八年级全等三角形易错题(Word版 含答案)

八年级全等三角形易错题(Word版 含答案)
八年级全等三角形易错题(Word版 含答案)



1.如图所示,ABC为等边三角形,P是ABC内任一点,PD AB,PE BC


∥,若ABC的周长为12cm,则PD PE PF






























. 【解析】


根据题意作CE ⊥AB 于E ,作DF ⊥AC 于F ,在CF 上截取一点H ,使得CH =DH ,连接DH ,并设AD =2x ,解直角三角形求出BC (用x 表示)即可解决问题.


解:作CE ⊥AB 于E ,作DF ⊥AC 于F ,在CF 上截取一点H ,使得CH=DH ,连接DH .

设AD=2x ,

∵AB=AC ,∠A=30°, ∴∠ABC=∠ACB=75°,DF 12=

AD=x ,AF 3=, ∵∠ACD=15°,HD=HC ,



∴DH=HC=2x ,FH 3=,

∴3x , 在Rt △ACE 中,EC 12

=AC=x 3+,AE 3=3=, ∴BE=AB ﹣AE 3=﹣x ,

在Rt △BCE 中,BC 22BE EC =

+=2x , ∴22

22AD BC x ==.



. 【点睛】 本题考查的等腰三角形的性质和解直角三角形以及直角三角形30度角的性质等知识,解题的关键是学会添加常用辅助线,构造直角三角形解决问题.

3.如图,在△ABC 中,AB 的中垂线交BC 于D ,AC 的中垂线交BC 于E ,若∠BAC=126°,则∠EAD=_____°.




根据AB 的中垂线可得BAD ∠,再根据AC 的中垂线可得EAC ∠,再结合∠BAC=126°即可计算出∠EAD .


根据AB 的中垂线可得BAD ∠=B

根据AC 的中垂线可得EAC ∠=C ∠

18012654B C ???∠+∠=-=

又 126BAD DAE EAC BAC ?∠+∠+∠=∠=

+C+126B DAE ?∴∠∠∠=

72DAE ?∴∠=



4.如图,将ABC ?沿着过AB 中点D 的直线折叠,使点A 落在BC 边上的1A 处,称为第1次操作,折痕DE 到BC 的距离记为1h ,还原纸片后,再将ADE ?沿着过AD 中点1D 的直线折叠,使点A 落在DE 边上的2A 处,称为第2次操作,折痕11D E 到BC 的距离记为2h ,按上述方法不断操作下去…经过第2020次操作后得到的折痕20192019D E 到BC 的距离记为2020h ,若11h =,则2020h 的值为______.




根据中点的性质及折叠的性质可得DA=DA ?=DB,从而可得∠ADA ?=2∠B,结合折叠的性质可得.,∠ADA ?=2∠ADE,可得∠ADE=∠B,继而判断DE// BC,得出DE 是△ABC 的中位线,证得AA ?⊥BC,AA ?=2,由此发现规律:01

2122h =-=-?同理21122h =-3211122222

h =-?=-…于是经过第n 次操作后得到的折痕Dn-1 En-1到BC 的距离1122n n h -=-

,据此求得2020h 的值. 【详解】

解:如图连接AA ?,由折叠的性质可得:AA ?⊥DE, DA= DA ? ,A ?、A ?…均在AA ?上

又∵ D 是AB 中点,∴DA= DB ,

∵DB= DA ? ,

∴∠BA ?D=∠B ,

∴∠ADA ?=∠B +∠BA ?D=2∠B,

又∵∠ADA ? =2∠ADE ,



∴AA ?⊥BC ,

∵h ?=1

∴AA ? =2,

∴01 2122h =-=-? 同理:21122

h =-; 3211122222

h =-?=-; …

∴经过n 次操作后得到的折痕D n-1E n-1到BC 的距离1122n n h -=-

∴20202019122h =-



5.如图,在ABC ?和DBC ?中,40A ∠=,2AB AC ==,140BDC ∠=,BD CD =,以点D 为顶点作70MDN ∠=,两边分别交,AB AC 于点,M N ,连接MN ,则AMN ?的周长为_______.




延长AB 至F ,使BF =CN ,连接DF ,通过证明△BDF ≌△CDN ,及△DMN ≌△DMF ,从而得出MN =MF ,△AMN 的周长等于AB +AC 的长.


延长AB 至F ,使BF =CN ,连接DF .

∵BD =CD ,且∠BDC =140°,

∴∠BCD =∠DBC =20°.























由DF=DE ,CG=CD 可得∠E=∠DFE ,∠CDG=∠CGD ,再由三角形的外角的意义可得

∠GDC=∠E+∠DFE=2∠E ,∠ACB=∠CDG+∠CGD=2∠CD G ,进而可得∠ACB=4∠E ,最后代入数据即可解答.


解:∵DF =DE ,CG =CD ,

∴∠E =∠DFE ,∠CDG =∠CGD ,

∵GDC =∠E +∠DFE ,∠ACB =∠CDG +∠CGD ,

∴GDC =2∠E ,∠ACB =2∠CDG ,

∴∠ACB =4∠E ,

∵△ABC 中,AB =AC ,∠A =100°,

∴∠ACB =40°,

∴∠E =40°÷4=10°.




7.如图,已知AB AC =,AD 平分BAC ∠,60DEB EBC ∠=∠=?,若3BE =,3DE =,则BC =____________.



延长ED 交BC 于点M ,延长AD 交BC 于点N ,作DF ∥BC 于点F.由已知条件推出△BEM 是等边三角形,△FDE 是等边三角形,在△DNM 中求出NM 的长度,即可求出BC 的长度.


如图,延长ED 交BC 于点M ,延长AD 交BC 于点N ,作DF ∥BC 于点F ,

∵AB AC =,AD 平分BAC ∠,∴AN ⊥BC ,BN=CN ,

∵60DEB EBC ∠=∠=?,∴△BEM 是等边三角形,

∴△FDE 是等边三角形,

∵3BE =,3DE =,∴33DM =-,

∵△BEM 是等边三角形,∴∠EMB=60°,

∵AN ⊥BC ,∴∠DNM=90°,

∴∠NDM=30°,∴1332NM DM -=

=, ∴33333BN BM NM -+=-=-

=, ∴233BC BN ==+.



8.如图,过边长为1的等边三角形ABC 的边AB 上一点P ,作PE ⊥AC 于点E ,Q 为BC 延长线上一点,当AP =CQ 时,PQ 交AC 于D ,则DE 的长为______.



【解析】 过点Q 作AD 的延长线的垂线于点F.

因为△ABC 是等边三角形,所以∠A=∠ACB=60°.



又因为AP=CQ ,所以△AEP≌△CFQ,所以AE=CF ,PE=QC.








故答案为1 2 .









∴△BEM 为等边三角形,

∴△EFD 为等边三角形,

∵BE=6cm ,DE=2cm ,


∵△BEM 为等边三角形, ∴∠EMB=60°,

∵AN ⊥BC ,






10.如图,正五边形ABCDE 中,对角线AC 与BE 相交于点F ,则AFE ∠=_______度.




根据五边形的内角和公式求出EAB ∠,根据等腰三角形的性质,三角形外角的性质计算即可.


解:∵五边形ABCDE 是正五边形,

(52)1801085EAB ABC ?




36BAC BCA ?∴∠=∠=

同理36ABE ∠?=,

363672AFE ABF BAF ∴∠∠+∠?+??===.





11.如图,在△ABC 中,分别以点A 和点B 为圆心,大于12

AB 的长为半径画弧,两弧相交于点M 、N ,作直线MN ,交BC 于点D ,连接AD ,若△ADC 的周长为14,BC=8,则AC 的长为

A .5

B .6

C .7

D .8



【分析】 根据题意可得MN 是直线AB 的中点,所以可得AD=BD ,BC=BD+CD ,而△ADC 为

AC+CD+AD=14,即AC+CD+BD=14,因此可得AC+BC=14,已知BC 即可求出AC .


根据题意可得MN 是直线AB 的中点AD BD ∴=

ADC 的周长为14AC CD AD ++=

14AC CD BD ++=∴


14AC BC =∴+

已知8BD =

6AC ∴= ,故选B


本题主要考查几何中的等量替换,关键在于MN 是直线AB 的中点,这样所有的问题就解决了.

12.在Rt ABC ?中,90ACB ∠=?,点D E 、是AB 边上两点,且CE 垂直平分,AD CD 平分,6BCE AC cm ∠=,则BD 的长为( )

A .6cm

B .7cm

C .8cm

D .9cm



【分析】 根据CE 垂直平分AD ,得AC=CD ,再根据等腰在三角形的三线合一,得

ACE ECD ∠=∠,结合角平分线定义和90ACB ?∠=,得

30ACE ECD DCB ?∠=∠=∠=,则BD CD AC ==.


∵CE 垂直平分AD

∴AC=CD =6cm ,ACE ECD ∠=∠

∵CD 平分BCE ∠

∴BCD ECD ∠=∠

∴30ACE ECD DCB ?∠=∠=∠=

∴60A ?∠=

∴30B BCD ?∠==∠

∴6CD BD AC cm ===




13.如图所示,△ABP 与△CDP 是两个全等的等边三角形,且PA ⊥PD ,有下列四个结论:①∠PBC =15°,②AD ∥BC ,③PC ⊥AB ,④四边形ABCD 是轴对称图形,其中正确的个数为( )

A .1个

B .2个

C .3个

D .4个




根据周角的定义先求出∠BPC 的度数,再根据对称性得到△BPC 为等腰三角形,∠PBC 即可求出;根据题意:有△APD 是等腰直角三角形;△PBC 是等腰三角形;结合轴对称图形的定义与判定,可得四边形ABCD 是轴对称图形,进而可得②③④正确.


根据题意,BPC 36060290150∠=-?-= , BP PC =,


PBC 180150215∠∴=-÷=,①正确;

根据题意可得四边形ABCD 是轴对称图形,④正确;


∴AD//BC ,②正确;


∴PC ⊥AB ,③正确,


故选D .



14.如图所示,把多块大小不同的30角三角板,摆放在平面直角坐标系中,第一块三角板AOB 的一条直角边与x 轴重合且点A 的坐标为()2,0,30ABO ∠=?,第二块三角板的斜边1BB 与第一块三角板的斜边AB 垂直且交x 轴于点1B ,第三块三角板的斜边12B B 与第二块三角板的斜边1BB 垂直且交y 轴于点2B ,第四块三角板斜边23B B 与第三块三角板的斜边12B B 垂直且交x 轴于点3B ,按此规律继续下去,则点2018B 的坐标为( )

A .()20182(3)

,0-? B .()20180,2(3)-? C .()20192(3),0? D .()

20190,2(3)-? 【答案】D


【分析】 计算出OB 、OB 1、 OB 2的长度,根据题意和图象可以发现题目中的变化规律,从而可以求得点B 2018的坐标.




OB 1323322(3)?,

OB 231= 323)?,


∴点B 2018在y 轴的负半轴上,

∴点B 2018的坐标为()20190,2(3)


故答案为:D .



15.在一个33?的正方形网格中,A ,B 是如图所示的两个格点,如果C 也是格点,且ABC 是等腰三角形,则符合条件的C 点的个数是( )

A .6

B .7

C .8

D .9



【分析】 根据题意、结合图形,画出图形即可确定答案. 【详解】





16.如图钢架中,∠A=a ,焊上等长的钢条P 1P 2, P 2P 3, P 3P 4, P 4P 5……来加固钢架.著P 1A= P 1P 2,且恰好用了4根钢条,则α的取值范圈是( )

A .15°≤ a <18°

B .15°< a ≤18°

C .18°≤ a <22.5°

D .18° < a ≤ 22.5°







∴∠P 1P 2A=∠A=a

由三角形外角性质,可得∠P 2P 1P 3=2∠A=2a

同理可得,∠P 1P 3P 2=∠P 2P 1P 3=2a ,

∠P 3P 2P 4=∠P 3P 4P 2=∠A+∠P 1P 3P 2=3a ,

∠P 4P 3P 5=∠P 4P 5P 3=∠A+∠P 3P 4P 2=4a ,

在△P 4P 3P 5中,∠P 3P 4P 5=180°-2∠P 4P 3P 5=180°-8a

当∠P 5P 4B ≥90°即∠P 5P 4A ≤90°时,不能再放钢管,

∴3180890+-≤a a ,解得a ≥18°


∴4a <90°,解得a <22.5





17.如图,已知△ABC 与△CDE 均是等边三角形,点B 、C 、E 在同一条直线上,AE 与BD 交于点O ,AE 与CD 交于点G ,AC 与BD 交于点F ,连接OC 、FG ,则下列结论:①AE =BD ;②AG =BF ;③FG ∥BE ;④∠BOC =∠EOC .其中正确结论的个数为( )

A .1

B .2

C .3

D .4



【分析】 根据题意,结合图形,对选项一一求证,即可得出正确选项.












































































∴∠A=∠ACB=60°,∴∠A=∠AFP=60°,∴AP=PF,∵PA=CQ,∴PF=CQ,在△PFD与△DCQ 中,





































八年级英语期末复习(一) 一. 单选 ( ). Green usually starts the day ______ breakfast. A. to B. for C. with D. from ( ) there __________ with your bike A. something wrong B. wrong something C. anything wrong D. wrong anything ( ) a balanced diet ________ healthy. A. to stay B. is staying C. will stay D. staying ( ) is the weather like -It’s warm. A. What B. Which C. How D. When ( )5. Mr. Brown usually comes here _______. A. drive ships B. take a ship C. by sea D. on the sea ( )6. Jim’s home is _______ from here.

A. 20 minutes B. 3kms far C. 20 minutes far D. 20 minutes’ walk ( ) 7. Tom and Tim usually come to school ____ their father’s car. A. by B. in C. at D. for ( )8. Her home is ten kilometers ________. A. away B. to C. from D. at ( )9. Jay ran ______ faster than the other boys in the sports meeing. A. so B. much C. very D. too ( )10. Stay ______ and then you will do your work better. A. quiet B. healthy C. at home D. health ( )11. There is going to _____ a relaxing vacation in three weeks. A. will have B. be C. have D. has ( ) boy is ______ fat because he eats _____ junk food. A. much too; much too B. much too; too much

【精选】八年级全等三角形易错题(Word版 含答案)

一、八年级数学全等三角形解答题压轴题(难) 1.如图1,在△ACB和△AED中,AC=BC,AE=DE,∠ACB=∠AED=90°,点E在AB上,F是线段BD的中点,连接CE、FE. (1)请你探究线段CE与FE之间的数量关系(直接写出结果,不需说明理由); (2)将图1中的△AED绕点A顺时针旋转,使△AED的一边AE恰好与△ACB的边AC在同一条直线上(如图2),连接BD,取BD的中点F,问(1)中的结论是否仍然成立,并说明理由; (3)将图1中的△AED绕点A顺时针旋转任意的角度(如图3),连接BD,取BD的中点F,问(1)中的结论是否仍然成立,并说明理由. 【答案】(1)线段CE与FE之间的数量关系是CE2FE;(2)(1)中的结论仍然成立.理由见解析;(3)(1)中的结论仍然成立.理由见解析 【解析】 【分析】 (1)连接CF,直角△DEB中,EF是斜边BD上的中线,因此EF=DF=BF,∠FEB=∠FBE,同理可得出CF=DF=BF,∠FCB=∠FBC,因此CF=EF,由于∠DFE=∠FEB+∠FBE=2∠FBE,同理∠DFC=2∠FBC,因此∠EFC=∠EFD+∠DFC=2(∠EBF+∠CBF)=90°,因此△EFC是等腰直角三角形,2EF; (2)思路同(1)也要通过证明△EFC是等腰直角三角形来求解.连接CF,延长EF交CB 于点G,先证△EFC是等腰三角形,可通过证明CF是斜边上的中线来得出此结论,那么就要证明EF=FG,就需要证明△DEF和△FGB全等.这两个三角形中,已知的条件有一组对顶角,DF=FB,只要再得出一组对应角相等即可,我们发现DE∥BC,因此∠EDB=∠CBD,由此构成了两三角形全等的条件.EF=FG,那么也就能得出△CFE是个等腰三角形了,下面证明△CFE是个直角三角形.由上面的全等三角形可得出ED=BG=AD,又由AC=BC,因此 CE=CG,∠CEF=45°,在等腰△CFE中,∠CEF=45°,那么这个三角形就是个等腰直角三角形,因此就能得出(1)中的结论了; (3)思路同(2)通过证明△CFE来得出结论,通过全等三角形来证得CF=FE,取AD的中点M,连接EM,MF,取AB的中点N,连接FN、CN、CF.那么关键就是证明△MEF和△CFN全等,利用三角形的中位线和直角三角形斜边上的中线,我们不难得出 EM=PN=1 2 AD,EC=MF= 1 2 AB,我们只要再证得两对应边的夹角相等即可得出全等的结

外研版英语 八年级英语完形填空易错题

外研版英语八年级英语完形填空易错题 一、八年级英语完形填空训练 1.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案。 Young Chinese would like to wear sweaters with messages. They expect to stop family members from nagging(唠叨) in the 1 traditional Chinese Spring Festival period, beginning on Feb, 16. One such sweater features(特载) messages such as "Please don't ask me the grades in final examinations", "Your child is really great" "No 2 salary, "I am on a diet, I can't eat too much" and so on. Sweaters with these messages become 3 because they provide answers to nagging questions from some youths' parents or relatives. During the Spring Festival, family members gather together and some of the elder ones always ask the 4 members of the family questions which they feel unhappy to answer. For example, "How many points did you get in final examinations?" or "When will you be 5 ?" Many internet users 6 the logo sweaters are lovely, and help them not need to answer questions if they wear the clothes during the holiday. 7 , some internet users are not that optimistic (乐观) about the sweaters. There are also many 8 methods to keep people from family nagging during the Spring Festival holidays. For example, some netizens (网民)suggest we can please our parents or other elder relatives by 9 their words and doing what they want us to do. Other internet users hoped they could share with their family members a song 10 What I Do is for Your Own Good, with the lyrics "My dear family members, I have my own life." 1. A. seven days B. seven day C. seven-day D. seven-days 2. A. talking about B. to talk about C. talk about D. talked about 3. A. safe B. polite C. important D. popular 4. A. taller B. happier C. younger D. stronger 5. A. married B. marrying C. to marry D. marry 6. A. know B. agree C. wonder D. decide 7. A. But B. So C. However D. Though 8. A. another B. others C. the other D. other 9. A. listening to B. hearing of C. saying to D. looking at 10. A. calling B. to call C. call D. called 【答案】(1)C;(2)A;(3)D;(4)C;(5)A;(6)B;(7)C;(8)D;(9)

八年级全等三角形易错题(Word版 含答案)

八年级全等三角形易错题(Word版含答案) 一、八年级数学轴对称三角形填空题(难) 1.如图所示,ABC为等边三角形,P是ABC内任一点,PD AB,PE BC ∥,PF AC ∥,若ABC的周长为12cm,则PD PE PF ++=____cm. 【答案】4 【解析】 【分析】 先说明四边形HBDP是平行四边形,△AHE和△AHE是等边三角形,然后得到一系列长度相等的线段,最后求替换求和即可. 【详解】 解:∵PD AB,PE BC ∥ ∴四边形HBDP是平行四边形 ∴PD=HB ∵ABC为等边三角形,周长为12cm ∴∠B=∠A=60°,AB=4 ∵PE BC ∥ ∴∠AHE=∠B=60° ∴∠AHE=∠A=60° ∴△AHE是等边三角形 ∴HE=AH ∵∠HFP=∠A=60° ∴∠HFP=∠AHE=60° ∴△AHE是等边三角形, ∴FP=PH ∴PD+PE+PF=BH+(HP+PE)=BH+HE=BH+AH=AB=4cm 故答案为4cm. 【点睛】 本题考查了平行四边形的判定和性质以及等边三角形的性质,掌握等边三角形的性质是解答本题的关键. 2.如图,△ABC中,AB=AC,∠A=30°,点D在边AB上,∠ACD=15°,则AD BC =____.

【答案】 22 . 【解析】 【分析】 根据题意作CE ⊥AB 于E ,作DF ⊥AC 于F ,在CF 上截取一点H ,使得CH =DH ,连接DH ,并设AD =2x ,解直角三角形求出BC (用x 表示)即可解决问题. 【详解】 解:作CE ⊥AB 于E ,作DF ⊥AC 于F ,在CF 上截取一点H ,使得CH=DH ,连接DH . 设AD=2x , ∵AB=AC ,∠A=30°, ∴∠ABC=∠ACB=75°,DF 12= AD=x ,AF 3=, ∵∠ACD=15°,HD=HC , ∴∠HDC=∠HCD=15°, ∴∠FHD=∠HDC+∠HCD=30°, ∴DH=HC=2x ,FH 3=, ∴3x , 在Rt △ACE 中,EC 12 =AC=x 3+,AE 3=3=, ∴BE=AB ﹣AE 3=﹣x , 在Rt △BCE 中,BC 22BE EC = +=2x , ∴22 22AD BC x ==.


语法填空(本题有10题,每小题1份,共计10分) 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式,每空一词。 I’m Maggie. I am __1__ (冠词)11-year-old girl. I like ___2___ (travel) very much. And my favourite city is Hangzhou. __3___ (介词)October 1st last year, I went to Hangzhou ____4___ (visit) my friends. I ___5___ (feel) very happy when I saw them. The weather was great. The sun ____6_____ (shine) all the time but it was not hot. After lunch, we went out and bought ___7___ (lot) of nice things in the stores. We went to one of___8_____ (beautiful) places--- West Lake and boated in the lake. How relaxing and ____9___ (excite)! We really enjoyed ___10____ (we). 四、语法填空(共10 小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。请将答案填写在文后相应的横线上。 Alice likes cats 1 (much) than any other animal. 2 (连词)she is still young, she has experience(经验) of 3 (look)after cats. When she was a child, she 4 (live) with her grandparents. At that time, her grandparents already had an old cat, about 10 years old, but she was only 4 years old. It was a good friend for her in her childhood(童年时代). It was very 5 (friend) to her and never hurt (伤害)her. One day, however, it left home and 6 (not come) again. It must be dead. She was so sad that she was sorry for it for a long time. Now Alice has four 7 (cat). She takes good care of them and makes them 8 (live) comfortably. But she is afraid to take her cats out of the house. She says it is too 9 (danger) for animals 10 (go ) outside. 语法填空(本题有10题,每小题1份,共计10分) 在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式,每空一词。 It is not good for children to have to work hard. Children should study in the schools. They should not to go to do heavy work. .It’s very bad ___ (介词) their bodies and their health (do)so much hard work when they are too young. Some parents let their children __(make)money for them instead of __ (learn)in the schools. The children will ___(hate)their parents when they grow up. And it’s really very bad for their life in ___(冠词)future. Children should study and play in the school with their ____(classmate)and their good friends. Some children stop __ (learn)in the schools and work in some hotels, shops, factories and stations. They are too young to do heavy work.. _ (连词)they can’t bear(忍受),they may run away. They may run from one place to another. __ _ (they)feelings(思想感情)become different from others. And this will be bad for their future.

数学八年级上册 全等三角形易错题(Word版 含答案)

数学八年级上册全等三角形易错题(Word版含答案) 一、八年级数学轴对称三角形填空题(难) ∥,1.如图所示,ABC为等边三角形,P是ABC内任一点,PD AB,PE BC ++=____cm. ∥,若ABC的周长为12cm,则PD PE PF PF AC 【答案】4 【解析】 【分析】 先说明四边形HBDP是平行四边形,△AHE和△AHE是等边三角形,然后得到一系列长度相等的线段,最后求替换求和即可. 【详解】 ∥ 解:∵PD AB,PE BC ∴四边形HBDP是平行四边形 ∴PD=HB ∵ABC为等边三角形,周长为12cm ∴∠B=∠A=60°,AB=4 ∥ ∵PE BC ∴∠AHE=∠B=60° ∴∠AHE=∠A=60° ∴△AHE是等边三角形 ∴HE=AH ∵∠HFP=∠A=60° ∴∠HFP=∠AHE=60° ∴△AHE是等边三角形, ∴FP=PH ∴PD+PE+PF=BH+(HP+PE)=BH+HE=BH+AH=AB=4cm 故答案为4cm. 【点睛】 本题考查了平行四边形的判定和性质以及等边三角形的性质,掌握等边三角形的性质是解答本题的关键. 2.△ABC与△DEF是两个全等的等腰直角三角形,∠BAC=∠D=90°,6.现将 △DEF与△ABC按如图所示的方式叠放在一起,使△ABC保持不动,△DEF运动,且满足点

E在边BC上运动(不与B,C重合),边DE始终经过点A,EF与AC交于点M.在△DEF 运动过程中,若△AEM能构成等腰三角形,则BE的长为______. 【答案】363 【解析】 【分析】 分若AE=AM 则∠AME=∠AEM=45°;若AE=EM;若MA=ME 则∠MAE=∠AEM=45°三种情况讨论解答即可; 【详解】 解:①若AE=AM 则∠AME=∠AEM=45° ∵∠C=45° ∴∠AME=∠C 又∵∠AME>∠C ∴这种情况不成立; ②若AE=EM ∵∠B=∠AEM=45° ∴∠BAE+∠AEB=135°,∠MEC+∠AEB=135° ∴∠BAE=∠MEC 在△ABE和△ECM中, B BAE CEN AE EII C ∠=∠ ? ? ∠=∠ ? ?= ? , ∴△ABE≌△ECM(AAS), ∴CE=AB6, ∵AC=BC2AB=3 ∴BE=36; ③若MA=ME 则∠MAE=∠AEM=45° ∵∠BAC=90°, ∴∠BAE=45° ∴AE平分∠BAC


重庆育才中学 八年级上Units1-6易错基础题 班级_________ 姓名_________ 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.I’m spending time ____________(visit) my friends in China. 2.____________(cook) is fun, so I like ____________(cook). 3.Don’t make so much noise, my grandpa ____________(sleep). 4.Her father ____________ (leave) for Beijing in three days. 5.It’s December now, the New Year ____________(come). 6.Lisa decides ____________ (pay) 100 for that beautiful coat. 7.Annie finished ____________ (do) her homework just now. 8.Do you need ____________ (watch) your son when he is playing? 9.We felt ____________ (excite) because of the _____________ (excite) movie. 10.The sad end of the movie made us ____________ (cry). 11.It takes about 30 minutes ____________ (get) from my home to school. 12.Is it difficult ____________ (do) the math exercises? https://www.360docs.net/doc/1410927174.html,st year, Eric always ____________ (ride) to school. 14.Do you know if they are ____________ (plan) for their vacation? 15.David, why not ____________ (go) out to play football? 16.Oh, I am so sorry ____________ (tell) that you got an F in the test. 17.Tomorrow is April ____________ (twelve). 18.Are there any ____________ (man) clothes selling in the store? 19.With ____________ (who) will you go? 20.I am ____________ (bad) at math than last year. 21.You are too serious, can you be ____________(friendly). 22.Mike is ____________ (funny), and Jack is ____________ (funny), too. 23.This picture is far ____________ (beautiful) than that one. 24.Maria is ____________ (later) of the two girls. 25.Her mother is ____________ (busy) of her parents. 26.It’s winter now; the weather is getting ____________ (cold and cold). 27.The ____________ (few) exercises you do, the ____________ (difficult) you may feel. 28.She got ____________ (little) water than I ____________ (do). 29.My dictionary is ____________ (new) than ____________ (he). 30.Alicia, who do you think is ____________ (lazy) of the two ____________ (woman doctor)? 31.My father ____________(exercise) every day last year. 32.I went to the park ____________ (two) a week. 33.Sometimes we went ____________ (swim) in the river when we were young. 34.My favorite sport is ____________ (play) table tennis. 35.____________ (drink) a lot of water is good for you. 36.He’d like _____________ (skate) today because he likes ___________ (skate). 37.Tom is often ill, I think he is kind of ____________ (health).

八年级上册全等三角形易错题(Word版 含答案)

八年级上册全等三角形易错题(Word版含答案) 一、八年级数学轴对称三角形填空题(难) 1.△ABC与△DEF是两个全等的等腰直角三角形,∠BAC=∠D=90°,AB=AC=6.现将 △DEF与△ABC按如图所示的方式叠放在一起,使△ABC保持不动,△DEF运动,且满足点E在边BC上运动(不与B,C重合),边DE始终经过点A,EF与AC交于点M.在△DEF 运动过程中,若△AEM能构成等腰三角形,则BE的长为______. 【答案】363 【解析】 【分析】 分若AE=AM 则∠AME=∠AEM=45°;若AE=EM;若MA=ME 则∠MAE=∠AEM=45°三种情况讨论解答即可; 【详解】 解:①若AE=AM 则∠AME=∠AEM=45° ∵∠C=45° ∴∠AME=∠C 又∵∠AME>∠C ∴这种情况不成立; ②若AE=EM ∵∠B=∠AEM=45° ∴∠BAE+∠AEB=135°,∠MEC+∠AEB=135° ∴∠BAE=∠MEC 在△ABE和△ECM中, B BAE CEN AE EII C ∠=∠ ? ? ∠=∠ ? ?= ? , ∴△ABE≌△ECM(AAS), ∴CE=AB6, ∵AC=BC2AB=3

∴BE=23﹣6; ③若MA=ME 则∠MAE=∠AEM=45° ∵∠BAC=90°, ∴∠BAE=45° ∴AE平分∠BAC ∵AB=AC, ∴BE=1 BC=3. 2 故答案为23﹣6或3. 【点睛】 本题考查了等腰三角形的判定,掌握分类讨论的数学思想是解答本题的关键. 2.如图,∠MON=30°,点A1、A2、A3…在射线ON上,点B1、B2,B3…在射线OM上,△A1B1A2,△A2B2A3,△A3B3A4…均为等边三角形,从左起第1个等边三角形的边长记a1,第2个等边三角形的边长记为a2,以此类推,若OA1=3,则a2=_______,a2019=_______. 【答案】6; 3×22018. 【解析】 【分析】 根据等腰三角形的性质以及平行线的性质得出A1B1∥A2B2∥A3B3,以及a2=2a1=6,得出 a3=4a1,a4=8a1,a5=16a1…进而得出答案. 【详解】 解:如图,


八年级上册英语易错题100道(unit 1-unit 5) 1、They both work hard at English (改为同义句) 2、It's bigger than ____________in China .(任何其它城市) 3、Tom is ________of the two boys .(更高) 4、_______________(越小心) you are , the ______(越少) mistakes you make. 5、They speak as _____(好) as the teacher does. 6、The girl in red is new here, so ______(很少)people know her. 7、I want to buy the dictionary , its not ___yes ,its price is ___.A、expensive low B、low cheap C、high cheap 8、He didn’t go to school because he was ill . (同义句) He didn’t go to school _______________. 9、We had to go back to the hotel on foot .(同义句) We had to _________hotel . 10、What do you think of the movie ?(同义句) 11、The girl is taller than ______ _____ _____ in her class. 12、He doesn’t have a job ,so he has nothing _________. A、do B、to do C、doing 13、Can I have something ______ A、eat B、to eat C、eating 14、What a nice weather it is ! (改错) 15、do morning exercises 做早操do eye exercises 做眼保健操dress oneself 打扮某人自己 16、They are not __________(不够认真) while they are doing homework . 17、The Yellow River is the ____________(long) river in China . 18、Of all the students ,Tony is ____________(careful) student in class . 19、Jim ,please help _______to some bread . A、him B、you C、yourself 20、You can do it by _______(you) 21、There are many _______(different ) between you and him. 22、I had ______useful umbrella when it rained . A、a B、an C、\ 23、Did you enjoy yourself last night ?(同义句) 24、我们班每个人都带了一个装食物和水的袋子Everyone in our class took a bag __ food and water . 25、十分钟后,太阳开始升起。____________ the sun started ______________. 26、让我们尽最大努力来帮助贫困地区的孩子们。Let's __________________the children in poor areas . 27、Miss White is waiting _____the bus stop . A、for B、at C、on 28、Jim surfs the Internet twice a week (对划线部分提问) 29、Jim surfs the Internet twice a week (对划线部分提问) 30、I help my mother ______(clean) the room . 31、How do you like the food in Shanghai ?(同义句) 32、He seems to have a lot of money .(同义句) 33、昨天我们花了一个小时给牛挤奶。We ______an hour _______cows yesterday . 34、你怎么不去看医生呢?(两种) ______ _______ you go to see the doctor ? ______ ______ _______ ________the doctor ? 35、Would you like _________?A、anything to eat B、something to eat 36、________excellent work you had done ! A、what an B、what C、How an 37、The dining hall is ________(足够大)to hold 300 people . 38、We ________________________the bus .我们等了很长时间的公交车。 39、我们今天有太多作业要做。We have ____________homework _________today . 40、他们尽最大努力使我们感觉像家一样。They _____________________________at home. 41、The hot weather _______me ______unhealthy .热天使我不开心。42、He put on his coat and _____(leave). 43、_______(do) sports can help us keep healthy .44、I am so tired ,I have to stop ________(have) a rest . 45、You know _______(eat) junk food isn't good for us . 46、I plan ________(buy) a new house next year . 47、We hope ______(get) good grades . 48、I didn’t expect __________(see) anything at all. 49、I will try my best ________(help) you . 50、Remember _______(bring) your homework to school.


全等三角形全章易错题大全 、选择题 1、下列命题:①有两个角和第三个角的平分线对应相等的两个三角形全等; ② 有两条边 和第三条边上的中线对应相等的两个三角形全等; ③有两条边和第三条边上的高对应相等 的两个三角形全等?其中正确的是( ) A 、①② B 、②③ C 、①③ D 、①②③ 2、 如图所示,/仁/2 ,AE 丄OB 于E,BD 丄OA 于D ,交点为C,则图中全等三角形共有 ( ) A 、2对 B 、3对 C 、4对 D 、5对 3、 下列说法中,正确的有( ) ① 三角对应相等的2个三角形全等;②三边对应相等的2个三角形全等;③两角、一边相 等的2个三角形全等;④两边、一角对应相等的 2个三角形全等. A 、1个 B 2个 C 、3个 D 、4个 4、 如图,D 在AB 上,E 在AC 上,且/ B=Z C,则在下列条件: ①AB=AC ;②AD=AE ;③BE=CD .其中能判定 △ ABE ^ △ ACD 的有( ) 6、 有以下四个说法: ① 两边和其中一边上的中线(或第三边上的中线)对应相等的两个三 角形全等;② 两角和其中一角的角平分线(或第三角的角平分线)对应相等的两个三角形 全等;③两边和其中一边上的高(或第三边上的高)对应相等的两个三角形全等;其中正 确的有( )A 、1个 B 、2个 C 、3个 D 、0个 7、 如图,在 △ ABC 与厶ADE 中,/ BAD=Z CAE, BC=DE 且点C 在DE 上,若添加一个条件, 能判定△ ABC ^^ ADE ,这个条件是( ) D 、3个 5、△ ABC 中, AB=AC,三条高AD, BE, CF 相交于0,那么图中全等的三角形有( A 、5对 B 6对 C 、7对 D 、8对 8、如图,已知 AB=AC, D 是BC 的中点, E 是AD 上的一点,图中全等三角形有几对( A 、0个 B / B=Z D A 、/ BAC=Z DAE C AB=AD D 、AC=AE 9题


外研版八上英语好题易错题经典专题训练(1)一.选择 ( ) 1. I’m going to ________ to them about our new school. A.say B. tell C. talk D. speak ( ) 2. It made me quite ______ when I thought of my dear sick dog. A. worry B. worry about C. worried D. worrying ( ) 3. The smile on his face makes him _______ really ______. A. looks, kind B. look, kindly C. to look, kindly D. look, kind ( )4. There is a big cake. _______ share it. A. May be we can B. We may be C. Maybe we can D. Maybe can we ( ) 5. ---_________ honest boy you are! ---Thank you! A.What an B. What C. How an D. What a ( ) 6. Which subject do you like _______, maths or physics? A. the much B. the best C. better D. best ( ) 7. When spring comes, the day get ___________. A. short and short B. shorter and shorter C. long and long D. longer and longer ( ) 8. ---Do you need more time to complete the task? --- Yes. Another ten days _________ enough. A. is B. was C. are D. were ( ) 9. ---What ____ your father ______? ---- He’s helpful and generous. A.is like B. dose like C. dose like D. is likes ( ) 10. Liu Dehua is one of ___________teachers in our school. A. famousest B. the famousest C. the most famous D. most famous

石家庄市精英中学数学全等三角形易错题(Word版 含答案)

石家庄市精英中学数学全等三角形易错题(Word版含答案)一、八年级数学轴对称三角形填空题(难) 1.在等腰△ABC中,AD⊥BC交直线BC于点D,若AD=1 2 BC,则△ABC的顶角的度数为 _____. 【答案】30°或150°或90° 【解析】 试题分析:分两种情况;①BC为腰,②BC为底,根据直角三角形30°角所对的直角边等于斜边的一半判断出∠ACD=30°,然后分AD在△ABC内部和外部两种情况求解即可. 解:①BC为腰, ∵AD⊥BC于点D,AD=1 2 BC, ∴∠ACD=30°, 如图1,AD在△ABC内部时,顶角∠C=30°, 如图2,AD在△ABC外部时,顶角∠ACB=180°﹣30°=150°, ②BC为底,如图3, ∵AD⊥BC于点D,AD=1 2 BC,

∴AD =BD =CD , ∴∠B =∠BAD ,∠C =∠CAD , ∴∠BAD +∠CAD = 12 ×180°=90°, ∴顶角∠BAC =90°, 综上所述,等腰三角形ABC 的顶角度数为30°或150°或90°. 故答案为30°或150°或90°. 点睛:本题考查了含30°交点直角三角形的性质,等腰三角形的性质,分类讨论是解题的关键. 2.在Rt △ABC 中,∠ABC=90°,AB=3,BC=4,点E ,F 分别在边AB ,AC 上,将△AEF 沿直线EF 翻折,点A 落在点P 处,且点P 在直线BC 上.则线段CP 长的取值范围是____. 【答案】15CP ≤≤ 【解析】 【分析】 根据点E 、F 在边AB 、AC 上,可知当点E 与点B 重合时,CP 有最小值,当点F 与点C 重合时CP 有最大值,根据分析画出符合条件的图形即可得. 【详解】 如图,当点E 与点B 重合时,CP 的值最小, 此时BP=AB=3,所以PC=BC-BP=4-3=1, 如图,当点F 与点C 重合时,CP 的值最大,


Ⅰ. 单项选择 ()1.Tom is ___________ than any other play er in the school team. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. more tall ()2. The climate in Hong Kong is ________ than that in Beijing. A.much warm B. much warmer C. many warmer D. a lot of warmer ()3.I t’s getting _________. I am starting at once. B.darker and darker B. more dark and more dark. C. more and more dark. D. dark and dark ()4.China is famous ________ its food in the world. A. for B. as C. with D. in ()5.The mountain is 300 kilometers _________. A. long B. tall C. high D. deep ()6.Shanghai is a big city ____ the east of China and _____ the Yangze River. A. in; in B. on; on C. in; at D. in; on ()7. Nowadays, many people like to eat out on New Year’s Day, ___ children. A. specially B. especially C. only D. probably ()8. Washington D.C. is a big city, _____ it’s smaller than New York. A. and B. or C. but D. then ()9. This place is not big enough for Lucy’s birthday party. We should find a __ one. A. big B. small C. bigger D. smaller ()10. Lu Xun is famous ___ a great writer. He is famous ____ his great novels(小说). A. of; for B. for; to C. for; as D. as; for ()11. The red pencil is ______ than the green one. A. short B. shorter C. nice D. the shortest ()12. It will be ___i f you buy a return ticket on the train when you travel in England. A. much cheap B. more cheaply C. much cheaper ()13. ----_________ the population of China? --- it’s about 1.3 billion. A.What’s B. How many is C. How much is ()14. Did you know that the earth is home to _________ animals? A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of
