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Sunrise 日出

Clouds sea 云海

Buddhist lights 佛光

Sacred lamps 圣灯

enjoyable natural scenery 赏心悦目的自然风光

extensive Buddhist culture 佛教文化精深

abundant range of species 物种丰富

unique landform 地形独特

Kingdom of Plants 植物王国

Geological Museum 地理博物馆

Animals' Paradise 动物天堂

Buddhist Celestial Mountain 佛教仙山

Massive statue of Samantabhadra at the summit of Mount Emei 峨眉山顶的普贤大佛Baoguosi, a Buddhist temple 报国寺,佛寺

Wanfo Top 万佛顶

Wannian Temple 万年寺

Fuhu temple 伏虎寺

Qingyin Pavilion 清音阁

Xianfeng Temple 仙峰寺

Jiulao Cave 九老洞

Golden Summit 金顶

be included in the UNESCO world heritage list 联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录

UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Beauty Under Heaven 秀甲天下

Buddhism 佛教

Samantabhadra 普贤菩萨

Natural museum 自然博物馆

3,000 specimens of plants and 2,000 types of animal

The reign of Ming Emperor Wanli 万历统治时期


Sunny Clouds over Loufeng Peak罗峰晴云

Evening Bells at Shenji Monastery圣积晚种

Clear Sound under Twin Bridges双桥清音

Morning Rain at Hongchun洪椿晓雨

Elephant Pond in Moonlight象池月夜

Autumn Breeze over Baishui Monastery白水秋风

Nine Sages’ Residence九老仙府

Overhanging Greenery at Linyan Rock灵岩叠翠

Snow World at Daping Monastery大坪霁雪

Sunrise, Cloud Sea, Buddha's Halo, and Holy Lamps日出、云海、佛光、圣灯Golden Summit 金顶

The mountain stretches out for 23km from south to north 山体从南到北长达23公里

presents itself with a rich a diversity of miraculous scenes 呈现出多种多样的丰富神奇的景观

sweeping cliffs, high reaching peaks, gurgling springs, towering ancient trees and sweet scented flowers 重峦叠嶂、涧深谷幽、水声潺潺、古木参天、奇花铺径


Mt.Emei lies in the southwest of Emeishan City, Sichuan Province, and it is one of the four mountain ranges in China that Buddhists consider sacred. Mount Emei and the Wutai Mountain in Shanxi, Zhejiang, Putuo Mountain, Jiuhua Mountain, and known as China's four major Buddhist mountains, is a world famous temples Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.There are about 26 temples, where Buddhist ceremonies are frequently held. The scenic spot covers 154 square kilometers. Its main peak, Golden Summit, is 3077 meters above sea level. The top peak, Wanfo Top, is 3099 meters high.


The mountain stretches more than 200 kilometers from south to north. Known as its steep terrain地形and beautiful picture, Emei Mountain has been described as "Beauty under Heaven". Mount Emei is a well-known natural museum with more than 3,000 specimens of plants and 2,000 types of animals including groups of monkeys that appear on the mountain roads and fascinate the tourists. It was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1996.


A legend claims that the mountain was where Samantabhadra(普贤菩萨) gave lectures on Buddhism and most temples house a statue of Samantabhadra. The main scenic spots on the mountain include the Baoguo Temple(报国寺), Wannian Temple(万年寺), Fohu temple(伏虎寺), Qingyin Pavilion(清音阁), Xianfeng Temple (仙峰寺)(Jiulao Cave 九老洞) and Golden Summit(金顶). These places are at different altitudes and have different climates. Temperatures at the top of mountain are 15 degrees lower than at the foot.

