棘轮补偿装置 说明书

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Ratchet compensation equipment


Research is the design of catenary ratchet compensation device, the important contents of the catenary ratchet compensation equipment and working principle of a basic introduction, and the movement of the ratchet principle, structure, design analysis and design of catenary ratchet compensation device installation requirements.Before in the design of the investigation and data collection, and visited the relevant construction units, design units, manufacturers and carefully study the physical understanding of the catenary ratchet compensation device knowledge, the design process from the catenary ratchet compensation devicean overview of the beginning of the preliminary design of the ratchet mechanism, and from the compensation device performance and use of materials designed to gradually ratchet OCS compensation device.

The important function is the catenary and rail connections, so that high speed trains in the case of a smooth supply of power to ensure the normal operation of the train.OCS ratchet compensation device to avoid the frequent train pantograph off, pull the arc and the line of contact burns and other defects, and no compensation device OCS ratchet oiling, maintenance-free, long life, good use of the train.

Keywords: OCS, OCS compensation device described ratchet, ratchet structure, motion analysis, ratchet design, catenary installation requirements ratchet compensation device.

前言 (1)

第1章接触网棘轮补偿装置概述 (3)

1.1 接触网棘轮补偿装置的发展 (3)

1.1.1 接触网的概念 (3)

1.1.2 接触网的分类 (4)

1.1.3简单接触悬挂 (5)

1.1.4 链形悬挂的接触线 (6)

1.2 接触网的特点及要求 (6)

1.3 接触网棘轮补偿装置的组成 (7)

1.3.1 支柱及基础 (7)

1.3.2 中间支柱 (8)

1.3.3 锚柱 (8)

1.3.4 转换支柱 (8)

1.3.5 中心支柱 (9)

1.3.6 定位支柱 (9)

1.3.7 道岔支柱 (9)

1.3.8 软横跨支柱、硬横跨柱 (9)

1.3.9 定位装置 (9)

1.4 接触网其它部件 (10)

1.4.1 接触网承力索 (10)

1.4.2 接触网吊弦 (10)

1.5 接触网供电的分类 (10)

1.5.1 接触网供电方式 (10)

1.5.2 接触网导线 (11)

1.5.3 接触网支柱的侧面限界 (12)

1.5.4 接触网导线高度 (12)

第2章接触网棘轮机构 (12)

2.1 接触网棘轮机构的概述 (13)

2.1.1 棘轮机构的的概念 (13)

2.1.2 棘轮机构简介...................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.2.1 棘轮机构的分类.................................... 错误!未定义书签。
