剑桥国际英语教程试题资料答案 (3)

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• 3) 他期待着能够上电视变得更加出名。
• Helo_o_k_s_ f_o_r_w_a_rdto ____b_ei_n_g_o_nTV, and _b_e_c_o__ming more famous.
• 4. I used to _A____ to school by bike, but now I am used to _____ to school.
• 6. 谁也不清楚,数百年之后这个世界会是个什么 样子。
Nobody knowsw_h__a_t the world _w_i_ll_b_e_l_ik_e_______ in hundreds of years.
• 1. These days, gas prices __C__ frequently. • A. have increased B. increased C.
increase • 4. There __D__a tall building standing over there,
but it is a garden now.
A. is B. is used to
C. used to D. used to be
• 5. ---John didn’t pass the test this time, did he?
• ---_B__. He failed again.
• A. Yes, he did B. No, he didn’t C. Yes, he was D. No, he wasn’t
• 8. In 10 or 20 years, there __C______ many small independent store.
• 3. While Tom (take) ___w_a_s_ta_k_in_g___ a shower last night, the phone (ring)_ra_n_g____________.
• 4. _C___ you finish your homework, please hand it in to the teacher.
Time contrasts
• Read the chart + ways
Time expressions. (add more)
• —_D_____. I can help you with your lessons.
• A. It’s OK C. That’s all right D. Take it easy
• 8. Jim was going to meet me early this morning at the airport but he didn't A .
• 5. “Remember to close the door when you leave the classroom.” Linda told/asked me. (同义句)
• Linda told/asked me __to__c_lo__se________ the door when I left the classroom.
• 5. 用if 将A, B 两句合理整合,合并为一个句子。
• A. You are going to bring some food to the party. B. The teacher will take it away.
• If you bring some food to the party, the teacher will take it away.
• 6. My parents _C_____ for 16 years. • A. married C. have been married
• D. have married
• 7. —I missed a lot of lessons. I’m worried about the final exam.
• A. Although B. Because
C. If
• 5. Millions of people _B____ their money to help the people in trouble in disaster areas.
• A. put away B. gave away C. ran away
• 3. Jason used to take his dog out for a walk five times a week . (对划线部分提问)
• _H_o_w_ _o_f_te_n_d_i_d_ Jason __u_s_e_ to take his dog out for a walk?
• 4. How many people are there in Jinan? (同义句) _W__h_a_t_’sthe population __o_f___ Jinan?
• A. go ; walking C. go ; walk D. going ; walk
• 10. Beijing _C____ a lot in the past ten years. Now it has become one of the biggest modern _____ in the world.
• 5. I (have, not))_d_id_n_’t_h_a_v_e____ any tea until I (get) __g_o_t ____ home from work yesterday.
• 2. Before Tom ( go) __go_e_s_ to bed, he always (brush) __b_ru_s_h_e_s_ his teeth.
• B. changed; city C. has changed; cities
• D. had changed; cities
• 7. The light in his room is still on. Do you know_B_?
• B. why he stays up so late
• C. why is he so busy D. when he will stop to work
• His father _g_a_v_e_ u__p_____ smoking last year.
• 1. I have been away from home for 12 years. (改为同义句)
I have been away from home _s_i_n_c_e12 years_a_g_o__. • 4. Mr Green will be back in a week. (划线提问)
主将从现是指在条件状语从句和时间状语从 句中,如果主句是一般将来时,从句用一般
现在时替代一般将来时。 If sb…, sb will/ won’t/ may/ might do sth The chart
• 1. If she (come)c_o_m_e_s__ , I(make)_w_il_l _m_a_k_e_ a cup of tea for her.
in _t_h_e__n_i_n_e_t_e_e_n_th centu_r_y____t_o_d__a_y______
_i_Leabharlann Baidu_t_h__e_1_9__6_0_s_
__s_o__o_n___________ in__t_w__e_n_t_y__y_e_a_r_s___ 10__y_e_a_r_s__fr_o__m__n_o__w_ ___in__a__y_e_a_r_______
• 2. Is it still there? Do you know? (改为复合句) Do you know _if__i_t’_s_____ still there?
• 4. —H__o_w__lo_n_g______ have you been living here? • —Since last summer.
H__o_w__s_oo_n_____ will Mr Green be back?
• 2. Linda has to take a bus to school every day.(否定) Linda d__o_e_sn_’_t_h_av_e__t_o take a bus to school every day.
• 1. Before Tom ( go)__g_o_es____ to bed later tonight, he (e-mail)_w__ill_e_-_m_a_il__his girlfriend.
• 4. After I (get) ___ge_t_____home from work tomorrow afternoon, I (drink)__w_i_ll _d_rin_k___ a cup of tea.
• A. weren’t B. aren’t C. might not be
• A. show up B. put up C. stay up D. use up
• 9. Listening to music _D___ me too much time. From now on I won’t ____ much time on it.
A. costs, spend B. takes, pay D. takes, spend • 3. 他爸爸去年戒烟了。