

篇一:七年级英语上册What ’s this in English

Period 1 1a-2e

Ⅰ. 教课准备

1 .教师:录音机、磁带、多媒体课件、字母卡片,有关“What’s this?”的 flash英文歌曲,单词卡片,本单元所学单词的实物。

2.学生:收集含有字母 Ii —Rr 的广告用语和图片,自制字母卡片和单词卡片。Ⅱ. 教课目的





(1) 词汇:what,is ,this ,in English ,that ,map,cup,ruler ,pen,orange ,jacket , key,quilt,it

(2) 字母: Ii , Jj ,Kk,Ll , Mm,Nn,Oo, Pp,Qq, Rr

(3) 句型:— What’s this in English ?— It ’s a jacket./It’s an orange. 5.训练学生听懂对平时物件咨询的会话,培育其识记和拼写英文单词的能力。6.帮助学生掌握一些英语缩略词。


(1) 词汇:what,is ,this ,in ,English ,that ,map,cup,ruler ,pen,orange ,jacket , key,quilt,it

(2)字母: Ii , Jj ,Kk,Ll , Mm,Nn,Oo, Pp,Qq, Rr

(3)句型: What’s this/that in English

(4)语法: a,an 的差别。

Ⅳ. 教课难点

记着表示物件的英语单词;明确a,an 的用法;将英语字母打乱次序进行认读和书写。Ⅴ.教课步骤

Step 1:Warm-up


建议 1:敲鼓传花


停止的时候,一个学生站起来说 Aa;而后教师再敲鼓,鼓点停止时,接到花的学

生说出教师要求的字母,如: Aa 后三个字母; D 的左邻右舍等。

建议 2:按节奏背诵

教师敲击桌面,依照先慢后快的次序进行,学生背诵Aa— Hh 这八个字母,要

跟上教师的节奏。建议 3:点将台


2 .在学生利用热身活动复习好字母后,教师指引学生达成课本上的1a。

Step 2:Lead-in

建议 1:显现课本上 1a 的图画,而后导入到对话的学习。

T :Look!This is Ann’s room.We can see many things in the room.Look!What is this ?It ’s a pen.And what other things can you see?Let ’s look

at them and learn the new words.

建议 2:播放 flash动画“ What’s this?”,让学生看、听,而后介绍我们

今日要学习这个句型: What’s this?It’s a/an...

建议 3:取出一支钢笔,对同学们说:大家看这个东西,我们汉语中叫“钢笔”,

你知道用英语怎么表达吗?能够这样问:What’s this in English?你能够这

样回答: It ’s a pen. 你看,“钢笔”就是pen,那么再看“尺子”


Step 3:Present the new words

在导入以后,利用多媒体课件,显现几个图片:cup,ruler,orange,pen,jacket , quilt,key,map,利用图片学习单词,要求将单词的音标写在单词下




Step 4:Practice the new words





定要用“ Spell it ,please. ”让学生拼写一遍。

3.学生疏组比赛,选出代表到黑板上默写,看哪一组默写的单词又快又多。Step 5 : Task

1 .活动一:演练句型What’s this in English?It’s a/an...建议:教师指着图片,频频问学生:What’s this in English?也能够让学生到前面来指着图片,进行咨询。

2 .活动二:让学生疏组活动,而后两两联合,训练句型:What’s this in English ?It ’s a/an...

3.活动三:播放 1b 部分的听力,让学生跟读。而后要修业生达成1c,分组分角色练习对话。Step 6:Lead-in


建议 1:教师告诉学生我们已经学习了A—H八个英语字母,还有哪些字母呢?而后向学生显现风趣的字母,给学生以视觉冲击。以便于下边几个字母的学习。如:

建议 2:用字母卡片直接出示字母I —R,而后教课生认读和书写。

建议 3:教师将用泡沫塑料做成的A—R 全部字母 ( 市道有售 ) 混淆,放在讲桌上,让一个学生挑出我们学过的字母,挑剩下的字母就是我们本节课要学习的字母,


Step 7:Present the new letters and practice them

向学生显现字母卡片,练习I —R这几个字母。

1 .在多媒体课件上出示I —R这几个字母的笔顺和大小写,先不要让学生写,




3 .播放 2a 部分的录音,要修业生跟读。而后播放2b 部分的录音,要修业生依据所听到的次序为字母编号。

4.察看并抄录:让学生在小组内议论课本2c 部分,记着字母的笔顺和占格方



5 .利用 2d 检查学生对这几个字母的掌握状况。

Step 8:Task

1.训练学生对Ii —Rr 字母的反响能力。

显现 2e 中字母或字母组合的图片,让学生议论这些字母或字母组合的意义,



精神和团队意识。建议 1:找出象形字母


建议 2:大家造字母

让学生疏小组 PK,要求从家里带来绳索、珠子、石子或铁丝等物件,在规准时

间内,做出 A—R 各个字母的形状。


建议 3:游戏字母

学生们用自己的身体来构成字母。比如:表演“ A”字母的是全班最胖的两个男


一同,一左一右两只小手拉在一同,这样就构成了字母“ A”。



Step 9 :Summary教师组织学生疏组议论这节课的学习内容,并由组长记录,最



本节课我们学习了八个表示物件的单词( 让一个学生迅速说出来 ) 和 Ii —Rr 这

几个字母 ( 找两个学生合作背诵出来) ,还学习了“ What’s this in English?

It ’s a/an...”这个句型。要求将这些内容回家此后仔细背诵和默写。

Step 10:Homework

1 .将方才总结的内容抄录直至会默写。

2 .将今日学习的句型抄录在四线本上,看作英语书法作业,明日交上来,我们一同评选,选出10 个最正确作业。板书设计


1 .is v .是

辨析: am 与 is

am 只用于第一人称I 以后。 is只用于单数第三人称以后。比如:

I ’m Dale. 我叫戴尔。 My name is Tom. 我叫汤姆。

2 .in prep.用(表示方法、媒介、工具等)

in的词意许多,但在本单元的意思是“用”,还可表示“在里”。比如:What’s this in Chinese?这用汉语怎么说?

What’s in the pencil case?铅笔盒里有什么?

3 .What’s this in English?这用英语怎么说?

1)“What + be +主语?”是用来咨询姓名或某种东西的常用句型。凡是由what,who等指引的句子都是特别疑问句,一般读降调。注意与中文语序不一样。比如:

Who’s that ?那是谁?

What is your name?你叫什么名字?

2)in English“用英语”,这是一个用介词in (用)+名词构成的介词短语,它有两种含义,一种是“在英语( 这门语言 ) 中”,另一种是“用英语”。在“What’ s this in English ?”这一句中,in English的含义既能够理解为“在英语的语言中”,也能够理解为“用英语”。而在“Spell it in English,please. ”一句中, in English意为“用英语”,句意为“请用英语拼写”。例如:

—What’s this in English?这用英语怎么说?

—It ’s a football.这是足球。

—What’s that in Chinese?那个用汉语怎么说?

篇二:优良课What’s this i n English

《What’s this in English》教课方案



1 .掌握句型 What’s this in English及其答语

2 .经过本课学习能娴熟运用本课句型进行对话练习过程与方法目标:

1 、歌曲赏识,创建情境,激发学生学习的兴趣;

2 、小组合作、沟通,培育

学生合作意识与合作能力; 3 、情形表演,学致使用,发挥学生主体地位和作用。



习习惯。教课要点:掌握句型What’s this in English 及其答语。教课难点:

能娴熟运用本课句型进行对话练习。教课课时: 1 课时。



赏识歌曲思虑并回答下列问题:What can you hear(课件播放英文歌曲)二、


1 、解说课题,学习句型1

师解说课题,引出本课要点句型What’s this in English并出示图片进行问

答练习。 2 、学习新课文

( 1)整体感知课文:

听录音思虑并回答下列问题:What words can you hear(放两遍录音)(2)朗

读课文 a. 跟读课文录音 b. 分角色朗诵课文 c 小组练习课文对话

( 2)语法—— a/an 的用法

a. 课件出示几组图片问答练习后发问:为何有的名词前用 a 的有的名词前用

an? b. 学生小组组合作议论,得出 a/an 的用法差别。 c. 教师出示练习,学生达成

任务。 3 、稳固练习:(1、)小组合作:

将自己的学惯用品摆放在桌上, 2 人一小组进行对话练习并交换角色进行表演。

( 2)、南北组抗衡赛:


行问答,看看哪组回答正确的人数多,最后积分高的组为获胜组。 4 、学习句型



( 1)讲堂小接见,引出句型2

T:Excuse me . Whats this in English( 师手拿钢笔 ) Is this a pen ,too(( 师手拿铅笔 ))

学生回答教师的问题,进而引出句型2—— Is this a/an ?(课件出示句型2)

(2)练习句型 2(课件出示图片)①课件中小男孩发问,学生回答②教师发问,学生回答



1.-What ’s this in English-It’s a/an .

2.- Is this a/an?

-Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. It’s a/an.四、讲堂小结:


1 、掌握本课两个要点句型(基础要求)

2 、仿课文编对话(能力要求)六、板书设计:

What’s this in English

1. -What’s this in English -It’s a/an.

2. - Is this a/an

-Yes, it is . / No, it isn’ t. It’s a/an.七、教课反省:







《 What’s this in English》



篇三: What’s this in English讲堂实录

《 What’s this in English》讲堂实录



Starter Unit 2是Go for it!三个预备单元中的第二个单元。预备篇是为了


本单元的教课内容为: Ii - Rr10个字母。


辨识物件 What is this in English及其回答。


Go For It!是以《英语课程标准》为依照,以培育学生的英语语言综合运用

能力为目标。每个单元的教课内容都环绕一个相对集中的主题,学习语言的过程,就是学生达成各项任务的过程。 Go For It! 的每一个单元只有一个整体的教课内容安排,没有详细的分课时教课内容安排。教师一定第一依据所任教课生的实质水平出发,合理安排每单元的课时数,设计好每课时的教课内容。

第一课时:达成Section A -2a,2b,2c, 2d,3,Section B 4。

分课时目标 : a)复习稳固字母Aa-Hh


c)学习字母 Ii - Rr ,认识一些英语缩略词的意思

d )学习元音字母a, e, i, o在开音节和闭音节中的发音规则

第二课时:达成 Section A-1a, 1b,1c, 4a,4b,4c, 5,Section B 1a, 1b, 2a。分课时目标:a)稳固字母Ii - Rr及7个单词。

b)学习key,pen, map, ruler, orange, quilt, jacket7个词汇

c)学习辨识物体 (Identify things):

What’s this in English It’s ... .

d)学习 a / an 的初步用法 : a key an orange

e)学习拼写单词和有关句型 :

Spell it, please. K-E-Y, key.

第三课时:达成Section B - 2b, 3a, 3b, Self check

分课时目标: a)稳固句型: What’s this in English

It ’s a (an) ... .

Spell it, please.

R-U-L-E-R, ruler.

b)复习稳固字母Ii---Rr及元音字母a, e, i, o在开音节和闭音节中的发音规则。c)达成单元随堂自测。


A 、语言知识目标

1 、词汇: Letters Ii - Rr

map、 ruler、pen、orange、key、jacket、quilt

2 、句型: What is this in English

It is a/an map/orange...

Spell it,please.

P-E-N, pen.

B 、语言技术目标







1 、兴趣活动教课策略:多采纳做游戏和猜谜、歌曲等形式。









The first period

Step 1 Warming up

1. Good morning/afternoon/evening!

How are you

I ’m fine, thanks.

How are you I’m OK.

2. Sing the alphabet song

指引学生在真切的社交中运用Starter Unit 1中学到的平时用语,让学生体



flash激发学生的学生兴趣,做到乐教趣学。Step 2 Games

1. Teacher shows a letter quickly and asks :“What’s this” Get the students

to answer the questions like this:“ I think it’s A / B.”

Then show the whole of the letter to let the students check whether

they ’re right or wrong.

2. Gothrough the letters Aa-Hh quickly, pay attention to the intonation. Then play a game: listen and pick the right letter, then arrange the

letters in the right order and read loudly.

让学生从闪耀的画面中经过迅速的思想,说出此中是什么字母。“What’s this ?It ’s ...”




说能力。 Step 3 Presentation

Teach the letters Ii-Rr, using:

What’s this in English It’s I / J/---


力相对集中和兴趣被有效激活,对所学的东西印象深刻。 Step 4 Listen, look and say

1. Section A - 2a

2. Section A - 2c , listen to the tape and write the number of the letters

in the boxes according to the order in which you hear them. Play the

recording twice and check the answer.

3. Section A - 2b, write the small letters for big letters.

听闻读写全面联合 , 稳固所学的字母Step 5 A Guessing game

Teacher shows a part of a letter and asks :“What’s this” Get the students to answer the questions like this:“ I think it’s A / B.”Then show the whole of the letter to let the students check whether

they ’re right or wrong.


的字母,丰富学生的想象力。”What’s this?It’s ...”是本单元的要点句型。经过这个游戏,让学生在听闻中第一成立必定的感性认识,表现听闻当先的原则。 Step 6 Look and learn

1. Section A-3

2.Teacher shows more special letters.

3.Ss try to think of other special letters.


学习为生活服务。Step7 Listen and repeat

1. Find friends. Get the students work in groups of four, and find the

friends (the same vowels) for A, E, I, O, F.

2.Section B -4, listen and repeat.


4.Have a chant.

经过游戏让学生自主学习,找出规律,掌握元音的发音规律,培育自主学习能力。 Homework

1.EB Section A 2a

2.ZB(1) P6, ZB(2) P4

3.LR Section A 2a, 2c, Section A 1a, Section B 1a,4

4.Make letter cards I --- R, colour letters.


The Second Period

Step 1 Warming up

1.. Greetings.

2. Sing a song : What’s this

3. (a). Game: find out the letters

Teacher shows the letters very quickly get the students to call out the letters they see. (b) Group work

Students prepare in groups four, draw some pictures or diagram, get

the others to guess what letters they are.



学生沟通自己作品,既运用了英语还激发了兴趣,加强了自信心, 同时让学生有主人翁的意识。Step 2 Presentation

1. Letters challenge.

Teacher shows the letters very quickly get the students to call out the letters they see.

2. Using the letter pictures to teach new words: map, key, pen, ruler,

quilt, jacket and orange.


东西印象深刻。Step 3 Listen, look and say

a. Section A - 1a

b. Section B - 1a Step 4 A Guessing game.

What’s the word

1.Teacher thinks of a word that the Ss know. Draw a dash on the Bb

for each letter. Get a student to suggest a letter.

Then another student and another letter until they get all the

letters of the words.

2. Showthe picture which match the word and ask: What’s this in English Ss answer:“ It’s a / an ...”

Spell it, please. ----

3. Get individuals to give their own words.


Step 6 Group work

Students work in groups, draw pictures of their rooms and talk about

the picturesusing“What’s this in English It’s a/an...” Teacher

is ready to offer his / her help to those students who are in

need of it.


固。教师应当鼓舞学生发问、获取帮助。这是培育学生主动吸取知识的好机遇。Step 7 ReportAsk some demonstration groups to show their pictures before the whole class.

They may do like this: This is my room.

What’s this in English It’s a/an...


敢、踊跃、勇敢所带来的快乐的心情体验。Step 8 Listening

1.Section A 4a

2.Section A

4b Homework

1.EB : New words

2.ZB(1) : P4-5

3. Get the students to finish the pictures of their rooms and write down the

English names of the things in the rooms.


The third period

Step 1 Warming up

1. Greetings.

2. Sing a song: What’s this

由高兴的歌曲把学生带进英语世界中, 创立英语学习氛围Step 2 . Game: Magical box

1. Get one of the student choose one picture or real object in the box,

he only can use his body language, let the others guess what it is. Using : What’s this in English Is this a / an----

Yes / No. Can you spell it, please ---

2.Talk about the students ’ bedroom. Ask and answer in pairs. Encourage them to introduce new words.

在游戏中复习: What’s this

It ’s a / an ....

Spell it, please.



让学生显现自信,热爱生活,察看生活。 Step 3 Listening Section B

1b. listen and number the words you hear, then get them to

find the big letters for these words.

在训练学生听的能力的同时,复习单词和字母,自然的过渡到下个环节。Step 4Tasks

1.Revise the letters Aa - Rr

2.Show the students two pictures and let them find out the letters

3.Get the students to work in groups to make up some pictures

by themselves, and let the other groups find out the letters.

4.Game: What do they mean Revise some short forms.

5.Find friends. Self check 4. Teach the sounds, try to read the

new words in the form.

6.Have a chant. And let the students make up their own chant.


8.Sing ABC song.




学生学习元音字母a, e, i, o在开音节和闭音节中的发音规律。




1.EB: Line up the words you know in Unit2

2.ZB(2) : P5-6

3.Review the sounds and make up your own chant.

用相对自由、开放的方式复习单词和音标,给学生一点创立的空间, 同时鼓舞学生主动学习知识,经过各样门路获取帮助。



关于提报2019年度培训需求及培训计划的通知 各部门领导: 为适应集团公司发展的需要,不断提高公司员工队伍的整体素质,优化员工的知识结构,提高公司核心竞争力,达到不断适应公司战略发展的目标,使培训工作真正体现员工所需、公司所需,人力资源部现面向各部门征求培训需求计划,根据公司战略发展规划,结合各部门发展计划、工作需求及各部门员工综合能力情况,有针对性、有效的开展培训工作。 一、提报时间: 2018年12月25日前,将本部门的培训需求表电子档交人力资源部杜陈胜(邮箱:csdu@https://www.360docs.net/doc/1619283857.html,)。 二、有关要求: 1、各部门应根据不同岗位的工作特点与技能需求,制定培训课程需求计划。 2、各部门的培训需求计划要根据公司战略规划和部门发展规划,结合部门现有员工能力及特点,并在一定范围内征求员工意见,确定培训项目。 3、培训工作要注重实效,要具有前瞻性。针对培训所要解决的问题,要从重要程度和紧迫性两个角度来进行分析,要从提高本部门工作水平,以及为公司未来发展,培养创新型技术人才和管理人才等出发,制订切实可行的培训计划,以提高培训效果的认同度,提高培训的影响力,杜绝形式培训和完成任务式的培训。 4、公司内部能承办的培训不送外培训,送外培训优先安排资质取证培训。 5、培训具有可实施性,培训讲师具备课程开发能力及讲课能力。以上请各部门严格落实本部门的员工培训工作,人力资源部负责寻找培训资源,按时组织各部门培训,有效推进公司培训工作。 万华禾香板业有限责任公司 2018年12月17日 附件:各部门培训需求计划提报表 万华禾香板业有限责任公司

附件:各部门培训需求计划提报表: 部门:部门总人数:人填写日期:2018年12月日 员工姓名岗位员工专长需要提升方面需要开展培训培训紧急程度(培训 需要期限) 培训方式(内训或者 外训) 培训机构 XXX XXX经理 人力资源系统建设 企业文化建设公司战略运营总裁班、战略执行1-2年培训即可外训 世华集团 总裁执行风暴 备注:1.员工专长可作为此类项目讲师,为子公司及其他各部门培训。 2.培训需要提升方面==部门工作能力要求—员工能力现状 3.培训机构栏若有意向培训机构请填写,没有人力资源部找对应的培训资源机构。 4.此培训表格需根据部门全体人员填写,若有些人员无需培训,可以不用填写。 万华禾香板业有限责任公司


关于football的句子 英语句子 footballn. 足球,橄榄球vi. 踢足球;打橄榄球For example, one Sunday I felt so tired after having a football match that I did not finish my homework even at night.例如,一个星期天因为踢完一场足球比赛后我很疲惫,以至于晚上我也没完成家庭作业。来自:从不拖到明天Never Put Off Until Tomorrow WhstMany boys play football there after school.许多男孩放学后在那里踢足球。来自:我们学校的变化The Changes in Our SchoolFor example, students can develop their team spirit and sense of competitionby playing football or basketball.比如,通过踢足球或者打篮球,学生可以培养他们的团队精神和竞争意识。来自:课后活动Activities after ClassAnd I like playing football with my classmatesafter class, it is funny.放学后,我喜欢和同学一起踢足球,我觉得很有趣。来自:我喜欢的运动My Fvorite SportsAfter class, wedo not go home but play football with classmates.放学后,我们不回家而是和同学一起踢足球。来自:我最好的朋友My Best Friend I learnmany football skills from him.我从他那里学到了很多技巧。来自:我有一位好爸爸I Have A Good FatherThere are various activities, such as playing table tennis, playing


Whst's,this,in,English?课件 篇一:七年级英语上册What ’s this in English Period 1 1a-2e Ⅰ. 教课准备 1 .教师:录音机、磁带、多媒体课件、字母卡片,有关“What’s this?”的 flash英文歌曲,单词卡片,本单元所学单词的实物。 2.学生:收集含有字母 Ii —Rr 的广告用语和图片,自制字母卡片和单词卡片。Ⅱ. 教课目的 1.充足调换学生学习英语的踊跃性,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 2.教给学生拼写英语单词的方法和技巧。 3.使学生认识一些常有物件的英语表达。 4.学习本课的知识点: (1) 词汇:what,is ,this ,in English ,that ,map,cup,ruler ,pen,orange ,jacket , key,quilt,it (2) 字母: Ii , Jj ,Kk,Ll , Mm,Nn,Oo, Pp,Qq, Rr (3) 句型:— What’s this in English ?— It ’s a jacket./It’s an orange. 5.训练学生听懂对平时物件咨询的会话,培育其识记和拼写英文单词的能力。6.帮助学生掌握一些英语缩略词。 Ⅲ.教课要点 (1) 词汇:what,is ,this ,in ,English ,that ,map,cup,ruler ,pen,orange ,jacket , key,quilt,it (2)字母: Ii , Jj ,Kk,Ll , Mm,Nn,Oo, Pp,Qq, Rr (3)句型: What’s this/that in English (4)语法: a,an 的差别。 Ⅳ. 教课难点 记着表示物件的英语单词;明确a,an 的用法;将英语字母打乱次序进行认读和书写。Ⅴ.教课步骤 Step 1:Warm-up 1.利用已学过的字母进行热身,创立活跃的讲堂氛围。


六年级下册英语学习监测 用所给词的适当形式填空: Lesson 1 1、Gao wei ____________to Beijing last month.(go) 2、My sister enjoys ____________to music.(listen) 3、A:What did you do yesterday B:I ____________in a hotel by the sea.(stay) 4、We ____________a big birthday party last week.(have) 5、That sounds____________.(wonder) Lesson 2 1、He ____________his holiday with his grandma.(enjoy) 2、His children ____________at home last night.(be) 3、I ____________ a big party yesterday.(have) 4、How ____________ your brother go to school.(do) 5、She ____________ at home last Monday.(stay) Lesson 3 1、I'd like ____________you something about my daily life.(tell) 2、My sister ____________to work four years ago.(begin) 3、It's about our English ____________.(learn) 4、These are all my favourite ____________ .(topic) 5、Yesterday afternoon we ____________ to see tom.(go) 6、The teacher asks us ____________ this question in English.(answer) 7、They ____________interested in reading books last year.(be)


Un it 3 Eat ing in and Eat ing out 1. In troducti on 2. Text:Food in Differe nt Cultures 3. Useful Words and Expressi ons 4. Food in Differe nt Cultures 1. What does Faaian saythsr his ^riendsare going to have for lunch? Fast food * Korean food V °Ch nesefood 2 Madiscn thinks that mosc traditional Korean foad is ___________ . -sweer salty "spicy V 3. What kind of food doos Yunling ik总best? Hotdags. Sandwich. '* Pizza+彳 鼻 Wiat food does Madison decide to try? ■- Ri匚e noodl已swilhtgg. Noodles¥.T ith mutcon. * Rice noodles with beef “ 7, How does flood from Shanghai taste? It is sweet, to sty, he^ thy and Ity. It is spicyjas^ and delicious. * Ills light, not spicy, tasty and healthy. “ 8. When Cindy taliks about Melbourne, her hometow 仃「she first merit ions _.


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Never Put Off Until Tomorrow Whst You Can Do Today-今日事今日毕 Never Put Off Until Tomorrow Whst You Can Do Today We have been told that mever put lff untill tomorrow what you can do today since childhood. However, there are still many people who like putting offthc things thcv should do today until tomorrow. They have no plans for their work and their time. As a result, they will not accomplish their goals in the end. For cxample, one Sunday I felt so tired after having a football match that I did not finish my homework even at night. I thought I could get up earlier to go to school the next morning so that I could finish my homework before class. But the next morning I was not able to get to school in time because of the traffic jam. I was punished by the teacher. It taught me a lesson. From then on I made a determination that I would niver put off anything important until the next day. Please remember: Work today, for you don' t know how much you may be hindered tomorrow. Seize the present day and trust the tomorrow as little as possible. 今日事今日毕 我们从小就接受“今日事今日毕”的教育。然而许多人还是喜欢把今天的事情推迟到明天去做。他们没有计划安排他们的工作和时间,结果,他们最终没有完成他们的目标。 例如,有一个星期日,我踢完足球比赛后感觉太累了,直到深夜也没完成家庭作业。我想第二天早点起来到学校,以便上课前完成作业。但是第二天,由于交通堵塞我没能及时赶到学校,我受到了老师的惩罚。 这件事情给了我一个教训,从那时起,我决心不把重要的事情推迟到第二天去做。请记住:今天千吧,因为你不知道明天又会有什么


五年级英语上册试题五年级英语上册试题 一、恰当分析,合理连线。(15分) 1.My mother’s sister A. grsndmother 2.My fsther’s brother B . sunt 3.My fsther’s fsther C. grsndfsther 4.My mother’s mother D . uncle 5.younger E. shorter 6.tsller F. smsller 7.biger G. older 8.plsy ping-pong H. 踢足球 9.plsy bssketbsll I. 打乒乓球 10.plsy footbsll J. 打篮球 11. Chins Ottsws 12. U.K. Wsshington D.C

13. Csnsds Beijing 14. U.S London 15.Austrslis Csnberrs 二、依据汉语意思写出下列单词。(15分) 阿姨__________ 叔叔__________ 眼镜_____________ 澳大利亚____________ 加拿大____________ 首都 ________________ 国家______________ 汉语___________ 知道____________ 讲____________ 表兄/弟/姐/妹____________ 东方________ 南方_________ 西方___________ 北方_____________ 三、选择填空。(15分) ( )1. I ______ sunts snd uncles. s. hss b. hsve c. hsving ( )2. Aunt Wsng ______ my mother’s sister s. sre b. sm c. is ( )3. _______ nsme is Jing.


初三英语作⽂范⽂⼤全(精选13篇) 初三英语作⽂范⽂⼤全(精选13篇) 在⽇常学习、⼯作抑或是⽣活中,⼤家都不可避免地要接触到作⽂吧,借助作⽂⼈们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。作⽂的.注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下⾯是⼩编精⼼整理 篇),欢迎⼤家分享。 的初三英语作⽂(精选13 Nowadays many people like to have dogs as their pets。 Dogs are friends of man not only because they are lovely but also because they are faithful to their masters。 Dogs can do a lot of work for man。 They play with us。 They hunt with us。 They keep door for us。 But long ago, dogs all over the world were wild。 Dogs can date back to the Stone Age。 All dogs have the same ancestor。 It is believed that their ancestor was much like a wolf。 Other animals, such as the fox, came from this ancestor, too。Hundreds of thousands of years ago, man began to tame wild dogs。 After the dogs were tamed,they were trained。 The strong dogs became working animals。 They were trained to pull heavy loads。 They learned to keep an eye on the sheep and other animals。 Working dogs had other jobs, too。Some dogs were not strong。 But they could help man hunt for game。 Other dogs were best as pets。Today, there are more than 100 kinds of dogs in the world。 初三英语作⽂2 Summer can be very hot in southern Taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 32"C or more。 Because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not air—conditioned。 Also because of this I stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky。 Actually I like swimming think nothing is more refreshing than a swim。 In the summer vacation that has ended I went swimming many times with my classmates we all had a good time。 This summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun。 As a second—year senior student I had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were a year away。In other words, I must find time to study, too。 So I divided my time between work play during the summer vacation derived benefit from this arrangement。 初三英语作⽂3


名词性从句 1. It depends on ________ we have enough money。 A. if B。whether C。if or not D。what 答:B。在主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、让步状语从句、不定式前或介词后一般用whether,不用if. 2. We discussed ________we should make him monitor. A. if B。whether C。that D。what 答:B.在discuss动词后一般用whether,不用it。 3。Seeing me so pale,he asked me ________。 A. what was the matter B. what the matter was C. what the matter is D. what is the matter 答:A.由asked判断从句应用过去式,whst做句中的主语,词序不变。 4。The reason ____he was late was _____ he had taken a wrong bus。 A. that, why B. why, that C。why,because D. why,because of 答:B。当reason做主语时,表浯从句用that引导,不用why或because。 5. Can you tell me________ the railway station? A. how I can get to B。how can I get to C。where I can get to D。where can I get to 答:A。宾语从句应用陈述语序。根据the railway station这一信息


单项选择 Lesson 1 ( )1、I _____a football match last night. A.watch B.watches C.watched D.am watching ( )2、During the Spring Festival we _______in a hotel in Beijing. A. stayed B. stays C. are stay D. stay ( ) 3、He _______ very happy ________ the e-mail last night. A. is, to read B. was, read C. is, to read D. was, to read ( ) 4、Our parents ____________ in America last year. A. live B. lived C. lives D. living ( )5、_______ your teacher _________ to the cinema with youyesterday? A. Does; go B. Does; went C. Did; go D. Did; went ( ) 6、A: Did you have a good time last night? B: _________ A. Thank you! B. Sure! C. You're welcome. D. That's great! ( ) 7、A: _______did you go to Sanya? B: By plane. A. What B. How C. When D. Where ( ) 8、A:_________ B:We went there by plane. A. What did you do ? B. How do you get there? C. Did you have a good time? D. How did you get there? Lesson 3 ( ) 1、A: Where did you go during your holiday,linda? B: I _______ to Sanya with my family. A. go B. goes C. went D. to go ( ) 2、Spring Festival is coming. We can see ______ people in the shop. A. a lot B. a lot of C. a few D. much ( ) 3、Mary _______ to learn music five years ago. . A. begin B. begins C. began D. to begin ( ) 4、A: Can the students _______tasks in English ? B: Yes, ______ can. A. do, they B. did, they C. do, them D. do, their


2022九年级上册英语作文120词初三的英语作文是集合了前两年的学问点而成的,其实也不难写,下面给大家带来一些关于2022九班级上册英语作文120词,盼望对大家有所关心。 2022九班级上册英语作文120词1 the power of smiles no matter how large the difficulties and frustration, no matter how much is lost and sadness, you just need to insist smile, keep calm , hard work,and use a smile to create your confidence . you will be more stronger and nothing can stop you until you will have the last laugh. thats the power of smiles. someone said that life is like a mirror, if you smile upon it, i smiles back upon you,but if you

frown and look doubtful on it, you will get a similar look in return.like the beauty of the language,smile is also powerful .sang lan is one of the chinese gymnasts.when she faced the accidental injury she also kept smile and didt give up.so she won the peoples respect and praise.see that,smile can make your life better.it makes the frustration people lost confidence and courage to live,and this is the power of smiles. let us learn to smile, it gives us the progress of power! 2022九班级上册英语作文120词2 Never Put Off Until Tomorrow Whst You Can Do Today We have been told that mever put lff untill

三年级下册英语试题 - Unit 4同步练习 译林版三起

第4讲Unit 4 Where’s the bird? 1.掌握课本中的重点词汇、句型及语法。 2.掌握方位介词的用法 3.能用where去提问 单词 bird鸟beautiful漂亮的desk书桌chair椅子tree树guess猜under在......下面on在......上面in在......里面behind在......后面one一two二three三oh哦、啊wow 哇、呀 词组 under your desk 在你的书桌下面 behind the door 在门后面 on your chair 在你的椅子上面 in my desk 在我的书桌里面 in the tree 在树上 here you are 给你。 句型 1. How beautiful 真漂亮! 2. Where’s the bird?小鸟在哪儿? 3. It’s under your desk.它在你的课桌下。 4. behind the door 在门后 5. It’s not here. Where is it? 它不在这儿。它在哪里? 6. It’s in the tree now.现在它在树上。 7. A bird is in the tree. 一只鸟在树上 8. on your chair 在你的椅子上 9. in my desk 在我的课桌里 10. Where’s my pencil? Guess.猜猜我的铅笔在哪里? 11. Is it in your schoolbag? 他在你的书包里吗? 10. Where’s Bobby? 波比在哪里?

11. Where is he? 他在哪里? 12. He’s behind the door.他在门后。 13. It’s not Bobby.它不是波比。 语法知识 1、介词大家族 under在......下面on在......上面in在......里面behind在......后面 2、how 引导的感叹句 How + 形容词/副词(+主语+谓语)! 例:How beautiful ( it is )! 它多么漂亮啊! 感叹句:是用来表示喜、怒、哀、乐等情绪,句末用感叹号“!” 补充:what 引导的感叹句结构: What +(a/an )+ 形容词+ 名词+ 主语+ 谓语! 例:What a good girl she is ! 她是一个多好的女孩啊! 3、由is 引导的一般疑问句及其答句 --- Is it … ? 它是......吗? ---Yes, it is. 是的,它是。No, it isn’t. 不,它不是。 例:---Is it in your pencilcase?它在你的铅笔盒里吗? ---Yes, it is.是的,它在。 注:该句型是由肯定句型It is …… 转化而成的。将be动词调到句的前面,大写了首写字母并将句尾的句号变为问号。 4、描述物品具体位置的句型 主语+ be动词+ 介词短语. ......在...... 例:It’s behind the door. 它在门后面。 The bird is under your desk. 鸟在你的书桌下面。 1._____ is Yang Ling ? She is in the bedroom(卧室). A .When B.Who C. Where D. Whose 答案:C 解析:本题是对特殊疑问词的考察,回答的是地点,所以要选择“Where”在哪里 2. A:Is your pencil on the desk ? B:Yes, it isn’t. C ( )_________ 答案:C is 解析:本题考察某物在某地的用法,肯定回答和否定回答,答句是Yes,所以后面要用it is. 3.A:_______ nice your cap is ! B: Thank you. A. How’s B. What C. What’s D. How


人教新版六年级下册英语用所给词的适合形 式填空 用所给词的适合形式填空: Lesson 1 1、Gao wei ____________to Beijing last month.(go) 2、My sister enjoys ____________to music.(listen) 3、A:What did you do yesterday? B:I ____________in a hotel by the sea.(stay) 4、We ____________a big birthday party last week.(have) 5、That sounds____________.(wonder) Lesson 2 1、He ____________his holiday with his grandma.(enjoy) 2、His children ____________at home last night.(be) 3、I ____________ a big party yesterday.(have) 4、How ____________ your brother go to school.(do) 5、She ____________ at home last Monday.(stay) Lesson 3 1、I'd like ____________you something about my daily life.(tell) 2、My sister ____________to work four years ago.(begin) 3、It's about our English ____________.(learn) 4、These are all my favourite____________ .(topic) 5、Yesterday afternoon we ____________ to see tom.(go)

2020-2021学年河南省南阳市镇平县三年级(下)期中英语试卷 (1)

2020-2021学年河南省南阳市镇平县三年级(下)期中英语试卷一、从A、B、C中选出与所给单词属于同一类的选项,将其标号填入括号内。(每小题2分,共10分) 1.(2分)选出与所给单词属于同一类的选项。bird() A.pineapple B.crocodile C.peach 2.(2分)选出与所给单词属于同一类的选项。eight() A.small B.those C.three 3.(2分)选出与所给单词属于同一类的选项。they() A.onions B.big C.you 4.(2分)选出与所给单词属于同一类的选项。tomatoes() A.bike B.aunt C.mushrooms 5.(2分)选出与所给单词属于同一类的选项。panda() A.tiger B.throw C.ruler 二、根据图片判断句子正误。(正确的在括号内写“R”,错误的写“W”。每小题2分,共10分) 6.(2分)根据图片判断句子正(√)误(×)。 This is a peach. 7.(2分)根据图片判断句子正(√)误(×)。 Those are lemons. 8.(2分)根据图片判断句子正(√)误(×)。 The boy likes fruits.

9.(2分)根据图片判断句子正(√)误(×)。 There is one car. 10.(2分)根据图片判断句子正(√)误(×)。 There is one book and two rulers. 三、根据提示,从方框内选择适当的单词填在四线格内,使句子完整。(每小题15分,共15分) 11.(15分)根据提示,选择适当的单词。 fruits ten apple eggs peaches (1)I need(需要)an . (2)I love these .
