


1.The high cost of __________ makes life difficult for many Chinese students to study __________.

【答案】accommodation, abroad


2.It’s reported that the mayor who __________ his power to give jobs to his relatives was put into prison.



3.We do not think such an __________ phenomenon will last long.



4.The local government took measures to __________ the rate of economic growth.



5.We have to __________ __________ materials before we write an academic article.

【答案】accumulate, abundant


6.Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is so __________ that most of us can not understand it.

7.I was __________ to get on the bus when I heard someone calling me from behind.



8.There are many bad customs and laws that ought to __________.

【答案】be abolished


9.He was scared to death by an __________ entrance when he is __________ in reading.

【答案】abrupt, absorbed


10.A sick person needs __________ confidence and trust in a doctor.



11.__________ as it might sound, everyone present was amused by his adventure story in Africa.

12.Judging by her __________, Jane must be a southerner.



13.The singer was __________ on the piano by her sister.



14.One should __________ tasks independently instead of always turning to others for help.



15.Sharpe’s leg and shoulder began to __________ , a sure sign of rain.




1.The church which is easily __________(access)from my home is being rebuilt.



2.I’m afraid you missed a fantastic lecture yesterday. How come you were __________(absence)from it? 【答案】absent


3.The company __________(account)questioned my travel expenses.



4.The funds needed will mainly be drawn from __________(accumulate)within the enterprise.



5.She has the __________(able)to keep calm in an emergency.



6.This was not an __________(academy)exercise—soldiers’ lives were at risk.



7.He has also called for an __________(accelerate)of political reforms.



8.If engineering methods fail to reduce noise to __________(accept)levels, please wear personal protective devices.

9.I think it may take some time before we can have an __________(accuracy)assessment of the damage



10.I felt a great sense of __________(achieve)when I reached the top of the mountain.



11.Have the slaves really got freedom after the __________(abolish)of slavery?



12.With two extra floors built, this hotel can __________( accommodation)more people than before.

