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1.实现come true

2.秘密地in secret

3.对…伤害do harm to/be harmful to

4.出问题go wrong

5.影响人们的生活affect people’s lives

6.与…连接be connected to


be optimistic/pessimistic about

8.各种各样的all sorts of

9.订票book tickets

10.很明显It is obvious/clear that…

11.让某人做某事make sb. do

12.看见某人正在做某事see sb. doing

13.在20世纪80年代in the 1980s

14.采取行动take action


an expert on the environment

16.想做某事fancy doing

17.别挂断hold on

18.提出建议make suggestions

19.做出安排make arrangements

20.接受/拒绝建议accept/reject suggestions

21.取得联系get in touch with

22.从事,忙于be up to

23.好像as if/ as though

24.可能做be likely to do

25.主动做offer to do

26.集中注意于focus on

27.组成,编造,化妆make up


with the increasing use of email

29.找出,发现,查明(真相等)find out

30.虚拟现实virtual reality

31.建议做suggest doing

32.本人亲身in the flesh

33.历史名胜historical sites

34.打包,收拾(行李)pack up

35.位于,坐落于be located in/on/at

36.结婚后定居get married and settle down

37.也,又as well as


enjoy/have/get a good view of

39.平均上讲on average

40.被认为是be known as

41.定期锻炼take regular exercise

42.依靠depend on

43.在…方面有问题have problems with

44.而且,另外what’s more

45.环球旅行travel around the world


can hardly imagine doing


not only…but (also)…(as well)

48.发现…难以置信find it hard to believe

49.去环球旅行travel around the world/globe

50.对…感兴趣be interested in

51.受…欢迎be popular with

52.摆脱麻烦get out of trouble

53.有…人口have/with a population of

54.抗议,反对protest against

55.参观,访问pay/make a visit to

56.铺床make the bed

57.到目前为止so far

58.在…出色,擅长do well in

59.给某人打电话call sb. up

60.做实验carry out experiments

61.由…组成Consist of/ be made up of

62.与…隔绝be cut off from

63.不再not any more/longer

64.做些…的研究do some research on

65.盼望做某事look forward to doing

66.放弃做某事give up doing

67.做出决定make a decision

68.与…保持联系keep contact with

69.搜寻search for

70.最适于be perfect for

71.对…有效,起作用have an effect on

72.令某人失望to one’s disappointment

73.对…不清楚be unclear about

74.习惯做某事be used to doing

75.过去常做used to do

76.举行演出give a performance

77.履行职责perform one’s duty

78.获得…的奖win an award for

79.以…为基础,基于be based on

80.充满怒火be filled with/be full of anger

81.一年到头throughout the year



make/leave a deep impression on sb.

84.一般来说in general

85.换句话说in other words

86.增加add to

87.出版come out

88.顺路买pick up

89.从头到尾from beginning to end


91.参加会议attend a meeting

92.总之,简言之in a/one word

93.注意pay attention to doing

94.边听边做笔记take notes while listening

95.在…起重要作用play an important role in

96.在节日期间at festivals

97.上交hand in

98.伴着…唱歌sing to

99.尽可能早的as early as possible

100.目的是so that / in order that

101.被迫做某事be made to do

102.喜欢,争取go for

103.讲故事tell a story

104.一代代的from one generation to another 105.因…而出名be famous for

106.在特殊的场合on special occasions 107.各种年龄的人people of all ages

108.穿着红衣服be dressed in red

109.来回,往返back and forth

111.详细地in detail

112.指的是,提到refer to

113.省略leave out


115.避免做avoid doing

116.一定for sure

117.推荐…做…recommend sb. to do

118.在…有天赋have a talent for

119.害怕be afraid of

120.在某人的有生之年during his lifetime 121.发展…的传统develop the tradition of 122.举办展览hold an exhibition

123.弘扬中国美术promote Chinese art 124.以…的速度at a speed of

125.在左边on the left (side)

126.以创新的方式in a creative way
