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牛津英语7B 期末复习单词拼写专项练习

1. Some (科学家) found something (奇怪的).

2. What (发生) to you

just now? 3. How (勤勉的) you are! 4. It takes about three days (旅行) from (地球) to the moon by spaceship. 5. David spends much time (练习) playing the piano.

6. He gets up (早) and is never late for school.

7. He (重) 199 kg when he (去世). 8. People have different (能力). 9. (大象) walk on tiptoe. 10. He likes eating (三明治). 11. Do you know who (发明) the first TV set? 12. Don’t be (粗鲁的) to the old. 13. Mum (叫醒) him up just now but he is still lying in bed now.

14. What a (勇敢的) young man he is! 15. Zhang Hua was at home (独自). 16. He likes (收集) things for Project Hope.

17. Many (探望者) help to clean up the rooms for the elderly.

18. How (可怕的) the ghost story is! 19. It is (危险的) to play with fire. 20. The members at the Helping Hands Club think that David should get an (奖). 21. Mrs Lu (跌下,倒下) down when she crossed the street.

22. He doesn’t just chase and (接住) a ball.

23. She looked at me with her eyes open (张大地).

24. She likes (躲藏) herself in the cupboard.

25. He (丢,忘) his homework at home this morning.

26. Suzy has good g in Chiese, English and Maths.

27. My parrot’s blue-and-green f look beautiful in the sun.

28. Suzy has a goof m and she can remember many things.

29. Kitty is free the w day and she has much time to play with her dog.

30. There are sixty s in a minute and twelve m in a year. 31. Zhang Hua r into the kitchen and helped Mrs. Sun out of the fire.

32. She couldn’t get out because she h her leg.

33. We couldn’t play footba ll yesterday because Simon f to bring a football. 34. My goldfish isn’t any t and she is easy to look after.

35. This t , I want to learn all my subjects better than before.

36. Did the police find anything u last night?

37. It is n to give your pets clean water every day.

38. You should put some stones at the b of the fish tank.

39. My cat like sleeping in an e shoe.

40. The students are s the Internet for some information about pets.

41. Don’t make any n . The b are sleeping.

42. – Can you teach me how to dance? – No p .

43. Don't p the rabbit’s ears. 44. Cats sleep anywhere. They don't

c .

45. He b me camps out of sticks.

46. I will look after my dog until the e . 47. My dog never b at people or b people. 48. What a p ! I didn’t see the wonderf ul fashion show. 49. She was very f when she saw a big fire.

50. “Is a there?” Milled asked. N answered. 51. “Oh! here it

is,” Andy said to h .
