

The Influence of Feminism on Translation

Abstract: With development of translation study, translators and scholars started to pay attention to how culture factors influence upon translation work. Feminism is one of these new schools, proposed by a group of feminists that gender and sexual elements should be considered in translation. This paper aims to make a brief introduction of this famous school and tries to assess its influence in an objective and proper way.

I.Background and Description of feminism

Translation studies, from traditional perspective, are mostly discussed in the interior of the text on such as lexicon level, grammar level, and discourse level. Until 1950s, scholars and translators gathered their focus on the “Cultural turn”: the term used in translation studies for the move towards the analysis of translation from a cultural studies angle. (Jeremy Munday, 2001). A lot of theories sprout up, of which most representative three are: rewriting, feminism and postcolonial translation theory. Feminism translation theories, with the most controversies among them, deserve a further discussion.

In retrospection of the history of description of translation theories, we do find that most of them are related to gender, more specifically, to woman. Feminism translation theory is such a school focusing on this issue. To assess this series of theories critically, a comprehensive review and analysis is made about the influence of feminism on translation theories, translators, translation practices and translation works in this paper.

II.Major points of view in this area

Initially, feminism is not a translational notion, but a sociological one. Feminism can be defined as a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Simon de Beauvoir’s most famous assertion, from her The Second Sex, that “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman” can be seen as the fundamental theory of feminism. Deducted from Simon’s words, translation is also gendered not by its nature, but the impacts and definitions given by human beings.

So early in 17th century did people start to connect translation and gender. A famous

translator John Florio (1603) said “Translations are defective and therefore all translations are reputed females.”And Sherry Simon, the most well-known pioneer of feminism translation school, in her Gender in Translation: Cultural Identity and the Politics of Translation (Simon, 1996), originally takes gender-studies factor into account in translation. She states that “Both women and the translation to the bottom of the social ladder” (Simon, 1996).

In a word, translation work, compared with the source text, is always so-called second rate, between which the relationship is similar in gender—women are always inferior to men. That similarity brings possibility of the combination of the female and translation (Geng Qiang, 2004).

III.The influence on translation

As a new-generated school, feminism translation theory did infuse new blood in people’s notion on translation in modern time. But it brought about a huge impact against traditional theories, with both praise and criticism. In this part, an elaborated analysis is made upon the influence on translation in three aspects.

1.On translation theory

The most shocking earthquake occurred in translation theory. When illustrating problems like what translation is and how translation works, translators and scholars tend to use a lot of descriptive words and even metaphors to make their viewpoints vivid and easy to be understood. Unfortunately, many of them are involved with terms about women, which in feminists’ eyes, suggesting obvious sexism and crude inequality. The most widely-known one is perhaps an assertion by Gilles Menage’s “Les belles infidelles”, which means “unfaithful beauty”, used to describe those translation works full of fine words but are not so close to the original one. Feminists also criticize these widely-used words in translation like fidelity, faithful and traitor for they indicate an unequal relationship between wife and husband.

Feminists hence propose to avoid using such feminine-oriented terms, or at least discriminative words about women when describing translation theories. The influence of this campaign is indeed positive and significant. Their proposals help removing malefic factors of negative old-fashion from translation theory and generating a healthy academic atmosphere for translators. By adding gender factor into consideration, a hot topic then in politics, feminists strengthened a progressive trend associating translation and culture background rather than

discussing translation solely limited translation itself. Translation, is not only a literal and inter-culture movement, also could be a political weapon. Just as a famous paragraph said by a committed feminist translator, Susanne de Lotbiniere-Harwood is “My translation practice is a political activity aimed at making language speak for women. So my signature on a translation means: this translation has used every translation strategy to make the feminine visible in language.” (Cited in Simon, 1996)

2.On translation practice

In practice, feminists attempt to omit suspiciously discriminative phenomenon in any language and highlight those feminine factors in the text by using some translation methods. Louis von Flotow (1991) summarized three main methods feminists often use in their translation practice: supplementing, prefacing and footnoting, hijacking. Supplementing is a common methods not merely used by feminists translators. But in their translation, the method mainly aims to supplement those meanings about gender which are absent in source text. An instance is in word HuMan, an extraordinarily capitalized M ironically demonstrates the sexism hided in the text. Prefacing is a much more ordinary method, including explaining writing background, demonstrating author’s intention, and introducing translation strategies, in order to underscore feminine factors in translation works. Hijacking means operating and appreciating the text and rewriting according to translators’intentions. Feminist translators often rewrite a text without gender significance into a new version to make the text expose feminine meanings. These main methods and others show a sense of independence and creativity of feminists.

The influence of feminists’ creation in translation practices, positively, increases variety of translation strategies and techniques. But some of them, especially hijacking, did receive a severe controversy and even serious criticizing words. First of all, one result of hijacking is destruction of the source text by adding many translators’ subjective intentions. In the second place, hijacking strategy confusingly mixes translation and composition. Given too much transfiguration, it is hard for readers to justify a text of feminist translators on earth a translation work or an originally writing one.

3.On translators

When talking about translator, the influence of feminism is quite beneficial, for not only increasing status of female translators, improving their rewards, but recognizing their contribution and their creativity in translation.

Both in translation and politics, feminists achieved their purpose of letting voices of females be heard. More attention started to be paid on female translators and their works, in which differences translation style from male translators to be recognized. In this aspect, feminism deserves its high reputation in history of translation.

IV.Problem and Causes

Throughout feminism translation theory, the problems and controversies it caused are almost as many as its contribution. The most famous one, as just mentioned, is feminist translators operate and appreciate source texts too much, for political accomplishment, which renders a harmful result that a yawning gap between their translated works and the original one. It is totally unbeneficial for translation practice.

This result may attributes to their over-emphasis on “feminism” rather than “feminism and literacy”. After all, translation is a study related to language and literacy. Culture elements such as politics, should be considered, but too much participation will goes to reverse.

V.Proposed solution

A possible solution for problems caused by feminism translation theory could be Androgyny, which refers to the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics (Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd ed.), is firstly used in ethics then in literacy and translation. Virginia Woolf, in her book A Room of One’s Own (1957), came up with this notion in literal composition for the first time. She says there is a sex ambiguity in one’s minds: one represents the masculine, the other the feminine and only when two sides stay in harmony, they could generate fantastic inspiration in a composer’s mind.

Androgyny is perhaps a final target for all sexists. Indeed it is hard to be totally achieved in composition and translation, but some instances prove that it could be successfully accomplished in arts and literacy. One of four famous characters of Beijing Opera, Mei Lanfang is well-known for his marvelous and delicate performance as a woman, yet he is masculine performer. Most of great male writers also create many feminine characters in their fictions, poems or operas. Therefore, the same thing is likely to happen in translation as long

as translators combine advantages of both sexes together when they try to adopt feminism translation strategy.


It is really a progress for translators and scholars to take external cultural elements such as politics, social ethics into account rather than only make a translation study in the Ivory Tower. Many new schools sprout up and majorities of new ideas grew up. It is necessary for translators to assess feminism translation strategy and its influence objectively and properly. What’s more, translators should have a capacity of avoiding too much external factors in translation practice. Best translation works, with no doubts, are those mostly close to the original text. Over emphasizing cultural factors may confuse and mislead translator, strain their focus from translation itself, which ultimately could be a catastrophe for translation. VII.References

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20世纪70年代以后,西方“以文化为转向”的解构主义、后殖民主义、女性主义等极大地动摇了 人们对传统翻译理论和标准的认同,传统的翻译思想和翻译观念逐渐受到质疑,人们开始对翻译进行 更深层的思考和探索。 女性主义翻译理论是翻译研究“文化转向”的最新发展与女性主义运动相结合的产物,它立足于“译者主体性”,把性别视角引入翻译研究,按照女性主义的原则从事翻译实践,为翻译理论中的译作与原作、译者与作者等研究提供了新的思路,使翻译理论和翻译实践活动有了更广阔更合理的活动空间。本文探讨了在以文化为转向的解构主义思潮影响下,女性主义翻译理论的观点和女性主义翻译实践活动的具体策略,期望在颠覆父权制二元对立中心话语的同时能建立多元共生的话语系统。 1女性文学从宗教翻译开始 早在l6世纪的欧洲,发表文学作品是男性的特权,女性只被允许翻译而不被允许创作,并且她们的文学活动被限制在宗教文本的翻译中,女性仅能够参与的文学活动就是从事圣经的翻译,因为人们认为这极为有限的文学活动不会使女性接触到更复杂的思想,显得比较“安全”。女性似乎也很“自然”地“认同”自己作为女性和译者之间的逻辑关系,如女翻译家罗特宾尼尔·哈伍德(Lotbiniere Harwood)所说:“我翻译因为我是女性”[1] 。然而后来的女性主义译者在发掘这段历史时却意外的发现早期女性译者并未完全按照世俗和传统对译者 的要求——— “忠实”地对宗教文本进行翻译,而是通过翻译这一媒介暗中改变了宗教文献中的某些 原意,“加入了个人的政治宣言”[2] ,也就是说,女性在受到严格限制不能自由表达自己思想情况下,通过这种狭小空间的积极做着最大程度的反抗,表达了女性以翻译宗教作品为手段,试图摆脱文化歧视和性别压迫,达到女性解放的愿望。 2女性主义翻译哲学:突破二元对立思维 传统的结构主义的哲学基础是一元论和中心论,它往往假定了某种性别的二元对立,对立的一方处于决定性地位的中心,而另一方则处于被决定的边缘;中心是本原和本质,而边缘是派生和非本质的。在这种中心论和二元论的关照下,男性、原作处于中心地位,而女性、译作处于边缘地位;翻译标 准是一元的,即:忠实。具有颠覆性的女性主义, 其中一个重要观点就是否定“绝对的、单一的权威以及权力中心”,她们认为,传统翻译理论对忠实与叛逆的理解是狭隘的,因过它们过分依赖一些僵硬的、彼此不容的二元对立思维,忽略了两者之间的中间地带;而这中问地带正好是译者发挥主观能动性的地方。女性主义翻译研究把视线转到二元对立中的弱者,转到众多的他(她)者,使文化中不为人知的边缘角色被展示出来,被人们注视,为差异的合法性辩护[2],其理论突破了传统翻译理论的二元对立思维,质疑原文的权威地位,否定传统的原文高贵而译文低贱的等级观念,提倡译作和原作的共生共荣。 收稿日期:2008-12-18 作者简介:王素娟(1979—),女,安徽合肥人,安徽建筑工业学院外语系教师,安徽大学外语学院硕士研究生,研究方向为比较文学与世界文学专业译介学。 关于女性主义翻译理论的思考 王素娟 (安徽大学外语学院,安徽合肥230039;安徽建筑工业学院外语系,安徽合肥230601) [摘要]20世纪90年代兴起的女性主义翻译理论以其鲜明的政治色彩推动了翻译研究的“文化转向”。本文简要地考察了女性主义翻译理论的兴起,阐明了女性主义翻译理论的主要观点,并对其发展前景进行了展望。 [关键词]女性主义翻译;重写;策略[中图分类号]H159 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1674-1102(2009)04-0072-04 Journal of Chizhou College 2009年8月第23卷第4期Aug.2009Vol.23No.4


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 《老友记》中的对话分析 2 意译在广告英语翻译中的重要性探析 3 论翻译单位 4 论《小妇人》中的家庭教育问题 5 The Symbolic Meanings of Colours in The Great Gatsby 6 罪与同情—论齐林沃斯的悲剧 7 解读《简.爱》的帝国主义意识 8 Influence of Western Food Culture upon Chinese People 9 在现实与理想间挣扎——论巴比特的无助与无奈 10 分析《基督山伯爵》爱德蒙的二重性格 11 埃德娜:一个孤独的女战士——解读凯特肖邦的《觉醒》 12 从最佳关联原则看口译中的“归化”和“异化” 13 《纯真年代》中艾伦?奥伦斯卡和梅?韦兰的人物命运分析 14 从礼仪角度谈中西文化的差异性 15 浅析电视口译的特点及其译文质量评价 16 “爵士时代”的女性--对比分析《伟大的盖茨比》和《太阳照常升起中》的女性角色 17 苔丝悲剧中乌托邦情结的探析 18 论文化对国际市场营销的重要性--以迪斯尼乐园为例 19 基于语料库对红楼梦两个英文版本中红色的翻译研究 20 从跨文化角度论商标的翻译 21 论电影《傲慢与偏见》对小说的二次创作 22 由《麦琪的礼物》看欧亨利写作特色 23 General Principles and Features of Legal English Translation 24 On Dickinson’s Choice of Nature as the Theme of Her Poems 25 高中学生英语课堂口语交际活动的错误分析 26 浅析《愤怒的葡萄》中主要人物的性格特征 27 从电影《阿凡达》透视美国文化 28 海明威“冰山原理”在《永别了,武器》中的应用及对写作的指导意义 29 《当幸福来敲门》之美国文化价值观分析 30 《哈利?波特》中斯内普的人物分析 31 An Exploration on Different Cultures in Terms of Flowers 32 《蝇王》主题之原型解读 33 浅谈中学英语教学中的情感教学方法


2012年第11卷第10期 产业与科技论坛2012.(11).10 Industrial &Science Tribune 女性主义翻译理论的发展 □李宏洋 【摘 要】女性主义翻译的存在与发展在翻译史上经历过一段曲折的历程。在其起源阶段,特有的女性话语被迫被翻译成处于 主导的父权话语的代码。而伴随着翻译研究的逐步发展,女性主义翻译的支持者及译者们吸纳各家之言,从众多的 语言理论中汲取营养,使女性主义翻译具备了独特的思想理论体系,极大的丰富了人类翻译学研究的领域。本文从语言中的性别歧视入手,引出女性主义翻译。介绍了女性主义翻译思想的起源,阐明了女性主义翻译的认识论,实践论和方法论, 论述了女性主义翻译对翻译理论的重大影响。文中侧重于女性主义翻译的具体原理,并对其发展策略做出了详细的阐述。 【关键词】女性主义翻译;翻译理论;性别歧视;翻译研究【作者单位】李宏洋,吉林铁道职业技术学院 一、引言 随着女性主义运动浪潮时期的发展,女性主义者广泛的组织反对语言性别歧视,并提出了一系列改革和纠正措施。语言性别歧视引起一个命题:翻译中的性别研究。本论点分析性别语言歧视的表现及原因,并以此为基准提出了女性主义翻译。本文旨探讨女性主义理论与策略,探讨影响女性主义的翻译观。相比之下,女性主义翻译理论让人感兴趣的是其多样性的实践。因此,他们试图用心的词语,新的语法结构拼写,并用新的形象和比喻,以及一些文字游戏。他的目的是克服父权公约,突出女性语言本身可以影响的内容。他们的创作,引导他们自然地思考以及创作新的作品。显然,女性主义的语言翻译工作除了表示文本的意义,同时也是一种改变政治地位的方法。 父权制很大程度上限制了妇女的语言、思想和合作,所以女性主义翻译常使用新的术语,用来突出女性特征。他们认为妇女可以自由的使用她们自己的语言,应创造新的革命思想。大多数女性注意翻译实践表明,在文本中,作者和译者之间的默契共谋合作,相互影响的关系。女性主义翻译不是将原来的体系破坏,而是扩大和发展。 二、语言性别歧视 (一)语言性别歧视的原因。纵观古今,人类历史大多是单一的男性统治。在父权社会里,妇女总是被遗忘在角落。因为体质差异等因素,妇女常被逐出社会、政治、文化等活动以及文学创作等,因此这些被视为男性独有的范围。在性别构建的过程中,语言起着重要的作用,是交流工具,更是一种交流的手段。然而长期以来都是男性在社会操控着语言生成和发布。这种由男性主导的语言讲述男人的生活,描述以男性为中心的语言称之为 “父权话语”。(二)性别歧视在语言中的表现。有研究表明,父权话语充满了性别歧视和对女性的压迫。几千年来,女性形象在东西方的文化中都有被歪曲和轻视的表现。如法国翻译家梅纳日在1654年杜撰的双关语中写到:“不中的美人”即 “语言优美但不忠于原文”。同时,在古典文学和宗教信仰等方面, 通常男性支配社会,而女性则是从属地位。“三从四德”就是 中国如将经典之一,像一个无形的绳索长期束缚着中国女性。回顾两千多年的翻译历程,我们会发现翻译领域里充斥 着如:把翻译看作“媒婆”、“美丽而不忠的妻子”等各式各样的性别隐喻,把翻译置于女性相同的地位,并被父权长期压 制,奴役,因此女性翻译处于弱势地位。 三、女性主义翻译 (一)翻译在19世纪、20世纪的发展。在19世纪末。女性主义翻译研究比以前出现的西方理论变得更加丰富多彩。其中包括精神分析形式主义,新批评,并接受美学,后现代主义等,为翻译研究采用新的理论视野和较大的开放领域。与此同时,一些女性主义翻译家认为应该客观地审查动态影响因素,在特定的历史和文化背景分析翻译策略,并讨论此时的文化目标是积极还是消极的情况。在20世纪70年代和80年代,女性主义翻译的发展经历了第三次浪潮。这一阶段产生的后现代主义,后现代女性主义和女性同性恋女权主义等等,这是这个阶段女权主义者所不能容忍的。20世 纪70年代以来,一个熟悉的声音:“妇女要解放,妇女必须从语言中解放。”因此,女权主义者翻译家做了大量工作,积极 努力消除语言性别歧视,并很快扩展到了翻译领。(二)强调“叛逆”。“叛逆”(或者“创造性叛逆”)是一个长期在翻译理论中的命题。在中外很多国家,很多人多角度解释和强调,但女性主义者的解释,强调的是独特的。她们的 目的是在译文中彰显女性的形象和声音, 以争取女性的权利,尤其是话语权,而其他人强调设计语言、文化、哲学等等方面,但主要以理论研究为主。传统的翻译理论以“忠实”或“信”作为主要的翻译为基本原则。违背或偏离这一原则将被批评为 “不负责任的翻译”。而女性主义者则认为要绝对忠实原文,就像“女性绝对服从男性”,但实际上是不平等的。例如: If your brother sins against you go and show him his fault ,just between the two of you.If he listens to you ,you have won your brother over.(Matthew 18:15.NIV 1984)此例句选自《圣经》“马太福音”第18章15节。在此广为流传 · 171·


20世纪60年代,女权主义运动在西方风起云涌。这场由知识女性发起的意识形态的战争,波及到了政治、文化、文学等社会上层建筑的各个方面,更推动了女性主义在学术领域的发展。翻译研究者从中找到了女性主义与翻译的相似点,认为翻译中存在严重的性别歧视问题,开始质疑暗含男性中心论的译论。由此,女性主义 翻译观应运而生。 一、女性主义与翻译 两千多年来,翻译领域充斥着各式各样的性别隐喻,如,把翻译比作“不忠的美人”。翻译被置于与女性相同的地位。原作对于再生产的译本所具有的等级上的权威与阳性和阴性的意象连接在了一起:原作被视为强壮而具有生产力的男性,而译本则是低弱的派生女性。西方女性主义翻译理论家认为,翻译处于这种弱势地位是长期受父权压制的结果。父权中心制统治下的翻译研究移植了社会文化中男尊女卑的性别伦理,使翻译这种跨文化的语言活动也被视为从属、派生的部分,进而被女性化和边缘化。女性与翻译在共同的历史境遇上找到了相似点和类比的基础,从而引发了两者相互结合的可能(徐翠波,2011,p.60)。 二、理论主张 女性主义和翻译都是对语言的一种批判性理解,当二者结合起来时,便形成了一种全新的翻译理论。女性主义为翻译研究提供了一个全新研究的视角,它对传统翻译理论中的一些重要概念进行了全新的诠释,提出了独特的观点和见解。其主要观点包括: (1)对传统翻译理论标准“忠实”的颠覆,强调叛逆 中外传统翻译理论一直把“忠实”视为翻译的根本准则之一。传统翻译理论中翻译标准的核心就是“信”或“忠实”,译文必须忠实于原作,以原作/作者为中心,强调译文/译者对原作/作者的绝对忠实。女性主义翻译理论家们坚决反对这一观点,她们认为,语言中充满了性别歧视,“忠实”通常意味着剥夺女性的话语权(马丽娜, 2012, p.127)。因此,在翻译中,她们要“妇弄”(woman handling)文本,对文本从女性视角、以女性的方法进行操纵,大胆实践自己的理论宗旨。 (2)重新界定译文与原作的关系,突显译者主体性 女性主义翻译理论打破了传统的“作者/原作-译者/译文”的两元对立模式,提倡原作-译文的共生共荣。这首先表现在翻译延伸了原作的生命,使得它得以在另一个语言文化空间中面对新的读者群体。也就是本雅明所说的译文是原作的后续的生命(afterlife),译文为原作开启了一个更加广阔的生存空间。 女性主义翻译理论家们提出“性别译者”(feminist translator)的概念,首先肯定了译者性别差异所导致的对原文文本意义阐释过程中的不同,从而丰富了原文文本的内涵;同时也提高了译者的主体性并肯定了译者在翻译过程中的创造性。长久以来,传统翻译理论以“忠实”和“等值”为基础,忽视了译者的主体性。译文一直被认为是原作的附庸,译着仅仅是派生的和非创造性的活动,把译者的主体性化为零,是原作之镜。但女性主义者从译者的性别角色入手,重新界定了译文与原作的关系,突显了译者的主体性。 (3)消除翻译语言中的性别歧视 除了理论上的贡献外,女性主义翻译理论家们进行了大量丰富的翻译实践,以消除翻译语言中的性别歧视。尤其是对《圣经》作女性主义及两性兼容的语言( inclusive-language) 的阐释引发了争论,不仅让人们注意到性别化语言带来的冲突性的含义,而且也加强了对人们对翻译作为内容丰富的阐释活动的理解。她们宣称,在翻译过程中要用各种翻译策略彰显女性在文本中的地位,让女性的声音在语言中“可见”。在翻译的实践中,很多女性主义译者大胆采用新词、新拼法、新语法结构,以及运用一些文字游戏,目的在于超越男权语言的成规,为女性话语开辟新空间。 总之,西方女性主义翻译理论家肩负着为自己与翻译正名的双重历史任务,她们为此而进
