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Controlled study of the economic costs of construction projects

Abstract:With the development of the national economy, Cost control is also increasingly favored by contemporary scholars. Firstly, SWOT analysis, causal analysis, the significance of internal control analysis of cost control and construction companies face a lot of trouble in controlling the cost, such as awareness, backward technology, etc.; Then, the systematic analysis of cost control methods, engaged in before, during, and after the whole process of starting to analyze the cost control point of the various stages from the perspective of costs, profits, investment, multi-orientation analysis of cost control; Finally, in the case of S University office building, combined with the data of the costs, the whole process of cost control theory contrast old and new programs, analysis of the cost of the construction process and the process of using, and put forward their own proposals。

Cost control aspects of the construction process of the construction project can not be deleted, This article discusses the "process" the concept of cost control is the core of this session, only the efficient functioning of the entire link in order to continuously improve the market competitiveness of enterprises.

Key words: Construction projects, the awareness of cost control, the whole process of cost control


第1章前言 (1)

1.1 研究背景和现状 (1)

1.1.1 研究背景 (1)

1.1.2 国企业成本控制现状 (3)

1.2 成本控制研究的意义 (4)

1.3 国外成本控制主要成果 (5)

1.3.1 国成本控制主要成果 (5)

1.3.2 国外成本控制主要成果 (6)

第2章成本控制分析相关理论概述及运用 (8)

2.1 SWOT分析方法 (8)

2.2 因果分析法 (10)

2.3 部控制理论 (11)

2.4 系统分析方法 (12)

2.4.1 成本的事前控制 (12)

2.4.2 成本的事中控制 (13)

2.4.3 成本的事后控制 (14)

2.4.4 提高对工程签证的认识 (14)

第3章 S大学办公楼成本控制案例分析 (15)

3.1 项目相关信息 (15)

3.1.1 项目背景 (15)

3.1.2 建设项目总投资构成 (15)

3.1.3 S大学办公楼建筑支出成本构成 (16)

3.2 建设项目全过程成本分析 (18)

3.2.1 事前阶段的成本控制 (18)

3.2.2 事中阶段的成本控制 (21)

3.2.3 事后阶段的成本控制 (23)

3.3 对成本控制建议的鱼骨图展示 (24)

3.4 此案例对于全过程成本控制的意义 (24)

第4章建筑行业成本控制建议 (26)

4.1 成本控制的原则 (26)

4.2 成本控制的全过程控制 (26)

4.3 建立成本控制的体系 (28)

4.3.1 以项目经理为核心 (28)

4.3.2 以建筑工程项目为成本控制的核心 (28)

4.3.3 加强项目管理,建立成本考核机制 (29)

4.3.4 充分利用国外先进理念和成本控制的信息化 (30)

4.3.5 建立成本控制标准 (30)

结论 (32)

致谢 (34)

参考文献 (35)
