
1. 他对他的研究如此专心致志,他从来没有想过很快就要退休这件事。
He is so devoted to his research that the idea that he’ll soon have to retire never occurs to him.

2. 很多人都注意到了,没有有效的监督,我们都有滥用权力的倾向。
Many people have observed that, without effective checks, we have a tendency to abuse our power.

3. 根据协议,所有的经济政策应该不加歧视的适用于所有的人。
According to the agreement, all business policies should apply to everybody without any prejudice.

4. 所有的申请者都必须填好这份表格,然后寄上50美元的报名费。
All applicants will have to fill out this form and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars.

5. 在一个多民族的国家里,民族之间的和谐需要小心处理。
In a country of many nationalities, ethic harmony requires very carefully handing.

6. 考试作弊并不经常发生,但一旦发生,学校就会采取严厉的态度。
Cheating at exams does not occur very often. But when it does, the school takes a very touch position.

7. 越来越多的老年人在学习怎样使用互联网。
More and more old people are learning how to use the Internet.

8. 他们都还记得是在什么地方听到那令人震惊的消息的。
They all remember where they were when they heard the shocking news.

9. 人从胜利中所学甚少,从失败中所学到的要多的多。
People learn little from victory, but much more from defeat.

10. 当你面临抉择时,你有三种选择:做自己想做的事,随大流,做该做的事。
Whenever you face a decision you have three choices: do what you please ,do what others do, or do what is right.

11. 我们可以坐火车或者飞机去那里,由你决定。
We can go there either by train or by air. It’s up to you.

12. 你现在上哪儿去?你难道不知道今天下午有英文电影?
Where are you off to? Don’t you know that there is an English movie on this afternoon?

13. 我们班上几乎有四分之一的同学都得流感病倒了。
Nearly a quarter of our class were down with the flu.

14. 我们只剩下最后五百块钱了。我们得像银行贷款。
We were down to the last 500 yuan. We had to raise a loan from the bank.

15. 明年在上海举行的世界博览会占地约二十万平方米。
The World Fair to be hold in Shanghai next year covers an area of about 200,000 square meters.

16. 那所学校一年向学生收费约三千元。打折不包括食宿费。
That school charges the students about three thousand yuan a year. But that does not cover food and lodging.

17. 这些文件显示了他们的经理如何设法掩盖他们公司的财务危机。
These papers showed how their manager tried to cover up the financial crisis of the company.

18. 我记得那个地方我去过一次。那地方特别干燥,有时一口井有近一千尺深。

remember going to that place once. It was so dry that a well could be nearly 1,300 feet deep.

We regard all our former students, not just a few celebrities, as the credit to our university.

So how did our new boss strike you? He seemed quite a nice guy to me.

After some 50 years I revisited my home village and I was struck by the great changes that had taken place.

This semester, I’m assisting a professor specializing in international minutes.

She was a roommate of mine at college and we would often play tennis at the weekend.

In the early days of the company, the boss would seek employees’ opinions on big decisions.

Sport is important because it concerns the health of the people of a nation, and not because it is profitable business.

The survival of a company depends on how fast it can develop new products to meet the needs of the market.

For many people in China who used to worry every day where their next meal was to come from, today their biggest concern is being overweight.

One lesson we have drawn from the 20th century is that human resources are more important than natural resources in the development of a nation.

She suddenly walked out of the room without offering any explanation.

I’m sorry that I can’t let you use my car now. I’ll have to drive my wife to the airport.

What he said the other day sounded very vague. I don’t really know what he was driving at.

There are still hundreds of millions of people in the world today who earn less than a dollar a day.

We have earned strong support of the government to make smoking illegal in public places.


Old people in China today are not inclined to live with their children.

The smugglers seem to know all our actions. I suspect that someone among us is passing secret information to them.

She says that she just doesn’t feel inclined to work today.

These people roam from place to place without regular jobs and without social identity. More and more people now regard it as unfair.

I still regard it as important for our young people to care about their national identity.

With regard to flood control, I am still inclined to think that to plant more trees is more important than anything else.

Due to the repeated floods and droughts, farming has been very unstable in that area.

Many people believe that in due course Chinese farmers will learn to compete successfully in international markets.

With due respect, I don’t think we should adopt a wait-and-see policy.

According to this agreement, the two countries should inform each other of their major military actions.

Don’t ever reach out for things that do not belong to you, because sooner or later you will be caught.

Our goal is to build a society that is rich, free and just. But we can’t reach that destination without pain and suffering.

I had a terrible dream, I dreamed that I was running after something I wanted. But it was always beyond my reach.

This wrong line led to a serious setback of the revolution.

Some political scientists in the West believe that a balance of power could lead to world peace.

Most of the leading economic powers in the world are committed to global environment protection.


Those traces of water led many scientists to believe that there might be some forms of life on that plant.

For most Chinese people, the unification of our country is a solemn commitment.

Many things in this world require a good balance. Once you lose balance, troubles begin.

It’s a matter of honor to repay my debts on time. But right now my total balance in the bank is only 20 dollars.

During the talks, he made an official statement that his government will not adopt a two-China policy.

He simply loves to hear his own voice. Often he talks for hours at a stretch.

One glance at the damaged car, and he knew that it was beyond repair.

She was then in a terrible fix. She could neither bear him nor leave him.

He swung his stick at the tiger with all his strength. But the stick snapped and the tiger was unharmed. In his panic, he had hit the tree nearby.

He snapped his briefcase to, stood up and said,” Then there’s nothing more to be said.”
When the accident happened I was standing only a few meters apart from the car.

Let’s form a circle so that we can see each other when we talk.

She claims to possess an unusual ability-the ability to cure diseases simple by her magic hands.

Poverty alone cannot account for the increase of the crime rate.

He just rolled his eyes philosophically and smile.

The police found a lot of valuables in his possession which he could not account for.

Our two countries should never fight again on any account.

Housing building is no

joking matter. You have to check carefully every step.

I really wanted to refute his arguments at that time, but I checked myself because I thought it was not the right occasion.

They are devoted to each other. Nothing can separate them.

This reservoir can hold two billion cubic meters of water.

Today there are so many cars in the streets. I’d rather walk. It’s quicker.

I hear that the movie is intended to be a hit. But I must confess I think it is rather dull.
