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1.All the _____ have three _____ each.

A. hero; photo

B. heros; photos

C. heros; photoes

D. heroes; photos

2. A group of _____ are eating _____ and _____ at the foot of the hill

A. sheep; grass; leaves

B. sheep; grasses; leaves

C. sheep; grass; leaf

D. sheeps; grass; leafs

3.—Some of the _____ are made of _____ , and some are plastics.

A. glass; glass

B. glasses; glass

C. glass; glasses

D. glasses; glasses

4.—What did you see?

—I saw _____ police there.

A. many

B. much

C. little

D. the

5. _____fish are there in that bowl?

A. How much

B. How many

C. Do you know how much

D. What’s the number of

6. The _____ we saw yesterday come out to the farm once in a while.

A. cow

B. dog

C. deer

D. horse

7. _____is needed in cold countries.

A. A lot of clothes

B. Much clothes

C. Many a cloth

D. lots of clothes

8. I tried every _____to make him give up smoking, nut failed.

A. mean

B. way

C. meaning

D. means

9. Two _____years ago, he lived in America.

A. scores

B. score

C. score of the

D. scores of

10. _____are sold in the new store.

A. Men and child’s shoes

B. Men’s and children’s shoes

C. Men and children shoes

D. Men and child’s shoes

11. They are _____ in name, but they are no longer in practice

A. woman doctors

B. women doctors

C. lady doctors

D. ladies doctors

12. Julie went to the _____ to buy a pair of shoes.

A. shoes store

B. shoe store

C. shoe’s store

D. shoes’ store

13. —What would you like to drink?

—I will have_____, please.

A. a coffee cup

B. small coffee

C. a little coffee

D. a cup of coffee

14. In Britain _____ are all painted red.

A. letter boxes

B. letters boxes

C. letter box

D. letters box

15.Biology is _____.

A. science of life

B. science of the life

C. the science of the life

D. the science of life

16. I will give you _____ to finish it.

A. two-weeks time

B. two weeks time

C. two weeks’ time

D. two week’s time

17. _____is more useful than gold.

A. Irons

B. Iron

C. An iron

D. The iron

18. _____ are a hard-working people.

A. The Germany

B. The German

C. The German

D. The Germen

19.—Whose hat is it?

—It’s_____ hat

A. somebody else’s

B. somebody else

C. somebody’s else’s

D. somebody’s else

20. Mike and John’s _____.

A. father is a teacher

B. fathers are teachers

C. father are teachers

D. fathers are teacher

21. How many _____ do you want?

A. bread

B. breads

C. piece of bread

D. pieces of bread

22. Miss Smith is a friend of _____

A. Mary’s mother’s

B. Mary’s mother

C. Mother’s of Mary

D. Mary mother

23. If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller _____

A. set

B. one

C. copy

D. pair

24. The number of people invited _____ fifty, but a number of them _____ absent for different reasons.

A. were; was

B. was; was

C. was; were

D. were; were

25. All but one _____ here just now.

A. is

B. was

C. has been

D. were
