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前言Preface (2)


Operational Requirements prior to installation (3)


Principle of installation about spring hanger (6)


Loading adjustment of spring hanger (7)


Installation and adjustment notice of spring hanger (10)



本公司生产的PH型、 LH型恒力弹簧支吊架系列产品符合JB/T8130.1-1999规定, 产品出厂前经逐台性能试验并附有产品合格证明书, 每份合同附一份安装调整说明书, 请用户在安装调整前仔细阅读说明书。

本说明书向用户介绍的安装调整有关内容是以平式( PH型) 恒力弹簧支吊架为代表, 其它型式如立式( LH) 、座式( ZH) 和本公司生产的其它标准系列如恒力碟簧支吊架等, 可参照本说明书进行。

The Constant Spring Hanger serial ( PH & LH type) products by our company meet JB/T8130.1-1999 standard requirement, the hangers will be tested prior to delivery and attach the product quality certificates and operation & adjusting instruction, the site shall read double instruction prior to installation.

The related Installation, operation and maintenance content of manual make Horizontal type constant spring hanger (PH type) representation, others type products, such as Vertical type (LH type) and Seated type (ZH type) and other type hangers , they are all make the manual reference.


Dalian Spring Co., Ltd.





Constant Spring Hangers

Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual

1. 安装调整前须知

Operational Requirements prior to installation

1.1 恒力弹簧支吊架按力矩平衡原理设计, 用来承受热力管道和设备自重载荷, 当管道

或设备从冷态到热态产生膨胀( 位移) 时, 恒力弹簧支吊架的支吊点能跟随其移动, 同时载荷基本保持恒定不变, 减少管道和设备接口处的附加应力, 保障管路系统或设备安全运行。

With the principle of moment balance, Constant Spring hanger is used to stand hot pipeline and facility weight. When pipe or facility appears expansion movement from cold to hot status, Constant hanger load change little, but the hanger dot can remove properly with pipe movement.

1.2 恒力弹簧支吊架主要由圆柱螺旋弹簧、固定框架、回转框架、连杆回转机构、松

紧螺母和载荷调整装置等构成, 其典型结构如图1所示。

Constant hanger contains cylindrical and helical compress spring, frame plate, rotate frame, turnbuckle and load adjust device etc.., and the type construct

is shown as below figure 1.

图1 恒力弹簧支吊架典型结构示意图

Figure 1 Type Construct – Constant Spring Hanger

1—固定框架/frame plate ; 2—回转框架/rotate frame; 3—生根顶板螺栓孔/bolt hole; 4—主轴/ main pivot shaft ; 5—位移指示牌/movement indicate panel; 6—载荷调整螺栓/load adjust bolt; 7—位移指示器/movement indicator; 8—弹簧罩筒/spring can ; 9—锁紧销轴存放孔/lock pin hole; 10—弹簧/spring ; 11—弹簧紧固螺母/spring load nut;

12—载荷调整指示牌/load adjust indicate panel; 13—载荷调整轴刻线/ load adjust panel; 14—锁紧销轴/lock pin; 15—吊杆螺栓( 不供) /thread rod (not supply) ; 16—花兰螺丝/turnbuckle; 17—载荷螺栓/load bolt;

18—载荷轴/load shaft ; 19—紧固螺母/load nut。

1.3 常见恒力弹簧支吊架的型式和生根支吊方式如图2。

The spring hanger type and common supporting and hung plan are shown as below figure 2:
