末数学综合测试卷(三) 一、选择题(每小题4分,共24分) 1.使二次根式x -2 有意义的x 的取值范围是………………………………………( ) A .x ≥2 B .x ≤2 C .x >2 D . x <2 2.下列算式中,错误.. 的是………………………………………………………………( ) A .((-2)2 )2=(-2)2 B .8 =(-2)2×2 =-2 2 C .(-2)2 = 2 D .((-2)2 )2=(-2)4 3.顺次连结等腰梯形四边中点得到一个四边形,再顺次连结所得四边形的中点得到的图形是………………………………………………………………………………… ( ) 4.关于x 的方程(a +2)x -3x - 1=0 是一元二次方程,则a 的值为………………( ) A .±2 B .± 2 C .-2 D .2 5.已知cosA=1 2 ,且∠A 为锐角,则∠A 等于……………………………………( ) A .30° B .45° C .60° D .75° 6.如图从A 处到B 处接通电路,随机闭合一个开关,电路被接通的概率是是……( ) A .18 B .14 C .1 2 D .以上都不对 二、填空题(每小题3分,共36分) 7.计算: ( 3 +2)×( 3 -2)=______________; 8.将一元二次方程3x (x -1) =2 (x +2) -4化为一般形式是___________________; 9.若a b = 34 ,则a+b b =___________________ ; 10.若∠B 为锐角,且tanB <tan65° ,则∠B_____65°(填“<”或“>”); 11.写出 3 的两个同类二次根式:_________________; 12.两个相似三角形对应边的比为1:3,那么它们的面积比为______________; 13.在Rt △ABC 中,∠C=90° ,AC=BC ,那么sinA=_____________; 14.在比例尺为1:500000的地图上,量得甲、乙两地的距离约为5厘米,则甲、乙两地的实际距离约为_____________ 千米; 15.如图,△ABC 的中位线DE 长为10,则BC=______; 16.如图,CD 是Rt △ABC 斜边上的高,AC=4 , BC=3,则cos ∠BCD=___________; 17.在用计算器进行模拟实验估计: “6个人中有两个人生肖相同”的概率时, 需要让计算器产生1~_______之间的整数,每6个随机数叫一次实验; 18.如图,正方形OBB 1C 的边长为1,以对角线OB 1为一边作正方形OB 1B 2C 1 ,再以正方形OB 1B 2C 1的对角线 OB 2为一边作正方形OB 2B 3C 2 ,依次下去,则对角线OB 6的长是____________。 三、解答题(共90分) 19.(8分)计算:∣1-3∣+ 2- 1 - 3 20.(8分)解方程:2x 2-5x+2=0 21.(8分)先化简,再求值:(2x +y)(2x -y)-(2x -y)2 ,其中x=3,y=4 22.(8分)如图,△ABC 在坐标平面内三顶点的坐标分别为A (0,2),B (3,3),C (2,1) 。以原点B 为位 似中心,在图中画出△A 1BC 1,使它与△ABC 相似,且相似比为 2,并写出△A 1B 1C 1各顶点的坐标。(只需画 出一种情况,AB : A 1B=1:2); A 1(______,_______) B 1(______,_______) C 1(______,_______) 23.(8分)如图所示,一棵大树在一次强烈的地震中于C A 相距25米,∠ABC=24°. (1)求大树折断倒下部分BC 的长度;(精确到1米) (2)问大树在折断之前高多少米?(精确到1米) 24.(8分)将正面分别标有数字6,7,8,背面完全相同的三张卡片洗匀后,背面朝上放在桌面上。⑴随机抽取一 张卡片,求P (偶数);⑵随机抽取一张作为个位上的数字,放回洗匀后,再抽取一张作为十位上的数字。求所组成 的两位数是3的倍数的概率(用画树状图或列表法求解)。


2017年注会综合阶段测试(试卷二)真题及答案 本试卷共50分。 本题资料包括:资料一、资料二、资料三、资料四、资料五 资料一 荣诚酒店有限责任公司(以下简称荣诚酒店或公司)是一家布局一线城市的经济型连锁酒店。截至2007年,公司在北京、上海等一线城市开设了300多家连锁酒店,凭借较高的市场占有率成为国内知名的全国性连锁酒店品牌之一。 荣诚酒店实际控制人徐军凭借其原在大型旅行社担任经理时累积的旅游业经验,将商旅人士定位为目标客源,尽量在餐馆、商场、停车场及洗衣店等周边选址,重点打造“简洁、舒适、快捷”的主题酒店。为了降低初期投资成本,荣诚酒店放弃了自建酒店的传统商业模式,而是采用租赁旧厂房或写字楼进行酒店改造的轻资产模式。在设施方面,荣诚酒店不断简化酒店要素,精简了豪华大堂、KTV等传统酒店设施,客房仅提供简单整洁的洗漱用品,配以淋浴、分体式空调等基本设施。在舒适性方面,酒店引进国外功能床垫,以增加床的舒适度,配备可调节工作椅,为商旅人士提供舒适的工作环境。在服务方面,遵循快捷原则,酒店前台人员须在5分钟内为客人办理完入住或结账手续,客服中心为顾客提供24小时便利服务。 荣诚酒店利用互联网技术,率先在经济型连锁酒店推出官网订房系统。公司为了对连锁酒店进行规范化经营,在销售、采购、投资等10个方面推出管理手册。分店的所有经营决策,均需分店店长、总部分管负责人、总部职能部门负责人及集团总经理的审核批准。为了进一步降低成本,部分分店开始与其他餐饮娱乐公司租用同一栋楼宇。2007年9月,荣诚酒店大连分店由于同一栋楼宇中的娱乐场所发生火灾而被殃及。在荣诚酒店准备进一步巩固一线城市并大力发展二三线城市市场的时候,管理层发现其轻资产模式导致银行融资越来越困难。 我国一线城市的经济型酒店经过近十年的发展,初步形成了全国性连锁品牌、区域性连锁品牌、国际品牌三足鼎立的局面。在关注度较少的二三线城市则涌现出大量民宿酒店,这些民宿酒店模仿经济型酒店,但质量参差不齐,难以满足住客的需求。在房屋租赁及人工成本逐年上涨的情况下,因顾客对房价敏感度较高,酒店住宿价格上涨空间有限,经济型酒店的利润空间开始逐年收紧。但由于国内居民可支配收入不断提高,老百姓越来越注重改善生活水平和生活方式,旅游也逐渐成为老百姓改善生活水平和方式的重要选择,旅游住宿需求依然旺盛,再加上国内举办大型展销会或博览会逐渐增多的良好契机,风险投资公司均看好经济型酒店的发展潜力,并陆续开始对大型经济型连锁酒店进行投资。通过评估当前发展面临的环境后,荣诚酒店决定积极准备创业板上市,以筹集资金扩大经营规模。 资料二 2010年1月,公司成立上市工作推进小组,开始全面评估公司是否满足创业板上市条件,在梳理自查过程中发现以下事项: 1.公司原实际控制人为徐勇,徐勇于2007年1月将其所持公司的全部股权以协议方式转让给其儿子徐军,转让后公司实际控制人变更为徐军。 2.公司监事张红在2006年12月因在其他上市公司担任独立董事未勤勉尽责而受到证监会行政处罚。 3.2008年6月,公司董事会进行换届,上一届公司董事有三分之二被更换。 4.公司成立于2003年,公司于2009年7月按经审计后账面净资产金额折股,由有限责任公司整体变更为股份有限公司。

牛津译林版八年级英语下册知能综合检测试题Units 1-2(有答案解析)

牛津译林版八年级英语下册知能综合检测试题 Units 1-2 (45分钟100分) Ⅰ. 单项选择(30分) 1. There are few poets _______ Keats and Shelly. A. for example B. for examples C. such as D. so as 2. His mother has lived in this town _______ ten years ago. A. in B. for C. since D. after 3. _______ great fun it is _______ tricks on those boys! A. How; to play B. How; playing C. What; to play D. What a; playing 4. —Could I have a look at your new computer? —Sorry, I _______ it to Allen. She _______ to get it this morning. A. have lent;came B. lend;was coming C. had lent;came D. have lent;will come 5. —Look! The wind is getting _______ to us. —Oh! We should keep all the windows and doors _______. A. close; closed B. close; close C. closed; open D. close; open 6. Most people find it _______ to watch a basketball match. But I am not _______ in it. A. excited; interesting B. exciting; interesting


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 、选择题: 二次函数 抛物线y =(x-2)2 3的对称轴是( A.直线x = —3 B.直线x =3 二次函数y 二ax 2 在( ) A.第一象限 C.第三象限 已知二次函数 则一定有( 2 A. b —4ac 0 bx c 的图象如右图,则点 = ax 2 把抛物线y =x 2 ? bx B.第二象限 D.第四象限 C. M bx c ,且 a ::: 0,a -b c .0, 2 B. b -4ac =0 C. b 2 -4ac :: 2 D. b —4ac < 0 c 向右平移3个单位,再向下平移 2个单位,所得图象的解析式是 2 y =x -3x 5,则有( A. b = 3 , c -1 C. b =3 , c =3 B. b = -9 , c = -15 D. b = —9 , c =21 下面所示各图是在同 一直 角 坐标 系内,二次 函数y 二ax 2 (a c)x c 与一次 函数 k 已知反比例函数y 的图象如右图所示,则二 x y =ax c 的大致图象,有且只有一个是正确的,正确的是(

11. 已知抛物线y =ax2 bx c与x轴有两个交点,那么一元二次方程ax2 bx 0的根的 情况是_______________________ 12. __________________________________________________________________ 已知抛物线 y=ax2+x+c与x轴交点的横坐标为-1,则a+c= _______________________________ 13. 请你写出函数y=(x+1)2与y=x2+1具有的一个共同性质:_____________________ . 14. 有一个二次函数的图象,三位同学分别说出它的一些特点:甲:对称轴是直线x =4 ; 乙:与x轴两个交点的横坐标都是整数; 丙:与y轴交点的纵坐标也是整数,且以这三个交点为顶点的三角形面积为 3. 请你写出满足上述全部特点的一个二次函数解析式: 15. 已知二次函数的图象开口向上,且与y轴的正半轴相交,请你写出一个满足条件的二次函 数的解析式:________________________. A.x 二-2 B. x =2 C. 8. 二 欠 函 1 数y :=(x -1)2'2的最小值是() A.-2 B. 2 C. D. 1 9. - 二- 次函数y =ax2bx c的图象如图所 M=4 a 2b c N = a —b c , P = 4a-b ,则( A.M0 , N 0, P 0 B.M<0 ,N 0, P 0 C.M0, N :: 0, P 0 D.M0 , N 0, P :::0 、 填空题: 7.抛物线y=x2 -2x 3的对称轴是直线( )x = —1 D. x =1 10.将二次函数y =x2 -2x 3配方成y =(x -h)2? k的形式,则y= ____________________
