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(北京印刷学院社科部 北京102600)


[摘 要]“9・11”事件后,美国在全球反恐战争的大背景下“重返”东南亚。但是,由于美国的东南亚外交缺乏连


[中图分类号]D871122 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6099(2009)06-0054-07

O bama Ad m i n istra ti on and the U 1S 1Fore i gn Poli c i es towards Southea st A si a

L i Yibo

(Depart m ent of Social Science,Beijing I nstitute of Graphic Communicati on,Beijing 102600,China )Keywords:the U 1S 1;Southeast A sia;S mart Power

Abstract:After the “9・11”attack,American foreign policies t owards Southeast A sia can be characterized by li m 2ited re 2engage ment,because of its narr ow f ocus on terr oris m 1The U 1S 1is rap idly l osing its influence in the South 2east A sia regi on,due t o the lack of a coherent,comp rehensive strategy and policy m istakes 1Under the p reconditi on of ensuring American strategic interests,Oba ma Ad m inistrati on adjusts its policies t owards Southeast A sia,interve 2ning in the regi onal affairs comp rehensively under the guideline of “s mart power ”phil os ophy,in order t o maintain its leadershi p in the regi on and balance China πs rise 1The adjust m ents will have a significant i m pact on the regi onal power structure and security order 1




一 美国在东南亚影响力的下降





有关于“9・11”后美国与东南亚关系的代表性文章有:Mark Bees on,“The United States and Southeast A isa:Change and Continuity in American Hege mony ”,in K 1Jayasuriya ed 1,C risis and Change in Regional Governance ,London:Routledge;Evelyn Goh,“Meeting the China Chal 2lenge:the U 1S 1in Southeast A sia Regi onal Security Strategies ”,Policy S tudies ,16,East 2W est Center,W ashingt on 1DC,2005;D iane K 1Manzy and B rian L 1Job,“US Policy in Southeast A sia:L i m ited Re 2engage ment after Years of Benign Neglect ”,Asian Survey ,Vol 147,No 14,2007;Satu P 1L i 2maye,“US 2ASEAN Relati ons on ASEAN πs Fortieth Anniversary:A Glass Half Full ”,Conte m porary Southeast Asia ,Vol 129,No 3,2007;Sheldon Si 2mon,“The United States and Southeast A sia ”,Co m parative Connections 11,No 11,Ap ril 2009;刘阿明:《权力转移过程中的东南亚地区秩序———美国、中国与东南亚的角色》,《世界经济与政治》2009年6期。
