





English Test Paper for Doctoral Candidates (A) 2011.01.09 Part I Listening Comprehension (15%) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear several short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center (on Answer Sheet I). 1. A. She is in Vietnam. B. She is in Thailand. C. She is right here. D. She is in Tokyo. 2. A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. On foot. D. By train. 3. A. He stays late for the lesson. B. He is studying. C. He has little rest. D. He is resting. 4. A. She gave a lecture to the psychology class. B. She advised the woman to see a psychologist. C. She persuaded the woman not to take the course. D. She convinced the woman to apply to graduate school. 5. A. She read it selectively. B. She went over it chapter by chapter. C. She read it slowly. D. She finished it at a stretch. Section B Directions:In this section, you will hear several short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center (on Answer Sheet I). Passage One 6. A. How to choose the qualified goods. B. The consumer's rights. C. The importance of the quality. D. How to demand the replacement.


武汉大学 2017年攻读博士学位研究生外语综合水平考试试题 (满分值100分) 科目名称:英语科目代码:1101 注意:所有的答题内容必须写在答案纸上,凡写在试题或草稿纸上的一律无效。 Part I Reading Comprehension (2’×20 = 40 points) Directions:In this part of the test, there will be 5 passages for you to read. Each passage is followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements, and each question or unfinished statement is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are to decide on the best choice by blackening the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. Passage One Mr Gordon is right that the second industrial revolution involved never-to-be-repeated changes. But that does not mean that driverless cars count for nothing. Messrs Erixon and Weigel are also right to worry about the West’s dismal recent record in producing new companies. But many old firms are not run by bureaucrats and have reinvented themselves many times over: General Electric must be on at least its ninth life. And the impact of giant new firms born in the past 20 years such as Uber, Google and Facebook should not be underestimated: they have all the Schumpeterian characteristics the authors admire. On the pessimists’ side the strongest argument relies not on closely watching corporate and investor behavior but rather on macro-level statistics on productivity. The figures from recent years are truly dismal. Karim Foda, of the Brookings Institution, calculates that labor productivity in the rich world is growing at its slowest rate since 1950. Total factor productivity (which tries to measure innovation) has grown at just 0.1% in advanced economies since 2004, well below its historical average. Optimists have two retorts. The first is that there must be something wrong with the figures. One possibility is that they fail to count the huge consumer surplus given away free of charge on the internet. But this is unconvincing. The official figures may well be understating the impact of the internet revolution, just as they downplayed the impact of electricity and cars in the past, but they are not understating it enough to explain the recent decline in productivity growth. Another, second line of argument that the productivity revolution has only just begun is more persuasive. Over the past decade many IT companies may have focused on things that were more “fun than fundamental” in Paul Krugman’s phrase.But Silicon Valley’s best companies are certainly focusing on things that change the material world.

2015中南大学考博英语经典阅读:An educationin finance

2015中南大学考博英语经典阅读:An educationin finance 国庆长假,育明考博考博小编为同学们收集整理了经典阅读资料并附有例句解析,希望育明考博考博伴随同学们共度国庆,复习的更加顺利!联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八 An educationin finance Less well known is the increasing willingness of colleges to borrowin the markets,too.On May15th,for example,Cornell University sold$250m-worth of bonds.In recent weeks both Harvard and the University of Texashave also raised hundreds of millions of dollars in this way. Such debt-raising is becoming more common.There are abundantreasons to believe that the market will grow much bigger yet. Largely this is because colleges are only belatedly becoming awareof how useful the financial markets can be.No doubt some of their hesitationhas been cultural:academics may have been reluctant to look at theiruniversities as businesses;or they may have misunderstood what was needed tohelp those businesses grow. If they did look at their institutions in economic terms,people ineducation tended not to think that universities lacked capital.Rather,theythought that they had a structural inability to use capital and labour moreefficiently.Unlike the car industry,many schools felt that they mustmaintain,or even increase,the ratio of employees(teachers)to customers(students).Small class sizes are taken as a signal of high quality,soinvesting money to save on teachers’salaries is not anattractive strategy. Schools had other reservations as well.Poor schools were worriedabout being unable to service debt.Rich schools with huge endowments may haveseen no need. So much for an academic perspective.A growing number of investorssaw


《免疫学基础》绪论 一、名词解释 1免疫 2. 医学免疫学 二、填空题 免疫功能包括__免疫防御功能__、__自身耐受功能___、___免疫监视功能__。 免疫防御功能异常,表现为___超敏反应__、_自身缺陷病____、__肿瘤___。 免疫是指机体识别和排除___抗原性异物___以自身生理平衡与稳定的功能。 三、选择题 1.免疫的概念简单表述是(A) A.机体识别和排除抗原性异物的功能 B.机体清除和杀伤自身突变细胞的功能 C.机体清除自身衰老死亡细胞的功能 D.机体对病原微生物的防御能力 2.机体免疫防御功能过高可导致( E) A.严重感染 B.自身免疫病 C.肿瘤 D.免疫缺陷 E.超敏反应性疾病 3.机体免疫系统排斥或杀灭突变细胞的功能称为( A ) A.免疫监视 B.免疫自稳 C.免疫防御 D.免疫识别 4.关于免疫应答正确的说法是( C ) A.对机体有利 B.对机体有害 C.通常情况下有利,有时有害 D.以上说法都不对 5.免疫系统的三大功能为( C)(2002年医师真题) A免疫应答、免疫记忆、免疫监视 B.免疫防御、免疫记忆、免疫监视 C.免疫防御、免疫自稳、免疫监视 D.免疫应答、免疫自稳、免疫监视 第一章免疫系统 一、选择题 1.T淋巴细胞在以下那个器官发育成熟( A )A胸腺B骨髓C脾D淋巴结 2.人类的中枢免疫器官是( A ) A、胸腺和骨髓 B、淋巴结和脾脏 C、淋巴结和胸腺 D、骨髓和粘膜相关淋巴组织3.艾滋病的特征性免疫学异常是( A )A.选择性T细胞缺乏,CD4/CD8比值下降B.迟发性皮肤超敏反应减弱或丧失C.血清IgG升高 D.血清IgG下降 4. TC细胞(CTL)表面具有鉴定意义的标志是( B ) A、CD4分子 B、CD8分子 C、CD29分子 D、CD80分子 5.Th细胞具有鉴定意义的标志是(B) A、CD8分子 B、CD4分子 C、CD29分子 D、CD80分子 6.参与非特异性免疫的细胞不包括(D) A 皮肤黏膜上皮细胞 B 吞噬细胞 C NK细胞 D T细胞 7.参与特异性免疫的细胞不包括( B) A、T细胞 B、NK细胞 C、 B细胞 D、树突状细胞 8. B淋巴细胞在以下那个器官发育成熟( B )A胸腺B骨髓C脾D淋巴结 9.下列选项不属于淋巴细胞的有( B ) A、自然杀伤细胞 B、单核吞噬细胞 C、B细胞 D、T细胞 10.下列选项不属于T细胞表面标志的是( D ) A、CD8分子 B、CD4分子 C、CD3分子 D、CD40分子 11.HIV侵犯的主要靶细胞是( A )(2001执业医真题) A.CD4+T细胞 B.CD8+T细胞 C.B细胞 D.红细胞 12.巨噬细胞产生的主要细胞因子是( A )(2001执业医真题) A.IL-1 B.IL-2 C.IL-4 D.TNF


2015年武汉大学考博英语真题及详解 Part ⅠReading Comprehension (2×20=40分) Directions: In this part for the test, there will be 5 passages for you to read. Each passage is followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements, and each question or unfinished statement is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are to decide on the best choice by blackening the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. Passage One Justice in society must include both a fair trial to the accused and the selection of an appropriate punishment for those proven guilty. Because justice is regarded as one form of equality, we find in its earlier expressions the idea of a punishment equal to the crime. Recorded in the Old Testament is the expression “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.”That is, the individual who has done wrong has committed an offence against society. T o make up for his offence, society must get even. This can be done only by doing an equal injury to him. This conception of retributive justice is reflected in many parts of the legal documents and procedures of modern times. It is illustrated when we demand the death penalty for a person who had committed murder. This philosophy of punishment was supported by the German idealist Hegel. He believed that society owed it to the criminal to give a punishment equal to the crime he had committed. The criminal had by his own actions denied his true self and it is necessary to do something that will counteract


武汉大学考博英语经典复习方法 考博竞争日益激烈,英语成绩的高低往往具有“决定”意义,因为专业课很难拉开分数。那么考博英语到底如何复习准备呢?联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八 1、题型由于考博英语试题由各招生单位自己独立命题,所以不同院校的考博英语试题题型风格不尽相同。就题型而言,一般都含有词汇结构、完形填空、阅读理解、汉英互译、作文题。很多院校初试不再考听力,而在复试通过口语形式考查。但有些院校仍在初试考查听力,甚至很重视听力分数。有些学校还有改错题,应用文,甚至其他题型。少数院校不考作文,但翻译比较长。很多院校主观题的分数所占比重都较高,占1/3甚至1/2比重。 2、难度考博英语重视考查翻译、写作等与攻读博士学位相关的应用能力,所以其难度不能简单与其他考试比较。但一般来说,考博英语试题的难度约相当于大学英语六级,但少数院校比六级难,有些院校甚至只相当于四级水平,甚至同一院校不同年份的难易程度也迥异。这是由于考博英语试题的命制没有其他英语水平考试、选拔考试规范,往往因出题人不同而有区别。所以,报考相应院校的考生一定要看一看该院校近年的考博英语真题。 3、词汇保守估计,考博英语需要掌握7000~8000单词,900常用动词短语。当然,一般掌握了六级及硕士研究生入学考试的词汇,通过考博英语也没有多大问题,只是词汇题可能失去少数分数。长期关注和研究考博英语试题,反对有些所谓考博英语词汇书所讲的考博需要掌握1万甚至1万以上词汇的观点。事实上,背诵那么多词汇是没有多大意义的,考博英语考查的重点不是考生掌握了多少词汇,而如上文所述,是阅读、翻译、写作能力。所以,词汇够用即可,建议复习自己当年很熟悉的考研词汇、六级词汇,然后略加拓展,如可看看公共英语等级考试五级词汇、新托福词汇、部分GRE


中南大学 2011年外科学博士学位研究生入学考试试题 长沙泰和医院神外-何承彪(2012年考博神外专业得分86分) 公共题 一、名词解释(每题4分) 1、微创外科:是通过微小创伤或微小入路,将特殊器械、物理能量或化学药剂送入人体 内部,完成对人体内病变、畸形、创伤的灭活、切除、修复或重建等外科手术操作,以达到治疗目的的医学科学分支,其特点是对病人的创伤明显小于相应的传统外科手术。如电视腹腔镜技术。 1、新辅助化疗:是指在恶性肿瘤局部实施手术或放疗前应用的全身性化疗,又称早期化疗。 即在肿瘤患者确诊后,在术前或放疗前行两个疗程的正规化疗,休息一两周后行手术治疗或放疗。理论点:术前或放疗前肿瘤血液供应和局部解剖尚未改变,从而可增加药物进入肿瘤组织内,增强抗肿瘤作用。 3、Systemic inflammatory response syndrome:即全身炎症反应综合征(SIRS)是因感 染或非感染病因作用于机体而引起的机体失控的自我持续放大和自我破坏的全身性炎症反应。它是机体修复和生存而出现过度应激反应的一种临床过程。共同的特征性变化是血浆中炎症介质增多,而细菌感染并非必要条件。具有下列临床表现即可诊断:1)体温>38o C或<36o C;2)心率>90次/分;3)呼吸急促>20次/分或过度通气,PaCO2<4.3kPa;4)白细胞计数>12×109/L或<4×109/L,或未成熟白细胞>10%。 4、肠功能障碍:是指肠实质与(或)功能的损害,导致蠕动、消化、吸收营养与(或)黏膜屏 障功能出现障碍。 5、临界性肿瘤:少数肿瘤,形态上属良性,但常浸润性生长,切除后易复发,甚至可出现转移, 从生物行为上显示良性与恶性之间的类型,故称交界性或临界性肿瘤。诸如包膜不完整的纤维瘤、粘膜乳头状瘤、唾液腺混合瘤等。 二、问答题(每题5分) 1、临床出现高血钾如何治疗? 答:由于高钾血症有导致病人心搏突然停止的危险,因此高钾血症一经诊断,应积极予以治疗。 1、停用一切含钾的药物或溶液 2、降低血钾浓度,可采取下列几项措施: 1)促使K+ 转入细胞内 ①输注碳酸氢钠溶液:先静脉注射5% NaHCO3溶液60-100ml,再继续静脉滴注NaHCO3 溶液100-200ml。(这种高渗碱性溶液输入后可使血容量增加,不仅可使血清K+得到 稀释,降低血钾浓度;又能使K+移入细胞内或由尿排出。同时,还有助于酸中毒的治 疗。注入的Na+可使肾远曲小管的Na+、K+交换增加,使K+从尿中排出)。


2017年武汉大学考博英语真题及答案 注意:所有的答题内容必须写在答案纸上,凡写在试题或草稿纸上的一律无效。 Part I Reading Comprehension (2’×20 = 40 points) Directions: In this part of the test, there will be 5 passages for you to read. Each passage is followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements, and each question or unfinished statement is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are to decide on the best choice by blackening the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. Passage One Mr Gordon is right that the second industrial revolution involved never-to-be-repeated changes. But that does not mean that driverless cars count for nothing. Messrs Erixon and Weigel are also right to worry about the West’s dismal recent record in producing new companies. But many old firms are not run by bureaucrats and have reinvented themselves many times over: General Electric must be on at least its ninth life. And the impact of giant new firms born in the past 20 years such as Uber, Google and Facebook should not be underestimated: they have all the Schumpeterian characteristics the authors admire. On the pessimists’ side the strongest argument relies not on closely watching corporate and investor behavior but rather on macro-level statistics on productivity. The figures from recent years are truly dismal. Karim Foda, of the Brookings Institution, calculates that labor productivity in the rich world is growing at its slowest rate since 1950. Total factor productivity (which tries to measure innovation) has grown at just 0.1% in advanced economies since 2004, well below its historical average. Optimists have two retorts. The first is that there must be something wrong


一、名词解释: (1)1、异嗜性抗原 2、McAb 3、ICC 4、CDR 5、MAC (2)1、TD-Ag 2、HVR 3、免疫耐受4、MHC 5、TCR复合体 (3)1. APC 2. ADCC 3. HLA 4. CK 5. 抗原决定簇 二、填空: 1.免疫的功能包括免疫防御、_______和_______。 2.抗原具有__________和__________两种特性。 3.补体裂解片段C3a、C5a具有趋化作用和____________作用。 4.T细胞识别的抗原决定簇是__________。 5.补体经典激活途径的主要激活物质是__________。 6.位于HLA-Ⅱ类基因区,其编码产物参与内源性抗原加工递呈的基因是LMP和____。 7.根据TCR种类的不同,可将T细胞分为_______和_______两个亚群。 8.NK细胞表面的特异性标志为_______和CD16。 9.HLA复合体的遗传特点有单倍型遗传、共显性遗传、__________和________。

10.新生儿溶血症属于_______型超敏反应,类风湿性关节炎属于_______型超敏反应。 11.动物免疫血清具有___________和____________两重性。 12.B细胞识别的抗原决定簇是__________。 13.补体替代激活途径的C5转化酶是_____________。 14.HLA复合体位于第____染色体。 15.人类的中枢免疫器官包括____和______。 16.T细胞的协同受体为_______和_______。 17.在I型超敏反应中,新合成的介质有________、___________血小板活化因子、细胞因子。 18.与链球菌感染后肾炎有关的是____和____型超敏反应。 19.半抗原是指具有_________性,不具有___________性的物质。 20.血清中含量最高的Ig是_______,在局部免疫中发挥主要作用的Ig 是_____。 21.具有趋化作用的补体裂解片段有C3a、_____、________。 22.经典的HLA-Ⅱ类抗原由DP、___、____基因编码。


English Test for Doctoral Candidates (A卷) Dec. 28, 2008 Part I Listening Comprehension (20%) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and question will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet I with a single line through the center. 1. A. Touch all his friends. B. Write a lot. C. Have a lot of time. D. Have a lot of friends. 2. A. To work for a small company. B. To start a large company. C. To be independent. D. To graduate. 3. A. Buy a new car. B. Go to a new store. C. Find a new repair shop. D. Take a different bus. 4. A. 36 dollars. B. 15 dollars. C. 12 dollars. D. 4 dollars. 5. A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. D. Four hours. 6. A. Perston's sister is going abroad. B. The man is probably reading a newspaper. C. The news today is very unusual. D. The Prime Minister is warmly welcomed. 7. A. She likes Mexican food. B. She expected a better dinner. C. The dinner was expensive. D. She enjoyed the food more than the man did. 8. A. 6 hours. B. 1 hour. C. 10 hours.


中南大学2015考博英语:高分经验阶梯复习方法分享考博是一个系统的学习、复习提高的过程。在这个漫长的复习过程中,你应该制定一个科学可行的复习方案,按部就班的踏实完成,才有可能将复习坚持到底,并达到卓有成效的目的。关于考博英语的复习,一千个人就有一千个方法,只要肯做方法便无穷。我认为英语是个积累性很强的学科,如果想要在有限的时间里提高英语成绩,前提就是要分阶段、分梯度,循序渐进的进行复习。当然,这个过程中,也应该根据自己的复习情况,对计划有针对性的调整。下面育明考博考博的小编就给大家分享下考博英语阶梯复习方法。联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八 一、第一阶段:从基础入手 这个复习阶段在我的全程复习中,大约占到了3个月的时间。主攻的方向为单词和长难句。单词是提高英语的基础;而长难句考查的主要是语法知识,它是考博英语和其他各类英语考试最大区别。 词汇量是考博英语阅读能力和写作能力提高的根本。词汇复习需要你制定一个详尽复习计划,忌好高骛远,要注重循序渐进的反复及“消化”过程。对于重点词汇及同义词、反义词、派生词等区别、用法,要侧重记忆。 育明考博考博英语辅导老师根据多年的教学经验,为大家这部分的复习提出以下的建议: 1)词汇复习书籍的选择。建议你应该依据个人学习习惯和记忆模式去挑选资料。例如,如果你习惯快速记背,遗忘规律遵循的时间较短,建议你选择全都是词汇的小册子作为第一轮单词复习的首选。但是,无论你的记忆模式是怎样的,一定要认真的背完一遍。 2)找一本比较权威全面的语法书。这样的资料容易帮助你重温各种语法的基本结构。阅读和翻译中的长难句,是由各种简单结构组合而成的,所以


武汉大学考博英语真题核心词汇集锦 1.blackboard['bl?kb?:d]n.黑板 2.blackmail['bl?kmeil]n.讹诈,敲诈,勒索;胁迫,恫吓 3.blade[bleid]n.刀刃,刀片;桨叶;草叶,叶片 4.blame['bleim]"v.责备;怪,把…归咎于n.责任,过错;责备" 5.blank[bl??k]"a.空白的,空着的;失色的n.空白;表格" 6.blanket['bl??kit]n.毯子(可数);厚厚一层(可数)vt.铺上一层 7.blast"['bai?u,bl?st]"n.一阵(风);爆炸冲击波;管乐器声v.爆炸 8.blaze[bleiz]"n.火焰;火光;闪光,光辉v.燃烧,冒火焰" 9.bleak[bli:k] a.荒凉的;冷酷的;没有希望的 10.bleed[bli:d]"vt.使出血,榨取vi.出血,流血" 11.blend[blend]"n.混合(物)v.混和,混杂" 12.bless[bles]"v.祝福,保佑"需要各大院校历年考博英语真题及其解析请加扣扣七七二六七八五三七或二八九零零六四三五一,也可以拨打全国免费咨询电话四零零六六八六九七八享受考博辅导体验。 13.blame['bleim]"v.责备;怪,把…归咎于n.责任,过错;责备" 14.blind[blaind] a.盲的,瞎的;盲目的vt.使失明n.百叶窗 15.block[bl?k]"n.大块木(石)料;街区;障碍物v.阻塞,拦阻" 16.blood[bl?d]n.血液,血;血统,血亲;血气 17.bloody['bl?di]"a.流血的,血腥的" 18.bloom[blu:m]n.花(朵);开花(期)v.开花 19.blossom['bl?s?m]n.花(簇);花期;青春vi.开花;展开;繁荣 20.blouse[blauz]n.女衬衣,短上衣,宽阔的罩衫


2013年中南大学博士分子生物学 一、名词解释 1. structure gene:结构基因:是决定合成某一种蛋白质或RNA分子结构相应的一段DNA。结构基因的功能是把携带的遗传信息转录给mRNA(信使核糖核酸),再以mRNA为模板合成具有特定氨基酸序列的蛋白质或RNA。 2. reverse transcriptase:反转录酶(Reversetranscripatase)是以RNA为模板指导三磷酸脱氧核苷酸合成互补DNA(cDNA)的酶。 3. polycistron:在原核细胞中,通常是几种不同的mRNA连在一起,相互之间由一段短的不编码蛋白质的间隔序列所隔开,这种mRNA叫做多顺反子mRNA。 单顺反子(monocistron):真核基因转录产物为单顺反子,即一个基因编码一条多肽链或RNA 链,每个基因转录有各自的调节元件。 4. untranslated region:非翻译区在分子遗传学中,是指任意一个位于mRNA链编码序列两端的片段。 5. directional cloning:定向克隆是指对外源DNA及载体均用两种不同的限制酶消化,再将二者用DNA连接酶连接起来的方法,该法可以使外源DNA以固定的方向插入到载体中,亦可避免载体的自身环化。 6. real-time fluorescent PCR:实时荧光定量PCR它是通过荧光染料或荧光标记的特异性的探针,对PCR产物进行标记跟踪,实时在线监控反应过程,结合相应的软件可以对产物进行分析,计算待测样品模板的初始浓度。 7. template:DNA在转录的时候为不对称转录,其中的一条链为转录的模板链,另一条为编码链,模板链将DNA上的信息传递到子代DNA或者mRNA中,以维持生物的生长和基因的表达。 8. competent cell感受态细胞:理化方法诱导细胞,使其处于最适摄取和容纳外来DNA的生理状态。受体细胞经过一些特殊方法(如:CaCl2,RuCl等化学试剂法)的处理后,细胞膜的通透性发生变化,成为能容许多有外源DNA的载体分子通过的感受态细胞。 9. α-complementary:α-互补是指lacZ基因上缺失近操纵基因区段的突变体与带有完整的近操纵基因区段的β-半乳糖苷酶(β-galactosidase,由1024 个氨基酸组成)阴性的突变体之间实现互补。α-互补是基于在两个不同的缺陷β-半乳糖苷酶之间可实现功能互补而建立的。大肠杆菌的乳糖lac操纵子中的lacZ基因编码β-半乳糖苷酶,如果lacZ基因发生突变,则不能合成有活性的β-半乳糖苷酶。例如,lacZ△M15 基因是缺失了编码β-半乳糖苷酶中第11-41 个氨基酸的lacZ基因,无酶学活性。对于只编码N-端140 个氨基酸的lacZ基因(称为lacZ'),其产物也没有酶学活性。但这两个无酶学活性的产物混合在一起时,可恢复β-半乳糖苷酶的活性,实现基因互补。 10.exon:外显子(expressed region)是真核生物基因的一部分,它在剪接(Splicing)后仍会被保存下来,并可在蛋白质生物合成过程中被表达为蛋白质。外显子是最后出现在成熟RNA中的基因序列,又称表达序列。 11. DNA methylation:DNA甲基化是指生物体在DNA甲基转移酶(DNA methyltransferase,DNMT) 的催化下,以S-腺苷甲硫氨酸(SAM) 为甲基供体,将甲基转移到特定的碱基上的过程。DNA甲基化可以发生在腺嘌呤的N -6位、胞嘧啶的N -4位、鸟嘌呤的N -7位或胞嘧啶的C-5位等。但在哺乳动物,DNA甲基化主要发生在5’-CpG-3’的C上.生成5-甲基胞嘧啶(5mC) 。 12. micro-satellite DNA:微卫星DNA:重复单位序列最短,只有2~6bp,串联成簇,长度50~100bp,又称为短串联重复序列(Short Tandem Repeat STR)。广泛分布于基因组中。 13. single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP:单核苷酸多态性主要是指在基因组水平上由单个核苷酸的变异所引起的DNA序列多态性。


2016武大博士生英语入学考试真题答案 I.Reading Comprehension(40分)(黄老师提供) BCAD ACBA DDCA DCAB CCBA Part II English-Chinese Translation(5*4=20分)(方老师提供:标答) 1. 如果我们的时间使用得当,就能生产出有用和重要的产品,在市场上买得一定的价钱;或者充实我们的经验,增长我们的才干,待到适当时机我们就能挣到金钱。 2. 我们想到死便震惊不已,因而不惜一切努力、麻烦和费用以保全生命。可是我们对于损失一个钟头或者一天时间往往漠不关心,忘记生命原来就是我们生活的每一天、每一小时的总和。 3. 现在如果从我们的寿命中减去所有这些岁月,我们将发现,能让我们用于有效工作的时间大概是15或20年左右。谁能记住这一点,就不会心甘情愿地浪费他生命的每时每刻。 4. 如果我们让生命的早晨时光悄悄溜走而未加利用,我们将永远无法弥补这种损失。等我们长大了,获得知识的能力就变得迟钝了,因此在童年和青年时期没能获得的知识或技能将永远不能获得了。 Part III Chinese-English Translation(20分)(方老师提供:标答) We are not sure what “intelligence” is, not what is passed on. However, the fact does not prevent us from finding it a very useful concept, and placing a certain amount of reliance on tests which “measure” it. In an intelligence test we take a sample of an individual’s ability to solve puzzles and problems of various kinds, and if we have taken a representative sample, it will allow us to predict successfully the level of performance he will reach in a wide variety of occupations. The Education Act 1944 passed by the British parliament made secondary
