


正能量的中考素材 导读:2017关于正能量的`中考素材 城管扶起摔倒老人,传递社会正能量 2015年10月8日,四川南充一近七旬太婆不慎摔倒在菜市场附近,行人怕摊上事,纷纷避让。附近巡逻的两城管小伙上前扶起老人,“要是我们穿制服的都不敢扶,别人就更不敢扶了。要是老人有什么意外,岂不是人心更冷漠吗?”目前,老人无大碍。 老人摔倒人们不敢扶,老人摔倒又总是有人在扶。虽然有一些老人的确“扶不起”,但很多老人摔倒后又希望路过的人能扶一把。 “扶不起”,是因为少数老人摔倒被扶起后,反倒讹诈扶他/她的人。的确,这样的老人不管出于怎样的目的或原因,都使得扶人者感到心寒,也给社会留下遗憾。 即使是确有老人“持不起”,但我们身边还是有很多人义无反顾地站出来去扶摔倒的老人。当然,也有不少人在扶摔倒老人时防止被讹,事先进行了拍照等“固定证据”等方式。而穿着制服的城管人员扶摔倒老人,不只是一个简单的扶人,而是折射了身着制服就多了一份社会责任担当;告知社会,老人摔倒必须要有人去扶;也从另外一个角度传递了城管队伍的正面形象。 “要是我们穿制服的都不敢扶,别人就更不敢扶了”。这句话可谓是掷地有声。当“扶不扶”“不敢扶”成为一种社会不良心态蔓延开来时,就要有与之相反的正能量的声音和行为来与之抗衡。这个时

候,有更多的“穿制服的”或是公职人员站出来做扶起摔倒老人的事儿,构建出一种新的社会风气氛围和行为方式,“扶不起”或许就难以存在下去,“扶不扶”“不敢扶”也就可以远离摔倒老人。【2017关于正能量的中考素材】 1.关于正能量的中考素材 2.2017热点论据素材:关于正能量 3.2017热点素材:关于正能量 4.2017中考素材:关于修养 5.2017中考素材:关于秋天的 6.2017关于追求的中考写作素材 7.2017中考素材:关于亲情友情 8.2017中考素材:关于“追求” 上文是关于正能量的中考素材,感谢您的阅读,希望对您有帮助,谢谢


托福口语话题素材整理:Place 托福口语在平时的复习中,大家需要积累一些必备的素材,这样才能够让我们的口语回答,内容更加丰富。那么具体的哪些口语素材是同学们必须掌握的呢? 1. Places of Interest/Attractions= Description: If I’d had a chance to visit a place I’ve never been to, I would like to go to Imperial Palace, which is also called Forbidden City in Beijing, the capital of China. In the heart of Beijing, it is the largest and most complete imperial palace and ancient building complex in China, and the world at large. Its construction began in 1406 and was completed 14 years later, having a history so far of some 580 years. Twenty-four emperors from the Ming and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties lived and ruled China from there. Most of the buildings in the Forbidden City were rebuilt many times, although they maintained the original architectural style. The reasons why I love there so much are based on the following aspects.


托福口语Task1四类话题整合及思路整理 托福口语当中,task 1,2作为independent tasks,是很多考生比较头疼的问题。虽然它相较于后面的integrated tasks来说形式简单,给你一句话的题目直接说出你的思路即可,但是它所涉及到的知识面是非常广泛的,甚至会涉及到我们之前完全没有思考过的领域,甚至是不熟悉的领域。这就要求着我们在复习的时候对于不同话题的思路整理,包括相似话题的整合、以及陌生话题的思路扩展。 Task 1无非就是让我们描述一个与我们生活息息相关的一些事物,我们较为常见的一些话题可以简单来说归纳为四个字母——“OPPE”,及O(object), P(person), P(place), E(event)。 一、object类话题 根据以往常出的题目总结来看,object往往可以分为tangible object(有形物体)以及intangible object(无形无体)。 Tangible object,顾名思义我们能够看得见摸得着的实物,除了一些比较常规的special gift,meaning object之外,还包括出题者最爱考的一些关于book类的话题,即让我们描述最喜欢看的、或是读过的最有意义的一本书。另外,较为常见的一些题目还包括描述a song, a film, a painting, a photograph等题目。在这样的题目当中,很多同学因为不知道要说什么或是不熟悉这样的事物导致完全说不出或是表述不流利,结结巴巴说不到重点。在遇到此类题目,一个比较简单的思路就是不要纠结于一些大家都要知道的名著,我们完全可以从自己比较熟悉的一些话题展开,如自己画的第一幅全家福。另外,尽量避免每个人都在讲的一些话题,比如大部分人都在说《Harry Potter》,那我们如果换成《How to win friends》会不会好很多呢?一定不要给自己挖坑,怎么便于表述怎么来。 至于intangible object,较为常考的有让我们去描述positive invention,favorite subject,important characteristic等话题。在这里还是一样,就我们容易表述的说,每个想法列出两个关键词,再去展开就可以了,在这里表述以简单易懂为主,千万不要说一些高深曲折的大道理。掌握了这些素材之后,object类题目就没问题了。所以建议在考试之前,先把所有可能会考到的题目先过一遍,想到要说什么就已经成功了一半了。 二、person类话题 Person类话题在task 1的考试中形式不多,总结起来无非两类人,一种是我们比较熟悉的在我们身边的人,例如family member, best friend, favorite teacher, an old person you respect 等,由于这些都是我们较为熟悉的,所以比较容易想到,在表述的时候也较为简单。相对来说会有一定难度的就是第二类人——famous person名人了。在task 1,它有可能让你去描述一位你钦佩、喜欢或是想见面的名人,甚至给你规定一定领域。这是如果碰到一些不关注这一领域的就不太好说了。比如一些女生平时对体育不感兴趣,但考试的时候让你去描述一个你最喜欢的足球选手,那可能一下子就懵圈了。但是遇到这样的题目也不用怕,在我们备考时完全可以提前准备好相关素材,在考试的时候也不是任何领域都会考我们,常见的也就actor/actress, singer, spotsman, business man, leader这几类,所以就算我们不喜欢不感兴趣,只要我每个领域都想出来一个人就完全没有问题啦。 在这里给到两个我们凡事涉及到人都非常通用的一些素材思路,一是表述ta在专业领域上的卓越表现。比如ta是歌手,我们说ta歌唱得好,是演员我们说ta演技精湛,是商人我们说ta把公司


雅思口语素材汇总之端午节 雅思口语素材:Dragon Boat Festival(端午节) Qu Yuan The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous rice(糯米)wrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or reed leaves) and racing dragon boats. The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes. This regatta(赛舟会)commemorates the death of Qu Yuan , an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river. Qu was a minister of the State of Chu situated in present-day Hunan and Hubei provinces, during the Warring States Period (475-221BC)(战国时期). He was upright, loyal and highly esteemed for his wise counsel that brought peace and prosperity to the state. However, when a dishonest and corrupt prince vilified Qu, he was disgraced and dismissed from office. Realizing that the country was now in the hands of evil and corrupt officials, Qu grabbed a large stone and leapt into the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth month. Nearby fishermen rushed over to try and save him but were unable to even recover his body. Thereafter, the state declined and was eventually conquered by the State of Qin. The people of Chu who mourned the death of Qu threw rice into the river to feed his ghost every year on the fifth day of the fifth month. But one year, the spirit of Qu appeared and told the mourners that a huge reptile(爬行动物)in the river had stolen the rice. The spirit then advised them to wrap the rice in silk and bind it with five different-colored threads before tossing it into the river. During the Duanwu Festival, a glutinous rice pudding called zong zi is eaten to symbolize the rice offerings to Qu. Ingredients such as beans, lotus seeds(莲子), chestnuts(栗子), pork fat and the golden yolk of a salted duck egg are often


口语常用背诵素材 一,喜好和厌恶: 1.(释放压力)I guess most young people enjoy listening to music. It’s a perfect way to reduce stress/relieve stress. (*It’s a perfect stress-buster.) 2.(休闲)I think the best way to relax and kill time (kick back and relax) is to be with friends. Chatting with them helps me unwind/wind down (* Chatting with them is very therapeutic). 3.(放松)I found it pretty relaxing to flick through a magazine before going to bed (*before hitting the sack/hitting the hay). 4.(运动)Jogging on sunny days and simply basking in the sun(bathing in the sun) is super enjoyable(pleasurable). /Jogging is my favorite workout. It can always cheer me up after I’ve been down and depressed. And it can help me shed some unwanted weight. 5.(喜欢,提升心情)I’m quite into watching sitcom (I’m fascinated by, I’m crazy about, I adore, I’m very fond of...). Spending 20 minutes in front of the screen and having a good laugh after dinner really puts me in a better mood/ switch my mood/ lift my spirits. 6.(天气)I fancy spring most compared to the other three. Summer is simply too hot and stuffy (*muggy), and you can’t stay out for two minutes without getting sweaty and smelly. Autumn is too dry and winter too freezing cold. 7.(电影)I’m a movie buff (Movies are my biggest pastime), and I would either catch one on my couch or go to the movie theatre when they have the one I like on the big screen./ It's a great form of relaxation for me to while away the hours of a long flight, to keep my family together on the sofa, and to give me a bit of a thrill. 8.(无聊困难)I’m terrible at what I study now./(History is never my forte/ my strong suit). The classes are kind of a drag (It’s super dull/ *It’s mind-numbing), and there’s always loads of (tons of) homework to do. Memorizing those facts and years is a lot of effort (is tricky; is no picnic; is challenging for me). 9.(不能忍)I can’t stand (I hate, I totally dislike) the busy traffic in my city. I’m sick and tired of always getting stuck in traffic for a long time during rush hours. It really bothers me (It drives me crazy, *It drives me up the wall). 10. (受欢迎)Hip-hop is really trendy (is catching on, is all the rage) among young people these days. 二,时间和地点 11. (优点)What’s great about my home town is that there are plenty of shopping malls, coz I’m a shopaholic and I can shop for hours. 12. (远)The stadium is quite far away from where I live, and every time I want to do there, it takes me roughly 40 minutes by bus to arrive. (It’s one-hour drive from the city center.) 13. (方便)My apartment is in the center/heart of the city, a handy location where I can find supermarkets and clubs right on my doorstep. It’s a bit noisy though. 14. (近)I’m a movie-goer and and there’s a movie theater pretty close to my home, so I go there quite often (frequently). (close to my home= *within walking distance of my home , *in close proximity to my home) 15. (经常)I have a heavy workload at school, so I have to go to the library to study pretty much


正能量作文素材 正能量作文素材 1、在那段泪水冲刷的日子里,本应放弃,却坚强地挺过来了。因为总有那么一些人,那些爱我的人,那些对我好的人,让我坚信,即使全世界都放弃了我,只要他们还在默默支持我,我就不该轻言放弃,只要还有爱的存在,我就应该勇敢地走下去。阳光总在风雨后,阴云上总会有晴空。珍惜人生中的每一段岁月,无论它是充满悲苦,还是充满欢欣,那都是你成长的印证。曾经的伤痛,曾经的欣喜在追忆中幻化成永恒的旋律,穿透时空,超越爱与恨的界限,诠释着人生经历中最真实的感悟,最真诚的心声。 2、生命的真谛在于不屑的奋斗与追求,生命的价值在于一次次失败中的从新站立与起程,并非每一颗星星都会辉煌,并不是每一次付出都会有收获,并不是每一回奋斗都会成功,面对生活中的每一块顽石,我们都要尽力去清除;生活永远是美好的,即使你拥有不了太阳,你还可以拥有月亮;即使你不能摘得月亮,你还有星星为你闪光。生活不需要我们悲观失望,生活只要求我们乐观坚强。积极、乐观、坚强、向上、拼搏、奋斗。中国将因我们而强壮,世界将因我们而精彩。 3、鲜花和掌声从来不会赐予守株待兔者,而只馈赠给那些风雨无阻的前行者;空谈和阔论从来不会让你的梦想成真,到头来只会留

下“白了少年头,空悲切”的慨叹;只有风雨无阻的前行才是到达成功彼岸的唯一路途。只呐喊而不冲锋的不是好士兵,只瞄准而不射击的不是好猎手,躺在摇篮里的婴儿永远不会站立而行,把自己关在黑暗的屋子里永远不会看到外面的世界的光明和精彩!只有风雨无阻的前行才不会浪费我们宝贵的光阴,让生命之树结满丰硕的果实;只有风雨无阻的前行,才会向我们理想的目标靠近。从而有机会和成功握手;只有风雨无阻的前行,我们才会创造崭新的自我,让执着的追求书写无愧的人生! 4、朋友,也许你航行了终生也没有到达彼岸;也许你攀登了一世,也没有到达颠峰;也许所有的耕耘都没有收获;也许所有的汗水都白白地挥洒……但是,敢为天下先的,未必不是勇士;敢于面对失败的,未必不是英雄。人生其实就是一个过程,不必太在乎奋斗的结果,奋斗了就应问心无愧;生命其实就是一次播种,播种了不一定都有结果;但不播种却永远不会结果。所有的退却都是逃避的借口,所有的徘徊都是懦弱的外现。其实真正的启程,才是坚强的证明和诠释。“不怕慢,就怕站”。只要你迈步,路就会在脚下延伸;只要你上路,就会发现诱人的风景;只要你启程,就会体会到跋涉的快乐。 5、不要因为我们曾经跌倒,就再也不愿站起来而忘记赶路,到头来只会使自己一无所有;不要因为前方一路风雨,就犹豫、徘徊、畏缩不前,到头来只会使充满希望的生命之花凋谢枯萎;不要因为往昔的辉煌而忘乎所以,沉湎其中而不能自拔,到头来只会使如火的激


托福综合口语TASK2各类实用模板分 享 托福口语和写作一样,都是属于需要考生自己组织语言来进行表达输出的考试题型。今天给大家带来了托福综合口语TASK2各类实用模板分享,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 【精选素材】托福综合口语TASK2各类实用模板分享 托福综合口语TASK2备考模版 1、“The school has implemented a new policy that ... due to ... . And the man/woman holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that ... . And the second one is based on the fact that ... .” 2、From the reading material, we know that (the college) is going to ... Obviously, the man/woman in the conversation thinks that this is a great/bad idea, due to the following reasons..

One reason is that……. Another is,……. (万一有时间)So thats all the reasons s/he has to form that opinion. (尽量记,听为主) 3、The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that……. (选择方案型:听选择的原因。1.Firstly, the man/woman states that…….2.And then he/she states that…….) (提出建议型:听建议的利弊。1.Firstly, the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of this issue. He/she states that…….2.On the other hand, the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question. He/she points out that…….) 4、阅读引用部分的模版 (1) In the readingmaterial, (2) There is a/anannouncement/message/notice/proposal about ..记下的关键词) (3) The university/college is going to..(稍稍展开下) (4) In the listeningmaterial, two students discussabout the..填入关键词) 听力中人物表达观点的模版:


托福独立口语高频题语料素材汇总分享:internetoracademicbooks 今天给大家带来了托福独立口语高频题语料素材汇总分享:internet or academic books,希望能够帮助到大家在托福口语中拿高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立口语高频题语料素材汇总分享:internet or academic books 托福独立口语高频话题解读:internet or academic books Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? Explain why. 高频话题语料补充 有害健康 pose a threat to your health, hurt your eyesight, get dizzy, backache, neck problems, obesity 出版商审查并且批准一些信息 publisher checks and approves the information 作者都是权威

authors are authorities in a certain field 因特网的信息不准确 source might be unreliable 托福独立口语高频话题范文分享 Well, personally I would like to use paper books to do research. Sitting in front of the computer poses a threat to your health, like staring at the screening for a long time hurt your eyesight, you get dizzy, and there are other problems like backache, neck problems, and even obesity. Also, the information in books is reliable, the publisher checks and approves the information and the authors are authorities in a certain field. However, the information on the internet is not reliable since everyone can post information. 托福口语备考的七大技巧 扩充词汇 托福口语考试,讲究的不是词汇的多少,掌握2500个左右常用词就足够了。托福口语考试的关键,是要熟练掌握和运用一些转折连词、动词,以及美国口语的惯用方法。这样可以让你在口语考试中,表现的更加精彩。 题海战术


雅思口语Part2常考话题:最好的旅行 本文收集整理了雅思口语Part2常考话题:最好的旅行。雅思口语Part2着重考察同学们的英语交流能力,同学们在备考阶段可以注意多积累素材,平时多模仿多练习,这样在考试中才不至于无话可说。 Tell the interview how best to travel I think the best way to travel really depends on the kind of person you are, so it's a bit tough to tell you one best way. This is the way I think you'll gain the most out of China. The best time to go is definitely not during Spring Festival. Now, I know a lot of you foreigners would like to see how China is during this time, but I think you're crazy to travel here during any of the holiday periods. Remember, there're a billion people here, and when even a tiny percentage of us decide to travel, that can still mean thousands of tourists at any given place you come across. If I had to recommend a time, I would probably say fall or spring during non-holiday times. You can probably get some more discounts on your domestic flights and your hotels.


正能量作文素材人物 钱学森——中国航天事业奠基人 浙江杭州人,1938年在美国获博士学位,1950年开始争取回归祖国,受到美国政府迫害,历经5年于1955年才回到祖国。1958年起,钱学森长期担任火箭导弹和航天器研制的技术领导职务,为中国火箭和导弹技术的发展提出了极为重要的实施方案。 1965年,钱学森正式向国家提出报告和规划,建议把人造卫星的研究计划并列入国家任务。在实施人造卫星研制计划中钱学森在许多关键技术问题的解决上贡献了智慧。 钱学森对科学技术的重大贡献是多方面的,他以总体、动力、制导、气动力、结构、计算机、质量控制等领域的丰富知识,为组织领导新中国火箭、导弹和航天器的研究发展工作发挥了巨大作用,对中国火箭导弹和航天事业的迅速发展做出了卓越贡献。 玻璃大王的家规 20xx年4月20日,在中央电视台的玉树赈灾晚会上,高高举起的“曹德旺曹晖1亿元”的牌子,创造了中国慈善史上个人捐款数额的新纪录。5月下旬,他向西南五省区旱灾地区捐赠两亿元,用于帮助受灾群众;向福州市捐赠4亿元,用于修建图书馆;向老家福清市捐赠3亿元,用于公益事业……仅两个月,他的捐款就达10亿元,全1/ 5

部为其个人财产。 37亿身家的玻璃大王曹德旺,1946年出生于福建福清,是福耀玻璃集团的创始人、董事长。1987年成立的福耀玻璃集团,目前是中国第一、世界第三大汽车玻璃制造商。 而他的生活却极为简朴,通常,他的午餐桌上只有一盘炒花生米、一盘炒菜花、一小碗蛋羹和一份地瓜粥。 曾遭父亲毒打 晚清时期,福建省福清市有个曹员外,家底殷实,但很是小气。曹员外被刻画成这样一个人物:重男轻女、嫌贫爱富。这段历史不是虚构的,那位曹员外就是福耀集团董事长曹德旺的曾祖父。 曹家最终还是没落了,曹父开始变得厌世。每天喝两毛钱的地瓜烧,喝得醉醺醺的,絮絮叨叨地给曹德旺讲述他做生意、做人的过程。 曹父很严厉,在日本20xx年的生活给他影响很大,他也以此教训曹德旺:18岁以前不能留头发,不能留胡子,更不能喝酒;吃饭的时候不准说话,有什么话吃完饭再说。 有一句话,曹德旺曾经苦苦思索:用心做事,有多少心做多少事。曹父对曹德旺说:当你悟透这个道理的时候,我就不在了。现在,曹德旺承认了这一点。当时,喝醉了的父亲说了二十几个“心”:人必须要有自尊心、自信心、良心、诚心、苦心……有多少心就做多少事。 小时候得到的这些教导已成为曹德旺的财富,然而,每每提及父亲,他总会说:我很恨我父亲。他尊敬的是自己的母亲。小时候,因 为调皮,他经常被父亲毒打,在这个时候,母亲就出来帮他。虽然父2/ 5


托福独立口语书籍类话题口语素材 人物类话题是托福独立口语比较常考的话题之一,为了让各位TOEFLer更游刃有余地备考此类话题,下面就和大家分享托福独立口语书籍类话题口语素材与思路梳理,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立口语书籍类话题口语素材与思路梳理 我们来看一个经典Task 1,来自官方真题Official1: Talk about a book you read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to support your answer. 这个题就是需要考生描述一本重要的书籍,还要给出重要的理由。在这里,我们要知道,考官并不真的在乎我们要说的书是什么!题目需要我们展示的是书为什么重要、如何重要,并不一定要讲述书的内容。只要我们在答题时留言流畅,和话题相关就可以得到不错的分数。 所以大家的思路转换大法是: 1.谈感受

例如:故事很有趣,我们可以这么说:The story in the book was so interesting and appealing that once I began to read it, I couldn’t stop. /The book was so fun to read that I couldn’t help laughing every time I read it. It brought me a lot of happiness. 再或者:故事很有意义,我们可以这么说:The story in the book was not only exciting but also inspiring. It taught me so much about the world we were living and showed me different ways people thought. /The story was meaningful and inspiring. It taught me to keep going and never give up, which is the most important lesson in life. 2.谈功能 例如:书本可能会对你的学业有帮助,我们可以说:The book is beneficial to my academic learning. It provides much extra information on my major courses in addition to school textbooks. 又或者:此书还可能帮你交到朋友:To be honest, I met my girlfriend thanks to this book. We were sitting in the reading room next to each other and reading the same book! What a coincidence! Then we began to talk about how much we liked the writer and his books. Next thing you knew, she gave me her number! 托福口语模板:动物是否应该享有和人一样的权力


U s e f u l E x p r e s s i o n s: Words and phrases Friends and communication: mutual understanding solidify/ strengthen/ enhance/ promote communication / connection with relationship network/circle of friends cultivate/develop friendship with sb. keep steady relationship with sb. establish interpersonal networksac build up the social circle spur message transmission Knowledge and experience widen one’s outlook broaden one’s vision/horizon acquire knowledge and skills comprehensive/overall quality expand/enlarge one’s scope of knowledge knowledge reserve/base/storage theoretical knowledge practical skills social experience broaden one’s knowledge base promote one’s overall/ comprehensive accumulate experiences competence learn lessons from past experiences Work and experience the scarcity of employment opportunities lay the foundations for career prosperity immerse oneself in endless job tasks boost/augment/enhance efficiency be adept in boost one’s c ompetitiveness Health and pressure diminish individuals' leisure time drive away lassitude lighten one’s burden homework/workforce overload


雅思口语Part2常考话题:交通工具 本文为大家收集整理了雅思口语Part2常考话题:交通工具。雅思口语Part2着重考察同学们的英语交流能力,同学们在备考阶段可以注意多积累素材,平时多模仿多练习,这样在考试中才不至于无话可说。 Describe an important form of transport for you I want to describe the bus, which is probably the most common form of transport for most of us in Suzhou. I probably use the bus about 10 or more times in a week. I use it not just to go back and forth to work but also to go shopping. I have a monthly pass and so I can travel freely on one without having to pay each time I go on. I also use a bus when I want to go traveling from one place to another for distances that do not last fur more than a day. I do have a bicycle, but I use that only for very" short distance" things, like getting some vegetables at the local grocery store or things like that. I prefer taking the bus. I always feel safe taking a bus because it is a big vehicle and it moves more slowly than a taxi. It is quite convenient, since there are enough lines. Even though it is not as convenient as a car, it allows you to work while you are traveling. It is relatively cheap


1 早上学习还是下午学习 I prefer studying in the morning because when I just get up, I have a clear and fresh mind. It is easier for me to be more focused. However, if I study in the afternoon, I would feel sleepy and tired. Last time, our professional assigned us to write a paper in one week about ten pages. Every morning I got up very early like six o’clock and I begin to work on my paper. I just really got high e fficiency writing the paper because I could totally concentrate on my paper. and then it only took me several days to finish my paper on time. What’s more, if I study in the morning then I can use the afternoon time to do other thing s like, doing sports, going out with friends, reading books and so on. It is a good way to use time. 2. 图书馆,家还是宿舍 I prefer studying in the library because in a library I can check some reference books when I am writing my paper. And, to be honest, when I studying at home or dormitory, it just seems so easy for me to get distracted. Like, I remember last time when was I was about to write a paper. I just went to the school library, it's very convenient for me to check reference books and journals. It provided me great convenience to write my paper. What’s more, I think the library is very quiet, no one can talk or walk around. I can totally keep my eyes on the ball. That’s why I prefer studying in the library. 3.speak out还是quietly observe in the class I prefer to speak out in class because my problems can be solved immediately if I can communicate with the professor directly. However, if I observe quietly, I guess it would be much easier for me to get distracted and forget my problems after class. Now, I am a university student who majors in business management. And I take different courses, like business management, counting, marketing and so on. In the class, every time when I have some problems, I will raise my hands waiting to be caught to raise my questions because my professor can help mu solve the problems immediately. It’s very efficient. It can help me understand the whole class. So that’s why I think speaking out in class is much better. 4. work in the group or alone I prefer to work in a group because we can solve the problem together. However, if I work alone, I guess it would be much easier for me to get distracted. I remember, last time, our professional assigned us to write a paper in one week about ten pages. I decided to write a paper with my partner. During the process, we can do a lot of things together, like searching for information, finding the topic, writing the outline and something like that. We could get high efficiency in writing our papers and when we encounter some problems, we can solve them together. See, that’s why I prefer to working in a group. 5把暑假分开 Disagree. Because it is a waste of time. I mean I can’t use the whole summer to do things I enjoy. Last summer vacation, I had a two-month holiday. I could use the time to travel to different palces. Like, I went to Hongkong, I spent about 15 days there. During the process, I did a lot of things to know better about the city and people there, such as visiting museums, eating local foods, visiting the Disney land and so on. However, if I had shorter breaks throughout the year in summer vacation, I can’t do those things. 6本国室友还是外国室友 I prefer to have a roommate from my own country because it is easier for us to get along well. I mean we have a lot in common. However, if I have a foreign roommate, it may be not easier for us to understand each other well because we have some cultural differences. For example, now I study in Beijing far away from my hometown and I live with my roommates. We come from the same country. So it is easier to communicate with each other. Like last week, the toffee test example. In our own language; understand me well; encourage me. 7成功靠天赋还是努力 I believe that people can achieve success through hard work because practice makes perfect. However, natural talent can be wasted. Taking me as an example. Public speaking example 8成功要读大学吗 I agree with the statement…because college education is very important. It can let you learn a lot of knowledge and make friends with
