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Because of the Taylor formula is very simple, so, can be applied to many subjects. In various physical and computer etc, have a very wide range of applications, in addition, also in the ordinary differential equations, numerical analysis, optimization theory, the branch of mathematics plays an extremely important role. Therefore, a lot of, Taylor formula. So, to clarify concepts and mathematical principle of Taylor formula. This is the very basis of mathematics of mathematics learning things, the students will play a very good role. The purpose of this thesis, mainly to do research on the application of Taylor theorem in numerical analysis, calculating the function value, using the Taylor formula to calculate the value of Taylor formula, the numerical solution of ordinary differential equation application, from using Taylor's formula approximation, the Taylor formula is analyzed in terms of the application in the numerical study. Taylor formula has important applications in the numerical analysis, in-depth study of the application of Taylor formula, for us to solve some complex problems play a multiplier effect. As long as the attention and focus on solving problems of the summary, will be able to use Taylor formula. Using Taylor formula to correct the proof and calculation problems we became fast and simple.

Key words: Taylor formula; numerical analysis; application


1 引言 0

2 泰勒公式概述 (1)

2.1 一元函数的泰勒公式 (1)

2.2 二元函数的泰勒公式 (2)

3.泰勒公式在数值分析中的应用 (4)

3.1利用泰勒公式近似计算函数值 (4)

3.2 利用泰勒公式近似计算导数值 (7)

3.3泰勒公式在常微分方程数值求解中的应用 (8)

3.4 泰勒公式在函数凹凸性及拐点判断中的应用 (12)

4 结论 (15)

参考文献 (16)

1 引言



然而泰勒逼近存在严重的缺陷:它的条件很苛刻,要求)(x f 足够光滑并提


)(0)(x f k 此外。泰勒逼近的整体效果差。它仅能保证在展开点0x 的某个邻域内,即某个局部范围内有效。基于此本文章应用泰勒公式阐述其在计算行列式,求代数精度,常微分方程数值方法等几个方面的应用。进一步完善泰勒公式在数值分析中的应用。

2 泰勒公式概述

2.1 一元函数的泰勒公式

设()f x 在含有0x 的开区间内有直到1n +阶导数,()()00,'f x f x ,…,()()0n f x 为已知,现寻求一个n 次的代数多项式()n P x ,使得

()()()()0000,''n n P x f x P x f x ==,()()()()00n n

n n P x f x =能否用()n P x 近似代替

()f x ?

设()()010n P x a a x x =+-+…()0n

n a x x +-,则有:





02300'2''2321n n n n n n P x a a x x na x x P x a a x x n n a x x --=+-+








n n n n n P x f x a f x P x f x a f x f x f x P x f x a a n =⇒==⇒==⇒==





n n n f x f x P x f x f x x x x x x x n =+-+-+


此多项式称为函数()f x 在0x 处的n 阶泰勒多项式。


n n R x f x P x =-,称其为误差函数。显然

()()()'''n n n R x R x R x ===

()()0n n R x ==,从而有





n n n n n f f x P x R x P x x x x x n ξξ++=+=+


上式称为函数()f x 关于0x 的n 阶泰勒公式,其中余项





n n n f R x x x x x n ξξ++=


称为拉格朗日余项。当0n =时,()()()00'R x f x x ξ=-,即
