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写信的原则(Writing Principles已从原来的3个"C"(Conciseness, Clearness, Courtesy发展到目前的7个"C":Completeness, Clearness, Concreteness, Conciseness, Correctness, Courtesy, Consideration。


Dear Sirs,

Copper Wire

With reference to your letter of April 9, we are pleased to accept your offer of 100 tons of Copper Wire as per your Offer Sheet No.8/070/02B. Please go ahead and apply for your Export Licence. As soon as we are informed of the number of the Export Licence we will open the L/C by cable.





3、一封完整的书信,可以避免由于遗漏重要情况(情报所导致的诉讼(Lawsui t;

4、有时,某些不显眼的书信或文件,由于所提供的情况完整而又生动有力(Complete and Effective而成为极为重要的文件。一封信写得是否完整,建议用五个"W"来检验,既:Who, What, Where, When,Why(包括How。


需要什么商品(What you want

何时需要(When you need the goods

货物发到何地何人收(to Whom and Where the goods to be sent

如何付款(How payment will be mande 如对对方的要求作出否定的答复时(如不能报盘,不能理赔等应说明理由--为什么(Why


"Cellulose Tape 1/2"x 3yds, with plastic dispenser 700 doz./-ditto-but 1/2" x 5 yds, 1,000doz."



"Cellulose Tape 1/2"x 3yds, with plastic dispenser 700 doz.

Cellulose Tape 1/2" x 5yds,with plastic dispenser 1000 doz."




As to the steamers sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco, we have bimonthly direct services.


但是bimonthly 究竟是一个月两次,还是两个月一次呢?不明确。因此,最好清楚明白地说明“一个月两次”还是“两个月一次”:

(aWe have two direct sailings every month from Hongkong to San Francisco.


(bWe have semimonthly direct sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco.


(cWe have a direct sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco every two month.



(aPlease let us know what you wish us to do about this matter as soon as possible:

(bPlease let us know as soon as possible what you wish us to do about this matter.









不好:They informed Messrs.John & Smith that they would receive an answer in a few days.

较好:They informed Messrs. John & Smith that latter would receive an answer in a few days.


不一致:Being a certified public accountant, I am sure you can help us.

一致:Being a certified public accountant, you can surely help us.

or; As you are a certified public accountant, I am sure you can help us.


商业书信要写得使人一读就明白,因此必须按照内容仔细和恰当的分段落,一般的分段落原则是一个段落一个意思(A paragraph for each point is a good general rule.。现举例说明:

Dear Sirs,

It is reported in a domestic newspaper that the Iranian Central Bank has instructed the commercial banks to suspend their business of opening a new letter of credit as from the 3rd May for financial reason of foreign currency. Although it is said that this arrangement would be a temporary one and with establishment of new import policy this emergency arrangement would be lifted, we are much concerned about the outcome of this movement toward restriction of import to Iran and shall be obliged if you will kindly
