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Analysis on the Human Resource Management of

InterContinental Hotel

-- Taking Shanghai Inter-Continental Hotel

Group for Example


The performance of an organization depends on the control of capital, technology, and human resources, the three basic factors. Human resource is a kind of special resource, which has an important role in the competition of the enterprise. It is the key of the three factors of capital, technology and human resource. An enterprise, its business strategy is the basis of the implementation of human resources, it plays an important role in enhancing the core competitiveness of enterprises. With the rapid development of economic globalization, it is very important to strengthen the research of human resource management in hotel. Human resources is no longer a simple personnel management in the traditional sense, but has gradually increased to a strategic height, and the survival and development of the hotel is closely related, is one of the important content of the hotel management. In this paper, the literature analysis and case analysis. In the analysis of Shanghai intercontinental hotel human resources management present situation foundation, the problems existing in Shanghai intercontinental hotel human resources management analysis, analysis the existing problems mainly include inconsistent, employee turnover caused by brain drain, employee training becomes a mere formality, "power" concept caused friction management staff professionalism and hotel service requirements. And from the reality, put forward to improve the management of human resources in Shanghai InterContinental Hotel.

Key Words: Shanghai Inter-Continental Restaurant; human resource management;Business management


摘要 (1)


一、人力资源管理的目标与内容 (6)

(一)人力资源管理目标 (6)

(二)人力资源管理内容 (6)

二、上海洲际酒店集团人力资源管理现状 (7)

(一)集团介绍 (7)

(二)上海洲际酒店集团人力资源管理现状 (7)

1.上海洲际酒店员工基本情况 (7)

2.上海洲际酒店人力资源管理现状 (9)

三、上海洲际酒店人力资源管理存在的问题 (12)

(一)员工职业素养与酒店服务要求不符 (12)

(二)员工跳槽引起人才流失 (12)

(三)员工培训流于形式 (13)

(四)“权力”思想引起管理摩擦 (13)

四、解决上海洲际酒店人力资源管理问题的方法 (14)

(一)提高员工职业素养 (14)

(二)切实提高员工的薪酬福利水平以减少跳槽 (14)

(三)增强对员工的培训和思想教育 (15)

(四)切实帮助员工制定并落实职业生涯规划 (15)
