

GZ-MS150 摄像机 详细用户使用指南说明书

GZ-MS150 摄像机 详细用户使用指南说明书

摄像机LYT2368-022A详细用户使用指南GZ-MS150目录表入门指南 (4)充电 (4)录制 (4)播放 (4)拍摄提示 (4)节假日/圣诞节 (5)婚礼 (6)旅行 (7)游乐园 (9)入门主要功能 (10)核对附件 (11)电池充电 (12)用USB电缆充电 (12)握带调整 (13)使用手带 (13)插入SD卡 (14)可以使用的SD卡类型 (14)使用Eye-Fi卡 (15)打开本机 (15)时钟设定 (16)重设时钟 (17)更改显示语言 (18)握住本机 (18)安装三脚架 (18)在海外使用本机 (19)在海外给电池充电 (19)旅行期间按当地时间设置时钟 (19)设置夏时制 (20)备选附件 (20)录制在智能自动模式下拍摄视频 (21)变焦 (23)手动录制 (23)场景选择 (24)手动调整聚焦 (25)调整亮度 (26)设置白平衡 (27)设置背光补偿 (28)拍摄特写镜头 (28)减轻相机振动 (29)清楚地捕抓人物(面部识别AE/AF) (30)间隔录制(延时录制) (31)通过感应动作自动录制(自动录制) (32)剩余录制时间/电池电量 (33)播放播放视频 (35)连接电视机并在电视机上观看 (37)经由AV接口连接 (37)编辑删除不需要的文件 (38)删除当前播放的文件 (38)删除选定的文件 (39)删除所有文件 (40)保护文件 (40)保护当前显示的文件 (40)保护所选文件 (41)保护所有文件 (42)取消所有文件的保护 (42)复制连接至DVD录像机或VCR来复录文件 (43)通过连接蓝光录像机刻录光盘 (43)复制到 Windows PC (44)核对系统要求(指引) (45)安装随附软件 (45)备份所有文件 (46)组织文件 (47)在不用随附软件的情况下备份文件 (48)文件和文件夹列表 (49)复制到Macintosh电脑 (49)菜单设定操作菜单 (51)录制菜单(视频) (52)脸部优先AE/AF (53)手动补偿 (53)增亮 (54)风声消除 (54)慢速录制 (54)自动录制 (54)视频质量 (55)变焦 (55)时钟设定 (55)手动设置菜单 (57)场景选择 (57)FOCUS (57)调节亮度 (57)白平衡 (57)背光补偿 (57)近拍 (57)播放菜单(视频) (58)删除 (59)保护/取消 (59)时钟设定 (59)显示在屏幕上 (59)显示设置菜单 (60)LANGUAGE (60)日期显示样式 (60)监视器亮度 (61)基本设置菜单 (62)演示模式 (62)操作声音 (63)自动关机 (63)快速重启 (64)更新 (64)出厂前预设值 (64)连接设置菜单 (65)在电视机上显示 (65)视频输出 (65)媒体设置菜单 (66)格式化SD卡 (66)零部件名称正面 (67)背面 (67)底部 (68)内部 (68)液晶监视器 (69)2液晶显示器上的显示视频录制 (69)视频播放 (70)故障排除电池 (71)录制 (71)卡 (72)播放 (72)编辑/复制 (73)电脑 (73)画面/图像 (74)其他问题 (74)错误字样? (75)维护 (76)规格 (77)3充电0参阅详细用户使用指南显示中的操作说明。

COMPABLOC Cb 1502-1503-1504 安装和维护指南说明书

COMPABLOC Cb 1502-1503-1504 安装和维护指南说明书

care (heat them up). Avoid using a hammer and hitting the shaft extension.- For the pinions and pulleys, ensure that the radial force is correct (see selection charts).- Ensure that the voltage is normal and that the transmission is correctly aligned; keep shafts precisely parallel.- For direct sleeve couplings, check the alignment of the axes.NOTE : In the event of prolonged storage, turn by hand before starting so as to avoid damaging the seals.In spite of all the care taken during manufacturing and testing, LEROY-SOMER cannot give a 100 % guarantee that the lubricant will not leak. In the event that these leaks could have serious consequences jeopardising the safety of goods and personnel, it is the installer's respon-sibility to take all the necessary precautions to avoid such consequences.For the motor : See recommendations page 6 ORDERING SPARE PARTSThe following information must be provideda) Information on the gearbox nameplate :1 - Description of gearbox2 - Type of mounting (S baseplate, BS or BDflange form)3 - Position4 - Exact gearbox reduction5 - Manufacturing numberb) Information in the corresponding parts list :- part number and descriptionc) If the motor is coupled to the gearbox, information on the motor plate :(For the motor : see corresponding manual)- motor type- polarity (or speed in min-1)- power in kWCaution : special flange and motor shaft for these gearboxes.similar.- Caution : use the appropriate tools :• hub remover, bearing remover• plastic or leather mallets• correctly sized keys• circlip pliers, gauged screwdrivers(To remove wheel axis 2 , use a hub remover - it is retained on a tapered shaft).- The dismantled parts should be put carefully in order in a clean place.- The flange spigots which ensure watertightness should be cleaned with the scraper.- Retrieve the sealing rings and inspect them for quality; to ensure that they are watertight when reassembled, they should show no sign of pressure, nor breaks or tears.- Systematically replace the lipseals.- Gather together all faulty parts so that replacement parts can be ordered.Reassembly :- Follow the instructions for dismantling in reverse order. - Lightly lubricate the shafts and bearing cages before mounting.- To fit the gear wheels onto the shafts, do not use a hammer. First heat them on a hotplate (or in an oven) to 180 °C (+0, -10). Heat open-type bearings to a maximum of 120°, and sealed bearings to a maximum of 90°.- Oil the lipseals; these should be mounted with care so as not to damage the contact lips; ideally use protective sleeves for the shaft keyways.- The screws and pins should be mounted with a polymer adhesive (for example "normal" Loctite type).- Replace the sealing joints, checking their position carefully.- Fill with oil, up to the level shown (see page 6).- Run the gearbox and inspect its operation before mounting it permanently.052CAUTION :For an order :- for part no. "U" mountspecify the dimensions of motor flange B14 or B5- for part no. "U" shaftspecify the dimensions of the shaft extension- for part no. end gearspecify gear box type 1502, 1503, 1504 and the totalreduction.0080320420320872 - Connection :- Choose cables of sufficient diameter to avoid excessive voltage drops (5 amps per mm2).- Connect the terminals in accordance with the diagram located inside the terminal box.- Follow the wiring diagrams supplied with the units in the terminal boxes and the power supply indicated on the nameplate.Very important : Once connected, the terminal box cover should be carefully replaced. Tighten the cable gland firmly on the power supply cable.Earthing :A terminal is provided inside the terminal box, enabling a conductor to be connected for earthing.hours at 3,000 min-1, 30,000 hours at 1,500 min-1).SINGLE-PHASE MOTORSWITH PERMANENT CAPACITORThese are mechanically identical to three-phase motors. In addition they have 1 permanent capacitor fixed on the side of the terminal box.For connection, apply the voltage indicated on the name-plate and follow the wiring diagrams supplied in the terminal box.LUBRICATION OilsThese gearboxes are permanently greased with synt h e t i c oil. There is only one filler plug.- Original oil :Syntheso HT 220 - Synthetic baseOperating temperature -50 °C to + 150 °CViscosity ISO VG 220Ignition point 250 °CSupplier : KLUBER LUBRICATION - MUNICH RFA - After dismantling :• Suitable replacement oils :any oils with synthetic base for gearinghaving characteristic viscosity equivalentto ISO VG 220 (DIN 51 519)Eg : MOBIL SHC 629 or 634 oilsNote : Do not mix oils; empty the gearbox, wash well, fill with new oil.Filling capacity 450 grs。








连上电脑后,会提示发现新的硬件,如果是XP 或2000系统的话,会自动安装驱动程序,然后打开我的电脑,可以看见可移动磁盘,这个就是PSP了,使用方法和U盘一样。


游戏机----------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.电脑端操作将PSP连上电脑之后,打开可移动磁盘,会有很多文件夹,这里对各个文件夹的作用分别说明:ms0: [记忆棒目录]├—PSP│ ├—GAME (FC、GBA,PPA等模拟器及软件的存放位置)│ ├—GAME150 (以前有1.5内核时的自制软件存放处,现在已经没用了)│ ├—SAVEDATA (存放游戏存档记录的)│ ├—COMMON (系统文件夹,勿动)│ ├—PHOTO (截图的存放位置,也可以存放照片)│ └—SYSTEM (系统文件夹,勿动)├—SLUPINGS(金手指插件存放位置,3000未完全破解,不建议使用,有变砖的风险)├—MP_ROOT (以前存放MP4的文件夹,现在已被根目录下的VIDEO文件夹代替)│ ├—100MNV01 (普通MP4格式)│ └—101ANV01 (AVC格式)├—MUSIC (MP3、WMA、ATRAC3音频文件存放文件夹)├—ISO (ISO和CSO这两种格式的PSP游戏存放文件夹,PSP游戏就放在这里,记得要改英文名哦。










3.3 控制回路:装置自带防跳回路,直流、交流均可以带防跳;而且防跳功能解除简单。

3.4 测量功能:高精度测量电流、电压、有功功率、无功功率、功率因数、频率、零序电流、计算电度。

3.5 高度集成:集保护、测量、控制、监测、通讯、录波、事件记录等多种功能于一体。



3.7强大的通讯功能:可提供双RS485、以太网(光口、电口)通讯接口;通讯协议支持modbus RTU、modbus TCP;通讯波特率可达19200bps。




C mp n l n r d c d o a y a e i t u e .By t e a p i ain o h s MPI 0 s se o h p l t f ti c o y tm,t e h rz n a G n e t a OG i n l r 5 h o io t l EO a d v ri l E c sg as e a
E g er g U i ri f hn hio c n e n eh o g, hn hi 00 3 C ia) n i e n, nv syo aga f Si c dT cn l y S ag a 2 0 9 , hn n i e t S r e a o
Abs r c The op r to t o o s fwae a d a d r s se o he ta t e ai n me h ds n o t r n h r wa e y t m f t MP1 0 daa r e r e r m t e o d r fo Amerc n BI P 5 i a O AC
水 平 眼 电 信 号 和 垂 直 眼 电信 号 , 同时 在 MP 5 系统 的 A q O e g . 件 平 台 上 解 决 了眼 电信 号 的 滤 波 处 理 问 10 c Kn Wld e40软
题 。 分 别 在 离 线 状 态 下 及 在 线 过 程 中 得 到 滤 波 处 理 后 平 滑 的 眼 电 信 号 波 形 , 其 他 电 生 理 信 号 的 在 线 采 集 和 实 时 并 为
分 析提 供 了有 益 的 实例 , 为 日常教 学 、 研 工作 的得 力工 具 。 成 科 [ 键 词】 MP 5 系统 ; 平 眼 电 ; 直 眼 电 ; 集 关 10 水 垂 采 【 中国 图 书 资料 分类 号 】 T 3 1 3 l 献 标 识 码 I C 【 章 编 号】 10 - 8 8 2 1 )2 0 2 — 3 P 1. 文 1 文 0 3 8 6 (0 0 1— 17 0

MP1500 2000 2500说明书-V2.0

MP1500 2000 2500说明书-V2.0
3. If the PROT Led goes on steadily while power has been turned on and signal has been fed, there must a trouble of output shorted. Please turn it off and correct the trouble then turn it on again.
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AAnnootthheerr AAmmpp.. MMPPsseerireiess
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为了减少火灾或触电的危险, 不要将设备放在能被雨淋或潮湿的地方. 广州市迪士普音响科技有限公司 Guangzhou DSPPA Audio Co.,Ltd.










三种显示方式:走屏(Chart), 重叠(Scope), XY坐标(X/Y)。







一.主机一)MP150硬件性能参数1)16个模拟数据采集通道2)16个数字输入通道3)16个计算通道4)2个模拟输出通道5)16位A/D转换6)采样率:400KHZ(40万点/秒)7)可联网工作8) 漏电流小于8µA二)AcqKnowledge软件功能1)最大60个通道显示2)可选择外触发或内触发3)可进行数字滤波4)可计算dp/dt,最大值,最小值,平均值,峰峰值,心率,斜率,微分,积分,指数运算,对数运算,傅利叶变换,面积,偏差,标准差,绝对值,三角函数,曲线平滑,直方图5)自由设定存储时刻,时间,重复次数6)可用EXCEL进行统计计算7)资料作为WINDOWS文件长期保存二.常用放大器介绍DA100C 通用放大器这种低躁声差分桥式放大器将不同的换能器连接到MP系统。

MPI TS150-AIT 150 mm Manual Probe系统说明书

MPI TS150-AIT 150 mm Manual Probe系统说明书

MPI TS150-AIT | 150 mm Manual Probe SystemIndustry’s first explicitly designed 150 mm probe system providing accurat e tests for mm-wave, THz, and automated impedance tuner applicationsFEATURES / BENEFITSSPECIFICATIONSChuck XY Stage (Standard)Total travel range 180 x 300 mm (7.1 x 11.8 in)Fine-travel range 25 x 25 mm fine micrometer control Fine-travel resolution < 1.0 µm (0.04 mils) @ 500 µm/rev Planarity< 10 µm Theta travel (standard)360°Theta travel (fine)± 5.0°Theta resolution 7.5 x 10-3 gradientMovement Puck controlled air bearing stage Chuck Z Stage Travel range 10 mm (0.4 in)Fine-travel resolution< 1.0 µm (0.04 mils) @ 500 µm/rev, with digital indicatorManual Microscope Stage (Linear)Movement range 50 x 50 mm (2 x 2 in) or 80 x 80 mm (3.15 x 3.15 in)Resolution < 5µm (0.2 mils)Scope lift Manual, tilt-back or vertical (depending on microscope type)MovementIndependently controlled X and Y movement with locking screwsVariety of Applications• Seamless integration of any banded, differential or broadband frequency extenders and automated impedance tuners• Novel design of extenders/tuners integration for maximum of measurement dynamic• Maximum on mechanical stability and repeatability combined with convenient and safety operation Ergonomic Design• Unique puck controlled air bearing stage for quick single-handed operation• Rigid and large platen accommodates large area MicroPositioners, holding mmw extenders• Highly repeatable platen lift design with three discrete positions for contact, separation, and loading Upgradability• Optional vibration isolated support for large automated impedance tuners• Dedicated optics for shorting the cables and waveguide’s lengths, for maximum of measurement directivity• Various chuck options, PCB holders and a wide range of accessories such as DC/RF/mmW MicroPositionersSpecifications Design For unsurpassed stability: low profile, four pole support Material Nickel plated steelDimensionLarge area platen, see drawing Chuck top to platen top Min. 28 mmMax. No of MicroPositioners 2x mmW E/W + 2x RF N/S and 4x DC or 2x mmW E/W + 8x DC Platen lift control 3 positions - contact (0), separation (300 µm), and loading (3 mm)Separation repeatability < 1 µm (0.04 mils) by …automated“ control mmW MicroPositioner mounting Bolt downRF MicroPositioner mounting Magnetic with guided rail DC MicroPositioner mountingMagneticProbe Platen design for DC, RF and THz MicroPositionersPROBE PLATENPlaten Lift with Probe Hover Control™MPI Probe Hover Control™ comes with hover heights (50, 100 or 150 µm) for easy and convenient probe to pad alignment.Separation Probe Hover Control™Probe in contactFREQUENCY EXTENDER ADAPTATIONSeamless integration of any frequency extenders for best measurement directivity at 200 mm wafers.To achieve optimum tuning range & highest gammaAUTOMATED IMPEDANCE TUNER INTEGRATIONSCONTACT / OVER-TRAVEL CONTROLMPI offers the worldwide unique and most accurate contact / over-travel control with 1 µm accuracy for easy measurement reproducibility and accuracy.XY digital micrometers are optionally available as well.RF Wafer Chuck Connectivity Coax BNC (f)Diameter 160 mm with 2 integrated AUX areasMaterial Nickel Plated Aluminium (flat with 0.5 mm holes)Chuck surfacePlanar with 0.5 mm diameter holes in centric sections Vacuum holes sections (diameter)3, 27, 45, 69, 93, 117, 141 mmVacuum actuation Manual switch between Center (4 holes), 50, 100, 150 mm (2, 4, 6 in)Supported DUT sizes Single DUTs down to 4 x 4 mm size or wafers 50 mm (2 in) thru 150 mm (6 in)*Surface planarity ≤± 5 µmRigidity< 15 µm / 10 N @edgeNON-THERMAL CHUCKSElectrical Specification Operation voltage In accordance with EC 61010, certificates for higher voltages available upon request Isolation> 2 GΩ*Single DUT testing requires higher vacuum conditions dependent upon testing application.*Single DUT testing requires higher vacuum conditions dependent upon testing application.Auxiliary Chuck Quantity 2 AUX chucksPositionIntegrated to rear side of main chuck Substrate size (W x L)Max. 25 x 25 mm (1 x 1 in)Material Ceramic, RF absorbing material for accurate calibration Surface planarity ≤± 5 µmVacuum controlControlled independently, separate from chucksMP80-DXMPI auxiliary chucks made by ceramicThermal chuck system for testing single ICs The optional MP80-DX MicroPositioner with the integrated digital micrometerenables outstanding simplicity for the multiline TRL.When operating the MP80-DX, the operator simply needs to zero-out the digital micrometer after the initial adjustment of the probes, i.e., on the thru standard. Next, the distance between RF probes can be easily re-adjusted to the required value of ∆l with the precision better than 1 µm.THERMAL CHUCKSSpecifications of MPI ERS Integrated Technology35 °C to 150 °C20 °C to 200 °C25 °C to 150 °CMaximal wafer size 150 mm 150 mm 25 x 25 mm Single ICConnectivityCoax BNC (f)Kelvin Triax (f)Coax BNC (f)Temperature control method Cooling air / Resistance heater Cooling air / Resistance heater Peltier heater CoolantAir (user supplied)Air (user supplied)Air (max. 50 l/min)Smallest temperature selection step 0.1 °C 0.1 °C 0.1 °C Chuck temperature display resolution0.1 °C 0.01 °C 0.1 °C External touchscreendisplay operation N/A Yes N/A Temperature stability ±0.5 °C ±0.08 °C ±0.2 °C Temperature accuracy ±1 °C ±0.1 °C ±1 °C Control method DC/PID Low noise DC/PIDDC/PID InterfacesRS232C RS232C RS232C Chuck surface plating Nickel plated with pinhole surface Nickel plated with pinhole surface Gold plated with pinhole surface Temperature sensor Pt100 1/3DIN Pt100 1/3DIN, 4-line wired Pt100 1/3DIN, 4-line wired Temperature uniformity < ±1 °C < ±0.5 °C < ±0.5 °C Surface flatness and base parallelism < ±15 µm < ±10 µm < ±15 µm Heating and cooling rates 35 to 150 °C < 10 min 150 to 35 °C < 15 min 20 to 200°C < 15 mins 200 to 20°C < 15 mins 25 to 150 °C < 6 min 150 to 25 °C < 6 min Electrical isolation > 0.5 T Ω at 25 °C> 10 T Ω at 25 °C > 300 G Ω at 200 °C> 0.5 T Ω at 25 °CLeakage @ 10 V N/A N/A N/A Capacitance< 750 pF < 750 pF < 750 pF Maximum voltage between chuck top and GND500 V DC500 V DC500 V DCt e m p e r a t u r e [°C ]time [min]AC3 150 mm +35°C to +150°C510152020406080100120140160TYPICAL TRANSITION TIMEThermal Chuck Electrical Supply Electrical SupplyHot only thermal chucks Electrical primary connection 100 to 240 VAC auto switch Frequency50 Hz / 60 HzCompressed Air Supply Operating pressure 6.0 bar (0.6 MPa, 87 psi) at specified flow rate CDA dew point≤ 0 °CController Dimensions / Power and Air Consumption System Type W x D x H (mm)Weight (kg)Power Cons. (VA)max. Air Flow (l/min)35 to 150 °C 300 x 265 x 135 1050020020 to 200 °C 300 x 360 x 135 1270020025 to 150 °C300 x 261 x 1353.310050General Probe System Power 100-240 V AC 50/60 Hz for optical accessories* only Vacuum -0.5 bar (for single DUT) / -0.3 bar (for wafers)Compressed air6.0 bar *e.g. microscope illumination, CCD cameras, monitors.FACILITY REQUIREMENTSWARRANTYPHYSICAL DIMENSIONSStation Platform with Bridge*Dimensions (W x D x H)670 x 680 x 710 mm (26.4 x 26.8 x 28.0 in)Weight~120 kg (265 lb.)• Warranty*: 12 months• Extended service contract: contact MPI Corporation for more information*See MPI Corporation‘s Terms and Conditions of Sale for more details.*Station accessories, such as different microscopes, cameras, or laser cutters, may change the total height.MPI Global PresenceDirect contact:Asiaregion:****************************EMEAregion:******************************Americaregion:********************************MPI global presence: for your local support, please find the right contact here:/ast/support/local-support-worldwide© 2020 Copyright MPI Corporation. All rights reserved.Vibration Isolation TableWeightApprox. 210 kg ( 463 lb.)Approx. 210 kg ( 463 lb.)。








1 灭火剂瓶组规格: 70L/100L/120L/150L2。

2 20℃储存压力: 4。


3 最大工作压力(50℃): 5.3MPa2。

4 启动方式: 电磁启动、机械应急启动2。

5 驱动气体瓶组氮气源压力: 6.0±1.0MPa(20℃)2.6 电磁驱动装置启动电源: DC24V/1.5A2.7 灭火剂充装密度:≤950Kg/m32。

佳能MP145 –MP150 维修技术资料,出错代码和按键列表

佳能MP145 –MP150 维修技术资料,出错代码和按键列表

佳能MP145 –MP150 维修技术资料,出错代码和按键列表!消息来源QQ269088308MP145机器主要技术指标l 、最大打印幅而:A42 、最大分辩率:4800 × 1200 dpi3 、所用墨盒:标配:PG-40 / CL-41 ,可选:PG-50/CL-514 、打印速度:4×6 无边距55 秒5 、操作系统:windows98 / ME / 2000 / XP ; Mac OS X / 10.2.4 或以上(USB ) 6 、接口:USB2 . 0 高速接口7 、进纸方式自动供纸器8 、无边距打印支持,( A4 、信纸、信用卡尺寸、5 "×7 ”、4 "×6 " )9 、其它功能支持数码相机直接打印10 、扫描参数:采用CIS 扫描头,光学分辨率1200×2400 DPI11 、复印参数:最快复印速度:22 CPM ,无边距复印等功能12 、维修功能:(用户可排除故障)出错状态警告指示灯MP150 的LCD 显示无纸〔1000〕橙灯闪2 下E2卡纸〔1300〕橙灯闪3 下E3没墨水〔1600〕-E4墨水盒未安装〔1401〕/墨水盒安装不当〔1485〕橙灯闪5 下E5废墨水接近满〔1700 / 1710〕-E8数码相机或摄像机不支持直接打印〔2001〕-E9墨水盒原位出错〔1684 ]-E14墨水盒没有安装〔1682〕橙灯闪15下E15墨水余量不能检测〔1685/1686〕橙灯闪16下E16扫描头校准出错-E19([url=#]积分[/url])//-->(用户不可排除故障)出错状态电源灯MP150的LCD显示小车错〔5100〕橙灯/绿灯闪2 下小车或更换编码器或小车马达或主板进纸错〔5400〕橙灯/绿灯闪3 下进纸器组件清洁单元错〔5C00 ] 橙灯/绿灯闪4 下更换清洁单元或主板ASF传感器错〔5700〕橙灯/绿灯闪5 下更换传感器内部温度错〔5400〕橙灯/绿灯闪6 下更换主板废墨己满或接近满错〔5B00/5B01〕橙灯/绿灯闪7 下清零或更换主板墨盒温度不正常过高错〔5200〕橙灯/绿灯闪8 下更换打印头或主板EEPROM 出错〔6800〕橙灯/绿灯闪9 下更换主板进纸原位错〔6B00〕橙灯/绿灯闪13下调整进纸器USB 接口错〔9000〕橙灯/绿灯闪15下更换主板马达驱动错〔6D00〕橙灯/绿灯闪17 下更换主板其它硬件错〔6500〕橙灯绿灯闪20 下更换主板扫描错〔5010〕橙灯/绿灯闪22 下更换主板ROM 错不停地闪黄灯更换主板RAM 错,长亮黄灯,更换主板…13 、维修模式:A 、先按着stop / reset 键,然后按power键开机。

MP-A微处理器 系统板说明书

MP-A微处理器 系统板说明书

Assembly Instructions MP-A Microprocessor/System BoardIntroductionThe MP-A board is the primary logic board for the system. It is a 5 1/2” x 9" double sided plated thru hole circuit board containing the 6800 microprocessor chip, the 6830 ROM which stores the Mini-Operating system and the 6810 128 byte scratch pad memory for the ROM. There is a crystal controlled processor clockdriver and baud rate generator providing serial interface baud rates of 110, 150, 300, 600 and 1200 baud for all but the control interface which is operable at 110or 300 baud. The board also contains a power up/manual reset circuit which loadsthe ROM stored operating system when activated. Full I/0 buffering is provided for the 16 address lines and 8 bi-directional data lines with those and other interconnections made to the rest of the system thru a fifty pin connector the mother board (MP-B). +5 volt power for the board is supplied by an on board +5 volt regulator with heatsink at a total current consumption of 0.8 A typical.When the SWTPC 6800 Computer System is being assembled, work on only one board at a time. Each of the system's boards and their associated parts must not be intermixed to avoid confusion during assembly. The MOS integrated circuit supplied with this kit is susceptible to static electricity damage and for this reason has been packed with its leads impressed onto a special conductive foam or possibly wrapped in a conductive foil. In either case, do not remove the protective material until specifically told to do so later in the instructions.PC Board AssemblyNOTE: Since all of the holes on the PC board have been plated thru, it isonly necessary to solder the components from the bottom side of the board. The plating provides the electrical connection from the "BOTTOM" to the "TOP" foil of each hold. Unless otherwise noted it is important that none of the connections be soldered until all of the components of each group have been installed on the board. This makes it much easier to interchange components if a mistake is made during assembly. Be sure to use a low wattage iron (not a gun) with a small tip. Do not use acid core solder or any type of paste flux. We will not guarantee or repair any kit on which either product has been used. Use only the solder supplied withthe kit or a 60/40 alloy resin core equivalent. Remember all of the connections are soldered on the bottom side of the board only. The plated-thru holes provide the electrical connections to the top foil.( ) Before installing any parts on the circuit board, check both sides of the board over carefully for incomplete etching and foil "bridges" or "breaks".It is unlikely that you will find any but should there be one especially on the "TOP" side of the board it will be very hard to locate and correct after all of the components have been installed on the board.( ) Attach the resistors to the board. As with all other components, unless noted, use the parts list and component layout drawing to locate each partand install from the "TOP" side of the board bending the leads along the"BOTTOM" side of the board and trimming so that 1/16" to 1/8" of wireremains. Solder. You should have one lM ohm resistor left over.( ) Install all of the capacitors on the board. Be sure to orient the electrolytic capacitors correctly. The polarity is indicated on the component layout drawing. Solder.( ) Install the transistors on the board. The transistors must be turned to match the outlines on the component Layout drawing. Solder.( ) Attach crystal XTAL1 to the circuit board. It should be oriented so its length lies flat across the circuit board as shown in the outline on thecomponent layout drawing. If the crystal has long thin wire leads, they may be bent down 90 degrees at the base of the crystal so they fit into the two holes provided for the crystal on the circuit board. If the crystal has short heave wire leads, solder onto and at a 90 degree angle, the crystal's leads some heavy buss wire. The buss wire with the crystal attached may then heinserted into the board. In either case the crystal must be attached so its metal case could never inadvertently come into contact with either the foil on the circuit board or either one of its own two leads. Solder.( ) Starting from one end of the circuit board install each of the five, 10 pin Molex female edge connectors along; the lower edge of the board. Theseconnectors must he inserted from the "TOP" side of the board and must bepressed down firmly against the hoard. Make sure the body of the connectorseats firmly against the circuit board and that each pin extends completely into the holes on the circuit boars. Not being careful here will cause theboard to either wobble and/or he crooked when plugged onto the mother board.It is suggested that you solder only the two end pins of each of the fiveconnectors until all have been installed at which time if everything looksstraight and rigid you should solder the as yet unsoldered pins.( ) Insert the small nylon indexing plug into the edge connector pin indicated by the small triangular arrow on the "BOTTOM" side of the circuit board. Thisprevents the board from being accidentally plugged onto the mother boardincorrectly.( ) Install integrated circuits IC5 thru IC16 and IC18 thru IC20 on the circuit board. As each one is installed make sure it is down firmly against the board and solder only two of the leads to hold the pack in place while the otherIC’s are being inserted. Be very careful to install each in its correctposition. Do not bend the leads on the back side of the board. Doing so makes it very difficult to remove the integrated circuits should replacement ever be necessary. The semi-circle notch, dot or bar on the end of the package is used for orientation purposes and must match with the outlines shown on the component layout drawing for each of the IC's. After inserting all of theintegrated circuits go back and solder each of the as yet unsoldered pins.( ) Install integrated circuit IC17 on the circuit board. This component must be oriented so its metal face is facing the circuit board with the small metal heatsink sandwiched between the two. The heatsink and IC are secured to the circuit board with a #4-40 x 1/4" screw, lockwasher and nut. The three leads of the integrated circuit must be bent down into each of their respectiveholes and trimmed, and the heatsink must be oriented as shown in thecomponent layout drawing. Solder.( ) Attach the two zero force integrated circuit sockets to board in the ICI and IC2 positions only. The 40 pin socket goes in the IC1 position while the 24 pin socket goes in the IC2 position. Orient each socket so the corner having the projecting tab is adjacent the pin indicated by the "dot" within theintegrated circuit outline on the component layout drawing. Solder.NOTE: MOS integrated circuits are susceptible to damage by staticelectricity. Although some degree of protection is provided internally within the integrated circuits, their cost demands the utmost in care. Before opening and/or installing any MOS integrated circuits you should ground your body and all metallic tools coming into contact with the leads, thru a 1 M ohm 1/4 watt resistor(supplied with the kit). The ground must be an "earth" ground such as a water pipe, and not the circuit board ground. As for the connection to your body, attach a clip lead to your watch or metal ID bracelet. Make absolutely sure you have the 1 Meg ohm resistor connected between you and the "earth" ground, otherwise you will be creating a dangerous shock hazard. Avoid touching the leads of the integrated circuits any more than necessary when installing them, even if you are grounded. On those MOS IC's being soldered in place, the tip of the soldering iron should be grounded as well (separately from your body ground) either with or without a 1 Meg ohm resistor. Most soldering irons having a three prong line cord plug already have a grounded tip. Static electricity should be an important consideration in cold,dry environments. It is less of a problem when it is warm and humid.( ) Install MOS integrated circuits IC3 and IC4 following the precautions given in the preceding section. As it is installed, make sure it is down firmlyagainst the board before soldering all of its leads. Do not bend the leads on the back side-of the board. Doing so makes it very difficult to remove theintegrated circuit should replacement ever be necessary. The "dot" or "notch"on the end of the package is used for orientation purposes and must matchwith that shown on the component layout drawing for the IC.( ) Working from the "TOP" side of the circuit board, fill in all of the feed thru's with molten solder. The feed-thru's are those unused holes on theboard whose internal plating connects the "TOP" and "BOTTOM" circuitconnections. Filling these feed-thru's with molten solder guarantees theintegrity of the connections and increases the current handling capability.( ) Now that all of the components have been installed on the board, double check to make sure all have been installed correctly in their proper location. ( ) Check very carefully to make sure that all connections have been soldered. It is very easy to miss some connections when soldering which can really cause some hard to find problems later during checkout. Also look for solder"bridges" and "cold" solder joints which are another common problem.This completes the assembly phase for the MP-A board. Integrated circuits ICI and IC2 should not be installed until the board goes thru a preliminary checkout detailed in the System Checkout Instructions supplied with the MP-B mother board kit. The System Checkout Instruction are used after having assembled the MP-A Microprocessor/System Board, MP-B mother board, MP-C serial, control interface, and the MP-P power supply.Since the MP-A circuit board now contains MOS devices it is susceptible to damage from severe static electrical sources. One should avoid handling the board any more than necessary and when you must, avoid touching or allowing anything to come into contact with any of the conductors on the board.How It WorksThe entire 6800 Computer System is built around IC1, the 6800 Microprocessor Unit (MPU). Most of the components within the system are used to provide the clocks, buffering and decoding necessary to interface to this integrated circuit. Complete details of the operation and specifications of IC1 are contained in the 6800 Hardware section of the System Documentation Notebook and will not be repeated here.Integrated circuit IC2 is a 1024 x 8 bit read only memory (ROM) which permanently stores the computer's mini-operating system described in the Operating System section of the System Documentation Notebook. Whenever the computer systemis first powered up or when the front panel RESET switch is depressed the computer jumps to this operating system firmware (programming stored in ROM) which gives the user terminal control. Since the mini-operating system uses only 512 words of the ROM, the upper 512 words have been disabled from access and the ROM operating system addresses have been located from E000 to E1FF inclusive.The ROM stored mini-operating requires a small amount of random access memory (RAM) for operation. It uses IC3, a 128 x 8 bit static memory. What is nice here is that a large portion of the RAM memory addresses are unassigned which means many short programs such as the diagnostics can be loaded right into the operating system RAM without using any of the large MP-M static memory cards. Complete information regarding the unassigned RAM locations is contained in the Operating System section of the System Documentation Notebook.IC4 is the crystal controlled clock/baud rate generator. It produces the five baud rate clock frequencies required by the control and serial interfaces. It also generates a clock which is divided by two by half of IC20, split into twonon-overlapping phases by IC18 and IC19 buffered by transistors Q1 thru Q4 and sent onto IC1, the MPU chip. IC14 provides the buffering for each of the used outputs on baud rate generator IC4.Timer integrated circuit IC11 is responsible for generating the power up/ manual pushbutton RESET which loads the mini-operating system stored in the ROM,IC2.Half of D flip flop, IC20 is used for timed halting of the processor indirect memory access (DMA) applications.Integrated circuits ICS, IC6 and IC7 are used as non-inverting address line buffers for each of the sixteen address lines. Integrated circuits IC8 and IC9 are inverting bi-directional transceiver buffers for the system's eight bi-directional data lines. The gates feeding the enable lines of the transceiver IC's guaranteethe appropriate receive or transmit data buss buffers are enabled at the proper time.+5 VDC power for the board is supplied by voltage regulator IC17.Parts List MP-A Microprocessor/System BoardResistorsR1, R2, R4 1M ohm 1/4 watt resistorR3, R7, R12, R13 10K ohm 1/4 watt resistorR5, R6 6.8K ohm 1/4 watt resistorR8, R9, R19 1K ohm 1/4 watt resistorR10, R11 4.7K ohm 1/4 watt resistorR14, R17 10 ohm 1/4 watt resistorR15, R16 22 ohm 1/4 watt resistorR18 470 ohm 1/4 watt resistorCapacitorsC1, C2, C4, C14, C15 0.1 mfd disc. capacitorC3 100 mfd @15 VDC electrolytic capacitor C5 0.01 mfd mylar capacitorC6 0.1 mfd mylar capacitorC7 0.47 mfd tantalum capacitorC8 1000 pF polystyrene capacitorC9, C10 33 pfd polystyrene capacitorC11, C12 120 pfd polystyrene capacitorC13 1000 pfd polystyrene capacitorSemiconductorsIC-1 MC6800 MPU (MOS)IC-2 MC6830L7 ROM (MOS)IC-3 MC6810L-1 RAM (MOS)IC-4 MC14411 Baud Rate Generator (MOS)IC-5, IC-6, IC-7 DM8097 Hex Tri-State BufferIC-8, IC9 DM8835 Quad Bi-directional Transceiver IC-10 7404 Hex InverterIC-11 555 or 1455 TimerIC-12, IC-13 7400 Quad NAND gateIC-14 74L04 HP Hex InverterIC-15 DM8098 Hex Tri-State BufferIC-16 7420 Dual 4-Input MAND GateIC-17 7805 +5 VDC Voltage RegulatorIC-18 74H00 HS Quad NAND GateIC-19 74H08 HS Quad AND GateIC-20 7474 Dual "D" Flip-FlopQ1, Q2 2N5087 transistorQ3, Q4 2N5210 transistorMisc.XTAL 1 1.7971 MHz Parallel Resonant Crystal。



MP150系统软件和硬件使用说明书1MP150系统使用的先决条件2软件说明书2.1 软件界面简介2.2 file菜单2.3 edit菜单2.4 transform菜单2.5 display菜单2.6 window菜单2.7 video菜单2.8 MP150菜单2.8.1 设置通道2.8.2 设置采集参数2.8.3 设置触发2.8.4 设置刺激器2.8.5 显示输入数值2.8.6 手动控制2.8.7 设定图形描绘更新选项2.8.8 覆盖警告选项2.9 help菜单3实验相关说明3.1 心电信号的采集分析3.2 动物有创血压信号的采集分析3.3 动物呼吸气流信号的采集分析3.4 温度信号的采集分析3.5 张力信号的采集分析3.6 脑电信号的采集分析3.7 肌电信号的采集分析3.8 眼电信号的采集分析3.9 胃肠电信号的采集分析3.10 诱发电位信号的采集分析3.11 皮肤阻抗信号的采集分析3.12 手指脉搏信号的采集分析3.13 呼吸胸廓运动信号的采集分析3.14 无创心排量信号的采集分析3.15 激光多普勒血流信号的采集分析3.16 血氧饱和度信号的采集分析3.17 无创血压信号的采集分析第一章MP150系统使用的先决条件1、把MP150生理记录仪各个模块连接在一起后,检查各个模块顶部的拨码开关分别处于不同的位置,使用系统自带的黄色交叉网线把连接记录仪的主机和电脑连接在一起,插入电源插头,打开记录仪主机后面板的电源开关,主机前面板的电源指示灯应当亮起。




MPS150 150mm手动测试平台说明书

MPS150 150mm手动测试平台说明书

Features / BenefitsOverviewThe MPS150 is an easy to use, yet highly-precise manual probe platform for wafers and substrates up to 150 mm. It supports a wide variety of applications and accessories. The modular and flexible design allows to configure and individualize the system to match application requirements. With the System Integration for Measurement Accuracy (SIGMA™) kit, MPS150 can be seamlessly integrated with third-party instrumentation, ensuring the shortest signal bining the MPS150 probe system with our measurement expertise, FormFactor provides pre-configured application-focused probing solutions for a variety of applications, and an integrated measurement solution for accurate S-parameter measurements, which include everything you need to achieve accurate measurement results in the shortest time, with maximum confidence.Note: For physical dimensions and facility requirements, refer to the MPS150 Facility Planning Guide.Mechanical PerformanceChuck StageTravel155 mm x 155 mm (6 in. x 6 in.)Resolution 5 µmPlanarity over 150 mm (6 inch)< 10 µmLoad stroke, Y axis90 mmZ height adjustment range10 mmZ contact / separation / load stroke0-3 mm adjustableTheta travel (standard)360°Theta travel (fine)± 8°Theta resolution7.5 x 10-3 gradientManual Microscope Stage (On Bridge)Travel range50 mm x 50 mm (2 in. x 2 in.) / 150 mm x 100 mm (6 in. x 4 in)Resolution≤ 5 µm (0.2 mils)Scope lift Manual, tilt-back or linear pneumaticProgrammable Microscope Stage*Travel range50 mm x 50 mm (2 in. x 2 in.)Resolution0.25 µm (0.01 mils)Scope lift Programmable 130 mm* Electronics box for manual systems (P/N 157-137) requiredPlaten SystemPlatenPlaten space (typical)Universal platen: space for up to four DPP2xx/DPP3xx/DPP4xx/RPP210 or up to twelve DPP105 positionersUniversal platen with optional probe card adapter: space for up to eight DPP2xx/DPP3xx/DPP4xx/RPP210or up to sixteen DPP105 positionersMMW platen: space for up to four RPP305 or two LAP positionersZ-Height adjustment range Maximum 40 mm (depending on configuration)Minimum platen-to-chuck height16 mm (universal platen)Separation lift200 µmSeparation repeatability< 1 µmVertical rigidity / force 5 µm / 10 N (0.2 mils / 2.2 lb.)Accessory mounting options Universal platen: magnetic, vacuumRF-platen: bolt-down, magneticWafer ChuckStandard Wafer ChuckDiameter150 mmMaterial Stainless steelDUT sizes supported Shards or wafers 25 mm (1 in.) through 150 mm (6 in.)Vacuum ring diameter Universal: 4 mm, 7 mm, 22 mm, 42 mm, 66 mm, 88 mm, 110 mm, 132 mmStandard: 22 mm, 42 mm, 66 mm, 88 mm, 110 mm, 132 mmVacuum ring actuation Universal: all connected in meander, center hole 1.5 mm diameterStandard: mechanically selected, center hole 1.0 mm diameterChuck surface Planar with centric-engraved vacuum groovesSurface planarity≤ ± 3 µmRigidity< 15 µm / 10 N @ edgeRF Wafer ChuckDiameter150 mm with two additional AUX chucksMaterial Stainless steel with HF/OPTO surface (flat with 0.7 mm holes)DUT sizes supported Main: single DUTs down to 3 mm x 5 mm size or wafers 25 mm (1 inch) through 150 mm (6 inch)AUX: up to 18 mm x 26 mm (1 in. x 0.7 inch) eachVacuum hole sections (diameter)22 mm, 42 mm, 66 mm, 88 mm, 110 mm, 132 mm (four holes in center with 2.5 mm x 4.3 mm distance) Vacuum hole actuation Mechanically selectedChuck surface Planar with 0.7 mm diameter holes in centric sectionsSurface planarity≤ ± 3 µmRigidity< 15 µm / 10 N @ edgeTriax Wafer ChuckDiameter150 mm with three additional AUX chucks (two with vacuum fixation)Material Stainless steelDUT sizes supported Main: wafers 50 mm through 150 mmAUX: up to 18 mm x 26 mm (1 inch x 0.7 inch) eachVacuum hole sections (diameter)50 mm, 100 mm, 150 mm (2 inch, 4 inch, 6 inch)Vacuum hole actuation3x vacuum switch unitChuck surface Planar with 0.4 mm diameter holes in centric sectionsSurface planarity≤ ±5 µmNon-Thermal ChucksNote: Results measured with non-thermal chuck at standard probing height (10,000 µm) with chuck in a dry environment. Moisture in the chuck may degrade performance.MPS-CHUCK150-COAXOperation voltage Standard: in accordance with EC 61010, certificates for higher voltages available upon requestIsolation*> 2 GΩCapacitance100 pF* Factory test with multimeter with maximum 2 GΩ range.Non-Thermal Chucks (continued)MPS-CHUCK150-RFOperation voltage Standard: in accordance with EC 61010, certificates for higher voltages available upon request Isolation (Signal-Shield)> 200 GΩCapacitance (Signal-Shield)80 pFMPS-CHUCK150-TRIAX1In Purged Shield Enclosure Open2Humidity2< 30%50%Leakage (1 sigma)< 50 fA< 200 fALeakage (average)NA NALeakage (P-P)< 100 fA< 1000 fAResistance (F-G)> 1 TΩ> 1 TΩResistance (G-S)> 1 TΩ> 1 TΩResistance (F-S)> 1 TΩ> 1 TΩResidual capacitance @ 3 pA Tx< 20 pF< 20 pFCapacitance @ 300 pA (F-G)< 400 pF< 400 pFCapacitance @ 300 pA (G-S)< 400 pF< 400 pFTRIAXIAL PROBE ARMS1Standard Triaxal Arm (PN 100525)Advanced Triax Option (PN 157-450 and DCP)In Purged Shield Enclosure In Purged Shield EnclosureHumidity3< 30%< 30%Leakage (1 sigma)< 5 fA< 2 fAResistance (F-G)> 20 TΩ> 50 TΩResistance (G-S)> 4 TΩNAResidual capacitance @ 3 pA Tx< 1 pF< 0.3 fFCapacitance @ 300 pA (F-G)< 300 pF< 150 pFCapacitance @ 300 pA (G-S)< 400 pF< 200 pFCOAXIAL PROBE ARMS1Coaxial Probe Arm (PN 100561)Open / Ambient2, 4Resistance (Signal-Shield)> 20 TΩCapacitance (Signal-Shield)< 200 pF1. T est conditions: B1500 with SMU B1517, triax test cables and adapter ground unit (104-337). Resistor test setup: 10 V HR Mode PCL Factor 15.Capacitor test setup: 3 pA / 300 pA HR Mode PCL Factor 4. Leakage test setup: 10 V HR Mode PCL Factor 40.2. Depending on DC-/AC-noise environment.3. Environment data (not specification data).4. Depending on humidity.Thermal Chuck PerformanceNote: For details on facility requirements, refer to the Facility Planning Guide for your thermal system.MPS-TC150-CTX-300C1Triax @ 30°C Triax @ 200°C Triax @ 300°C Breakdown voltage2a Force-to-guard≥ 500 V≥ 500 V≥ 500 VGuard-to-shield≥ 500 V≥ 500 V≥ 500 VForce-to-shield≥ 500 V≥ 500 V≥ 500 V Resistance3a Force-to-guard≥ 1 x 1012≥ 1 x 1011≥ 5 x 109Guard-to-shield≥ 1 x 1011≥ 1 x 1010≥ 1 x 109Force-to-shield≥ 5 x 1012≥ 2 x 1011≥ 5 x 109 Chuck leakage4≤ 100 fA≤ 10 pA≤ 300 pA Residual capacitance≤ 50 pFSettling time6 @ 10 V 50 fA500 ms (typical)MPS-TC150-CTX-300C (using coax-triax adapter)1, 5Coax @ 30°C Coax @ 200°C Coax @ 300°C Breakdown voltage2a≥ 500 V≥ 500 V≥ 500 V Resistance3a Signal-to-shield≥ 1 x 1012≥ 1 x 1011≥ 5 x 109 Chuck leakage4≤ 600 fA≤ 15 pA≤ 1 nA Residual capacitance≤ 600 pFMPS-TC150-RF-300C1, 5Coax @ 30°C Coax @ 200°C Coax @ 300°C Breakdown voltage2a≥ 500 V≥ 500 V≥ 500 V Resistance3a Signal-to-shield≥ 1 x 1012≥ 1 x 1011≥ 5 x 109 Chuck leakage4≤ 600 fA≤ 15 pA≤ 1 nA Residual capacitance≤ 600 pFMPS-TC150-200C1Triax @ 30°C Triax @ 200°CBreakdown voltage2b Force-to-guard≥ 500 V≥ 500 VGuard-to-shield≥ 500 V≥ 500 VForce-to-shield≥ 500 V≥ 500 VResistance3b Force-to-guard≥ 5 x 1012≥ 5 x 1011Guard-to-shield≥ 2 x 1012≥ 8 x 1010Force-to-shield≥ 7 x 1012≥ 5 x 1011Chuck leakage4≤ 35 fA≤ 40 fAResidual capacitance6≤ 20 pFSettling time7 @ 10 V 50 fA500 ms (typical)Thermal Chuck Performance (continued)MPS-TC150-200C (using coax-triax adapter)1, 5Coax @ 30°C Coax @ 200°CBreakdown voltage2b≥ 500 V≥ 500 VResistance3b Signal-to-shield≥ 5 x 1012≥ 5 x 1011Chuck leakage4≤ 600 fA≤ 7.5 pAResidual capacitance6≤ 600 pF1. P erformance values determined using EMV shielded chamber. Actual value depend on electromagnatic surrounding and shielding situation of the probestation.2a. For fully-baked chuck: 90°C for 60 minutes + 200°C for 240 minutes + 300°C for 480 minutes.2b. For fully-baked chuck: 90°C for 60 minutes + 200°C for 800 minutes3a. For fully-baked chuck: 90°C for 60 minutes + 200°C for 240 minutes + 300°C for 480 minutes; controller on; 21-23C° environment with ≤ 50% humidity.3b. For fully-baked chuck: 90°C for 60 minutes + 200°C for 800 minutes; 21-23C° environment with ≤ 50% humidity.4. O verall leakage current is comprised of two separate components: 1) offset, and 2) noise. Offset is the DC value of current due to instrument voltageoffset driving through isolation resistance. Noise is low frequency ripple superimposed on top of offset and is due to disturbances in the probe station environment.*****************************************************************************************************************(1σ).5. Chuck: Guard-Shield shorted, B1500: triax, guard open.6. Depends on test environment7. Settling time is measured with B1500 with SMUB1517 - ST@10V CMI program or equivalentTransition TimeHeating Cooling30°C to 100°C°100°C to 200°C200°C to 300°C300°C to 200°C200°C to 100°C100°C to 30°C MPS-TC150-CTX-300C145 sec155 sec300 sec145 sec245 sec1525 secMPS-TC150-RF-300C180 sec300 sec540 sec165 sec310 sec1650 secMPS-TC150-200C155 sec260 sec na na120 sec425 secMPS-TC150-CTX-300C and MPS-TC150-RF-300C SpecificationsTemperature range+ 30°C to 300°CTemperature accuracy± 0.1°C (with calibrated controller)Temperature resolution0.1°CTemperature uniformity≤ 0.5°C @ 30°C, ≤ 3.0°C @ 300°CChuck flatness≤ 30 μm (0.12 mils) @ +30°C to 300°CAudible noise< 58 dB(A) (normal operation); < 79 dB(A) (max. cooling mode)MPS-TC150-200CTemperature range+ 30°C to 200°CTemperature accuracy± 0.5°CTemperature resolution0.1°CTemperature uniformity≤ ±1°C (30°C - 200°C)Chuck flatness≤ 30 μm (0.12 mils) @ +30°C to 200°CAudible noise< 54 dB(A) (normal operation); < 68 dB(A) (max. cooling mode)Ordering InformationPre-Configured Application-Focused PackagesEPS150 COAX / COAX PLUS EPS150TRIAX EPS150RFEPS150MMW EPS150FA EPS150TESLAIntegrated Measurement SolutionRFgeniusPart Number DescriptionEPS150COAX150 mm manual probing solution for DC parametric testEPS150COAXPLUS150 mm manual probing solution for DC parametric test (including platen lift)EPS150TRIAX150 mm manual probing solution for low-noise measurementsEPS150RF150 mm manual probing solution for RF applicationsEPS150MMW150 mm manual probing solution for mmW, THz and load pull applicationsEPS150FA150 mm manual probing solution for failure analysisRFgenius-xx*RFgenius education kit, turn-key solution for measurements up to 4.5/6.5/9/14/20/26.5 GHz 181-669FormFactor certified laptop for RFgenius-xx (optional)*** Enter the frequency range for a VNA of your choice. Example: RFgenius-4 for 4.5 GHz. RFgenius-26 for 26.5 GHz.** M inimum requirement for a laptop to be supplied by a user: Windows 7 or 10 (64 bit), Intel i5 6th Gen or newer, 4 GB memory or more (16 GB recommended),2 GB disk space or more, 1024 x 768 resolution, USB 3.o port.Corporate Headquarters 7005 Southfront Road Livermore, CA 94551Phone: © Copyright 2018 FormFactor, Inc. All rights reserved. FormFactor and the FormFactor logo are trademarks of FormFactor, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.All information is subject to change without notice.MPS150-DS-0518Regulatory ComplianceCertificationCE, cNRTLus, CBWarrantyWarranty* Fifteen months from date of delivery or twelve months from date of installation Service contracts Single and multi-year programs available to suit your needs*See FormFactor’s T erms and Conditions of Sale for more details.。

ConnectCore MP15系统模块硬件参考手册

ConnectCore MP15系统模块硬件参考手册

ConnectCore MP15 System-on-moduleLogs(from time of reported issue)Trace(if possible)Description of issueSteps to reproduceContact Digi technical support:Digi offers multiple technical support plans and service packages.Contact us at+1952.912.3444or visit us at /support.FeedbackTo provide feedback on this document,email your comments to*****************Include the document title and part number(ConnectCore MP15System-on-Module,900025103P)in the subject line of your email.About the ConnectCore MP15Features and functionalityAbout the ConnectCore MP15Safety instructionsl x4USART.l x6SPI,three I2Ss full-duplex master/slave.l x4SAI.l x1SPDIF Rx.l Management data inpout/output slave(MDIOS).l x3SDMMC.l USB high-speed Host with two ports,two high-speed PHYs and a USB OTG high-speed with full-speed PHY or high-speed PHY shared with second port of USB Host.l x2FDCAN,one of them supporting TTCAN mode.l x1Gigabit Ethernet.l HDMI-CED.l x1Flexible memory control(FMC)interface.l x1Quad-SPI Flash memory interface.l x2ADCs with16-bit max resolution.l x212-bit D/A converters.l x1digital filters for sigma delta modulator(DFSDM)with8channels/6filters.l x1camera interface for CMOS sensors.l x1LCD-TFT display controller.l x1MIPI DSI.Safety instructionsn The ConnectCore MP15module cannot be guaranteed operation due to the radio link and so should not be used for interlocks in safety critical devices such as machines orautomotive applications.n The ConnectCore MP15module has not been approved for use in(this list is notexhaustive):l nuclear applicationsl explosive or flammable atmospheresn There are no user serviceable components inside the ConnectCore MP15module.Do not modify the ConnectCore MP15in any way.Modifications may exclude the module from anywarranty and can cause the ConnectCore MP15to operate outside of regulatory compliancefor a given country,leading to the possible illegal operation of the radio.n Use industry standard ESD protection when handling the ConnectCore MP15module.n Take care while handling to avoid electrical damage to the PCB and components.n Do not expose ConnectCore MP15module to water or moisture.n Use this product with the antennas specified in the ConnectCore MP15module user guides.n The end user must be told how to remove power from the ConnectCore MP15module or to locate the antennas20cm from humans or animals.About the ConnectCore MP15Limitations and noticesCAUTION!On the ConnectCore MP15,GPIO PA0is already configured as an interrupt,so other GPIOs with index0are not externally available for interrupt purposes.The microprocessor used on this module,like all CMOS devices,can be driven into alatch-up condition if any I/O pin is driven outside of its associated power rail.Care mustbe taken to:n Never drive an I/O pin beyond its positive rail or below ground.n Never drive an I/O pin from an external power source during the power-on or reset sequences.n Never hot-swap the module or interrupt its ground connection to external circuitry.recommends you enable the external power supply after internal3.3V is enabled,or add the necessary protection circuitry to avoid back voltage(leakage).Block diagramsThe figures below show block diagrams of the ConnectCore MP15module and of theSTMicroelectronics STM32MP157application processor.ConnectCore MP15moduleSTMicroelectronics STM32MP157application processorReference power diagramThe following diagram represents the power architecture of the ConnectCore MP15module in a typical application:Electrical characteristicsInput power railsThe following table lists the electrical specifications of all input power rails for the ConnectCore MP15:About the ConnectCore MP15BootstrapAbout the ConnectCore MP15Wireless interfacesBluetoothThe ConnectCore MP15module supports both Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy protocols: n Bluetooth5with all Bluetooth4.2optional features.Bluetooth class1and class2transmitter operation.n Integrated WLAN-Bluetooth coexistence.。

罗斯蒙特 COMMANDER 150 用户指南 通用工艺指示器说明书

罗斯蒙特 COMMANDER 150 用户指南 通用工艺指示器说明书

COMMANDER 150User GuideUniversal Process IndicatorUse of InstructionsThis manual is divided into 5 sections which contain all the information needed to install, configure, commission and operate the COMMANDER 150. Each section is identified clearly by a symbol as shown below.1GETTING STARTED (1)1DISPLAYS AND FUNCTION KEYS (3)1.1Introduction (3)1.2Use of Function Keys (4)1.3LED Alarms and Indicators (5)1.4Error Messages (6)2OPERATOR MODE (7)2.1Introduction (7)2.2Operating Page – Standard (Level 1) (8)2.3Operating Page – Totalizer (Level 1) (9)2.4Operating Page – Maths Functions (Level 1) (11)3SET UP MODE (13)3.1Introduction (13)3.2Setup Level (Level 2) (14)4CONFIGURATION MODE (18)4.1Introduction (18)4.2Accessing the Configuration Mode (18)4.3Basic Hardware and Configuration (Level 3) (20)4.3.1Hardware Assignment and Input Type (20)4.3.2Alarms (22)4.3.3Operator Functions and Totalizer Set Up (24)4.3.4Digital Input and Serial Communications (26)4.4Ranges and Passwords (Level 4) (28)5INSTALLATION (31)5.1Siting (31)5.2Mounting (33)5.3Electrical Connections (35)5.4Relays, Arc Suppression, Inputs and Outputs (35)5.4.1Relay Contact Ratings (35)5.4.2Arc Suppression (35)5.4.3Logic Output (35)5.4.4Retransmission Analog Output (35)5.4.5Digital Input (35)231DISPLAYS AND FUNCTION KEYS1.1Introduction – Fig. 1.1The COMMANDER 150 front panel display, function keys and LED indicators are shown in Fig. 1.1.4…1DISPLAYS AND FUNCTION KEYS 1.2Use of Function Keys –Fig. 1.251DISPLAYS AND FUNCTION KEYS…1.3LED Alarms and Indicators6…1DISPLAYS AND FUNCTION KEYS 1.4Error Messages72OPERATOR MODE 2.1IntroductionOperator Mode (Level 1) is the normal day-to-day mode of the COMMANDER 150.Frames displayed in level 1 are determined by the indicator functions which areselected during configuration of the instrument – see Section 4.The three indicator functions are:•Standard Indicator –page 8•Indicator with Totalization –page 9•Indicator with Max./Min./Average –page 118…2OPERATOR MODE 2.2Operating Page – Standard (Level 1)•1Only displayed if there is an active latch alarm.2OPERATOR MODE…2.3Operating Page – Totalizer (Level 1)These frames are only displayed if the totalizer function is enabled in the configuration level – see Section 4.3.3•1Totalizer stop/go and reset from these frames can be disabled – seeSection 4.3.3.A digital input can also be used to start/stop or reset the totalizer – see Section4.3.4…2OPERATOR MODE …2.3Operating Page – Totalizer (Level 1)•1The predetermined value should be greater than the preset value when thetotalizer is counting up and lower than the preset value when the totalizer is counting down.•2Only displayed if enabled in the configuration level – see Section MODE…2.4Operating Page – Maths Functions (Level 1)•1This frame can be disabled – see Section 4.3.3.The average value is reset automatically on power-up and can also be reset from a digital input – see Section 4.3.4.The reset function in this frame can be disabled – see Section 4.3.3.…2OPERATOR MODE …2.4Operating Page – Maths Functions (Level 1)•1This frame can be disabled – see Section 4.3.3.The Max. and Min. values are reset automatically on power-up and can also be reset from a digital input – see Section 4.3.4.The reset reset function in this frame can be disabled – see Section UP MODE 3.1Introduction To access the Setup Level (Level 2) the correct password must be entered in the security code frame (CodE ) in Level 1– see Fig. 3.1.…3SET UP MODE 3.2Setup Level (Level 2)•1Not displayed if the alarm is disabled (None selected) – see Section 4.3.2.•2Only displayed if custom alarm hysteresis is selected – see section 4.3.23SET UP MODE……3.2Setup Level (Level 2)•1Not displayed if the alarm is disabled (None selected) – see section 4.3.2•2Only displayed if custom alarm hysteresis is selected – see section 4.3.2•3Only displayed if enabled in the Configuration Level – see section 4.3.3•4 A digital input can also be used to reset the batch total.…3SET UP MODE …3.2Set Up Level (Level 2)•1Only displayed if enabled in the Configuration Level – see Section 4.3.3.•2The preset value must be lower than the predetermined value when counting up,and greater than the predetermined value when counting down.3SET UP MODE…a digital input – see Section 4.3.4.•2The maximum and minimum values are reset automatically on power-up and can also be reset from a digital input – see Section MODE 4.1IntroductionThe Configuration Mode comprises two levels (3 and 4) as shown in Fig. 4.2.Configuration level 3 is divided into four frames. For most simple applications it is onlynecessary to set up the parameters in the first frame.4.2Accessing the Configuration Mode – Fig. 4.1To access the Configuration Mode set the security switch to the 'Configure' position (levels 1 and 2 cannot be accessed from this setting). When the configuration parameters are programmed, reset the security switch to the 'Normal' position and the Operating page is displayed automatically .4.3Basic Hardware and Configuration (Level 3) – Fig. 4.3 4.3.1Hardware Assignment and Input Type50Hz/60Hz Relay 1Relay 2*Relay 3*Logic O/P Analog O/P Source Source Source Source Source 1A Alarm 1Alarm 2Alarm 3TCP**PV 2b Alarm 1Alarm 2Alarm 3TWP**PV 3C TCP**Alarm 1Alarm 2TWP**PV 4d TWP**Alarm 1Alarm 2TCP**PV 5EAlarm 1Alarm 2Alarm 3TCP**PV Average UCustomCustomCustomCustomCustomA 1KC0A – Hardware Configuration TCP = Totalizer Count Pulse TWP = Totalizer Wrap Pulse PV = Process Variableb 1K C0B – Input Type and Range ConfigurationC 1K C 0D – Process Variable Display Decimal PlacesDisplay 0xxxx 1xxx . x 2xx . xx 3x . xxx 4x . xxxxd 1KC 0C – Temperature Units Display Temperature Units C Degrees C*F Degrees F*No temperature units * Temperature inputs onlyDisplay b THC Type B E THC Type E J THC Type J K THC Type K N THC Type N r THC Type R S THC Type S t THC Type T PPT100 RTDDisplay10 to 20 mA 2 4 to 20 mA 30 to 5 V 4 1 to 5 V 60 to 50 mV7 4 to 20 mA (square root lineariser)U Custom Configuration* Only available if the appropriate option board is fitted.**Pulse energizes assigned relayFig. 4.3 Hardware Configuration and Input/Output Ranges4.3.3Operator Functions and Totalizer Set Up – Fig. 4.6J 0000K 0000L 0000n 0000Display Max/Min ValuesAverage Value Preset/Predetermined Displayed DisplayedValues Displayed0No No No 1Yes No No 2Yes Yes No 3No Yes Yes 4No No Yes 5Yes No Yes 6YesYesYesL – Operator Level Frame EnableDisplay Totalizer Stop/GoTotalizer ResetMax./Min./Average0No No No 1Yes No No 2No Yes No 3Yes No Yes 4No Yes Yes 5YesYesYesN – Operator Level Math Function & Totaliser Control EnableThis frame determines which frames appear in the operating page (level 1)This frame determines which functions the operator can controlJ – Totalizer SetupDisplay 0Off1Count Up, Wrap Off 2Count Up, Wrap On 3Count Down, Wrap Off 4Count Down, Wrap OnK – Totalizer Display Decimal PlacesDisplay 0xxxxxx 1xxxxx.x 2xxxx.xx 4xx.xxxx 5x.xxxxxFig. 4.6 Totalizer Setup and Operator Functions4.3.4Digital Input and Serial Communications – Figs. 4.7 and 4.84.4Ranges and Passwords (Level 4)•1The engineering range high and low values are automatically set to the maximum allowed value when thermocouple or RTD is selected in the configuration level –see Section 4.3.1. This value can be modified if required.294CONFIGURATION MODE……4.4Ranges and Passwords (Level 4)•1The retransmission range high and low values are automatically set to themaximum allowed value when thermocouple or RTD is selected in the configuration level – see Section 4.3.1. This value can be modified if required.30…4CONFIGURATION MODE…4.4Ranges and Passwords (Level 4)•1Only displayed if enabled in the configuration level – see Section 4.3.3.•2Only available if the appropriate option board is fitted.315INSTALLATION5.1Siting – Figs. 5.1 and 5.232…5INSTALLATION…5.1Siting – Figs. 5.1 and 5.2335INSTALLATION…5.2Mounting – Figs. 5.3 and 5.4The instrument is designed for panel mounting (see Fig. 5.4). Overall dimensions are34…5INSTALLATION…5.2Mounting – Figs. 5.3 and 5.4355INSTALLATION…EC Directive 89/336/EECIn order to meet the requirements of the EC Directive 89/336/EEC for EMC regulations, this product must not be used in a non-industrial environment.5.3Electrical Connections –5.4Relays, Arc Suppression,Inputs and Outputs 5.4.1Relay Contact RatingsRelay contacts are rated at:115/230V AC at 5A (non-inductive)250V DC 25W max.5.4.2Arc SuppressionArc suppression components are fitted to relays 2 and 3 only. If relay 1 is required to switch inductive loads, fit the arc suppression components supplied.5.4.3Logic Output18V DC at 20mA Min load 900ΩIsolated from Analog Input (not isolated from Retransmission O/P).Dielectric strength: 500V d.c. for 1minute.5.4.4Retransmission Analog OutputMax. load 15V (750Ω at 20mA)Isolated from Analog Input (not isolated from Logic O/P).Dielectric strength: 500V d.c. for 1minute.5.4.5Digital InputType:Volt-freeMinimum Pulse:250 ms36…5INSTALLATIONCUSTOMER SETUP LOGInstrument Serial Number:Product Code: C 1 5 0 //CUSTOMER CONFIGURATION LOGWe provide a comprehensive after salesservice via our Worldwide ServiceOrganization. Contact one of the followingoffices for details on your nearest Serviceand Repair Centre.United KingdomABB LimitedTel: +44 (0)1480 475321Fax: +44 (0)1480 217948United States of AmericaABB Inc.Tel: +1 215-674-6000Fax: +1 215-674-7183Client WarrantyPrior to installation, the equipment referred to in this manual must be stored in a clean, dry environment, in accordance with the Company's published specification. Periodic checks must be made on the equipment's condition.In the event of a failure under warranty, the following documentation must be provided as substantiation:1. A listing evidencing process operation and alarm logs at time of failure.2.Copies of operating and maintenance records relating to the alleged faulty unit.I M /C 150I s s u e 10The Company’s policy is one of continuous product improvement and the right is reserved to modify theinformation contained herein without notice.Printed in UK (06.03)© ABB 2003ABB LimitedHoward Road, St. Neots Cambridegshire, PE19 8EU UKTel:+44 (0)1480 475321Fax:+44 (0)1480 470787ABB Inc125 E. County Line Road Warminster, PA 18974USATel:+1 215 674 6000Fax:+1 215-674 7183ABB has Sales & Customer Support expertise in over 100 countries worldwide。

西门子Hicom 150 optiset E basic 用户手册说明书

西门子Hicom 150 optiset E basic 用户手册说明书

s Hicom 150 optiset E basic2Introduction (5)Standard Features (6)Internal and External Dialling (6)Dialling the Switchboard (6)Call Transfer (7)Enquiry Call (8)8 Way Conference (9)Call Pickup (10)Call Park (11)Call Back (12)Call Diversion Features (14)Call Forwarding Variable (14)Call Forwarding No Answer (15)Call Forwarding Busy (15)PIN Features (16)Electronic Telephone Lock (16)Optional Features (17)Individual Abbreviated Dialling (17)System Abbreviated Dialling (18)Last / Stored Number Redial (19)34Timed Reminder (20)Night Service (21)Key Settings (+/–) (22)Quick Reference (24)This guide is designed to assist extension users on a Siemens Hicom 150 Communications System to use all authorised features.Your extension may not be authorised∗ to use all features. The Siemens representative can confirm features that are available to you.Your extension may also be subject to trunk barring thus restricting where you may dial.The optiset E basic digital telephone has 8 preprogrammed keys:-Callback ConferenceTransfer Call ForwardRelease Call PickupPark RedialAll other System features are accessed from this telephone by dialling codes and/or programme keys.The basic telephone is not equipped with a microphone but does have a loudspeaker for hands-free dialling.Please refer to the separate instruction manuals for the optiset E entry, standard, advance/advance plus and memory telephones.∗ - authorised features are those features that your company has designated for your use and may vary from extension to extension.5Handset operation-lift handset, listen for internal dial tone-dial code for switchboard (code is normally 9) Handsfree operation-do not lift handset-dial code for switchboard (code is normally 9)-lift handset when operator answers6You may transfer an internal or external call from your extension to any other extension or to the switchboard.Transfer to a Free Extension (Announcing the Call)-press Transfer key, listen for internal dial tone-dial the required extension or switchboard-when the extension or the switchboard answers, announcethe call and replace handset-if called party does not answer-press Transfer key to return to original callTransfer to a Free Extension (Call not Announced)-press Transfer key, listen for internal dial tone-dial the required extension or switchboard-when you hear ring tone, replace handsetThe call has now been transferred. If the ringing extension does not answer within a predetermined time the call will automatically be transferred back to your extension.Transfer to a Busy Extension-press Transfer key, listen for internal dial tone-dial the required extension number-when you hear busy tone, replace handsetThe call has now been transferred to the busy extension. If the busy extension terminates the call within a predetermined time and replaces the handset the transferred call will ring the extension. If the extension remains busy the call will automatically be transferred back to your extension.7This feature allows you to hold an existing call, dial another extension or even an external number, conduct a conversation without the original caller overhearing, and then return to the original caller.Activate Enquiry Call-press Transfer key, listen for internal dial tone-dial the required extension number or dial 0 and thenthe required external number-conduct your conversation-press Transfer key to return to the original callAlternating between Parties (Shuttle)During an enquiry call you may alternate between both parties-press Transfer key and ∗ 79 to return to original caller-press Transfer key to alternate between callers8This feature allows you to bring up to 7 parties into an existing conversation on your extension. The 7 parties could be external, internal or a mix of both.Activate Conference-you are engaged on a call-press Transfer key, listen for internal dial tone-dial the required extension or 0 and the external number-press Conference key-conference tone is heard and 3 parties are connected.Repeat the procedure to add more parties to the conference.Consult with an internal or external party when busy with a conference-press Transfer key, listen for internal dial tone-dial the required extension or 0 and the external number-consult with party-press Transfer key-you are now reconnected to the conference.9The call pick up feature allows you to answer any ringing extension in your pickup group from your telephone.Activate Call PickupAn extension within your pickup group is ringing-Call Pickup LED flashes-lift handset, listen for internal dial tone-press Call Pickup key-you have now answered the callActivate Call Pick Up SelectA call for an extension which is not in your Pick Up group is ringing-lift handset, listen for internal dial tone-dial ∗ 22 plus the number of the ringing extension-you will now have answered the call10This feature allows you to Park an external call on your extension to be retrieved at any extension or from the switchboard.There are 10 Park positions (0-9 on keypad).Park a Call-press Park key plus location number (0-9)-Park LED on-replace handset-Park LED remains onRetrieve a Parked Call-Park LED is on-lift handset, listen for internal dial tone-press Park key plus location number (0-9)-Park LED is off-call is now on the lineIf the call is not retrieved it will automatically recall to your extension after a predetermined time.Your telephone will ring-lift handset-you are now connected to the callerCall Back requests can be left on extensions which have been rung and not answered or are busy.Activate Call Back - Busy-called extension is busy-press Callback key-confirmation tone is heard-replace handsetThe system will automatically call you back when both your extension and the called extension are free.-lift handset-ring tone is heard as the required extension is rungShould you fail to answer a Call Back that you have activated, the system will automatically cancel the feature after ringing your extension for a predetermined time.Activate Call Back - No answer-called extension does not answer-press Callback key-confirmation tone is heard-replace handsetWhen the called party returns to the office and has used the telephone the system will ring your telephone.-lift handset-ring tone is heard as the required extension is rungCancel Call Back (Before Ring Back)-lift handset-dial # 77-confirmation tone is heard-replace handset-listen for confirmation tone-replace handsetCalls will now ring as normal on your extension.When this feature has been programmed your telephone will ring 5 times and then divert your calls to an extension of your choice.Programme Call Forwarding No Answer-lift handset, listen for internal dial tone-dial ∗ 35 plus extension number-listen for confirmation tone-replace handsetThis feature will forward your calls to an extension of your choice whenever you are busy.Programme Call Forwarding Busy-lift handset, listen for internal dial tone-dial ∗ 36 plus extension number-listen for confirmation tone-replace handsetCancel Call Forwarding No Answer / Busy-lift handset-dial # 34-listen for confirmation tone-replace handsetUnlock your Extension-lift handset-dial # 95 and your PIN-listen for confirmation tone-replace handsetV You will still be able to receive calls when your extension is locked.-lift handset, listen for internal dial tone-dial ∗ 10- enter digit (0-9) under which required number is stored-wait whilst system dials the numberWhen you enter a number in a location that already has a stored number this will be deleted and the new number accepted.The system allows for the storage of 1000 external telephone numbers. By utilising the system abbreviated dialling you will be permitted to dial specific numbers that would be outside your normal trunk barring limits.Use the System Abbreviated Dialling-select the relevant access code from your Abbreviated DiallingDirectory-lift handset, listen for internal dial tone-dial the relevant code∗11000 -∗11999-wait whilst system dials the numberThe system will now dial the required external number, the time taken will vary according to the type of main exchange to which your Hicom 150 is connected.The Hicom 150 allows for 2 types of Number Redial i.e. Last Number Redial or Stored Number Redial.The default setting on your telephone is for Last Number Redial.Contact your System Administrator if Stored Number Redial is required. Redial last numberThe system automatically stores the last number dialled from your telephone.-lift handset, listen for internal dial tone-press Redial key-the number is now automatically dialled by the systemStored a NumberYou have dialled a number and have not been answered or the number is busy, do not disconnect.-press Redial key-listen for confirmation tone-replace handset-number is stored for later useThe number will remain stored until another number is stored, thus erasing the previous number.Redial the Number-lift handset, listen for internal dial tone-press Redial key-the number is now automatically dialled by the systemThis feature allows an extension to store one timed reminder. The system will then call the extension at the required time.Programme Timed Reminder-lift handset, listen for internal dial tone-dial ∗ 99-dial required time e.g.0945 for 9:45 am1430 for 2:30 pmReminder Callback-telephone rings with special callback ringing-lift handset-replace handsetIf not answered your telephone will ring for 40 seconds and then 5 minutes later will ring again for 40 seconds.Timed Reminder is now cancelled.Cancel the Reminder before Ringback-lift handset-dial # 99-listen for confirmation tone-replace handsetWhen the designated Night Service extension rings-lift handset, listen for internal dial tone-dial ∗ 24-you are now connected to the callerCheck with System Administrator if any other type of Night Service is operational.The Plus and Minus keys allow for the individual setting of the levels of speech, ringing and ring tones.Change Speech Volume-whilst busy on a call-press + or – keys to adjust Speech volume-press + and – keys simultaneously to store settingChange Ringing volume or Ring Tone frequency-Do not lift handset-press + and – keys simultaneously-press1and then + or – keys to adjust Ringing volume-or2and then + or – keys to adjust Ring Tone frequency-press + and – keys simultaneously to store settingen i L e d i s t u O 0e l b a i r a V d r a w r o F l l a C ∗t x e &43ro t a r e p O 9s n A o N d r a w r o F l l a C ∗t x e &53el t t u h S R ∗97y s u B d r a w r o F l l a C ∗t x e &63ec n e r e f n o C y a W 3R ∗87l l a l e c n a c -43#kc a B l l a C R ∗77p u k c i P l l a C ∗12le c n a c -77#t c e l e S p u k c i P l l a C ∗t x e &22kc o L n o i s n e t x E ∗ed o C &59k r a P l l a C R ∗)9-0(&29kc o l n u -ed o C &59#e v e i r t e r -∗)9-0(&29e c i v r e S t h g i N ∗42Siemens Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd.Private Bag X71Halfway House 1685。

维克特龙能源MPPT太阳能充电控制器150 35和150 45说明书

维克特龙能源MPPT太阳能充电控制器150 35和150 45说明书

Victron Energy B.V. | De Paal 35 | 1351 JG Almere | The Netherlands General phone: +31 (0)36 535 97 00 | E-mail: *********************** Maximum Power Point TrackingUpper curve :Output current (I) of a solar panel as function of output voltage (V).The Maximum Power Point (MPP) is the point Pmax along the curve where the product I x V reaches its peak.Lower curve:Output power P = I x V as function of output voltage.When using a PWM (not MPPT) controller the output voltage of the solar panel will be nearly equal to the voltage of the battery, and will be lower than Vmp.Solar Charge ControllerMPPT 150/35Ultrafast Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)Especially in case of a clouded sky, when light intensity is changing continuously, an ultra-fast MPPT controller will improve energy harvest by up to 30% compared to PWM charge controllers and by up to 10% compared to slower MPPT controllers.Advanced Maximum Power Point Detection in case of partial shading conditionsIf partial shading occurs, two or more maximum power points may be present on the power-voltage curve. Conventional MPPTs tend to lock to a local MPP, which may not be the optimum MPP.The innovative BlueSolar algorithm will always maximize energy harvest by locking to the optimum MPP.Outstanding conversion efficiencyNo cooling fan. Maximum efficiency exceeds 98%. Full output current up to 40°C (104°F).Flexible charge algorithmFully programmable charge algorithm (see the software page on our website), and eight preprogrammed algorithms, selectable with a rotary switch (see manual for details).Extensive electronic protectionOver-temperature protection and power derating when temperature is high. PV short circuit and PV reverse polarity protection. PV reverse current protection.Internal temperature sensorCompensates absorption and float charge voltage for temperature.Real-time data display options- Color Control GX or other GX devices:see the Venus documents on our website.- A smartphone or other Bluetooth-enabled device:VE.Direct Bluetooth Smart dongle needed.BlueSolar Charge ControllerMPPT 150/35 MPPT 150/45Battery voltage 12 / 24 / 48V Auto Select(software tool needed to select 36V) Rated charge current 35A 45ANominal PV power 1a, b) 35A 12V: 500W / 24V: 1000W / 36V: 1500W / 48V: 2000W45A 12V: 650W / 24V: 1300W / 36V: 1950W / 48V: 2600WMax. PV short circuit current 2) 40A 50A Maximum PV open circuit voltage 150V absolute maximum coldest conditions 145V start-up and operating maximumMaximum efficiency 98%Self-consumption12V: 20 mA 24V: 15 mA 48V: 10mACharge voltage 'absorption' Default setting: 14,4 / 28,8 / 43,2 / 57,6V (adjustable) Charge voltage 'float' Default setting: 13,8 / 27,6 / 41,4 / 55,2V (adjustable)Charge algorithmmulti-stage adaptive (eight pre-programmed algorithms)Temperature compensation -16 mV / -32 mV / -64 mV / °CProtectionPV reverse polarity / output short circuit / over-temperatureOperating temperature -30 to +60°C (full rated output up to 40°C)Humidity95%, non-condensingData communication portVE.DirectSee the data communication white paper on our websiteENCLOSUREColour Blue (RAL 5012) Power terminals 16 mm² / AWG6Protection category IP43 (electronic components), IP22 (connection area)Weight1,25 kg Dimensions (h x w x d)130 x 186 x 70 mmSTANDARDSSafetyEN/IEC 62109-1, UL 1741, CSA C22.21a) If more PV power is connected, the controller will limit input power. 1b) PV voltage must exceed Vbat + 5V for the controller to start. Thereafter minimum PV voltage is Vbat + 1V.2) A PV array with a higher short circuit current may damage the controller.。


屏至 90 度左右,按电源按钮“ ” 后松开按钮即可开机。
提示:如果您的笔记本电脑预装了 Windows XP 操作系统, 请您仔细阅读下面的内容:
z 第一次开机设置预装的 Windows XP 操作系统 Windows XP 操作系统, 会在您第一次开启笔记本电脑的时候
1. 防盗锁孔 为防止此计算机被盗,您可以购买一个防盗设备,插入防盗
孔,将笔记本电脑固定在某处。此类防盗设备会提供详细的使用 说明。
机的防盗锁孔。 2. 并行接口
用来连接和使用带有并行接口的外部设备,如打印机等。 3. VGA 接口
可用于外接 CRT 显示器或投影仪设备进行显示输出。有关的 详细信息,请参阅“外接显示设备”一节。 4. USB2.0 接口
10. 设备状态指示灯 用于指示当前硬盘、键盘等设备的工作状态。 硬盘指示灯,当硬盘进行读写时,指示灯会闪烁。 光驱指示灯,当光驱进行读写时指示灯闪烁。
大写状态指示,显示键盘是否处于大写锁定状态。 第三键功能指示,显示键盘是否处于第三键功能状态。 数字键状态指示,显示键盘是否处于数字键锁定状态。
2、由于该机型采用较多新器件,请用户严格按照本说 明书的指导安装驱动程序,以获得最佳效果。
1.1 了解您的笔记本电脑
感谢您购买并使用联想旭日 150 笔记本电脑。该笔记本电脑 集精巧的设计和强大的性能于一身, 并能够连接多种不同外设进 行扩展,是您办公、休闲、娱乐的好伙伴。
3. 硬盘 要卸下硬盘,请遵循以下步骤: 1、 卸除用于将硬盘模块固定在笔记本电脑底部的螺丝。 2、 向外轻轻拉出硬盘模组。





3、点击上图OK后,弹出如下窗口,顶端的3个可以分别改变下面的选项,常用的:第一项(一般是默认项),单击OK可以打开一个空白的文件;第二项open and analysis graph file,单击OK可以选择硬盘里已经采集好的文件进行分析。


4、单击MP150菜单,选择setup acqusition。






6、继续单击MP150(MP100)菜单,选择set up channels。

在analog选项卡下,单击左下角add new modules。






罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品说明书

罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品说明书

罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品说明书一、罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品的启动与停止用root用户启/停需要root用户包含在罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品m组中。

1、罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品的启动str罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品mQMgrName如果启动默认队列管理器,str罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品m后可以忽略队列管理器名称。


2、罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品的关闭一般情况下,我们使用“end罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品m-iQMgrName”来停止罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品,如果停止失败,可以使用如下步骤:步骤1:end罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品m-pQMgrName,如果停不掉,继续步骤2:杀死有关进程,清理残留在系统内部的信号灯和共享内存A、找到队列管理器程序进程ps-ef|grepQMgrNameB、使用kill命令终止1&amp;gt;中找到的程序进程,无法停止的进程可以用kill-9来终止,终止进程的顺序如下(不存在的进程可以忽略):killa罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品pcsea命令服务器killa罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品hasmx记录器killa罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品harmx日志格式化器(仅LINEAR 日志)killa罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品zllp0检查点处理器killa罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品zlaa0队列管理器代理killa罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品zxma0处理控制器killa罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品rrmfa库进程(用于群集)C、清理所有残留在系统内部的信号灯和共享内存(其属主和组均为罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品m)二、罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品运行状态查看与常用操作1、查看队列管理器运行状态对罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品5、2或以上版本,执行如下命令检查队列管理器运行状态:dsp罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品显示结果中QMNAME表示罗克韦尔150 C30NBD产品队列管理器的名称,STATUS表示当前运行状态。

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Clipboard 选项下四个项目分别通过 windows 的剪切板输出如下内容:
Copy measurement 复制测量栏的数值到剪切板。 Copy wave data 复制选定某段波形的原始数据到剪切板。 Copy graph 复制屏幕范围内的波形图片到剪切板。 Copy acquisition settings 复制采集参数的具体设定到剪切板。
5、使用模板文件 软件安装后已经内置了多个常规实验模板,其中包含实验的指导性文字说明和相应的通道设置和计算设 置。直接使用这些模板可以大大提高实验效率。打开模板文件的方法如下:选择 file 菜单 open 选项,在 打开对话框的文件类型中选择 graph template *.GTL 类型,查找范围选择 acq 软件安装目录下的 samples 文件夹,然后就可以打开相应的模板文件了。 另外也可以自己制作适合自己实验的模板,方法是在设置好通道定标和计算通道项目,设置好采集相关 的参数后,点击 file 菜单选择 save as,在文件类型中选择 graph template *.GTL 类型,选择存储位置即可。
工具 光标 I 光标
描述 用于选择波形通道,滚动查找数据,调整波形显示边界,当光标移动到波形区域之外后其 他功能与普通光标一样。 标准编辑工具,用于选择一段波形。选择一段波形的方法是:按住鼠标左键拖动。
用于选择放大波形的任意部分,移动到图形区域后变成+光标。用鼠标托拽一个区域软件会 自动调整横纵坐标比例。要取消缩放,选择 Display 菜单下面的 Zoom previous 选项。
在 transform 菜单下面可以在数据采集完成之后对数据进行离线分析 处理,其中大部分功能和设置计算通道的内容相同,除了红色框部 分。下面仅就不同部分的重点内容做一些介绍,其他相同部分请参 考 MP150 菜单下面的设置通道部分的计算通道设置。
Digital filters 中的 adaptive 选项用于滤除某个通道中其他通道所引起 的噪声,例如,同时记录血压和呼吸,但是血压的波形受到呼吸的 影响,可以用此功能把呼吸的影响从血压的波形中滤除。点击此选 项出现如下对话框 其中 source signal 是有用信号,noise signal 是噪声信号,order 和 step size 用于设置滤波的参数,一般保持系统默认即可。
2.7 video 菜单
Video 菜单用于设定计算机上安装的摄像装置和视频文件的存储位置,随着点击 start 按钮开始采集数据,摄像装置所拍摄的视频可以被同步记录下来,用于核对某时刻波 形及对应的视频时使用,其中 Playback 中就是用于设定视频回放的。但是由于数据不 是双向同步的,我们只能单独回放视频或者点击波形的某个位置,视频会自动跳转到相应的位置。
如右图红色方框内所示,具体功能如下: Tile Waveforms 用于把不在通道中央的波形调整到通道的中央来,但是波形可能超出通道的上下边界。 Autoscale Waveforms 用于把某个通道的波形完整显示在通道中央,并在上下各保留一定的空白区域。 Autoscale Horizontal 用于把所有的波形数据显示在一个屏幕范围之内。 Preferences 可以设置一些个性参数,如下图所示界面。
Fourier linear combiners 下面的三个选项用于进行傅立叶线性组合分 析。
Template Functions 用于设置模板和计算相关系数和卷积等。
Histogram 用于统计某通道信号幅度数值的分布情况。
Resample 选项用于对某个通道重新设定采样频率。
Power Spectral Density 用于计算能量谱密度。
2、把随机附带的软件光盘放入电脑光驱里面,软件会自动安装,安装完成后,系统会提示选择主机型 号和通讯类型,请选择 MP150 和 TCP/IP 选项。
3、查看计算机的 IP 地址设置,一定要设置成为自动获取 IP 地址。查看方法是:在网上邻居图标上点击 鼠标右键,选择属性,双击本地连接图标,点击属性按钮,找到 Internet 协议(TCP/CP)选项并双 击,选择“自动获取 IP 地址”和“自动获取 DNS 服务器地址”。
FFT 用于进行傅立叶分析。
DWT 用于进行离散小波变换。
Find Peak、Find Rate 等功能用于查找波形的峰值进行各 种相关的计算和分析。
Specialized Analysis 用于进行心率变异和胃波分析等。
2.5 display 菜单
Display 菜单主要用于更改波形在屏幕上的显示方式等,常用的主要功能
Journal 选项下三个项目用于在日志总记录如下数据: Paste measurement 粘贴计算工具栏的数值到日志。 Paste wave data 粘贴选定某段波形的原始数据到日志。 Paste acquisition settings 粘贴集参数的具体设定到日志。
2.4 transform 菜单
功能 打开、保存、打印设置。 剪切、拷贝、粘贴、复制、插入、删除、合并波形,通过剪切板或日志导出数据或者图形。 离线分析,大多数功能与 MP 菜单在线计算功能一致,还包括一些特殊分析功能。 控制数据在屏幕上显示的属性。 标准系统功能,提供窗口排列选择。 控制 MP 系统硬件接口,包括模拟、数字和计算通道,数据存储位置、方式和速率,还控 制刺激器、触发方式和平均模式,控制图形在屏幕上更新的方式。 查看 biopac 网站上的应用文档,查看 acq 软件说明书、acq 软件向导和 biopac 硬件手册。
第一章 MP150 系统使用的先决条件
1、把 MP150 生理记录仪各个模块连接在一起后,检查各个模块顶部的拨码开关分别处于不同的位置, 使用系统自带的黄色交叉网线把连接记录仪的主机和电脑连接在一起,插入电源插头,打开记录仪 主机后面板的电源开关,主机前面板的电源指示灯应当亮起。
切换到 X/Y 显示模式 切换到部分叠加显示模式 垂直自动缩放波形 水平自动缩放波形
垂直方向居中(只在 X/Y 模式下) 水平方向居中(只在 X/Y 模式下) 查找选定区域峰值
查找下一个峰值 显示/隐藏网格 显示/隐藏硬件连接信息 显示/隐藏测量窗口 显示/隐藏通道选择窗口 选择通道:点击通道图表 隐藏通道:按住 Ctrl 并点击通道图标 显示/隐藏事件标记和工具 显示/隐藏日志窗口 列出当前目录下的 acq 格式文件 查找删除上一个数据段
Measurement options 部分可以 设置测量工具栏的相关参数。 Show X measurement 可以更改测量工具栏的行数;show X digits 可以更改测量工具栏的小数点后精度。 下方两项决定了时间和频率的单位。 其他部分一般保持系统默认设置就可以了。 点击 Journal 按钮可以设置日志的选项,如右中图,可以设置在日志中保存测量工具栏中数值的参数。 点击 Markers 按钮可以设置标记的选项,如右下图,在这里可以设置每个数据段的名称、顺序性标记的 名称、固定标记名称、日志统计的参数。 顺序性标记和固定标记与 append 记录模式、循环选项结合起来可以实现实验的定期自动记录。 2.6 window 菜单 Window 菜单主要用于决定多个文件同时打开时的排布方式,与其他软件中的功能 完全一样,在此就不赘述了。
3 实验相关说明 3.1 心电信号的采集分析 3.2 动物有创血压信号的采集分析 3.3 动物呼吸气流信号的采集分析 3.4 温度信号的采集分析 3.5 张力信号的采集分析 3.6 脑电信号的采集分析 3.7 肌电信号的采集分析 3.8 眼电信号的采集分析 3.9 胃肠电信号的采集分析 3.10 诱发电位信号的采集分析 3.11 皮肤阻抗信号的采集分析 3.12 手指脉搏信号的采集分析 3.13 呼吸胸廓运动信号的采集分析 3.14 无创心排量信号的采集分析 3.15 激光多普勒血流信号的采集分析 3.16 血氧饱和度信号的采集分析 3.17 无创血压信号的采集分析
2.2 file 菜单 在 file 菜单下面可以新建、打开、关闭、保存、另存、打印文件,也可以进行打 印机的设置和退出软件。菜单的下半部列出了最近使用的四个文件,方便快速打 开。
2.3 edit 菜单 在 edit 菜单下面可以撤销处理、对数据进行复制剪切等操作、复制或 者删除某通道波形、合并波形、通过剪切板输出数据、把数据放入日 志中。 Undo 撤销上一次对数据的处理,但仅仅能撤销最后一次,不能撤销倒 数第二次的处理,所以如果发现某次处理后效果不理想,一定要先撤 销再重新选择处理方式。 Cut、copy、paste、clear、clear all 用于剪切、复制、粘贴、删除 选定通道的选定部分、删除所有通道被选定的部分波形。 Select all 用于选定某通道所有的波形。 Insert waveform 用于插入波形,类似于 paste 的操作。 Duplicate waveform 用于复制某个通道的波形。 Remove waveform 用于删除某个通道的波形。 Create data snapshot 用于创建波形的快照。 Merge graphs 用于合并多个 acq 文件中的波形数据到一个文件里面。点击后出现下方第一个对话框,点 击 add graph 按钮出现下方第二个对话框,点击 add file 按钮选择要个并的文件,然后点击 add 按钮 加入合并对话框,重复操作加入其他需要合并的文件,对话框如下图第三个对话框,最后点击 merge 按 钮合并文件。
在保证了主机电源接通、网线使用连接正常、IP 地址设置为自动、防火墙软件允许 acq 软件通讯的状况 下,acq 软件和 MP150 主机就可以正常传输数据了。这时打开软件,右下角的指示灯应该是绿色的。