

Today I will introduce a beautiful country ,France.

Let me take you into this romantic country.

First of all, I want to tell you that...


France is the largest country in Western Europe and the third-largest in Europe as a whole.France is a developed country.It said that France was the wealthiest nation in Europe – and the fourth-wealthiest in the world.France is one of the world‘s longest life expectancies.(预期寿命)
Average life expectancy at birth is 78 years for men and 85 years for women.
This is the national emblem of the France,and this is the National flower of the France.And this song is the national anthem of France.

France is famous for having many castles, palaces and manors(庄园). It's said to have around 40,000 castles.

Then I will introduce two cities of France.


The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world.
Paris is the capital of France and also the biggest city of France.
As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip.

This is the Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔), which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. The Eiffel Tower, built in 1889 designed by a famous architect Eiffel. When the Eiffel Tower was first built, it was the tallest building in the world.

The Louvre is the biggest museum in the world which is located on the bank of the Seine River.


Provence is like a paradise because of its climate, wine and lavender. The climate of Provence is famous for its sunshine.


There are more than 300 kinds of cheese(奶酪) made in France.

French cuisine is considered one of the best cuisines in the world.


In the future, if you have the chance, be sure to go to the France, the beautiful scenery, the romantic atmosphere will make you unforgettable for lifetime.
