





1.东方红广场dongfanghong square


dongfanghong square was built in 1966.out of their deep love for chair mao ,the students of hunan university that time built the square .now ,we can see a statue of mao zedong .the building design of the statue was completed by the students from the fine art academy of hunan university.let’s walker closer to have a better view of it .as you can see from here ,mao are gazing affectionately at the the piece of the land which he could’t be more familiar with in his young age .he kept his hands behind his back, with his right foot in front of the left.


dongfanghong square is the only red square among all universities in hunan province, with self-esteem kiosks and dongfanghong together. hunan culture and modern civilization meet here in many aspects. it won’t be exaggerating to say that the spiritual content of hunan culture has been vividly expressed here. and i believe , all of us will have a glimpse of

hunan culture by visiting dongfanghong square .oh ,this is another thing i want to mention,that is ,during the torch relay of beijing olympic games in 2008 ,dongfanghong square was the first station in changsha .

2.岳麓山大门the gate of yuelu mountain


as a national important scenic region and a famous city mountain scenic area, the whole yuelu mountain scenic area lies in the west bank of xiang river in changsha. the whole yuelu mountain scenic area is well-known for its abundant scenic spots, including aiwan pavilion, yuelu mount temple, yunlu palace, the white crane spring , the flying stone and so forth. in addition, yuelu mountain is also an important site where many revolutionists ever met for the purpose of discussing important issues both at home and abroad.


now ,we are arriving at the gate of yuelu mount,walking through which we can visit the abundant spots in yuelu mountain.the gate has been dubbed as “the first gate in hunan”.we can easily see four one-meter diameter reinforced concrete outsourcing granite pillars, just like four optimus primet .do you agree with me?the four pillars are well mingled with the gate of yuelu mount ,bearing the function of a scenic window of the area.


on the north side of the gate is the parking lot which provide convenience especially for those need to park their cars .tourist service center is itself a beautiful scenery, perfectly hiding the parking lot so that people will temporarily forget the noise and chaos of urban life . after the next spring festival, all the cars will be required to be parked in the parking lot,which has three floors.

3.岳麓书院yuelu academy


now ,we will pay a visit to yuelu academy.as is known to all that yuelu academy is one of the four most prestigious academies over the last 1000 years in china.it has been a famous institution of higher learning as well as a centre of academic activities and cultures since it was

formally set up in the ninth year of the kai bao reign of the northern song dynasty (976). yuelu academy, surviving the song, yuan, ming and qing dynasties, was converted into hunan institute of higher learning in 1903, and hunan normal college, hunan public polytechnic school in succession, and was finally named hunan university in 1926. the academy has witnessed a

history of more than one thousand years without a break, so it is called a “one-thousand-year-old academy”.


now,let’s walk up to the gate to have a look .well,you may see the couplet hanging on the two sides of the doorway .it reads “the kingdom of chu, the unique home of talents; the

academy of yuelu, the very cradle of all”, a quotation which acknowledges the greatness of yuelu academy, and points to the historical fact that yuelu academy has been considered by many the cradle of the great people of hunan province.

4.爱晚亭aiwan pavilion


aiwan pavilion lies in qingfeng gorge and was built in a.d.1792. its original name 哇塞red leaf pavilion and later according to the poem written by du mu, it was changed to aiwan pavilion. i guess many of you are very familiar with the poem ,of which the most famous verse is stop the car and watch the maple leaves until late, the leaves covered by frost are more red than the flowers in february.


mao zhedong once played and studied here in the course of study period.mao zedong ,in his youth ,often invited his classmates,including luo xuekun ,zhang kundi , to come to aiwan

pavilion so that they could express their opinions about the current situation while seeking truth of life.because of

this ,when the pavilion was being rebuilt, mao was later invited by lida,the

president of hunan university at that time ,to inscribe the name of the pavilion ,thus characters on the tablet was written by chair mao.

5.黄兴墓the tomb of huang xing


huang xing tomb is one of the most famous tombs standing on the yuelu mountain.i guess many of you have heard some stories about huang xing .well,huang xing,born in changsha county of hunan province, is one of the pioneers and leaders of the revolution of 1911.


it is located at the north of yunlu peak with the moon lot below,which is at the west while facing the east.when you are at the yuelu mount temple ,you will easily find a stone path hover leading to the tomb of huang xing.


it was engraved from a piece of white stone shaped like a quadrangular reaching a height of 10 meters.how magnificent it is ! thanks to the great contribution made by huang xing ,the spot appeals to many a visitors to pay tributes every year.at the front of the tomb, a monument inlay reads “the tomb of huang xing ”.it is surrounded by pillars as guard bar. also ,there is a

set of tables and chairs set for visitors to worship and honor him in the front of the tomb. covering an area of 1186.24 square meters, it is enveloped with green pines and verdant cypresses.墓的右下方,有黄兴墓庐,已加修葺,大厅陈列黄兴生平事迹,供游人瞻仰。

under the tomb situates the huang xing tomb cottage which had been repaired .in the hall people can learn more details about the life story of the hero.

6.白鹤泉white crane spring


white crane spring is located in the south side of the guanyi attic of the yuelu mount temple and next to the mountain road.due to its clear and sweet spring water ,the spring is known to people as the best spring of the temple of yuelu mount .


in chinese culture ,white crane bears a symbol of

elegance ,nobleness as well as long life.the spring is surrounded by old but still broomy trees and most of the time all around the year, clear and sweet spring water are overflowing from the stone whether in summer or in winter. it got the name of white crane spring due to the fact that in the old times a couple of red-crowned cranes often flied to here for drinking . in the past, a monk had built a crane-shaped well with stones. also, the letter ofwhite crane spring was engraved next to the well.


there is an interesting feature about the spring, that is, the steam of its boiled water will circle around the rim of cup and show a image just like the shape of a crane. and there is tearoom for tourist to drink the tea which is steepled by the spring water.

7.鸟语林birds’ paradise


if you want to find a place full of life on yuelu mountain ,birds’s paradise is undoubtedly the best representative.it has a collection of more than 10,000 rare birds , including over 400 bird




the waterfall of changbai mountain

the waterfall of changbai mountain is the most magnificent sight in the source of the three rivers, located in the north of the sky pond, and the end of chengcha river. chengcha river runs through 1250m, then falling off the bluff formed the waterfall over 68m,the water impact formed more than 20 meters deep puddle, and over flow from the puddle formed the torrential erdao baihe, became the source of songhua river. in 2000 won the guinness world record----the volcanic lake falls with the biggest drop.



the small sky pond

the small sky pond is also called silver-ring lake. it is about round, the girth of the small sky pond is 260m, with the area of the catchment 5,380m the depth more than 10m. without drain all year round, there are two kinds of statements of its cause. the one is glacier theory which says that it is the quaternary glacial moraine evolved lake. the other is parasitic crater theory. it believes that the small sky pond is a small crater ponding with water formed by the eruption of the top crater of the sky pond.




the sky pond of changbai mountain

the sky pond of changbai mountain, the largest crater lake, is the boundary lake between china and north korea, as well as the source of songhua river, tumen river and yalu river. it is elliptical. its height is 21.4k㎡, with the surface area of 9.82 square kilometers, surface perimeter 13.17 km. the depth is 373 meters, with an average water depth of 204 meters. the total storage capacity is 2.04 billion cubic meters. the average evaporation is 450 mm, average annual precipitation 1333 mm. the average annual temperature here is -7.3 degrees. it is a huge natural reservoir. in 2000, it won the guinness world record----the volcanic lake with the highest elevation.



chengcha river

there is a north-south fault between the peaks of tianhuo and longmen. for rocks crushed, weathering strong there, as time passes, it has formed a crack called tamen. the water of the sky pond flowing from tamen and long time eroding the earth

formed chengcha river. in myth, “chengcha” means to lead to the heaven by wooden raft. with the length of 1250m, it is the shortest river in the world.


cowherd ferry

cowherd ferry, located on the chengcha lake is a stone across the river, which seems like a little bridge, helping people across the river. because after crossing chengcha river, one will be able to gaze until of the weaver girl peak, so has its name. their love story found evidence in changbai mountain. moreover, the lying cow shaped boulder engraved with three characters cowherd ferry. today, many young people take photo here to show their unwavering love. it has become a love stone.



being in the list of chengdu historical and cultural protection project, broad and narrow alley is composed of broad alley, narrow alley and across alleys, among which, there are a lot of traditional courtyards, or siheyuan.

some very old alleys in chengdu where some important people had lived. after its reconstruction, the broad and narrow alley has been reopened to pubic and is now, one of the hottest tourist destination in chengdu.

a bit about its history

according to documents, officers lived in those broad alleys, while the eight flag members lived in a narrow alley that was parallel to the broad one.

the courtyards among the alleys were developed pretty well with the development of the qing dynasty. however, the alleys were constructed into western-styled architectures at the late qing dynasty; and during the period of the republic of chinathe owners of the courtyards were changed into some noble families, and ever since then, the structure of the alleys remained till now.

why the alleys have been descended?

because they were so unnoticeable. the south area to the shao city was not a good area, and was not on reachable transportation lines either. we can say that this area is the forgotten area of the city construction. the imperial city has disappeared; city walls have been destroyed; most of the city architectures are vanishing too; nowadays, broad and narrow alley seems to be carrying the responsibility that it shouldnt carry.

broad and narrow alley is the last remaining part of the old chengdu. the discovery of the alley made people realize the value of it. in 2003, reconstruction was started and the alley was gradually opened to the public.


the dispute about the reconstruction was pretty severe. in 2005, a dramatic scene can be seen along the street: some artist sit around, drinking tea and talking, while right beside them was the loud machine working for the reconstruction.

how to reconstruct it? there were two ways. one was to emphasize on its protection by the government, but the government couldnt afford it; the other was all about business,

but the protection of the alley could not be fulfilled. theres got to be a way in between, which was to balance the residence area and business area.

at the beginning, people thought about imitating shanghais style; however, this idea was denied because the structures of the two cities are completely different. shanghai has more western architecture while chengdu only has traditional layout, which didnt have the qualification to be like shanghai. therefore, the protection to the origin style of

architectures idea was passed. the layout, style of architectures had to be remained, and all the construction material had to be traditional.

to balance the residence and business area, a lot of people had to move out. after the reconstruction, there were only 100 households (out of 900) that remained. those who remained here can be divided into 3 kinds of people: the rich, departments that belonged to the government and those who really had strong feelings about this alley.


广州景点导游词英文版 广州是一个全国文明城市之一,国际化大都市,作为导游的你应该怎么向外国友人介绍广州,下面就是我整理的广州的英语导游词范文,一起来看一下吧 广州景点的英文导游词一 The entrance hall of the temple is called The Hall of Heavenly Kings and is the shrine for Mile Buddha (Maitreya) and the Heavenly Kings (or the Divas as are called in Buddhist sutra). The statue in the middle, the man with a big belly, is Mile Buddha, who is commonly known as the Laughing Buddha because he is always grinning from ear to ear? He is the future savior that will deliver all living beings to the Buddhist paradise after Sakyamuni’s Buddhist power is exhausted, and so he is also known as the Future Buddha ? The couple t on both sides is a complime nt to the Laughing Buddha, meaning literally: "A big belly can hold the world’s troubles that are troubling people? An open mouth is smiling at those who are to be smiled at." On either side of the hall we can see two statues? They are the four Heavenly Kings, who are protectors of Buddhist doctrines, with each taking care of one side-the east, west, north and south


天津各景点英文导游词 天津各景点英文导游词1 Temple of Solitary Joy is located at inside west city gate of Ji County, Tianjin City. It is known for its refined architecture skill in Channels ancient buildings and has got the reputation of Six Best. These are: The earliest Dingshan Gate (Gate of Withstanding Hill) of the ground hall preserved now; The earliest Chiwei object on the Hill Gate preserved now; The earliest plane distribution which took pavilion as the center on the architecture plane; The biggest clay sculptured statue of Avalokiteavara inside a pavilion in China; The Avalokiteavara is also the most ancient high storeyed one; The more precious fact is that the Temple of Solitary Joy has stood unscathed after thousand years of rain, snow, wind and frost and 28 big attacks, hence the most durable ancient Monastery of thousand years. Entering the Temple , the first comes to sight is 10 m high gate, on the arch of which there hangs a horizontal inscribed board: Temple of Solitary Joy. The single eaves ground hall roof was the roof building form during the western Tsin (AD265-316) and Southern and Northern Dyansty (420-589) period, which was called

美国名胜古迹英文介绍 2

1.自由钟 The Liberty Bell, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is an American bell of great historic sign ificance. The Liberty Bell is perhaps one of the most prominent symbols associated with early A merican history and the battle for American independence and freedom. Its most famous ringing, on July 8, 1776, summoned citizens for the reading of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress. Previously, it had been rung to announce the opening of the First Continental Congress, in 1774, and the Battle of Lexington and Concord, in 1775. The bell was not officially known as the "Liberty Bell" until 1837, when it became a symbol of the abolitionist movement. Its cast inscription from Leviticus 25:10 states, "Proclaim Liberty thro ughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." The Liberty Bell is one of the most familia r symbols of independence and nationhood within the United States, second only to the Statue of Liberty; strangely perhaps, given its widespread use within the country, the Liberty Bell is hardl y recognized outside of the US, and far less well known as a symbol of America than either th e Statue o f Liberty or the Stars and Stripes. 2.自由女神 the Statue of Liberty Liberty Enlightening the World, known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty, is a statue give n to the United States by France in 1885, standing at Liberty Island in the mouth of the Hudso n River in New York Harbor as a welcome to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans. The copper statue, dedicated on October 28, 1886, commemorates the centennial of the United States and is a gesture of friendship between the two nations. The sculptor was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Gustave Eiffel, the designer of the Eiffel Tower, engineered the internal structure. Eu gène Viollet-le-Duc was responsible for the choice of copper in the statue's construction and ado ption of the Repoussétechnique. The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable icons of the U.S. worldwide,[1] and, in a more general sense, represents liberty and escape from oppress ion. The Statue of Liberty was, from 1886 until the Jet age, often the first glimpse of the Unite d States for millions of immigrants after ocean voyages from Europe. It's said that il Sancarlone or the Colossus of Rhodes inspired it. 3.华盛顿碑 The Washington Monument The Washington Monument usually refers to the large white-colored obelisk at the west end of t he National Mall in Washington, D.C.. It is a United States Presidential Memorial constructed fo r George Washington, the first President of the United States and the leader of the revolutionary Continental Army, which won independence from the British following the American Revolution ary War. Other monuments to honor Washington, also known as the "Washington Monument", are in Balti


2019广东省导游词 广东省20xx的导游词该怎么写呢?导游朋友请别着急,下面橙子为大家带来了20xx广东省导游词相关范文,欢迎各位朋友阅读哦! 20xx广东省导游词 观澜湖旅游度假区导游词 观澜湖,位于深圳观澜镇。其实观澜湖并没有湖的,而是横跨深圳、东莞的观澜湖高尔夫球会。 观澜湖由骏豪集团全资投资兴建和运营管理,整个项目横跨深圳和东莞两个城市之间,由观澜湖深圳组团、观澜湖东莞组团和观澜湖黎光组团组成。项目从1992年开始兴建,先后投资逾100亿港币,发展了集运动休闲、商务休闲、养生休闲、会议旅游、文化娱乐、美食购物、长居短憩7大功能为一体的观澜湖国际休闲旅游度假区。其中包括:世界第一大观澜湖高尔夫球会、亚洲最大的网球乡村俱乐部、多家酒店、国际会所、国际会议中心、生态休憩园,以及丰富的运动、餐饮、文娱、游乐设施。早在20xx年,观澜湖休闲旅游度假区已经被国家旅游局评定为国家首批4-旅游景区。20xx年国家启动创建5A 旅游景区的新标准以来,观澜湖从20xx年初开始参与创建5-旅游景区,期间全国旅游景区质量等级评定委员会多次进行实地考察,对观澜湖的服务质量和环境质量、景观质量进行评鉴。20xx年5月13日,观澜湖被正式评定为国家5-旅游景区,5月25日,国家旅游总局在1 / 6

北京举行了授牌仪式。目前,整个广东共有5家5-旅游景区。 记者了解到,每年有180万人次国内外宾客光临观澜湖,海外游客每年约有120万人次,主要来自北美、欧洲、东南亚、日本、韩国以及中国台湾、澳门及香港地区,占观澜湖游客总数的70%左右。 观澜湖作为中国改革开放前沿省份广东的旅游项目,营造了一个以度假休闲为亮点的国际旅游胜地,充分顺应了主题休闲旅游在未来世界旅游市场最快增长的趋势,吸引海内外的宾客。在我国旅游业积极寻求数量规模型向质量效益型的转变,旅游产品也在寻求从观光旅游向度假休闲转变的新时期,观澜湖以主题休闲旅游为特点,为中国 5-景区创造了新的样本。 据悉,观澜湖休闲旅游度假区亮点主要包括:高尔夫及户外有氧运动为主题的运动休闲;其中以高尔夫为代表的运动休闲设施拥有12个国际级球场,是全球唯一汇聚五大洲球场风格的世界第一大高尔夫休闲胜地。以养生SPA为主题的养生休闲;以商务会议和商务旅游为主题的商务休闲;以国际赛事为主导的赛事旅游,迄今为止,观澜湖引入和举办逾百次的高尔夫、网球、桌球和自行车等赛事,以及经贸、体育、文化交流活动,还举办过众多的国际名流到访活动,借助旅游项目,搭建了享誉国内外的国际交流平台。 除此之外,观澜湖还非常注重可持续发展和环保,多年来进行了把“荒山变成宝地”的有益实践。在没有天然旅游优势资源的情况下,营造出了一个绿色生态的优美环境,现在这里已经建成了13平方公2 / 6


广州白云山导游词 导读:广州白云山导游词1 欢迎大家来到这!我是你们的导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。 白云山坐落在广州中心,是广州最漂亮的的山,那里风景优美、山清水秀,有“羊城第一秀”的美称。是人们休闲,健身的好去处。 为了迎接春节,在白云山门口耸立着一条威武的大龙。它俯视着白云山的大门。进了白云山,远远地就看见了一个叫龙宝和云宝的花灯站在路边,他们有的在打鼓,有的在敲锣。可爱极了!一个身体长的白白的,另一个身体火红火红的。山路边,有各种各样的树,有假柿树,有樟树;还有松树。两边最多的是一种不知名的树,它们有着挺直的身躯,全身光秃秃的,像一根电线杆似的,令我印象深刻。 不一会儿,我们便来到了美丽的蒲谷,蒲谷里有一个湖,湖水清澈见底,可以看见湖底的沙石,水中的鱼儿。湖里有很多漂亮的莲花,有紫的'、白的、粉红的,各种各样的。这里还有一条长长的小溪,我们顺着小溪逆流而上,来到了半山广场,那里有一片大草坪,草坪上有龙生九子的花灯,都是我以前没见过的怪兽。我对上面有一个叫饕餮的家伙我特别感兴趣,在灯的下方是这样介绍的:饕餮,羊身,眼睛在腋下,虎齿人爪。有一个大头和一个大嘴。十分贪吃,见到什么就吃什么,由于吃得太多,最后被撑死。看了这个介绍,真是笑死我了。离开了这里,我们就向我们的目的地山顶公园冲去,不过一会

儿就到了山顶公园,山顶公园上有个独占鳌头的大花灯,独占鳌头是指古时候考状元时博得第一。看了这个花灯,爸爸说:“也希望我在今后的学习上能独占鳌头、更进一步。”看完了花灯,我们来到了望台,从了望台往下望,只见一片云雾缭绕,白云山之名就由些得来。晚上了,许多花灯都亮起来了,到处灯光闪耀,独占鳌头的龙头也动起来了,更加生动,更加漂亮了。 山顶公园还有一条路上摩星岭的。摩星岭原名碧云峰,位于白云山苏家祠与龙虎岗之间,是白云山最顶峰,海拔382米,是白云山三十多座山峰之首。登临摩星岭之巅,天地变得格外辽远。广州城的全貌就在脚底平铺开来,东可望天河新城,南临珠江秀水,西眺五羊古都,北观白云机场银起落。阴沉天空下,举目环视白云山各峰,顶翠披绿,万木葱郁,天地变得分外辽远,羊城全貌一览无余,大有乾坤在手之感。摩星岭的许愿树上有千万条红布,布上写着许诺的盼望。还有祈福钟,祈福钟的钟声能祈福。还有连心锁,连心锁上刻着的名字是情人的名字。在连心锁的边上有一块石板,石板上写着“北京”。 白云山的风光真美丽啊!大家都需爱护环境,可不要破坏它哦! 广州白云山导游词2 各位游客: 大家好!欢迎大家来到广州白云山游玩。白云山位于广州市白云区,自古以来就是有名的风景胜地,历史上羊城八景中的“白云晚望”、“菊湖云影”等都在白云山里。


上海英文导游词 篇一:上海景点导游词 ilding.ThecongresspassedtheParty'sprogramandresolutions,ele ctedthecentralcommittee,anddeclaredthefoundingoftheCPC. ShanghaiLibrary ThenewShanghaiLibrary,whichcoversanareaofsome80,000squareme ters,hasacollectionof13millionbooksandisconsideredoneofthet optenlibrariesintheworld.Thelibraryincorporatestheopen-stac ksapproachfavoredintheWest,whichallowsforconvenienceinborro wingbooks. ShanghaiGrandTheater LocatedinthenorthwesterncornerofPeople'sSquare.theShanghaiG

randTheatercovers70,000squat,meters.Itisactuallycomposedoft hreetheaters.Thetheaterscanaccommodateperformancesofballeto pera,symphonies,chambermusicmoderndramas,andmusicals.Thethe ateralsoownsthelargest,fullyautomaticstageinAsia.Thetheater hasbecomeasymbolofmoderncultureinShanghai. DuoLunRoad CulturalCelebrities'Street,locatedalongDuolunRoadandsurroun dingareas,isalivingmemorialtothemodernculturalcelebritiesof Shang-haiandisalsoacondensationofmodernculture.SuchChinesel iterarygiantsasLuXun,MaoDun,GuoMoruoandYeShengtaolivedandwr otehere,makingtheroadanimportantfeatureinChina'smoderncultu ralhistory.Inaddition,thefamousGongfeiCafe.CelebritiesMansi on,theShanghaiArtOperaTroupe,andHaiShangJiuLialsodisplaythe accumulatedculturalatmosphereofDuolunRoadtoday.


关于北京著名景点导游词大全 北京作为我国著名的集政治文化经济于一体的城市,有很多的景点好玩又能开阔视野,不知道你们都去过哪里呢?下面是小编给大家整理的北京著名景点导游词大全,欢迎阅读 关于北京著名景点导游词1 司马台长城位于北京东北部120公里的险关重镇古北口境内,此段长城始建于明洪武初年,是一段偏离原北齐长城基础的明长城,也是至今仍保留代长城原貌的一段古长城。 司马台长城,全长5.4公里,敌楼35座。整段长城构思精巧、设计奇特、构思新颖、形态各异,它集万里长城众多特色于一地,形成一段“奇妙的长城”。 综观司马台长城,可用“险、密、全、巧、奇”五字概括。险:司马台长城沿刀削斧劈似的山脊修筑,蜿蜒曲折,惊险无比,尤其是天梯和天桥两段,更是险中有险。天梯是单面墙长城,坡陡墙窄,最窄处不足半米,呈直梯壮沿山体上升,两侧更是陡峭悬崖,置身其上,俯首下望,令人目眩。天梯顶端,便是天桥,长不逾百米,宽只有一砖,约40厘米左右,两侧又是悬崖绝壁,令人不寒而栗,英雄气短,游客把这儿称作咫尺天涯。虽然名为天桥,但到这里的人们却都说:“过桥难,难于上青天”,这里可



1、华尔街 Wall Street is the name of a narrow street in lower Manhattan in New York City, running east from Broadway downhill to the East River. Considered to be the historical heart of the Financial District, it was the first permanent home of the New York Stock Exchange(纽约证券 交易所). The phrase "Wall Street" is also used as a metonym(换喻词) to refer to American financial markets and financial institutions as a whole. Most New York financial firms are no longer headquartered on Wall Street, but elsewhere in lower or midtown Manhattan, Fairfield County, Connecticut, or New Jersey. JPMorgan Chase, the last major holdout, sold its headquarters tower at 60 Wall Street to Deutsche Bank in November 2001. 2、自由女神 Statue of Liberty Liberty Enlightening the World, known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty, is a statue given to the United States by France in 1885, standing at Liberty Island in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor as a welcome to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans. The copper statue, dedicated on October 28, 1886, commemorates the centennial of the


最全故宫英文导游词 优秀的导游词不仅能使游客影响深刻,也会激起游客对当地景点文化的兴趣,加深对景点的好感。下面是小编整理的有关于故宫英文导游词范文的全部内容了,希望能够帮助你们! 篇一:故宫英文导游词 Lying at the center of Beijing,the Forbidden City,called Gu Gong,in Chinese,was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now known as the Palace Museum,it is to the north of Tiananmen Square. Rectangular in shape,it is the worlds largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares. Surrounded by a six meter deep moat and a ten meter high wall are 9,999 buildings. The wall has a gate on each side. Opposite the Tiananmen Gate,to the north is the Gate of Devine Might (Shenwumen),which faces Jingshan Park. The distance between these two gates is 960 meters,while the distance between the gates in the east and west walls is 750 meters. There are unique and delicately structured towers on each of the four corners of the curtain wall. These afford views over both the palace and the city outside. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts. The southern section,or the Outer Court was where the emperor exercised his supreme power


( 山东导游词) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-034438 泰山景区英文导游词English tour guide of Mount Tai Scenic Area

泰山景区英文导游词 泰山景点英语导游词 taishan mountain in shandong was included as "world cultural and natural heritage" by unesco in dec 1987. taishan mountain, a typical representative of the chinese famous traditional mountains, is a mountain with a long history and a special historic status. in 1982, taishan mountain was up into the list of state key scenic spots and was formally listed in the directory of world natural and cultural heritage in 1987. it becomes a precious heritage of human being. taishan mountain locates in the east of north china plain and the middle of shandong province erecting from the shandong hills. it is prominent around other hills. the prominent peak, yuhuang peak, is 1545 meters high and locates in east 117.6 degree, north 36.16 degree. the south of taishan mountain is higher than the north. its south foot of mountain begins from tai'an city and its north foot of mountain stops in jinan city, the distance between which is 60kms. in taishan mountain, the transportation is convenient with the jinghu railway passing by in the


介绍北京景点的导游词5篇集锦 介绍北京景点的导游词1 南锣鼓巷南北走向,长约800米,东西各有8条胡同整齐排列着,从南向北,西面的8条胡同是福祥胡同、蓑衣胡同、雨儿胡同、帽儿胡同、景阳胡同、沙井胡同、黑芝麻胡同、前鼓楼苑胡同;东边的8条胡同是炒豆胡同、板厂胡同、东棉花胡同、北兵马司胡同、秦老胡同、前圆恩寺胡同、后圆恩寺胡同、菊儿胡同。这些胡同在元朝时没有名称,名称是明朝以后逐渐演变来的。比如菊儿胡同,明代叫局儿胡同,后来改称橘儿胡同,清代宣统时才称菊儿胡同,后延续至今。整个街区犹如一条大蜈蚣,所以又称蜈蚣街。 近几年,成为许多时尚杂志报道的热点,不少电视剧在这里取景拍摄,许多国外旅行者把其列为在北京的必游景点。其实,明清以来,这里一直是“富人区”,居住过许多达官贵人、社会名流,从明朝将军到清朝王爷,从北洋政府总统到国民党总裁,从文学大师到画坛巨匠,这里的每一条胡同都留下历史的痕迹。 介绍北京景点的导游词2 停车坐爱枫林晚, 霜叶红于二月花.

各位游客,大家好。欢迎大家来到北京香山公园参观游览。我是大家的景点讲解员小张。今天大家在香山的游览就由我全程为大家服务。在此,希望大家在领略香山的烂漫枫叶以及古典园林文化之美的同时也给大家带来一份愉快的的心情和美好的回忆。下面就让我们开始我们今天的游览。香山在北京市西北郊的西山东麓,这里层峦叠嶂,海拔577米,满山是黄栌树,霜后呈深紫红色。陈毅诗“西山红叶好,霜重色愈浓”,即指黄栌树叶。霜降时节,香山方圆数万亩坡地上红艳似火,远观以为它是一片片花瓣,近看才辨清是一片片椭圆的树叶。香山观赏红叶绝佳处在森玉笏峰小亭,从亭里极目远眺,远山近坡,鲜红、粉红、猩红、桃红,层次分明,似红霞缭绕,情趣盎然,成为北国著名的秋游胜地。 香山山顶有巨石两块,叫乳峰石。其形酷似“香炉”,周围又常有云雾弥漫,如袅袅升空的香烟,香山由此得名。香山景色秀丽,名胜遍布,风光旖旎,极富自然野趣。秋来黄栌换装,漫山红遍,如火如荼,此即“香山红叶”,是燕京八景之一。香山冬天的景色也很迷人,每当冬雪初晴,一片银妆素裹,分外妖娆,旧燕京八景之一的“西山晴雪”就指这里。香山寺,在香山公园内蟾蜍峰北。金大定二十六年(1186年)建,金世宗赐名大永安寺,为香山诸寺之首,“静宜园”二十八景之一。后遭英法联军和八国联军焚毁,仅存石阶,石坊柱、石屏等遗迹,唯有寺内的“听法松”依然屹立。香炉峰,俗称鬼见愁。在香山公园西部。此峰高


The United States of America The United States of America (also referred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, or America) is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North America, where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is in the northwest of the continent, with Canada to the east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The country also possesses several territories in the Caribbean and Pacific. At 3.79 million square miles and with over 310 million people, the United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the


广州沙面导游词介绍5篇 沙面位于广东省广州市市区西南部,南濒珠江白鹅潭,北隔沙基涌,与六二三路相望 的一个小岛,有大小街巷八条,面积0.3平方公里。下面是小编搜集的广州沙面导游词介绍5篇,希望对你有所帮助。 各位游客:你们好,欢迎你们来到广州旅游,我是你们的导游**。 广州沙面建筑群是国务院公布的全国重点文物保护单位,也是广州市政府公布的第一 批历史文化保护区。沙面曾是中国惟一的租界人工岛,是旧中国半封建半殖民地及广州人 民反帝斗争的历史见证,也是近代西方建筑文化输入中国的一个重要窗口。这里环境优美,是广州人民的一块宝地。 保护和利用好沙面建筑群及周边环境,把它完好地传给、后人,是历史赋予我们这一 代人的使命。汤国华和他的学生们在广州市文化局的支持和指导下,按照广州市政府的部署,结合教学计划,对沙面建筑群做了大量有意义的保护工作,包括对每一座历史建筑进 行详细测绘,对沙面整体环境的通风、温湿度变化、太阳辐射、噪声干扰、采光质量、环 境心理等进行科学测试,取得了丰硕的成果。 这些成果大多数已被广州市文化局采纳,成为广州市文物保护工作的依据之一。 沙面欧洲建筑群位于广州市荔湾区,沙面原为珠江河中由泥沙堆积而成的一个沙洲,东西长900米、南北宽300米,总面积22万平方米。原名为“拾翠洲”,此地自宋代至清 代均为广州对外通商要道和游览胜地。第二次鸦片战争后清政府被迫同意把沙面“租”给英、法帝国主义,该地沦为英法租界,现已改名。沙面岛上有150多座欧洲风格建筑,其中 有42座特色突出的新巴洛克式、仿哥特式、券廊式、新古典式及中西合璧风格建筑,是 广州最具异国情调的欧洲建筑群。 沙面大街2号-6号的楼房,俗称红楼,原是海关洋员华员俱乐部,高三层,红砖砌筑,南面和北面建有尖顶阁楼,仿19世纪英国浪漫主义建筑风格;沙面大街54号的建筑,原是汇丰银行,仿西方古典复兴建筑风格,高四层,二层的外墙砌有通柱到三层顶,在西 南面楼顶建有穹窿顶的亭子;沙面大街48号的楼房,是最具代表性的券廊式建筑,高三层,钢筋混凝土结构,四周的走廊均为券拱形,外墙刷水洗石米;沙面大街14号的露德天主教 圣母堂,规模虽小,结构简单,但在其入口处仍然为仿哥特式。沙面位于珠江岔口白鹅潭畔,占地面积330亩。 第二次鸦片战争爆发后,咸丰九年(公元1859年),英、法侵略者凭着签订的不平等 条约,以“恢复商馆洋行”为借口,强迫两广总督租借沙面,雇工修护河堤,填土筑基,形 成沙面岛。英、法两国在岛内分设领事馆,从19世纪末到20世纪初,沙面租界内的公 共设施已基本完备,建筑主要有领事馆、教堂、银行、邮局、电报局、商行、医院、酒店


浙江杭州西湖景点英语导游词 杭州西湖是浙江著名的旅游景点,很多来自世界各地的游客慕名来游览,导游也要给游客做好景点的解说。下面是为大家带来的杭州西湖英语导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 杭州西湖英语导游词篇1 ofallthedistinguishedvisitors,everybodyisgood!Youmu sthaveheardof"abovethereisheaven,belowtherearesuzho uandhangzhou"thisfamoussaying,yes,thissentencedescr ibedisthatwewillsoonarrivedatthedestination-thebeau tifulwestlakeinhangzhou.Iamyourtourguidethistriptoh angzhou,mynameischen,everyonecallmechenguide. nowwecometothetenviewsofwestlake-chunxiaosucauseway

.sucausewaythreekm,isthenorthernsongdynastypoetsudo ngpoashangzhoumagistrate,managementofwestlake,using thehollowedoutofthemudtobuild.sothename"sucauseway" .earlyspringnight,walkingalongthelonglake,intheligh tsmokehaze,milesofweepingwillows,blossomingopenhear tswiththedew,thesceneryischarmingandattractive,andw henthespringrainstartedfalling,throughalluringlywic keroverlookingthelake,butseemistdiffuses,fade,farvi ewisfantasy,knownas"sixbridgeYanLiu"."goodbillowabo vethesunnyside,mountains,emptinessrainalso,forthewe stlakethanwest,cplusalwaysright."greatpoetfancycomp arewestlaketochineseancientbeautyxishi,asaresult,th ewestlakehasa"scenery"bills.Youseeinfrontofthebridg e?saidtreasureonbridgethesongdynasty,alsocalledthep eriodofthebridge,isaformermossofancientstonebridge. Althoughwenowseethebridgeisaverycommonbridge,butits nameand"whitesnake"xuxianandthewhiteniangsonstoryre latesintogether,thusbecameoneofthemostfamousbridgei nthewestlake.brokenbridgecxisararewestlakelandscape ."westlakethisvictory,clearlakelakedon'tlikerain,ra inasyuehulake,moonlakethansnowlake".


FORBIDDEN CITY (紫禁城) (In front of the meridian gate) Ladies and Gentlemen: I am pleased to serve as your guide today. This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is t he largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Under Mi ng Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It took 14years to build the Forbidden City. The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhu di. For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successiv e emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the thr one. In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizat ion recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy. It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng (Purple Forbidden City), got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided t he constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan (North Star) . The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellatio n of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace. Because the e mperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence. In folklore, the term ―an eastern purple cloud is drifting‖ be came a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting e astward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the Hanghu Pass. Here, purple is associated with auspicious developments. The w ord jin (forbidden) is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guard ed and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limit s to ordinary people.
