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Exporting animated models from Maya to Crysis

This page gives instructions about the way to export animated models (.chr files) from Maya to Crysis. Before attempting to export an animated character, you should go to this page and try to export a simple s tatic mesh. It’s a good reading anyway, since the basic concepts are similar.

Installation instructions for MayaCGF can be found on this page.

GENERAL CONCEPT (Alternate Methods):

1) The direct method:

If you just want to do a simple animated model and you prefer to set keys directly on the skeleton that deforms the mesh, you can go ahead and do just that.

Note that you should still select the root joint of your skeleton and click on “Prepare Joints For Export” before attempting to export a .chr file. This should be done prior to skinning or animating the joints.

2) The master/slave method:

This method offers the advantage of working well with your own pre-existing custom rigs. For this method, there should be in fact two skeletons for your model. One skeleton will be the skeleton you animate (the master skeleton), while the other skeleton (the slave skeleton) will actually deform the geometry. The master skeleton should be part of your animation rig.

Again, the skeleton that deforms the geometry (on the left in the above picture) is a slave to the animation skeleton. The simple FK slave skeleton is the one that will be exported along with the character mesh.


You should work at film speed (24fps). At export time, your animation will automatically be converted to NTSC (29.97fps), which the CryEngine2 uses.

The space unit can be set to anything (mine is on “centimeters”), but remember that one unit in Maya is equivalent to one meter in Crysis.

The name of the exported file is derived from the name of the top node you select in Maya. So if you name the group containing your model “my_model”, the resulting exported files will be called “my_model.cgf”, “my_model.chr”, etc…

The “exclude_GRP” is a group where you can put stuff you’d like to k eep within the main export group but that should not get exported.

The mesh should be in the group bearing the name of the model you want to export (in the example below “ratTest”). You can also put the export skeleton and physics hierarchy within that group or choose to leave them parented to the world.

The joints which are not an influence on the mesh (not part of the skincluster) will be automatically removed by MayaCGF at export time. So if the joint is part of your hierarchy, make sure it is also par t of the binding partition. You can then set its weights to 0 if it’s just a helper joint.

IMPORTANT: Remember that all the joints that should appear in Sandbox 2 have to be an influence on the skin mesh. In other words, if you have a wrist joint which is parented to a forearm joint, but the forearm joint is not part of the skincluster, then the wrist (and all the joints which stem from it) will NOT be taken into account by the CryEngine2, even if THEY are part of the skincluster! This will likely wreak havoc on your model.
