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31.Sorry, we are short of fish.

()32.What else did he say?

()33.we have no idea about the music festival.

()34.My parents aren’t at home.


()35.The girl with __________ umbrella is wearing __________ uniform of this middle school.

A.an ; an



()36.---What did you do __________last weekend.

---I washed my father’s car __________ Sunday afternoon.




()37.Things in the museum are __________ so I’m not __________ them.

A.b boring;interested in

B.excellent;getting popular

C.interesting;interested in ()38.the dog was __________ when it cross the road.



C.in danger

()39.---Could you tell him to call me back?

--- __________

A.Sure,no problem

B.No,I couldn’t.

C.It’s my pleasure.

()40.---Mom remember to wake me up at 6 a.m. I have an important meeting.

--- __________

A.Yes, pleasure.

B.It’s hard to say.

C.OK,I will.

()41.It’s raining heavily. __________go to the restaurant, Sandy.

A.Why not

B.Why don’t

C.Would you like

()42.She worked __________ a waitress and every day, she needs 20 minutes to go to work__________.

A.to; in bus

B.like;take the bus

C.as;by bus

()43.He __________ his home 5 years ago and he always __________ his family.




()44.You must tell your parents __________.

A.who you went with

B.who did you go with

C.who with you go

()45. __________number of the tall buildings in my hometown ________growing.




()46.I’m new __________, I don’t know the way __________.

A.in a town;on the station

B.in town;to the station

C.in a town;between the station C. 补全对话。(共4小题,每题1分,计4分)

Tim:Hey,Ken! Summer holiday is coming!

Ken:Yeah! __________

Tim:Well,I am going to Taiwan with my classmates.

Ken:Sounds great!And summer is a good time to travel in Taiwan __________. Tim:Really?__________But how about the food?

Ken: __________

A:I love the clean air and the friendly people there.

B.The most famous is the milk tea!

C.The weather there is nice from May to July.

D.Where are you going to spend your holiday?



Julia was a very beautiful woman. She was tall and her skin was white and smooth. She only had one_____51_____; she was _____52_____ of fat. So she joint a diet club, and didn’t eat ______53____ that might make her put on weight.

At a party, Julia told us that she _____54_____her family’s favorite delicious cake on the weekend, and they ate _____55_____of it at dinner that evening.

The_____56_____day, Julia kept staring at the _____57_____half and finally she

_____58_____ a small piece of herself. One piece after another, and she soon finished the cake and her husband would be so unhappy. Everyone pitied her, until someone asked: ”What did your husband say when he found out?” Julia smiled happily. “He

_____59_____ found out,” she answered. “I made another cake and ate half of that one _____60_____.

( )51.A. problem B.hope C.question

( )52.A.kinds B. a kind C.kind

( )53.A.nothing B.something C.anything

( )54.A.made B.bought C.ate

( )55.A.all B.one C.half

( )56.A. last B.first C.next

( )57.A.other B.other C.another

( )58.A.cut B. cutted C.cuted

( )59.A.never B.sometimes C.always

( )60.A.also B.either C.too


One afternoon, one boss was driving ____61______ his car when saw two men along the roadside ____62______grass. He felt ______63____ and ordered his driver to stop and he got out to ask them ____64______.

He asked one man, “Why are you eating grass?” We don’t have any money

for_____65____. We have to eat grass.” The poor man replied.

“Well, you can come with me to my house and I’ll ______66____ you.” The boss said.

“But sir, I have a wife and two children____67_____me. They are over there under that tree.

“Bring them along.” The boss replied. _____68_____ to the other poor man, he said,”You come with us, too.” The second man said, “But sir, I also have a wife and six children!”

“Bring them along as well,” the boss answered. They all got into the car, which was
