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Lesson 47 Too high a price 代价是否太高

New words and expression 生词和短语

pollution n..污染

型: pollute, polluted, pollution, polluter


air pollution water pollution noise pollution information pollution

pollutant n.污染物chemical pollutant

pollute v.污染

More and more water is been polluted.

Pollution is the major problem we are faced with.

Gases from cars are one of the polluters of air pollution.

eg. Peking is heavily polluted. pollute one's mind污染心灵

polluter A polluter is someone or something that pollutes the environment.污染者;污染源

innocent adj.无害的,无污染的an innocent glass of water

overpopulated adj.人口多的overpeopled

populate v.居住于If an area is populated by certain people or animals 聚居; 栖息

eg. The north-east of the U.S.A is populated mainly by farmers. 美国东北部的居民主要是农民。

densely populated 人口多的(人口密度过大的)/heavily populated /thickly populated / over populated sparsely populated [‘spɑ:sli] 人口稀少的稀疏地;贫乏地/thinly populated /under populated

shift population 流动人口population explosion 人口爆炸

sparsely-populated community 人口稀疏的地区== sparsely-peopled

population 人口数量

What’s the population in your country? The city has a population of two million.

populous [‘p?pj ?l ?s] adj. 正式,强调一个地区人口众多,拥挤

The narrow street is populous with people.

The most populous province in China is SiChuan.

over-industrialized adj.过度工业化的

commercialization 商品化

-(z)ation ⋯化

industrialization 工业化denationalization 私有化desertification 沙漠化

sheer [???(r)] adj.纯粹的,不掺杂的(只做定语)

1. pure unmixed纯粹的[ADJ n] [强调]

2. steep [sti:p] 陡峭的; 完全垂直的

It is very difficult for us to climb sheer mountain. The cliff is so sheer that you can ’t climb it.

3. complete 完全的What are you talking about sheer nonsense?

4. Transparent [tr?ns ’p?r ?nt]透明的ladies and girls would like to wear sheer silk stockings.

sheer luck实在是运气sheer stupidity 太蠢了

the sheer weight净重the sheer size净尺寸the sheer volume总体积

(use to emphasize how heavy or big something is)

eg. The sheer area of China is bigger than the whole Europe.


a mere 20 miles仅20 英里 a mere child

worldwide adv.在全世界(adj. 全世界的adv. 在世界各地)

nationwide adj.全国范围的,举国上下的

world wide web 万维网

overwhelm [, ??v?’welm] v.制服,使不知所措(淹没;压倒;受打击;覆盖;压垮)

1、(强烈地影响而) 使不知所措If you are overwhelmed by a feeling or event, it affects you very strongly,

2、彻底制服; 击败If a group of people overwhelm a place or another group, they gain complete control or victory over them.

He was overwhelmed by grief. 悲伤至极Grief seized him.

Your kindness quite overwhelms me. (I appreciates your kindness.)

The problem overwhelmes (is beyond/above) me.

辨析:conquer 征服,占领,克服He conquered the city.

口头上表达克服困难:overcome, get rid of (difficulties)

be overwhelmed with sorrow 不胜悲伤be overwhelmed with his generosity 不胜感激(对他的慷慨)overwhelming majority 压倒多数overwhelming victory 压倒性的胜利

pollute v.污染

pesticide n.杀虫剂

-cide -icide 杀死

Genocide [‘d ?en?sa?d]种族灭绝犹太人,塞黑,卢旺达

Suicide insecticide [ ?n’sekt?sa?d] 杀虫剂herbicide [ ‘h?: b? s a?d] 除草剂

Herb [h ?:b] 草本植物,香草,草药herbal adj. 草药的;草本的herbal essence草本精华

Chinese herbal prescription 中草药组方

fertilizer n.肥料((天然或化学的))

fertilize vt 施肥;使受精; 使授粉


adj. fertile 富饶的,肥沃的;能生育的

n. fertility 多产;肥沃;[农经] 生产力;丰饶

fertilizer [ 肥料] 肥料;受精媒介物;促进发展者==fertiliser 化肥(等于fertilizer )

fertilisation 受精(等于fertilization );施肥

fertile soil 肥沃的土壤

fertile imagination 丰富的想象力fertile mind 活跃的思维fertile brain 活跃的大脑

productive adj.高产量的

a productive hen a productive writer

<-> sterile [ ‘stera?l] adj.贫瘠的(不育的;无菌的;贫瘠的;不毛的;)

salmonella [,s?lm ?’nel ?] n.沙门氏菌通常寄居在人或动物肠道内。它主要污染动物性食品,包括禽畜类、蛋类、奶类及其制品。如果没有彻底加热,则可能感染。

fungus [ ‘f??ɡ?s] n.菌,真菌,菌类植物术语,菌类

edible fungus 食用菌;木耳chinese caterpillar fungus 冬虫夏草

Edible [ ‘e b d l?]adj.可食用的、适宜食用的Edible Mushroom 食用菌

Inedible adj.不可以吃的、不适宜食用的

disinfectant [,d ?s?n’fekt ?nt] n. 杀菌剂
