



Information Technology

1982 was the year of information technology in Great Britain. But what exactly is infotech? 85% of the people

__1___ recently had not a clue what it means, __2___53% of those polled said they thought it sounded pretty

important.They were __3___.It is.So what is it? Well, put simply,it is the "marry-up"of products__4___several key industries:computers, telephone, televisions, satellites.

It means __5___ microelectronics, telecommunication networks fibre optics__6___produce,store,obtain and send information by way of words,numbers,pictures and

sound__7___and efficiency than ever before.

The __8__ infotech is having and is going to have on our lives and work is tremendous.It is already linking the skills of the space industry with __9___ of cable television,so programmes can be beamed directly into our homes ___10__ all over the world. Armies of "steel collar"workers,the

robots,will soon be working in factories doing the

boring,complex and __11___jobs which are at present still done by man. In some areas __12___the car industry this has already started. television will also be used to enable customers __13___from the comfort of their homes by simply ordering___14__ the TV screen, payment being made by direct debit of their credit cards.The automatic booking of tickets

will also be done through the television__15___ .Cable television __16___in many countries now gives a choice of

___17__ channels will soon be used to___18___ our homes by operating burglar and fire alarms ___19___to police and fire https://www.360docs.net/doc/097665201.html,puters will run our homes,controling the heating,air-conditioned and cooking systems ___20___ robot will cope with the housework.the friendly postman will be a thing of the past as the post service and letters disappear with the electronic mail received via viewdata screens.

1) A polling B being polled C polled D having been polled

2) A so B although C however D but

3) A right B wrong C mad D crazy

4) A from B in C to D for

5) A to use B to be used C being used D using

6) A to help B to helping C to be helped D to being helped

7) A very quickly B more quickly C quicklier D most quickly

8) A force B affect C impact D control

9) A those B that C which D the one

10) A from B in C across D thoughtout

11) A interesting B dull C unpleasant D happy

12) A for example B for instance C like D such as

13) A shop B to shop C shopping D to shopping

14) A on B via C within D by

15) A screen B machine C set D show

16) A where B in which C which D it

17) A a dozen Bdozen C dozen of D dozens of

18) A protect B clean C run D manage

19) A related B associated C linked D joined

20) A while B because C since D for


1--5 CBAAD 6--10 ABCAA

11--15 CDBBA 11--15 CDACA




2020年公共英语四级模拟试题:完形填空2020年公共英语四级模拟试题:完形填空 EXERCISE 1 Information Technology 1982 was the year of information technology in Great Britain. But what exactly is infotech? 85% of the people __1___ recently had not a clue what it means, __2___53% of those polled said they thought it sounded pretty important.They were __3___.It is.So what is it? Well, put simply,it is the "marry-up"of products__4___several key industries:computers, telephone, televisions, satellites. It means __5___ microelectronics, telecommunication networks fibre optics__6___produce,store,obtain and send information by way of words,numbers,pictures and sound__7___and efficiency than ever before. The __8__ infotech is having and is going to have on our lives and work is tremendous.It is already linking the skills of the space industry with __9___ of cable television,so programmes can be beamed directly into our homes ___10__ all over the world. Armies of "steel collar"workers,the robots,will soon be working in factories doing the boring,complex and __11___jobs which are at present still done by man. In some areas __12___the car industry this has already started. television will also be used to enable customers __13___from the comfort of their homes by simply ordering___14__ the TV screen, payment being made by direct debit of their credit cards.The automatic booking of tickets


大学英语四级模拟题四 Part One Reading Comprehension (2’×10 = 20’) Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Air pollution can spread from city to city. It even spreads from one country to another. Some northern European countries have had “black snow”from pollutants that have traveled through the air from other countries and have fallen with the snow. So air pollution is really a global problem. Air pollution can kill babies, older people, and those who have respiratory(呼吸的)diseases. As found in cities, air pollution increases the risks of certain lung diseases. Air pollution can cause both airplane and car accidents because it cuts down visibility (能见度). There are other possible health dangers from air pollution that we don’t know much about. For example, scientists are trying to find out whether chemicals that reach us from the air may cause changes in our cells. These changes might cause babies to be born with serious birth defects. Scientists are trying to learn how all the many chemicals are apt(易于的)to take into our bodies from air, water, food, and even medicines act together to affect our health and the way our bodies work. That is another reason why it is so important to begin to control pollution now instead of waiting until we learn all the answers. Air pollution costs us a lot of money. It corrodes(腐蚀)our buildings. It damages farm crops and forests. It has a destructive effect on our works of art. The cost of all this damage to our government is great. It would be much more worthwhile, both for us and for the government, to spend our tax dollars on air pollution control. 1. Air pollution may lead to airplane accidents because . A. it may cause pilots to be ill B. engines may fail from the air-borne dirt C. visibility is reduced D. it brings a lot of black snow 2. Scientists are trying to find a link between pollution and . A. intelligence levels B. birth problems C. man’s behavior D. the nervous system 3. Scientists have not yet determined . A. all of the effects of pollution on the human body B. how pollution can be controlled successfully C. when the atmosphere first became polluted D. how some snow becomes black 4. The author suggests that before air pollution becomes more serious, . A. factories will be forced to stop operating B. buildings should be protected C. the earth will begin to grow colder D. more money should be spent to solve the problem 5. We can conclude that . A. civilization may be ruined if pollution is not controlled B. pollution is more serious in Europe than it is in America C. most people do not know that pollution is a serious problem D. we should learn all the answers before we begin to control pollution Passage Two Stiletto heels could be banned from the workplace because of health and safety reasons, according to British Trade Union bosses. The Trade Union Congress, predominantly male, has proposed a motion arguing that high heels are disrespectful to women while they also contribute to long term injuries. They propose instead that women wear “sensible shoes”with an inch heel limit in an attempt to avoid future foot and back pain as well as injuries. The motion is due to be debated at next month’s conference. The motion states: “Congress believes high heels may look glamorous on the Hollywood catwalks but are completely in appropriate for the day-to-day working environment. Feet bear the burden of daily life, and for many workers prolonged standing, badly fitted footwear, and in particular high heels can be a hazard. Around two million days a year are lost through sickness as a result of lower limb disorders. Wearing high heels can cause long-term foot problems and also serious foot, knee and back pain and damaged joints. Many employers in the retail sector force women workers to wear high heels as part of their dress code. More must be done to raise awareness of this problem so that women workers and their feet are protected.” Nadline Dorries, the Tory Member of Parliament, however criticized the motion and said the extra height heels give women can help them when in the workplace. “I’m 5ft 3in and need every inch of my Christian Louboutin heels to look my male colleagues in the eye,”she said. “If high heels were banned in Westminster, no one would be able to find me. The Trade Union leaders need to get real, stop using obvious sexist tactics by discussing women’s


2019年12月大学英语四级考试真题及参考答案完整 版(第一套) Part I Writing (25minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to study. Please recommend a university to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 【参考范文】 Dear, I am delighted to hear that you are going to study in a Chinese university. Since you have asked for my advice about choosing which university I will try to give you some useful suggestions here It is well known that Peking University is a great place to lean. There are several factors accounting for this choice and the following are the most typical ones. First and foremost, Peking University is one of the top universities in China and the birthplace of many great minds. Therefore, it can provide high-quality teaching resources, which is essential for a foreign learner. In addition, Beijing is the


大学英语四级完型填空答题步骤及技巧 答题步骤 首先,我们来看完型填空的解题步骤 (一)通读全文,了解文章大意 阅读理解是做Cloze的基础, 因此应该在对全文有了较全面的了解的基础上, 再开始做选择题, 切忌为了节约时间, 在未掌握大意的基础上“拿起来就做, 见空就填, 边填边理解”.那样做的结果, 不仅不能够节约时间, 而且会因为只考虑到所填的词在短语或句子内是否可行而忽略了整篇文章的连贯和结构, 造成选择错误. 因此,速读全文要一气呵成,尽管有空格、 生词或不明白的地方,仍要快速读下去。读时要注意找出关键词、中心词,划出某些代表 人物和情节的词,以便于形成思路。 当然, 由于考试时间有限,只能用略读法(skimming)将全文快速浏览一遍,明确文章的主题、 体裁。尤其要认真阅读全文的第一句,因为第一句都是一个没有空格的完整的句子,对后 文的重要提示。 (二)抓住首尾句 在阅读时要特别注意文章的第一句和最后一句,因为它们通常是文章的主题句,是全文的 中心所在。从第一句中可以窥见作者的写作目的,把握作者的写作思路以及文章将要叙述 的内容。而最后一句是作者对文章内容的归纳总结,表明作者的观点和态度,有利于加强 考生对文章的理解。 (三)联系上下文,进行逻辑推理 完形填空中有些空格的四个选项从词汇搭配、语法和单句的角度考虑均行得通。但由于文 章是一个完整的统一体,词、句、段三者存在着内在逻辑关系,此时,需要在上下文中寻 找有关的提示或暗示,对文章的情节进行逻辑分析,抓住主要语言信息的词语,理顺句与 句之间的关系,确定合理的答案。 (四)逐题选择答案 浏览全文之后,开始进入逐题做答阶段,运用查读法(Scanning),对所有选择项从语法、 搭配和语篇等方面进行反复推敲,从而选出最佳答案。做题原则是瞻前顾后,灵活答题。“瞻前顾后”,即先读所填词的句子,回顾上一句,兼顾下一句。如果一句中有两个空白待 填,在初定答案时要“双管齐下”,在两处同时试填,然后通读全句,确定答案。答题方法:1)择优法:根据文章及结构边读边填,如果能够立刻判定最佳答案的,不必再去逐个考证


洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 Model Test 1 Part One Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said - Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C)and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a line through the centre. Example: You will hear: You will read: A) At the office. B) In the waiting room. C) At the airport. D) In a restaurant. From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A) At the office is the best answer. You should choose [A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre. 1. A) She is not interested in the article. B) She has given the man much trouble. C) She would like to have a copy of the article. D) She doesn't want to take the trouble to read the article. 2. A) He saw the big tower he visited on TV~ B) He has visited the TV tower twice. C) He has visited the TV tower once. D) He will visit the TV tower in June. 3. A) The woman has trouble getting along with the professor. B) The woman regrets having taken up much of the professor's time. C) The woman knows the professor has been busy. D) The woman knows the professor has run into trouble. 4. A) He doesn't enjoy business trips as much as he used to. B) He doesn't think he is capable of doing the job. C) He thinks the pay is too low to support his family, D) He wants to spend more time with his family. 5. A) The man thought the essay was easy. B) They both had a hard time writing the essay. C) The woman thought the essay was easy. D) Neither of them has finished the assignment yet. 6. A) In the park. B) Between two buildings C) In his apartment. D) Under a huge tree. 7. A) It's awfully dull. B) It's really exciting.


公共英语等级考试pets4级真题训练Part C In the following article,some sentences have been removed.For Questions51——55,choose the most suitable one from the list[A]——[G]to fit into each of the numbered gaps.There are two extra choices, which you do not need to use.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET. On the north bank of the Ohio River sits Evansville,Ind.,home of David Williams,52,and of a riverboat casino(a place where gambling games are played).During several years of gambling in that casino,Williams, a state auditor eaming$35,000a year,lost approximately$175,000.He had never gambled before the casino sent him a coupon for$20worth of gambling. He visited the casino,lost the$20and left.On his second visit he lost$800.The casino issued to him,as a good customer,a"Fun Card", which when used in the casino earns points for meals and drinks,and enables the casino to track the user's gambling activities.For Williams,those activities become what he calls"electronic heroin." (51)In1997he lost$21,000to one slot machine in two days.In March 1997he lost$72,186.He sometimes played two slot machines at a" time,all night,until the boat docked at5a.m.,then went back aboard when the casino opened at9a.m.Now he is suing the casino,charging that it should have refused his patronage because it knew he was addicted. It did know he had a problem. In March1998,a friend of Williams's got him involuntarily confined to a treatment center for addictions,and wrote to inform the casino of Williams's gambling problem.The casino included a photo of Williams among those of banned gamblers,and wrote to him a"cease admissions" letter.


历年大学英语四级完形 填空真题及其-答案-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

历年大学英语四级完形填空真题及其答案 2006年6月大学英语四级完形填空真题及其答案 第四部分、完形填空Part IV Cloze (15 minutes) The part of the environmental movement that draws my firm's attention is the design of cities. buildings and products. When we designed America's first so-called green office building in New York two decades 71, we felt very alone. But today, thousands of people come to green building conferences, and the 72 that buildings can be good for people and the environment will be increasingly influential in years to 73 . Back in 1984 we discovered that most manufactured products for decoration weren't designed for 74 use. The energy-efficient sealed commercial buildings constructed after the 1970s energy crisis 75 indoor air quality problems caused by materials such as paint, wall covering and carpet. So far 20 years. we've been focusing on these materials 76 to the molecules, looking for ways to make them 77 for people and the planet. Home builders can now use materials-such as paints that release significantly _78_ amounts of organic compounds -that don't 79 the quality of the air, water, or soil. Ultimately. 80_, our basic design strategy is focused not simply on being less bad but on creating 81 healthful materials that can be either safely returned to the soil _82_ reused by industry again and again. As a matter of _83, the world's largest carpet manufacturer has already _ 84__ a carpet that is fully and safely recyclable (可循环用的). Look at it this way: No one __85 out to create a building that destroys the planet. But our current industrial systems are } 86 causing these conditions, whether we like it or not. So 87_ of simply trying to reduce the damage, we are _88_ a positive approach. We're giving people high-quality, healthful products and an opportunity to make choices that have a 89 effect on the world. It's not just the building industry, either. 90_ cities are taking these environmentally positive approaches to design, planning and building. Portland, Seattle and Boston have said they want to be green cities. Chicago wants to be the greenest city in the world. 71. A) ago C) before B) off D) away 72. A) practice C) idea B) outlook D) scheme 73. A) go C) arrive B) come D) continue 74. A) indoor C) relevant B) inward D) flexible 75. A) displayed C) exhibited B) discovered D) revealed 76. A) back C) next B) down D) near 77. A) comfortable C) safe B) cautious D) stable 78. A) reduced C) descended B) revised D) delayed 79. A) deny C) dissolve B) depress D) destroy 80. A) besides C) anyhow B) however D) anyway 81. A)partially C) completely B) exactly D) superficially

PETS 四级考试由笔试试卷和口试试卷组成

PETS 四级考试由笔试试卷和口试试卷组成 笔试试卷(140分钟)分四部分:听力、英语知识运用、阅读理解和写作。 口试试卷(12分钟)分三节考查考生的口语交际能力。 笔试和口试都使用英文指导语。 (一)听力该部分由A、B、C节组成,考查考生理解英语口语的能力。 A节(5题):考查考生理解详细信息的能力。要求考生根据所听到的一段180 - 220词的对话或独白的内容,填补句子或表格中的空白。录音材料播放两遍。 B节(5题):考查考生理解总体和特定信息的能力。要求考生根据所听到的一段280-320词的对话或独白,回答5道简答题。录音材料播放两遍。 C节(10题):考查考生获取特定信息,理解主旨要义和详细信息,猜测词义、判断演讲者态度、意图的能力。要求考生根据所听到的三段对话或独白(每段200-300词),从每题所给的4个选择项中选出最佳选项。每段录音材料只播放一遍。问题不在录音中播放,仅在试卷上印出。 考试进行时,考生将答案写或划在试卷上;听力部分结束前,考生有5分钟的时间将试卷上的答案誊写或涂到答题卡1上。该部分所需时间约为30分钟(含誊写和转涂时间)。 (二)英语知识运用 该部分不仅考查考生对诸如连贯性和一致性等语段特征的辨识能力,还考查考生对用于一定语境中的语言规范成分的掌握,这些语言规范成分包括广泛的词汇、表达方式和结构。 共20小题。在一篇240-280词的文章中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题所给的4个选择项中选出最佳选项,使补足后的文章意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。其中有12-15道题考查词汇,5-8道题题考查语法和篇章结构。该部分所需时间约为15分钟。考生在答题卡1上作答。 (三)阅读理解 该部分由A、B两节组成,考查考生理解书面英语的能力。 A节(20题):考查考生理解具体信息,抓文章大意,猜测生词并且进行推断等的能力。要求考生根据所提供的4篇文章的内容(总长度约为1,600词),从每题所给的4个选择项中选出最佳选项。 B节:考查考生准确理解文章的能力。要求考生阅读1篇约400词的文章,将其中5个划线部分(约150词)翻译成中文。 该部分所需时间约为60分钟。考生在答题卡1上作答A节,在答题卡2上作答B节。 (四)写作 该部分考查考生的书面表达能力。 考生根据提示信息(中/英文)写出一篇160-200词的短文。提示信息的形式有主题句、写作提纲、规定情景、图、表等。 该部分所需时间约为35分钟。考生在答题卡2上作答。 (五)口试 口试分A、B、C三节,测试考生英语口语的交际能力。 每次口试采取两名口试教师和两名考生的形式。一名口试教师不参与交谈,专事评分;另一名口试教师主持口试,与考生交谈并评分。专事评分的教师所给分数的权重占考生口试成绩的三分之二,主持口试的教师所给分数的权重占考生口试成绩的三分之一。 A节:考查考生作自我介绍的能力。此节中两考生无需相互交流(如需要,也可)。该节约需2分钟时间。 B节:考查考生就信息卡上的图片讨论并解决相关问题的能力。本节的形式有解决问题、排序、讨论、决策、或就两个完全相反的观点阐述自己的观点等。该节约需3分钟时间。 C节:考查考生针对信息卡上的图片进行连续表达及简短讨论的能力。该节约需7分钟时间。 (六)笔试结构表


2 015年6月13日全国大学英语四级翻译真题及答案 大米 在西方人心目中,和中国联系最为密切的基本食物是大米。长期以来,大米在中国人的饮食中占据很重要的地位,以至于有谚语说“巧妇难为无米之炊”。中国南方大多数种植水稻,人们通常以大米为食;而华北大部分地区因为过于寒冷或过于干燥,无法种植水稻,那里的主要作物是小麦。在中国,有些人用面粉做面包,但大多数人用面粉做馒头和面条。 In the mind of Westerners,Chinese people have the closest connection to rice,basic food for the Chinese.For a long time,rice occupies a very important position in the Chinese diet.There is even a saying that "even a clever housewife cannot cook a meal without rice".People in south China plant and live on rice,while people in the most parts of North China cannot plant rice due to excessively dry and cold weather. The main crop there is wheat. In China, some people use flour to bake bread,while most people make steamed bread and noodles with flour. xx 中国是世界上最古老的文明之一。构成现代世界基础的许多元素起源于中国。中国现在拥有世界上发展最快的经济,并正经历着一次新的工业革命。中国还启动了雄心勃勃的太空探索计划,其中包括到20年建成的一个太空站。目前,中国是世界最大的出口国之一,并正在吸引大量外国投资。同时,它也在海外投资数十亿美元。2011年,中国超越日本成为世界第二大经济体。 快递 据报道,今年中国快递服务(courier service)将递送大约120亿件包裹。这将使中国有可能超越美国成为世界上最大的快递市场。大多数包裹里装着网上订购的物品。中国给数百万在线零售商以极具竞争力的价格销售商品的机会。仅在11月11日,中国消费者就从国内最大的购物平台购买了价值90亿美元的商品。中国有不少这样的特殊购物日。因此,快递业在中国扩展就不足为奇了。


英语四级完形填空试题及答案解释 Before the 20th century the horse provided day to day transportation in the United States. Trains were used only for long-distance transportation. Today the car is the most popular 1 of transportation in all of the United States. It has completely 2 the horse as a means of everyday transportation. Americans use their car for 3 90 percent of all personal 4 . Most Americans are able to 5 cars. The average price of a 6 made car was1,050 in 1950, 1, 740 in 1960 and up to 1, 750 7 1975.During this period American car manufacturers set about 8 their products and work efficiency. As a result, the yearly income of the 9 family increased from 1950 to 1975 10 than the price of cars. For this reason 11 a new car takes a smaller 12 of a family's total earnings today. In 1951 13 it took 8.1 months of an average family's 14 to buy a new car. In 1962 a new car 15 8.3 of a family's annual earnings. By 1975 it only took 4.75 16 income. In addition, the 1975 cars were technically 17 to models from previous years. The 18 of the automobile extends throughout the economy 19 the car is so important to Americans. Americans spend more money to 20 their cars running than on any other item. 1. A. kinds B. means C. mean D. types 2. A. denied B. reproduced C. replaced D. ridiculed 3. A. hardly B. nearly C. certainly D. somehow 4. A. trip B. works C. business D. travel 5. A. buy B. sell C. race D. see 6. A. quickly B. regularly C .rapidly D. recently 7 A. on B. in C. behind D. about 8. A. raising B. making C .reducing D. improving 9. A. unusual B. interested C. average D. biggest 10. A. slowest B .equal C .faster D. less than 11. A. bringing B. obtain C. bought D. purchasing 12. A. part B. half C. number D side 13. A. clearly B. proportionally C. percentage D. suddenly 14. A. income B. work C. plants D. debts 15. A. used B. spend C. cost D. needed 16.A.months B. dollars C. family D. year 17. A. famous B. superior C. fastest D. purchasing 18. A. running B. notice C. influence D. discussion 19. A. then B. as C. so D. which 20. A. start B. leave C. keep D. repair
