

教学对象商英1201班全体学生授课日期2014年6月9号使用教材《国际商务英语函电》出版单位华东师范大学出版社课题Unit1 Shipment (part2) 计划学时 2

教学目标By learning this part, students are able to master the skills of writing a business letter about discussing shipment clauses.

1 learn new words and phrases related to shipment clauses.

2. learn some business knowledge about shipment clauses.

3. master the skills of writing business letters about shipment clauses.

4.Have a good habit of carefulness and politeness.


点Important points:understand and translate the content of business letters about shipment

Difficult Points:how to write an effective business letters about discussing shipment clauses.


Shipment is one of important steps in international trade, It is necessary for sales clerk to write an effective letter about discussing shipment clauses. Then how to write an effective letter? In this part, I will lead students to learn some important knowledge about shipment clauses and how to organize an effective business letter about discussing shipment clauses. Then I will ask students to practice writing by imitating the specimen

I mainly exploit task-based method, project-driven teaching and specimen- shown methods to lead students to learn how to write an effective letter about discussing shipment clauses. By practice, students are able to write an effective writing according to the directions.

We finally realize the aim of combining learning and practice.



1. Revision and Lead-in New Lesson 1. Revision:

1) Answer the

questions about

basic knowleage of


2. Lead-in New

Lesson: situational


1. Ask students to

answer the questions

to review what we

have learned last


2) Explain the

situation about the

letters on shipping




method ;


teaching method;



Review what the

students have

learned and get

to know what to



New-lesson presentation 1) Key words and


2) Read sample

letter 3 and 4

1) Ask Ss to read

key words and

phrases and try to

master them .

2) Ask Ss to read

sample letters and

analyze the main

content of business

letters about


3) Let Ss translate

the sentences into

English and explain




Reading and


To read and


Business letter 3

and 4.

3. Practice compose a letter

about discussing

shipment terms

with a given

company and write

a reply according

to specimen letters

and situational


Ask Ss to imitate the

specimen letters

about shipment we

have discussed to

finish the tasks.


teaching method;



To compose

business letter

about shipment



《新编实用英语》第一册教案 Unit One Greeting and Introducing People Teaching Objective In "Talking Face to Face",learn how to greet people and how to make introductions. In "Being All Ears", practice listening comprehension to greet and introduce people with various relationships. In "Maintaining a Sharp Eye",master the key words and structures and learn the way foreign people greet each other, particularly the way Americans meet and greet each other, both in informal and formal situations by reading through passage I; learn and practice how to introduce oneself by reading through passage II. In "Trying Your Hand", become knowledgeable on how to write a business card and fill in a passport with one’s personal information; review the basic sentence structure. Teaching Procedures Section I Talking Face to Face1.Warm- up: Expressions of greetings and responses to greetings: a. Greetings: 1) Hi! How do you do? 2) Hello, you must be Jack from America. 3) How are you? 4) Hello. How are things with you? How are you doing? 5) How is everything? 6) You are doing all right? 7) How it goes? 8) How is life, John? 9) Excuse me. Are you Kitty? b. Responses to Greetings: 1) How do you do? 2) Fine, just fine. 3) Fine, thank you. 4) Quite well. And you? 5) The usual. How about you? 6) So-so. And what about you? 7) Nothing particular. 8) Not too bad. 9) Nice to meet you.


随着全球经济的快速发展和经济一体化的进程,世界各国的经济贸易往来日益频繁,而众所周知,英语是当今全球运用最广的语言,因此英语便也成为了对外贸易中的主要用语我们也称之为商务英语。而商务函电是指在对外贸易中所使用的信函,电报,电传,传真,电子邮件等通讯方式。所以商务英语函电就是指在对外贸易活动中以英语为载体而进行的商务函电往来。商务英语函电是国际商务往来中经常使用的联系方式,是开展对外贸易业务和有关商务活动的基础及重要工具。商务英语函电是对外贸易的交流工具,它贯穿于对外贸易的各个环节,及时,具体,完整,准确地为贸易双方传递商务事业信息以及帮助双方达成最有效的交流与沟通。商务英语函电是对外贸易的重要媒介,它在各国之间相互沟通,开展业务,达成交易,建立友好关系工作等对外贸易活动中起着举足轻重的作用,是对外贸易中不可或缺的组成部分。如果没有往来的商务英语函电,贸易双方就无法完成正常的交流与沟通,无法获知对方的各项商务信息,因此大部分的国际贸易活动也都不可能顺利进行,所以,商务英语函电在对外贸易中的重要性可想而知。 商务英语函电在对外贸易中的第一个重要性就表现在它的索取信息和传递信息的功能。对外贸易本身就是特指国际贸易活动中的一国或地区同其他国家或地区所进行的商品、劳务和技术的交换活动。这是立足于一个国家或地区去看待它与其他国家或地区的商品贸易活动。他不同于国内贸易,可以去实地进行考察,双方面对面进行交流与沟通,从而获取一切对方的商务事业信息,对外贸易大多涉及本国以外的不同国家与不同地区,在很大程度上受到贸易双方地理位置等客观条件的限制,如果也像国内贸易那样进行面对面的索取信息与传递信息,这个过程肯定是繁琐而复杂的,而且加上空间和时间的限制,这个过程的成本费用也会很高,速度也会很缓慢,过程中的安全问题也不能得到保障,甚至于可能在这种实际的信息传递中造成数据的丢失或者毁坏。商务英语函电的存在,就让这些问题得到了一一化解,索取信息和传递信息不会再受到时间和空间等因素的限制,甚至比以前更加快捷,可以快速的索取有效的信息传递给从事对外贸易的双方,利用商务英语函电开展对外贸易,买卖双方可采用标准化、电子化的格式合同、提单、保险凭证、发票和汇票、信用证等,使各种相关单证在网上即可实现瞬间传递,大大节省了单证的传输时间,而且还能有效地减少因纸面单证中数据重复录入导致的各种错误,对提高交易效率的作用十分明显,而且加上中间大量环节的减少,也在一定程度上降低了对外贸易过程中的成本。 商务英语函电在对外贸易中的第二个重要性表现在它一直贯穿于对外贸易的始终,处理整个对外贸易中各个环节的相关事宜。它涉及外贸业务中的各个环节。从建立业务关系、询盘、发盘、还盘、接受、执行提供、装运、保险、付款,到执行合同过程中的纠纷,以及最后的索赔,大都需要商务英语函电的解决。对外贸易过程各环节中所有往来的商务英语函电也都构成重要的法律依据,特别是当产生贸易纠纷时,它有可能左右解决纠纷的最终结果。而前面提到的还仅仅是体现在实实在在的对外贸易实际活动中,事实上,商务英语函电还在对外贸易过程中起着很多隐性作用,其实在建立业务关系之前商务英语函电的重要性就体现出来了,商务英语函电的出现让我们摒弃了传统方式上的寻找合作伙伴的方法,通过商务英语函电的平台,不但能节省大量的人力,物力,财力让你找到满意合作伙伴,也可以大大的拓宽你的选择范围,进一步寻找潜在客户。商务英语函电在洽谈过程中也起着重要的作用,他可以跨越传统的面对面洽谈的限制,在获得大量信息的情况下,还能提供更多更方便的异地洽谈方式。 商务英语函电在对外贸易中第三个重要性主要是在它使对外贸易双方更加方便的保持联络与沟通感情,促进双方得后续合作甚至长期合作。对外贸易过程中,买卖双方肯定不会只想仅仅只合作一次,甚至于双方特别互相认可的话,是容易发展长期的战略合作伙伴的,而商务英语函电就提供了这样一个长期交流的机会,商务英语函电能让交易双方能在最快的时间内进行信息与意见的交流,能在第一时间获知对方的需求,不管你在任何地方,任何时 1

《新编实用英语》教案第二册unit 7.

Unit Seven Entertainments and Tourist Attractions I. Aims and Requirements 1. Some entertainment and tourist ads 2. How to write entertainment and tourist ads 3. How to introduce entertainment and tourist attractions 4. Some knowledge about opera 5. Useful words, expressions and language points II. Introduction 1. Entertainments are popular for the public, such as film, opera and so on. The unit will discuss different kinds of entertainments. 2. Entertainment ads are an important source of information for people to find out what entertainments are currently available. Now this unit will begin with an entertainment ad. III. Teaching Plans

Task 1 Talking face to face: Entertainment aids L istening comprehension Part 1 Read some entertainment and tourist ads Part 2 Read some dialogues about entertainment and tourist attractions, and learn how to introduce them to the visitors. Part 3 Useful expressions and sentence patterns about introducing entertainment and tourist attractions Part 4 Practices Part 1 Read some entertainment and tourist ads Sample 1 What Shall We See This Evening Sample 2 Go to see Chinese Acrobatics. Part 2 Read some dialogues about entertainment and tourist attractions, and learn how to introduce them to the visitors Sample1. What Shall We See This Evening 1,Asking programs of this evening: What are we going to see this evening? 2,Giving some selections: There are Beijing opera, a concert and Chinese acrobatics (杂技). What do you prefer? 3,Recommending Beijing opera: I’d recommend Beijing opera. It’s something special you’ve probably never seen before. 4,Discussing Beijing opera: I know. It’s unique to Chinese culture. But I had the chance to enjoy it during my last visit. 5,Discussing the meeting time:When shall we meet? Part 3 Useful expressions and sentence patterns about introducing entertainment and tourist attractions (1) There is a … performance here on these days.


郑州信息工程职业学院基础部 《新编实用英语Ⅰ》课程教学大纲 课程编码:61 总学时:72 学时 实验学时:无 学分:3学分 适用对象:一年级学生 先修课程:基础英语 一、课程的性质与任务 (一)本课程的性质 大学英语课程是非英语专业学生必修的一门基础课程。旨在培养学生的英语综合应用能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行书面信息交流,提高综合文化素养,以适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。《新编实用英语Ⅰ》是我院高职一年级学生第一学期所有学生学习和掌握英语听,说,读,写基本技能的基础课。 (二)本课程的任务 本课程在高职高专院校中人才培养计划中是必修课程。该课程理论与技能培养并重,相互结合,培养各类高职高专的应用型人才。经过学习,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听说读写译的能力,从而能借助词典翻译和阅读有关英语资料,使学生在今后的工作和社会交往日常活动中能用英语有效地进行口头和笔头交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的交际能力打下基础。为此,该课程将努力做到以下三个方面: 1、培养学生英语综合应用能力具有较强的阅读能力和良好的听、说、写、译能力,使他们能用英语交流信息。 2、增强学生的学习能力、特别是自主学习能力。 3、提高学生的综合文化素养。 (三)本课程培养人才的定位

该课程是我院各专业学生必修的一门公共基础课程,旨在培养学生的英语综合应用能力(听、说、读、写、译);培养学生使用英语处理日常和涉外业务活动能力。使他们在今后工作中与社会交往中能用英语有效地进行信息交流,提高综合文化素养,以适应社会发展日益国际化的需要。 (四)本课程在人才培养过程中的作用 经过本课程的学习,使学生扎实语音、语法、词汇和基本句型等语言基本功,强化并提高听、说、读、写、译的综合能力,提高学生就业竞争力。 二、课程的基本要求 通过学习本课程,学生应该达到以下要求: 1、词汇 认知2500 个英语单词(包括入学时要求掌握的1000 个词) 以及由这些词构成的常用词组,对其中1500个左右的单词能正确拼写,能进行英汉互译。 2、语法 掌握基本的英语语法规则,在听、说、读、写、译中能正确运用所学的语法知识。 3、听力 能听懂涉及日常交际的结构简单、发音清楚、语速较慢(每分钟120 词左右)的英语对话和不太复杂的陈述,理解基本正确。能理解具体信息,理解所听材料的背景,并能推断所听材料的含义。 4、口语 掌握一般的课堂用语,并能模拟或套用常用口头交际句型,就日常生活和有业务提出问题或做出简单回答,交流有困难时能采取简单的应变措施。 5、阅读 能阅读中等难度的一般题材的简短英文资料,理解正确。在阅读生词不超过数3% 的英文资料时,阅读速度不低于每分钟50 词,能读懂通用的简短文字材料,如信函、产品说明等,理解基本正确。并且掌握以下阅读技巧: 1)理解文章的主旨或要点; 2)理解文章中的具体信息; 3)根据上下文推断生词的意思;


期中教案质量检测卷 科目:商务英语函电 Ⅰ。Choose the correct answer(20%) ( )1.The quality and prices of our products compare favorable with _________ of Japanese makes A.these B.those C.which D.that ( )2.We are prepared to allow you a 10% quantity discount if your order _________ 200 cartons A.exceed B.exceeded C.exceeding D.exceeds ( )3.We are sure that our new products will _______ warm reception in your country. A.meet B.meet for C.get D.receive ( )4.The package _______ garments in different sizes and colors A.is consisted of B.makes of C.consists of D.makes up of ( )5.Being moderate in price and attractive in packing, our toys are very popular _______customers in the U.S.A. A.of B.for C.with D.to ( )6.We regret _____ to give you an immediate reply. A.being able B.be able C.unable D.our inability ( )7.________be prepared to act as our agent, we would warrant a commission of 5% A.Should you B.If you would C.You should D.Would you ( )8.We quote ________ this article ________US$10 per case FOB Shanghai. A.of 。in B.of 。at C.for 。in D.for 。at ( )9.As the goods you ordered are now _____,we will ship them as early as possible A.in stock B.out of stock C.stock D.have stock ( )10.Since the shipment consists of seasonable goods ,it is necessary that it _______as soon as possible. A.was delivered B.be delivered C.is delivered D.would be delivered ( )11.We regret that we have to _____ our order because of the inferior quality of your prpducts A.carry out B.execute C.cancel D.draw up ( )12.You have authority to draw a 60 days’ draft _______ our bank against this credit for the amount of your invoice. A.to B.in C.for D.on ( )13.For the goods under our Contract No.80, wehave booked space on s.s.”East Wind”_____ arrive at London around May 19. A.is due to B.due to C.which due to D.due ( )14.It is our firm belif that this business relationship will prove ________ A.mutual beneficial B.mutually benefit C.mutual benefit D.mutually beneficial ( )15.We can not but _____on you for the recovery of theloss. A.to claim B.claim C.claiming D.claimed ( )16.We have no choice but _______ your proposal for payment by D/P. A.accept B.to accept C.accepting D.having accepted ( )17.We regret ______to supply thegoods you demand. A.being able B.being uanble C.to be able D.able to ( )18.The notice given by the shipper after the shipment of the goods is called _____ A.shipping notice B.shipping instruction C.shipping advice D.shipping documents ( )19.You need to apply______the authorities ______the import license. A.to 。for B.for 。to C.on 。for D.on 。against ( )20.Pl ease ship the first lot under Contract No.122 by s.s.”Peace”_____sail on July 5. A.scheduled to B.is schduled to C.which due to D.is due to Ⅱ.Translate the following terms from chinese into English(15%) 1. 议付行 2. 信用证的延展 3. 商业发票 4. 实盘 5. 运费预付 6. 试订单 7. 跟单托收 8. 价格术语 9. 保险费 10. 市场份额 Ⅲ.Translate the following terms from English into Chinese.(10%) 1. the customs 2. consignee 3. trade negotiation 4. general average 5. payment in advance 6. insurance agent 7. certificate of origin 8. GSP 9. partial shipment 10. draw one’s attention to sth. Ⅳ.Complete the following sentences(20%) 1.We are making you the following offer,subject to ________________________________________________ ____________________________________(以8月12日前到你方复到为有效) 2.Kindly give priority to _______________________________________________________(优先考虑我方的要求)and send us your early favourable reply. 3.The contract stipulates that ___________________________________________________________(货物分三批等量装运),each every two month. 4.Buyer ask us to ___________________________________________________________________________ 请 不 要 在 密 封 线 内 答 题 专业科: 班级: 学号: 姓名: A 请 不 要 在 密 封 线 内 答 题 专业科: 班级: 学号: 姓名: A


Unit 7 Celebrating Holidays and Making Friends(略) The First Period Section I Teaching time 第次/第周 日 3、4节/5、6节——浆24班/浆23班 日 1、2节热动班 Teaching aims: 1. Read and discuss announcements, notices and posters in English, 2. Learn some expressions used in making announcements, notices and posters , 3. Comprehend the two passages and master the useful expressions in them, and 4. Finish the exercises by themselves or with some help. Teaching important point: Master the new phrases, sentence patterns and make the students be free to talk about a poster. Teaching difficult point: Individual, pair or group work to make everyone work in class Teaching methods: 1.Individual, pair or group work to make everyone work in class 2.Task-based learning https://www.360docs.net/doc/e23878908.html,municative approach Teaching aids: 1.a radio player 2.the blackboard 3. Picture s Teaching procedures I. Lead-in Notices and posters are very common in our daily life, and they are often used to offer information about social functions. Therefore, we should not only learn to read them, but also learn to write them. It’s very important to know how to make announcements, notices and posters. The following samples make it clear that we should first tell the general information like how attractive or interesting the thing you want to make known, then give definite information about time, place and price etc. II. Presentation Section I Talking Face to Face Step1. Read and translate the two samples of posters Notes: 1) The poster gives us a clear idea of the sponsor, time and place. 2) The poster uses some parallel sentences to catch its audience’s eye. 3) The body of the poster is like a Christmas tree, and the fonts are different. It aims to highlight the effect of the poster. Step 2 Practice:


Unit 4 Punctuality and Culture I.Teaching objectives 1.Enlarge your vocabulary related to timetables and schedules. 2.Make an appointment according to the timetables. 3.Practice writing timetables and schedules . 4.Appreciate passages and complete exercises well. 5.Get some tips about the use of verb tenses. II. Key points 1. Master the vocabulary about timetables and schedules. 2. Understand the passages 3. Practice writing timetables and schedules. 4. Practice making an appointment according to the timetables. III. Difficult points 1. Get some tips about the use of verb tenses. 2. Practice writing timetables and schedules. 3. Appreciate passages and complete exercises well. IV. Teaching methodology 1.Task-based language teaching 2.Direct method V. Teaching procedures Section I Talking Face to Face


商务英语函电实训教程 基本信息 版次:1 页数:155 字数:252000 印刷时间:2011-11-1 开本:16开 纸张:胶版纸 印次:1 包装:平装 丛书名:国际标准书号 ISBN:978*********82 内容推荐 每个单元都会指出学生在书写该內容的商务函电时最容易犯的一些错误。并指出表达不当的原因,同时给出更好和更恰当的语言表达方式。这些错误或表达不当的例子多是来自于学生本身,因此比较有实用价值。 每个单元內容就是国际贸易中的一个环节。为了让学生能够最大程度地掌握每个环节中的常用词汇和句子,我们在每个单元设置了Checklist供学生参考学习。 为了让学生具备实际的操作能力,根据国际贸易的各个环节及主要內容,我们安排了一连串的Case Practice,每个CasePractice之间是相互联系和连贯的。这样就能让学生在学完每个单元后,有机会进行实践操作,体验整个国际贸易的函电操

作过程,提高高职学生实践操作能力。 本教材突出了高职教学的特点,更加注重教学中学生的实践能力和操作能力,为锻炼学生的动手能力提供了必要的素材,使教师在授课中能够灵活应用教材的内容以培养学生的实践操作能力。 目录 Unit 1 Business Letters Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations Unit 3 Inquiries and Replies Unit 4 Offers and Counter-offers Unit 5 Promotion Letters Unit 6 Orders and Acknowledgements Unit 7 Payment Unit 8 Packing Unit 9 Shipment Unit 10 Insurance Unit 11 Claims and Settlements Unit 12 Business Reports CASE PRACTICE

新编实用英语综合教程2 -Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette教案

Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette Unit Goals What you should learn to do Make an oral invitation to: Invite people to join daily activities Invite people to formal occasions Make a written invitation (write an invitation card or a letter) for: Personal invitation Official occasions Give a reply to: An oral invitation A written invitation What you should know about Invitation culture: western and Chinese Word order in a subordinate clause Requirements: After learning this unit, students should grasp: 1.Read and understand the meaning of invitation cards and letters 2.How to write invitation cards and letters and remember the patterns of invitation cards and letters 3.How to invite people to party or dinner, and how to accept and decline invitations 4.The customs of inviting people in different countries 5.Important words, phrases and language points in the passage In our daily life, we need to invite others to dinner or take part in all kinds of parties, so we should know about western custom about invitation. Foreign custom is much stricter than Chinese custom in the matter of replying to


Unit 5 Our weather and Climate I.Teaching objectives 1.Enlarge vocabulary related to weather and climate. 2.Get some tips about the use of basic sentence structures. 3.Practice writing: describe the weather in form of weather forecast. 4.Appreciate passages and complete exercises well. 5.Practice to understand easy weather forecast. 6.Practice to talk about the weather. II. Key points 1.Master the vocabulary about weather and climate. 2. Understand the passages 3. Practice writing: describe the weather in form of forecast. 4. Practice to talk about the weather and understand easy weather forecast. III. Difficult points 1. Get some tips about the use of basic sentence structures. 2. Practice writing a short weather forecast. 3. Appreciate passages and complete exercises well. IV. Teaching methodology 1.Task-based language teaching 2.Direct method V. Teaching procedures Section I Talking Face to Face Imitating Mini-Talks 1.Work in pairs. Practice the following mini-talks about greeting and introducing people. Acting out the Tasks 2.Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks. Key for reference: 1.Task: Ask for Mark’s comments on the weather. 2.Task: Ask about and describe the weather at this time of year. 3.Task: Ask Mr. Green about the weather condition tomorrow and plan an activity. 4.Task: Talk about the change of the weather from long rainy days. 5.Task: Complain about a cold day.


湖北省高等教育自学考试课程考试大纲 课程名称:商务英语函电课程代码:01518 第一部分课程性质与目标 一、课程性质与特点 商务英语函电课程是湖北省高等教育自学考试商务英语专业(专科)学生必修的专业课,主要选用《商务英语函电教程》,其特点在于突出应用性,贯穿语言交流原则,倡导更适合时代、高效、简洁的商务函电写作。通过学习本课程,学生能在虚拟的环境下得到各个实际工作环节的实践性培养,掌握操作技能。 二、课程目标与基本要求 开设本课程旨在让学生掌握了一定的专业知识后,能够运用相关知识与英语技能独立完成外贸工作。课程教程贴近实际,力求提供比较真实的外贸环境,让学生通过完成各个环节的任务,来领会和掌握外贸函电常用术语和句式,锻炼独立撰写、回复外贸信函的综合能力,达到商务英语专业专科生的水平。 三、与本专业其他课程的关系 商务英语函电课程的内容不仅是英语语言技能和商务技能的结合,也是现代国际商务理念的集中体现。本课程是商务英语专业的专业课程,在此之前开设的商务英语听说、商务英语写作、商务英语阅读、综合英语等专业基础课程,都为本课程的学习奠定了较好基础。由于本课程是商务英语专业的核心课程,在内容上融汇了上述课程所有内容。通过本课程的学习,学生能够较好地掌握相关专业知识和技能,有利于后续实践课程的顺利进行,从而确保专业人才培养目标的实现。 第二部分考核内容与考核目标 第一单元商务函电写作基础知识 一、学习目的与要求 熟练掌握商务英语函电的结构、格式、写作原则。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)商务英语函电的结构与格式(重点) 识记:商务英语函电的基本组成部分 理解:商务英语函电的四大类格式 应用:根据提示进行商务函电写作 (二)商务函电的写作原则及要求(次重点) 识记:商务函电常用语句 理解:商务函电的基本写作原则 应用:根据不同要求写出恰当得体的各类商务函电 (三)信函范例学习(一般)


Unit 1 Hello, Hi Unit Goals 1.Greet people and give responses: first meeting and meeting again 2.Exchange personal information: name/address/telephone number/job/study 3.Introduce people to each other 4.Meet people at the airport 5.Say goodbye to others 6.Say hello in different languages 7.Write a business card What should you know about 1.Etiquette of meeting and introducing people 2.Etiquette of exchanging business cards 3.Basic sentence structures Section I Talking Face to Face 1.Imitating Mini-Talks 2.Acting out the Tasks 3.Studying Email Information on the Internet 4.Following Sample Dialogues 5.Putting Language to Use Section II Being All Ears 1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication 2.Handling a Dialogue 3.Understanding a Short Speech / Talk


《商务英语函电》课程复习资料 一、Translate the following into English 1.商品合同 2.进口许可证 3.主动报盘 4.货物描述 5.中国出口商品交易会 6.财务状况 7.有插图的目录本 8.用包裹邮寄 9.商务函电 10.市场份额 二、Translate the following into Chinese 1the lowest quotation 2initial order 3Business Houses of the Same Trade 4shipping documents 5individual income tax 6an incorporated company 7dispatch date 8without engagement 9trade negotiation 10registered airmail 三、Complete the following sentences. 1.We are one of the leading firms in the country and ______________ _____________________________________________(在该行业经验丰富). 2.We ___________________________________________________________(承 蒙中国银行告知贵公司名称和地址)at your end. 3.We are sending you under separate cover ______________________ _______________________________________________(我方出口产品的最新目录和价目表). 4.We enclose herewith _______________________________________ _____________(一本介绍本公司业务声望和概况的小册子). 5.We can supply ____________________________________________ ___________(你方询价单上所列的商品,8月份交货). 四、Put the following sentences into Chinese. 1.As the goods enjoy little popularity here, we cannot count on regular sales. 2.We will be grateful if you send us an early favorable reply to our new arrangement. 3.We are enclosing our Sales Contract No. 7011 in duplicate, please countersign and return one copy for our file soon. 4.Please advise us of full details of the trial order. 5.We will manage to make shipment on or before March 6, 200 6.
