第六章 定语从句及长难句的翻译

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• Smoothing the expressions
• When a man looks at an object, the light passes through my lens, which brings it into correct focus on my retina, a kind of onionskin wall-paper which covers the rear two-thirds of my interior. • 人观看物体时,光线穿过我的晶状体,晶状体 再把光线送到视网膜上合适的焦点处。视网膜 类似于洋葱皮墙纸,覆盖了我内部三分之二的 区域。
• Characteristics of English long sentences
• 1. Lots of modifiers • 2. Lots of joint parts • 3. Complicated structure
Steps in translating an English long sentence
4. 译成各种状语从句
6. Every patient with valvular or congenital heart disease who develops an obscure fever which persists for more than a few days should be suspected.(表 示条件) • 任何辫膜性或先天性心脏病患者,如出现原因不 明的发热,并持续多天,即应加以怀疑。 7. Much the most important early symptom of tetanus is trismus, a painless spasm of the masseter muscles which causes difficulty in opening the mouth and in masticating.(表示伴随的情况) • 破伤风最重要的早期症状为牙关紧闭,即咀嚼肌 无痛性痉挛,引起张口和咀嚼困难。
5. 其他译法
4.These are the only doctoቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱs there are in the ward on duty.
• 病房里值班的就只有这些医生了。 • 说明:当定语从句为there is (are)句型时, 从句中作主语的关系代词(which, that, who 等)常常省略不用。翻译时可不译 there is (are),而将从句译成先行词的定语。
4. 译成各种状语从句
2.Pancreatic juice is produced by the lobules and passes into the duodenum during digestion, which it aids. (表示目的) • 胰液由小叶产生,在消化时进入十二指肠,以帮助消化。
• 心脏是肌性器官, 由肌壁分为左右两 半。
3. 顺序译法
2.There are two major factors that affect the pulse pressure. • 有两种重要因素 对脉压产生影响 。
3. 顺序译法
3.In secondary shock, which comes on later, it may be
5. 其他译法
3. Amicroscopic examination of the urine determines the presence of nephritis, which is the most common kidney disease. • 尿的显微镜检查可确 定是否患肾炎 —— 一 种最常见的肾病。 (译成破折号号形式)
4. 译成各种状语从句
3. The disease, which may occur at any age, is most frequent in early adult life.(表示让步) • 此病虽可发生于任何年龄,但以年轻人最为常见。 4. The blood flow may be increased by more rapid and vigorous heart action, which accelerates the movement of heat to the skin. • 血流可因更快和更有力的心脏活动而增加,结果 使热量加速转移至皮肤。(表示结果) 5. The sick child who had been given the medicine soon fell asleep.(表示时间) • 病孩服药后很快就入睡了。
4. 译成各种状语从句
1. The future would seem to lie in chemotherapy, which has proved to selective a weapon in the war against bacteria.(表 示原因) • 未来的希望似乎在于化 疗,因为它已被证明是 治疗细菌性疾病的可供 选择的有效疗法。
• Understanding the basic structure • Understanding the meanings of words • Finding out the main part • Making clear sentence levels
• Adjusting collocation
5. 其他译法
• 虽然以上几种译法 如能在翻译实践中 正确和灵活运用, 一般能解决定语从 句的翻译问题,但 有时仍需要根据具 体情况采取一些特 殊的译法才能妥帖 地表达好原句的意 思。
5. 其他译法
1. The dosage should be decreased gradually to the minimal effective level which may be a as low as 100 mg daily. • 剂量应逐渐递减为最低有效水平,即日剂 量低至100毫克。(译为同位语) • 2. When in doubt, which is not infrequent, one will establish the diagnosis by laparotomy. • 如有怀疑(这种情况也是常见的),可通 过剖腹术诊断。(译成括号形式)
3. 顺序译法
• 所谓顺序译法,就是将定
语从句的关系词省略不译, 将主句与从句顺序而下译 为一个整句
3. 顺序译法
heart is muscular organ which is divided into a right and left half by a muscular wall.
• 正常眼压青光眼通常是指,在临床特征上视神 经乳头杯状凹陷、视野缺失、开角、眼内压在 统计学上属正常范围,且没有成为诱因的眼内 或全身性疾病。
• As we untangle the genetics and fundamental causes of glaucomatous damage to the optic nerve, researchers and clinicians will understand the destructive factors affecting the optic disk and should be able to make more rational decisions about therapy, no matter what the level of intraocular pressure. • 在我们解释给视神经青光眼造成损害的遗传因 素及各种基本的原因时,研究人员和临床医生 则会了解影响视神经乳头的各种破坏性因素, 并且不管眼内压力如何,都可以做出更为合理 的治疗决定。
2. 分译法
2.Several different clinical classifications exist, which vary only in details.
• 有几种不同的临床分类法,但这些方法也 只是细节上有所差别。
2. 分译法
3.Gastroenteritis may produce vomiting, abdominal pain, and fever that are difficult to distinguish from those of acute appendicitis. • 胃肠炎可产生呕吐、腹 痛和发热,而这些症状 很难与急性阑尾炎相区 别。
that neurogenic factors play a part.
• 继发性休克发生较迟,可能有神经元素在起作用。
4. 译成各种状语从句
• 有时,定语从句在意义 上起着各种状语从句的 作用,表示主句的时间、
Adverbial Clauses
• Normal-pressure glaucoma is usually defined by the clinical features of optic disk cupping, visual field loss, open angles, intraocular pressure in the statistically normal range, and the absence of any causative ocular or systemic disease.
1. 合译法
3. Anything that happens anywhere in your body is likely to influence your nervous system in one way or another, and anything that influences your nervous system affects the rest of your body. • 体内任何部位发生的情况 都可能对神经系统产生某 种程度的影响,而任何影 响神经系统的情况都会累 及身体的其余部位。
2. 分译法
• 分译法即将定语从句译成与主句并列的一个分句,采 取分译法时,从句中的关系词翻译可以重复先行词, 也可译成“他(们)”、“它(们)”等,有时也可 译成“但是”、“而”等,表示转折关系。
2. 分译法
1.The local reaction frequently invites a vasodilatory reflex, which increases the engorgement of the spongy tissues of the nose. • 局部反应往往引起血 管扩张性反射,这种 反射增加鼻海绵组织 的充血。
合 译 法
1. 合译法
1. Chronic tonsillitis is a
disease on which there has been much controversy. • 慢性扁桃体炎是一种 有许多争议的疾病。
1. 合译法
2.Diseases in which structure changes are demonstrable are known as organic diseases. • 呈现结构变化的疾 病称为器质性疾病。
第六章 定语从句的翻译及长难 句的翻译
• 在翻译定语从句之前,必须先搞清从句与主句的 限制性或非限制性关系,掌握关系代词或关系副 词与主句先行词的关系,然后考虑汉语的表达习 惯,进行恰当的翻译。总的来说,定语从句的译 法主要有以下几种:
1. 合译法
• 所谓合译,就是将定语从 句译为主句中先行词的修 饰语,即译成“ …… 的”。 这种译法适用于定语从句 较短、从句对先行词的限 制性较强的情况,另外, 只要译成汉语后的定语修 饰语不太长、意思清楚、 句子又通顺都可或应这样 译。