










3.电伤是指触电后皮肤的局部创伤,电会发出一种温度很高的弧光,它会造成人体烧伤,甚至造成融化的金属渗入皮肤,造成电烧伤. (二).掌握如何正确使用家用电器 (先小组讨论,再个别回答) 1.电视机:注意避免是电视机受潮,受潮后机器内的零件绝缘性降低,易引发事故,发生危险.

x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic

inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according





以上是较常用的家电,还有很多的家电可以看书或说明书进行使用. (三).如何防范触电事故的发生






6.家用电器或电线发生火灾时,应先断开电源再灭火. (四).总结


x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding

and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according



x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning

disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and

chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according



x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning

disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment

programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according












黄灯闪烁时,车辆、行人须在确保安全的原则下通行。右转弯的车辆和T形路口右边无横道的直行车辆,遇有前款二、三项规定时,在不妨碍被放行的车辆和行人通行的情况下,可以通行。 x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic

diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and

identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according

前两款规定亦适用于列队行走和赶、骑牲畜的人员。 2、车道灯信号











在放学路上,要遵守纪律排好队,在教师的护送下,有秩序地在人行道上行走。过马路时,要走人行横道。我们走路要走人行道。在没有x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment

method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according



x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning

disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary

purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according



x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning

disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment

method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according









2、让学生说一说怎样区分问题食品,预防食品中毒。 (2)、重点讲述





x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning

disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according














粉、大米、食用x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and

teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and

identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according







x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning

disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation

liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according



x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning

disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and

other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according












x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning

disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according
