[高二英语]高二英语选修六unit1 grammar

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2. should+ v. should/ might
3. were to do +v. (原)
二. 虚拟语气在wish后面的宾语从句中的用法
1) 表示对现在情况的虚拟: 从句动词 用过去式 (be动词一般用were) 。
2) I wish I had a big house of my own.
B. didn’t have
C. hadn’t had
D. haven’t had
The end
句型练习 (用If I were you句型翻译下 列句子)
1. 我要是你的话, 我就会把英语学好。 2. 如果你昨天来, 你就会看见他。 3. 万一明天下雨, 我们就不到那儿去。 4. 我希望我十年前认识他。 5. 他对待我就像对待他自己的儿子一样。
如果你来早点,你就会赶上那辆公共汽 车了。
(4) If he had seen you yesterday, he would have returned your book.
如果昨天他看到你,他就会还你书。 总结2:表示与过去的事实相反, if 从句用过去完成时had done
主句用 would/could/shhould + have done. 11
I wish I were as tall as you.
I wish I were a bird.
I wish every day were my birthday.
(2) 表示对过去情况的虚拟:从句动词 常用“had+过去分词”。
I wish/wished I hadn’t eaten so much watermelon.
(3) (2) If I had time, I would go there. (4) 如果我有空,我会去那儿。 (5) 总结1: 表示与现在事实相反, (6) if 从句用过去时were, V+ed, (7) 主句用would/should/could+ V.(原形)
If I won the lottery, I would buy an expensive car.
三. if Sentence Structure ‘if ’虚拟条件句的结构
a. 表示与现在事实相反的假设 b. 表示与过去事实相反的假设 c. 表示与将来事实相反的假设
(1) If I were you, I should finish my homework at first.
(2) 如果我是你,我会先完成家庭作业。
b. If the world-war _b_u_r_s_t (burst) out again, what _w_o_u__ld__h_a_p_p_e_n_ (happen) to our people on earth?
c. If the policeman _w_e_r_e_n__o_t (be not) in that room, it _c_o_u_l_d_b__e (be) very dangerous.
虚拟语气 Subjunctive Mood (I)
(The Subjunctive Mood)表示说话人所说的 话不是事实, 而是一种假设, 愿望, 怀疑或推 测。
二. ‘if ’虚拟条件句的概念
由 ‘if’ 引导的虚拟条件句叫作 ‘if’ 虚拟条件句 I could easily recognize him if I had seen before.
a. If Tom _h_a_d__b_e_e_n (be) more careful in the exam, he _w_o_u_l_d__h_a_v_e_p_a_s_s_e_d (pass) it already.
b. If you _h_a_d__g_o_t (get) up earlier, you w__o_u_ld__h_a_v_e__ca_u__g_h_t (catch) the first train.
c. If I h__a_d_m__e_t (meet) you yesterday, we _w_o_u_l_d_h_a_v_e__g_o_n_e (go) to the concert together.
观察3: (5) If he were to come tomorrow, he should
(11) 主句用would/should + v. (原)
If you succeeded, everything would be all right. If you should succeed, everything would be all right. If you were to succeed, everything would be all right.
A. could have gone B. could go
C. have gone
D. went
4. If I ______ you, I ______ more
attention to English idioms and
A. was; shall pay B. am; will pay
PRACTICE 3: Fill in the blanks a. If there _sh_o_u__ld__b_e (be) no natural
resource any more, we s_h_o_u_l_d__m_a_k_e_ (make) use of nuclear power. b. What w__o_u_ld__h_a_p_p_e_n_ (happen) if you _sh__o_u_ld__g_e_t_u_p_ (get up) too late tomorrow?
d. If I _w_e_r_e (be) in your position, I _w_o_u__ld__a_sk_ (ask) for teacher’s help.
• 观察2:
(3) If you had come earlier, you could have caught that bus.
If he _h__a_d_d_r_i_v_e_n (drive)more carefully, hew_o_u_l_d_n__o_t _h_a_v_e_h_a_d__ ( not have)the car accident yesterday.
PRACTICE 2: Fill in the blanks.
2. If there were no water in the world,
everything ______.
A. will die
B. would die
C. would have died D. have died
3. I wish that I ______ with you last night.
help me with my physics.
(6) 假如他明天来,他会帮助我复习物理 的。
(7) (6) If he should see me tomorrow, he
would know me.
(8) 假如他明天看见我,就会认识我了。
(9) 总结: 表示于将来事实相反,
(10)if 从句可用were to ; should+v; 过去式
c. If Robots _w_e_r_e_t_o__c_o_n_tr_o_l (control) the world some day, here _w_o_u_l_d_b__e (be) no friendship.
一. 虚拟语气在条件状语从句中的用法。
条件 If 从句的谓语 主句的谓语形式 从句 形式
If I had a lot of money, I would buy a villa.
If I had a lot of money now, I would travel around the world.
PRACTICE 1: Fill in the blanks.
a. If they _w_e_r_e(be) here, they w__o_u_ld__t_a_k_e_ (take) your advice.
C. would be; would pay
D. were; would pay
5. I wish that you ______ such a bad
headache because I’m sure that
you would have enjoyed the
A. wouldn’t have
2. 与过去的事实相反
从句的谓语用had+过去分词, 构成If I (we, you, he, they)+had+过去分词的 形式; 主句的谓语用should(第一人称)/would (第二、三人称) /could/might have +动 词过去分词。
If we had reviewed the text, we should have pass the exam.
过去时 (were)
would/could/shou ld/might +v. (原)
条件 If 从句的谓 主句的谓语形式 从句 语形式
would/could/shoul 过去 过去完成时 d/might + have+
条件 If 从句的谓语 主句的谓语形式
从句 形式
未来 1. 过去时
对过去发生的事情表示遗 憾和后悔。
The party was terrible, I wish I had never gone to it.
(3) 表示对将来的主观愿望: 从句动词形 式为 “ would+动词原形”。
但愿你立刻来。 I wish you would come soon.
I wish it would rain tomorrow.
关于虚拟语气 辩析1
关于虚拟语气 辩析2
关于虚拟语气 辩析3
关于虚拟语气 辩析4
从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填 入空白处的最佳选项。
1. — Have you ever been to Beijing?
— No, but I wish I ______.
A. have B. will C. do D. had