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中考英语英语任务型阅读理解练习题 (含答案 )



Dear Alan,

Guess what? I have a chance to choose my new place to live! I'm excited and a little nervous. Could you please give me some help?

I'm not sure whether I should live in a house or in an apartment. On one hand, a house will be too big for just one person, so maybe I should rent an apartment. On the other hand, if I rent a house, I could find someone else to share with me. The only problem is that a house full of people might be too noisy for me. I prefer to have my own space. The city has some nice apartments, but they are also too expensive. However, if I could find a two-bedroom apartment and get a roommate, that would make it more affordable. I just need to search for a roommate

who is neat and quiet. You know I can't live with someone who is loud and messy. I don't have a car, so I also need to think carefully about the location. I probably need to look for somewhere

near a bus stop or an underground station. That way I will have more time to study and spend

less time travelling.

I'm looking forward to your reply.


Victor (1) Why does Victor feel excited? ( 不超过 7 个词 )

(2) What kind of person does Victor want to share the house with? (不超过3个词)

(3) What place does Victor want to find to live in?

(不超过 5 个词 )

【答案】( 1) Because he can decide where to live.

(2) Neat and quiet.

(3) A place with convenient traffic.



(1)根据 I have a chance to choose my new place to live! I'm excited and a little nervous.可知维克多感到激动的原因是他选择一个新地方居住。故填Because he can decide where to live.

( 2)根据 I just need to search for a roommate who is neat and quiet.可知作者只需要找

一个干净安静的室友。故填 Neat and quiet.

(3)根据 I also need to think carefully about the location. I probably need to look for somewhere near a bus stop or an underground station.可以推知他想找一个交通便利的地

方。故填 A place with convenient traffic.




Module Topic Reading Culture

1Friendship Anne's best friend Friendship in Rome

2Wild world Animals in danger Sharks'rights

3Healthy living Proper exercise The tree of life

4Music Great musicians Vienna New

of the past Year's Concert

Here's a content table from Reading for Enjoyment. There are________modules in this books. Each module has three parts-________, Reading and Culture. The topics are Friendship, Wild world, Healthy living and________. The Reading part provides lots of fresh reading passages, which help students improve their________skills such as finding facts, and bring them great enjoyment as well. The________part provides rich cultural background through short stories. The book helps open up students’ eyes and improve their comprehension abilities.

【答案】four/4; Topic; Music; reading; Culture

【解析】【分析】( 1)根据表格Module 中 1234,可知一共 4 个单元,故填four/ 4。

( 2)根据表格可知每单元有话题Topic、阅读Reading 和文化Culture 三个部分,故填Topic。

(3)根据表格可知话题是关于 Friendship 友谊、 Wild world 野生世界、 Healthy living 健康生活和Music 音乐四个部分,故填 Music。

( 4)根据表格可知阅读部分会提高学生的阅读技能,即reading skills,故填 reading。

( 5)根据表格可知文化部分提供丰富的文化背景,故填Culture 。




In 2011, when British photographer David J. Slater was visiting a park in Indonesia, his camera was taken away by a group of black monkeys. The result was hundreds of monkey selfies( 自拍照 ). The best ones show a monkey smiling toothily for the camera. ________

Nobody knew they would create a copyright ( 版权 ) battle three years later.

Last month, a website put the monkey selfies online under a collection d free photos without Slater's permission ( 允许 ). ________

However, the website refused to do so. They said that according to US copyright law, whoever pushes the button on the camera owns the copyright to the photo. ________

They said, "US copyright law says that works that come from a non-human source can't ask for copyright. That means monkeys don't own copyright. "

________ He said he bought the cameras; he spent a lot of money traveling to Indonesia, and it was his carelessness that allowed the monkeys to take his cameras away. All these have made

him own the pictures, no matter who pushed the button. In a sense, the monkeys helped him take the photos, Slater said.

________ Who do you think will win this interesting battle?
