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句型:及物动词+宾语(n./pron.) +宾语补足语(n./adj./adv./ to do/ -ing/ -ed/介词短语共7种表示法) 可以用分词作主语或宾语补足语的动词


1. 感官动词feel,hear,listen to,see, watch,notice,observe,look at (一感二听五看)及find 等既可以接现在分词又可以接过去分词充当补足语。如:

I saw him ___________ (change )the wheel of his car.我看见他在换汽车轮子。(意味着我看到了整个动作过程)

I saw him ___________ (change)the wheel of his car.我看见他换汽车轮子。(可能意味着我只看到动作过程的一部分) I saw the wheel of his car ________ ( cha nge) by a boy just now.

I saw him _________ ( run) dow n the street.我看见他沿着街跑。

I felt an ant _______ ( climb) over my leg.我感到一只蚂蚁正在我的腿上爬。

Sudde nly I noticed her ________ ( sta nd) outside突然我注意到她正站在外边。

Whe n we went home, we found the door _____ (lock).

We can hear the wi ndows _________ (beat) by the heavy rain drops.

They felt themselves _________ (cheat).

The America n Chin ese is amazed to find his hometow n greatly ______ (cha nge).

I could hear the girls _________ (sing) in the classroom.我能听到女孩们在教室里唱歌。

I have never heard the song ________ (sing) in my school. 我从未听过这首歌在我们学校唱过。

In the dream Peter saw himself _________ by a fierce wolf, and he woke suddenly with a start. (2006 上海卷)

A. chased

B. to be chased

C. be chased

D. havi ng bee n chased

After a knock at the door, the child heard his mother ' s voice him. (2007 上海春)

A. call ing

B. called

C. being called

D. to call

He was seen ________ ( cross) the road.(整个过程)有人看见他穿过马路。

He was seen _________ ( cross) the road.(正在进行的动作)有人看见他在穿过马路。

The miss ing boys were last seen _______ ( play) n ear the river.

2 .表示"致使”动词get , have , make等既可以接现在分词又可以接过去分词充当补足语。

(keep / leave sb/sth doing )

H e managed to get the task ______ (finish) on time.他设法按时完成了任务。

The director got her assistant __________ some hot dogs for the meeting. (2008 全国II 卷)

A. picked up

B. picks up

C.to pick up

D. pick ing up

Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her writte n En glish ______ in a short period. (2007 福建


A. improved

B. improvi ng

C. to improve . improve

--Good morning. Can I help you?

A. picked up

B. picks up

C. pick up

D. pick ing up
